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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  April 27, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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call leaffilter today. and never clean out clogged gutters again. leaffilter's technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. guaranteed. call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit at st. jude, the mission is just something that everyone can truly get behind. look at our little st. jude pin there on the fridge! we're just regular people donating. yeah. and i think it's cool to be able to make a difference in someone's lives in a way that is meaningful. molly: powerful tornadoes ripping through partses of nebraska and iowa leaving behind devastating damage to hundreds of homes as clean-up crews make their way through the rubble this weekend. welcome to "fox news arrive," i am molly line are. happy to be with you, griff.
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griff: those pictures are unbelievable, but what's worse, another round are possible across the southern plains today with over 50 million people possibly in the path under threat for severe weather. fox weather's brandy campbell is live in minedden, iowa a, with the latest. pleasure hey, brandy. >> reporter: hey, griff. this has been an especially dangerous start of the weekend for folks here in the u.s. we're just outside of minedden iowa where within of the several tornadoes that spun up actually passed through. at this point we are just arriving. as you can see, we're at a checkpoint. their not allowing 9/11 that is not a resident -- anyone that is not a resident inside this neighborhood. it's a small community of around 600 people, and we're told a lot of it has been damaged. the sheriff's department stating there's about 50-60 homes that have been destroyed. so at this point what a we can show you is video of these tornadoes as they passed through this area on friday afternoon. it actually came through minden
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late in the 5 p.m. hour, around 5:40, 5:450, we had it live on air with our storm trearks all afternoon on fox weather, giving us an up-close look at the damage and how destructive and large these tornadoes were. i don't know about you folks at home, but just watching it, it gives you goose bumps. what we're working on right now is to get inside and see how the folks are doing and what recovery looks like at this point. what we can see behind us is there are some crews here. it appears they're working on some of the power lines and this a farmland all around as. so you can see some of that looks to be disturbed the as well. but, again, just from what we've seen people posting videos on social media, it looks destroyed inside. and it's part of the town that this wide tornado impacted. griff? griff: brandy campbell live for us in m if inden, thank you for that. those are terrify being images.
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we noted the drivers driving down the road toward it. do not drive forwards it to get video, get out of this. brandy, thank you. molly: we want to get to meteorologist adam klotz for a look at where any new outbreaks are possible today. adam: the threat does remain, and is we're expecting it to get going here this afternoon. really large area. this is where you're seeing the risk of severe weather, all the way down from texas into michigan, but that pink area, that's the highlight, are 4 out out of 5 on a risk for severe weather. we don't typically see a designation that high, so we are expecting some big storms again today. we're waiting for the afternoon for these to get bigger, but each cell currently is a severe thunderstorm. not a tornado, but still dangerous weather. we've seen winds in these thunderstorms up to 70 miles an hour, currently hail, a little over an inch, enough to do some damage. there is a lot of humidity. that is what's going to drive some of these tornadoes and as the day continues to heat up
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later in the day, it's a large area where we're seeing a risk of strong tornadoes, ef2 or greater, areas just outside of dallas including oklahoma city, running north into kansas city. all spots with where we could see tornadoes. and there's that risk that they could be fairly large and powerful. this is our in-house model. you'll see, yes, there's some storms out there now, but as you really get going into the afternoon hours, this duds become more robust. here at 3:00 central time, that's the lain of storms -- line of storms beginning to fire, and it only grows as we head into the later afternoon and evening hours. suddenly a powerful storm sweeping across portion of north texas, across oklahoma and up into kansas as well. this then will run through the overnight hourss. we still see a risk for weaver weather tomorrow. this is lower on the scale but still a large area if texas running up back towards portions of iowa a, areas where we could once again see some severe weather. there is a lot of rain as well, molly. ultimately, we could see some really big rainful totals, 3-5
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inches. flooding is a concern all the way into early next week. molly: adam klotz, thank you very much. keeping a very close eye e on a dangerous situation for us, we appreciate it. ing griff? griff: well, molly, the anti-israel protests continue this weekend on college campuses across the country as many schools scramble to decide how to handle spring traditions like graduation. fox news senior correspondent steve heir gain is hive from thh the very latest. hey, steve. >> reporter: many of these colleges only have one or two weeks remaining in the term, so they're really trying to unare out the clock as peacefully as possible. but for others graduation could be really under threat. we're seeing usc has already canceled their graduation. for many of those seniors, this is the second time around. they had their high school graduations canceled, many of them, four years ago by covid are. here at columbia, the university has tried to call in the police. that didn't work.
