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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 29, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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cars filled with decomposed bodies and then came the so-called walking skeletons in the camp. some soldiers so horrified by what they witnessed they began sobbing. a sovereign remembrance on this day as protests obviously continue around the country. tomorrow on "special report," we will talk with the new chairman and ranking member of the house select committee on china about the growing threat from that country plus tiktok and foreign policy. last thing to harold's point, a quick thank you to the doctors and nurses at children's national in d.c. once again, they saved my son's paul life. his fifth open heart surgery. surprise one. is he doing well. he is home. thanks for all your prayers and support across the board. we are very grateful. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. here is laura. >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight as always, thanks for diswroing us. a shocking scene in charlotte, north carolina after three
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officers on u.s. marshals task force were killed while serving a warrant. five others were hurt during the shootout. all the details coming up. but, first. signs of democrat panic, that's the focus of tonight's angle ♪ [explosion] [shouting] >> laura: bidenomics is sinking its namesake. >> when you ask how is the economy going today, what's your rating of it, 30%. 30% of americans say it's good. 70% of americans say it's poor. the economy is overwhelmingly the most important issue for voters. the economy is still front and center for people. >> laura: 70% of those surveyed
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say the economy is poor. you got to wonder who the heck are the 30% think it's good? are there that many billionaires out there? now we'll dig into a lot of this tonight. but, these putrid economic numbers one indicator among many, pointing to a possible trump win in november and it has the white house, the democrats, and the regime media in a full blown panic. now, this know if the election were covered fairly, if biden were forced to do debates, he wouldn't have a chance they need to convince voters an actual campaign is bad for america. >> until now, no american president had ever faced a criminal trial. until now, no american presidential race had been more defined by what's happening in courtrooms than what's happening on the campaign trail, until now. >> laura: forget playing pickleball, spewing sanctimony is obviously stephanopoulos gave
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his past time. >> scale of the abnormality is so staggering that it can become numbing. all to easy to fall in habits. to treat this as a normal campaign where both sides embrace the law of law. where both sides are dedicated to debate based on fact and peaceful transfer of power. that's not what is happening in election year. >> laura: says who? if we're not debating facts in this election, whose fault is that? it's every so-called news network that's acting as a surrogate comms shop for biden. that's who. what is he talking about certainly not the fact that the party in power is trying to put its main political opponent in prison is that democracy? know this, to these people democracy is imperiled, it's on the brink if and only if trump is allowed to campaign and then if the voters chosen: bedrock of democracy being tested in a
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way we haven't seen since the civil war. it's a test for the candidates. for the media, for all of us as citizens. >> laura: who needs church? go to mass on sunday when you have george's sermon. the night before the big guy gave his marching orders to the media at the white house correspondence dinner. >> the defeat former president made no secret his attack on our democracy. he says he wants to be a dictator on day one and so much more. and he promised a bloodbath when he loses. i'm sincerely not asking any of you to take sides but asking you to rise up to the seriousness of the moment. >> laura: i'm not asking you to take sides. yeah, right. but if you don't, good golly we're bury you. but it wasn't just stephanopoulos' monologue. it was the "new york times" michael barbaro in his podcast today starting today series of
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episodes what a second trump term would look like and what it would mean for american democracy. on the campaign trail trump has outlined a second term that is far more radical skin dick tia and unchecked than his first one. >> laura: i love the way the music underscores. like fear-mongering about a trump second term. what about how biden has done? what about -- how the fact that he has wrecked the country in his first term? pushing boys and men into women's sports. forcing people to give up their gas powered cars. dismantling common sense border policies? but trump, again, he would be radical. >> what the conservative legal movement has set trump up to do and what he now wants to do or the people around him are saying sir we can help you do is to move into a more volatile situation where whoever happens to be president at any given time can take us into a radical direction very quickly.
