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tv   The Story With Martha Mac Callum  FOX News  April 26, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ >> that does it for us another crazy breaking news two hours it good to be with you thank of adjoining as everybody claiming for neil tonight at four, perhaps we will catch the former president again as he departs court he has been stopping and talking to the cameras perhaps he will again today. >> i am told he will be out there after court finishes expected at 4:30 he will give us his thoughts on the day and other things his only chance really to get out there and campaigned during the week i am john roberts we will see you again on monday hope you have a terrific weekend of the story with martha picks up all the action in the court right now. >> martha: indeed we do good evening i am martha mccallum
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this is the story we are waiting to see former president trump make comments as john just mentioned it is our understanding he will have a friday afternoon statement to make when he comes out as they get ready to head to the weekend after a very packed week at trial here in new york city right now the former assistant who has been with the trump organization for decades walked into the room took the stand moments ago as the former president as you know has been charged with faking business records to cover up a payment to porn star stormy daniels heading into the 26 elections, says he did nothing wrong and that he calls this the clinical trial to keep him off the campaign trail also making him late for another big event watch this. >> i want to start by wishing my wife molly a very happy birthday
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i wish to be with her but i'm in a courthouse for rig trial to rig trial will be going there this evening after this case finishes up this horrible unconstitutional case. >> martha: we will have more from the president shortly marked live-in standing by and fox and friends first todd fire was here he watched the trial he's been covering it for us all week from the courthouse he was in there today first to correspondent nate fully who's down there on duty right now at the courthouse as we head to the final hours of today's testimony hello nate. >> hyatt martha the direct examination of rhonda graf is underway she was more president trump's executive assistant for some time she entered and maintained the former presidents contact notably while she took the stand she said that her lawyers are being paid for by the trump organization and another thing that has happened she was handed a thumb drive
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with some evidence and on that evidence exhibits 82 and 83 are the contacts information for karen mcdougall and stormy daniels the karen mcdougall information includes addresses old addresses phone numbers the stormy daniels contact that former president trump had was just her phone number so all of this is unfolding just now and prior to that david packer on the stand where lawyers for president trump had it one more opportunity to ask him any questions they asked him about a conciliation agreement between american media and the federal election commission the he said he did not thank you was doing anything wrong in 2016 but he did say earlier today that he thinks he violated federal election law in his handling of the karen mcdougall story packer also asked if he thinks trump cares about his family and pecker said yes which is notable because remember yesterday he said he never spoke to trump about his family in handling the
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stories and that he believed the motivation was campaign related prior to that line of questioning the da office at another opportunity to question him, joshua stein glass and pecker said no, he has told the truth to the best of his ability he went through the stormy daniels story as well saying he did not pay for it but did pay for the karen mcdougall story and the fall story from the trump tower doorman he spoke about how publishing stories about trump particular positive stories were good for his business whereas publishing negative stories about trump's opponents namely former president bill clinton and former secretary of state hillary clinton were also good for business so a lot of back-and-forth with david packer's testimony today rhonda
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graf on the stand right now and we will continue following that meant buy minute and we send it back to you. >> martha: thank he will follow all the reports coming out of the courtroom throughout the course of this our joining me now fox and friends cohost todd pyro also an attorney went to ucla law school very impressive background you may not have known about todd in the courthouse earlier today, todd great to have you what was the big take away few today? >> i think nate hit on it it is this capitalism versus campaign argument a lot of the things that pecker did were in the best interest of david packer he runs the organization he is a fiduciary duty to do so and a lot of the decisions that he made yes, they may have had an ancillary benefit of benefiting the campaign but they were to benefit ami and a in my pocketbook when i was in the courtroom as well memory was a big issue and you have heard a lot of the discussion for weeks now months about the statute of limitations why is the statute of limitations not in this case the statue limitations are important because our memories wane over time you want any
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trial that will adjudicate someone's guilt or innocence to be done as close to the time of the event in question we are talking about 2015 or 16 and 17 and the prosecution had an opportunity and this was admitted yesterday by david packer to sit down and train david packer on the testimony, what he was going to say on the stand so his testimony yesterday was pretty good it was pretty fluid for a 72-year-old man today and part of yesterday trump's attorneys got an opportunity to cross-examine and you saw the lapse in the memory you saw there were gaps times where he missed certain things, misunderstood certain things and his recollection of events was not great as a defence attorney you don't want to beat up on someone especially someone in their seventies because that will turn off a jury but you have to get out there for the credibility issues that this man may not be recalling the events as much as is important but because i have listened to the legal scholars on air i have to go with them as well on this point not the stuff we are
