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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 25, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as you're goldy garden. if people only knew that it if people only knew that it of it! you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it. live coverage and powerful reporting. former president trump could be hit with $10,000 in fines. u.s. forces had to respond. several rockets. people are afraid on these campuses. people of the jewish faith are worried for their safety. >> only on fox news channel, thanks to governments in jackie katz in cairo and onyo u, "the ingraham angle" is up next. that's it from washington. >> laura: good evening, i'm laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle," thanks yfor
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joining us. losing control is the focus of tonight's angle. now the democrat establishment, they always assume they could control the crazies on the left without our help. what if that is not true? [screaming bedroom /*] >> don't touch them. don't touch them. [screaming] [whistleblowing] >> one protest er was arrested and put in the squad car, the car was surrounded by protesters. leo t let him go, let him go, let him. there was anger and then this arrest. >> there is a physical clash between students and police. >> laura: pro-hamas movement is
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catching on on the campuses coast to coast, moving faster than std. they consider george floyd a hero and think most of america is down right racist and now they feel embolden, they believe they always have of coer from liberals who are running our colleges and universities. >> we have this encampment that has shown solidarity with other colleges and palestinian people, something administration cannot take away from us. they are treating us as strangers at this encampment. >> laura: i love the mask. last night columbia university was given deadline to remove tents, then administration buckled. >> that deadline came and went and the university said they
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could push back that deadline by 48 hours. >> laura: 48 hours? some activists are ignorantly supporting hamas. most don't know what hamas is. some are antisemites and others are trying to find meaning in their life. students that work hard can't afford to be involved, can't afford to skip classes and scheme from the river to the sea. this angry campus occupation is filled with entitled kids poorly raised who live in natural state of entitlement and sloth. who needs schoolwork, mommy and daddy will flip me the beamer. punis punishment not coming any time soon. it was obama himself who encouraged young people to be
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community organizers, one of his final speeches he gave as president and they know they have campus and city law enforcement in a box. >> those moments sometimes of law enforcement moving in create a moment of escalation. >> we cannot put police officers, especially noncampus police officers out there fully armed, terrifying students. don't have to treat protesters as enemies, don't get to death con1 in an hour. >> laura: as dr. franken stein's monster came for him, the democrats creation, hateful pro pro-hamas activists will come for them, new type of monster. they are threatening to disrupt the democratic national in chicago, they are convincing
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middle american that they are dominated by extremists. we did have riots in 1968 and nikszon won the election. this is where rubber meets the road. until now democrats thought a activists were helpings them by intimidating republicanses, bringing excitement to campaigning, now democrats have lost control of the situation with kids raging out of control shouting support for pro-hamas. this is setting up potential nightmare scenario for joe biden and his party. what will they do if all these students or others like them march into chicago on august 19th? two or three nights of riots like cuban humphrey in 1968. my prediction, biden campaign
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will do everything it can to convince this movement they are only helping elect trump. put brakes on protest stuff. if left to pritzker and brandon johnson to stop these kids, well, they will do it. this could end up just like 1968 all over again. remember the scenes? upshot here, politicians like biden, chuck schumer, nancy pelosi, should have not gefr along with them. >> president biden: systemic racism is a stain on the nation's soul. >> president trump, you are not a dictator and america will not permit you to be one, we will 234089 permit you to be one. they have placed democracy in jeopardy. >> laura: fro time to time, you
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can believe they actually believed what they were saying. looking at this, do you think guy who everybody issed as vice president to barack obama for eight years believes the country is systemically racist? probably not and chuck schumer doesn't believe donald trump will never hold office. the more we say it was an act, performance art to amtrak enthusiasm of young radicals all to stop the populous and donald trump. the suburban mothers who thought biden was going to return us to no normalcy, they see this folding, chaos everywhere. look from the trans movement hurting young girls and women in sports, that border, that mess, to college campuses now and suburban women think trump is the problem? it would be sweet justice if after all this, it blew up in
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their faces in november and helped elect donald trump. that's the angle. joining us cornell law professor, who dealt with hostility from his own school because he dared to ask questions about the blm movement. professor, president sharif said there is a certain area for protest to guarantee free speech for student and avoid disruption to other students, that we are seeing with the encampments. why is the president negotiating with people violating their own rules? >> great question, that is one reason she should step down. this is a toxic situation with toxic ideologies and these of anti-american, idiology similar
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to occupy wall street from a decade ago mixed with islam pro-terror group and mixed with ha hamas. this is not something we have seen before and i've been covering movements for a decade. it is worse now. >> laura: cnn think it is catalyst for hamas themselves and may make things worse, watch. >> action of bringing police into a group of people who are already feeling they are representative of the oppressed and inspired by what happened with george floyd in 2020 and seeing what is happening in gaza, that has only acted as a catalyst here. i wonder at the wisdom of bringing in the armed police -- >> laura: so professor jacobsson, they are supposed to
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let hundreds of tents without sanitation or concern for students trying to get real education, let them stay up until they get tired? >> this is obviously highly organize, not spontaneous, there is a group organizing this around the campus. the tents are identical, these are not just students showing up. that is what is going on here. no mistake or coincidence that today the x criticize -- this is not what it appears to be, this is much more serious situation. >> laura: yeah, this is infected our country now and what the liberals wanted and this is what they got. professor, they wering you so much. to the peaceful protest at university of southern california, usc.
