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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  April 23, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> harris: happening now, for the mirth template publisher is testifying and the trump trial. he is the first witness. his testimony follows a gag order hearing earlier this morning. the judge says he will decide on trump violations on a later date. we will be keeping a close eye. hello, everyone this is "outnumbered." >> emily: i and emily compagno here with harris faulkner. joining us today is lisa boothe, and tammy bruce. and also senior advisor at america first legal and former dla of public affairs ian prior. >> emily: we begin with the growing anti-israel protests at some of the most prestigious universities. these are life pictures over columbia university and you can see protesters taking over
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columbia's lawn with test. nyu students are planning a walkout at 1:00 p.m. eastern today. last night ryan teams arrested over 150 people during last night's protest. [chancing] >> emily: the protests are not limited to columbia and nyu, at least 22 elite schools including all five of the nation's so-called top universities have seen anti-israel protests within the past week. new students are supposed to be america's best and brightest. instead, they are on the streets openly cheering for terrorists who take advantage of women, kidnap babies, and slaughtered entire families. [chancing]
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]chancing] >> emily: so what does our president, joe biden, i have to say about these anti-semitic protests happening under his watch? he plays both sides. >> do you condemn the protest on college carcasses? >> i condemn -- i also condemn those who do not understand what is going on with the palestinians. >> emily: this is from a president saying that the reason he stepped in as a presidential candidate for a second time was that he was fired up after then trump who had played both sides
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with the charlotte nationalistic white supremacy rallying. he asked how could scylla play both sides and here we have been delivered this gift. >> ian: that is what is happening here, we see president biden operating his campaign. he doesn't want to lose michigan or minnesota, if you think too far he knows what will happen. he needs to do is be the commander in chief. we are not just dealing with this unhinged spoiled brat protesters at columbia and nyu we are dealing with the international issue here. you look to what october 7th was, beyond barbaric terrorism, it was a test. testing the resolve of the american people and leadership. we have failed that test. we have signaled to iran that we are not that i have is years back because they have successfully created this chaos here that our leadership is buying into by not denouncing
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things and saying we stand strongly with israel. only john fetterman is doing that right now, i think what we're seeing here is a chlorinated operation and president biden is more focused on winning reelection then he is executing his job as the as the president of the united states. >> emily: so we have not gotten a proper condemnation from the president neither a appropriate fury, someone said for a second and imagine that students at columbia were taunted going back to africa, or imagine that a student was surrounded by homophobic protesters and hit with a stick, or imagine if the campus told muslim students they should go home for ramadan because campus public safety cannot guarantee their security. they would be issuing condemnation from our media and politician. it goes onto say say that student demonstrators and all of
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the above -- only it was directed at jewish kids. >> harris: we know from the beginning of the early days of the holocaust, it was people having their homes related, that the wanted people to wear yellow stars, jewish people to be marked. tiktok was quick before they were -- i wonder where were going. so i pay attention to what they chant. i think it's become coordinated. when you listen to the tape you came here on occasion people saying repeat after me. what is that? they do not believe in what they are saying, but these two things bothered me. we are all hamas and we believe we will win. that means this is an about jewish people, this is a bigger picture. by the grace of god they say who? we, who is winning? who are these people really? the young man who set last hour
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on the set with me, a student at columbia university who is not physically there today, we will be online as part of the hyper program because you have to lock down the victims. he said that there's a lot of people and those tents who do not belong in their camp it and they don't kick those people up. insurgents have come onto the campus and they are living inside the tent. even if you are protester you might be in danger. you do not know who is right next to you. this is out of control. columbia university looks like a big fat waste of money. >> emily: let us drill down into this. because nypd said the exact same thing, obviously somebody is funding these protests. look at these tents. there at the same colors the same will be sought at nyu and columbia. it looks like somebody is funding this and they are perfectly placed as we seen on
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all protests. talk to me about what that me means. >> lisa: we have seen this before, it is recycled. they know how to organize this, not just from october 7th, but the occupied movement. it's mizzou all those years ago with tents on their campus and of course that destroyed them financially when it came to admissions and they had to close down dorms because of a lack of students. americans are watching this unfold in these major blue american cities, tent cities, chanting, all of that. i will argue also that this is not our best and brightest. just those who infiltrated like the george floyd marches -- a majority of them are not students at those universities as that young man mentioned in the interview earlier, these are not people with the university. they are trespassing. so even if they are being paid 20 bucks to show up.
