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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 25, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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look how trump conspired with other people to cover up these stories are about girlfriends payments and payoffs. he wants to keep the jury fixated on the facts because he doesn't have the law on his side. now what trump's attorneys should be trying is not just poke holes into the facts, but try to stress that the prosecution has no real law behind it. >> sandra: john yoo and katie cherkasky, appreciate you joining us throughout the hour. all right, that does it for us and a 7 of the new york versus trump trial. we will keep watching it and covering it. thanks for joining us today. breathing catch me, me and john roberts, 1:00 p.m. eastern "america reports," for now keep it right here for "the five." ♪ ♪
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>> greg: hi, greg gutfeld on the judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., jesse watters, and she -- dana perino. "the five." ♪ ♪ >> today was breathtaking, in this room, you saw what was going on. it was breathtaking. and amazing just to open your eyes. we cannot let this continue to happen to our country. your supreme court had a monumental hearing on immunity. i heard the meeting was quite amazing. quite amazing. and the justices were on their game. presidential immunity is imperative or you practically won't have a country anymore. >> greg: donald trump unleashing on the dueling democrat lawfare show trials against him in a manhattan courtroom, the hush money one paying out with a fellow named pecker on the stand and in the
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d.c. court hearing the immunity claim against biden's doj peer of the former president getting a hero's welcome from construction workers. [chanting "we love trump"] [chanting "usa"] speed through the supreme seem to agree the sitting president e cases but they disagree on the extent. as for pecker, trump's team finally getting the chance to probe him after bragg's prosecutor went hard on the former "national enquirer" head honcho, i did not write this. pecker testified that burying negative trump stories what about mike was about protecting his campaign, not his family. pecker says he caught and killed for many famous people running for office like former california governor arnold schwarzenegger and barack obama's former chief of staff and former chicago mayor rahm emanuel. one thing prosecutors have not clarified yet is what law did any of this break? this is the thing, judge. it seems like the goal has
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always been to confuse the public. no one gets beyond the phrases like "hush money" or "fake electors" and if you ask a democrat to explain in detail why trump's in court and what's going on, they don't know. they'll say, 91 charges, and they don't have any clue. what do you think? >> judge jeanine: i think it's great to have you back at the table. >> greg: thank you, i feel wonderful. >> judge jeanine: you look wonderful, too. the prosecution is alleging this is a conspiracy that means it involves people to promote or affect an election by unlawful means. any prosecutor knows that the most important witness is the first witness. david packer was not a significant witness for the prosecution, and i'll tell you why, because there is no crime. an nda is something celerity's engage in all the time. people in the science and tech community sign nda's all the time. this is just a way of doing
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business. so if you look at the business record in question, it says for legal services. okay, the money is to cohen for legal services. they are trying to say no, it is really for a federal election, then why is it that the feds didn't prosecute? why is it that the fed looked at this and made a decision not to cover it? and what i don't like about what happened today was that pecker said he assumed it was for the campaign, and we know pecker didn't have any conversation with trump about this. there is no direct conversation. so that he assumed it, i would have been on my feet and objected, but this judge is not going to sustain a rightful objection by donald trump. and finally, how is it that pecker is going forward alleging all of this when he said nothing. a nondisclosure, noncompete, i mean, that is something that is part of the law. i'll tell you why.