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[shouting] [screaming] >> laura: joining me now >> laura: joining me from campus is usc alum, jared zelman. do you feel safe as jewish american on campus? >> unfortunately, laura, i don't feel safe, this is one of the holiest weeks to jews, week of passover, i don't know anyone wearing a yamsica or star of david. >> this antisemitism sentiment has been building across the country. the valedictorian speech was
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cancelled because of it. what happened there? >> the valedictorian, her instagram biocalled for dissolution of israel. uss usc selected her, instead of calling her off and changing the speaker, they suggest the problem were those in our community that were going to make her feel unsafe and they cancelled all speakers. >> laura: this is what happens, these so-called liberals are illiberal because they are disrupting what is going on for students who want to go to class and having education at the least interrupted or made traumatic by this and don't care about that at all, they want instagram video and stuff for reals and want them to blame campus security officers who
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were knocked on their back during all of this. >> it is scary. it is frightening. the issue is, it may not affect everybody in our country. these people are young and they are going to age and make up an extremely influential segment of america's people and we will all suffer the consequences. >> laura: we are watching usc, this is a beautiful campus and disgrace what is uhappening. what is going on in the head of these protesters? >> if you are proud of what you are doing, why did you cover your face? >> israel is behind 9/11? >> did they stay in charge -- >> shut up. >> which terrorist group should run -- >> go to hell. >> free, free palestine. >> don't touch my microphone.
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>> what is best and safest way to -- >> laura: joining me is adam gsh gu guillette, were you surprised to learn promise activists were not brightest lights in the bulb drawer? >> no, they are ivy league radicals and fools and i've been encountered them across the country. they are no brighter at andy beshearing berkeley law. it comes from the dei teaching, they learn dei rather than anything of intellectual weight. >> laura: previous guest said a lot of protests are astro-turf, highly organized down to the tents and i guess perhaps who is
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helping fund this activity. do you have knowledge about that or do you doubt that supposition? >> i really think you have several different groups, there are true-blue anti-semites and dei radicals increasingly at columbia i see off-campusa agitators who sneak on to campus. imagine paying $70,000 and you don't feel safe and are told to leave campus. i watch folks sneak on to campus everyday, adults, radicals, people looking for the next protest to find. >> laura: columbia president sh shafik said she takes
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antisemitism seriously and testified to that effect. >> we condemn antisemitism that is pervasive today. antisemitism has no place on our campus and i'm personally committed to do everything i can to confront it directly. >> laura: adam? do you believe her? >> yeah, it is unbelievable. i was at that hearing, it was ironic, she explained she tries to make protest away from the classroom so students can listen and study and learn. it was hard to hear her, at that moment, her students were outside the room screaming and shouting and demanding to be let in. these are entitled children and she is incapable of solving the problem and she should resign. >> laura: a lot of people say who care, these are elite universities who graduate underperformingun stereos, why
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care about it? >> these are people who will be running our country in a few years and this is what corporate america will look like in 10 years. we need to stop this problem before it infects more of our culture. >> laura: that is why they have the masks on. they all have masks and scarves, they don't want anyone to know who they are. thank you. alvin bragg perhaps realizing his case against trump may be a dead dog. now they have to reinvent themselves. jonathan turley is here next to explain it. stay with us.
