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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 26, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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for my sister locals from business managers around the country. from other locals, electricians, plumbers. i'm getting calls from retired members of other union locals that are glad that we are at least taking a stand and we are standing for what the members want. >> laura: god bless you. the steamfitters union, thank you bobby, we appreciate your perspective tonight. >> thank you laura, have a great night. >> laura: that is it for us tonight, make sure to follow me all weekend long on social media thanks as always for watching and remember, it is america now and forever. jesse watters takes it from here, have a great weekend. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ]
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>> jesse: things are so bad for biden that he is in a brawl with the new york times. behind the scenes the paper of records relation with the president is reportedly tense. beset by grudges and a general lack of trust after publishing a slew of pieces on joe biden's age and his son, hunter. they are calling to reporters at the times arrogant and stubborn for trying too hard to be impartial. and other words, suck up to me more. some reporters say they have been cut off by their white house sources completely. think about it. a democrat president is icing out the times over negative coverage. the times hasn't even covered uncle bo. but the times publisher sees it a different way. is retribution for breaking tradition and not giving the paper of record an interview. the new york times had this to say. quote, for anyone who understands the role of the free press in a democracy, it should be troubling that president biden has so actively and effectively avoided questions
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from independent journalists during his term. mr biden has granted far fewer press conferences and sit down interviews of independent journalists than virtually all of his predecessors. ouch. trump called the new york times fake news but he talked to tons of reporters all the time. probably a little bit too much. so the new york times isn't going to sell the biden story this year, who is? more on that and a second. all winning campaigns have one thing in common. they have a good story to tell. but all of joe biden's stories are about himself. the kinds of stories so crazy that you cannot even question. last week biden told us cannibals eight his uncle. but one of his favorite tales is from his days as a lifeguard in a community pool. the story has everything. drama, action, characters. are favorites. corn pop and who could forget chopped somali? today biden retold his story by
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the delaware pool when he sat down for an interview with the one and only howard stern. >> did you ever save anyone's life when you're a lifeguard? was anyone ever drowning? >> yes, half a dozen times. usually younger kids. >> you do the thing with a whistle and then jump in and the bathing suit? >> you got it. >> no kidding. >> it was a big pool. we had several lifeguard stands. >> i would brag about that everywhere i went. >> by the way, i did it up in lake ontario as well when i was in law school. >> jesse: the president came full of stories first turn today. biden told him about the time he was arrested for standing on a black guys porch. >> i looked at my mom i said you to understand it. >> she said don't you remember? true story, she said remember when they were disaggregating the neighborhood with 70 homes built in the white suburbia and there was a black family moving
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in and there were people down there protesting. i told you not to go down there and you went down, remember that? and you came and got arrested by standing on the porch with a black family. >> they brought you back at the police and i said i remember that. >> when biden says true story, that is his tell. that is how you know he is lying. then he brought us back to his bachelor days. >> i got put in that spot with the bachelors life. >> because you are night dates senator. >> a lot of lovely women but they would send salacious pictures and i'll give them the secret service. i thought somebody would think i was -- and i just gave up. >> jesse: did biden have secret service when he was a freshman senator? i don't think so. primetime was hoping that stern would quiz him like beetlejuice but unfortunately that did not happen. you used to have to be brave to go on howard stern. donald trump used to go on
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howard all the time. howard said trump was his best guessed. but now stern's show is just a safe place for a person like biden to tell old stories, weather they are true or not. nothing wrong with howard stern, he is a great interviewer but if you try to win hearts and minds, you don't skip out on super bowl interviews. from fox, cbs and run away from the new york times to do interviews with al rocher or seth meyers. or howard. these are not political journalist, they are shock jocks, weatherman, comedians. they can't hold a candle to the king of late night. so it is the place you go when you have a fictional story to tell. and the only ones buying the joe biden story is hollywood. famed director steven spielberg has been quietly working with the campaign to direct joe biden. spielberg has been holding strategy sessions, choreographing the presidents story. and it is set to premiere at the dnc and chicago this august. we hope it looks better than
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this. >> football is boring as hell. >> nobody cares about football. >> it's boring. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: that is a biden campaign at that claims trump, who owned a football team, doesn't like football. plus last fall, trump was throwing dimes to crowds, remember? [ shouting ] [ shouting ] [ laughter ] >> jesse: trump is throwing footballs to college kids, hanging out at the bodega and construction sights. biden is telling fake stories in front of fake crowds and fake white house sets. it is all fiction. joe biden is the most highly
