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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  April 22, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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saturday night. >> i love taco bell. now i look something else. her name is becky, a manager at a taco bell, a mother came out, her 11-month-old was turning blue and not breathing. becky helped her, gave her cpr. she started breathing and the mother said she was -- nelly cordova is making a splash, saying her tour win timed the record. what a golden age for women's sports. that is it for us. have a great night. >> have you ever wanted to touch jesse's hair? >> no.
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it is real, though. >> bret: good evening. we are following two major stories. anti-israel posttest pop up at more schools across the country despite efforts by administrators and police. columbia university cancels in person class amid concerns about violence. we begin with opening statements. the start of testimony and the historic trial of donald trump. nate foy is outside the state supreme court with the latest. day one of this trial. >> good evening. during opening statements, the d.a.'s office accused former president donald trump of conspiring to influence the 2016 presidential election. while he and his lawyers maintain he did nothing wrong and say this trial is an effort to influence this year's election.
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during opening statements, the prosecutor said this case is about a criminal conspiracy and a cover-up involving trump, his former lawyer and the state's first witness, david, prosecutors argued they engaged in catch in kill, where people who wrote -- he paid stormy daniels to suppress the affair. he put fraudulently listed those payments as legal expenses. >> bookkeeping is a very minor thing. >> his lawyer said all payments represented legitimate legal expenses, adding he received three times more than what cohen
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paid daniels. nondisclosure agreements are not illegal and neither is trying to influence an election. trump maintains the manhattan d.a. office is interfering with the election. >> this has never happened before. nobody has ever seen it. >> tomorrow before david's testimony continues, the judge will rule on whether or not trump violated the gag order and if so, what possible punishment might be. court will end early if the schedule holds. >> the lawyers also reached this agreement over the $175 million bond in his civil fraud trial down the road. what are you hearing about that?
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>> the $175 million bond will need to be held in cash. they will not be able to move any of the money and will need to provide financial statements to the new york attorney general's office to prove that cash as they are. the new york attorney general's office that this was necessary while trump's lawyer says it was a waste of taxpayer money and time. >> bret: we are in the second week of protests. demonstrations are being held at other schools. the protests are raising safety concerns and more security is being added to campuses. alexis mcadams is at columbia tonight. >> good evening. those protests continue tonight and they are spreading across
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the country at other campuses. you can see behind me with the encampment here in new york. there are growing calls for the president to step down as the president of america, joe biden, sissy is -- the president of america, joe biden, says he is disappointed. >> i condemn those who don't understand what is going on with the palestinians. >> should the columbia university president resign? >> i will have to find out more about that. >> the protests started here at columbia university, leading a rabbi to tell jewish students to go home because they are not safe. these protests are popping up at campuses across the country.
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columbia, nyu, yale, the university of michigan, and more coming in. groups of students waving flags and chanting pro-palestinian chance. there were dozens of arrests. watch. >> high street or wall street? no one will stop you from leaving. if you do not leave, you will be arrested. we will give you time to leave but if you do not leave, you will be arrested. >> hundreds of tents are back on columbia's campus. more than 100 students were arrested for trespassing and they were suspended from school. donald trump posting saying the palestinian protest at columbia university -- but the area surrounding the manhattan
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courthouse is lined up with protection. we have seen lots of police out here. they are on standby. nyu and columbia have not asked for them to come in to help clear out these encampments but they are ready if they get that call in. >> bret: president biden condemned the protest. he promoted his green agenda on earth day. we have details tonight. >> celebrating earth day at a national park, biden framed himself as the biggest offender of environmental justice, announcing $7 billion in grants to bring solar panels to low income communities and he played up the jobs factor.