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they are trying negotiations now, that still hasn't a had any effect. they have barred one of the student leaders from campus. he's a 20-year-old junior. some of his social media posts have caused really an uproar where he talks about killing zionist es, the zionists deserve to be murdered. and there's a sense here that this is not just can east coast college phenomenon. really across the country more and more especially jewish students saying they do not feel safe on cams pus. campus. >> i just want to go to school. i want to go to school, and this is just thrown in my face. >> seeing death to zionism as i'm walking to class feels as though the protesters on my campus want my judaism to cease to exist. they want me to cease to exist. >> no amount of hate will make us remove ourselves from the university of minnesota. >> reporter: there's really been a wide range of responses from college administrators, in emery there was real violence on cam russ.
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a lot of administersers saying most of those demonstrators who were charged with pepper spray and sometimes rubber bullets had no affiliation with the campus. these were outsiders. at university of texas at austin, it was police on horseback who charged the crowd to break up an encampment. other schools trying to use threats of what could happen trying to make sure no tent the cities get built. university of florida threatening students with a 3-year suspension if they try and have overnight demonstrations on campus. griff, tobacco to you. -- back to you. griff: we're following the protests at gw. police are -- have 23409 moved in yet, we'll see where that goes. steve harrigan, thanks. molly: we're joined by current george washington student sabrina and recent graduate of wake forest, jasmine. we wanted to bring you in because we want to hear your voices, what you're experiencing, what you're seeing out there in the world and get your thoughts on it. sabrina, i want to start with
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you because gw is really in the situation right now. they are facing the encampments can and trying to decide what to do about it. so your experience as a jewish student there on that campus. what is it like, what have you heard, what have you seen as well as your fellow jewish students? >> yeah. well, first of all, thank you so much for having me and for allowing us to share our voices. and as a jewish student, today at george washington university i'm really appalled by what's going on, but i'm honestly not surprised. and jewish students are not safe and they haven't been, and this has been in the making as a result of a combination of radical faculty who have been hired by the university and allowed to teach with no diversity in that campus faculty in addition to a weak administration that refuses to enforce their policies. and today i understand that they're trying to remove the encampments, but there's other factors that are preventing that from happening. but at the same time, over the course of the three years that i've been at a gw the
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administration has failed to really take swift and serious action against these radical faculty members and the radical student groups who are being effectively created and emboldened by these faculty. molly: i want to bring in yasmin if e, but i want to ask you a quick question about what some universities are doing. the university of florida has threatened suspension for up to three years if action isn't taken. and on the other side, there's brandeis university, prestigious university in massachusetts. a long jewish heritage there. it actually extended their current transfer application deadline, sort of reaching out to jewish students all across the country because of of the current climate on many campus, as brandeis puts it. your thoughts on what some universities are doing compared to what you're seeing. >> yeah. so i think what brandeis is doing, it's a great gesture. but i do think that there needs
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to be a crackdown on these, this chaos that's going on on campus. because, ultimately, by refusing to crack down, it's just allowing this sort of mob rule to take over. in addition to allowing the claim that this is freedom of expression, which it's not, because freedom to protest which i am all for is actually leading to the harassment of jewish students. one of my friends at ucla was actually pushed off of a ledge and could have cracked her skull open. and the fact that a faculty members allowed to participate, this is an academic -- this isn't academic freedom, it's academic fraud. and i think this whole orchestrate thed effort, there needs to be a serious crackdown on what's going on whether it's with the encampments and within the university construct. molly: and i think you bring up a great point about a responsibility. yasminoring you have a unique personal story. you're persian and iranian. both your parents fled iran during the 1979 revolution. but you are pro-israel and
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anti-iran at this point. i want you in your own words to tell your story. where do you stand today and your thoughts on what's unfolding. >> you know, i just find it so ironic that the very students who are protesting on campuses in opposition of israel are by default supporting iran who beat protesters to death. and most of the protesters in iran are around the same age as these college students. and, you know, like you had mentioned, my parents fled from iran at the time of the revolution when the shah was overthrown and the islamic republic took over. being a part of a non-muslim religious minority if group, they were denied the right the receive a higher education. so, you know, i have trouble believing that the students who are protesting on campus, on the campuses know exactly what they are supporting when they oppose israel. opposing israel means supporting iran. opposing israel means putting the holy land at risk. and as an more than-iranian
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with, i support -- american-iranian, i support israel because, to me, this is a war between good is and evil. the government of iran is called an axis of evil for a reason. they're the perfect example of, quite frankly, the dell. -- devil. they're the epitome of human greed, corruption. in iran there's no such thing as freedom of religion. if you aren't muslim, they'll kick you out of your home and steal the land right under you. they will martyr your relatives and not even let you mark their grave. they'll deprive you of of the right to get a higher education while they award each other doctorates when they themselves haven't even completed the sixth grade -- molly: i think you raise a great point about some of the voices that we're hearing on these campuses. the comparison you seem to be drawing, take a listen to some of the hearings -- things we're hearing as a part of these protests. [inaudible conversations] >> from the river to the sea -- >> palestine will be free.
