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tv   Fox Report With Jon Scott  FOX News  April 27, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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jimmy taylor. >>'m going i'm going to join hie back. >> it's always right when nature steps in. >> pga golfers at zurich open hadn't really teeing off ty. t a >> boy, for a totally unbothered alligator across the $70 tee bocototax. >> this didn't come as a totalda shock. endurance course is known for its occasional reptiley onlyd ao spectator greg the delaye only lasted about 7 minutes. >> ibat didn't seem to be bad luck for the golfers who had the pouring and birding the hole, respectively. >> wow. okay. dana: to tellfoun the people of the five-year-old that you have important fans that watch you. week out this weekd just someone else had told meicer that they watched the fiveand "e retired justice stephen breyer. >> i interviewed him this week d and the five came up and he said that he watches it in histi exercisene. routine., >> there you go. so, judge justice. hello, those are thethe re jon: powerful tornadoes ripping through america's heartland since friday leaving behind a trail of devastation. multiple twist theres reported
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in iowa and nebraska, some with winds of at least 130 miles an hour. hundreds of homes are destroyed, more severe storms are on the way right now. good evening. i'm jon scott, and this is "the fox report." ♪ ♪ jon: we have team coverage, brandy campbell with a live look at conditions in iowa a right now. but first, meteorologist adam klotz is live in our weather center tracking these storms. adam. adam: hey there, jon. we are right in the thick of it as we speak. these storms very active across portions of texas, stretching now as far north as iowa, ultimately, stretching even farther to the north. but we have got a line of severe weather. i'm going to show you what we're seeing. every one off these red boxes, it's fairly active out there, that is a tornado warning currently across portions of northern missouri, big, severe thunderstorms are the yellow boxes. winds at least 60 miles an hour.
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you're talking about hail and just absolute downpours as far as rain goes. flooding actually a may be with a concern over the next couple of days, but initially it's all about this severe weather. a little further to the south, everything in these purple boxes, that is an observed, confirmed tornado, so you're now looking at portions of southern kansas and oklahoma as you're looking at confirmed tornadoes currently moving on the ground. and everything to the south, for big, severe thunderstorms. this has been one of the most active sections of this line of storms that's currently very slowly moving across the area. here is another tornado barning currently -- warning currently just to the north of oklahoma city. one of the more populated areas. but this is just one individual, discreet cell as opposed to a larger line. and i can take you can farther south, this is a massive line of storms. and the biggest hail we've seen so far today continues to be with these cells now down in portions of north texas. you see a red box there, that's a tornado-warned storm, hail
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size of about 2.5-inches, that is about a tennis ball. very dangerous situation with these storms moving across portions of north texas as we watch this system continue to drag out. the ingredients are here, right? if no surprise with all the a tornadoes i was just showing you, tornado watch is in place across texas. back up across kansas, missouri, stretching into iowa currently as well. this is your future forecast. i can put it into motion for you, but as it starts to run, we're going to continue to see the possibility of severe weather as we run through the overnight if hours all the way until early tomorrow morning. now, we do see a small risk of severe weather tomorrow but not nearly as severe as today. yesterday and today is really the eye light of the show, jon. we're going to continue track it as these storms make their movement. jon: scary times rights now. we want everybody to stay safe. meteorologist adam klotz, thanks. menden, iowa, is one of the areas that took a direct hit from those storms.
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tornadoes also tore through nebraska and dumped massive, golf ball-sized hail. the threat of more storms and flash flooding continues throughout the region. fox weather correspondent brandy campbell is live in omaha, nebraska, with the latest for us. brandy. if. >> reporter: yeah, jon. well, we spent most of our afternoon in minden, but with we just relocated to omaha, nebraska, as storms are moving into that a area so we'll have smelter if needed. the -- shelter if needed. the town, they've been recovering after a large tornado spun true the area nearly 24 hours ago. after it hit minden, terrifying to watch, but people who were home sheltering as it passed, thankfully, no one killed and only a few people injured in that town. this is the damage we saw on our tour with the county sheriff. iowa governor kim reynolds if says of the 180 homes there, about 40% are destroyed. some were completely gone or just in piles of rubble.