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just 5% of registered voters think climate change is the most important issue of the country is facing. president biden is trying to engage young voters with the politics of it. >> despite the devastation, there are those who deny climate is in crisis. our mag or republican friends don't think it is in crisis. >> the survey showing interest in the upcoming election is at its lowest point since 2012. he is still trailing on the issues, like inflation, by 22 points. biden trying to connect climate change to jobs. some say appeasing environmentalists has real co costs. >> if it goes on for a long time, it has the potential to cost us jobs. i want this to be quick as
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possible. >> the conversation was turned to the middle east. >> it is important we remember the power of young people shaping this country today. we once again witness the leadership of those peaceful student-led protests on columbia, yale, berkeley, and others. >> i learned a long time ago, listen to that lady. >> he issued a both sides condemnation, and declined to weigh in on whether columbia university's president should resign. tomorrow he heads to florida to campaign on abortion, the biggest single issue and the poll where he leads trump. >> bret: thank you. this is the final day before tomorrow's primary election in
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pennsylvania. voters there, they are focused on the u.s. senate race in pennsylvania in november. brian is in allentown tonight. >> at a sporting range, the republican senate hopeful, alongside jim jordan, took political shots at his opponent. >> don't think bob casey being passive means he is not dangerous. >> he is facing uphill reelection battles among concerns of inflation. yesterday, dozens of protesters interrupted his campaign event. in an exclusive interview, he reacted to the growing anti-semitic protests on campus. >> it is a disgrace.
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it is important to our officials are clear. john fetterman is an example. casey has been very unclear. >> he is endorsed by trump. in 2022, trump endorsed his opponent, dr. oz, who lost to john fetterman. mccormick is just like oz. >> he doesn't live in pennsylvania. he lied about living in pennsylvania. >> a claim he denies. >> i have lived the majority of my life in pennsylvania. >> they are trying to make something true that is not true. >> he says he sometimes lives in connecticut because his daughter from another marriage lives there.
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he says voters care about the issues. the results of this race will likely control which party controls the u.s. senate. >> bret: the supreme court is refusing to heal an appeal by carrie lake, challenging the use of electronic voting machines. they one of the courts to require paper ballots and a hand count. the democratic party says it is the latest blow too late's points of -- the dow gained 254. the s&p 500 was up 43. the nasdaq jumped 169 today. a break in at the home of the mayor in one of the country's largest cities. here is what some of our affiliates are covering.
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the bright line west high speed rail project aims to connect nevada with southern california. the completion date is summer 2028, around the start of the los angeles olympics. they will receive a near record federal grants to a private company. fox 45 in baltimore where a 200-ton hydraulic salvage and grab helping with recovery operations of the francis scott key bridge wreckage. it completed a journey from galveston, texas, to arrive at sparrows point. this is a live look at hilton head island. scottie scheffler finishes off a four shot victory at the rain delayed heritage tournament on hilton head island. play was concluded and he has
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won four of his last five starts. and the masters two. that is tonight's look. i will be right back. ♪ ♪ ethan! how's my favorite client? great! i started using schwab investing themes, so now i can easily invest in trends... like wearable tech. trends? all that research. sounds exhausting! nope. schwab's technology does the work. so if i spot an opportunity, in robotics or pets, i can buy those stocks ina few clicks. can't be that easy. it is with schwab! schwaaab! schwab investing themes. 40 customizable themes. up to 25 stocks in justa few clicks. dangerous ladders. gutter muck. yuck. no wonder you hate cleaning your gutters. good thing there's leaffilter. our patented filter technology keeps leaves and debris out of your gutters forever. guaranteed. call 833- leaffilter to get started. and get the permanent gutter solution that ends clogs for good. they took the time to answer all of our questions.