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pecker has signed an immunity agreement and these prosecutors are so tough -- whether it is the department of justice and joe biden sent down to the local d.a. to help, pecker knows if he goes one line away from what he is supposed to say, his butt will be shipped to the state prison. it's a nothing burger. >> greg: dana, we talked about this before that it is hard to follow all of these cases but that is the purpose. >> dana: basically flood the zone come if you know that turn. >> greg: where is that from, sports? water polo? >> dana: maybe the water park. i actually don't know. anyway, more to come in "one more thing" on that. anyway, i do think they are confused and i don't think democrats can answer it but i do know this: i follow ruth marcus, a liberal columnist at "the washington post." she said why oh why did this have to be the first case to get attention because it is a
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terrible case for all the reasons the judge just laid out. then i read about the legal scholar that "the new york times" gave a lot of space to fight op-ed yesterday that is in today's paper. he said i used to think it was a mistake and now i think it is a historical, huge mistake. he thinks it is a gigantic problem that the democrats are doing this and it will hurt them forever. jonathan turley said something good today. alvin bragg is probably the best lawyer donald trump has right now. the manhattan case is legally absurd. what i thought was amazing today is president trump starts his day by getting up and going to visit construction workers, surprising them, shaking hands, and what do they chant? "we love trump, we love trump," and all of these videos are going viral. biden doesn't have anything like that today. he is giving a lot of money away in syracuse for chips, great, but he has not actually doing campaigning. that is why you see these battleground state polls, either holding steady for trump or even gaining in places like north carolina. >> greg: it's a great
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contrast, jesse. of the "usa, usa" chants and trump and on the other side you have protesters chanting "death to america." >> jesse: the last time biden was with construction workers he pointed and the guy's face and said you are full of s, bb. i'm just wondering because the democrats have been saying trump is this genocidal dictator, murdered journalist, never leave office. you'd expect him to get in this courtroom and start lunging at the judge like that felon in vegas, like superman, or like some maniac starting to represent himself, like some crazy man. or like show up to court an hour late like michael jackson did with his pajamas. what's he doing? he's the most well behaved genocidal dictator we've ever seen. shows up on time, sits and listens, takes direction, pays its fines, post his bonds, and he is actually showing difference and discipline, but deference to the institution the democrats say he is trying to blow up. he is actually refuting all of
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the hoaxes they are throwing at him by sitting pretty decilely and obeying the corrupt sham trial he is going through. the supreme court justices are hearing this case and i'm just imagining if they don't give a president immunity than i'm going to get a lawyer to charge joe biden with human smuggling. and i'm going to get a lawyer to charge joe biden when he leaves with cocaine possession because they found coke at his house. they found coke at my house. even if it was jesse junior's, and he didn't copped to it, that charge falls on me. and i'm also going to charge him too with killing whales because his whales are slaughtering the invasive species is and that is 10-20. i'm going to charge barack obama with forgery because we know the birth certificate wasn't real. >> dana: jesse. >> jesse: but i can find a lawyer to do that just as ridiculous as alvin bragg to file frivolous charges against ex-presipresidents as long as ty
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link it to some partisan judge. you can just burn out a former president with legal fees. >> greg: there you go. harold, judge jeanine brought up matthew, angelo. he was the d.c. prosecutor who worked for the biden doj. leaves d.c. enterprise comes to a smaller court. why? to handle the trump case. how is that not collaboration between the white house and prosecution? >> harold: we should ask him. first of all, i'm glad to see you back, you look great. >> greg: thank you, you look the same. >> harold: thank you, sir. the president is innocent until proven guilty. judge, i would push back on one thing you said, that mr. pecker actually signed a nonprosecution agreement. so he can be prosecuted. that's what's probably in his head. >> judge jeanine: he'd be prosecuted and convicted because he agreed to testify a certain way. that's what it is. its immunity. >> harold: it's a nonprosecution agreement. they are different than, nonprosecution agreement. pecker testified today -- third
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thing is, he did the right thing, everything he had been saying all week long. waking up this morning and seeing him in harlem, a juxtaposition of that picture, it should say to the white house, even more of what you are trying, you've got to do more of. i don't understand why the president, president biden, won't release whatever executive orders he's going to do it on the border, he should be doing that now because i think what the president is doing, former president trump is doing is pretty effective outside of the courtroom before he goes in and even when he is up working with people or shaking hands with people, people yelling for him. finally, mr. pecker's testimony today i thought was interesting, i'm not -- haven't seen anything to convince me that mr. trump is guilty but i differ a little bit, judge, i think he is laying out a story. i think the prosecution thinks that they can show that there was an agreement amongst a few people, including president trump, or at least in between two -- president trump's team and mr. pecker's team, our nonpayments are certain things.
