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tv   Hannity  FOX News  April 23, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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is it giving the commencement address this year columbia, years back -- who was that you are any leader? i think he gave a commencement address, i attended i just don't remember it. bill from virginia, first time i'd seen alec baldwin do something i liked. have to admit, i liked it too. gabe from north carolina, don't compare him with weird out, al has a job. i love jewelled, i'd like to wrap my -- jc and from alabama. how was he not in get it together. big missed opportunity there. always remember this is my world. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ]
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>> sean: welcome to 'hannity' we are monitoring the streets of new york city tonight where scores of pretty hateful anti- american anti- israeli protesters have been demonstrating all day, many of these alleged taters on your screen you have probably already seen, a better arrested by the nypd but with no bail laws that they will probably let go of that any criminal charges, of course manhattan district attorney is busy with way more important matters like an 8-year-old misdemeanour passed the statute of limitation, surrounding the alleged mislabelling of a nondisclosure agreement. there are people pledging allegiance to hamas on the streets of new york city and other places around the country. according to [ inaudible ] mislabelling a business expense from years ago is way more important and far more pressing issue. donald trump continues to
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languish in a manhattan courtroom where anti- trump prosecutors and untied trump judge our solemn arbiters of justice when they are not at the very same time new york's well-to-do social justice warriors turned hamas sympathizers, they are wreaking havoc all across the city of new york. not even the embattled actor alec baldwin is safe from the harassment. take a look. >> leap leap israel and [ bleep ] zionism. please say it, one time. >> sean: it is rare, i'll tell you why i am defending alec baldwin later in the program but attempting to course a political statement from someone just trying to by coffee is beyond gross and inappropriate and we should be better than that as a country. more coming up. of course,, what alec baldwin just encountered, pales in comparison to what many jewish
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students have faced now across new york city and the country, for example at the ivy league institution columbia they have been run out of town, for weeks. hundreds of anti- israel agitators occupying a central location on columbia's campus are pitching their tents and blocking a key passageway, they are disrupting nearby classes and harassing anyone who seemed even remotely pro-israel. there were signs praising hamas, praising terrorism. also calls for global a religious war against the jewish people. nearby masked individuals chanting for more attacks like the terror attack on october thn terrorists to and rape pro-israel protesters. the school's rabbi urged all jewish students to leave the area immediately and return home because that campus is simply not safe for them. jewish professor was reportedly banned from the campus to
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prevented violent uproar from the crowd of angry "peaceful protesters" republican lawmakers are calling on biden to mobilize the national guard to protect the local jewish population. but instead of clearing the campus and restoring order columbia's president is ordering the classes be made available online. that would mean that the schools are jewish population canal complete the semester hiding away in the safety of their own homes. does not not seem wrong to you? columbia's president is a gutless coward who now faces numerous calls rightly so to resign, but we see the same response from almost every elite school president. i now facing a violent disruptive protest terrified but their own radical professors, many tenured and students and these schools do nothing in the face of what is repulsive bigotry, hatred, anti-semitism, leaving their minority jewish population simply to wither on
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the vine. take a look at your screen, this is and why you protest where demonstrator alludes to the horrific attack on october the 7th with a sign that reads, take a look right there, resist colonial power, by any means necessary, does that include the rape and murder of the jewish people? does not include burning entire families live. what about abducting kids and babies, what about the beheading of some of those young children and women and men as well. what about a violent revolution against the american republic. what do you think that they mean when they chant death to israel, death to. >> no, what does that mean to them? and by the way, where is your president, where's joe? the one that promised to restore the soul of a nation? the one that cares so much about democracy that he claims is in peril? today she was far away from any of the protest, struggling to watch, struggling to talk, made