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see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. >> laura: court resumes tomorrow. let's remember now never trump legal type initially reacted to alvin bragg's hush money indictment. >> entire point of indictment is to tell the defendants, here is what you are charged with. federal campaign law. this is new york city, he said state election law, this is campaign for president, federal office, there are questions about this. >> hard to imagine convincing a jury they should get there. >> one source said this is donald trump, don't bring a knife to a gun fight. >> i had hoped there would be
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more. >> laura: april 2023 dis disappointment and belief over this case has been excitement and anticipation, old concern magi magically melting away. joining me now is fox news contributor, professor jonathan turley. i love going back and watching old clips, now they are in with the alvin bragg attempt to bootstrap some conspiracy references to opening statement and campaign finance violation, what is going on with this evolving spin? >> jonathan: i don't know, this is inkocomprehensible, the newe theory as the trial was starting, another dead misdemeanor. the misdemeanor is trump conspired by promoting his own election unlawfully.
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they don't explain where the unlawful part is and don't explain how denoting this as legal expense later affected the 2016 election. it doesn't matter to anyone in the courtroom this is utter n nonsense. the federal government did not believe there were grounds to charge anybody in this case, many experts reject that whole c concept. what we're watching is something i've never seen, judge allowing this farce to unfold in his courtroom and everyone treating this like they are trying a known crime. when you have people still debating, not just this network, what the crime was that trump was trying to conceal, it is something that is out of a movie. it is just crazy. >> laura: professor, what would
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you say -- say you were doing a criminal defense seminar for third-year law students and they were actually trying to convince you this was state crime rising to felony with these facts. i wouldn't want to see what you would grade this on if they had to write a paper. >> jonathan: i had a professor who would always say that is interesting argument, does not pass the red face test. make that argument without getting a red face. i tell students, you are trying too hard, gravitational pull of who the defendant is warping your judgement. decide what is more important. go ahead? >> laura: yeah at some point it is indictment of the press, of legal minds who have a lot of
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experience in court so they are indicting themselves. they despise trump and want this to fit into the box alvin bragg constructed and it doesn't work. move to what is upon haing tomorrow at supreme court, i wish i was there to see the oral argument in the trump case involving presidential immunity, your quick take? >> jonathan: well, this is a real cliff case, cliffs on both sides and the justices don't want to go over them. the lower court decision was sweeping, both are cliffs. you leave a president who has no protection for statements made in presidency or create a president who has no accountability for crimes. the court may try to find a third option, if that happens it
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will have a practical benefit, if it gets returned to district court how could she hold a trial before the election? >> laura: wow, jonathan, can't wait to see what happens, thank you as always. corporate media pretends they are not like t"national enquirer." don't go away. i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance
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>> laura: anti-israel, pro-hamar mob spreading to other colleges across the united states. alexis mcadams joins with an update from nyu.t? what is the latest? >>l, laura, there is some
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situation happenin g right now, we'll show you what is going onp witheo campus security. there are people on the sidewalk and situation with people. yeah. for sure sur. that is kind of what is going on here. g at nyu, i will step offsh camera and show you what is happening here with some boards they put up around ere campus. things got so out of control an there visit been violence a happening. protesters were throwing chairs at a police officer. the chair badly dented an nypd helmet in the area. you can see that chair being thrown and that was a riot t helmet smashed this comes after numerous >> warnings from police. watch this. >> this is d new york city poli department, you have been warned by new york city university to
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leave the area or be arrested for trespass. >> that protester chased police at nyu on monday night. the crowd grew angry and violent demanding theype release that person. police had to get into the building for safety reason. t the language police heard at nyu and columbia has been vile. >> the language from students toward our cops was r reprehensible an ad disgusting. we will not have encampment on the streets, i guarantee that. >> today on campus, protesters wearing mask tried to block our crew from walking by, trying to ush approximate the photographer's camera out of the way, demanding to know where he worked. from yale to university of texas, whereop they are arresti doz knows, they handled it
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differently there.viou government officials say the protests are being funded by outside groups.nt listen tino this. >> israel, go to hell. >> israel, go to hell. >> it is right to rebel, israel, go to hell. >>el you can see there are s officers in front of nyu, people walking by get heated. one see what people wrote on the ed wall. a girlre jumped up with a mask and wrote who does your wall protect, free palestine, this is nyu's wall of people are not happy out here lr what is going on. theyt want this campus to let them set up gaza encampment. back to you. >> laura: imagine those kids trying to study for finals and i get that project done maybe they are behindle on.
