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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 29, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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[ ♪♪ ] >> hello everyone i'm jesse
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watters along with... at five in new york city and this is the five. [ ♪♪ ] sleepy joe taking another nosedive in the polls and kamala is getting way too close for comfort with drew barrymore. tings are going off the rails at the white house again. joe biden was writing pretty high after being the toast of the town in washington at the white house correspondents dinner on saturday. the events comedian called him decent. joe got to give the left-wing press their marching orders. listen. >> i'm not asking you to pick sides. i'm asking you to rise up to the seriousness of the moment. every single one of us has a role to play. making sure democracy indoors. i have my role but with all due respect so do you. >> jesse: then he woke up and got smacked with a hard dose of reality from cnn of all places. their brand-new survey shows
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trump taking his biggest lead yet ever over joe biden. it also says that most americans find president biden's term to be a total failure. the white house is sending kamala out to hype up the economy. also doing another round of interviews and getting close on a couch drew barrymore. kamala suggests that people who mock her laugh are sexist. >> you are asking me earlier about what it means to be the first woman. it's funny because people still got used to this. my staff for example sometimes they will show me little things that just amuse me. apparently some people love to talk about the way i laugh. >> all yes, i love your laugh. >> let me tell you something. i have my mother's laugh. i grew up around a bunch of women in particular who laughed from the belly. i'm not that person.
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>> then thanks got really weird. >> we all need a mom. i've been thinking that we really all need a tremendous hug in the world right now but in our country, we need you to be the mom of the country. [ applause ] >> do you think that's what... >> that is the creepiest thing i've ever seen. i've seen a lot of creepy things. >> i don't know if that will stick. >> i think that is sexist. it's not about kamala's laugh, it's when it occurs. whenever someone laughs and an inappropriate moment like when nothing came before it, it's a sign of an uncensored goofball. it's a sign. if she was laughing at it -- at
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an instagram reel of a frenchy in a bikini i would get it but she laughs when people say how are you or goodbye. that is not well. i had a coworker that giggled all the time, we stayed away from her. back to the sexist claim, that in itself is sexist. we wouldn't find a man nervously chortling all the time as appealing either. it would probably be harsher on him because we are allowed to be we would get him away from the sharp objects. if anything it's because she's a woman that she's allowed this status to giggle all the time and that to me is sexist. those polls for joe, they are that are then christie gnomes dog. he should be worried because he is looking like old yeller. he was telling the press to do his job, not to do theirs. those data points were from cnn and cbs saying that joe is getting crushed. that's like telling frosting
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gives you cancer. these are no longer outliers but these polls tell you everything about 2024. >> trump is looking like he's america's choice for president which is the reason for the law fair. do you want to election interference? it's in your face. trump looks like he's going to win, there only strategy is to remove him through the court room or at least brand him as a felon and hope that makes voters think twice. they haven't lied about that. they've said it. i don't know, if you are a never trump or, you can hate trump all you want but you don't want to fight their? you are worse. you should be ashamed of yourself. >> biden is down six in the cnn poll. he is begging the press to help him out even more. what else could they possibly do >> they can't do anything else for him. what i thinks it -- what i think
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is so significant about that pole is in it trump is up one point among women. and for all the talk about abortion and women's rights and the libs and e.g. carol and stormy daniels, more women want trump than they want biden. to me that was the most significant part of this and i think that will only increase. i don't want to talk about kamala and her laughing because i think it's just ridiculous. i think she has ridiculous. she was a diversity higher and they say it is sexism if you claim -- if you make fun of me because of my laugh. you were a diversity higher based upon your sex and other things. let's be straight about that. more important than that is that the left thought by locking down donald trump in a courtroom in downtown manhattan that everybody would literally forget about him, but the truth is both
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before and after the trial whether it's in harlem or midtown manhattan or just having a quick presser, i think americans are seeing not so much a guy who's being targeted by the left but a man who can withstand pressure, he knows how to survive, he knows how to fight for america no matter what it takes. that woman and that old guy, they can't do anything else to him and. trump is going to win. i think it's that simple. >> you heard it there richard. >> i'm not a psychic or a card reader so i don't know who's going to win. that's up to the people. if you rewind the clock and take us back to 2016 those polls had hillary clinton up by six or seven points and she lost. they are snapshots in time and at this moment it's probably because if you look at our news coverage overall last week in the week before that we were covering donald trump and the trump trials no matter what channel you were watching.