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up stories about his experience as a big rig driver as per usual, avoiding reporters like the plague. biden has been nothing himself but gutless and cowardly. he desperately needs of support from his violent and some case anti- somatic base and joe does not really want to weigh in and pick a side. his own state department condemned israel yesterday in a report that like in the world only jewish state to the terrorist group hamas citing both for human rights violations. did they forget who the victims of terrorism were here? how is it possible that the leader of the free world has zero in terms of a moral compass, how is it that he's been appeasing the number 1 state sponsor of terror, iran, his entire term as president and his eight years as vice president? the number 1 state sponsor of terror, why won't the president
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of your country stand firmly against radical islamic terrorist that have as part of their chart of the destruction of israel? i guess he'll probably busy restoring the soul of the nation , i don't know, "won his borders are actually going down to the trouble parts of the border. donald trump, busy attending another mandated session of the democratic party's latest dog and pony show, and the weaponization of justice on full display for all to see. he did take time to weigh in, let's take a look. >> what's going on in the colleges level, nyu, columbia is a disgrace. he's got the wrong signal and the wrong words, he doesn't know who he is backing. and it's a mess. >> sean: joe biden has a lot of explaining to do but don't expect a gettysburg address aside from from his obvious
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mental deficiency in cognitive decline. he is not a leader. at best, i'm being charitable. he's a mediocre lifelong politician looking out for his own blind political ambition, looking out for number 1 all while making up a lot of folks stories and heroic told tales in order to bolster his deteriorating self image. but in 195 days you, the american people, you we'll have a chance to get our country back on track. you're with the latest on the ground at columbia university our very own sarah carter. welcome. >> think you so much. anti- israel, pro hamas protest continued here today at columbia university despite growing concerns among jewish faculty and staff that they are no longer safe you're on campus. we spent the day here with them
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although initially many of the protesters refused to speak with me, eventually some of them broke and they did talk. this is what they had to say. >> everybody in america wants to know why you are all here. what does that mean. what does it divest? no? >> hamas attacked israel but they did not attack idea, they attacked women and children. >> is really sources say a lot of what. >> that is what is being documented. >> what is river to the seeming? >> it means palestine should be autonomous. >> what river? >> the expression -- >> there's an actual river in actual sea, what river and what's equally.
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>> the river [ inaudible ] it's beside israel and the palestinian territories. >> the jordan river to the mediterranean sea. >> october 7 hamas attacked women and children. does israel have a right to defend itself. >> i'm asking you a question. >> does israel have a right to defend itself. [ shouting ] no one has a right to kill 30,000 people. >> no one has a right to dismember babies and put them. >> that never happened. >> what is your solution? >> there was continued calls for more security here at columbia university and across the nation as anti-semitism appears to be on the rise. they expect the protest to continue throughout the week and some even suggest that these protest will continue next week, one thing is certain is that
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jewish students in jewish faculty are looking for help in looking for answers. and they're expecting the part administration to make a statement. >> sean: how could somebody, and dealing institution supposedly the best and brightest get into that type of school, that never happened, it happened. and we have the video evidence many of us have seen it. great job, thank you and i guess use warrants will go back to sarah, we go to steve, he is near the campus of nyu, i did go there as a student for a year, steve, what is going on? >> there about 1500 protesters out here during the day, right now about 200 left,'s been peaceful so far and we'll see the police move-in to push the remaining protesters out, demonstration today follows about 100 arrests last night, 100 people were zip tied by police, not clear how many of those were students and how many
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were outside agitators but really on-campus learning in many places like columbia has been shut down by the atmosphere, we heard crowdsourcing enchanting from the river to the sea here as well today, two, -- on a personal lesser know, just any, saw two young woman walked by three police officers and they looked like two students here at nyu and one of the women look to the police officer and swore at him, use the effort and then continued to keep walking. you really get the sense here, you can really feel the hatred in this crowd. >> sean: it's really sad. steve, keep us updated throughout the night, thank you. joining us now former senior adviser to president trump, stephen miller, hoover institute fellow, professor let me start with you. let's get your overall thoughts and what we're seeing and more importantly the reaction to president biden. and a very specifically the fact
