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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  April 24, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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[ cheering and applause >> greg: thank you to our guests and our studio audience. on behalf of greg gutfeld, i love you, america. >> trace: good evening, i'm trace gallagher, 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 in los angeles and this is america's late news,
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"fox news @ night". breaking tonight, anti-israel protesters at columbia and other elite universities just got a major endorsement tonight. a senior hamas leader and the popular front for the liberation of palestine calls the protesters "our students at american universities." the statement comes as dozens of students are being arrested at the university of texas, austin. now a live look at the university of southern california where protests appear to be heating up. and the students appear to be staying a while. meantime in new york, the speaker of the house made note of the terrorist support. watch. >> today hamas issued an endorsement statement of the protesters on this campus, calling them the future leaders of america. they screamed at those who bear the star of david. [ chanting ] >> enjoy your free speech.
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>> it was chaos on the campus. we were looking out into a sea of students faces with rage. so many of them, jesse, don't even know what the heck they are talking about. they don't know what hamas has done, they deny the facts of october seventh. some of them denied tonight 11. >> trace: as you saw, speaker johnson was not treated to a friendly welcome by student agitators on their sixth day of protests. we have team fox coverage. live a columbia. but we begin with matt finn live in los angeles. >> reporter: trace, today was unorganized day of resistance with anti-israel demonstrations at schools like usc and southern california, john hopkins in baltimore, and here are some fiery scenes from the university of texas at austin. [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ crowd noise ]
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>> from gaza to mexico! >> fascist! >> reporter: police at the university of texas austin made more than 20 arrests. the student affairs division there warned the school is not going to tolerate campus disruptions during finals. video shows police first asking demonstrators to peacefully disperse. protesters chanted "pigs go home." [ chanting ] >> reporter: and tonight yet another major university here in california was overrun by protesters demanding a cease-fire in gaza. protesters at usc clashed with police early in the day and then law enforcement issued a dispersal order around 5:30 this evening. dozens of protesters did not comply and formed circles, locking arms. video shows people agitating police and throwing water
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bottles at officers. usc writing about the protesters "their actions have escalated to the point of confrontation and have threatened the safety of our officers and campus community." earlier this evening a usc student told fox news jewish students are afraid to wear yarmulkes. >> it's scary, frightening. the issue is, it may not affect everybody in our country but these people are young and they are going to age and at some point they are going to make up an extremely influential segment of america's people. we are all going to suffer the consequences. >> reporter: the majority of these protesters are demanding their school stop funding anything to do with israel including companies and universities. >> trace: amazing. the pictures are unbelievable. live in la, we will get back to you later. meantime the anti-israel movement appears to still be going strong in new york city where protesters now camping out in tents on campus and seeing their deadline move yet again. senior correspondent live on the
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ground at columbia university. steve, good evening. >> reporter: good evening, trace. another 200 protesters arrested overnight, many arrested near senator schumer's house where they were disturbing traffic. pretty interesting and dramatic confrontation between the speaker of the house as well as several hundred protesters here at columbia. he came and talked to jewish students and faculty members for some time and then came out and had a face-off with several hundred protesters. they tried to shout him down, they jeered at him, insulted him. johnson said basically hamas supports you and some words -- supports your movement. he said it's wrong for jewish students at columbia to feel like they have a target on their backs and he also leaped -- also criticized saying you are wasting your parents money, get back to school. columbia has shifted the deadline a couple of times now about when they are going to remove these from campus. it was supposed to be midnight last night, 3:00 am, up moved to eight in the morning. now pushback another 48 hours. the university says if they don't dismantle these tense,