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they do not have a life, or they do not understand what they are chancing, and they did not understand when they were chancing from the river to the sea. and that is the problem they are people out there who can be organized and this is why am no longer organizer for the left because you rely on ignorance and you keep people ignorant and that is what's happening here as well. the same day self left this organization in america that needs chaos and needs to make people afraid and unsure about what the future looks like. >> harris: that part is working. >> emily: history is doomed to repeat itself and earlier this morning we had someone on "fox & friends" who was a holocaust survivor, walking out of auschwitz as a 6-year-old, she had this to say. >> when i walked out with my mother i said to my self, i would never have any -- anybody call me dirty or anything else
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again. i am free now. and here it is today. i am sharp and i am in pain and i am scared for both america and for the jewish people. >> emily: i can't imagine after going through the holocaust and sing this. we should really take and what the student actually saying here. they are saying if they deem you a colonizer or the oppressor, you deserve to be taken advantage of, or murdered, or taken advantage of. that is the message from the future generation of america. as a certain dictator who hated jewish people, he said he'll who owns the youth gangs the future. this is the future of our country. president biden launched the candace ritchie in charlottesvit was about core values and democracy, about the soul of the nation but what is
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president biden's core values? allowing hatred so you can win michigan? >> harris: great point. that is a great question. >> emily: more to come including this, a big day for trump in court, the prosecution's first witness resumes his testimony. a live report coming up next. stay with us. de the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call.
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>> harris: day s s six and then new york for for trump trial ended is hot. it could be pivotal for trump. the judge reserved the decision to appear at the clock order but let's dig into the details. where the prosecution's fretless
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witness has resumed the testimony. eric, cook us up on the gag order part first. >> yes, the former president, moments after the gag order hearing and that he said "i am not allowed to defend myself, this is a kangaroo court. the format present attacking, but as you said he has reserved his decision on whether or not to cite him for the 11 are examples of contempt of court that prosecutors want to cite the former president with." it was a heated day in court, that's when prosecutors detailed the truth social postings, and trump's after court comments. accusing trump of violating the gag order. calling his attacks, a real threat. but his own lawyer, countered by saying his client was also responding to attacks on him. attacks from michael cohen and stormy daniels.