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that he would not support israel's offensive counterattack against iran, he would not support israel winning there were right against terrorists that have fired tens and tens of thousands of rockets from gaza into israel over the last 15 years alone. and that to me, why he has moral ambiguity on this issue and not moral clarity, i cannot understand. >> i think he feels that he does not want to warn the middle east that would disrupt oil prices before the election it here at home he feels that the muslim vote is crucial to his electoral college. but he sends a message of no deterrence abroad and that encourages hamas and the supporters no and no deterrence at homes of people get on the street and say biden administration has our back in any way the united states there's no consequences for legality but there are two other forces at play, we've never been in this territory, we have
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55 million people were not born of the united states, the highest number in our history and highest percentage, almost 15 percent with the latest 10 million, we don't authenticate them, we don't do background checks, we don't even try to to assimilate them. we say that you're tribal feed is, not your american or shared residence is what counts. and should not forget this diversity, equity and inclusion, it's pernicious and two ways. it says that if you're so-called nonwhite you cannot be discriminatory, you cannot be racist and you can't be anti-semitic. in the world is divided to oppressors and oppressed and the israelis and the jews are oppressive white people and therefore you get a complete pass to say whatever you want in the second aspect of it is we don't even have the sat anymore to go to these elite schools in most cases and yell gives 80 percent a. the rest of the ivy league is close behind. the students are not taking rigourous courses, they have
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plenty of time, got courses and these universities are intent on raising to the bottom because they're letting in students by their own admission and never have been admitted, according to their own standards for five years ago and now students are running the university and they determine the great policy and types of courses that are offered, and they are in control in the presidents are terrified of them. >> sean: i think i have this also, professor, if any of the students ever use the wrong pronoun that might have gotten them expelled and then you watch and witness and you listen to outright supportive terror, we are on moss and all the other things that we have heard, it just boggles the mind, stephen miller, let me ask you about joe in this sense, he has done everything in his career as vice president and president to appease around, he's turned a blind eye toward sanctions and allowed them to make hundreds of
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millions of dollars anywhere between 80 and $150 billion in revenue by selling oil and in some cases even to joe biden's administration starting in march of 21. he's helped make iran rich again and make the mother's rich again which is now been for mending more terror in the region, proxy wars with has bullock, hamas, the rebels. and what has he gone for all of his appeasement? nothing. he's put our ally in more danger and won't support their own defence. >> donald trump as president brought peace to europe, asia and we're talking about tonight the middle east. his strategy with iran to contain them and cut off the funding, to choke off their ability to spread terrorism through the proxies was unprecedentedly successful. his peace agreements with israel and his neighbours help
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establish tranquility in the region that has known bloodshed for many years, joe biden reversed all of that progress and unleashed the hellish nightmare that we are seeing now and the middle east, let's talk about what else joe biden is doing, is pro- hamas radicals in the democratic party are terrorizing jews, terrorizing americans and students is joe biden using the department of justice to go after them? for their rightist behaviour for violating the civil rights of their fellow americans? is he going after universities for using your taxpayer dollars, no. joe biden, the democrat party, new york state democratic democrat authorities are using collective might to persecute one man and his name is donald trump. every resources being directed not to protect the jews, not to protect students or americans, not to fight crimes beat at the university campus on the subway, on the streets or at the border, they are using resources to try to put one man behind bars, the
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ultimate election interference, this president is a lawless offence to democracy and civilization, everything coming out of this white house is destroying the very fabric of this country and our democracy because of joe biden is indeed in great peril. >> sean: and 195 days everybody watching this show, you have to do you're part, all hands on deck. stephen miller and victor, thank you both. joining us now texas senator ted cruz being called into a vote, i know you don't have a lot of time. great to have you back. before i get to the issue of this aid package and i read your comments about it, i think i agree with every word that you wrote, i'm conflicted as you are, there are things that i support like eat for israel. there's not a penny in this bill for what is happening at the border in your state in arizona and california, first let me get your reaction to these radical
