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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 23, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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that was at an elementary school last year. that alligator was 10-foot. >> so how long did it take you from the time you got the call to the time you showed up? >> twenty-seven minutes i think from the time that i left a hockey game and made it back to the hockey game to catch that gator. >> that's another hockey game story with the gator? the school video you were at the hockey game as well? that's a lot of hockey. >> i must be misunderstanding which video you showed because i can't see it. >> it's the wild one when you were at the school which is -- you are crazy. we love you but you are completely crazy. thank you for keeping people safe out there, say high to your father-in-law. >> welcome to jesse watters primetime. tonight.
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>> i love to say what's on my mind but i'm restricted. >> the real story about donald trump's gag order. >> jesse: alec baldwin snaps again. >> you need to sit in there and watch them clean up her blood off the ground. we had to watch them take her out with blood dripping down her face and i will never forget that. >> jesse: trans hitlist and a bloody beatdown. >> what if that was your daughter? what if that was your daughter? >> plus... >> jesse: the trial of the century day six, the
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crime the democrats still haven't named. they call it house money we call it a porn star shakedown. nothing calls ego -- either illegal or trumps free speech went on trial today prosecutors want the former president fine for talking. thousand dollars a pop. something tells me that won't make it stop. they are begging the judge to... the prosecutor complaining he did it right here in the hallway outside. right in the hallway outside? you have one president who acts like he's gagged and never talks and another who let's face it, a little gagging sometimes wouldn't hurt him. but it's unconstitutional. democrat judges and prosecutors can't make up charges just to muzzle republicans an election season. >> i have a gag order which to me is totally unconstitutional. on all allowed to talk with people or about me. i'm not allowed to defend myself and yet other people are allowed to say whatever they want about
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me. this trial is... and they are keeping me, the courtroom is freezing by the way , in a courtroom all day long while he is out campaigning. it's probably an advantage because he can campaign. nobody knows what he's doing. he can't put two sentences together. >> they could bring bigfoot in as a witness and trump would be fine for saying bigfoot is real. the trials first witness, the men who ran the national enquirer, david pecker. you testified that he has helped catch and kill negative stories about trump for years which is not a legal the last time we checked. since it's been going on before trump was a candidate improves the arrangement was personal and not a campaign violation. that should blow up the prosecution's case right there. pecker testifying i was the person who thought that a lot of
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women would come out to try to sell their stories because mr trump was well known as the most eligible bachelor antedated the most beautiful women. after trump heard this he leaned over and whispered something to his attorney and the attorney smiled. it's a guy thing. pecker testified that one time a doorman tried to sell a story about trump fathering a child with his housekeeper. the lawyer at the time michael cohen said trump would take a dna test to prove it wasn't true and said it would be impossible for an irish german to father a hispanic child anyway. these are the kind of things celebrities and billionaires like trump deal with. trumps financial success is largely based on his brand and if his brand takes a hit, his financial stake ahead. people will say anything for a paycheck and people will pay money to protect their brand. and what is the fuss? catch and kill it is how democrats win elections. they levelled sexual assault allegations against biden last
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campaign and they suppressed it for months. the media caught and killed ashley biden's diary. they caught and killed the epstein story to protect the clintons. they caught and killed the obama ... they catch and killed countless negative stories about democrats every darn news cycle. the national enquirer does it for republican and the republican... they are going to call the next witness michael cohan, the star witness who admitted under oath he's a serial liar. >> i've been convicted on five counts of tax evasion. >> you stood before multiple committees before today and raised your right hand and swore an oath to be honest and you to those congressional committees, is that correct? >> previously? >> yes. >> correct, sir,. >> she wrote last february
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14th i interviewed cohen in his office about the statement he gave in which the he said trump didn't know about the payment. do you recall this meeting with a reporter? >> i do. >> jesse: he was going to write a book and it was going to be a pro trump book because he need the money and then his legal bills started piling up and he pinched an anti- trump one that would pay him more money instead. cohen is making money off this book as the start witness plugging it on his podcast. the star witness of the trial of the century has a podcast. why not? he says he isn't the star witness, he is just a narrator. >> he is sticking his thumb in the judge's face. he doesn't care and in fact i don't think he's going to stop. i think he's going to actually press the judge to do something more then hit him with the 1000-dollar fine because that thousand dollar fine is -- as you stated doesn't mean [ bleep ]. i don't want to be a witness in