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>> long live the intifada! >> there is only one solution -- >> [inaudible] >> inti intifada, revolution. >> us reel, go to hell! -- israel, go to hell! >> it is right to rebel -- >> israel go to hell! molly: many people view these chants as being not just anti-semitic, but calling for an end to the israeli state. your thought, yasmine, knowing what your family has experienced. >> it's just mind-blowing to see the degree of ignorance. i mean, i have a part of a non, you know, part of a non-muslim religious minority in iran, and speaking from my perspective but also the perspective9 and the pact that israel is our holy -- fact that israel is the holy land for major relations, christianity, jewish dayism --
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jewish day judaism and islam. and the thing that is just mind-blowing is the fact that when you oppose israel e, you're putting all of these major religions in the hoe land land at risk -- holy land at risk. hamas is funded by iran. iran is going to do the exact same thing, the islamic republic will do the exact same thing to iran -- to israel, i mean, as hay did to iran. i mean, a perfect example is, you know, the persian empire was one of the greatest empires in the world, and cyrus the great was the first declaration of rights. but we don't even trust that cylinder to be in iran. we would rather have it in the hands of the british in the british museum because we know that they're going to destroy it. this is exactly what the islamic republic will do to israel as well. molly: thank you so much to you both. you know, we're hearing these loud chants, these loud voices, the drum beats, but it's important to hear all of the
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voices and to hear your calm and your thoughts as we're watching this unfold on university campuses not just across the east coast, but in many places across the country at this point, sabrina, yasmine, thank you both for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. ♪ ♪ griff: well, house republicans are going after president biden over his refusal to extend tax cuts championed by former president donald trump. gop law makers are forming teams to address the impacts of losing those breaks. here is fox business correspondent grady trimble. >> reporter: at stake in the november election, your tax dollars with some provisions in the 2017 tax cuts and jobs act set to being pyre at the end of next year -- expire at the end of next year, house republicans say they should stay in place. >> it's critical because you get to keep more of your own money to invest where you think it's best for you, your family and your country. >> reporter: tax subcommittee chair mike kelly and ways and
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means committee we chair jason smith are creating ten tax teams to take a look at the impact of the cuts ending with groups of lawmakers focusing on manufacturing, main street and rural america, supply chains and more. if an analysis from the tax foundation finds if the cuts expire, some middle class families would have of to pay between $1600-7500 more in taxes each year, a worrying thought when high prices are already stretching budgets thin. president biden says if he's reelected, he'll kill the trump era tax cuts. >> it's going to stay expired and dead forever if i'm elected. >> seemingly contradicting his campaign promise not to raise taxes on those making under $400,000 a year. but the administration is clarifying the president does not want to raise taxes on middle class americans. >> the president will not raise taxes on people who make under -- 400,000. he's going to make sure that we
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increase taxes modestly on the wealthy ask and also on corporations. >> reporter: the 2017 tax cuts person innocently lowered the corporate tax rate to 21%. president biden wants to bump it up to 28% aa long with a slew of other tax hikes that he says will get the wealthiest americans and big companies to pay their fair share. republicans argue they'll have negative if consequences for everyday americans too. in washington, grady trimble, fox business. griff: all right. former president donald trump making a stop at a midtown new york city construction site this week before heading to court for his hush money trial. he spoke to a group of supportive workers there. take a listen. >> trump! trump! trump! trump! >> we want trump! a lot of great buildings in this city with these people -- [inaudible conversations] they're really amazing. [inaudible conversations]
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>> they're very, very talented people. they don't get the relate can contract for it -- credit for it. very few people can do what they do. >> usa! usa! usa! griff: joining us now is the business manager if for steam for its local 638, bobby bartels. bobby, quite a moment there. you were out there. i want to just step back for a moment and talk about the coveted endorsement of the unions. the economy is always among the top if not the top issue, and union endorsements really matter. but in your poll where you find some 3 to 1 poll of 9,000 construction workers now supporting trump, what happened? why the shift? >> well, i think the economy, a border that isn't secure at this point, the inflation in general
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is just -- people having a hard time making ends meet. and one with of our main concerns i hear from a lot of my guys, a lot of to us worked down at 9/11 after the world trade certain collapsed. we have many workers who died from that. we put our lives on the line. i was one of them. i actually cut out two bodies from, two high school classmates when i was down there, and we're pretty much just afraid that it's a matter of time before something like that happens again, and and we don't want to have to do that again. griff: that's a fascinating insight. a security perspective, not purely an economic one. what is it about trump that is really drawing union workers, do you think? is it his message? is it what he represents or is there the more? >> i believe it's his pro-america policy for the citizens. finish this isn't -- listen, if