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students on campus, joe biden appeasement to some of the worst terrorist states in the world, what is your overall reaction? >> what we're seeing it universities is absolutely horrific, this anti-semitism, this hatred and violence, these threats directed jewish students, they should be utterly unacceptable. at columbia university be orthodox rabbi advised jewish students, go home and stay home because the university will not protect your safety. columbia university also barred one of its own professors, a jewish professor from coming on campus because they concluded that they would not protect his safety and understand that these administrators and many of these faculty members side with the radicals, we saw an image this weekend presumably a columbia student and by the way, by all appearances not a palestinian put a young blonde woman, standing there with an arab have -- headscarf and holding a sign in sheet standing in front of
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several jewish students behind her who have israeli flags and american flags and her sign says the next target with an arrow at the jewish students, that's hamas' military arm, she's literally advocating that terrorists murder her fellow students, if you had any administrator that were seen, any student that advocates terrorist murder fellow students and be expelled on the spot if you're threatening other students, you should be arrested and you should be expelled and by the way, that's true fewer threatening jewish students or threatening palestinian students or anybody else, you don't have a right to engage in threats of violence and the problem is that these administrators agree with the anti-semites on the street and so does the biden white house. biden twitter account has yet to say a word about what is happening a columbia and yale and nyu. he is 30 million followers but
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she will not say a word and just this weekend joe biden stood side-by-side with aoc while she prays the anti- somatic protesters at nyu and gail columbia, this is their base, this is the democrat party and joe biden sat there with the goofy grin on his face and said you have to listen to this woman, a sitting member of congress it is disgraceful. i'll tell you what a real president would do, a real president would say jewish students are going to be safe on our campuses and if the universities will not protect than the federal government will and if need be we will send in the national guard like eisenhower did win democrat senators refused to integrate schools, a real president would say federal law enforcement will be there, you will not be subject to violence. but joe biden will not say that because he's terrified of ticking off the radical left of his own party. >> sean: remember joe also stood with the former clansman, his mentor and friend and did
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not want the integration of schools because he didn't want schools to become a racial jungles, he said, nobody the media seems to remember that but me. last question i know you have to run if you have to run go and leave, i'll take over for you. but if you can get it in, you're about to vote on this aid package. i read your statement, i agreed with 99.9 percent of it. >> although no but i will tell you that this is a close call. i struggle for a long time without a vote because the elements of this bill i strongly support. this hasn't military aid for israel, israel is in the middle of the war, we should have provided the emergency military aid six months ago and in november i joined other senators that we forced a vote on the senate floor to provide emergency military aid to israel in november and every single democrat voted no. in every day since then the delay in military aid has been because the democrats are blocking it, i also support what
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they are doing on tiktok but i cannot support this bill because it gives money to gaza and money for the ngo that are trafficking illegal immigrants and it does nothing, zero to stop the invasion of our southern border. that has to be our priority. >> sean: i agree, the border and the budget, it's not complicated. that's why 195 days matters. senator, thank you i know you have to run appreciate your time. when we come back trump goes back in toward -- court to gate where prosecutors are arguing that he violated a gay go order. legal analysis straight ahead.
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(vo) in two seconds, eric will realize they're gonna need more space... (man) gotta sell the house. (vo) houses. or, skip the hassles and sell directly to opendoor. (man) wow. (vo) when life's doors open, we'll handle the house.
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[ ♪♪ ] lack president trump's trial
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continued where prosecutors tried to accuse the former president of violating his very restrictive gag order meanwhile others in the case are free to say anything they like, no restraints at all. welcome to joe biden's weapon i system of justice and while the prosecution looks to try to keep trump from accurately stating how unfairly he's being treated, some legal scholars as a matter fact many legal scholars are pointing this out, in the opinion piece, believe it or not, even in the new york times a guest essay, law professor at boston university writing, i thought the case against trump was a legal embarrassment, now i think it's a historic mistake. and it's no wonder that one trumps biggest enemies have to keep bending ways to keep the case interesting. now we've learned that they might be colluding, listen to this report. trump heating cable commentators are getting together regularly to talk about trumps cases.