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they will take certain measures but they will not say what those measures are. the speaker was a lot more blunt saying calling in the national guard is an option and that the protesters, if they disobey, they should be arrested. back to you. >> trace: and on it goes. steve hair again, we will get back to you. alive for us a columbia, thank you. [♪♪] >> trace: the "fox news @ night" commonsense department is finding it easy to come up with topics these days. progressive members of congress a.k.a. the squad keep turning out heaping helpings of nonsense. that commonsense can then pasteurize into products that are safe to consume. the latest gift comes from congresswoman who offered up two separate tasty bits of bad information. one is that police are the ones that "ignited these anti-israel protests on campus." maybe it's just coincidence that her antipolice diatribe comes
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amid her daughter being among those arrested at columbia. then there is bad info part two that this is all about genocide in gaza. commonsense things if this is truly about genocide. why are university protesters spending so much time attacking jewish students, a.k.a. their classmates? are the jewish students advising netanyahu? are they trading their lululemon's for idf gear, heading to the front lines of gaza 6000 miles away and somehow making it back for 8:00 am philosophy? does anyone anywhere believe that cops and the jewish underclassmen are colluding? these protesters are simply the racial justice crowd with new slogans. no justice, no piece is now genocide show. common size does commonsense things it won't be long until the righteous movement starts busting windows near you. without let's bring an columbia university student eden yadegar, republican new york city
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councilwoman inna vernikov, thank you for coming on. eden, i know you are home for passover and you intend to go back to columbia. i wanted to play this because this is a columbia protester saying that this is what they were taught. listen to her and i will get your response. >> what we have is this encampment at a shown solidarity with each other, with other colleges on the palestinian people and that is something that the administration cannot take away from us. the way they've been treating us is if we were strangers in our own campus, as if they had not been teaching us what we are applying at this encampment. >> trace: these are the same people who a year ago, two years ago, called words violent and now they are using these violent words. what do you make of what's happening on your campus? >> thank you for having me. it's very clear to me and to all the jewish students on campus that what we are seeing is not free speech. freedom of speech does not include freedom to harass nor freedom to intimidate. my friends have been punched, my friends have been hit, my
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friends have been shoved, flags have been set on fire on columbia's campus. i mean that is not what the first amendment protects. and these protesters are calling for tel aviv to be burned to the ground, to bomb tel aviv, they are calling for a revolution and in the same breath calling for a cease-fire. the hypocrisy is astounding. >> trace: it really is. inna vernikov, to you now because as we started at the top of the newscast, this endorsement, these columbia students, elite university protesters are now being endorsed by, you know, one of the leaders of hamas, by the palestine popular front for the liberation of palestine. what do you make of this? they are seeing and recognizing this and they see that it's beneficial for them. >> first of all thank you for having me. there's an illegal occupation going on right now and it's not in the middle east, it's in the encampments of columbia university, nyu and other
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universities across america. the american people need to understand that this is a result of decades of indoctrination, marxist indoctrination across american academia that has engulfed our college campuses. and that is the ideology, that jews are the oppressors, that they are white privilege and therefore they cannot be victims. >> trace: it really is, it's exactly what is happening on campuses and it's spreading. we will talk about this. the university of southern california. meanwhile back to eden because i want to play the soundbite. this is a jewish professor at nyu who had this to say... >> i can tell you, if i went into the nyu square with a white hood on and said lynch the blocks or burned the gaze, my id would be shut off by that night, there would be no need for the words context or new wants, i would not be protected by terms like first amendment or free speech, i would be out of the world of academia. it seems like we have a double
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standard when it comes to hate speech as long as it's against jews. >> trace: it doesn't seem like there's a double standard, there is a double standard. he would be blackballed, taken out of his job and so would anybody else and yet we see these protests go on with impunity. >> absolutely. i mean there is very much a double standard and it's only reinforced by our administration's lack of action in condemning this rhetoric, in condemning these hateful actions. i mean it's so ridiculous to me that every single marginalized group gets to define their own identity, gets to define what oppresses them, but when it comes to jews, somehow when we cry anti-semitism it's written off. we are told that we are weapon icing our jewish identities when really we are being targeted because of them. >> trace: yeah, and i just want to ask because eden was telling us, her friends have been punched, we have other students who say their friends, their non-jewish friends have told them to stay off campus because they are worried about their safety. what do you say to that, inna? >> you know, my message to the