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to either kill stories or plant stories. all in an effort to benefit the campaign. i think you said well, judge, mr. pecker said he assumed all of this was for the campaign, and not to protect his family, which is where the legal rub against her come in. i haven't seen anything to persuade me but i understand what mr. bragg and his team is trying to do and we will see if they get there. mr. trump has got to be pleased with how he is -- of the pictures and objects at him campaigning are about as good as he can do without being on the campaign trail. >> greg: there you go, and endorsement of donald trump from harold ford jr. >> harold: i'm for joe biden but trump is doing a good job campaigning. >> greg: all right, coming up, trump hair plagiarist joy reid is treating the indictments like the bible. t♪ ♪ ♪(voya)♪
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: the media loves to smear trump supporters as a brainwashed cult, but they should look in the mirror. [laughter] one liberal anchor says she treats trump's indictments like the bible. >> i forgot my copy of my book. the trump indictments, i take it around like trump has the pretend bible. >> judge jeanine: and it wouldn't be a cult without some secret meetings. "politico" reporting anti-trump legal pendants are holding private come off the record zoom calls, where they discuss the former president's latest
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legal drama, and while liberalse busy focusing on keeping trump hunker down in court, 45 is turning the democrats' political persecution into a campaign platform. >> we are going to be doing a rally at madison square garden, we believe, we think we are deciding madison square garden to do it, we have a big rally honoring the police, the firemen, everybody. some very big things have happened but the biggest seems to be the gdp, jud down to 1.6% and heading south, it's going to get worse. the numbers are very bad. this is bidenomics. it's catching up with him. this is the worst president we have ever had. he is destroying our country. close up the borders, joe, our country is going to hell. >> judge jeanine: okay, greg, so they are having an off the record zoom meeting, and that is by competing networks who get together and they have this zoom meeting, i want to know, do you
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think jeffrey toobin is going to be invited? >> greg: he is. he is at the zoom call. interesting, there are no women on the zoom call, and they told him his hands must always be visible. he's going to have a strong grip on the issues. normal people understand time. people in the media don't. we think about the past, anticipate the future, but the media cannot do that because then they would hate themselves. for example, they hold different positions in the past and they do now based on team sports so they can't look at themselves in the past. in the present, they have to pretend this is a new and exciting idea so they seem original. and they can't contemplate the future or else that would change what they do in the present. so by embracing this lawfare they actually betray their future selves because there is mob justice will comfort them. they are betting stupidly on this idea that there is no future cost of that. they are living in the now, like a drug addict doing a lot of
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crack, forgetting that there is going to be a hangover coming soon and that hangover is when the people you don't like are going to be in power and they are going to be able to do the same thing to you. they are betraying their future selves just like they betray the american people. >> judge jeanine: all right, harold. joy reid carries around the trump indictments as though they are a pretend bible. is she worshiping at the wrong altar? >> harold: she said she carries it around like president trump carries around -- the larger point is the one i agree with. i think democrats have to be careful. this is not the moment to pile on. if the law and the facts lead to something that is legally not good for president trump, let that be the case. i think the piling on doesn't help and i think when you consider what president -- i was wrong, i think i was corrected, i guess he stopped right in midtown, president trump, but wherever the picture was, could be harlem, the bronx, earlier
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today going to do a rally in the bronx as well as at madison square garden. these are the kinds of things that make him i think the athlete that he is. again, if i were my side -- that i am on my side, if i were at the white house advising, you'vt to do something on the border, do something on energy. this is the time to do it, when he is in court. you have frankly all of the media wanting to listen to you. i'd be doing a little more campaigning. i would be urging and encouraging those on the calls not to be spiking the ball at the 10-yard line, let the trials play out and the facts play out and let the jury decide on their own. >> judge jeanine: dana, harold mentions the border and the immigration issue is so far ahead, and they say even 42% of the democrats would support mass deportation. >> dana: i think you and me can read each other's minds. i wanted to bring up that issue of mass deportation because they don't -- the democrats don't seem to understand, the headlines say people support
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donald trump's mass deportations but they don't say why. why is because of joe biden's actions and policies. you know, over three and a half years, you see all of these millions of people coming across. there is no end in sight. he refuses to do anything by executive action. he did 91 executive actions to undo what president trump did so people see that and then you get to a point where now the left will say, oh, my gosh, the right, they are so awful, they want to do mass deportations, oh, my goodness. on joy reid, she did say she carries it around like a bible, right? >> judge jeanine: right. >> harold: but trump carries -- >> dana: the trump indictments have given democrats meaning and direction, and they are praying that the indictments help them because the issues certainly are not. and on the energy thing, president biden did do something on energy. and it's horrendous. >> harold: i would reverse it, is what i'm saying. >> dana: what he did yesterday was something on the electric grid, my friends how he basically said the whole thing is going to be unreliable
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at this goes through. pennsylvania from all of those jobs in pennsylvania are up for grabs. all of those votes are up for grabs because of what they have done to ban liquefied natural gas. and i could go on but i won't. >> judge jeanine: jesse, it is your turn. trump is talking about having a rally at madison square garden, and he is even saying that new york may be in play. >> jesse: i don't think it's in play, but he can peel off a bunch of people in new york, not that it matters, but there's lots of places in play. and if you look at what biden is doing and where he is doing and who he is doing it with, the other day he was in the woods with aoc. talking about solar panels. than he was talking to a very small slice of the american electorate, and he is really just worried about his base. he is out with a diverse crew of construction workers, talking about the top three issues of the country, inflation, immigration, and the economy. he is actually going towards the issues. joe biden is running away from them. you hear about these people on these zoom calls.