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some homes had windows blasted, portions of the structures missing. we met randy davis who wasn't home during the storm. his house i was moved yards away, off of his foundation, now if resting in the street. >> well, it's kind of crazy. i'm trying to stay in good spirits with it, you know? it's one of those things that you can only do so much, you know? it wasn't where i left it, so -- [laughter] you know, so i've got a lot of support though. a lot of my friends are helping out. everybody's kind of stepping up to the plate. >> reporter: support pretty much the theme in that small town the of minden. one thing that they're going without right now is power, water and gas. finish the city says those -- it could take about a week the get those services back. and on top of that, the national weather service out of omaha, they do have five crews going along those e tornado tracks, and they expect all of them to at least have been ef3 strength,
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so over 130 miles per hour, all of the tornadoes that passed through this region. jon: randy davis has an amazingly good attitude about all of this, brandy. your ride with the sheriff's office, what did they say about what they need or, you know, what could americans do to help out the folks there in the middle part of the country? >> reporter: yeah, jon. at this time they're actually asking people, basically, to be on standby because they're not letting anyone in that isn't a resident or a business owner because of just how massive that destruction is. they're going to get things together first, and then i believe eventually they'll make that that call for volunteers and people who want to help, because there are people asking what can they do. they want to help out. so it's to be determined, but i'm sure that call for help, it'll come. jon: yeah. scary, scary pictures there if those tornadoes. fox weather reporter brandy campbell in omaha, nebraska, thank you.
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[inaudible conversations] >> intifada, intifada, long live the intifada. >> we want justice -- [inaudible] >> biden, biden, can't you see -- >> you are on a killing spree! jon: anti-israel protests dragging on at columbia university in new york and other college campuses across the country. most schools now scrambling to figure out how to handle upcoming graduation ceremonies as the protesters refuse to back down. steve harrigan is live at columbia university with more. steve. >> reporter: jon, those protests now in their second week. a big crowd out in front of nyu overnight. when you talk to the protesters about what they want, one demand you hear over and over again is they want to see where their money is being spent, where the colleges are investing. here's one protester prosecute university of chicago. from the university of chicago.
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>> our university needs to be completely transparent with where our money's going, is so disclosing where all their different investments are going so we can figure out where all our money's going. the only stuff we know is from sor sort of -- sort of public domain. [background sounds] >> reporter: some jewish students and their families, they say the protests have created an atmosphere of genuine fear for their own physical safety. here's a family from ucla. >> i'm an alumni here. my brother goes here. he came home last night. he just didn't feel like he was on a peaceful, safe campus. >> reporter: columbia university has just barred one 20-year-old junior, one of the protest leaders, for social media posts including one which said that they are lucky he's not out killing zionists, zionists deserve to be murdered. and just a short time ago, the columbia president and board sent out an e-mail to all students at columbia, and part
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of that a read as follows: social media posts from our own students that mock and threaten to kill jewish people are totally unacceptable. just to restate, the president and the board of columbia sending out an e-mail to all columbia students that says threatening to kill jewish students is unacceptable. john:, back to you. jon: let's see what else they do in the days hate. steve harrigan in new york city, thank you. >> i am here today joining my colleagues in calling on the president to resign if she cannot immediately bring order to this chaos. [background sounds] if. jon: that's house speaker mike johnson joining the chorus of republicans calling for columbia's president to resign due to the out of control, anti-israel protests on her campus. for more on the surge in what looks like campus anti-semitism in america, let's bring in north carolina republican congresswoman virginia foxx who
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serves as chair of the house committee on education and the work force. big picture, congresswoman foxx, when you look at what's going on in these college campuses across america, what crosses your mind? >> well, what process crosses my mind is what i said at columbia, the inmates are in charge of the asylum. jon, this is totally unacceptable, what's happening on these campuses. these presidents, these boards of trustees need to get control of the campuses. this is ridiculous, that jewish students feel unsafe and i don't blame them. when we were there at columbia, it was chaos. and from everything that we've seen from fox news, we know that this is the way it is on other campuses. so they have to get control of their campuses. you cannot, again, let the inmates run the asylum. having these students threaten
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the jewish students, make them feel unsafe, stop them from being able to be in a a safe learning environment or even go to class, it's unacceptable. jon: well, you met, your committee met with the college president and the board of trustees at columbia, right? any results from that? >> not really. their words, they say words, but they don't back them up with action. and what we want to see is on the part of the board of trustees and the president. talk is cheap. that's what i told her privately, that's what we told her at the meeting. we want them to get control of the campus. the jewish students, all students should feel safe. and to say in that e-mail that they sent out, oh, that you're not supposed to say these things, well, take action about these students. we've been told this one student
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has been barred from campus. what does that mean? is he taking classes remotely? i mean, saying that you want to kill zionists, that you want to kill jews, unacceptable. jon: the committee has -- well, let me put up, first of all, some of the pictures of your fellow republican house members who have called on the president to resign. there they are. ten altogether. new york republicans calling for columbia to either dismiss her or calling on her to resign. is that possible? do you with get any sense that she would consider resigning over all of this? >> well, whether she resigns or whether the trustees ask her to resign or let e her go is up to columbia.