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produced campaign in american history in the white house is more focused on making sure their main character stays on his 2 feet than they are focused on you r they have changed biden's whole walking routine. when he goes to marine one, to hide his gait. now every time he walks to and from, he has to do it with a wall of staff around him so you don't really notice how he walks we saw that today. about half a dozen people swarming around the president. like the offensive line. you have a fullback and a tight end. a lot of blocking from biden. biden cannot walk, but can he debate? he told us today that he can. >> i don't know if you're going to debate your opponent. >> i am, somewhere, i don't know when. i'm happy to debate him. >> jesse: he is going to debate? that's news. donald trump caged inside of a freezing cold courtroom today said let's do it. >> and biden wants to debate, he
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can do it anytime he wants, including tonight. here we are, invite him to the courthouse that i'm tied up. i'm willing to do it, monday night, tuesday night, wednesday night, thursday night or friday night on national television, we are ready. just tell me where and we will do it at the white house, i would be very comfortable actually. tell me where, we are ready. >> jesse: america, founder ned ryan joins me. i'm looking at this list, he has jason bateman, he did an interview with, seth meyers. he didn't interview with al rocher, the weatherman, now he is on howard stern. he has still never been asked about cannibals eating his uncle. what is going on with joe biden? >> it is pretty rich that the new york times is whining about the fact that biden will not sit down and give longform interviews or do more press conferences. that howard stern interview is an example as to why that is not
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happening. the fact that they are whining about it, they are confronting what they have created. the corporate propaganda was a massive part of what biden got -- got by an elected in 2020 and now they are complaining that a demented old fool will not give them the interviews that they want. it is kind of cruel, if you think about it. they're asking this broken down crippled old donkey to dance, when in fact he's incapable of it. but, hey,, new york times, washington post, you created this. i hope you are happy with what you have done to the country. as for what stories you're going to run, obviously you cannot run anything truthful, it is all fiction, fairytales and lies. what will he run on? cumulative inflation is it 20%, we are at 1.6%, the southern borders absolutely destroyed. i think we're staring world war iii down the barrel draft for anyone 18-25. four more years, yeah,, pause. what has he got to run on and who is he going to give
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interviews to any serious way? he is incapable of doing that. >> jesse: i remember when he dodged bear. and i get it, bear is tough, it is fox. it is not right but i can see his excuse. but then he dodged cbs. cbs buried the laptop. cbs has done everything to protect this man, same with the new york times, they are part of the joe biden protection racket. do you think he can go all the way to november by just ignoring the mainstream political media and doing comedians and weatherman? >> i have to be honest, jesse, i think the corporate propaganda, the state stenographers which new york times, washington post, i think they will all come home. i think they will grit their teeth and drag, pull, push this empty husk of a man as best as they can to defeat donald trump. i think they will come home. i think they are whining and complaining right now because they're not getting what they
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want. >> jesse: you are saying they are not going to be like, jilted lovers? they are not going to say you know what, now we will be tough. if you don't want to talk to us, we will be tough on you. >> of course not. because you have big bad orange man is the alternative and that is unacceptable to the new york times and the washington post. they're going to come home, i think there throwing a hissy fit right now. but come summer, come the fall, i fully expect the new york times and washington post back everyone else to fall in line to push out how great joe biden's, what a great four years it's been, will have another great four years of destroying the country. vote for joe biden, we have got to defeat the authoritarian donald trump to save democracy. i fully expect them to pay it. >> jesse: hollywood is now getting geared up. we saw john legend, you saw michael douglas host a big fundraiser and he said biden's sharp is attacked. now spielberg is jumping in. they will produce the but jesus
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out of this convention in august in chicago just like they did that january 6th committee. what will that look like? is this like et? biden will be in a bike and a basket, floating up into the moon? what are they going to do? >> i think it will be saving private biden. they will have the greats. a great somatic of how heroic joe biden is. but that would be the right term, saving private biden and displaying him as some heroic figure who has done basically his life's been affection, according to his interview with howard stern today, just continue that fictional telling of a story hollywood style. but listen, we all know what they are trying to do, they are trying to guess like the american people, they are trying to hide the true biden away and hope that nobody is paying attention until after november 5th and hope that they can get joe biden into the white house once again and defeat donald trump. that's the whole point.