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that just makes me think they wanted more than we do. because i don't think, maybe mark levin or jonathan turley, have ever even texted each other. let alone spent hours on a zoom call coordinating legal rhetoric. but it also, i am in all of it, but it also makes me feel bad for them because they are so pathetic that all they have is the trump resistance. joy reid. democrats believe god's power. when they are in it, they are in heaven. when they are out of it, they are and hell. and who is the biggest threat to their power? donald trump. so donald trump is the devil. that is why they think this stack of indictments is like the scripture, the word of god. when they -- remember robert mueller? they worship him like an apostle. remember what they did with fauci. in fauci we trust. there is a religious zealotry when it comes to the way they idolize these people that are supposed to avenge trump. and i'm getting the same kind of
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fauci, mueller vibes because what happened to those two guys? kaput. >> judge jeanine: got it. this will make your blood boil. pro-terrorist mobs are now spewing their bile at police officers trying to keep jewish students safe. ♪ ♪ let's get started. bill, where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. but i'm done struggling. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with just the click of this button. a button? no mask? no hose? just sleep. yeah but you need the hose, you need the air, you need the whoooooosh... inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more, and view important safety information at
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escalating this. >> greg: yeah, i love that when joe biden said he condemns anti-semitism, but also he condemns those that don't understand what's going on with the palestinians. well, you just condemned yourself. and all of america. because nobody knows what's going on. right? we can't depend on the news for that. i have three questions. i'm here to help a protester because i think they are being misguided, and they are ruining their lives. the number one, there are three questions, why are you angry? why is your anger encouraged by certain authorities? and three, what is it doing to you long-term? when you are angry, you are being in conflict emotionally means you will have no control in your surroundings. you think you are in control but as long as you are angry and in a state of anxiety, you can't do anything. so look at our broken borders. look at the rampant crime, political unrest. all of these keep you in a state of permanent anxiety, and i
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would say panic. you can't move on, you can't move up. number two. why are they feeding your ego over this? why are the politicians telling you that you are speaking truth to power? you can say "you go girl" to a child and that is healthy but staying it to an adult and an emotional tantrum enables your helplessness. the bar saying oh, you keep doing it, you're basically starving you of actual control. it keeps you where you are. last thing, what does this do to you? what does this constant anger due to you? look in the mirror. you are getting uglier. you are getting older faster. it's true. anger ages you faster than any emotion because it requires consistent supply of energy, so it shows up over time in your face, in your hair, in your body. it's no different than any kind of substance abuse. you can only look young for so long and then people notice it. i made a chart for you to follow. all right? as anger goes up, ugliness
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increases. all right? i am playing to their vanity. you people are not attractive and you are getting less attractive every day. i would listen to uncle greg here and maybe think about taking a break. >> jesse: uncle greg, brad pitt, same thing. >> dana: here is somebody who is angry. ilhan omar, who bashed the speaker, who you had on last night, jesse come on your show, great interview. here she is talking about the speaker. >> it is not surprising that he would go out to columbia university and stir up really more anger and hate. for the member who said, like, don't waste your parents money, they don't want their parents money to go in supporting a genocide that they opposed. so i do believe that history is going to be on their side. >> dana: and jesse come i don't know, your kids are a little young, but it is take your kid to work day, so