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with that being said i think you've heard a lot of folks say this trial is benefiting trump. but where it's hurting him is that he's not able to fund raise, not able to be on the campaign trail. not able to lay out what his -- how he wants to fix many of the issues affecting the american people. our recent poll found the top issues for young voters aged 30 ... for big issues that we haven't heard a very clear message on what exactly trump wants to do to fix it. don't get me wrong, i think we need to have a sharper message from the sitting president on what that it needs to but at least he has policy which to point to. here's what i'm trying to do on gun violence, housing, healthcare and with that being said i was at the dinner last night and one of the jokes talking about kamala harris was at least the current president has the endorsement of his vice president. donald trump does not have the endorsement. >> that's one of the better lines.
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you don't go to those dinners too much anymore. >> i haven't been. i went many years in a row and now it's other people turn to get to go to the dinner. i didn't go, i heard it wasn't great. great to see everybody but the comedian wasn't very funny and that's usually how it is. it supposed to also focus on these young people who were getting scholarships and nobody ever listens to that portion of the program, it drives me crazy. one of the things they did is they said we have to figure out a way to get kamala harris out there and help us with these numbers. it is small business week. they came up with the economic opportunity to her. she is going to go out there and do interviews with drew barrymore. is not going to help her with the women's vote? may be they think that but women are going to the grocery store every day and trying to figure out how to make ends meet. there are more women making more than men in the households so women are very well aware of how the economy is. this week alone is what biden is
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doing, they are banning noncompete, expanding overtime rules for the labor department, ending coal, wanting to ration electricity, ending the trump tax cuts and they also want to do more on student loans. people don't think that's fair and i don't think that she's going to win a lot of hearts and minds because it's great but they have got to figure out a way to be a little more risk-taking in order to get some gains here. all of those things that i mentioned are not going to improve the economy by next november. it will probably make it worse. >> the wrist get >> it's married women who are going more for trump. biden still gets the single women and you can reed into that however you see fit. >> i think we know what he means. >> up next...
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and demanding amnesty for setting up their terror tends. [ ♪♪ ]
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♪ ♪ >> all our schools are painted red. over 30,000 dead. >> your supporting! >> jeanine: america's colleges >> americas colleges bracing for a new week of pro- hamas anarchy as the terrorist sympathizing students demand amnesty for their
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jew hating and takes. colombia says they are now suspending students after the campers openly defied the campus deadline of 2:00 pm eastern to clear out their tents or face suspension. instead they circled the campus chanting their usual anti-semitic slogans. >> that's because we are not getting the police to arrest us until our demands are met. that's why we feel the need to continue to protest and this camp symbolizes the start of the student encampment around the united states and also in the wider part of the world appear we feel the need to protect this encampment and also. >> what is your name? >> i can't say. >> of course. texas took the opposite approach. police dragging out pro- hamas agitators one by one and
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breaking up a protest at the university of texas in austin. cops flooding the zone tearing down barriers and arresting the protesters. now the brats and their teachers are calling on their schools to grant them amnesty. okay, i will start with you jesse, it is interesting, apparently columbia university made several offers and they said that they would get more scholarships to the pro- gaza crowd and they would review the tel aviv... program. why is it so difficult for them to take action in columbia when all across the country hundreds of kids are getting arrested? >> no one takes action. look at the law enforcement. look at all the colleges. look at the country. everybody sets deadlines and they say there's going to be a consequence and no one ever enforces anything. you don't have a law because you don't enforce the law. that means it doesn't exist. i tell jesse junior that paul
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patrol goes off at ten. when it rolls around and if he is still watching we don't negotiate. it goes off. if he starts saying ten more minutes and all of a sudden it's 11:30, he runs me and he does not run me i run jesse junior. look at hunter biden. hunter biden was never told no or given any consequence. look at him, he's 54 and an absolute mess. i spoke to my parents what they did during the vietnam era during the civil rights era when they were in college in the late sixties, they invited guest speakers. they had candlelit marches. they had sit ins and vigils. they actually went to the trustees of the university and said you guys need to uphold your mission. they had actual discussions. they didn't have a caliphate and the quad. they did not intimidate jewish students who were religious -- a religious minority from going to class.