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adding another challenge to end ofar year drama on college .ampuses asay always, thank you so much. >> laura: yeah, we just cut hers off. trump is on trial, as turl turml /* /* jonathan turley just al discussed, they are arbiters of what real journalism is and want you know know it ain't the "national enquirer." >> this is not how journalist works, maybe it falls into thata category, that is not t journalism. >> that is notsm journalism. in my world of legitimate journalism, people don't offer money likege that generally. none of this is normal, no aspect of what we're witnesses is normal. >> students, checkbook
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journalism is not a think. >> laura: really? was burying the hunter biden io laptop story, was that good journalism? they gotg everything wrong, th keep getting everything wrong and totally misread middle hi america, thenky don't care aboun them t, think they are awful people and they lecture us? this is real journalism. get out of town. joining me now fox news contributor. chris, i love the pearl clutching about real reporters and real journalism. bit a little bit ironic, maybe? >> it's more than a little ironicth, they have a point tha the "national enquirer" paying foitr stories does not fit the bill, neither does what we've me seen from outlets last couple
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years. what i took with my skwjournali degree is ethics, like diagnosing someone as mentally il'll, that is something you ars not supposed to do, it is wn something cnn would do everydaya npr having convoluted reason why they wouldn't cover the biden laptop story. to hear the lectures is hysterical. >> laura: and byron, you documented this, there are justification from people who are italented writers, trump is really sub-human, he's a danger to our existence, he's hitler, satan, thaett is how they get o of that ethics constraint.en
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>> yeah, you saw during the trump presidency, so many took more openly adverse aerial r stance than they had taken before t, even with previous republican administration they gave a hard time to.of there was that and lowered standard of proof for stories involving donald think back to the steele dossier, unsubstantiated de allegations about trump and till russia. some in the press decided to still discuss it because they wh haicd not been proven false, ta the standard and turn on its head. i n a lot changed in journalism i the trump years, all for the worst.qu >> laura: chris, what i think is hilarious and you try to find h humor where you can in this sad situation, when you look at polling and it is just polling, quinnipiac is interesting
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because they have been trending against biden, building. the more they put this lens on o the trial, the worst it is getting for biden and you look back in january and it was up >> gillian: for biden, february up four, march up three and now in april, it's a tie. ina lot of people think, how pl account could it be a tie. i am told that trend is s significant and that is an indictment of the press, people are tuning them out. >> it is. they don't have the power they used to have, they don't have ability toho declare to people h should be the president, who isc good and bad and to back it up,l when they don't have real facts following this case to new york, they set up group chats amongsto themselves to convince american
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people. they are not actual support groups. >> laura : send a therapy pet to the group chat when the news starts turning. thank you. speaking of the left vitriol, new target, this tells you how desperate they are getting, yeah, talking about melania trump next. plastic is not wasted... but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen.
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>> laura: she's beautiful. she's smart. she's married to donald trump. so of course, the left hate her and will look for any excuse to criticize her. >> the heels are so high. >> heels are always high. >> it is not the most practical idea to wear those high of heels on capitol hill. >> the way she is allowing herself to be defined are strange choice of jacket she wore on a trip in poor taste. >> melania stood out in a 2023ed coat, everyone else dressed in dark colors. >> "new york times" is dissecting outfit melania trump wore at recent fundraiser.
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melania looked chic and confident, vanessa friedman found hidden meaning behind it all in geo graphy of dress, black, color of seriousness, doom, mourning, is not what one might expect at a party. black is almost never seen locally. there she was in her 2024 debut for her husband's campaign, one she and her team knew would be keenly watched in black. it was fighting ready, depending on your perspective, it wasn't. melania had chosen a pink number and wore polka dots in 2022, what is this about?
