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tv   The Story With Martha Mac Callum  FOX News  April 22, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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>> today also serves as a reminder of the power of organizing of what we can accomplish when young people, climate advocates, labor organizers and working people of all backgrounds come together to demand the future we all deserve it is especially important that we remember the power of young people shaping this country today of all days as we once again witness as we see the peaceful student led protest on pete -- campus like columbia khaki ale, berkeley and other. >> peaceful student led protest and cue up the police presence because of the growing threats to students john. >> and yuki up a statement from the white house this blatant anti-semitism is reprehensible and dangerous and has absolutely no place on college campuses. aoc is saying go team. >> thank you for joining us i am sandra smith. >> and i am john roberts the
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story with martha starts right now. >> martha: good afternoon everybody i am martha mccallum and this is the story today. we watch live is the protest play out on college campuses across the country. where is all of this heading? it doesn't appear to be dying down anytime soon so where are we going with all of this? columbia university telling students don't talk -- come to campus. essentially it's not safe and they went fully remote. is this giving in? is this letting the protesters win? i will speak with an iranian and american activist and attorney who has increasing presence on these issues and a message for those who would defend iran on these campuses and their proxies. >> when we were screaming that they were killing iranian women for not wearing a hit job where were you? but all of a sudden everybody has graduated from instagram's law to say this is a violation
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of international law and iran has the right to defend itself. >> martha: we begin with the other very big story on this monday with former president trump the first former u.s. president to be sitting in court in a trial against them for criminal offences alleged prosecutors say that he falsified business records to cover up a payment to porn star stormy daniels. and he said he didn't do any of that any should be on the campaign trail right now with the political effort to influence the election and instead he is in the courthouse. watch this. >> this is a witch hunt and a shaman it comes out of washington in coordination with washington, everything including the das office. it's in coordination with washington and i want people to know that this is done for purposes of hurting the opponent of the worst president in the history of our country. >> martha: we will dig into
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that question and a moment and look at this headline from the new york times, quote will a mountain of evidence be enough to convict trump? is there a mountain of evidence in this case? one of the former president's attorneys is standing by and we will talk to map out he sees day one and where this goes from here but first a correspondent nate feuer reporting from that courthouse. >> during opening statements lawyers for former president donald trump said he is innocent and that the manhattan da alvin bragg should never have brought this case whereas prosecutors argue that trump engaged in a criminal conspiracy and cover-up leading up to the 2016 presidential election. first witness called is david packer, the former ceo of american media which published the national enquirer. prosecutors allege trump used his former lawyer michael cohen to suppress damaging stories
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about trump's personal life and trumps in court today arguing is nothing wrong with trying to influence an election where todd blanche called that democracy. trumps team also said there's nothing illegal about nondisclosure agreements. blanche also said trumps former lawyer michael cohen says this quote obsessed with trump and blames him for cohen's own illegal behavior. he reminded the jury about cohen's history of lying under oath while trump spoke after court about the appearance made to cohen. >> the checks being paid and he is a lawyer. where was a lawyer. and also the things he got in trouble for our things that have nothing to do with me. this had nothing to do with me. >> tomorrow judge will decide if trump violated the courts gag order with several social media posts and if so what trumps punishment will be. trump is limited to only
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speaking to that judge and manhattan da alvin bragg who attended court in person today. trump will again be here in person as is inquired for every day of his trial. >> martha: thank you very much nate. a lawyer for former president trump is also a republican candidate for missouri attorney general. good to have you here today. >> great to be with you. thank you for having me. >> martha: let's start with this. this is the reaction over at cnn with regard to what we just heard from the former president that this is all -- the former president saying this all came from the white house and this is all election oriented to keep him off of the trail and here's what their analyst said. watch this. >> we keep hearing this claim from donald trump that this and all prosecutions are product of joe biden's white house. we have said and i will say again that is false in here it's demonstrably false. >> martha: what do you say to that sir?