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>> then there is the inconvenient trend among hispanic voters. politico is sounding the alarm and joe biden will keep telling them things that are great and trump is dangerous. yeah. as if the economy and losing ground. pro-palestinian protest on college puss are hurting biden, too. entitled brats. ruining everything else. >> this encampment is a minor inconvenience compared to the generational shaping events taking place now in gaza. we demand divestment. we will not be removed unless by force. >> laura: of course, you can always count on the washington compost framing the story during this panic. today's headline g.o.p. seizes on campus protests to depict chaos under biden. look, you don't need to depict
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chaos. of the chaos speaks for itself. whether at the universities or at the border, it's the opposite of calm and orderly. sunday panelists on nbc, seemed to understand that they are on shaky ground here. republicans and the squad, maybe they aren't really a natural coalition after all. >> biden has a challenge really in trying to keep together had broad dispirit coalition of voters. >> it's a precarious coalition from the aoc to the cheney family. they don't have a lot in common. >> you can't keep those folks away from a third party candidate and staying home all together. there goes michigan and wisconsin and there goes the presidency. >> laura: and there goes press objectivity. then there's the other potential sinkhole for joe biden. what if putting all their eggs in the abortion basket okay that's very unfortunate wording, was a really stupid move? what worked in the midterms may
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not work in the general. >> trump went in leading and joe biden starting to win know those margins though donald trump is still ahead in the vast majority of them. are people really tuned into this. are they seeing sleepy don. only high information voters are paying attention. >> translation. dumb people, according to her, will vote for trump and the smart people at abc will vote for biden. now, cbs's executive director of elections, fancy title, also implied that voters should be thinking differently if they are really smart about trump and covid. >> we ask them okay look back at the economy during the trump years. how do you remember it? and a majority say they remember it as being good. >> they forget about the pandemic. >> they seem to be skipping over the pandemic. that's exactly what that tells you in their memory of this. >> laura: this is just goofy.
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the journal elites are now just inventing fictional narratives on the spot. the truth is most voters know that biden kept covid restrictions in place far longer than he had to. and they see that trump rushed the government into action to help the people and that pre-pandemic pre-pandemic the economy was rocking and set to take off in 2021 and here come biden. they saw biden not trump to blew it and they are mad. dose of reality for friends in the press. for years now you have failed to cover the real failures of the administration. you gaslit us about how well the economy was doing. then you pretended that ukraine was winning when it wasn't. and then you claim that things were returning to normal instead the left becoming more increasingly anti-semitic. americans want a government that will help them, not one that
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despises them. come november, they have a pretty good chance of getting what they want. and that's the angle. mollie hemingway fox news contributor and also with me ned ryun american majority founder and ceo. mollie, you see the panic button being hit on several -- in several ways. but, what does the media stand to gain here from just indulging in this fantasy that the people just don't understand how good it is under biden? >> well, in recent years we have seen the media go from near bias which we saw was very problematic for decades into outright propaganda. they manufacture stories. they suppress stories. they put their hand on one side of the ledger for every single issue that effects elections. what do they stand to gain? they gain power by advocating for their preferred political party. just as you said, laura, so many bad things are happening and it's partly happening because the media are not covering the
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true story of what happens when one administration and other democrat prosecutors try to imprison and bankrupt their political opposition that's actually horrific yet you don't hear the media covering that honestly. they don't cover any issue honestly whether it's border, crime, foreign policy, or anything else that we are dealing with. >> laura: now, you know the democrats, ned, are really panics when they are lashing out at msnbc recommendation donald trump has the worst record of job loss of any president. so we just have to make sure people know. >> that was a global pandemic. >> i had the worst record of any presidents we had other concerns in our country. you want to be apologist for donald trump, that may be rush hour yol role but it ain't mine. >> i don't think anybody can confuse. >> oh, nancy mad, ned. nancy mad. poor old msnbc we have been carrying his water for years and
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now you are pushing back on us for like one comment? >> yeah. i'm pretty sure katy should never be accused of being an apologist for donald trump over the last 8 years but, whatever. i mean, i think the thing that as mollie said these corporate propagandists i call them stenographers of the state. they do want to seek power. they prop up this stupid ole fool to see if they can get him elected. the thing we should understand about biden the modern democratic party and corporate propagandist they have been done with representative democracy for a very long time i would argue for the last century with woodrow wilson the administrative state. their idea of democracy is one party rule and they perpetual power and really when they talk about democracy, what i'm seeing and hearing is it's the wolf of authoritarianism clothed in sheep's clothing. that's what they are really talking about, laura. and they are all working together to make sure they achieve that. november 5th and continue to have perpetual power.