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students as i understand that you are afraid but i wish that you all come together and be brave and come back to campus. i know it might not be easy and we are going to keep pushing for the president to do the right thing, to let the nypd back onto the campus, to expel the agitators, to expel the hamas supporters and we will keep supporting you as much as we can. >> trace: inna vernikov, eden yadegar, thank you so much for coming on, best of luck to you and we are curious to see what happens when you go back to school. >> thank you so much. >> thank you for having us. we are living in a parallel universe of unknown and pain and confusion and the world of no answers, and it's very hard for friends and family to really understand that pain because it is so unique and different. what we can do is just pray, keep praying that he somehow
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here's his parents calling to him, be strong, survive. >> trace: be strong, survive. we did not know how strong they are until today because when i spoke to his parents in israel, six months ago, just talk -- after october 7th, they knew he had lost part of his arm. while they were hopeful, they knew the situation was dire but now they have gotten video confirmation that he is alive. 200 days later they are not ready to be interviewed and can you blame them. but here is there statement. watch. >> seeing the video today is overwhelming. we are relieved to see him alive we are also concerned about his health and well-being as well as that of all of the other hostages and all of those suffering in this region. we are here today with a plea to all of the leaders of the parties who have been negotiating to date. >> trace: let's bring in co-author of stolen youth,
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school bored candidate bethany mandel along with the founder of last people forget, elizabeth pipko. bethany, to you first, when i interviewed the goldberg-polin's i was kind of saying we talked about it and we laughed and i said man, it is such a strong family. to think that you know, because you saw the video, that your son lost part of his arm and you wonder what's happening, and then for 200 days not to here anything and to here that he's alive, i can't even imagine what that is, the emotional roller coaster that is, bethany. >> yeah, they have been incredible throughout, they have become really the public face of a lot of the hostage families because they have perfect english, they are american and they have been tireless. they met with the pope, elon musk, president biden, and they've been wearing the tape on their shirts just like i'm wearing tonight with the number of days that hersh has been held hostage along with a hundred 33 other innocent souls. thank god they got this confirmation of life but i think
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this just added to the fire of, like, we need to get all of these people out before it's too late. >> trace: it's interesting because you see what's happening in congress, what's happening with this administration, elizabeth pipko, and you see nancy pelosi calling for netanyahu to step down and you think during all of this why not talk about the hostages, why not put the focus back on the hostages, why not have hamas surrender, why not talk about what's happening in iran? instead we are going after israel in the middle of a war. >> i thought it was honestly incredibly inappropriate. the state of israel is obviously one of our closest allies but it's also a fellow democracy. i don't think that the leadership in israel should be up to anyone except the israeli citizens and that should be blatantly obvious. if not to the people of israel than to the leadership in the united states. and you said why not talk about the hostages, why not talk about what's happening at home? i think of our politicians want to speak up they should speak up about what's happening in our backyard, our college campuses that are on fire with young
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people screaming for terrorists and not the leadership in israel which should be up to no one but the israeli people. >> trace: the wall street journal rights, not every college campus is columbia and not every synagogue in america is feeling vulnerable, but once upon a time american synagogues hired cops to direct traffic, now they need a whole security and intelligence apparatus to live freely as jews. i mean you wonder, and a lot of people must be asking, what's happening here? >> yeah, i mean i would disagree with the assertion that we were ever totally safe in our synagogue. but for sure especially since ten/seven. we've had armed security sitting outside for sure. we had it before 10/7 too. but it's a scary moment as an american jew when you have on the campuses of the most elite universities in the country from coast-to-coast, people who are chanting "we are hamas". hamas and the ayatollah in iran are saying we support what they
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are doing on these campuses. there is amply does something deeply broken and it doesn't seem like the alarm bells are going off. >> trace: elizabeth, when you started your online holocaust museum, did you ever think that you would see history in some capacity repeat itself? >> i definitely did not. october 7th was terrifying as it is about what we've seen here is almost as terrifying. the community that i thought would rally around the jewish people has done the exact opposite. everything that we've seen happen in this country is the opposite of what i was raised thinking we would end up seeing, the opposite of what i was raised to believe and think and do as an american for any community under any kind of threat. apparently people were not raised the same way and i think that is blatantly obvious with too many at this point. >> trace: thank you both. meantime an off day in the new york versus trump criminal trial, a former president awaits a ruling on whether he violated the judge's gag order. this is the supreme court is set