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>> bret: a suspect is in custody following a break-in at
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the home of los angeles mayor karen bass sunday morning. it is not his first serious brush with the law. jonathan hunt has details tonight from outside the mayor's home. >> we have learned the man arrested here at the residence, 29-year-old hunter was charged with attempted murder and kidnapping in massachusetts and served seven years in that case. we are told by officers investigating the break in that it was not random. they believe he knew this is where the mayor lives. the mayor, seen hours after the break-in, ran to a panic room in the house. police arrived within minutes and arrested hunter, who cut his hand while breaking in. it is unclear whether he was
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armed with any type of weapon. the mayor was at an event to unveil her budget proposal. she thanks the l.a.p.d. >> i am fine, my family is fine. we are going to do everything we can to keep angelenos safe and our budget makes significant contributions and investments towards keeping them safe. >> it is not the first time she has been victim of a break-in. in 2022, her private home was broken into and two guns stolen. what we don't know is what the intruder's intentions were, to steal from the residence or to find and harm her in some way. >> bret: thank you. there is a growing controversy in california over the title of
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a ballot initiative aimed at addressing gender issues. william shows us from los angeles. >> you are not allowed to discriminate based on gender. >> this is a national issue. in terms of fighting in california, we are at war. >> a war over 100 words. by statute, the attorney general in this case controls the title and the initiative he opposes. >> this puts them in harm's way. >> the initiative would require schools to notify parents if their child wants to identify as a different gender. block transgender athletes from female sports and require students use facilities consistent with their birth
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gender. >> the majority of californians support the legislation. >> supporters of the measures say he changed to protect kids of california act ii restricts whites of -- rights of transgender initiatives. >> it is inflammatory, prejudicial, incomplete, and inaccurate. >> the judge, a former lawyer, tentatively agreed. if the judge sides with the parents group, that would force a rewrite. otherwise, it is unlikely it will make it onto the 2024 or 2026 ballot. >> bret: an update on aid to ukraine.
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first, beyond our borders, the head of israeli military intelligence resigns after hamas' attack last october. he is the first senior figure to step down over his role dealing with the deadliest assault in israel's history. japan reports north korea launched at least one ballistic missile towards the northeast today. it flew as far as 155 miles before landing in the waters east of the peninsula. this is a live look at earth from the international space station. six new astronauts are introduced and five are from europe. the sixth is an australian. they are now eligible for missions to the international space station. they just graduated from a year
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of basic training. just some of their stories way just some of their stories way beyond our borders tonight. we will be right back. ♪ ♪ u lowith the mask and the ho. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button. where are you going? i'm going to get inspire. learn more and view important safety information at
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>> bret: the supreme court appeared at odds today over a small city's ban on homeless people sleeping in public places. the case involves grand pass, oregon and featured emotional statements. at issue was whether the enforcement of generally applicable laws regulating camping constitutes cruel and unusual punishment. the ukraine a bill that passed the house is on its way to the u.s. senate for debate and possible passage tomorrow. mike johnson continues to resist
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calls for his ouster. >> mike johnson. >> we expected a more conservative speaker. >> mike johnson has betrayed america, republican voters. >> all of my colleagues, cut your nonsense out, focus on the task at hand. >> green never triggered her resolution to oust him. she likely would have lost. she lacked the votes. >> johnson has been sincere, honest in reaching across the aisle and working together. >> the right is fuming over what the foreign aid plan lacks. >> there was zero watershed in the development. >> we have terrorists, drugs,
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criminals flocking across our southern border. >> conservatives demand the chance to add border security. >> i would not vote for the bill as passed by the house of representatives. >> this is a good deal for ukraine and saul alinsky and hamas. >> j.d. vance faces backlash. >> i challenge him to go to ukraine and get a briefing from the military and talk to the ukrainian people and then tell me what you think. >> in the bill, a provision forcing china to drop its investment in tiktok. >> bret: thank you. >> you can choose democracy. >> we did our work here and history will judge it well. >> this would not have passed