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herewith more fox news contributor is with us, why do i doubt that you get together with like-minded lawyers and say what we say about him today? ny duo i doubt that happened in your life ever? you're an independent thinker. >> i've never been so happy not to be invited somewhere. i think this is a mutual decision on both parties. but look, no matter how much they talk about it, you can't make a silk person that is what this trial is, it's giving more and more embarrassing, today they suggested that there is a second crime, another dead misdemeanour that there's napping back into life. saying that trump illegally conspired to promote his own election. and you get your mind around that and even if everything that they state.
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>> all the payment of the nondisclosure, agreement, the recording of it in this way, that's not being that contested because all of that can be true and there would still be no crying. and that's what has left many of us mystified that the judges letting this get by because we still don't see at legal linchpin, the judge seems to be shrugging and saying its close enough for jazz and let it go to the jury when most of us don't see a crime here. >> sean: let me look at this. you have called this an embarrassment. you say you are in utter disbelief that this case never should have been brought. i mentioned the new york times op-ed, mark, greg, and i watched and listened very closely to the opening arguments and they keep talking about a conspiracy to commit, they talk about election
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fraud and interference, all these big buzzwords, none of which donald trump has even been charged with in this case. and i'm sitting there thinking, beyond the fact the statute of limitations are gone, beyond the fact that the judge donated to the biden campaign in their questions about whether or not he should have recused himself, i believe he should have. beyond the fact that this is a years old and the fact that the doj law that they are relying on because new york state statutes don't cover this, it's only a misdemeanour. even in that case biden's doj passed on charging donald trump because they did not think it was applicable. how are we here and it's a venue that is not friendly to donald trump. you can still get a guilty verdict out of this jury. that is scary to me. >> it is scary and it's very much in the play hear that i think that he's hoping that the jury will not look beyond the
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identity of the defendant because the fact is there saying, you shouldn't have listed this as a legal expense. was he supposed to listed as? what if he put down nuisance payment, what if he put down settlement of personal embarrassment. without really convert this to a noncrime? there wasn't a crime here because of this wasn't a federal campaign contribution. department of justice, as you noted, did not see that as a criminal act, they did not charge that. and so once again you get back to the role of the judge hear that were going through a trial that seems desperate to find a drawing. but you can even get that from the indictment or the opening statements. the fact that we had to wait for the opening statements for him to fully articulate what his theory was shows how weak this case really is. and it's only becoming more and more evident every single day. >> sean: okay, so what i see them trying to do and correct me
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if you think i'm wrong. i see that they're trying to muddy the waters, using a lot of loaded terms about donald trump, they sound like the try to make this into the crime of a century, there's no applicable law and now the defence has to explain all of that to mostly nonlawyers that are on the jury, there are two lawyers on the jury, so my question is, what we do you say to donald trump's attorneys, how would you argue the smoke and mirrors that they keep throwing up, and where the objections? i like to see more objections. >> they're going to have to keep on hammering to the jury, it's not a question of proving facts that are lawful, it's like saying, we will show you, he drove 55,000 miles an hour down the highway, you're allowed to do that. so they're setting up all of these factual claims that can be proven because they are largely
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not tonight, the reversible error in this case might come down to the instructions in how the judge tries to put this together for the jury. because at some point he has to inform the jury that there's nothing unlawful about an nda, there's nothing, it's not a federal campaign contribution in the view of the federal government. but to make those legal issues clear, is to disassemble this case. so a lot is going to be unfolding here. but i think the trump team has done a good job so far in bringing that out. and we're going to be looking at some major fireworks and the next few days. when you put cohen on the stand. you're going to have a truly circus -like environment. you have someone, a judge just recently denounced as a serial perjurer and he's gonna get on the stand and he's gonna be the star witness.
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>> sean: and you have biden donating perhaps conflicted judge that should have been recused or should have recused himself which obviously would being issue upon appeal. but any appeal may happen after the election, that does not help. jonathan, think you. we appreciate it. when we come back between kamala harris is very weird bizarre uncomfortable laughter and giggling and joe's blunders, the administration now is struggling on the campaign trail, will check in with kelly and conway.