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to here arguments tomorrow on whether trump should be immune from federal prosecution. the senior national correspondent kevin corke live in dc with the very latest on this. >> reporter: good evening trace. against the backdrop of the 2024 presidential campaign, the high court, the supreme court, will tomorrow take up the question of whether a former president turned presumptive gop nominee can be criminally prosecuted for his efforts to remain in power after an election. the case donald j trump versus the united states presenting an unprecedented constitutional quandary for the court and it could determine whether mr trump faces a federal trial this year on four felony counts. pressed by special council, including conspiracy to defraud the u.s. and obstruction of an official proceeding for his attempts to delay or overturn the electoral vote count certifying mr biden's victory. now a decision from the court could come any time before the
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end of june and if the justices ruled that mr trump is immune, you might not expect the trial to happen at all. meantime the former president also awaits a ruling on whether he violated a new york courts gag order. in his manhattan criminal trial. and if so, what his punishment might be. the das office in new york is asking for 1000-dollar fine for each of ten possible violations and an order to remove all posts in question. the former president and his attorneys argued that his posts represent responses to attacks from others by the judge scolded mr trump's lawyer in court saying he's losing all credibility after he could not provide a single example of an attack that precipitated mr trump supposed. court was quiet as you mention today, allowing the former president the opportunity, albeit briefly, to finally focus a bit on his campaign, trace. >> trace: kevin, thank you. let's bring in the cochair of
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america first policy institute center for law and justice, former florida attorney general pam bondi. jonathan turley said this, i'm wondering if you agree. watch... >> what we are watching here is something i've never seen the likes of. i mean the judge is allowing this farce to unfold in his courtroom and everyone just seems to be treating this like they are actually trying a known crime. >> trace: nobody can ask plane it to me either. i mean you watch msnbc, you would think that rikers island is filled with these types of crimes. >> yeah, they make it sound like it's first-degree murder. i've tried plenty of trial cases and never seen anything like this. professor turley of course is accurate and what he's saying. this gag order is ridiculous. michael cohen can be out there saying anything he wants. he's out there every day trashing donald trump yet the defendant who should be afforded all the rights in this case is afforded no rights they are trying to gag him not only of
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his first amendment right but fun to -- from defending himself. a gag order is for jurors not to here anything, not to be influenced, at these jurors are told not to watch the news, not to listen to anything. if the judge had a problem with the jurors he should have sequestered them and he did not do that yet he's trying to, the president. >> trace: what is your take on the supreme court and the presidential immunity hearing tomorrow? >> i think it's very important and i think president trump should be sitting there. this judge is preventing president trump from actually respecting the supreme court justices. he's the plaintiff in the case. from sitting there in the highest court of the land. the supreme court will make a decision. they can either decide there's no immunity. they can decide there is absolute immunity and dismissed the case, or they can decide there's immunity that applies and send it back to the trial court for multiple hearings to occur. but i feel that the ruling will be favorable for president trump. >> trace: i have to go but i just had to ask you about this, the peace saying that all the
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legal analysts from some of these networks gather for a weekly zoom meeting to get on the same page legally. it's just baffling for me. fifteen seconds. >> legally. well there's no legal justification for anything they are saying because president trump did nothing wrong. that's why they all have to get together. it's absolutely absurd what's happening and thank goodness for fox news in this country. >> trace: great to have you on, thank you. coming up, we will continue monitoring anti-israel anti-semitic protests from coast-to-coast and later in the nightcap, restaurant etiquette can be a touchy subject so naturally the nightcap team is devouring the debate. if your meal is not to your liking, is it okay to send it back or is it tacky, is it rude? let us know, x and instagram, we will read the best responses. we are coming back. [♪♪] alice loves the scent of gain so much, she wished there was a way to make it last longer. say hello to your fairy godmother alice and long-lasting gain scent beads.