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the case. i don't call myself the key witness. i say on the near -- i'm the narrator of the story. >> jesse: he is allowed to narrate the case but the actual start, the defendant, can't. a trump can't tweet the trial of the century that every reporter at -- but every reporter and witness can? this is a show trial that trump is not even allowed to describe. voters have to trust reporters in the room -- what reporters say happened. the same who pushed the laptop and lab leak hoaxes and just art of pushing new ones like bloodbath animals and dictator on day one. any time trump opens his mouth, reporters call him a liar. >> he said this case is all biden, there is zero evidence that president biden had anything to do with bringing, orchestrating, running this case he says that premuch every time and it's completely... >> jesse: we asked for comment about this because they left the bite in the ministration to resuscitate this dead case and delivered yesterday's opening
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arguments. cnn refuses to connect the dots. they say they address this numerous times, via fact checks and on air. biden's finger pins all over -- are all over this. they say theirs no evidence because they won't dust for prince. politics is personnel. if one of donald trump's lawyers left the campaign to work in the santa fe da office and all of a sudden the office out of nowhere brought homicide charges against alec baldwin for the rust shooting death, you might say there is some evidence that donald trump was behind the baldwin charges. they are taking meetings at the white house, loverboy's meeting with the white house counsel. jack smith skies met with the white house to. this is just breaking. special counsel jack smith has been trying to hide the biden white house fingerprints which are all over the documents case. we are getting unredacted documents that say the biden
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white house was guiding the criminal case against trump. right after trump left office, the biden white house counsel immediately stepped in to the national archives investigation. deputy white house counsel jonathan sue told the national archives lawyer could we discuss the process before anything is provided to trump? the national archives lawyer called this atypical. the fact that they were consulting with the white house. then the biden administration and instructed the national archives to revoke president trumps executive privilege. and the white house directed the national archives to refer the matter to the department of justice, spearheading the fbi investigation codenamed plasma, ". besides if you classify documents that trunk -- trump claimed privilege over they found rocket man's love letter. the letter obama left trump in the drawer of the resolute desk
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and owe my goodness, even the posterboard of the hurricane dorian, the one that trump marked up with a sharpie headed for alabama, notice that the boxes were printed out articles and memorabilia. biden says he had nothing to do with it. >> i don't want to get myself in the middle of whether or not the justice department should move or not move on certain actions they could take. i agreed i would not tell them what to do and not engage in telling them how to prosecute or not. >> the serial plagiarist would never lie what he? someone that said his family never took china money would never lie with day? as the biden white house was revoking trumps privilege, and directing the archives to meet with prosecutors, president biden was scrabbling to cover up classify documents that he had been stashing all over town. biden was trying to nail trump to the wall while the -- while dispatching staff to multiple locations in different states to
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figure out what classify documents do i have been where. when and if trump goes to trial he won't be allowed to say any of this because he will probably be gagged and that's the point. joining us now former u.s. attorney jay town and special agent stuart kaplan. jay town, this gag order is this legit? >> it's a constitutional and legal absurdity jesse. the legal standard for a gag order is that a judge or a court can restrain speech if there is an imminent and significant threat to the fair and just administration of justice. now if you can get to a point where you believe that calling michael cohen perjure somehow as a threat to the administration of justice by pointing out that his -- historical and legal fact if you can get to that point to say gag order might be initiated
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here. you still have to balance it against the first amendment. the first amendment is universally understood, especially with political speech which that's what this case is about. political speech. and trump has a right to defend himself. these witnesses are going on podcasts and television and they are opining on trumps guilt. trump according to the judge, i said it's universally understood except for perhaps in his chambers. but the judge is saying trump you can't defend yourself from these attacks, you will have to sit there and take it. this is -- it goes to the permissive bias of the judge and it really is an unconstitutional absurdity. >> jesse: so the star witness can call trump a liar but trump can call him a liar even though trump's own lawyers are going to be calling michael cohen a liar in court and it's already a proven fact that he's a liar. they've already done it. how is this biasing the
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proceedings? it's not we've got these new information on these documents that have been unredacted. jack smith was forced to unredacted. you've been looking through them, what are they show with regards to this coordination between the biden white house, the librarian and the justice department? >> when the governments reductions are removed and the curtain comes down, it's very telling and it's very telling how ugly it really was at the time that president donald trump was leaving the oval office. just moments after he left there was no question because of the revelations that are telling within these documents that there was an orchestrated effort between the white house and the national archives to zero in on trump and basically orchestrate a story to suggest that donald trump and his team were noncomplying or not willing to cooperate.