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what we want is action on the part of the trustees and the president. we want them to stop the threatening behavior toward jewish students. and, you know, jon, if they replace her with somebody who doesn't do any better -- any better than what she's doing, then it doesn't matter. it's the actions that the trustees need to be taking and others on that campus. if they need to make the students feel safe, they need to stop the bad behavior. the actions of the students need consequences. as long as they just keep talking and they don't do anything to the students, they're not going to get anywhere. that's unacceptable. jon: yeah. i want to show show you what's going on in washington d.c. the white house correspondents' dinner, that's a big deal for newspaper, magazines, tv and radio people. th president makes an appearance, and there are protesters out there in the
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street outside the hotel where the dinner is to be held, and you can see many of them are lying down in the street blocking traffic, of course, just causing a headache for people who, you know, want to get by and get about their saturday evening. what is it going to take to stop this, congresswoman? >> you need to have consequences. people need to be put in jail. they need to have severe fines. but you cannot continue to block traffic. you can't disrupt the campuses without some kinds of consequences. that that's part of the problem. these people see no consequences. we've seen reports that they're being paid to do this. of eye -- i believe that there are paid agitators that a go around to different events, and all they want to do is disrupt other people's lives. they need to get a life of their own. they need not to be being paid
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to do this or being given government subsidies and not having to work a real job. jon: it would be good to see your committee follow the money trail and see where some of this money is coming from. >> we will be doing that, jon. never fear. you are our investigation will be wide-ranging and deep. jon: that is welcome news to a lot of americans, i think. north carolina republican congresswoman virginia foxx. congresswoman, thank you. >> thank you, jon. jon: up next on "the fox report," bring on the presidential debate. president biden making a bold announcement about that as a he prepares for the white house correspondents' dinner tonight. plus, what next week might bring when biden's presumptive debate opponent, former president trump, returns to that that new york city courtroom monday for week three of his criminal trial. all that and much more ahead. ♪ ♪ somewhere beyond the sea,
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jon: president biden is preparing to greet the press at tonight's white house correspondents' dinner, but the situation in gaza is looming large over that event as we get reports of anti-israel
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protesters gather gathering outside, some of them lying down on the pavement. lucas tomlinson live at the white house with more. lucas. >> reporter: well, jon, president biden is due to depart here from the white house in the next few minutes to head to the white house correspondents' dinner where, of course, he's a featured guest. and as you mentioned, if you can bring back that video, a live look there at connecticut avenue where the washington hilton is where the dinner is being held, you can see some of the party-goers walking north on connecticut avenue right now. we did receive reports about protesters from code pink whose goal, they said, was to shut down the correspondents' dinner tonight. we saw images of protesters lying down on the street to block the entrance. it doesn't look like those party-goers in their dinner jacket and ball gowns are being blocked, but there's the protesters you see there as the camera pans over. looks like hundreds there right in front of the washington hilton there on connecticut avenue. that's just north of dupont circle in the neighborhood where
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former e president barack obama has a home. those numbers of protesters does look like it's increasing, jon. you mentioned earlier off the top the news late this week that president biden says he wants a piece of donald trump on the debate stage, speaking to howard stern. of course, for years it was donald trump that made those appearances on howard stern. president biden appeared on the show. it was much less bold, jon. >> i tell you a fantasy i had in i don't know if you're going to debate your opponent. >> i am somewhere. of i don't know when. i'm happy to debate him. >> reporter: biden taped that interview in new york this week but stayed clear of the protests at columbia and nyu. while in new york, biden also attended a fundraiser at actor michael douglas' home in westchester county. many polls show donald trump hate of joe biden in all seven battleground states, jon. a new gallup follow shows biden is in a tough position historically, quote: with about
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six months remaining before election day, biden stands in a weaker position than any prior incumbent. we also heard or from former president trump outside the court i mouths in new york that he accepts that the debate challenge. >> we're willing to do it monday night, tuesday night, wednesday night, thursday night if or friday night if on national television. we're ready. just tell me where. we'll do it at the white house. that would be very comfortable, actually. >> reporter: so, again, president biden departing here from the white house shortly heading up to the washington hilton where it looks like he'll receive a very chilly reception outside. i'm not talking about the weather even though people are wearing jackets. hundreds of protesters have gathered outside the washington hilton on connecticut avenue there in our nation's capital protesting the president's gaza policy and looking to be very vocal about it. we did receive reports that protesters were lying down in the street. code pink is there. their goal is to shut down the dinner tonight, the annual white house correspondents' dinner.