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ilhan omar and her daughter went to protest today at columbia after omar got arrested just the other day and said she was homeless and couldn't eat anything. >> jesse: what did jesse do -- wait, am i supposed to take my kid or as my kids a poster take me to kindergarten? >> dana: you are supposed to bring your kid to work but he is a little young. next year, next year. >> jesse: i don't know about omar. i don't really care about her or her daughter. they can do what they want. at least during the vietnam war there was a righteous anger. people are getting attracted to go fight in the jungles halfway around the world for a because they didn't understand. the civil rights movement, there was segregated tables, people couldn't -- weren't respected constitutionally. that i understand. this is a war. this is not a genocide. this is a military consequence of a vicious assault on women and children. it was way out of hand. and sometimes you have to suffer the consequences when you make one of those assaults like that. to me, the way they chant, it
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basically looks like every single anti-cop, antiwhite, anti-wealth, anti-american -- it's a grab bag from the occupy movement, blm, and now this hamas stuff. and you are always going to have people at this age that reach out and try to define who they are and try to become a part of something, or become against something else. but it really is just based on insecurity. you know, greg is right, but moisturizer helps, too, massage, deep breathing. but you realize how grateful you are to be an american. what is happening right now is not worthy of violence. it is not worthy of the hatred. it is just a war overseas involving two people that's been going on a thousand years, and it's not something you need to stab someone in the eyeball with a palestinian flag over. >> greg: is she getting any help for her her stay-at-home brother? >> dana: we can ask.
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she'll be on jesse's show at some point. >> jesse: at some point. at 8:00. >> dana: there is a current fight, and it is about hostages, including americans, and last night, hamas released a video -- >> judge jeanine: of one of the hostages. >> dana: obviously under duress, arm has been cut off, and he is saying, could you help us please. could anybody focus on us? >> judge jeanine: you know, no one is focusing on the hostages. it is all about hate. i think it is so rich that ilhan omar, of all people, would come out and say that with the speaker of the house going to columbia yesterday, he was stirring up more anger and hate. that is just so rich, ilhan, coming from you. i think it is also rich that we have seen joe biden come to new york city during the week of officer jonathan diller and had five hours after he landed before he had his event over
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here across the street, and he didn't bother to go to the wake of that police officer, and he is coming in tomorrow. i doubt he'll go to -- i think he is doing errol stern or something -- howard stern -- and yet he is not, i guarantee you, going to columbia and he is not going to go to nyu. and yet we have got these students who are dumb. they are just dumb. they don't know what's going on. they actually admit it. they were asked to go to nyu to protest because they needed more protesters, and when they were asked with the issue was and why they were there, they didn't know. and yet the point that you make is so significant, and that is we are looking at a hostage who has lost his arm since he was taken hostage on october 7th, and we are acting as though no americans were killed, as though no americans are being held hostage, and joe biden is just clueless, while donald trump is talking about saving this country, and the mob mentality that we are being confronted with right now is so dangerous. these kids will do anything at
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this point. and shafik, the head of the university, she's not going anywhere, the board of directors is behind her. >> dana: the police are trying to do the right thing. the other thing that happened today we find out the university of southern california is canceling graduation. they had a situation -- so now you have, imagine you are graduating senior, you probably didn't get to have graduation fl because of covid, you did two years of zoom school, you get one year of normal college, and then you have this and you don't even get to finish your senior year and soon school and don't get to graduate in a ceremony. harold, why can't the authorities -- where is gavin newsom saying we got you. they have the ability to do this, they are just choosing not to. >> harold: usc's situation was unique. they had a speaker -- >> dana: cancel the speaker. the protesters are mad because the speaker, who was expressing some things that would have been very offensive to jews, they are canceling that speech.