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>> i think this is the first of the biden show trials playing out in front of every american around the country. i think americans see these prosecutions for what they are which is politically motivated in an effort of election interference. i think president trump is absolutely right and i would say i am limited in what i can say about this object because of the wildly unconstitutional unilateral gag order that the judge placed against president trump and his team that prevents us from raising some of the very real issues that have come to light in court papers and just infect this prosecution from its initiation through to the present day. so i think it is a sad day for democracy cactus the elections playing out in courtrooms instead of at the ballot box is where they belong. >> martha: let me ask you about matthew calendula who is senior counsel to the manhattan da and he recently up to a year and a half ago work for the department of justice who passed on this case. and we will dig into his
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background a little more later but here is some of what he said today in his opening argument. he said cohen's job, michael cohen who was an attorney and worked closely at one point with the president trump, cohen's job before as president was to take care of problems for the defendant. pecker would act as eyes and ears for the campaign. tell me your assessment of that through the opening argument and also of what may or may not have been legal or illegal about either one of those points? >> neither of those things are state crimes and that's not what alleged in the indictment. this is an indictment about business records, and all of the evidence is going to show that the business records and question were not made by president trump and were not in any way or shape or form fraudulent. michael cohen has we stated repeatedly in court pleadings has been found liable for perjury for a number of previous
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courts. this is a show trial. president trump did nothing wrong and we firmly believe that the evidence is going to bear that out in court in the coming weeks and that any fair and impartial juror would see through the prosecution smoke and mirrors strategy here to really get at the facts which are completely and utterly exonerated of of president trump's conduct. >> martha: would like to see michael cohen on the stand and here's something he recently posted on x. he says, hey, and he uses expletives to refer to the former president. your attacks of me stink of desperation. we are all hoping that you take the stand in your defense. so why is he allowed to post things like that and the former president is an allowed to say anything about him under penalty of punishment? >> that's exactly how absurd this gag order is. witnesses like michael cohen can
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go on tv and record podcasts and can say anything they want and wheat mean -- meanwhile we are subject to totally unconstitutional restrictions and these are restrictions that violate core principles of restraint that are at the heart of the first amendment. this whole trial is proceeding in a highly irregular way and i think the fact that michael cohen can say what he wants to say and we can't really respond shows how absurd this whole process has been. >> martha: how difficult will it be for the trump attorneys to discredit hear him? what can they say about michael cohen's outside dealings and the rest of this story when they cross-examine him? >> i think michael cohen will have a full and vigourous cross-examination by the team that will get into many aspects and we think that will ultimately be persuasive because the facts are totally on president trump's side on this case. >> martha: thank you very much. trump attorney and we will be
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watching that one closely as well. thank you. it to have you here today. >> thanks a lot. >> martha: we are monitoring these protests that are happening across the country as college campuses become hotbeds for a lot of forceful protesting, anger, name-calling, pushing in some cases against some of the jewish students on these campuses. it's a very un-american feeling in america. watch. [ chanting ] [ simultaneous talking ] [ simultaneous talking ] >> martha: the clashes between these students and a flag on the ground in that video that you just saw. an american attorney activist
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with a message to those sympathizing she says with terrorists. we will hear from her coming up. ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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[ simultaneous talking ] >> get out of here! >> martha: that protest yelling toward a group of young people with an israeli flag outside of columbia university. go back to poland if you couldn't make that out. the school is holding remote classes to de-escalate the rancor. a colombian rabbi telling jewish students they should leave for their safety as passover starts
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this afternoon. and earlier today the nypd spoke to the press and said that they weren't welcome on campus to help out, to keep people safe so they were establishing corridors to get the students off campus safely if you can believe the situation. >> absent some ongoing crime. >> narrator: we just can't go on to columbia as we see fit. as a general manager columbia university, and this goes back years, does not want nypd president around the streets of the university that's public property. there we have a very large police presence. >> martha: a jewish colombian student who is a first-year student there. part-time student there and a new york post columnist you see on our air a lot. and also to alexis mcadams who gives us at the latest from the university. hello alexis.