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[♪♪] >> trace: protests continue on campuses across the country. let's checkup it -- check back in with senior correspondent live at columbia in new york city. why does the deadline for the encampment keep moving? >> they say negotiations are going well. the deadline now set for friday at 8:00 am. those tense have to be gone. will the police be called in? will the national guard be called in or will it be peaceful? the university also saying they have final exams that will be hybrid meaning you can take your final exam in your dorm room. >> trace: steve, we will get back to you. let's bring in fox news contributor steve hilton, lydia moynihan and former state department spokesperson morgan ortagus. thank you for coming on. ilhan omar calls the anti-israel
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protest morally correct. listen. >> i am incredibly moved by your courage and bravery as a student body. follow your guts and know that what we are doing, the voices that we are raising to save lives in gaza is a just and righteous and morally correct. >> and we just accept this as just another radical statement by a far left squad member. >> yeah, it's pretty unbelievable. we should not get used to it though, you are right. it's easy to be desensitized. there is of course a right to peacefully protest but that is not what we are seeing happening on college campuses. so many of these university presidents just don't have control of their institutions. as it relates to the biden administration, you have to look and say they put out a strong statement after the columbia protests when they got extremely
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anti-semitic, but it's just merely words. is your reporter said in the last segment, are they going to send in the national guard to make sure the jewish students can actually attend classes? what are they going to do? i don't think there's been a time in modern american history when jewish americans felt less safe than they do today under president biden. and that is something that the administration is going to have to contend with and take action on. >> trace: but she talked about the administration contending with us and it's interesting because this harvard poll, this is 18-29 -year-olds, it says who did you vote for in 2020 and look at this, joe biden 61% trump 28%. they ask the same question a couple weeks ago, who would you vote for if the election were today, joe biden 28%, donald trump 25%. that is an implosion for biden and you can see why they are moving left. >> you certainly can't make everyone happy but i think you can make everyone unhappy and i think what we are seeing from the biden administration is just
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an abject failure to sort of thread the needle because they want to be sympathetic to palestine, they also don't want to offend the left by standing up for israel, so they find them selves in this very precarious situation. i don't think they can ever really appease the ultra- progressives who frankly at this point seam to be pro- hamas. but i do think that they are alienating a lot of the more moderate democrats who have been lifelong voters for people like biden. i've spoken with a number of folks in new york, lifelong democrats that are saying for the first time they are reconsidering voting for him. they look at the moral clarity that we see from mike johnson at the columbia campus, saying this is wrong, this is unacceptable and i think friendly that you are going to see this election, a lot of jewish moderates not vote for biden. i don't know that they will vote for trump but they are fed up with what they see. >> trace: they are fed up. that's the whole thing, you are walking a tightrope here and you don't want to alienate the left but you are alienating a lot of
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democrats in the process. >> yes, but what it reveals is the utter weakness and lack of principle of joe biden. it's what i've always said about him, he has no convictions, he's nothing but a weak machine politician who goes with wherever he things is going to advantage and politically. let's remember something about ilhan omar, think of all the lectures we've had about racism. it's their favorite insight. look what's going on there. that speech from her, everything she's been saying, it is pure racism. hollett anti-semitism, it is actually racism appearance simple. it is obscene. >> and we talk about this all the time. as morgan was saying, all of a sudden it's normalized. i want to move onto the foreign a package. foreign aid package refers to question 15. are you in favor of this, 43% say yes, democrats yxe five, republicans a little bit more
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reticent. independence also a little skeptical. what do you think. >> you had about 79 senators that voted yes. there will be some things republicans like. they may not support ukraine. i think it's important for republicans to pivot remind people that it was under the biden a ministration when putin decided to invade ukraine. it's been two years of this war that biden has helped extend because he delayed aid, he took away the military a that president trump gave in his administration all of these things he's done, all of these policy decisions have extended the war and made it last longer. i don't think biden should get a free pass like you somehow manage this properly. it's been a disaster over the past two years. i think republicans are doing the best they can in this situation and we certainly needed israel aid. we need more on the border.