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so now the protesters -- who cares? at a different speaker. >> harold: i disagree with y you. ust -- one thing i do applaud usc four as they cleared people off the campus, they invited the police on campus, and why you do the same thing, columbia and other universities should take a good look, particularly going forward, what these schools have done. i think to greg's point, everyone's point around what these protesters are doing and their lack of understanding of the purpose of protest, this actually has some sort of end game or some sort of conclusion you would like to reach. if you are not going to talk about the facts in a matter, including that they are american hostages being held by hamas, and if you are not going to confront those in your movement who say they are hamas, it's very difficult to get to what might be constructive parts of what you want beer i think there is a legitimate case to be made about protecting palestinians, , protecting innocent people in these areas, particularly children who do not have access
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to health care. but you cannot be taken seriously if you don't talk about the calamity and the tragedies that have happened before hand and the kinds of things that on the other side they are asking for which are reasonable and fair, and frankly, should be part of your aims come as well, which are to get people back reunited with their families, if they are still living, the hostages, and figuring out ways in which we can get to existence in that region. we can't get there if we don't condemn violence, we don't condemn threats, and we don't make it safe for kids to go to school, regardless of if they're paying $1 on campus or $75,000 on some of these high-end schools we are watching day in and day out who cannot protect their students. >> dana: started this segment talking about police officers, bring this back to the a block, president trump said if he had this rally at madison square garden, policed by officers, firefighters, and he added teachers, as well. coming up, a scary incident for kamala harris after a fight reportedly broke out amongst her secret service detail.
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what is going on? we will fill you in next. >> greg: yeah! ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: joe biden is running probably the most chaotic white house in history, from commander chowing down on staff to a cocaine bag found in the situation room, it is all out of control, and now secret service agents are going the full jerry springer. one of kamala's are up right now my protectors flipping out this week and getting into a physical fight with another agent at joint base andrews while waiting for the vp to arrive. things got so crazy the "washington examiner" reports the agent had to be handcuffed and removed from service. the secret service confirms that the agent began displaying behavior their colleagues found distressing. but his core and other details, saying "this was a medical matter. we will not disclose any further details."
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harold ford jr., what do you think happened? >> harold: i've no idea -- >> jesse: but what do you think happened to? >> greg: you are trying to lure him into speculation. >> jesse: we don't speculate here. >> harold: i don't know. >> jesse: i'm going to stop you, harold. come on. >> harold: i don't know. i just read what i read. it appears -- i'm glad that she didn't harm anybody. i hope she didn't harm herself. i hope whatever help she needs, the secret service agents are able to get it. >> jesse: wonderful political answer, harold. jenin? >> judge jeanine: okay, this is what happened. there was another person on the secret service detail -- by the way, the vice president's detail is where they put all the problem children, okay? >> harold: it is not a fact? >> judge jeanine: that is a fact, you can write it down. apparently she was having an argument with another person on the secret service. she grabbed his phone and starting removing apps from the phone. why? was there a relationship there? i don't know and i will not say. >> harold: keep going, keep going. >> judge jeanine: so she gets
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the phone back and the guy says nothing. nothing. he just moves on. then she starts chest bumping, she punched out another agent. now they said that her higher was part of the diversity, equity, and inclusion push. hang on, greg. response to years of staff shortages. and they required the agency to lower its once-strict employment standards. i'm reading that, i'm not saying it. now i also understand from someone in the know that when she was training in 2016 that she heard voices and everybody ignored it. and there she is. >> jesse: oh, she heard voices, greg. what does that tell you? >> greg: voices carry. i don't blame the secret service. look who they work for. imagine being a bodyguard for someone who is default system is cluelessness. and your default system as a professional is complete awareness. it doesn't match. right? you are basically babysitting a
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child. whom maybe you need crazy agents to match the vp. but once again, the projection hypothesis comes true. everything the media painted trump with, chaos, unworthiness, divisive, unprofessional, erratic, criminal, ignorant, has all come true under joe biden. from the big ticket items, whether it is safety or security or unity, or foreign relations, to the smaller stuff, like the disarray and the scuffles and the verbiage. who knew that everything they would accuse trump of they would fulfill? we did? we all did. >> jesse: didn't we, dana? >> dana: i hope she gets the help she needs. it reminded me of carrie from homeland, do you remember that? kind of like that story come anybody? [laughter] >> jesse: okay. >> dana: maybe the secret service story under obama, they were partying in columbia and there was a huge