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without donald trump. i want to thank the house speaker for working together in bipartisan fashion. >> "the washington post" says the evolution, the speaker's path to increasing ukraine aid is a factor of many things. johnson put a ukraine bill on the floor and he may lose his job because of it. the three mics mentioned, michael mccall, mike rogers, mike turner. we are saying mike pompeo may have been part of those as well. for the house republicans and the house speaker, joining us, brit hume. >> johnson is in a stronger position than one might have imagined because the bill was
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passed with a great many democratic votes. democrats are grateful he brought it to the floor. it was a priority of the administration and a great many republicans, resisted by a subset of the republican caucus and democrats are prepared to vote with you -- for him in any measure to deprive him of his job. i think he is in a stronger position. he is being praised by "the washington post," but nonetheless, there it is. this bill and supporting ukraine, is a no-brainer when you think about it. russia is an adversary of the united states. ukraine resists more effectively than anyone thought possibly at first. they have inflicted an enormous
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damage on russian military forces and all of this has come at a cost of the american dollar to some extent, of course, about one-sixth of the pentagon budget, but no cost in american lives. when you hear complaints about an endless war, it may be a long war, but there are no americans fighting in it. that is a pretty good deal. a fact lost on too many republicans trying to oust the speaker. >> there are republicans who had problems with the aid but several had a problem with the legislation pointed to the border not being a part of it or leading the way. >> it is bad to go out and tell the american people you are going to secure the border when you are watching 24,000 chinese nationals and you watch people get killed by someone paroled by
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the policies of this american country. >> you wonder if these people can count. the house passed a border security bill, very popular among house republicans. it went nowhere in the senate because the senate is controlled by democrats and the democrats did not want to. there was a negotiation between the senate and the republicans and democrats over a bill to deal with the border. it was endorsed by the border patrol union and was killed because republicans said they weren't going to vote for it and it was dead on arrival. it wasn't as if effort hasn't been made. it has. the hope was they could lever the desire for the ukraine bill in the way of getting a border
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security bill passed and they didn't have the votes to do that and it failed. they did these other things, which are important, but separate. >> slim majorities, tough to govern. >> exactly right. >> thank you. the panel with the latest on the presidential race and the trial of donald trump. terry anderson has died. anderson was a globe-trotting reporter who became one of the longest held hostages. he was held for nearly seven years after being kidnapped in lebanon. he detailed his experience in den of lions. period anderson was 76. ♪ ♪
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going to have a different look. the former president is on trial. he will be campaigning whenever he gets on camera in new york. if you look at the real clear politics average of polls, he has a slight lead. that is where you see the race, pretty much tied. "the washington post" rides the next president may be chosen by indifference. that conversation has been awfully repetitive recently. americans are not enthusiastic about engaging in it and election interest is low heading into the biden-trump rematch.
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let's bring in our panel. douglas, and staff. staff, it is interesting to see when the president comes out, he is campaigning every time he talks to reporters. >> he is. trump and his campaign are making the most of the fact that he is required to be in court and he is not afraid of embracing the moment. we saw him speak to the camera during the jury selection process this week. this is despite the fact the defense has been trying to delay the start of these proceedings and he is deciding to go and campaign. he has made the fact that he has a target of the justice system a key part of his narrative.
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we will continue to see him make that a focus. >> asked if he could get a fair trial, 50% say he is held to the same legal standard as everyone else. if you look at the courtroom calendar, this is like airplanes coming into dulles. different things stacked up one after another. it is going to be a unique collection here. >> people had to campaign in a different manner and this is wholly different. we are going to see him every day he is in trial and on weekends, he is going to be a weekend warrior. we are going to see a lot of friday, saturday, sunday trump. he is going to be nowhere near new york, it seems.
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>> what about the testifying for this grab effort to get negative stories out. it is the beginning of laying the groundwork for prosecutors to influence the 2016 election. >> i don't think american people care about this. the president would be wise to do it all on his legal pad and auction them off. i don't think this relates to the american people at all. he could turn some of this to his benefit when it comes to the attention paid. you can use the fact that there are going to be all of these cameras on you at the end of each quart experience.