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congress' work is not done. >> trace: the support is not what you would expect. thirty-six% for democrats. this is among democrats. 53% opposed. >> it's amazing. if you think about how this party likes to pride itself about it's support among the jewish population in this country, completely reversed itself in pursuit of pandering to the far left. they've actually destroyed support among their party for israel something that was a bedrock principle for so many years. >> trace: lydia, do you think democrats might be rethinking their support? >> certainly. these are the moderates, the democrats need to win the election. i think for the first time you are seeing a lot of these folks reevaluate. i don't know who they go to becomes they are not going to win over the ultra progressives. those folks seam fed up with biden. but that is certainly not enough to take biden to victory if he's losing both the left flank and
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the moderates. >> trace: lydia moynihan, morgan ortagus, steve hilton, thank you. coming up, we are keeping an eye on the breaking news out of the college campus protests. also coming up, one high school student is delivering her own sort of protest. an op-ed against california's increasingly woke education, she will join us live next. and you want to see what she has to say. it's coming up. [♪♪] it's kubota orange days, shop the year's biggest selection of kubota equipment and get 0% apr for 84 months or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. find your nearest dealer at
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[♪♪] >> trace: meantime to education, a number of new fronts have opened up in california as parents war against a woke education system. ashley is live with that story, good evening. >> reporter: hello trace. california's so-called woke education system is causing controversy in places like berkeley, california where a public high school is being accused of trying to hide pro- hamas coursework from parents. according to the daily signal, a
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lawsuit filed by the deborah project a huge is the -- accuses the schools district of teaching kids mendacious and -- lies about hamas' terror attack on israel that are grossly inaccurate. at an elementary school a teacher was placed on leave after taking issue with a woke kindergarten program that teaches progressive politics and activism. a school district official tells us tonight that the teacher returned to the classroom on march 7th and debate over what parents should know about their own kids gender identities may just make it to the november ballot but supporters of the measure are facing headwinds after a judge recently cited with california's attorney general who changed the name of the measure from protect kids of california act to restrict rights of transgender youth. one high school student recently spoke out on the issue writing "instead of teachers notifying parents and coming together with them and the students to offer them counseling and support,
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they tell kids to change their gender and all of their problems will be solved." that student says many of those students and up depressed and suicidal. back to you. >> trace: thank you. let's bring in that student, california high school student, jordan brace. and outreach director jill simonian. jordan, thank you for coming on. jail, great to have you as well. in your opinion you wrote the following, it seems like the entire california department of education is more focused on diversity, equity and inclusion and their woke ideologies then giving students a proper education. what are students your age not being taught, not being exposed to? >> i feel that kids my age and just, you know, all throughout our country are now being
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exposed to, you know, diversity, equity and inclusion rather than, you know, conservative values and things that they should be learning about. and our country we are -- california is 33rd in math and 38 in reading. which is pretty low. and i think that instead of focusing on dei and things that are being used to divide us, we should be focusing more on students education and making sure that they have the skills and tools that they need to have a successful future. >> trace: well said. jill simonian, she's exactly spot on on this. california students performing at grade level, english 46%, math 34%, science 30%. one out of three kids, one out of almost -- one out of almost two english. that means half of the kids at least are more are being felt by the education system and we are focusing on dei. >> it's terrifying and we talk
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about it all the time, we are trying to teach what isn't taught and what isn't taught is the fundamentals to allow kids to grow up to be informed citizens with actual knowledge about our history. dei, you know, if we talk about diversity, what is real diversity? diversity is diversity of thought, freedom of thought, diversity of opinion, of perspective, how we live together, very different in the united states, but we are all americans together and when i read this article that this young woman wrote, i was so filled with hope because it really proves that young people are intelligent and they are catching on to this and they are not going to have it anymore. >> trace: and jordan i wrote this down because this is one of the things you put up, we don't see differences, we see equality. talking about you and your fellow students, we don't look to our teachers or the department of education for guidance, we look toward our parents. it's a good statement and what did you mean, expand on that for
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us. >> i think that the whole school system is essentially grooming kids in our nation and teaching them just the wrong things. like my mom is a huge role model in my life and i know that the same goes for my friends and the rest of the people at my school. i think it's very important to look to our parents for roll models instead of being influenced by the department of education. >> trace: i think you are exactly right. i have two daughters and they look to their mom, they always would. jail, same thing. you think this is what kids do, they are not looking to the school to raise them. >> no they are not. i have two daughters and we know that our values begin at home and we take our values and we go into the world and we recognize evil and we recognize goodness and it's our job to become educated and informed citizens of this country. our school system not only in california but nationwide, we are the only school system that is actively teaching our
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children to hate this country and to divide each other by differences. >> trace: jordan, i have about ten seconds for you, let us know, what's the big take away from your op-ed that you wrote, what's the most important thing? >> i honestly think that this school system is not only failing students but parents too. they are taking away not only their rights to their children's education but their rights to their lives at home. i mean parents who aren't allowing their children to go ahead and transition their genders and stuff are being called domestic terrorists and i think that's ridiculous. >> trace: i agree with you. jordan brace, a guiding light. jill simonian, thank you both. >> thank you. >> trace: first up into nights viral videos...