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the irony and hypocrisy of that is that gary stern who is almost a 25 year veteran for the national archives drafted an e-mail and explained that it is generally a very chaotic time when you have a one term transition and it hadn't even completed the electronic transfer of the trump administration e-mails and et cetera so he was trying to comment -- on down everybody to say he doesn't understand the hysteria. it also was telling that he was being orchestrated by the white house behind the scenes. >> the white house is saying librarians why don't you guys referred it -- refer... and we will revoke the executive privilege and all of a sudden the fbi shows up. >> the fbi was inserted. there is a memo may 5th from gary stern to the head of the national archives. the fbi has already been
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inserted prior to may of 2021. that is less than five months after joe biden was sworn into office. the fbi being inserted and being utilized at the very infancy stages of orchestrating gatherings. it's unprecedented and it certainly shows the collusion between the administration sitting in the white house now and trying to railroad donald trump in this case that is pending in florida. >> jesse: excellent analysis, thank you so much. >> my pleasure. >> jesse: the reformed amish stripper. and alec baldwin snaps. ahead on primetime. c is not was. but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change.
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>> jesse: nobody is safe from the pro- hamas protesters, not even alec baldwin.
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>> can you save free palestine one time. why did you kill that lady? you kill that lady and have no jail time. no jail time alec. you put innocent people in jail alec baldwin. free palestine alec, just one time and i will leave you alone i swear. just say free palestine one time one time alec. you know he's a criminal. come on just to say free palestine one time. one time, just one time, please. i will leave you alone, free palestine. [ bleep ] israel, [ bleep ] zionism. please say it one time. >> jesse: after he swept the phone from her they spilled onto the sidewalk and then baldwin
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stormed off. protester goes by crackhead barney. she is a character who flashed to johnny once. we won't show it again. we get why he is upset. he's a movie star. he should be able to handle himself a wee bit better. he is always getting himself into trouble. he got into it with a pro- hamas protesters just a few months back. police had to escort him out. sometimes it's hard to blame baldwin. guys kind of a hothead. >> you want to apologize to... i asked you a question, to you want to apologize? i asked you a question. >> jesse: when somebody tries to get under my skin i always think to myself what would johnny carson do? probably smile, wink and walk away. these protesters are everywhere. they found new york city mayor eric adams on a plane.
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>> [ bleep ] you. you support the genocide in palestine. you are always partying. you don't actually care about the citizens of new york. are you going to miami? people are being arrested there... so you can fund the police appeared that's all you care about funding the police. >> jesse: he's got a guy for that think god. while donald trump has been trapped in freezing courtroom, he's had a front row seat to the pro- terror takeover happening on college campuses across new york joe biden said there were five people on both -- find people on both sides. >> do you contend the protests on college campuses? >> i've set up a program to deal with that. i condemned those who don't understand what's going on with the palestinians. >> jesse: find people on both sides? i only see one. i don't see jews chanting death
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to america and assaulting cops. trump called it a disgrace. >> what's going on at the college -- colleges is a disgrace and it's really on biden... it's a mess. >> jesse: democrats across the country showed how weak they were in 2020 when they let their cities burn at the hands of blm. biden is -- biden is at the driver seat now and no one is going to hold them accountable. they say add some... g. hottie coeds flooding the streets with flares calling for an... this is happening while hamas still has americans hostage. federman not as polite as i am. >> it's completely reasonable to want a cease-fire or to have a
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different view on that absolutely. that's a democracy. it is not appropriate or legal or it's helpful to advance your argument if you show up in a starbucks with a bullhorn and start yelling at people and that doesn't make you noble, it makes you an ass hole. >> jesse: last night g. hottie's were arrested after the -- want to be your hottie's arrested. the students and faculty yes there is faculty there, did not go peacefully. >> jesse: the arab spring
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break spreading west. the students took over a building and beat on police. >> jesse: these protests more from democrats... the movements out for blood and they are gaining steam. primetime has noticed something interesting about the makeup of these protests, a lot of women. they find it surprising. hamas rapes women, it kills up babies. not exactly the friendly's group of people to get behind so why are women falling in love with
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hamas? she is a clinical psychologist and a columbia grad she joins me now. so why do we see such a strong ratio of women to men in these pro- hamas protests? >> that baffles me just as much as queers for palestine. as a clinical psychologist i can say that women are higher on nurturing, agreeableness and trust. so i can only speculate that women also do spend more time on social media. so they are easily more influenced by social media which we know does lean left. if somehow they've got the idea through all of this social media and an agreeable nature of believing what's being fed there that hamas is in some insane way the victim, maybe they feel the need to nurture or protect hamas also women are more likely to want to please authority figures