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problem -- >> jesse: that's a good scandal. >> dana: that was a good scandal good scandal. >> jesse: that's a good scandal. >> judge jeanine: she was with the dallas police department and she suit for gender determination and the court through the case out. i don't know why they hired her. >> harold: do you have any more thoughts on this? >> judge jeanine: i'm done. >> jesse: anymore details? what does her name rhyme with? up next, flying cars are here and we are going to put harold in one. >> judge jeanine: take off, harold >> harold: thank you. ♪ ♪ i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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♪ ♪ >> harold: welcome back. the jetsons made a stream about it and it is finally here, folk. a car company making history this week after conjunct not conducting the first flight with a passenger, a french musician. he called it a an amazing experience, still fueled by gas but the ceo hopes it will switch to batteries once the tech is up to speed. jesse, he started the segment by saying you're going to put me in that thing first, how do you feel about this technology? >> jesse: well, i'm not putting it you in it at all, harold. i think it is stupid to have a french musician be the first passenger. that is not going to get press. put someone like me or greg or
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any of us are on the table, fly them -- who is the french musician? >> harold: a regular white guy. >> jesse: and american white guy! >> dana: go on prime time and talk about it. i am for this. traffic is getting outrageous. i don't think -- obviously i don't think it would work in new york city. but in denver, i would be for it. >> harold: exclamation point, is this something you would do? >> harold: i would call b.s. on tentacle fronts. one, there is no such thing as a french musician, let's be honest. number two, this idea has been around, flying car, it goes back 100 years -- google, when they had google back then -- flying cars were first mentioned in the late 1800s. every decade they have a new flying car. i wrote and edited a piece for men's health in the '90s on the moller car, supposed to be the next line card. you will keep hearing about flying cars and as you keep hearing, what happens, you get
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drones and ai. it is always a thing you do not see coming here >> jesse: i just googled french musicians. haven't heard of any. >> greg: [laughs] oh, a great singer. >> jesse: he is on the list, you are right, never heard of him, though. >> judge jeanine: i have driven a car once and it kind of went -- [laughter] >> harold: "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪
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viral on social media. shamrock golden retriever fur rare green coloring. result of being stained by bile in the mother dog's womb. the condition is completely harmless and she will eventually grow out of the color. her family says she was born lucky. then again, her family is irish. >> dana: then again. >> greg: all right, it's me. tonight i'm back on gut feldt with coat timpf jesus. drug greg's drunk camera news. nothing worse than trying to help a friend home drunk from a bar this is outside the panda express pub and grill. they were out on the old panda bars and he wouldn't go. come on, steve. [laughter] >> greg: steve always does this. steve, your wife's worried about you. you've been doing this every night. what's going on? i just got one more chance. let me get up here.
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i swear to god. i can do it. this is it. steve. steve, enough. steve, no. anyway. that went on for three hours. going to play it tonight. dana. >> dana: okay. i got dana's sports corner which i ripped off from greg because tonight is my favorite night of the year. it's the nfl draft. and i have some picks for you. okay, harold? are you ready for this? >> harold: absolutely. >> dana: caleb williams of number one to the chicago bears. jacob daniels number 2 go number two to the washington commanders. drake may of unc number 3 to the patriots. and these three teams are looking to trade up in the first round to grab a qb. that means quarterback. vikings, broncos, raiders. >> greg: i'm going to go on the record, dana, and say this is the first time you have ever read those words out loud. >> dana: out loud is true. i want to thank dan helly a fox sports caster and thank you for helping me sound really smart.
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>> judge jeanine: you sounded brilliant. >> harold: a.j. mccarthy is going to crack the top. >> jesse: british marathoners had a glass of wine per mile at the london marathon. typical british move always showing off 25 glasses of wine while running a marathon, finished under four hours. >> harold: are you kidding me? >> jesse: seriously. >> harold: what is wrong with him? >> jesse: because you don't drink. john j asked about biden's uncle bosie eaten by cannibals. >> joe biden is like a bag of dope. trump cocaine. slow joe or cocaine? >> what do you want the heroin or cocaine? >> both of them. i'm in recovery. >> jesse: wow. johnny, there it is. >> greg: harold, we don't have time for you. >> judge jeanine: we love you. ♪ ♪


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