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the borders, open borders and and inflation wasn't how it is right now, i don't think i'd be on these news channels. i don't believe this is a red and blue issue anymore. this is a survival for the american country. finish. griff: bobby, president biden made a statement this week claiming that he is the most pro-union president. take a listen are here, and i want to get your reaction. >> i'm proud to be the most union, pro-union president in american history, and it's because of you. you're proof of what i've always known, not a joke. >> would you agree with that? >> democrats have done a lot of good things for the unions. they passed the infrastructure bill. we're getting a lot of work out of it. but their policies for the american people, it's not the democratic party of the '60s expect '50s or even the '70s. it's more of, you know, let's
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treat the american citizens who are out there working trying to support their families, trying to pay their bills and all our tax dollars are going for nonsense. it's just, it's not coming back to us. griff: do union workers, some of them, feel, bobby, that the democrats are taking them for granted? >> absolutely, or you wouldn't have seen them down at that rally. griff: all right. bobby bartels, thank you for the insight, and it'll be fascinating to watch. we appreciate your time. thank you, sir. molly: first full week of testimony in trump's hush money trial in new york is over. what to expect from week two, that is next. ♪ ♪
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molly: three witnesses took the stand this week in former president donald trump's hush money trial. week one wrapped yesterday with the trial set to resume on tuesday. c.b. cotton is arrive in front of trump tower in new york with more. c.b., to you. enter hi, molly. new york state is trying to convince a jury that former president donald trump was part of a scheme to catch negative stories and kill them before they were ever made public.
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a key witness for the prosecution, former tabloid boss david pecker, testified his publishing company was part of the catch and kill scheme and agreed to buy potentially damaging stories with ono intention of ever -- with no intention of ever running them. but trump's attorneys took aim at pecker's credibility, exposing while he said under oath trump had thanked him for killing stories, pecker had told the fbi that trump didn't thank him. one legal expert tells fox pecker 's testimony shows how weak manhattan d.a. alvin bragg's case is. >> -- pecker helped trump more than hurt him, testifying his "national enquirer" buried stories all the time for a whole host of celebrities, so this wasn't just donald trump. and, you know, killing a story, that's not a crime. finish. >> reporter: trump has pleaded not guilty to the 34 felony charges against him. prosecutors allege trump hid damaging information from voters
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and then falsified business records to conceal the hush money payments. outside of new york trump faces other legal hurdles including federal charges that he conspired to overturn the 2020 election, but the supreme court has heard arguments on trump's claim of presidential immunity. molly, depending on when the justices rule, that federal case may be delayed until after the 2020 election. back to you. molly: a lot to watch. you wrapped it all together for us. thank you, c.b. griff: president biden says he'd be happy to debate trump, but trump doesn't quite believe he means it. will the two campaigns agree on a time and a place? that's next. ♪ ♪
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dinner tonight where he's expected to be greeted by antiol protesters. lucas tomlinson has more. >> reporter: that's right, griff. donald trump speaking outside a courthouse in new york says he's happy to debate the current president, joe biden, anytime, any place. >> we're willing to do it monday night, tuesday night, wednesday night, thursday night or friday night on national television. we're ready. just tell me where. we'll do it at the white house. that would be very comfortable, actually. >> reporter: and this was what trump was referring to, an offer by president biden while speaking to howard stern. >> can i tell you what fantasy i have? i don't know if you're going to debate your opponent -- >> i am somewhere. i don't know when. i'm happy to debate him. >> reporter: biden stayed clear of the prodelaware -- protesters at columbia and nyu, instead he went to syracuse and a attended a fundraiser at michael douglas'
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home. biden sitting down with stern, many polls show trump ahead of biden in all seven battleground states. a new poll shows biden's in a tough position historically writing, quote, with about six months before election day, biden stands in a weaker position than any prior incumbent. we've not heard much from president biden on those protests on college campuses. there was this notable exchange earlier this week in the woods of virginia with our own white house producer, sarah. >> reporter: do you condemn the anti-semitic protests on college campusesesome. >> i condemn the anti-semitic protests, that's why identify set up a program to teal with that. i also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the palestinians. >> reporter: and we have notheard from columbia's most famous living graduate, that would be former president barack obama. griff? griff: lucas tomlinson live at the white house and great work by our producer, sarah. lucas, thank you. >> reporter: indeed. griff: molly? molly: let's bring in our political panel.