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and really, you ask why. it is for power. it is not because they have any meaningful solutions or ideas. >> jesse: it is a naked power grab. i cannot wait to watch saving private biden. biden served in world war ii so this is all going to come home. >> that's right. >> jesse: this is great. have a great weekend. >> thank you jesse. >> i want to start by wishing my wife, juhlawnei, a very happy birthday. it would be nice to be with her but i'm in a courthouse for a rigged trial. >> jesse: day eight of the case for the crime democrats can't name and the former president cannot even watch his wife loader birthday candles. although the former first lady seems like she skips dessert. but instead of basking in the florida sun, trump is trapped in a baskin-robbins. he is freezing. >> so we have another day of court in a freezing courthouse, it is very cold in there. on purpose, i believe.
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they don't seem to be able to get the temperature up, it should not be that complicated. we have a freezing courthouse. >> jesse: trump turned into an icicle as lawyers were getting to work. tonight they poke major holes in the case. david pecker who ran the national enquirer says he is been given trump a heads up about negative stories since the nineties. was trump running for office in the nineties? no. this proves it was more personal than political and therefore not a crime. the case should be over right then and there. pecker considered trump a friend and he wanted to help him out. paying for stories is something the national enquirer did for the rich and famous all of the time. tiger woods, schwarzenegger, mark wahlberg and even obama's right hand man. but he never used the phrase catch and kill in front of trump. he also said that the star witness was prone to exaggeration. the prosecution also called trump's longtime assistant to the stand.
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he had a big smile on his face when he testified to. she said trump was a fair boss who respected her intelligence. she said they mostly talked business but occasionally trump would ask her about her family and sometimes told her to go home early. court adjourned for the day and now he can finally wished his wife a happy birthday. jurors can leave for dentist appointments but from past to stay on ice and cannot attend his own supreme court attendings. should have just told the judge he had a toothache. hamas hijacks graduation. [ ♪♪ ] it's kubota orange days, shop the year's biggest selection of kubota equipment
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>> jesse: today's deadline for spring breakers to pack up their tents has come and gone. but the protesters have not. the encampments showing no signs of going away and the insurgency continues to spread to other institutions. ohio state protesters got into a massive brawl with police on campus yesterday. cops tore down their tents, watch. [ shouting ] [ bleep ] [ shouting ] [ shouting ] [ bleep ] >> jesse: nearly 40 people were arrested after that fight in the craziness will only get worse at other schools.
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a state trooper tackled a fleeing protester. one thing we have learned these fast -- past two weeks is these sympathizers do not want peace or freedom. they want power. yesterday we introduced you to mohammed. the extremist columbia hired after he praised hamas. turns out the students are just as unhinged. this is james. the ringleader of columbia's group. first made a name for himself after saying he hates white people and then said he wanted to fight zionists and then kill them. columbia found these comments are troubling and had a little meeting with him. here's how that went. >> i am james, i use he/she cut/they pronounce. blindness wanted to meet up and fight, i do not fight to injure or for there to be a winner or loser, i fight to kill. seawall in new york in january 2024. >> i fight to kill.
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do you see why that is problematic in any way? >> no. there should not be zionists anywhere. zionists are nazis. zionists are fascists. they definitely were hoping that i was going to walk back that i fight to kill. [ laughter ] they were hoping i would walk that back. they were hoping i was going to walk it back. no. i said what i said. >> jesse: he said that and then he said a lot more. ranting for nearly 30 minutes after the meeting was over, the hatemonger went over the benefits of killing certain jews, listen. >> zionists are nazis. they are nazis. they are fascists. they are supporters of genocide. why would we want people who are supporters of genocide to live? the death of a maniacal genocide
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asked like benjamin netanyahu in israel, his death would theoretically mean that many people would live. and so murder can absolutely be justified. zionists don't deserve to live comfortably, let alone zionists don't deserve to live. >> jesse: how did he get and columbia like that? breaking tonight, columbia telling us that he is now banned from campus. they would not say if he is still enrolled as a student but he is still leading the movement. yesterday he was there front and center, greeting them when they visited the little cam it there. he is now apologizing for his words and say they were taken out of context and that they do not represent the school's anti- israel movement. sure. people like him are never sorry
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because they know they will never be in any real consequences. outside groups have been sending reinforcements to these encampments all across the country. according to the new york post there is a money trail leading back to george soros. paying the students and organizations to keep on fighting. but while these little people are walking around burning flags, their actions are impacting regular students just trying to get education. schools are canceling graduations. >> they just canceled our graduation. what now? week, as a whole senior class have never had a real graduation because of covid, first, which we thought was a one-time thing. i feel like there could've been a different way to go about this then to cancel the entire graduation for a class that never got a high school graduation either. >> jesse: i'm joined by some students now. burke, why did they cancel your graduation ceremony?