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that's where all their policies are aimed. they want to stop disinformation they want broken border to import new voters. that's their idea of democracy. >> laura: this idea, mollie, that scaring voters is the key to defeating trump when minnesota people are so miserable in their own economic standing, watch what they are trying to do. get your comment on the other side. >> the point that i think voters need to understand that if they think this is just going to be a replay of the first trump presidency, which was chaotic enough, you know, that would be a huge mistake. this is the task of course in 2024 is to actually try to very thoroughly imagine and describe what a presidency based on vengeance and retribution really looks like. >> laura: i mean, mollie, the fact that people even pay attention to that gas bag at this point. i guess he hosted a radio show or hosts one, i don't know. but they keep doing the same
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thing. it literally is the definition, i think of insanity at this point to see that type of face on in your dictionary for insanity and that's it. >> yeah, it absolutely is. we all lived through the trump presidency. we all know what the economy was like. we all know that peace was breaking out. we saw historic abraham accords. we had -- we were moving toward securing our border. we were pushing back against some of the american-hating etiology that threatens to destroy the entire public. bee lived under the biden administration. the idea people don't want to turn back to a nicer situation for themselves and their family is absurd. it is true that there was chaos. the chaos was entirely manufactured by the media and the chaos was really about pushing back against washington, d.c.'s destruction of america. and a a lot of people say i would rather have personal success and chaos in d.c. than the way it is now which is everything is going great from d.c.'s perspective but horrible for the rest of the country.
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>> laura: mollie, ned, brilliant as always. thanks so much. all right. joe biden isn't going to like this one. >> i see my family members go through troubles of trying to buy houses, rent apartments, everything is going up these past four years to make it struggling as you said for young adults. >> laura: oh, an economic reality check for the president in moments. ♪
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♪ >> laura: oh, it's so sad, very sad. the bad news keeps piling up for joe biden. over the weekend, a new cnn poll of registered voters blew apart that biden comeback narrative that we have been telling you about over the last few weeks. trump is leading in this poll 49-43. and as i mentioned at the angle, one of the top reasons why is the economy. >> do you think you are better off now or four years ago. >> four years ago for sure inflation is horrible. our use ever military and other areas are horrible. we know we pay too much taxes. we are sending all that money overseas. >> i'm not better off today than i was four years ago. i would say the economy is definitely worries than it was. >> i think it's scary as young adults who are preparing to enter the real world how are we going to pay off our student loans how are we eventually going to buy a house the economy
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is really scary. >> 1 to 10 how would you rate president biden's presidency. >> zero. >> 1. >> probably 1. [laughter] >> i would say like a 2. >> laura: that high? we did run into some biden supporters who gave him glowing reviews but it really wasn't because of any policy. >> on a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate biden's presidency? >> 6. >> why you say that? >> well, i think that his ideas are right. i think his heart is in the right place. >> i think biden is doing the very best he can i'm a biden fan i would say 9. >> 9? >> yeah. >> what do you think is he good on? >> i think he has got kind heart. >> laura: joining us now byron york who also has a kind heart. washington examiner chief political correspondent fox news contributor and matt toury also good heart, political analyst and pollster byron historically
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bad poll numbers on the economy. usually not a recipe for success in an election year they are doing their darndest to try to is send out signal flares this could be an emergency situation. >> you can't spin inflation. that is the billing problem. we have this unique election where both candidates have been president of the united states. people can compare the two actual time in office and then the cnn poll 55% of the people said that donald trump's presidency was a successful 61% of the people said joe biden's presidency so far has been a failure. and the reason for that, the biggest, biggest reason is inflation because it has not gone away. it is cumulative, the inflation that we all suffered through in 2021, '22, '23 is still with us and getting bigger and the most recent report, which we got, about a month ago, is that it
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was higher than we think, which killed any hopes of the fed cutting interest rates and people's hopes of buying a house. no wonder they are worried about the future. >> laura: democratic strategist jim carville had interesting words for young voters. >> i hear this a lot. young voters are just not into this. and you just can't blame them for oh, [bleep] you. all right? are you watching what is happening in the supreme court? but that's all right you little [bleep] 26-year-old. you don't feel like election is important to me. they are not addressing the issues that i care about. [bleep] >> laura: matt, insulting the young voters is something republicans have been accused of before. i guess just get over the fact that you are unhappy and you