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talking about matters because there is no crime and he hit upon one other thing david packer spent a lot of time yesterday and today talking about his view that he violated campaign finance law that i have two words for you, who cares i don't care about david packer's view of dates campaign-finance law it's irrelevant to the case and the prosecution keeps hitting this point over and over again. >> martha: he said you wasn't aware initially but later became aware that he had violated campaign-finance laws and i thought the same thing, either there is a breaking of the law here or there isn't and obviously that's why were here in the courthouse they are battling this out but most of our experts, just as you have said todd believe that there is no violation here so the question then becomes all this testimony and cross-examination for david packer of ami, when we put up some of the headlines from the national enquirer just to remind because this is the
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tabloid, if anything his business model has been asked to be a bit embarrassing for him to sit up there and he has admitted that we paid for stories we would squash them for certain people then he says actually most of the stuff that we printed was never a breaking news we didn't really investigate stories because it's too expensive we just pull things out of books and made them a deadline so all of that has to be a bit difficult for the man who built his business this way but he had nothing to do with stormy daniels and she is the case, her situation is what alvin bragg believes will get him in a in this case so all of this is a prelude, is building up, this is the kind of thing he did all the time, that's were going here and what you expect from rhonda graf to as, can you imagine how may people on the rolodex of bowel trump including these two women. >> i don't think the direct examination will be as fluid for the prosecution of graf because it is a cross it's unclear exactly what it is she's giving test one right now i don't think
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it's going to go as smoothly for them but what i find very interesting, you ask the important questions i haven't heard enough people talking about what is all this packer testimony about? this is about setting up the michael cohen testimony and establishing relevance of the michael cohen testimony in advance and basically trying to give credibility to michael cohen's testimony which we haven't had yet that will be the end probably because michael cohen himself is very incredible perjury, we have all of the record of all the things he has done wrong he's been in prison this is all to set up that and sanitize michael cohen. >> but it's establishing trimer patterns of behaviour saying this is the way the trump team works because this case basically involves michael cohen down trump and alan weitzel berg these are the people who supposedly were about round the payment in this case so by establishing that and packer saying he passed on that he didn't want anything to do with tony daniels because we are in walmart and we don't want porn stars on the cover of our
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magazine people like it one of the things that i am curious about because you have a close look i'm going to be there next week to get a close look which i'm looking forward to but what is the feel for how the teams are doing and how the jury is receiving all of this? because it is complicated. >> keep in mind i'm in the overflow room i guess as you would be as well and you can get a sense just by watching the attorneys do their work what a normal human in the jury will be thinking my take on the prosecution is they do everything by the book they die their eyes and cross every tea but that takes time and if you're a nonlawyer and you're just sitting there listening to this i can understand if you zone out and you're not as engaged in following exactly what is happening yesterday during cross-examination trump's attorneys i think figure that out and there cross-examination was snappy it was quick questions with quick answers and it really drove a number of key points home yesterday today was
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interesting the prosecution objected a lot more to a lot more of trump's defence attorneys questions and it slow down the flow of the defence and there was a point where i was just like i'm starting to get the feel that maybe the jury is getting that were getting slow down here i'm getting a bit bored i think the defence attorney needs to get that back and it was tough, they went to have sidebars a bunch because i think trump's attorneys figured that out as well they were losing the momentum. >> martha: we are getting some notes inside the courtroom that she's talking about how much she liked working for the trumpet ministration and as nate voight just pointed out her attorneys are paid for by the trump organization in this case is that unusual? >> i want to know how she is categorized as a defence witness a prosecution. >> yes who's witness is she. >> but in the since you're an employee of the company i've been a member of companies where i've said, hey, if something happens will you cover my litigation cost and typically that's the way it works so i think that's out works here as well i don't think that's odd but not being in the courtroom
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not hearing the testimony i'm curious how it's going. >> martha: were destroyed to get a feel for rhonda graf and her [ inaudible ] occasionally focusing and tell her to go home to her family which he appreciated we will have more coming in on rhonda graf and her role in all this, fascinating right? the only thing that we are trying to figure out is where the law was broken because most legal minds are saying we haven't gotten to anything that looks like that yet so we will see they are building their case thank you todd good to have you here and remember this? >> you are what? >> we are all hamas. >> martha: take your mind back to october 7th and the devastation of that day and ask yourself if you ever thought you would see a few blocks north of
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years someone banging on a rail and saying we are hamas so we have another video to show you because it's not just this one person who is espousing these things an anti- israel protester here in new york city chanting god bless hamas we will show that to you later on the sour and we will tell you where that video was shot, who was in it, what's going on there and whether or not this is part of a growing sentiment on the street we need to be clear i about what were looking at here so we will that coming out of it ly?later rve.