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we're also hearing about hundreds of protesters marching up from gw which is about five blocks from here where i'm standing here at the white house. but one thing you can bet on, jon, if you are a betting man, that president biden will probably be hearing some jokes about the president's age. but, of course, on a more serious note here are protesters out in full force it looks like, jon. jon: it would seem that the presidential motorcade is not going to pull up right in front of the hotel where all those protesters are, right, lucas? there's going to be some back entrance. >> reporter: that's right, jon. of course, this is also known in washington as the hinkley hilton where president ronald reagan was shot just a few months after taking office, in 198 is, march of 1981. so president biden will be using that secure entrance the covered entrance, and secret service will most likely not be going up connecticut avenue there, the main street going up to the hotel from here. jon: flashback to what i was doing on the day that the
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president was shot back in '81. lucas tomlinson, thanks. week one of former president donald trump's criminal trial testimony wrapping up yesterday in new york with testimony from from one of the prosecution's key witnesses. former or "national enquirer" publisher david pecker. c.b. cotton is live outside trump tower with a recap for us. c.b. >> reporter: hi, jon. well, new york state is trying to convince a jury that former president donald trump was part of a scheme to catch negative stories and kill them before or they were made public. as you said, a key witness, tabloid boss david pecker, testified. his publishing company was part of the catch and kill scheme and agreed to buy potentially damaging stories with no intention of ever running them. but trump's attorneys took aim at pecker's credibility and exposed while pecker said under oath trump had thanked him for killing stories, pecker had told the fbi, trump didn't thank him.
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one legal expert tells fox pecker's testimony shows how weak manhattan d.a. a alvin bragg's case is. >> david pecker helped trump more than hurt him. testifying his national inquirer buried stories all the time for a whole host of celebrities. so this wasn't just donald trump. and, you know, killing a story, that's not a crime. >> reporter: trump has pleaded not guilty to the 34 felony charges against him. prosecutors allege trump hid the damaging information from voters and then falsified business records to conceal the hush money payments. outside of new york trump faces other legal hurdles including federal charges that he conspired to overturn the 2020 election. but just recently the supreme court heard arguments on trump's claim of presidential immunity. depending on what justices rule, that case could be delayed until after the upcoming election. jon. jon: all right. can c.b. cotton, thank you.
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for more on this, let's bring in jaytown, a former u.s. attorney in alabama's northern district. you've prosecuted, what, 10,000 cases in your career? >> maybe a little north of that, jon. but i've been in court a come of times, sure. jon: all right. so what do you think of this trump case? has the prosecution proved the charge? >> well, you know, i was a prosecutor for 22 years, what some might call a fairly high level. over 100 juries, i stood in front of. as you mentioned, the number of defendants i've prosecuted. and i don't say that to be immodest, jon. i'm saying that because we've had the indictment and the statement of facts for a year, we've had two weeks of trial if you request include voir dire. we've had a week of witnesses, and we've had three of those e witnesses testify, and i have yet to see one scintilla of
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evidence of any crime, much less committed by former president trump. we're still debating in legal circles what the actual secondary or aggravating statute statute is that makes this case a felony, and we're also debating the wisdom the of this prosecution thus far. thus far we have seen, we were just talking about david perk's testimony in the lead-in to the segment. you know, david pecker was a great witness for donald trump. he said that he didn't think that he did anything wrong in 2015 and 2016. he admitted that catch and kill stories are common in his work, in his industry. and that the meeting in 2015, there was no crime that he and cohen and the former president all agreed to which is the corpus of the definition of a conspiracy.