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there's agitators outside the campus that is creating an unsafe environment. it's insanity what's going on. it's three hours passed the deadline? >> 2:00 they were supposed to disperse and tear down the tents. the president said 6:00 i'm hashmak i'm going to give a press conference. you're not doing anything. wise the the president of columbia so reluctant? nypd can't just go on that campus without an invite. >> they are in a way absentee parents. i've watched this stuff and i wonder who is taking this seriously besides the protesters? most people look at this and i think richard you said it right, people aren't even caring about this. to me it is like a tantrum throwing child at a supermarket and the parent is not disciplining the brat. and meanwhile the supermarket
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staff is encouraging and amplifying the tantrum. it's almost like the rewarding -- rewarding battered -- bad behaviour rather than good. influence of a radical -- radicalized faculty sets the framework by which students feel not only empowered but sanctioned by those in authority. which is why i think we should celebrate this monster turning on its creator, it's idiot on idiot action with these kids coming out against the school. let everyone see this and let the parents than decide better schools, better discipline, better control because this is garbage. you are paying 90 grant for this? you are soccer. >> you reacted when the woman wouldn't give her name. i wonder how many are students, not that that matters at this point pay wired they so pro- hamas and palestine. >> they have been making demands
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for amnesty so that their arrests aren't put on their permanent records, they are worried about their futures and jobs and i think that when the reason -- one of the reasons you should go to college is you can continue to mature and be prepared for those first jobs. now they've heard from so many employers saying i would never hire them. even if it's not on their permanent record it's on your instagram. it will all get around. they will know. one of the things that i find terrifying in a way is that in the last few weeks, there's been a 10 percent decline in the number of people who believe that hamas is responsible for october 7th. and where is that coming from? you look at the numbers it comes from democrats in particular. at there's that issue. also for these students when you've got -- when you start defacing the founding fathers and tearing down american flags, you won't move forward, it makes all of your arguments fall apart and we are in the middle of joe
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biden asking all of us taxpayers to pay for these student loans. there's no way that people are going to go for that. the last thing i will say is that what they say they want now is divestment from anything that supports israel. first of all it's impossible, secondly it's not going to happen. third, do you really think that's where the demands stop? have they ever demanded that hamas released the hostages? they've been covering their face , dressing like hamas and these don't do that. >> they don't seem to care. the protesters are now also in columbia university saying that they don't feel safe on campus and she might call the police at any minute. >> it's unfortunate. i think there's a clear line between aspect between protesting and pushing for a cease-fire. that is the first moment period -- first amendment.