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>> martha: we are watching and learning from our producers in the courtroom what is going on in there we will continue to keep a rolling update for you on the right-hand side of your
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screen here in the trial of former president trump also faces being held in contempt of court by the judge the decisions being made by that as well over accusations that he violated the gag order in this court to post on truth social today reading we request that drug -- judge mershon lift the gag orders at president trump is able to freely state his views and feelings and policies he's asking for his constitutional right to free speech the prosecutors say they have found a total of 14 gag order violations including for new ones this week that you see on your screen they are going to present to the judge on thursday you can read some of these the jury picked so fast 95 percent democrat david with regard to david packer he has been very nice nice guy they say that's a violation it's with that we
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bring in market live in there who is a host of life liberty and love in its good to have you with those i want to give your thoughts in general but let's start there and do you think these are gag order violations? >> you know martha i look at this case and i'm so disgusted by the whole thing we had a fraud case that didn't require fraud now we have a criminal case that doesn't require crime the new york bar should be ashamed of itself the judges are a disgrace this prosecutor bragged is a joke let me be very clear about this of course there should be no gag order donald trump didn't threaten anybody with violence this case is a national case he's running for president of united states anybody else can talk but him others have talked about this it's obvious the problem in this case is the judge let me explain to the american people something state law and federal law under state law everything these people are testifying to maybe true the problem is the statute expired years ago the prosecution waits to bring their
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case they decide to bring it right in front of the election because they want to influence the election the feds looked at it from a campaign perspective the ftc said nothing the u.s. attorney's office said nothing but alvin bragg with the help of the judge writes a 34 count indictment and everybody is sitting around saying once the crime let me explain a couple of thanks martha number 1 you cannot possibly have due process rights and effective representation of council the fifth and sixth amendment under our bill of rights if you don't know what you're charged with the judge said basically there are four potential crimes you don't charge someone with four potential crimes they don't know what to object to they don't know what kind of motions to prepare they don't know what kind of case it's wacky moulder in there dealing with packer they're dealing with graf they're dealing with whatever is being thrown at them that is not, when you put someone on trial and you're trying to take their freedom away you're trying to destroy them and put them in prison you have to do a bit
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better than that so what's going on here is what we lawyers call collateral evidence which is information that's coming into the court it has nothing to do with the case nothing, who cares about the national enquirer who cares that stormy daniels who cares about any of this? 's here's the key points you just had the highest court in new york overturn the weinstein case what did they say? court you lead in all of the stuff it's collateral evidence that prejudiced the case and were throwing the case out, the highest court in new york 48 hours ago said essentially what's going on in this courtroom is unconstitutional and one other thing they keep talking about a federal crime donald trump was never charged with a federal violation of the campaign act he was never convicted of a federal violation of the campaign act so alvin bragg built his whole case because alvin bragg decides on
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his own that donald trump violated the federal campaign law. >> martha: well he extrapolated a state laws that it represented a violation of campaign law for the payments that exceed what a person is allowed to spend as an individual on a campaign but i just want to point out one thing we just watched most of the team walked out rhonda graf is done after 30 minutes she is the former executive assistant we are still waiting to see if what they want to establish with her but with regard to the way that the president is being treated in their look at this poultices by cnn with regard to the treatment of the president and you think about the fact that they are off on monday for no disclosed reason the president asked if he could go to his son's graduation and we had the dentist appointment but you see these numbers and this is a cnn poll he is being treated more leniently than other defendants would be, 34 percent more harshly 34 percent your thoughts