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jon: so if democrats -- and some have said, you know, this case is going to keep, you know, donald trump off the campaign trail. even if the case doesn't particularly pan out the way the president's -- former president's political opponents want it to, by keeping him, you know, sort of in a box and keeping him from holding those rallies that he's so fond of, does that have the effect that they're looking for? >> well, or unfortunately, they are looking for that effect. you can see it on twitter. you see a lot of the legal pun if admits very angry that these federal trials are not going to get to court before november. that's never an equity that should be considered when the state or the united states is prosecuting a defendant. a fair trial is the consideration that we should have here, noticed pleadings so the defendant knows how he can even defend himself.
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you would expect, you know, i resisted for a long time referring to all of these cases as a lawfare. i can't do that anymore. the house judiciary committee came out with a great report earlier this week about how this was the d.a.'s office targeted a person in donald trump and then tried to wrap misconduct around him for years. one of the former assistant d.a.s even wrote a book about it. that's not how you properly predicate an investigation or an indictment. and you would think that for the first prosecution of the president of the quites in american history that we'd -- of the united states in american history that we'd have serious people bringing serious charges. instead we have a porn star, a per jurorrer, a d.a., a judge with appearances of impropriety, a perilously vague charging trumpets and a pecker. jon: yeah. when you put it that way -- >> that's all the alliteration i have tonight, jon.
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jon: -- it doesn't quite reach the bar. you don't think the judge are recuse himself? -- will recause himself. >> i'm sorry, jon, say again? jon: all right. well, the judge, you know, his daughter is a fundraiser for a lot of democrat candidates including adam schiff who was the head of the president's impeachment trial. you don't think this judge will recuse himself? >> he won't. he's been asked to multiple times. he has, he is a compromised judge. as you mentioned, his daughter's making millions of dollars, raising millions of dollars for candidates that are the president's opponents off of the case in front of daddy's docket. and he is also -- he has also made, you know, several missteps and misjudgments in this case. you can tell that he has this permissive bias about him. he's not going anywhere. he should have, but he should
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have dismissed this case a year ago and he didn't do that either. i don't have any trust juan merchan is going to do the right thing. this is a great interest for him, to have this case if you want to even call it that in his courtroom. jon: jay town, united states malign lean and a former u.s. attorney -- marine. northern ticket of alabama. >> thanks, jon. jon: up next, devastating tornado damage reported in nebraska on friday and millions of americans in the heartland remain under tornado watches and warnings right now. meteorologist adam klotz is tracking it all from our fox weather center. adam. adam: a yeah, jon, there are tornadoes live on the ground as we speak just like this one currently working across parts of missouri. we're going to be tracking all of the storms and let you know how they time up coming up in my full forecast after the break. ♪ue ♪ p emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years.
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>> oh, okay. yeah, we do have one on the
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ground. looks like maybe there is one on the ground. jon: a storm chaser captureturing the moment a tornado touched down yesterday near lincoln, nebraska. meteorologist adam klotz is live in our weather centered. adam: very similar set isup. we're e getting a lot of these big stormses again and a lot of different weather. tornadoes are a threat, damaging straight-line winds, large hail. and you see a really big swath of the country from texas running all the way up to michigan gets in on this action. now currently the severe weather is stretching from portions of getting into with iowa and then the running south. we'll run down this storm hine and give you a sense of what some of these storms are doing. every one of those yellow boxes is a severe thunderstorm, the red is a tornado warning which means there's rotation in those cell, and we see a lot of those as we speak. that one currently across portions of missouri, continuing to run further to the south, one of the more robust sections of the storm continues to move through kansas and northern oklahoma. you see several of those the tornado warnings within this little batch of storms, so that
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means there's rotation with these. any one of those could get down to the ground and suddenly you have a tornado on the ground. you certainly want to pay attention to this line are of storms and get in your safe place. running a little farther south, this cell continues to move just to the north of oklahoma city. that has been a powerful one, but you see a break back behind it kind of drying off in that area, and we continue to see farther south now down into texas some really big storms. these cells have been the ones that have produced the biggest hail, up to 2 and a half inches. that is the size of a tennis ball, and it's been pretty consistent with this line of storms moving through texas. in that part of the country they're obviously used to big hail, still, that can do quite a bit of damage. this is our future forecast, we're going to be stuck with these storms for the next several hours. they do wind down as you head into early tomorrow, but notice there is not a ton of movement with this. so you get past just the idea of the immense severe weather in the moment and you start to think about the long-term impact or the impacts over the next
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couple of days, and that becomes flooding. everything here, jon, in that orange is 3-5 inches. there are flood alerts, flood watches out across this region especially as we head in overnight tonight. there is a lot of moisture in this system. i certainly think there's going to be some flooded roadways, so folks driving do need to be care. jon: a scary night ahead. meteorologist adam klotz, thanks. minden, iowa, is one of the areas that took a direct hit from those storms. tornadoes also tore through nebraska and dumped massive golf and even tennis ball-sized hail. the threat of more storms and flash flooding continues through that part of the country. fox weather correspondent brandy campbell is live in omaha, nebraska, with the very latest for us. >> reporter: yeah, jon. well, our team, we have been reporting from m if inden, iowa, most of the afternoon, but we just relow locate -- relocated to omaha as storms have moved boot area.