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with us today is vogel group principal matt huen and democrat strategist kristin hawn. thank you both for joining us. we just heard from lucas' fabulous report, a little bit of news was made when president joe biden joined howard stern saying he'd be happy to debate. kristin, do you think that's actually going to happen? when? give me that date. >> i don't know if it's going to happen. i'm not sure it would make any difference. it should happen. you know, this is -- the people deserve to see the two major candidates for the presidential election duke it out on the issues and actually talk about what they see, but i, you know, i don't really think that trump is actually serious about wanting to debate -- molly: oh, trump sounded serious. he offered monday night, tuesday night, wednesday night, matt, what do you think? he'll come to the white house. he's ready to go. do you think it'll actually occur? >> i think it will, and i do think we're going to have a moment much like the reagan-cars where donald trump's been able
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to say, you've been president for the last four years, america, are you better off today than four years ago? and on issue after issue, the are resounding answer is, or absolutely not. it'll be a moment where i think the presidential election will completely change. molly: yeah. i'm are interested to see if it happens. it has been the norm, but i do wonder right how now about the strategists and all the extra hands getting into things and mucking that up. we'll see. trump's legal battles. we have been watching this first week of a remarkable trial in new york, and donald trump has come out, and he's stood up in front of the microphones. he's kind of got his own stage there before he goes in and out of the courtroom. but is that backdrop a problem for him, kristin? >> i'm not sure. he seems to be like teflon don. i'm not sure that his legal battles are going to have that much of a negative impact on him. i mean, i believe that they should, but, you know, he's clearly using it as a way to raise money for his legal bills, and he's using that, you know, platform he has just as he
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always does. moth moll matt, your thoughts on that this. >> i agree. the one thing that's hurting him is he's not on the campaign trail, and that tax him out of his rallies where he does also raise money, he registers people to vote. but he has to make lemons out of lemonade -- or lemonade out of lemons and try to use this as, look, there's a two-tiered justice system in this country. and in poll after poll, it's shown even democrats are saying most people would not be treated the same way as donald trump is being treated in that courtroom. molly: trump has tried to make the best of it. he's not doing these rafter-shaking rallies, but he went out to that construction site. that that looked pretty good to see that warm reaction from the construction workers. when we look at the numbers though, there's some quinnipiac numbers that shows they're basically tied right now, 46-46%. the choice for president voting today, 37, 37. but here's the thing that a gets me, the favorable ratings.
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37% favorability for biden, 41 for trump. a little bit higher for him, kristin. is that a concern looking at some of these numbers? >> i think it's a little ways out. i mean, for those of us who pay attention to this every stinging day, yes, it's concerning -- single day, but the there trump, i'm sorry, the biden campaign is putting a lot of money into states that he's going to have to win, these swing states to win the election. but, yes, of course it's concerning. the economy is, you know, an issue here. so, you know, this is something that the biden campaign's really going to have to lean into in the next several months. molly: matt, your thoughts on that. president trump, he's wishing his wife happy birthday from if outside of a courtroom, and yet his favorability numbers are higher. >> and i think those favorability numbers are going to be a precursor for the election. it's going to go back to those issue, and on all the top issues, joe biden is underwater. lou -- lucas said earlier all of the swing states are states that biden won in 2020.