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and as you mentioned, the fact -- faculty are showing up which is completely despicable at these university protests. on some level women are graduated colleges have very high rates. you can see it can go off the rails if the professors are going in the wrong direction. >> i wonder if they are getting better grades by showing up to the protests. that would be some radical form of extra credit be one exactly. we know that extra credit is given for showing up and doing activism. these are the same women that freak out about toxic masculinity if a man spreads his legs too wide win he sits down on the subway and yet they are out there chanting about hamas. i think what also has happened is that women have to -- have clicked into this oppressor oppressed mentality and they somehow see themselves as adjacent to whatever group they are being fed as the oppressed group and that's why it baffles
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me that you can have women that are going to call the police if somebody missed genders them and yet they will also show up at a hamas rally. it's baffling. >> jesse: you say women want to nurture, what about us? men like to be nurtured. >> but the thing is that women are no longer allowed to go and nurture good old-fashioned american men because those are labelled as toxically masculine. with spending all this time on social media which we know does lean left, what can we say? >> not the instagram account which you should check out. i highly recommend that. >> dr chloe is a good one to. >> jesse: biden bailed out this violinist who did not pay student loans. ride it out with the tradeoffs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option.
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>> jesse: for the last four years americans have been forced to make tough financial decisions. to beat out or stay home and cook? do we lease a new car or keep the clunker? 's christmas coin to be a little thin? these are tough calls. in the biden economy we are all forced to make them. if we go thousands of dollars into debt it's not like someone is going to bail us out right? wrong. meet joel, he's a 49-year-old musician from new york city. he spent nine years studying music in college. undergrad and a master's degree but when he got out he realized playing the fiddle doesn't pay the bills. according to business insider, he racked up some serious student debt and realized he had a difficult choice to make. he quotes grew to realize that the only way he can make a significant debt -- dent in his student loans was by switching careers. he decided to keep his larger student loan. he kept on jamming while his
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debt racked up tons of interest. that wasn't until this past february when he got an e-mail from the white house letting him know that the quarter million dollar bill he had racked up went proof. who paid for it? you did. you are welcome joel. that is life-changing money but joel told business insider that the news didn't really make him jump for joy. he is glad he can start investing in his long-term goals like taking an indian meditation sabbatical to study with his teacher. so even though you are tightening your belt you can rest easy knowing you paid off joel's $250,000 student loan while he is doing downward dog in calcutta. and there are plenty more out there. there is 82-year-old karen whose dreams of professional photography saddled her with $175,000 worth of debt until october. or 70-year-old patricia and aspiring artist who had just had
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$88,000 forgiven. all thanks to joe biden. paying off someone's loans is a pretty nice gift. and wonder they will repay him in november. dana quarter million dollars went to joel. >> he needs to get a job working needs to get off his ass and get a job. forty-nine years old and you're still trying to make it as a musician? maybe grow up, man up and get a real job so you can support somebody else besides your mountain dew livewire chinos eating fiddle playing habits. you have to grow up at some point. it's not everybody else's responsibility to assume -- these people are older than me, why am i paying their debt? i came from nothing. i didn't accrue all of that debt because i worked my butt off, i
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got scholarships and if i couldn't afford it i didn't go into debt for it. and people are mad at me saying that jesse and the need to blame democrats who put all this under their control. >> jesse: joel doesn't want to switch careers. he likes playing music. >> i didn't want to actually get up and go to work this morning. i wanted to plague dark tight all day on my xbox but guess what? i'm a grown woman jesse, i have bills to pay. i had to get up and go to work and do work. that's what adults do. that's what responsible citizens who understand duty do and if they are not following through, i think they have to question their failed citizenship. you are screwing over your neighbour. we just had national government that day last week is everybody happy with this? we hope. >> we hear the weather is beautiful and hopefully he can send some pictures to us and
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show everybody how transcendent he is. thank you. >> i feel like we are living through the movie pcu with... >> jesse: we will invite joel on the show. >> you are studying meditation. for crying out loud get something. [ simultaneous talking ] >> jesse: you can just practice at home. >> he wasn't there to study music. at some point it's weird. when you are in college for nine years, you become the weird dude there. the weird creeper who is... >> jesse: with a hot like that he's probably knocking women away with his violin. [ simultaneous talking ] >> jesse: we're going to have
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everybody checks the show about joel. and if you're out there we want you to come on and we want to hear your side of the story. [ simultaneous talking ] >> jesse: amish strippers in a trance hit list next feeling claritin clear is like... ♪ [cat meow] —is she? letting her imagination run wild even though she has allergies. yeah.