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former trump assistant treasury secretary, full disclosure, i'm in palm beach and i'm wearing black. whenever i see melania trump, i stay away from her, i don't want to be photographed wither had, she is so beautiful and smart, i step aside. the fashion editor, ended with melania trump getting ready to fight, question is against whom. monica, what is wrong with these people, please? >> laura, i am sitting in the palm beach area and i almost chose a black dress to join you tonight. you know the saying sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. sometimes a chic, gorgeous black suit and just a suit. mrs. trump looks beautiful in anything, highly accomplished,
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f fluent in five languages, they try to find something to b bludgeon her and hit her husband. mrs. trump is a real powerhouse in her own right, a literal super model, laura, for them to waste column in "new york times" when the world is aflame and the country is hanging by a thread, tells you their level desperation and level of jealousy about mrs. trump. >> laura: hold on, hold your horses, you can't really compare melania's fashion sensibility to kamala, she's on cover of vogue. kamala really, when she wears a pant suit it screams seriousness and poise and confidence. this was 2021, when she donned
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the cover of a magazine. fine, no problem, she looked good. it shows you just how desperate they are, they are sad people. close it out. >> how jealous they are of her stunning beauty, her accomplishment, she was an extraordinary first lady and will be again. of course -- >> laura: if she were liberal, they would love her. >> recently, i had major editor of major fashion magazine tell me a couple years ago they were told to never put melania trump on the cover. simply because -- married to donald trump. >> laura: not surprising, thank you. biden campaign fumbles and stumbles and trump makes most of court lockdown. raymond arroyo is next.
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>> laura: it is time for seen and unseen, we turn to raymond arroyo. trump has been stuck in new york thanks to this sham trial, but he has found a way to use the confinement to his advantage. >> raymond: if prosecutor's goal was to lock him down, trump outfoxed them and created events in atlanta, new york, harlem, reaching far beyond his usual base. the un on fifth avenue. he hosted the poetish president at home base in new york and yesterday former japanese prime minister visited him. this is brilliant strategy and hardly the electricdown alvin br bragg -- lockdown alvin bragg
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was counting on. >> laura: they are all coming to meet him and polls are trending against biden big time. >> raymond: warning to prosecutors, remember joan of arc, it wasn't until the fire things got interesting. biden is on the trail, he spoke or read to union workers in ush wa wash to washington today. >> imagine what we can do next. four more years pause. >> four more years. four more years. four more years. >> raymond: four more years, pause. >> laura: he did not say pause. >> raymond: every moment is scripted and a disaster. in that moment, it is cascade of them every week and everyday. >> laura: imagine if trump did that.
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oh, no if trump said pause, it would be every late night show, every comedian, every tedious commentator on the view, they treat it like a dog charity event, paws. >> raymond: four more seconds. go ahead. >> laura: biden hosted big abortion rally in tampa and messy as ever. >> pick them up and you need a ride to the poll, don't mess with -- of america. let's get it done. [cheering] >> besides, i used to drive an 18-wheeler. >> raymond: laura, he never did that. biden has been in politics for 30 years, he was civil rights activist, got three degrees, raised puerto rico and now
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trucker biden, tom riply of politics. >> laura: he did that thing again, he turned and did that weird robotic thing, that robot, michael jackson thing. still waiting for someone to show up. one moment was actually gross during that abortion event. now this is failed florida candidate for governor nikki fried, watch biden as she discusses abortion laws. >> come back to the state of flo florida, ron desantis felt he needed toun are, 15 weeks wasn't good enough, had to go to six weeks. >> raymond: so insidious to invoke the cross and jesus christ. to bring abortion into it when
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you have a catholic there defying his church for years, supporting abortion on demand. this is particularlioduous, i have to say. >> laura: he is an ardent practi practicing catholic like nancy pelosi. tomorrow i'll be on martha maccallum on "the story" tune in 3:00 eastern and follow me on social media, facebook, instagram and x, coming and going of angle there. thank you for watching, it is eshg m. sometimes it doesn't seem so, jesse takes it from here. jesse watters ta kes it from >> carley: a fox news alert, today is massive day for former president donald trump who will be back in a new york courtroom for da


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