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he's playing defense everywhere. lee not playing offense anywhere. some people have raised the fantasy of north carolina, but he's currently 10 points behind there. so if they want to waste money in north carolina, i think trump would be more than -- happy to see that happen. molly: rfk jr., he's polling and was on with bill maher last night, and he had this to say. made a little bit of news. >> i can guarantee you i will be on the ballot in every state. >> really in. >> very, very quickly. >> there's news. >> yeah. i'll be on the ballot. but -- and also every poll that's been done has shown that my popularity, my favorability rating is way ahead of both president trump and president biden. molly: i -- he's talking about his favorability ratings being high. he is polling at 16%. is he hurting who more, and what kind of an impact does this really have on the race it doesn't look like there'll be no impact at all, kristin. >> yeah.
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i think in the beginning we assumed he was going to be hurting biden more than trump, but he's actually make taking a lot of the more libertarian voters. he's never been president before, he doesn't have that record, right? so i think people who are looking for another option are looking towards him. molly: what do you think, matt? is that it? is he maybe the protest vote to a certain extent? is there a risk? >> i actually think he is a protest vote, but the good news for trump is there's a lot of republicans who just couldn't vote for trump in 2020 for one reason or another, so they were suck with voting for joe biden. in this year they'll be able to pick bobby kennedy jr. who, by the way, is a reminder to people that the democratic party wouldn't even allow him -- bobby kennedy's son -- to run for president in their primary. and he's already said that joe biden is a bigger threat to democrat -- democracy than donald trump. that's his words, not mine. molly: what do we we watch for the week ahead? kristin? >> oh, my gosh --
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[laughter] [inaudible conversations] i'm watching the house, you knowings or and seeing what happens with the speaker, you know, whether he can coalesce. it's been really interesting to see the bipartisan stuff that's been coming out. molly: pat:9? >> i agree. s house is going to be in purr moil -- turmoil again this week, but i do think trump is going to continue to use these trials to drive home the message that we have a two-tiered justice system in this country. and if they can do it to me, donald trump, the former president of the united states, what could they do to you in. molly: and he'll have that relatively well-lit hallway shot every day to potentially make that point. matt, kristin, thank you both so much. really appreciate you coming in on a saturday. that was great, wonderful. griff? griff: great conversation, molly. meanwhile, we're getting muse of a brand new 2.9 aftershock in new jersey this morning. we'll have the very latest details on that coming up.okay ♪ for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals,
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molly: this is a fox news alert,
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a 2.9 aftershock reported in gladstone, new jersey, this morning following that very rare 4.8 earthquake that shook the new york city area just about tree weeks ago. adam klotz is live with the late arest bringing us the fuse on this. ad ad molly, as you said, 2.9 category earthquake in gladstone, new jersey. this is an aftershock from that very earthquake we saw back on april 10th that was a 4.8. we've now seen a number of these aftera shocks. this one, it's now been several week, right, but 9:50 this morning, this information still kind of coming in. this is the most recent update though. still, that is about 50 miles outside of new york city. there are no reports of anyone in new york city if having felt in this. significantly weaker than that 4.8, but we are e still kind of getting those rumbles here morning. obviously, as many information comes in, we're going to keep tracking this and pass out that information -- molly: yeah. is that at all unusual or would this be something that would be
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expected? adam: this is something that's expected. it's kind of interesting, the height of these earthquakes we've been seeing here, the depth of them is much shallower here on the east coast than you see out west, so these rumbles happen, people feel them a little bit easier with lower numbers although we haven't seen any reports of anyone willing felt this at this point. molly: all right. adam klotz, we appreciate it. ♪ ♪ griff: new video showing migrant smugglers near the southern border. the local district attorney, gerald byers, is cracking down on human smuggling and and border-related crimes. dana marie mcif nichol is live in el paso, texas, with the lat. >> reporter: hey, griff. we do have an active situation here. border patrol was just right on the other side of us responding to migrants who are hiding in the mountain range right behind me. this is a very popular spot for human smugglers, and in new mexico they've been dealing with
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smugglers and the people with assaults on law enforcement officers, child abuse, a lot of criminal activity. right now the activity is sitting on the top of the mountain. so we're going to have my photographer tilt up and show you about 32 of those smugglers on the top of the mountain the right now just on the left side of that monument. you can see it. we know that these smugglers are paid by the migrants to guide them through the terrain to cross illegally in order to avoid law enforcement. when we have been out here, they even threw rocks at or our fox news drone team as we tried to capture this process. they really don't want us here knowing what they're doing. again, you can see that, throwing rocks at our drones. now, the county district attorney says that all of this is a public safety matter when it's in the hands of new mexico. she says these are not immigration with-related cases they're trying but, rather, criminal acts that involve --