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on how they are handling this with regard to a former president? >> this is the point it's a political show trial we are pulling it, this is not a criminal trial this is a disgrace this judge is a disaster and a complete disgrace he obviously should have recused himself,'s daughter is raising money on the case for god sakes he gave money to biden and others a don't care if he gave a penny or ten dollars or thousand dollars it's what's in his head that matters his rulings are bizarre,'s rulings are over-the-top, let me tell you something when they cut to the chase this is a dead case walking it will be appealed whatever they try to get him on it they did him on something it will be reversed, the problem is the timing this is all about timing this judge is playing to the election this prosecutor is plain to the election they know exactly what they're doing in that respect any serious lawyer or even a nonserious lawyer maybe a law student who took six-month sort of law nose that
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this is a farce, except of course if they're being paid by cnn or msnbc, i want to make a very important point here i was talking about collateral evidence, all of the stock coming in the reason why they're not free to use it is because it's not probative it doesn't matter what the national enquirer guide does that doesn't affect some federal campaign law that involves theoretically donald trump, it doesn't matter what stormy daniels has to say, none of this matters this case, if they get him on one of 34 charges, piling on the charges it won't be reversed there will be overturned but it could be too late in terms of the election this is a disgrace honest to god you're legal experts my friends, they're exactly right about everything they're saying i'm trying to convey to the american people you have state law and federal law there's been no charges on federal law there's been no convictions on federal law state
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law lapsed they waited years they're trying to revive it by bringing in federal law where the feds wouldn't even take up the case i'm a judge that case comes before me i say mr bragg what exactly are you doing here you are out, you are done, you're gone, instead of this mickey mouse crap. >> martha: well we will see if there is even a conviction in this case, that's the job of the jury right now and they are hearing a lot of stuff that doesn't feel all that relevant i know the prosecution will say they are building up their case and setting the groundwork for this but they have a lot of things they will have to pieced together for this jury mark always get to see you thank you very much. >> thank you martha. >> martha: they are on a break right now as we just mentioned 15 minutes and then they go back they have another hour they go till 430 this afternoon it's clear that this judge wants to keep things moving that shot in the middle, that's not happening
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right now right? that's not a live shot because we are waiting to potentially hear from former president trump we want to do that as soon as we get to it so let's listen to this because there's been a lot of pushback and suggestion that president biden won't debate former president trump but today he was on with howard storm -- howard stern and listen what he said. >> i don't know if you will debate your opponent. >> i am somewhere, you know when, but i'm happy to debate him. >> martha: there you go there's going to be a presidential debate according to president biden i think that is what most americans would love to see as they decide who they want to be the next president will be joined by karl rove and mark penn stick around were coming right back
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>> martha: i want to point out that rhonda graf's testimony was very brief and she was a former assistant to president trump and that she was a prosecution witness they are laying out
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their case we have more coming in on all of that we do expect that the trial will get back underway any second-tier so keep a close on that as voters in some new polling say that the former presidents legal troubles are the most convincing reason to consider voting against him that is followed by the former president taking credit for the supreme court overturning roby wait and possibly pardoning people convicted of storming the capital and generally six those of the top three most convincing reasons to vote against the president according to that nbc poll we had over to president biden what other big concerns about him age physical and mental fitness 23 percent illegal immigration 17 percent and 40 or high inflation at 16 percent look at the numbers who say none of these issues is the most convincing reason to vote for someone else former president trump tops biden by 12 points most convincing reason to not, to vote against him, so
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with that we bring in our panel former deputy chief of staff in the white house for president george to be bushed and cofounder of american crossroads former house oversight committee chairman jason chaffetz both fox news contributor's mark penn is a former advisor pollster and chairman and chairman of the harris poll great to have all of you with us so given that backdrop of some of these new polls about why people would or wouldn't vote for either of these candidates i think everyone wants to see a debate, let's reroll the howard stern exchange with president biden because this is big news, listen >> i don't know if you will debate your opponent. >> president joe biden: i will somewhere i don't know win but i'm happy to debate him. >> martha: to which trump responded on truth socialist to the debate at the courthouse tonight on national television i will wait around, market your reaction to this? do you think that was planned? do you think that president biden was ready to announce to the world in that interview that he wants to debate but you think that was off the cuff?