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>> trace: you are thinking are there birds in the background, nope, those are not birds, actual people competing in the european championship of goal screeching. this year's winner was a portuguese scientist in the junior category and 9-year-old from the uk. new south whales just saw an incredible event in the night sky. a meteor shower and electrical storm and the northern lights all combined to create this extraordinary scene. pretty cool, right? and a boss in dc confused onlookers when it seemed to take an alternate route through the grassy area of washington's navy yard. on x, many who witnessed the busses strange detour joked there might be a new bus stop in the works but metro clarified the bus did not have passengers on board and was taking an authorized wrote. while partaking in a clean energy event. of course it is. if you have a viral video to share, share it with us jordan brace or jill simonian. here we go, coming up, when you
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are eating out, is it rude to center food back? if it does not meet your expectations. you are paying big dollars. or do you think it's kind of tacky? let us know, x and instagram @tracegallagher, we will read the best responses in the nightcap. [♪♪] [♪♪] when we say it'll be on time, they expect it to be on time. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. ♪ oh, why leaffilter? it's well designed, efficient, i appreciate that. leaffilter's technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good, guaranteed. what more could you ask for? call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit
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>> nightcap crew coming up in a moment to want to give you look at usc protests going on there 8:52 on the west coast we saw police pushing people back earlier it's kind of unclear how big the police presence as they are we will continue to look at this and let you know what's happening as the protests go on. back with the nightcap crew kevin, ashley, steve and elizabeth tonight's topic restaurant could there's etiquette is sending food back rude or acceptable do you ever send food back because the big thing viral on the internet do you send it back or always keep it? >> every time i wanted to a never have i just do it and pay the bill in there like wrong know nothings wrong. >> in with her i kinda just cope
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with it unless it's a health issue or something is in cooked or raw or whatever i kind of just cope with it. >> spit bawling here but i think steve isn't among that camp. >> a little known fact is i'm a restaurant tour and the shifts get really upset if it comes back so i always sensing back i tried to explain why say it's a specific reason not because or something wrong with the chef but i would not put up with that you. >> receipt it your own risk. >> there you go. >> i never have the guts to send back the matter what's wrong with it it will taste a lot worse was spit in it so thought i would just keep it to myself. >> kevin? >> i worked in foodservice don't
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do it and never have. >> don't send it back but i do have to say you're spending like $75 get it right. get it right the first time sending a mail back acceptable yes on instagram 85% on x-men another because missing if can other centre back and i wanted to hide under the table. sports machine said rarely you can count on in the future with these prices not a picky eater but my ten-dollar cheeseburger better be perfect. >> rosemary can you yes, but i wouldn't ever i knew some cooks who would with the food that came back thank you all for joining the nightcap thank youln for watching america's late news we see you back tomorrow. than j ust seed alone. giving you a stronger lawn. smell that freedom, eh? get scotts turf builder rapid grass today,
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thank you for joining us. our coverage will continue. i'm sandra smith. thanks for joining us. >> ♪ ♪ >> welcome to the


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