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evolve out of the illegal immigration process. >> there is an active criminal element out there that is working every day to facilitate the equivalent of modern slavery, this is which is human smuggling. and making a profit off of human beings. that, to me, is totally un-american. that is despicable, and that's what needs to be stops. >> reporter: once in the u.s., migrants have been seen running through new mexico a neighborhoods, even ending up in schools as they look for ways to evade u.s. border patrol agents. earlier month a middle school was put on lockdown twice in one week after migrants were found hiding on campus. if now, we do have confirmation that a train from central mexico arrived this week bringing hundreds of migrants to the city of juarez just on the other side of the border from here. that movement contributed to the over 1,000 migrant encounters each day for the past week per our cbp source. and i do want to bring you back
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out here live. we have a camera showing about five migrants who evaded those smugglers. you can see the tops of their heads right now. those are the ones that border patrol are looking at, they're tracking. once they do cross over to the texas the side, then they're able to be arrested and, of course, be processed from there. so, again, an active situation here. we've been watching those smugglers on the top of the mountain. we're being told that a lot of them make their way into this mountain region hopefully getting to the other side here in the united states. griff? griff: every day it's a cat and mouse game. we're watching them, they're watching us and our border patrol. danamarie mcnicholl, thank you very much. molly? molly: buckingham palace releases a new statement on king charles' health, next. ♪
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molly: king charles is expected to resume some public duties next week following a 3-month break to focus on his cancer extreme. stephanie bennett is live in london with the lathes on this. stephanie. >> reporter: hey, molly, yeah. the news is very encouraging. the royal family, of course, can often be tight-lipped especially when it comes to their health, but over the last few months they've been very vocal, hoping that others maintain those routine checks and get themselves looked at as well. of course, buckingham palace made the announcement last night along with releasing this photo of his majesty and queen camilla. his medical team says they are sufficiently pleased with the progress made so far that the king is now able to reassume a number of public will have-public-facing duties. they're going to take things slow. the king will begin next tuesday with a symbolic trip to a cancer extreme center where he will meet with patients and staff and show his support for cancer
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research. it's not, though, where he's receiving his own treatment. then his summer plans will host the emperor and empress of japan which usually includes a banquet and a carriage parade. for now it remains uncertain if he'll be attending some of the big events on the royal calendar such as the trooping the color. cancer charity maggie says the king's return to work gives others hope. if. >> people can live well with a cancer diagnosis and recover well from cancer diagnosis and treatment. so it's a hugely important day and, hope any, for a lot of people, it will give them huge confidence that they also have recover well from a cancer take know sis and the treatment that comes with it. >> reporter: and the royal namely has had a difficult year, both the king and princess kate can undergoing cancer treatments. but, of course -- plus, of course, the duchess of york has also a battled breast cancer herself. as a the first anniversary of the coronation approaches in
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early a may, the royal family remains deeply grateful for all the messages and well wishes that they have been receiving. molly? molly: that's some heartening news, stephanie. thank you so much for bringing it to us. we appreciate your reporting. griff, it's great to get a little bit of good news about the king potentially getting back out and also visiting and bringing attention to cancer and, hopefully, we'll get good word on princess kate at some point. are. griff: yeah. and, you know, when stephanie was showing the pictures of all the papers there, the daily mirror and all that, fit for a king and the king is back, i had the horn for fox to coffer the wedding of kate and william, and really you learn how invested the british people are in the royal family. now, there's haters, but many are. like as we all are fascinated around the world. but there, i think, the fight against cannes or, the fact that they're standing up, the king fighting back, and we know kate so brave making that public statement on the park bench, i think it's really the latest
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chapter of really resolve for the royal family. and it's interesting to watch, and we wish them the very best. they're e going through an awful lot this year. molly: that's right. we wish them good health and swift recoveries. swift recoveries. that is all for us, this hour -- "fox news live" continues coming up. when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot. ♪ [ cellphone whooshes ] [ sighs ] that's why progressive makes it easy to save with a commercial auto quote online so you can take on all your others to-dos. already did. see if you could save at
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♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ [inaudible conversations] >> shut it


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