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it's worth pointing out, jesse pointed to this that protesting those weather it's the vietnam war which started on college campuses, students protesting the apartheid government in south africa where they also called on universities to divest from south africa. the global movement against -- after the murder of george floyd. it spans parties, presidencies, whoever is in congress. you often times see students protest. my problem with this protest is how the media is playing it out. whether it's in columbia or other places, these campuses are huge and thousands of students who are taking their finals and when you zero in on just a couple of students and you don't zoom out to the rest of the campus you make it seem as though the entirety of the campus has this particular viewpoint whether they do or
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don't. they are not disrupting the school. >> they are disrupting. >> i'm talking about the entirety of the university. >> it's a minority that is disrupting. >> i agree with you there. >> they are all paying for it. if you can't have graduation. >> i agree on all of these things. my point is the media focuses on the small minority and not everyone else. >> i think the media is focusing ... i don't know if the academics should be the leader of the university if they can't figure out a way -- you can't negotiate with students for six days. >> i go back to that analogy of the tantrum and the supermarket. we have to admit that these kids are stupid. they are just stupid. we talk about the history of protests and all that stuff, from far away we make them sound heroic but when you see it upfront you go my god these are
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morons. the dumbest people on the planet. you want to virtue signalled by saying you're going to columbia or harvard, it just shows you are an idiot. >> if the numbers are changing, they are having an impact. >> while we're talking about this, what is actually happening on the ground in the israel gaza conflict is there almost a cease-fire on the table that's likely to happen and nobody in the media is covering it. >> the international criminal court wants to his -- arrest israelis and we better step up and do something. >> video shows a new york da -- demanding some vip treatment after getting pulled over. life, diabetes, there's no slowing down.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> she feels like she's above the law? she is weathering the storm of
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outrage after parading a police officer who tried to pull her over for driving 20 miles per hour over the speed limit. instead of complying, she drove to her home where the police officer's body camera captured this interaction. >> come outside you can't just go inside it's a traffic stop. here's your phone back. >> what is the reason you are so against what i'm doing? i'm doing my job. you said you are a da. >> i am the da. let me get you my badges. >> i don't understand the hostility towards me. i'm doing my job. >> that doesn't give you a right to go 55 in a 35. >> just go ahead and do it. go-ahead. i really don't care. >> she is now apologizing. >> what i did was wrong.
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no excuses. i take full responsibility for my actions. i fell short of the values i've held for my entire 33 year career. i did not treat this off at their -- officer with the respect he deserved. i had just come from work and i was dealing with three homicides that occurred over the weekend. i watched a video where an innocent cabdriver was executed and wouldn't -- i was still reeling from... we all have bad days and stress and it was wrong for me to take it out on an officer who was simply doing his job. >> she is facing an inquiry into her behaviour. they referred to the da to a commission that investigates prosecutor's conduct. i waited all day to find out what the judge things about this >> the sad part about this is if she was a good da, she blew it. i understand she was a da and monroe county, i had a very similar job. first of all she put herself and her whole career in the hands of the democrat governor who is political who can remove --
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remove her from office. you can laugh all you want but that's when to be the end result. the first thing she did was she lied. she told the cops that she didn't know he was pulling her over he said what you mean i was right behind you. she said there were other cars around. later in the same interview she says he was right behind me, he was trying to pull me over. she also says i am the da and she calls the chief of police. how dare you. that is the dumbest thing you can do. by calling the chief of police you probably invited i grand jury investigation into everything you've ever done and you deserve it. you know why? you prorated a cop and they work together every day to pursue the mission of law enforcement. so that's disgusting in itself. and she is so egocentric. just tell him it's me, i'm the da. nobody cares.
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your apology is ridiculous. you never say i violated the law when you are apologizing. you never say i went above the speed limit and i looked at it, the cop chased you for a half a mile. she is an residential zone. he could've arrested her, threw her on the hood of that car, put her in cops and take it her in. she has acting as though i'm in -- i'm too important for this. if the homicides bother you, get another job, be a social worker. you can either deal with it or you can't and i discussed with her because she ruined her career and there was no reason to do it. >> she made a mistake. also in her apology you never say i apologize but here's all the thanks of why i should be as ultra my apology. >> also, you never say do you know who hot -- do you know who i am. luckily for me i never have to say that. usually when i'm pulled over they immediately recognize me and they go on my god i'm so
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sorry. i take the pictures and everything works out. this sort of thing crosses all party lines. it's like maybe you did catch her on a bad day but also probably if she knew that she was being filmed she would have acted differently so that's how she was acting when she didn't think she was being filmed. i think she had those crazy eyes i just imagine her being somebody that sits in front of me with a concert -- at a concert with a giant hat. or somebody who's on the phone all the way until the plane is taking off. it has that sense of i have different rules for myself than i -- then the rules you have. >> i have a one strike rule for people who are rude to waiters, police and she is out. >> so death penalty?