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>> jesse: joe biden just gave... the landmark sexual discrimination law which open the doors for women in sports, education in the workplace just got transitioned on friday after the biden administration expanded title ix to include transgender. the change would potentially undo bathroom bills in ten states, forcing schools to let trance students use whatever locker room or bathroom they want. the government is putting the interest of deranged surgeons above the rights and safety of young women. a 12-year-old little girl got her skull bashed in by another student at an elementary school outside of philly. parents say the attacker is a boy who identifies as a girl and
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the school is covering it up. >> this was a teenage boy who beat on a little girl. call it what it is, i don't care don't look at me like that you are a father, what if that was your daughter? what if that was your daughter? how come none of the articles said that it was a boy attacking a girl? how come half the people here kept switching between he and she. this kid was protected simply because they were trans and not because of any other reason. they have a violent past. >> jesse: security tapes which of the school is hiding show the attacker sneak up on the girl and beat her repeatedly in the head with one of those big metal stanley cups. screaming, crying, blood everywhere. it went down in the middle of the lunchroom and the entire student body is traumatized. parents say the school was tipped off about the attack. they found out the student how to hit list of girls to bludgeon
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so they did the right thing and told adults multiple times that day who ignored it. >> i went to the guidance counsellor and told her since i was second on the hit list, knowing that there was something going to happen. i was told watch your back. he is going to come for you, i was terrified and i told them that that was happening and she said don't worry about it it's not going to happen. i was laying in bed last night and i kept repeating it in my head and we shouldn't have had to sit there watch her repeatedly yelling that i'm going to murder you and hitting her with a stanley. i don't get how -- it was five hours from when i told you was going to happen. >> jesse: this mother reported a separate threat the student made to her daughter just days before. >> if it was taken serious by multiple complaints that little girl would have been in school today.
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my daughter is traumatized. >> jesse: the transgender suspect was arraigned this morning where he hit a sheriff's deputy with a water jug. and could face new charges for that assault. primetime reached out to the school for comments, they had nothing to add. in my book get it together people from all walks of life opened up to me. they shared their deepest life stories and some of their most insane secrets. just because we finished the book doesn't mean the get-together the series is over. today we are talking to a reformed amish stripper. meet naomi, a woman who grew up in one of the largest and most conservative amish communities. like many she was sheltered her entire upbringing. they don't use modern technology naomi was raised without television, internet, cell phones, not even electricity. she moved around in a horse and
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buggy or on foot. her house was heated by fire and lit by candlelight. she traded one extreme lifestyle for another. naomi became a stripper. and she joins us now. naomi please explain what it's like growing up amish. >> what's it like growing up amish. as a child i loved it because that's all i knew. i had lots of work to do starting out a pretty young age. >> jesse: a lot of farm work, obviously you didn't know who i was because he didn't have access to cable which is really unfortunate. how did you survive that. >> a lot of farm work, gardening, cooking, cleaning, making clothes. there wasn't a lot of time for play but that's just how it was. i survived. >> jesse: how did you move from being amish to being a stripper? >> as a teenager i rebelled and then at 17 i ran away.