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don't think the government is addressing your needs? just forget about that because trump is a bad person? >> i have known james a while, he is very smart, he is speaking his mind. let's put it that way. they ever losing younger voters, they appear to now be losing larger degree of women than anyone thought. hispanics, african-americans, you know, i have been doctor know on your show over and over productions aren't doing this right. the polls are all going to be worked against the republicans in the end. all that is possible and all of that still is the case in some instances but, man, this is a major shift and it was validated also by the harvard-harris poll that came out today that also shows trump leading significantly. if we end up seeing these other names get on the ballots, this is the key thing to watch, laura in these major states, jill stein, r.f.k. jr. and cornel west make it to the ballot i
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don't see how biden can survive. based on the numbers i am seeing right now. you never heard those words out of me in the last year and a half. >> laura: you have been very pessimistic. i'm almost worried now that you are optimistic. slightly optimistic. biden said that he wo debate trp last week on howard stern. some of his pals they are not so sure. >> they don't want to give that platform and risk exposing biden like that on national tv. >> except i was thinking if i was in my old job from two years ago you also don't want him to say no because no is weak and no is fear. you have to say yes. they both have to say yes. now, whether this happens we all know negotiated -- >> laura: lots of things that need to be negotiated. byron, whether this happens, what is the over-under on this here with debate? >> very. >> laura: what is the real odds? >> very, very unlikely.
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biden just blurted this out on howard stern show and by the way i watched the entire hour and 15 minute interview with biden. you could not have had a more fawning, flattering, positive, easy interview and biden did get through it but the idea of getting through an actual debate clearly his team doesn't want that they wouldn't even do a super bowl interview. so this quick little biden statement on howard stern i don't think is going to end up being the position of the campaign. >> laura: matt, do you agree? >> oh, i agree. i just think this never happen. they will find an excuse to say they don't like this or don't like that. well, president trump somehow is convicted we are not going to debate someone who has been convicted in court. they make up up the rules all along and we have seen it over and over again. >> laura: never going to happen i have said that for two years never going to happen.
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matt and byron, thank you both. one of donald trump's rivals about to be his running mate? we will dive into it, next. ♪
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>> carley: a tragic scene in charlotte, north carolina. three marshals shot and killed while doing their job serving a warrant. fox bill melugin has the latest. bill, tell us what happened. >> well, laura the reports coming out of charlotte tonight unfortunately are not looking good. so far as you mentioned three u.s. marshals are dead. several local police officers are hurt as a result of a shootout with multiple armed suspects now this is video of the scene in charlotte from earlier this afternoon. that's where local residents report hearing active gunfire for hours as u.s. marshals and charlotte mecklenburg police department were trying to serve a fugitive warrant on somebody for felon in possession of a firearm, well, police say as
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they approached the house to serve the warrant, they were shot at from inside that home. officers shot back and ended up killing the shooter on the front lawn. but as they approached the house afterwards, officers were then met with more gunfire from inside the house. ultimately, two people inside that home were detained but tragically, three u.s. marshals were killed. four charlotte police officers were injured. one critically. >> we believe there are two shooters involved. again, we have two people of interest at the police station that are being questioned right now. and we have confirmed that the individual that was set up that we were everybody serving the warrant on was the individual who fired the initial shots and was deceased in the front yard at the end of all of this. >> it was like pow pow pow pow pow. then by the time i could turn, in pow pow pow pow pow. and then again, once i got here, it was again pow pow pow pow pow. >> now, fraternal order of
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police says at least 11 police officers all across the country have been shot in just the last three days alone. in reaction to this shooting, they tweeted out on x that there is a war on cops in america and they call that a stain on society. laura? >> laura: it sure is bill, thank you. >> what quality ares are you looking for in your vice presidential pick. >> first the qualities somebody you think would be a good vice president. i want people with common sense. >> laura: his v.p. hunt still ongoing. sunday morning meeting between former president trump and his former rival has tongues wagging didn't those guys hate each other. i'm happy to have the full and enthusiastic support of governor ron desantis of florida. the conversation mostly concerned how we would work closely together to make america great again. meanwhile, another potential pick chances may be euthanized. joining me now to help unpack it