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>> it started off with a valedictorian. they cancel her speech. they said it was for safety precautions. from there they canceled all speakers which we were excited for because there were some famous people coming to say some words. then from there they cancel the whole thing. they said it was a safety issue at 60,000 people coming in but what i'm confused with his lapd deals with this all the time. if it is concerts, of it a sport or stadiums, they take care of that. why can they not do the same thing for us? the same thing as, where do we go from here? where little confused on that. >> jesse: neck, did you even have a high school graduation? or did covid not that one out as well? >> actually, we did not have a high school graduation. the majority of our class actually missed out on high school graduation because of covid and here we are missing another graduation but this time it is due to their mishandling of the situation and cowardly response. >> jesse: have you talked to the administration about this? surely they are going to have
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second thoughts. are they sticking with this? when his graduation, anyway? don't have time to repair? >> that is what we thought. graduation is in two weeks and i think it is a culmination of the mismanagement of this throughout the entire time that has led us to this point. first it started with passive responses to the entire protest going on and then it was a valedictorian they brought on an canceled which cause an opera from the other side and now on wednesday, a slow response to a violent day of not only anti- israel but anti-semitic protest on campus for hate and anti-american sentiment as well. >> jesse: what are these people like that are camping out in the quad there? are they actual students who go to school with these types of people? >> no, that is the scary part. i would say when i was on campus, about half of them or more than half were not students. i saw people 80 years old or younger, people the edge of my parents and grandparents there protesting. and the students, some of them are being peaceful but there are
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things where i have seen, first-hand, vandalism. i saw pushing, i saw shoving and i saw some anti-semitic remarks. >> jesse: i am sure your family is not very happy with not being able to see you toss your cap. that is a big moment in a child's life, what have they said? >> especially as a jewish student, they are frightened for me. as i'm walking on campus with my jewish necklace out, there is people surrounding me in front of me and by my side as i leave my last classes. and i have had a few calls with them, they just told me to be careful and stay safe. but there's not much i can do since it is everywhere and super prevalent on and off of campus. >> jesse: neck, what do your parents say? >> my parent's are disappointed. and when i tell them the stories of what i see on campus, for example on wednesday when i left my ai exam, i went to see the passover seder, it was right outside of class and there was a guy doing a hale hitler outside.
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its nothing my parents haven't seen before and it's things that we have seen in the 1940s in nazi germany and frankly needs to be stopped. >> jesse: unbelievable, that is crazy. now you guys haven't had a heisel graduation, you have not had a college graduation, you're just going to have to go to law school. and one of these days you will have a graduation. business school, law school. guys, i'm sorry. it is unbelievable, you have bad leadership over there. good luck, have a party by yourselves. and enjoy it. you guys deserve it. >> thank you so much. >> jesse: the secret democrat plot to take out binder. [ ♪♪ ] in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: primetime predicted there would be a white house podium pickle nearly two years ago. they've only been at this job for a month or so and everybody
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already knows she will be replaced. biden tapped a deer in the headlights to speak for his white house. she holds her 48-inch thick binder like a baby holding blanket. no one has ever seen without it. if you take away her binder, she will probably cry. once in a while, he's right. today the new york post found out by didn't senior staff is trying to close the book on her because of her binder. sources say she is not quick enough, reads from her binder word for word and does not make compelling cases to reelect the big guy. what do you think? >> and las vegas he told the story about recently talking to a french president who died in 1996. >> i will not go down that rabbit hole with you sir. the board has never convened. it never convened and the board is -- the board is pausing in the sense that it will not convene. let me see if i have any new
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things for you on that. i think it has been a couple of days since we have been asked that question. i don't have anything new. >> jesse: sources tell the post that biden's senior aides have been quietly scheming to get her to leave on her own so they don't have to fire her. quote, there such a huge diversity issue and they are afraid of what folks will say. they are talking about biden's senior advisor and chief of staff. now how does biden's very white staff push out the first black, a immigrant press secretary? top democrats are fielding distress calls from the west wing. quote, there was an effort to have some outside folks who they know and trust talk to her about why leaving last fall would have made a lot of sense for her and her career.