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( ♪ ) my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife. i took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. look at her and i said, "the pain is gone." and she said, i'm glad it helped. i said, "no, you don't understand. it's gone." you, too, can feel better every day with relief factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. call or go online now for our 3-week quickstart, just $19.95. >> sean: with president joe floundering ahead of november vice president harris has taken on a bigger role in the campaign trail, the only problem, a lot of them, voters at chez she still rubs them the wrong way
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with many pointing to her laugh. we call it giggling. it's a habit of coming out in pretty bizarre ways and at inappropriate times. just in case you forgot here is a reminder, take a look. >> do you plan to visit the border? >> not today. >> more parents are seeing the value of educators. [ laughter ] were not paying them nearly enough. >> i'm kind of wiki. so to that extent one of the things i love are vend diagrams. >> it's taking office, the president and i have made an incredible investment, largest investment ever to take on the climate crisis, roughly a
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trillion dollars. >> sean: you're giggling vice president, the only thing missing vend diagrams. anyway, joe is not faring much better, he spent the day campaigning in the free state of florida and as usual he mumbled and bumbled and stumbled his way around, take a look. >> you lost your phone, get that man his phone, he'll be in trouble. folks, in a sense i don't know why we are surprised by trump. how many times does he have to prove that we cannot be trusted, don't know mass with america. [ cheering ] >> sean: sorry, it was here
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with reaction fox news contributor kellyanne conway in tammy bruce, good to see you both. tammie you are laughing harder. i don't know what's worst, the giggling vice president or the mumbling and bumbling, stumbling joe. you tell me. >> it's now cartoon. i'm waiting for roger rabbit. that's the only person missing from this entire scenario. the problem, i was shocked that it took the white house, democrats to do a focus group to try and find out why people don't like kamala harris. that they are that clueless that they could not figure it out themselves. and the laugh, i would argue, it's not the loft, per se. it's that it signifies someone who's unserious. in that it's a crutch. it's distraction and we live in the immediate environment where people make their decisions, there's a book about it in the blink of an eye.
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that we assess people immediately and we can tell mummy can't trust them. and we feel, apparently and her approval ratings now, it's always been like a 10 to 14-point underwater dynamic when it comes to approval. so it's an astounding dynamic. but for them, in 2020, neither one of them was known like this, now they are known and they are realizing that they cannot hide anymore. but as you saw on that last clip that you played he was at an event regarding abortion. and that's gonna be the key and they're going to use her on that issue and they're just going to try to run through a train without brakes and only the american people will save the country from the debacle that has been afflicting us for the last several years now. >> sean: kellyanne conway or no who's worse. i don't wish this, in many ways we laugh at joe, it's not funny
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because i don't think we have a president a leader of the free world, i think he's advocated america's role on the world stage. 's economic policies a disaster. he's capitulating to the radical environmentalist and his party, the new green deal socialist. 10 million unvented joe biden illegal immigrants coming from the top geopolitical flows, tens and tens of thousands from there. so it's dangerous. however,, she doesn't look like he's in the best of health. are we looking close enough to kamala harris? >> i think kamala harris is joe biden's insurance policy more than partner. i used to think that it was ridiculous of him to choose kamala harris, she was unremarkable senator, unimpressive and uninspiring, uninformative, public figure. but now i think joe biden did a brilliant thing if you kamala harris because he chose three
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people in the whole country can affect cannot upstage him. and in the end as she is the insurance policy, people know that a vote for joe is a vote for kamala harris. folks, possibly for 12 years, i want you to think out 12 years, old -- how old will you be? you might be stuck with this woman who has no interest in thinking deeply or working hard. don't believe me, look at her public schedules available for all to see pick the vice president schedule has not been their most days. once in a while a national security briefing or la with her husband, to cook and relax. this is not a serious person that's worked on serious issue at a time when her and her boss in the entire party who should be known for all the failings and flailing's, no democrat should escape the liability of joe biden and kamala harris and what they brought on this country. i the question. how many -- how many democratic candidates or can ask kamala harris to campaign with them.