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all charlie hurt opinion editor at the "washington times" and fox news contributor. charlie, trump called governor of florida desanctimonious, ripped him for wearing boots. and desantis hit back, too. watch. >> donald trump is a lot different i do than he was in 2016. he said republicans were going to get tired of winning. what we saw last night, i'm sick of republicans losing. >> laura: even recently on call with donors a few weeks back, desantis was expressing his reservations about the trump candidacy. how do you put humpty dumpty back together again? there is even some confusion whether the vice president and president can be of the same state. the electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for two persons one of whom shall not be inhabitant with the same state with themselves. remember, that's in the constitution. charlie, what's going on here? >> charlie: so, first of all, in
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terms of desantis and trump, you know, politics is adversarial. that's why you and i love it. that's why we have been following it for as long as we have because it's a lot of fun and some fists get thrown and that's okay. but, you know, you can't -- when you look at the success that ron desantis has had in florida, you can't deny what an extraordinary record he has amassed. and he wouldn't have that record if it were not for donald trump. and as donald trump goes forward, and he is looks at the next four years as president, my biggest hope is that he considers his legacy and he considers the degree to which he needs to find a strong, smart, fighter who can carry the america first agenda. not just for the next four years. but for 8 years after that. and i can't think of anybody who would be better at that than ron desantis. obviously he is not the greatest, most back is a
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slapping baby hugging candidate in the world qui saw that up close during the primary. but is he a very, really smart guy. >> laura: is he very young. >> is he very young. has a young family. >> laura: i would say to you he has pretty much everything, maybe on the charisma factor people criticize him for that i mean, the whole miracle of florida and trump endorsed him for sure. obviously really helped desantis when he was in a tight race. the actual running of the state of florida, other than, you know, governor abbott in texas, this hands down he is the best governor in the united states. not even close. just on merit he is the best. >> yeah. and the fights that he has gotten into over immigration. >> laura: fantastic. >> his ability to -- yeah. absolutely fantastic. and he is kind of a nerd. and nerds don't pick particularly do well in
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politics. but they can be very good at governing and donald trump, who is not a nerd, is -- has -- and you know. >> laura: could be powerful together. what about. >> charlie: no one we have ever met has better political instincts than donald trump. and that duo, the two of them, the nerd and the political spin golly genius together, all bets are off. >> laura: what about the constitutional provision, article 2, section 2, regardings electors choosing people from the same state? >> charlie: i feel like the c student the professor is asking the question she knows better than i do. >> laura: true. >> charlie: of course, that does not prohibit trump from picking somebody from his own state. it simply complicates things to hold over from back when when the electoral college picked separate vice president and president. but, you know, and obviously it
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could wind up in a funny situation if it's a close race where trump would win and because florida electors can't vote for both of them, desantis would lose or wouldn't win and we wouldn't have a vice president. then it gets kicked to congress. and if democrats want to prevent ron desantis. >> laura: good point. real election of course they would want that. >> how great would that be? >> laura: charlie, we didn't get to kristi noem that would be barking up the wrong tree perhaps with you. that story is obvious. all right, charlie, thank you. great to see you. a jewish ucla professor says protesters physically attacked him while he walked on campus today. is he here to tell his story, next. ♪
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>> laura: after extending their deadline, multiple times, columbia university finally said "get out or get suspended." fox news national correspondent alexis mcadams joins us live where she is almost an hand area student at this point with the latest. alexis? >> hey, laura, yeah, i should enroll here any time but 7:45 and counting here. these students were supposed to be out of this so-called gaza solidarity encampment around
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2:00. deadline, smedliine. this is a look at the tents in the middle of this campus at columbia university where the group says they are not backing down. watch. >> the university has conducted itself with arrogance, refusing to be flexible on some of our most basic points. that said, we are engaging in good faith negotiation until the administration cut them off under threat of suspension. >> laura: so still tonight, with that encampment here behind us, the university has now said they are in the process of suspending students when we tried to ask how many students have been suspended here, how many will not be allowed on this campus in class or graduation. we didn't get an answer just yet. looking around here. this is what is happening here. hours after the embattled president shafik said she would suspend the students who didn't clear out. kind of taking some time here. also a look from above, laura,