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>> i think that was probably off-the-cuff but it was not an unexpected question and whether or not you're going to debate or not just say you're going to debate so i would not take that at full face value because of your staff does not want you to debate then they have trouble with all the various terms and whatnot i think it's the only answer he could give it's much better answer than i'm not going to debate and because overwhelmingly i think debates are important in the american people demand the candidates that they will vote to present and i states. >> martha: there's the former president donald trump back in the courtroom as we take close tabs on that, karl rove how important is a debate, the american people have lived through both of these men being president so they have a lot of background but how important is it for them to debate? >> well i think they are generally pretty important but i think they will be, this will be the most important presidential debate if it happens since at least the 1980 presidential
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debate you may remember back then there was only one between encampment jimmy carter and is a challenge around a lot of undecideds in late october when the one debate took place and out of that debate ronald reagan said the right things that convinced the voters who were up for grabs to move decisively into his camp and i suspect that this debate if it happens for these debates, the first one is supposed to be under the debate commission here in texas at texas that university these debates occur more people will be watching them and i suspect they will have a positive impact on the outcome of the election. >> martha: your reaction to that and president biden not sure, he said i am somewhere, i don't know, carl just laid out where the first one supposed to be what's your reaction? >> i don't know that he checked in with the puppeteers that help control this i think they're going to be shocked by it i would be shocked if joe biden actually debated i don't think anybody on this team can afford to allow him to answer
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spontaneous questions and joust with probably one of the better debaters in donald trump's i think joe biden wouldn't even go on the most-watched program the super bowl and answer those softball questions, he has to have people surrounding him just to walk to the marine one the idea that he is actually going to debate, i don't believe he will actually ever show up for that and the american people and the american process will be worse for it. >> martha: well the new york times as having a very those severus debate with the biden white house right now the new york times spokesperson yesterday said for anyone who understands the role of a free press in democracy it should be troubling that president binds actively and effectively avoids president joel questions from independent journalist during his term do you think that happens? you hear your colleagues here on the panel saying if if they have, what are the ways that they can get out of this that wouldn't hurt the current president in terms of voters?
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>> let me just say that new york times statement really surprised me and never seen the new york times do something like that i thank from the biden camp where it said effectively avoided questions they probably said check that's what we were planning on doing i think they successfully have kept their candidate cocooned i think that has been their strategy, look people that want to debate are people who are behind if biden is behind coming out of these conventions you will see debates if these ahead coming out of the convention shockingly you won't see debates. >> martha: i remember being in nashville for that debate and president biden did well and at the end of the night overall i think the feeling was that he had outperformed the current president at that point so it's not like he has not done this before but a quick thought on data why do you think the new york times came after the president? that way? >> i think they're very well
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done up in frustration i've been waiting for the press to rig jacked the strategy of being docked and i think this came from management not from the journalist themselves saying that it's time that joe biden sat down with those and did in-depth interviews about what he's going to offer the american public for a second term and i think came from management and they were frustrated and i was shocked by it but i think it's a good thing everyone has to get out there and debate and answer questions that's the key element of campaigns. >> martha: does it indicate anything more than that to you is there still sort of some sort of desire out there for some last-minute convention change switcheroo for the democrats. >> well i'm not sure there is in the leadership of the new york times but among the american people there may be, i'm with mark on this it really was an extraordinary step and i think that it was coming from the management and i suspect it is
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widely shared outside of the new york times buy other major outlets like the wall street journal and the washington post and abc and nbc and cbs because he wants supple interviews and he doesn't want to sit down with top journalists asking tough questions maybe it's because even comparable with that maybe because he's busy but it probably is because the staff understands he's knocking it fair to well on those types of venues. >> martha: interesting to see what kind of markers they lay down for what they expect in a debate kind of formats are they standing or sitting who is going to be the moderator we all want to know where that's going thank you all so much mark and carl and jason great to see you on this friday thank you gentlemen. >> thanks. >> martha: still had at this hour writer and activist giving her reaction to the shocking situation going on at ivy league schools and other colleges across the country also to this brand-new audio that we will
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play for you which you may have never thought you would hear the likes of in the united states of america as an agitator praises the terrorist organization hamas
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>> martha: of the check on former president rose criminal trial were getting pretty used to looking at this picture here of the barricades of the courthouse we just saw a moment ago the former president went
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back and they are now in the final hour of today's testimony and they are questioning gary who was a new york banker we will let you know of anything important happens there meanwhile nate foy is watching all of it for us gets us up to speed on what we have missed in the past few minutes, hello nate >> hello martha, gary farrow just took the stand he's the former senior managing director at first republic bank he held that position in 2016 this is the bank that michael cohen used to wire the $130,000 to adult film actress stormy daniels to surprise her story about an alleged affair that former president donald trump denies the details of that payment are likely discussed right now in the direct examination, they're just going over his professional background this is just beginning right now for gary farrow the newest witness and rhonda graphed the
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cross-examination for her already over she was trump's longtime executive assistant there was no redirect examination so after days of david packer test on a rhonda graphed done in less than an hour she testified that she vaguely remembered seeing adult film actress stormy daniels at trump tower before the 26 election she assumed that daniels was there to discuss joining the apprentice and she described her time working for former president trump very positively she said he respected her intelligence and she would not of stayed there for 204 years if he did not we send back to martha. >> martha: thank you very much language in the streets here at home that we are used to hearing only in places like tehran. >> god bless thomas. >> martha: unbelievable what's going on out there, we speak in moments about the route of this shift in what we are hearing in
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the streets of american next.