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i think it's a big tell. whoever's running kamala harris teleprompter and is a trump mole. has to be. >> sean: thank you both. tammie, kellyanne conway appreciated. we have this just coming in, fox news alert the senate has just passed the four need to build that gives $90 billion to ukraine, israel, taiwan, also gives tiktok nine months to be sold to a nonchinese entity, bill now goes to the president's desk, final vote 79 -ish 18. when we come back a video of alec baldwin being harassed by pro- mosque protester that is gone viral, i'm actually going to defend baldwin. i i mean it. straightahead. [ ♪♪ ]
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[ ♪♪ ] >> sean: alec baldwin has had enough of these pro- hamas protesters. he was harassed by an anti- israel protester in a new york coffee shop on monday. agitators shouting baldwin usually got fed of the phone out of the individuals hand. frankly i a look. >> can you say free palestine one time. why did you kill that lady? you kill that lady got no jail time. one time. please. i'll leave you alone. time. [ bleep ] israel and zionism. one time, please say it. >> sean: the viral video was filmed by far left -- left activists i didn't fight his had burning, video, or white devil,
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alec baldwin which the video proves to feature, you with reaction, fox news legal along with former attorney general, could you both. look, i found myself, do i think that alec baldwin purposely try to kill his photographer agree the key try to do it purposely, negligent court will decide that part of the case. in this case, you know there's only so much crap they think anyone should have to put up with. a little old school and it doesn't bother me, to knock the phone out of the hands. she was harassing that hell. your thoughts. >> of course she was she followed him there, theme crack had burning, that's her name, would be swearing at general into a movie theatre, screened, i was threatened, base bit on my
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hand because i supported president, building the wall of the border. you believe that? how did that work out for the jerks now. this is what this woman was doing to alec baldwin, i felt for them and i think he handled it well. she wanted him to fight back. she wanted him to hit her and he did not. i think he handled it fine. >> sean: it would not surprise me that bill probably charge him with a felony in new york with no bail, dismantled, reimagine the police. probably he should have had more discipline if you thinking about the legal side of this. but you know what, there's only so much crap people are going to take. >> what struck me in the video is the profanity that she used to describe jews in israel. but this is the sick mentality of the anti- somatic demagogue that have commandeered city streets and bridges and college campuses, most of these people
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could not point out is real or gauze on a map. it is bad enough that they are ignorant. but they are spewing hatred and threats against jews reminiscent of the holocaust. many should be arrested, charged with harassment and stalking and importantly hate crimes under the new york penal statute is a criminal offence to target people because of their religion. offensive threatening words can rise to the level of assault and anti- semitism been elevated to a hate crime. this is a tsunami of hate that we are experiencing. this was just one isolated incident involving alec baldwin. she was the aggressor, she provoked, his response was natural. >> do you think that there will be charged. >> i certainly hope not. i cannot work, he was out there
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because all we did, he grabbed the phone, got her out of there and then there are also photographs on the street out the word of just him holding the phone, never touched it, she grabbed the arm. i can't imagine. now we have the liberals going after liberals. so i think they are seeing often been subjected to for so many years. and to greg's point, when these people are out there, identified as hamas saying we all know that hamas has been a government registered terrorist groups is the nineties. you're identifying with your issue should be made to go live in gaza with these people see how to treat her. the students there doing this, is truly outrageous, of god's top universities cannot condone this. >> sean: we've all had this happen. and i've had worse, i just don't
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bring it public. was real was not a good moment in particular. but anyway, i think if you see people with how about you believe in freedom and loan. thank you greg, good to see you both. more 'hannity' straightahead. feeling claritin clear is like... ♪ [cat meow] —is she? letting her imagination run wild even though she has allergies. yeah. ( ♪ ) my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife. i took it every day,
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[ ♪♪ ] >> sean: time flies, that is all the time we have left this evening, thank you for being without making the show possible, please set the dvr so you never miss an episode of 'hannity'. in the meantime don't let your heart be troubled, greg is up next to put a smile on your face. have a great day. [ ♪♪ ] [ cheering ] [ ♪♪ ]