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but at one point the judge says you are a losing credibility with the court. they added this remark that they made about michael cohen yesterday as number 11. >> "he was a lawyer, and was a lawyer and i think she got in trouble for where things that had nothing to do with me. this had nothing to do with me" >> michael cohen responded to that this morning telling fox news saying truth will prevail over trump and his acolytes and his lying. regardless, he said no one is above the law. testimony then resumed with david back understand. the former publisher of the "national enquirer" is expected to detail the scheme on the nefarious affair during the presidential campaign. just a few moments ago he talked
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about his friendship with michael cohen that goes back about 17 years he first met mr. cohen at trump's office and 2007 and said that he was told that any information that he had any negative and information anything he heard about trump that he had to go through michael cohen for that and that will lead into the prosecutors trying to set up the fact that it was mr. packer, michael cohen, and the former president who conspired together according to prosecutors to try and hide the alleged affairs during the 2016 presidential campaign. back to you. >> harris: that is a heavy road ahead for the prosecutors. because they have professional liars with professional mr. cohen. he has been showing to have some conflict with what he says. >> that is one thing that the defense will certainly try to raise, that michael cohen was convicted and save some time for
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campaign violations and for lying to congress and for tax evasion. this will all be brought up, it'll be fireworks happening at this trial, but michael cohen says that he is telling the truth. >> harris: okay. eric always tells the truth and he is my favorite thank you. all right, so i have to say, when a convicted liar says that this time -- but this time, you still put them on the stand? >> the boy who cried wolf. people probably have a lot of questions about how they've done everything. that is probably why "the wall street journal" raised the question, we understand why you want to protect the jury, but why are we protecting michael cohen who in history is then running his mouth everywhere, going back to the contention that you talked about in the gag order hearing, i want to talk about how the defense is
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trying to be very specific. we understand what the gag order is, and this is how we are and how trump is complying with that. every post does not count, a retweet in that sense, but that's when the judge said that you are losing credibility. what this goes to show is that when you are operating within the criminal justice system, you think you are following directions because you said this so i am hearing doing is right t in the court can come back with a full hand and say look it was the spirit of the law more important than the letter, i know you have run into the same thing but defendant to serve specificity. right now they are threatening a progressive -- you need to be really clear with what you imply. >> harris: i do not want to call everything a money grab unless it is.
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but $10,000 per each of these ten reported violations. is it one? i had read ten. whatever it is, it is a lot of money. my question is, is this in fact another way to press the former president financially, although that is nothing compared to the $175 million bond, but it does putting your mind and reminds everybody this is a rich man and he's going to pay and the president is constantly sank without talk about this trial we are going to make the rich pay,t is just dripping from him and it so much politics will then end like a tapestry on what we are seeing against donald trump. in terms of the money issue. how does his team fight the judge to get so contentious as he did in court today? >> ian: does a great question and that rose is to me a problem where we are weaponizing the justice system to go after former presidents. you back up 2,000 years and this
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is the kind of thing they would do in the roman republic that led to the end of the roman republic. caesar is out there and says if you do not come back to rome, and your proconsul authority and face prosecution, what did he do? it was the end of the republic. what we are seeing here has shades in the passive history and it's what our constitution tries to avoid, unfortunately we have not opened up a whole new era of political tension prosecutions of former president. >> harris: how do we move forward? >> ian: is a great question. we will see what happens here but we might see this lead to serious problems going forward. who is going to run for president? who's going to be there to do this job when they see this hanging over their heads. >> tammy: i think what the prosecution is relying on is a journey that will not care. i still believe that if you actually show the jury respect
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in the defense can do it defense based on the fact of the matter and show that the requirements is an example such as with the gag order, were too vague or vague enough so that your intentions can be applied to any type of appeal as well. but i think they had anticipated such as the democrats have with minorities. it will not matter what we do, these people would do what they've always done or expected them to do, they will behave. i think new york is on occasion say, we are going to do the right thing, because look at the details here. and they will feel better at the end of the day. and i think it is smart for the trump team to approach the jury in this type of matter. because they are presuming the system is allowed respect in the jury is owed respect and we are going to do what we are supposed to be doing and trust that it is going to happen. >> they don't need to be
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protected from trump they need to be protected from the liberal mouth. to ian prior's point, i laughed when democrats talk about democracy or even "the washington post" and their tagline, democracy dies in the darkness. it dies in new york city, and democracy is dying right now with this sham trial. trump is being punished for sharing an article from andy mccarthy, a former federal prosecutor on michael cohen can make a living with facebook revenge or podcasts trashing trump all day long, or stormy daniels can defy court order where she owned trump money. but trump cannot respond? you look at the fact that the judge is a democrat donor. these downgrade felonies and misdemeanors try to elevated to a felony -- you look at the jury, more than half of those say that they cannot be
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impartial. there is one person who follows the anti-trump account. so sparingly with the threats to democracy. you are the threat to democracy. >> harris: okay, we're just going to leave that smashed microphone waited. [laughter] but she definitely drafted. coming up, a new report claims that the vice president's last is rubbing emma koch voters the wrong way, some are questioning if president biden even likes her. now it is getting personal. ♪ ♪ and the speed limit definitely isn't. 700 million mph. so why would you pay a rate based on.