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>> it's another day columbia university and more protest continue to pop up. we want to go with you this way and show you what we're seeing out here. this is in front of the university bookstore they've had dozens of pro- palestinian protesters here standing by and they continue to chant against israel. calling for this university from israel right now elected officials are calling for the president of this university to step down. >> if you cannot control what is happening at the university. of the president of this university is failing to keep student safe. and then should be illegible for any federal aid coming to this university. and we will continue to fight that good fight. >> here we have been trying to talk to students and here behind us and coming up on campus and out of campus that are pro- palestinian protesters and we
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did find james was a sophomore student and columbia who said this is disrupting his entire test taking and going out of class. he didn't even get to go to class today right? >> class was online today. the thing about this i don't know about it to have an opinion and i don't have a dog in the fight. i don't think we should be arresting people for protesting. i don't think it sets good precedent. >> definitely. and also with a lot of jewish students at campus say they don't feel safe at all. you see where they're coming from? >> i for sure see where they are coming from. it's not a good environment of learning. >> definitely. that's what we learn from students you can't get in and out of class. walking this way a little bit to see what's going on here in front of the library. dozens of tents also on want to look back up our back on campus. university called the nypd's
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sweep the so-called gaza solidarity encampment. more than 100 students were arrested and we will send it back to you. >> martha: thank you very much alexis. with that we bring in daniela simon's i jewish student that goes to columbia. first year student and a new york post columnist joins us in a part-time columbia student who left nyu. so what goes through your mind when the fact you couldn't go to campus today? don't you -- isn't there an expectation that the university should provide an environment where no matter what you can go get the education that you paid for? >> that is the expectation and it is shocking what's going on. it's shocking that instead of studying philosophy and political scientists i am with your you today. it is, you know, -- the difference between protesting which as americans we all understand people have a right
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to protest on campus but then you hear daniela the students yelling go back to poland. and i think about the things that have been called hate speech over the past several years if this doesn't qualify i'm not sure what does. >> this is hate speech. this is the definition of hate speech in its crazy to think i studied at an institution that literally produces rocket scientists yet they can't say that this is hate speech. >> martha: is there security on campus and why can't they provide safe pathways for everyone to go to class? >> there's not enough of them. even though that they have been increased, there is mobs. we are seeing the footage, it is mayhem. >> martha: it is unbelievable. here is aoc speaking at president biden's birthday event. will get your thoughts on the other side. >> today also serves as a reminder of the power of organizing of what we can accomplish when young people
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climate active it -- advocates, labor organizers and working people of all backgrounds come together to demand the future we all deserve. >> martha: she also said it's especially important to remember the power of young people shaping the country today and that leadership of the peaceful student protest like columbia khaki ale and berkeley and many others. what do you say did that and you've only been going to a class on wednesday nights up there but you were amazed of what you are seeing. >> i was shocked when i signed up for one class this semester i had to go through an nypd checkpoint almost every single time to get access to campus and show my id. but i'm with aoc if it was just peaceful protesting and people using their free speech even if i disagree with it but this is an illegal encampment. they are trespassing and these tents on a private university campus in the middle of the quad saying and screaming incendiary things to the point that students, jewish student spoken
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to on campus certainly say they don't feel safe and they feel their mere presence as a protest in and of itself. on thursday i gave the university credit for sweeping these kids out but they set up shop directly across the way of the pathway and the quad from where they were on thursday and they are back. there is more of them, they are bolder and are screaming and getting in people's faces and also stoking protest outside campus gates where we see really discussing things that protest saying we are hamas. >> martha: was there an effort after october 7th for these hides to speak to each other? and how did that go? how did we get from that to this? >> yes. after october 7th happened, i went around to pretty much every single person i saw wearing it on campus and i asked for a conversation i invited them to get coffee with me. and most of them said i am sorry, i'm not the right person for that. i don't know enough about the conflict and i'm just here in
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solidarity with my palestinian brothers and sisters they would say to me. they would just refer to me to al jazeera if i want more information. i remember one notable time there were a couple of students selling them and i asked them what's the symbolism of it for palestinian people? and they had nothing to say. >> it is so sad and ricky you left nyu and said this experience at columbia is what left this kind of education. >> i can now sniff the foundation on the institutional level a while ago at nyu and i thought there was a problem with radicalization festering under the surface and i think post october 7th has been a wake-up call for people who haven't been on campus, this is absolutely out of control and students are such extremists at this point. >> martha: we have to go but put those professors on the wall on the way out of here because these professors teaching the
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middle eastern studies department said they may be the reason why the students may not know the answer to the questions that you asked them. they haven't been taught both sides of the story in the middle east. thank you very much. good to have both of you with us. so solidarity protests against israel go national. attorney and iranian american activist with a message to those who defend iran in these situations and their role in all of this next. >> we had to watch over the past 24 hours people clambering on the internet to explain that iran has the right to defend itself. in what capacity have you distorted the story to make the islamic republic the victim?
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>> we are hamas. >> you are hamas? wow. >> we are hamas. >> martha: every time i see that, it is so chilling. on the streets of new york city. yells at that man.