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the town has been recovering all day after a large tornado went through the area nearly 24 hours ago. this video shows after the tornado hit minden. it's terrifying to watch this. but people, they were home sheltering as it passed. thankfully, no one was killed and only a few people injured. take a look at this damage we saw on our tour with the county sheriff. iowa's governor, kim reynolds, says of the 180 homes there, about 40 are destroyed -- 40% are destroyed. some were completely gone or in piles of rubble. some houses had windows blasted, portions of the structure missing. one house was moved yards away from its foundation, and now it's resting in the street. we spoke with governor kim reynolds, ask she emphasizes tht everyone survived. >> we talked to a couple of residents that were really impressed with the warning system. they had plenty of advance notice to take shelter, and so we appreciate all that goes into that. that was brought up a couple different times when we were
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talking to individuals. >> reporter: all right. now education in to that, the folks are still dealing with cleanup, but they also don't have electricity. they don't have water or gas. it could take about a week for those services to return. and the national weather service out of omaha, they do have five teams out doing those surveys, and each team is saying the damage they're seeing has indicated that these tornadoes could have been at least ef3 strength, so over 130 miles per hour. jon? jon: scary stuff. fox weather correspondent brandy campbell in omaha, nebraska, thanks. more now on the devastation from fox weather's nicole valdes. >> reporter: among the horror here in elkhorn, nebraska, a miracle after a monster tornado tore through dozens of homes but no one was killed. hard to believe as you take a look at some of the homes here. in this neighborhood alone, this
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home leveled, others left with collapsed roofs, walls torn to shreds, windows and doors blown out by the force of that violent tornado leaving thousands without power and and hundreds of people without a home. a similar scene in lincoln, nebraska, where one violent tornado crossed over i-80, flipped semi strucks -- trucks, derailed trains and trapped nearly 100 employees inside a warehouse. again, incredibly, everyone there is okay. we met the long family in elkhorn on saturday morning who watched as that twister touched down just a few miles away the night before and made its way straight for their home. troy made a split second decision that may have saved his family's life. >> sirens were going off and we were all in the basement, and i came upstairs to the second floor and looked that way, and i saw the big tornado coming and destroying houses over there. so we, i ran downstairs and
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gathererred up everybody, we jumped in the truck and i drove that way as a fast as i could away from it. it was just right here on this street which was really close. probably shouldn't have done that, but i'm kind of glad our kids didn't have to go through that. >> reporter: today the long family forced to pick up the pieces and search for anything salvageable inside the shell of what was once their home, one they barely spent a year living in. now they're leaning on the army of loving neighbors, friends and family who have spent much of their saturday cleaning up debris and helping them through what's going to be a very painful next few days. jon? jon: that is for sure. fox weather's nicole valdes in elkhorn, nebraska, thanks. ahead on "the fox report," fox cam cras -- cameras capture i new video of smugglers in action, and they're finding ways to get migrants across our southern border. dana marine mcnichol is live
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in el paso, texas. >> reporter: that's right. we are tracking those active smellers behind me. i'm going to tell you how they help those migrants cross illegally. ♪ ♪ -- cool wind in my hair ♪ ♪ some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. because there's a right way to. stop! and the speed limit definitely isn't. 700 million mph. so why would you pay a rate based on. a terrible boss with a terrible haircut! save with, ooh. save with drivewise and get a rate based on you. you're in good hands with allstate
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sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. it's a bold initiative to try and bump
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cure rates all around the world, but we should. it is our commitment. we need to do this. happy mother's day! some things never change. like a mother's love. get something as timeless as a mother's love at life is a gift. share more. jon: border agents in texas are bracing for another influx as we learn migrants are boarding trains in mexico to get them closer to the united states. this as a record-breaking number of migrant arrivals continues to overwhelm communities near and far from the border. dana marine mcnichol is live in el paso, texas, with more on