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>> i got pulled over last week and i knew immediately that he got me speeding. i pull over, he comes up and he says i'm so sorry officer. >> he says this be limit is 25 and he goes license and registration. i go... i almost at that but i reached into the glove and i get the license and registration but i have it in a while it that keeps the cards in there. so you have to give him the cards in the same container as the license and registration. he goes can you just take the license and registration. and then he looks and he goes where you get this from because it had a name on the back and i go... he goes where does he work, i go
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i don't know. i think he's retired... i go i hope not. he goes to run my stuff, he goes back and he goes waters! >> did you get a ticket? >> no. >> are not sure of this was the best story. >> it was a free pass. >> i don't think it matters what party she belongs to. i think it -- if it was a republic or -- republican governor i think that also should have thrown the book at her because there's a lot of reasons why people watching this program have a problem with the justice system because folks like her get to say do you know who hot -- who i am. i think that's part of the problem when there's literally a whole part of the country one they get pulled over they are having completely different experience than she is when she drives all the way home, saunters into her garage and
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says let me call the police chief. people don't have the time to do all of that when they get pulled over. i'm happy she's being investigated. her apology means nothing because she was able to get all the way in her garage to begin with. >> can i ask the judge of quick question let's say you're getting pulled over but you are close to home. how far can you drive to get home? >> here's the thing. it was a half a mile, that was far too much. if she in any way indicated that she knew he was trying to pull her over, putting her blinker on, going to the right, slowing down, she didn't do that. she said i'm a big shot. you knew it was me i was in a black suv. >> speeding da's are the worst mi rights? >> jerry seinfeld going nuclear on the extreme left for destroying comedy.
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♪ ♪ >> no lapse for you. he appears to be the king of television common he and an iconic comedian believes that... because of political correctness. >> nothing really affects comedy. people always needed, they needed so badly and they don't get it. you just expect there will be some funny stuff that we can watch on tv tonight. where is it? this is the result of the extreme left and pc crap and people worrying so much about offending other people. >> you know, he is right. when you look at sitcoms today, you don't feel like you are going to relax and laugh.
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you feel like you were going to be lectured or educated. it's like one big long the more you know commercial. everything is a special episode. it's like they took an ad and repurposed it as a skit. he has to realize woke as emma's not killing all comedy. it's alive and well. there are plenty of comedians... there is like 20 of these guys and they are all excelling because they are fearless and free from the constraints. you look at howard stern and jimmy kimmel who have served their testicles on the platter to the woke beast in the hopes that they will eat around them. >> but they don't. >> but they don't. >> it says how you get in caught -- how you get good comedy now is stand up versus sitcoms. >> you knows it and carry about it and is trying to raise the alarm bells. last week we did a story...
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there's things that are changing through technology. also if you go back to 2015, 2016. during that presidential election cycle. donald trump was at an event and i remember watching it and he said political correctness is killing this country and it gets a standing ovation. this is at the beginning when he was running. people are bummed about it. the other thing is there was an op-ed by the professor that says there are liberal person but they teach literature and they are shocked how many students are like i can't believe he wrote that. i can't believe the character was so insensitive. they shouldn't be allowed and it's preposterous. this was a liberal professor saying we have a problem here. art is not supposed to make you feel comfortable. -- >> talk about human release, there's medical benefits to comedy. i went on web md today. you can take this to the bank.
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stimulates organs, stimulates circulation, reduces stress and anxiety, multiple medical benefits from laughter. maybe that's why the country is in a mess. every time you turn on network tv and primetime it's not funny. have you ever heard of any of these networks sitcoms? they call them comedies, so help me todd? extended family youmak habit elementary? >> i like that one... [ simultaneous talking ] >> the last good comedy, modern family because there was gay jokes. there was an ethnic. there was jokes about an old rich white guy marrying a spanish immigrant. that stuff kills. >> stop while you are ahead jesse.