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at the dozens of tents still set up at columbia. we noticed about 20 of them are now gone. there were 100 out here last week. this afternoon the school said students who didn't leave or sign a form saying they would abide by university policy that sounds pretty simple are not allowed to attend class or graduate. so far one arrest outside of the campus gates. watch. [chanting] >> it's not just here at columbia protests continue at nyu. the university setting a deadline of this afternoon there to clear clear out the area where the protester are sleeping. now the school says they will move forward with disciplinary action there. back out here live at columbia, laura, can you take a quick look outside of the gates that's where the action has been tonight as the students have kind of cleared out of this encampment and many of the people who just live around here that are chanting from the river to the sea, palestine must be free and calling on the university to protect the students are outside of those gates. the nypd hasn't moved in just
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yet, but they're ready and waiting for the call. laura? >> laura: all right, alexis, thank you so much as always. all right now to ucla where a jewish doctor and professor says he was assaulted by protesters on thinks own campus. this happened as he was getting ready to appear on "america reports." >> it's insane. here they have lost all control of this entire campus. i'm a professor here for 22 years. assaulted walking to my interview. i'm going to keep doing my interview because this has to be -- the truth has to come out. they literally, physically assaulted me on the way over here. >> laura: joining me now dr. anywhere hoffman professor at ucla. doctor, what happened? are you okay? >> good evening, thank you for asking. i was walking to the main quad area to give the interview and other interviews for other news stations basically two or three
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thugs tried to block my approach to that open area. the at first i didn't even notice them and ignored them. one of them stood in front of me and said you can't walk this. so i just walked around him but i was staring at my phone because i was giving a zoom interview. all of a sudden some guy tackled me from the side. i didn't even see him coming. i got like a whiplash and my ear bud flew out. security people that were there were watching and not really doing anything. and this then this guy took my ear pad and ran. i know exactly where he is. but the bliss don't want to go get him you went to file a report. and what happened? watch. >> is there anyone in this building? i'm trying to file a police report. >> this is the police station.
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[silence] >> this is just insane. this is insane. there is nobody -- this is defund the police. there is no police. >> laura: professor, were they at breakfast? where were they? >> i have no idea. and, you know, i eventually went home. i was totally dispirited. and then i just called 911. and then they transferred me to ucpd and they told me to come back. just before this interview i went back there and i spoke to the, i guess, the senior station officer who basically told me that, you know, he thinks this is disgusting. and if he thinks this is bad, there are security people assaulted yesterday during the peaceful rally. one of them was literally kidnapped into the encampment and they barely got that person out. but they have no authority to go in there and clear. this it's total lawlessness. it's just anarchy. it's the wild west here. >> laura: ucla, a campus i have been on so many times. it's so beautiful. look, outrageous this is happening.
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we asked ucla professor for statement on your situation, they didn't get back to us. yesterday they said that ucla has a long history of being a place of peaceful protests. we're heart broken about the violence that broke out on campus. that's what they said, professor. quickly, your response. >> well, you know, like i told earlier, 9/11 is heart breaking. this is not heart breaking because the violence that erupted yesterday was when those protesters basically tried to kick us out of our protest. our protest actually had a permit. we had a space, a quad where we were supposed to peacefully protest. they came in and assaulted elderly people and tried to push us off of our protest. and that is what they're referring to as the heart breaking violence. >> laura: well, nir, you don't deserve free speech only they do. get it straight. we appreciate you telling your story. thank you. how do the white house correspondence dinner become a political rally and mamala
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harris hits the talk show circuit. raymond arroyo has it "seen and unseen" next. i will bless those who bless you. it's almost passover here in israel and across the former soviet union. but we're fnding thousands of destitute, elderly jews
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who are alone and in need of basic food. ramzia is a holocaust survivor. she keeps saying my refridgerator is empty. she's embarrassed to ask for help. their need as you can see is extremely urgent. right now, you can give a gift of life of $25. the international fellowship of christians and jews will bring comfort and food to ramzia and thousands of others. ramzia has had such a hard life and to see this smile. you can save a life, just like ramzia. your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the holy season of passover. ramzia saw this matzah that the fellowship brought her for passover.