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in an effort to encourage her to move along. nothing came out of that. then they reportedly received an unsolicited offer to become the president of emily's list. but she said no. i am staying at the podium. the big guns then physically pushed her out of the way, forcing her to share the stage with the national security spokesman, john kirby. but she sucked it up and stood there well they took questions on the war. another source says it is because she doesn't have a grasp of the issues and doesn't spend the time to learn. there is an enormous amount of work that goes into getting ready for briefings and consistently she does not put in that level of work. but that source says they are confident regardless. quote, she thinks she is doing a really good job and thinks the president wants her to stay. so she is lazy and delusional. not my words, that so there's. the former assistant treasury secretary joins me now.
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monica, you want to make a bet? do you think she stays or gets forced out? >> jesse, if you live by it, you die by it. and you will recall that when she got this job, she was unannounced to great fanfare is the first black lesbian press secretary. there was no mention of her qualifications for that job because she clearly did not have any. she is the worst press secretary this nation has ever had and now apparently we are all stuck with her because the biden administration cannot fire the first black lesbian and she knows it so she is leveraging it and is apparently going to stay in this job so now we have face water in the press secretary job. [ laughter ] >> jesse: and listen, you are allowed to squat in america. she could be trumps press secretary, that is how much squatting is allowed. and we don't care if she is
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black or if she is a lesbian or if she's an immigrant, that's great. there is probably two dozen better black lesbian immigrant people that you could put as press secretary for the biden ministration. she is just fundamentally not very good. what do you think that is like behind-the-scenes, watching her just struggled to stay afloat? >> i think most people in the white house are pulling their hair out every time she goes to that podium. and look, if you are getting a high-profile public job where you were on camera like this, speaking on behalf of the president of the united states and the country every single day, then you would think that you would put in the work. that you would get yourself up to date on all of the issues and talk to experts and so on. she does not do any of that. so she is a lazy, incompetent press secretary which is very bad for this administration and they know it.
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the problem is that they also have this problem with the vice president who they also cannot get rid of and so now we have face water in the vp office as well. >> jesse: monica, they have tried to get rid of biden, they have tried to get rid of the vice president and now they are trying to get rid of binder. and they are mad at the new york times. does this look like a confident campaign? i don't think so. that's monica everybody, thank you so much for joining "jesse watters primetime". adam went up to san francisco to raise some cash for a campaign. but before he can get to the fundraiser, he got robbed. well his car was parked in a garage, the windows were smashed in and his luggage was stolen. sources tell us that sticky sammy has an alibi and does not like the style anyway. the suit and tie must have been in a suitcase because he showed up with a swanky fundraiser and
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a hiking vest. we hope the congressman finds his clothes and his dignity and the perps are arrested. like he says, no man is above the law. well unless the thief is on illegal. the anti- biden vampire joins prime time. [ ♪♪ ] but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: america has had it with joe biden, he is lost with blacks, muslims, hispanics and thanks to his tik tok band, young people are saying sayonara. even though there are privacy problems, most americans don't care. nearly two thirds of young people do not want tik tok band. but joe biden is losing another pivotal voting block, vampires. remember the energy vampire and we had her on on halloween. now she is back with a stern warning for the big guy. >> i'm fired up and you should be fired up, to because we worked hard to get here. and tik tok is the platform that gave us a voice. and now that voice is being
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threatened to be taken away from us from leaders that represent a country that are supposedly all about freedom. and after our president signed that bill on wednesday, i do not feel very free right now. >> jesse: the vampire joins us now. nice eyes. and nice teeth. boy. i am already terrified. oh, my god, i was not ready for that. so, you are mad at the big guy and you want to suck his blood? >> i do not want to suck his blood, no. nor do i advocate for draining his energy because he is a little too old for that, we are talking star wars emperor level frail. i don't think that is very ethical. >> jesse: okay. we don't want to suck his blood and we don't want to drain his energy but what do we want to do to joe biden? you are about him bending tik
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tok. >> i'm extremely mad about him. because it proves to me it is very un-american to take away something from us that small business owners, small creators, entertainers like myself who have made a name for ourselves without big names attached to us, we find a platform that is finally pushing our content and we literally grabbed ourselves by the bootstraps and now he wants to take it away from us to the point where the ceo of tik tok is fighting for our american rights more than our president. so i say we should do is that we should voice our disdain for this and not vote him back into office. i am not a right-winger, i am not saying you should vote for trump instead, i'm saying you should vote for people who align the most with her values and for me, that is not joe biden. >> jesse: okay, i can see that loud and clear. what about china?