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i do think comedy is supposed to be funny and i think... >> all i know is i want to laugh more. i'm tired of this country that everybody is at each other's throats. road rage, all this craziness on the campus. it's not like it hasn't happened before. things like this have happened before. the pandemic we came out of it feeling totally controlled and then we find out that the vaccine was a bunch of nonsense. and at this point all i want to do was laugh again. i'm happy to laugh at myself make a joke about me. saturday night live did for three years, i thought it was hysterical. we need to laugh. >> i look like a canary. >> coming up south dakota governor responding to critics about -- as she reveals she once
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killed her dog. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> the south dakota governor defending herself after revealing in her upcoming memoir that she once killed a dog. they'd deemed the papas on trainable... after an apparently -- had attacked a local families chickens. eventually taking the pooch to a gravel pit where she shot and killed it. dana you grew up on a farm, the defence is this happens all the time on farms. do you go around just killing innocent little puppies? >> no but i do know that there are some ranchers and farmers that have to make tough decisions sometimes like if a horse breaks its leg you have to put it down. in this situation it's if a dog bites somebody you have to make a tough decision. if the chickens are getting harassed, maybe you have to make a decision. when you do that it's often more in sadness than in anger.
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in the way it's written it doesn't sound like she hated the dog so it cost her more problems. everybody gets a choice of what to put in their book. this was a story she put out there. initially her team said this is just proof that they are out to get her. then when it evolved they were like let me further explain. this is what happens in ranch life. just a judgement on the pr side of things, could make you wonder. i don't know. when you read the book through and it doesn't raise a red flag you might need a different editor. >> i think there's a story behind the story. the story about killing the puppy was already out there appeared she wanted a signal ahead of time to try to control it because she knew it could ruin her chances. >> she said that she shot cricket after the book was published. she shot the puppy cricket 20 years ago. i think the whole thing reeks of desperation. i think you have a woman who desperately wants to be vice
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president and ultimately president. she says i can be tough like a man. how can i be tough like a man? i can kill a puppy. the hate and a dana this. she said this puppy ruined the hunt by chasing pheasants and having the time of her life. i had four rescues and i have a puppy. i have to tell you, what she has done is she sabotaged herself. whether or not it was what was coming down the road. she also managed to unite the right and the left because america, if nothing else, we are dog lovers. and don't tell me you shot a pup because it wasn't used to hunting. maybe you are not a good teacher. maybe there's a problem. this whole thing with the chickens, were they dead? was the dog on their property? should you... i could go on and on because i love dogs. >> the only thing i can say on
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her defence is she didn't need the dog. >> she shot the dog, obama aided, what's worse? >> shooting the dog was pretty bad. >> you know it's true. >> the dog was having the time of his life which is now an actual factored statement. it was the last time he had. >> i have a cat and we are debating whether or not we can ethically using -- ethically euthanize her because she is sick. [ simultaneous talking ] >> there's a lot of cat lovers out there. tell jesse he is wrong. >> good luck with that richard. >> jesse are you going to scale of this? i think you should. >> i don't think people will be
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9:59 pm
♪ >> it's time for one more thing. >> tonight we got a great monday show for you. winston marshall. >> you are an idiot. it's marshall. is tyrus on tonight? >> he's not in the office. >> whoever sent you this is fired. >> good thing you are not cricket. [ laughter ] 's. >> i was at the airport and i run into this candid period he is 11 years old, listen to him. [ ♪♪ ]
10:00 pm
>> he was in the airport after just winning first place in the music international grand prix in new york city and he was awarded audience favourite out of 600 competitors. give him alike and a follow. you can find him there. i will tweet it so you have more. you have more. bring on politics with michael album michael allen of big and global strategies tonight. >> all right. record setting turnout at vero beac h. the book signing was insane. an11 hours. 11 hour book signing. ousands and thousands of people. oh, my. and i didn't take a single brea k, skipped lunch, took pictures, did every jokewice you got. hav you go to the bar. i swear to god, i went to the bathroom twice. it was amazing. on thbeacand tonighh t,a we hy on the beach doing a quiz. and tom, richard, very. >> judge, i'm very, very sorry.m we do have to go. it's okay. tie wi >> have a good one. welcome to jesse waterlls. >> primetime tonight. the econom


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