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my girlfriend took me to a strip club on a friday night and before i knew it i was on stage and it was very overwhelming but fun at the same time and i ended up dancing for 20 years. >> jesse: 20 years. how do you go to a strip club and wind up on stage? >> i didn't mean to. my girlfriend that took me, she did not tell me that we were going to a strip club. she told me be were going out and than there we were at a strip club. three girls came and started making conversation with me and they grabbed me and brought me to the dressing room with my girlfriend behind giggling. they stripped my clothes off and all agreed on a hot pink bikini and i put it on and they push me through the door onto the stage and i was like oh my goodness. it was crazy and i thought about my amish family and i was like i'm definitely going to hell for
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this. everyone was cheering and clapping and all excited. i had $55 when i walked offstage and i was like wow that wasn't that bad. >> jesse: you became a stripper even though you knew you were going to go to hell. but the money was good. was there anything besides stripping? did it lead to drugs? >> when i would go on stage i felt very empowered and for the first time in my life i owned my sexuality and it was pretty amazing. eventually i started hanging out with the wrong crowd when i started going to college and i started doing coke and then crack and then wants i got into drugs i stopped going to college. stopped going to work and it was just the beginning of the end and that's when i realized that i needed to get away from the people that i was hanging out with if i ever wanted to have my life back together again. i really feel like growing up amish gave me a strong foundation and the strengths to move on and away from that.
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>> jesse: any advice for other people that are going down a dark path? stripping, drug abuse. >> definitely get support if you can and never give up. there is hope. if i can get through it anyone can. it was very challenging and very hard at times but i never gave up and my advice is don't give up. you can do it. you can get away from that if you choose to. >> jesse: great advice from a reformed amish stripper. thank you so much. >> you are welcome. >> jesse: more primetime ahead.
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really knocked out my sugar cravings. i didn't feel the need to go to the store for candy, or go through the drive-thru after work. i feel so much better these days, and i have golo to thank for that. we're here with chris counahan of our local leaffilter. so chris, tell us how leaffilter is different from every other gutter protection on the market. with leaffilters, patented filter technology, there are no gaps, no openings, no place for debris to get in at all. and we install leaffilter on your existing gutters. it's a permanent solution.
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you'll never have to climb a ladder to clean out your gutters again. that's amazing, chris. tell me about the process. simple and easy. just give us a call, set up an appointment. we'll come out and give you a free gutter inspection. if they're sagging, we'll repair them. if they're broken, we'll replace them. if they're in good shape, our local team will install leaffilter in as little as a few hours. wow. and i understand you guys have a lifetime no clogs guarantee? we do. it's actually a lifetime transferable no clogs guarantee. you know, that's peace of mind and then some. so, how do people sign up? to schedule your free inspection. call 833-leaffilter today our agents are standing by. or visit
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>> jesse: mother's day around the corner, i know you did not know that i'm reminding you because you have no idea what mother's day is, who doesn't know when mother's day is, it's there on the calendar, obviously. i know obviously wanted it is. which is why i'm already prepared and already have one of the great robes proud american mom, look at that. you go to the fox news website and you can get one of these wall for robes with the slippers, keep your feet warm coming out of the shower, proud mom on it. does not have to be a balm, could be a good for out -- girlfriend. a daughter. the wear it anyway because it's lush. you get t-shirts, not made in china. and a fanny pack. you can keep your vape's in here, your cash. you don't want your kids or boyfriend to look at where your husband. penny roles, you can keep penny
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roles. you just clench them around your fist and knock anybody out that tries to fight you." give one of these two alec baldwin. proud american mom. like the fannie willis pack but fox news style. go to foxnews shop and check it out maybe there's a discount, maybe there isn't. look at some text messages. james from rhode island, cohen's the narrator of the trump story, ewing please upgrade him from morgan freeman. mark from new windsor, new york. trump should walk into the courtroom wearing a mink coat. it is cold, i hear it's 45 degrees. mike from rocky mountain north carolina, very good legal research, ever consider being a lawyer, i did i opened up the lsat book, got to the logic section and then i almost had a heart attack. close the book. doing much better as a nonlawyer. who pretends to be one on tv.
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is it giving the commencement address this year columbia, years back -- who was that you are any leader? i think he gave a commencement address, i attended i just don't remember it. bill from virginia, first time i'd seen alec baldwin do something i liked. have to admit, i liked it too. gabe from north carolina, don't compare him with weird out, al has a job. i love jewelled, i'd like to wrap my -- jc and from alabama. how was he not in get it together. big missed opportunity there. always remember this is my world. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ]


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