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ramzia was so excited... it brings up memories of faith and family from her childhood. i'm partnering with the international fellowship of christians and jews. this trusted ministry has given christians like me a way to tangibly bless jewish people who are in need around the world. a life-saving $25 gift helps send a volunteer with one urgently needed survival food box. for less than one dollar a day you can say, "i will bless and comfort the jewish people". "i will save a life today". please call or go online now and say, "i will bless his people israel". my name is ruth, i've done 10 rounds of prolon. growing up, i went on all kinds of diets. my weight would yo-yo. i started researching fasting. so, i wanted something that was science-based,
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and this is science-based. that's how i found prolon. the 5-day box has all the food you need, and very good instructions. i think the biggest thing prolon has done for me, is reset my relationship to food. i mean, i feel better than i ever have in my whole life. and i believe prolon has made that possible. (silence)
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as stores develop across
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the world. >> a lot of fast action on capitol hill you and we will be covering all of it and smack the story with martha maccallum, america is watching. >> laura: it is time for seen and unseen or worry reveal the stories behind the headlines, all right raymond, president biden was kind of treated like he is a conquering hero at the white house correspondents dinner last night. >> even as he was granted, has granted them less axes, less interviews and less press conferences in any of his predecessors, biden use the media lovefest to ridicule the press as you mentioned, told him what they had to do this political season. >> president biden: tell my friends in the press and fox news. [ laughter ] i don't take enough of your questions you complain. no comment. i'm sincerely not asking you to take sides, i'm asking you to rise up to the seriousness of the moment, you know, every
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single one of us has a role to play, a serious role to play, making sure democracy endures, america democracy, i know my role but in all due respect so do you. >> it gives the impression laura that they are all playing the same role and that is not -- they should be adversarial and it is not, and makes it look like there part of one washington organism. i thought it was disgraceful and should have been wakaw to, the press should have boycotted the president to be here. >> laura: this is kind of fun in the early years but it's just, i don't know how to say it, the guys just -- he's never never doing real interviews! how to go up there and a host president biden when he's basically giving you the stiff arm? i don't get it. >> and joking about her and you're sitting there laughing and remarkably set that up performance, vanna jones over on cnn at listening to him you
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would have think that biden was at the correspondents dinner, watch... >> i love joe biden, this guy has real charisma. there is a reason you keeps exceeding expectations. >> at what he watched? joe biden could barely eat his salad laura, it took repeated attempts, if this is charisma, i hate to see what decay looks like. >> laura: charisma! i mean maybe 40 years ago you had some kind of goofy charm that charisma? i don't think so. s&ls call in, is it josh, tried to keep the jokes kind of evenhanded until at least the end i understand. >> it there were funny moments laura, what he ended his routine with a story about how his grandfather cast has lost a vote for joe biden and cnn right hand with the narrative. >> that was called and joe just finishing that out of there, it
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was an endorsement of president biden. >> his grandfather voted for donald trump -- sorry, president biden because of decency, politics aside, it was appointments plea. >> it is not appointed, it's partisanship, it's partisanship. comics exists to hold of the truth up, journalists are to hold him to account. both failed to add those dinner. and i'm sorry that should not be praised, it's a disgrace to the public. >> laura: meanwhile, my heroes has been hitting the talkshow circuit, and landed in the laugh again of drew barrymore -- lap soon openly some people love to talk about the way i laugh. >> oh, yes,, i love your laugh. [ laughter ] >> we all need a mom? i've been thinking we all need a tremendous hug in the world right now, but in our country we need you to be the mammala of
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the countries who one is that what you needs a therapist, mammala? [ laughter ] a little support group i think, leave politics are lona. >> laura: did she actually jump into her lap at that point or what happened? [ laughter ] soo and they were close enough, anything could have happened laura. i did not stick around that long soo for when i think of drew barrymore a thing of that adorable pigtailed little girl and 18, that is it for me. i'm not even gonna talk about drew barrymore, a solid joe biden, after 18. because i was perfection for her. all right, thank you. all right, that is it for us tonight. follow me -- i can't speak! you are talking in my ear. jesse is next... sweetie will come to 'jesse watters primetime', tonights... o


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