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[laughter] [laughter] some people understand what i am talking about. >> you just saw kamala harris laughing it up but it might be causing internal problems. a new report says that the party is being -- has been using focus groups of democratic voters to evaluate public opinion around the vice president and it reads "several people said that kamala harris rubbed them the wrong way" a few specifically said her laugh, multiple people also said that they did not think that kamala harris had been treated well. they question whether or not be 25 actually likes it. so we are familiar with the laughter, i would suggest that first of all, it is interesting that the democrats after she has been in the public eye for over four years has been the vice president, need to focus group to tell them what is wrong.
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that reveals a great deal. about her and about them and about all of them. they cannot figure it out. the fact that it is not about her laugh per se, but about being genuine, a person who is trusted, and being real in the process of what is going on. >> harris: and being a serious person. but it's more about her, we remember in her early vice president see all of the movement and the moving around of the deck chairs on her team, and then send me some big names were leaving, as her team was imploding over a an end over again. so there might be some coddling going on here. it's easy to do a focus group and to say to your boss that these people said this about you and this is what we found in the research about you, and this is how we're going going to attack it. that is not a educated guess on my part it is experienced. if you have ever had a boss and
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you need to manage up, sometimes you had to do that stuff. she has been known to be someone who is rather tough on people behind the scenes. at one point they said they had 22 people on the record with them -- they had a lot of people talking about her behind the scenes. we will see what happens. i loved joy if it is genuine. but it feels fake. >> lisa take a look at some numbers, it is everyone who does not like what is going on. this is from a call from today, 52% disapprove, 36% approve, those numbers have been pretty consistent between a 14 to attel and disapproval. what is your take in the sense of what our american scene? what did they think they are seen? >> lisa: they just do not like her. that is what it comes down to. we saw in the primary as well because she was doing so poorly
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even in the home state of california. i think people do not like her, and you can focus group that all you want but it will not change who she is at the court, and wanted the best piece of advice i have ever gotten is be yourself because people can tell when you're fake and she's trying to overcompensate with the weird life and that we are talking in all this other stuff. and of course she's the person who called president biden races and also became his vice president. before she was very good in those debates and abortion is like to be key for the democrats what do you think? >> she told cnn that she finds the prospect of prosecuting trump on the issue of abortion, liberating, so they are trying to pull her back and an identity that they felt was successful for her even though she ran on a former prosecutorial position and then obviously dropped out of the race immediately.
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let me point out as well i agree with everyone that the not the city, she has peaked, but she has been popped up ever since and now she's in the white house but she's not a appropriate asset, the laughter happens all the time. there is a read it page called cringe, there's an entire one dedicated to her her nervously laughing after every single questions and the reporter does. americans see when seriousness is warranted because it is our future instability and she never takes it seriously. >> ian: right, it's not just a laugh. the laugh is like a disney villain from the 1950s -- but the platitudes, the reason why this is important the reason why they are concern is that they know when we get into the heat of the presidential election, joseph biden's cognition in his age are going to be an issue.
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so who is next up, the focus is going to be on her. so for president trump, his running mate should be someone who can clearly articulate and debates with her and take it to her to show that look, the vice president position is important here. >> thank you, everybody. president biden has taken a lot of heat suggesting that his uncle was eaten by cannibals during world war ii. why would he take heat for that? now the prime minister of new guinea is weighing in and he is also not very happy. that is coming up next.