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this. >> reporter: jon, those communities feeling overwhelmed because of the sophisticated smuggling operation happening in their backyard. now, migrants are actually paying those smugglers to help them navigate the mown if town range right behind me, naval pay to help them get down the mountain and cross illegally. we saw i an active situation just right across the river when a group of smugglers guided them to that area. border patrol spotted them in the mountains before they picked them up in that car. now, other tactics include traveling by storm drains. the chief of border patrol says these spaces are extremely dangerous and toxic with fumes if flood waters that rise rapidly. once migrants cross, they could be led to stash houses. just in 23024 the -- 2024 border patrol has busted 158 different houses in the el paso sector alone. just like this one where 39 migrants were crammed into a room where a caretaker who had an extensive criminal history
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kept them there. the number of illegal crossings do continue to climb here in el paso after a train carrying hundreds of migrants from central mexico arrived in juarez. i did speak to an independent journalist covering this crisis from the mexican side of the border whose sources tell him these migrants are not backing down. >> the migrants arrived with stones and sticks ready to fight mexican immigration. that's the one that gives them a hard time from there making it to the river. so it seems like they're not going to put up with mexican immigration, and they're going to find a way to make it to cross into el paso. >> reporter: and border patrol is not only monitoring the situation on the ground, but in the air. we've seen helicopters patrol the mountains where the smugglers sit, sending them a very clear message that they are watching, jon. jon: all right. dana marie mcnick if old in el paso, texas, thanks. across the pond positive
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signs this is word out of buckingham palace that king charles is resuming some royal duties in spite of his health issues. more on that next. ♪ ♪ limu emu ♪ ♪ and doug ♪ hello, ghostbusters. it's doug... ... of doug and limu. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. ♪ uh-huh. uh-huh. ♪ [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ ghostbusters: frozen empire. in theaters now.
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jon: here are some edlines from around the globe. in england, cancer treatment appears to be going well for king charles. buckingham palace announced he will return to public duties on a limited schedule. the british authorities say the king's first event will involve visiting other cancer patients with his wife, queen camilla. in israel, an egyptian delegation is intensifying efforts to broker a ceasefire agreement with hamas. looming over these talks is israel's preparation for a military offensive into the last hamas refuge of rafah if. rafah. [background sounds] jon: the pentagon says it is rushing patriot air defense missiles and artillery ammunition to ukraine as part of a newly-passed foreign aid package. it will help kyiv defend against russian attacks on ukraine's energy grid. meanwhile, the creme-in is a accusing kyiv of attacking
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southern russia with more than 60 drones. and in germany, rare 2-month of old tiger twins got their first health check-up and vaccinations at the berlin zoo. the veterinarian team revealed the cubs' sex, they are both males. and that's a look at a some stories from around the globe. coming up on "the fox report" -- >> this spacecraft is awesome. jon: nasa is taking a bold new step into space with a new mode of travel to and from the international space station. a peek into the cosmos e and the future, next. ♪ ♪ some people call me the space cowboy, yeah ♪ ♪ some call me the gangster of love ♪ (♪) (♪)
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this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? tescarrt test and i had it today for breakfast. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and
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jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. it breaks my heart to know that there are holocaust survivors who suffer to this very day. it's not only the painful memories of lost loved ones, but now with pensions of less than $2 per day, they live in some of the poorest conditions imaginable. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story, and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor
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who is suffering an in desperate need. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone. tube nasa astronauts assigned to boeing's first human spaceflight arrived at the launch site to today. the flight was watching from international -- from the kennedy space center in florida, see mcwilliams will serve as test pilots for boeings star liner caps off. set to make it debut may 6 after years of delay. here's something you don't see every day, big kat hanging out in the hammock. oakland zoo fostered met line
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cub willow arrived in november with his sister after the death of her mother, california department fish and wildlife service working to find a forever home but he's pretty happy right now. adam klotz, a scary night in the middle part of the country. >> you are right, we are continuing to track big tornadoes across the middle of the country. one on the ground right now moving across portions of oklahoma so folks want to pay attention, download the fox weather app and keep up with the coverage. >> that's expected for quite a while. >> through overnight. >> thank you. that's how fox reports this saturday april 27 of 2024. i am jon scott. see you again tomorrow. mid weekend show is next. ♪ ♪


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