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they have access, people say they are going to use it to mess with the american republic. they are going to invade our privacy, what do you say? >> i say there really isn't a whole lot of evidence to support that they are doing that and to even counter that, further, what about google? what about facebook? those aren't safe. you can talk to your friend about wanting a gucci perfume and then all of a sudden you will see adds on google for gucci perfume, what's that about? >> jesse: i guess would you rather be spied on by the chinese are by the american government? i know it is kind of like sophie's choice but it is what it is. [ simultaneous talking ] can you heal my twitching i, quickly? quickly? >> i hope you're better now. [ laughter ] >> jesse: thank you so much. we love you very much and i'm
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shocked you are not a right-winger, have a great weekend. [ laughter ] [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: sink or swim, tonight against nick who was not familiar with any of the answers already. >> i know this guy. >> i 832 ounces of soup before this, it was a bad call, it's too much soup. i do not feel great. >> that is a lot of soup no matter what time of year it is. >> jesse: categories battle of the exes, kim kardashian and kanye west visited the white house when trump was there but this week, one of them said the former president did amazing things in office. was it kim or kanye? >> i have to go with kanye. >> i know this one. it was -- >> i think you did amazing stuff. he did the amazing first step back. >> jesse: you should switch out the sound effect for instead of the ding it should be air
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horns. do you want to produce the segment? >> it seems i'd be better at that than actually being in the segment. >> jesse: good point. she is the boss, we're not talking about cat. joe biden has a lot of handlers but this week he told america that he learned a long time ago to listen to that lady. which lady was he talking about? >> i feel like come all the would be too easy, right? >> jesse: this is also a -- >> i don't know. >> represented cortez. >> it would've been too easy. >> jesse: i learned a long time ago to listen to that lady. >> jesse: nick is back in it. >> i'm not a producer anymore, baby! >> now i am upset. you have upset me. >> jesse: look what you've done. >> someone get her soup. >> she's had enough. presidential perjury. both of these actors have played presidents but only one of them called biden sharp as a tack. and it was at a fundraiser for
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him, was it morgan freeman or michael douglas? >> i'm going with morgan freeman >> was that your impression? you don't zack lewis was. >> i have no idea. i have no idea. >> the people that i have talked to. >> those my intelligence, not a lucky guess. >> he is as sharp as a tax. >> that's not fair. sharp as a tack, just like joe biden. >> i don't know if it's nerves or the soup. >> you have the soup sweats. >> worse than the meat sweats. [ laughter ] >> jesse: it was a hearty soup. which outspoken sender has seen enough from the pro- hamas protesters taking over college campuses, calling them a holes? was it lindsay graham or john federman? >> i don't know these people, this guy just looks like he would think everybody is one of those words. >> i know these people. >> i'm a weather guy. >> jesse: what is the weather guy no?
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>> it doesn't make you noble it makes you [ bleep ] >> i still went. >> jesse: she still wins. >> i be the weather guy at a news game! >> throw it! i can do that. >> the soup had meatballs and chicken in it. why would i eat 32 ounces of that for lunch? >> you don't look like you were a hearty soup lover but the real winner is -- >> i'm full of surprises. >> jesse: there she is. back to being a producer, nice try. tornadoes up next. oduct. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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ego, the number one rated brand in cordless outdoor power brings you the select cut mower. customize the cut with three interchangeable blades. it cuts for over an hour on a single charge. ego - exclusively at lowe's, ace and ego authorized dealers.
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>> violent tornado violent tornado. >> jesse: to massive tornadoes caught on camera ripping through nebraska many of the tornado started in the surrounding rural neighbourhoods outside of lincoln travelling nearly 50 miles toward the suburbs of omaha and now branching out to neighbouring states like iowa in their wake devastation severely damaged homes trees ripped to shreds and thousands now left without power 23 tornado so far have been cited many of them ef2 strength at least three injuries have been reported with storm clouds still forming. [ ♪♪ ] emma and i had the great honour of attending a luncheon for the hope their education foundation caught -- dr carol swain was the keynote speaker and i have to tell you she is one of the most captivating women i have ever
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met the organization provides economically disadvantaged children scholarships to attend high quality values based k-12 schools if you want to be supportive go to hope through that is hope through it's a great organization mike from indiana can the dallas cowboys draft that state trooper we could use a big linebacker, so could the eagles i will take him also, wayne many louisiana, many louisiana, if shifts luggage is missing the fbi will probably raid monologue oh thank you for watching always or member i am water's and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ]


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