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at city colleges. he described how protesters have smashed an officers helmet, and he believes that educators are sharing the unrest. watch this. >> we strongly believe that if the kids right now. that there are people who were here, they are latching onto any protests to see our police officers having bottles thrown at them -- chairs, people who peacefully protests are not throwing bottles and shoes. so we know that we have vague knowledge and seen this across the country. there are people who come, have nothing to do with the issue and they want to activate. but what i believe there's a number of people who are really trying to use this as a opportunity to cause violence in our city. we will seek them out and identify them. and the commissioner made a good point when i saw in a interview
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he did, asking why is everyone having the same tent? there is some organizing going on. there is a well conservative organizing effort. in which the goal of the organizer -- that's what we need to be asking ourselves. >> that was new york city mayor eric adams, talking about the deputy commissioner naramore nypd believing there is an organization or some type of organizing behind these campus protests. but the sheer scale and that continuity we are seeing with the tents, the level of violence and props we hear how it nypd's office it in. this has no place here in new york city and is the work of a higher force and we were leaving you new york city. we were leaving you eric adams to please identify and route them out. moving onto this, the white house may not want to talk
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about it, but president biden why a claim last week about the death of his uncle during world war ii is not going away. >> he got shot down in new guinea and they never found the body because they used to be a lot of cannibals in that part of new guinea. >> emily: for real. press secretary told reporters it was inappropriate to ask a joke about that story, but the minister is not joking, his response said that it might have been the slip of the tongue, however my country does not deserve to be labeled as such. the remains of world war ii world war ii lie scattered all of our country, including the pain that carried president biden's uncle, perhaps giving president biden's comment and the strong reaction and other parts of the world, it is time for the united states to find as many remains of world war ii within p&g as
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possible, including those of servicemen who lost their lives like ambrose finnegan. lisa, a massively respectful and fitting comment. absolutely eclipsing the shameful comments are presidents made. >> lisa: any tenant president says for real he is lying, because he is old and senile at this point even though the special counsel found in his report -- he's just a plagiarist and a liar and the examiner has a breakdown of all the times he has plagiarize and lie throughout his life, going back to 1965 where he was at syracuse college of law and he ref to five pages of our review, he chopped out of the 1987 presidential election because of lying, even a 2020 they found that he had pooled a bunch of stuff from various groups, and you go through a mark of lies he has told throughout his career.
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he's just a liar. he is not a good guy. and that's what it comes down to. >> these comments that president biden has dropped, discover their comments that president biden has dropped. they matter, they are people in countries he is talking about. hispanic americans are not breakfast tacos, and new guinea is not defined by cannibals. these comments matter and someone is speaking up for. >> harris: i am thinking about what that leader from new guinea was talking about intent of the respect even for his own family. president biden's own family member, come back to this nation and look for the world war ii fallen. even that is such a call with grace. what i think that means is that do you not even care about the man you were talking about? do you not even care about your own family that you will forget the facts and get them wrong, and the federal government would issue a statement, to go on the
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record and say specifically about your relatives and their plane, no, it was stitched for unknown reasons into the ocean and not shot down overland. that is a lot of specificity to correct, think about the disrespect to his own family. it is pretty and real. >> ian: i go back to the situation in israel, we are on the precipice of war in the middle east, and we have somebody who's going to go out there and say things that could create international incidents. sherry new guinea is one thing, but if he messes up this much when it comes in the middle east because of something he is says, that is can have disastrous consequences. >> yes i think that's it. that's what we have a trust issue and a government not being trusted, while we have people willing to cause chaos in various cities because of his home. >> emily: the lights are on. up next california state senate
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>> anti-israel protests continue. we are expecting a major walk in new york city in moments.