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that is something the former president should do and due to the best of his ability. all of this is baked in. there is nothing that is going to change. >> there are some places that are covered ad nauseam him and gone through every single detail, including the four times he might have fallen asleep, everything that happens in the courtroom. do you think he is going to do more events in new york? that madison square garden rallies are in our future? is that how this campaign is going to go? >> trump knows and is aware of the media is covering every inch
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of this trial. he has been very aware of how to work the media. the news outlets are paying attention and this is a historical trial. we have never seen a former president of the united states face this kind of criminal charge before. he is using this to his advantage and we will see him in his campaign trying to bring attention to his campaign. >> nbc finds immigration and inflation ranked the highest by far most important issues. governor gavin newsom would like to go back to abortion. >> if donald trump becomes president of the united states, he will sign a national abortion ban. i worry he has a slight advantage and i am a little
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concerned about the overindulgence, the consequential nature of a criminal trial, but not more outsized than democracy. >> president biden is going to be campaigning on the issue of abortion in florida tomorrow. he saw the list of issues that are important i wonder how much importance abortion will have. >> in the last cycle, it has been a big motivator. fewer voters come out for those. it is easier if you can raise your vote total to have a bigger outcome. biden is completely underwater on the issue of crime, immigration, and inflation. it is why democrats will continue to talk about it. there is no way the house of
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representatives and the united states senate is going to send the president a nationwide abortion ban. >> one other thing, if gavin newsom is saying that, democrats have lost the senate, they haven't just lost the senate. it is not going to happen. it is a joke and not something -- at the end of the day, we know voters can prioritize certain issues over and over again. abortion is a motivator, but that is not going to be the deciding factor. >> we will see. anti-israel protests and onesst! star marking a major movie anniversary. ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary.
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they had to go to virtual school for safety of jewish students as alexandria conseil cortez weighed in talking about columbia, as did the president. >> we witness the leadership of those peaceful student led protests on student campus. >> listen to that lady. >> do you condemn the anti-semitic protests? >> i condemn the anti-semitic protests. >> both sides of that, senator federman came out and said i agree with the white house, these protests are dangerous. add some tiki torches and it is charlottesville for these jewish students.
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to the president, do your job or resign and find someone who will. president biden, referencing formal president trump. >> she said there were some very fine people on both sides. >> very fine people on both sides? those words the president of the united states equal those spreading hate with those standing against it. we are back with the panel. it is something. >> if i was the president of any of these institutions, i saw a student who was in the midst of this type of protest, my suggestion would be they return to their dorm room, put everything they have in a box and then we would talk about
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what should happen to the box. this is abhorrent. it violates honor codes, their own internal rules, every kind of rule of decency we can understand and puts the jewish students at risk and it cannot be tolerated. the fact that this is happening, ivy league institutions that we have looked up to as a group, as a community, for so many years is abhorrent. >> robert kraft, the owner of the patriots said deeply saddened at the hate that continues to grow on campus and through our country. i am no longer confident columbia can protect its students and staff and i cannot support the university until corrective action is taken. >> this would be the third president to step down if this does end up reaching that.
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how much the biden administration struggles. they support israel and then criticized netanyahu and israel's attack and trying to push back on the rise of anti-semitism. >> you see the headlines here. harvard yard closed until friday in anticipation of pro-palestine protests. uc berkeley is in turmoil. police arrest dozens of pro-palestine protesters at yale. it is a number of campuses, not just columbia.
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>> we had an ugly day after october 7th. we had a lack of leadership. unc has a new interim chancellor who is showing real leadership. making a very clear of what is acceptable and unacceptable only feeds us. they said these are student led protests. all of the tenants are iden identical. there is money funding this. they are not student led. >> where the money is coming from, we have not found. >> it is the movement that targets israel and public libraries in every organization you can think of. these are organized protests. >> thanks so much.
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finally tonight, a special day. >> 40 years, that blows my mind. things look a little different around here. the thing that looks the most different is me. >> 40 years. kevin bacon returns to the utah high school where "footloose" was filmed. 2024 is the 40th anniversary of the release. the high school is scheduled to be torn down next spring. bacon agreed to return when students said they would put together 5,000 care packages for his charity, 6 degrees. we will cover the trial in new york. if you can't catch us live, set your dvr. thanks for inviting us into your home. that is it for this special report