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>> martha: alive look this afternoon at a pro- palestine protest in george washington university down in dc we have been watching these week last week as well president biden was in new york city today not too far from here where we have also seen quite a few of these protest at columbia and nyu did not mention them at all while he was here watch this video that was reportedly from a demonstrator near columbia university yesterday it is shocking watch this [ chanting >> martha: unbelievable we
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bring in research fellow with the hoover institution at stanford university good to have you with us did you ever think that you would see this in the streets of america? yes, and no no i thought nothing of the sort would happen allowing this kind of insurgency to make its way to these institutions on the other hand i have seen at least on the islamist side of thanks a complacency toward activism from the government of iran and other islam asked who are active in the nine states by the way i notice in the caption that you call this the anti- israel protests and i think that is more accurate for the anti- israel anti- american they are pro- hamas people who are orca starting this from the
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universities are incredibly pro- hamas you can heal this sort of chance that they make this is not to smear the students, some of whom don't even know what they are protesting for her with her protesting against its not to smear all the students but it is to say that the people at the core of this pro- hamas and it's appropriate to phrase this what we are seeing for what it is. >> martha: i just want to put this up on the screen it's a man holding a sign that says final solution genocide we also heard from congresswoman omar on campus with her daughter who i thought had been suspended but they were back there and she was talking to a reporter and said people just have to decide if they are on the side of genocide or not genocide and she said all israel all jewish student should be percent -- protected but everyone needs to decide if they're on the side of genocide or not genocide what would you say about that?
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>> i think everyone is showing their true colours here genocide is not committed by israel israel is where aging a justified war and the idf the israeli military they've been the most scrutinized and criticized military and they're incredibly careful there's no genocide because the population of the palestinian territory and gaza over the past few decades has multiplied there was a genocide that would not happen and that is the reality the reality is also that the submerged --'s version of american institutions and universities and yes american congress is a very serious problem and i think that the first step for the administration and power the biden administration is to restore order if we don't have order we don't have freedom and there's a sense of instability
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and it makes some people thank of the 1930s particularly in jewish communities and if you listen to the language the abusive language you can just see that action will follow blood will be shed and it's really tied for the people who have legitimate authority to exercise it. >> martha: how would you recommend that they do that? tom cotton was talking about the national guard there's a lot of pushback to that idea on these campuses the president of columbia keeps giving them one more day to keep doing this what should they be doing in your opinion? >> they president of columbia is not competent she should not be in that place if she has any honour or integrity she should step down i agree with senator tom cotton that the national guard needs to come in and the
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united states of america has to reassess its authority the first and most important job of a government, any government is to maintain order and this government is not maintaining order it is important that they do that before things get out of control. >> martha: reminds me of of the presidential oath to protect and defend denies its america very short oath but that's one of the maintenance of it thank you very much very good to have you here and i hope to come back soon because your voice is very important in the midst of all this i can only imagine how happy it makes iran to see what's happening on american campuses and must be exactly what they hoped would be the result of october seventh so much division has been sown thank you. >> they will not prevail we will prevail. >> thank you for that positive message we appreciate it always good to see you thank you very much coming up in the side of harvey weinstein's overturned conviction this is a very big deal regardless of what you
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thank of harvey weinstein or the things that he was accused of we will talk about i have talked about this but the woman who led his defence on the left-hand side there in the new york sex time -- sex crimes case you will hear that next.
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>> martha: new untold story podcast leading the harvey weinstein defends talking about how and why the conviction was shockingly overturned. >> there were more uncharged crimes that were allowed to testify then actual crimes in the case and the appellate court felt that that was an unfair decision it showed propensity and that was the only reason to allow that evidence in and it did not allow harvey to have a fair tribal. >> martha: what happens to him now listen and that's the story, that's friday will see you on monday. [ ♪♪ ] >> thank you martha day eight of
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the trump trial here i


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