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should the national guard be called into deal with deal with these hostile protests? the senators here who will give us a stay, plus, trump's day in court is set to end soon. we will be watching for any live for months and we will bring it to you live, join us at the top of the hour with "america reports." ♪ ♪ >> harris: a new california legislation is set to crack down on the line skipping service clear, in the name of equity they say, the state senate transportation committee is here in the proposal today, banning the expedited screening company from airports. discuss a hundred and $89 for year, and they say this allows wealthier people to skip normal tsa lines. what will they do with preacher? it's about half that price but it still -- >> you can use it to get into venues and concerts and such, but the argument is this if you
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are in the airport you are traveling. you already spending hundreds of dollars to go from one city to the next. you are sitting at home, waiting for this free event in your city. you are traveling, it is $189 a year. some credit cards that the american express, they paid for you. it is not about this dynamic it's about trying to find a way for people to feel that everything is racist. everything is bigoted. you cannot escape it. this is systemic, that is unacceptable, we we need to hae this to be something that is exceptional -- >> harris: it is haves versus have-nots, the oppressed and the oppressor. we are being manipulated to the tenth degree, and who is doing it? >> ian: that is a great question. i think we are seeing this throughout the country. whatever it is whether its admission to university or dei programs at work, the same
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forces that are really spreading this information because at the protesters are the same people that are trying to equalize everybody. let us extrapolate from that clear and lipstick goods and services. clear as a convenience. normal lawn maintenance benefits the wealthy now you have to get one of those -- things are expensive too -- a self-propelled push for what that's like $700, so now were going to be pushing those little manual of things -- >> harris: a clipping with her scissors. but my question is who benefits from that? what is the game being played and remember what they are chancing over columbia university, we believe that we will win, who is winning what? >> emily: we have seen this in california, a race to the bottom of who can pat themselves on the back by saying i introduced this bill about equity. so all these people clogging the system are putting this so they
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can pat their resume. in the name of equity to me, if they are talking about race, that is inherently racist because you are assuming certain people cannot afford certain things, and in this capitalistic society, the whole point is money get you certain things. money get to a valid car or you can walk from the parking lot. you make those concessions on thyour own, i do not think anotr 60 bucks is going to break your bank. >> should i sign up for clear? [laughter] >> money also gets taxes paid, and services going in cities and states and so this whole equity thing is a race to the bottom where everyone is poor and nobody successful in society falls apart, which is essentially what the people advocating for, but i love california going in this direction because it allows the
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republicans to pick the contrast but states that florida when you saw that debate with desantis, and dissenters can say everything is working in florida but everyone is falling apart in california, so doesn't -- it is a contract should i sign up for clear? >> harris: i do tsa precheck. when you travel with kids if you could do any of this it is a good idea. it is, if you can enjoy dinner for the ticket, maybe you crowd front for some of this but when you travel with children and i do think it is helpful. anyway, more of "outnumbered" in just a moment. ♪ ♪ were you worried the wedding would be too much? nahhhh... (inner monologue) another destination wedding?? we just got back from her sister's in napa. who gets married in napa? my daughter. who gets married someplace more expensive? my other daughter. cancun! jamaica!! why can't they use my backyard!!
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>> farris: last but not least tammy bruce has a brand-new b book. fear itself addresses the use of fear to control society, it has been a theme this hour i feel. the book launches july 23rd presale begins right now. to me, tell us more. >> not that there is anything to write about [laughter] but yes i figured it out. this conversation is obviously a great example you concede and everything happening that is the point of the book. gives people the background of how this is not a new, it is not organic. these are plans in organizing and there is a point to having
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us live in fear because it affects our willingness to print a spate in society. we retreat, right? we surrender in a certain way but we don't because we are americans and you see when you have enough information you are able to make the right decisions. i am very excited, july 23rd but order it now and we will be good to go i'm excited. >> you gave me chills when he said that because during the pandemic before my father passed he said we have retreated into nothingness and we are completely controllable. >> time to reverse that. >> there you go, tammy. >> can't wait to read it. awesome, presale today tammy bruce's book, go get it. "fear itself." when you don't watch us live don't forget to dvr the show and here is "america reports." >> john: harris, thank you and former president donald trump in a manhattan courtroom is testimony resumes and historic criminal trial, so for the first witness former "national enquirer" publisher pecker


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