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seeing that near columbia university is anti- israel protests ramp up at schools across the u.s. and at yale listen to these chances of free palestine to cheer on handcuffed protesters who escorted off campus for breaking the rules of campus protests. watch. [ chanting ] free palestine! [ cheering and applause ] >> martha: off on the yale shuttle bus they go demonstrations at new york university and uc berkeley as well. my next guest as the night iranian american getting attention for this powerful message that she put out on tiktok. watch. >> when they were screaming that they were killing iranian women for not wearing a hijab where were you? when they were lynching iranian men from cranes for protesting,
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where were you? when we were explaining that this is a terrorist occupying force where were you? but all of a sudden everyone has graduated from instagram's lawyers that this is a violation of international law and iran has the right to defend itself. >> martha: and iranian activist. joins us. thank you for being with us today. you've seen the escalation on american campuses in the past few days and you see the chanting free palestine, some of this is protest that is peaceful but some has turned really genuinely hateful and people are getting arrested. what's your reaction here? >> the thing is martha i think it is really important we frame this entire thing in the correct context and that is something that the media consistently fails to do. first of all, we have several things going on. we have peaceful protest going
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on. absolutely fine, first amendment right. then you have people chanting extremely dangerous and extremely anti-semitic for a hamas chance and threatening, harassing and intimidating jewish students. the first camp were not arrested. okay? the second camp, again were not arrested. that violence did not result in any arrests or repercussions and that's extremely concerning. then we talk about the third camp, that for -- third camp with unauthorized sit ins where they were repeatedly told over the weekend if they didn't clear the space and allowing for faculty and students to access the campus they would be arrested for trespassing. that is a natural consequence of a violation of the penal code. so the fact that the media has framed this as peaceful protesters. camp one we are referring to, being arrested for emphasizing their free speech is actually much worse than all of that and
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much worse than all of that because as bad and as hateful as it was and as disgusting as it was, there was no repercussions for the people. the only repercussions came for trespass violations. >> martha: it's bubbled into other areas and there has been a lot of protests in london as well. this exchange between a jewish man and a london police officer is getting a lot of attention as well. i want to play it for you and get your thoughts on this. let's watch. [ simultaneous talking ] >> i am right about the reaction to your presence. >> martha: what did you make of that? was he trying to keep them safe or was that something else? >> this is absolutely shocking having to explain this to the antiracist crowd. i have long at being part of. first of all, we've got to
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acknowledge the fact that the uk doesn't have the constitution that we have but this is a complete corrosion of the rights and privileges that we have long been championed -- sorry been championing from a free and civilized society. this is a reversal when this is just like in london and toronto where iranians who had to survive the brutality of the regime came out with signs that said how moss are terrorists. they were arrested and told listen, this is going to have a violent response so we have to protect you and arrestee you. okay? this is a reversal, our rights are the rights to free speech and arresting those who are violent against us this is like saying, you know, during desegregation era that this is going to engender violent so let's just stop the whole desegregation thing. because we don't want the violence. you're actually protecting the people that are violating and
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you are corroding our rights and privileges. telling a jewish man that he can't cross the road because he looks to jewish. what world are we living in? >> martha: you want to make sure the police can make sure that the jewish man can cross the road and this is an images of young black girls during the civil rights movement, police lining the path so they can get into the school and what do we have now at columbia? school is shutting down because the protesters appear to be winning their real estate grab at columbia. we have to leave it there but i hope you will come back. very good to have you here. thank you. >> thank you. >> martha: so moments ago president biden was asked if he condemns the court anti- said no matter -- quote anti-semitic protests happening at an event that is marketing earth day today and here's what the president had to say. >> do you condemn the
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anti-semitic protests on college campuses? >> i condemn the anti-semitic protests and that's why a set up the program. i also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with palestinians and how they're doing. >> should the columbia university president resigned? >> president joe biden: i will have to find out more about that. >> martha: he was asked about the resignation and the resigning of the president of columbia. said he didn't know about that and said he condemns some of these protests, the anti-semitic protests and people who don't understand the palestinian situation. a little back there on exactly what he met on that point but obviously everyone has been looking for reaction from the white house to all of this and maybe some leadership voice on how these should be handled across america to ensure that their freedoms for all of these students certainly to attend classes which of the jewish students are doing today not at columbia university. former president trump
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overtaking president biden when it comes to voters overtaking him be viewing him as the most effective for the job. watch this. >> i stop here because confident and effective. that was president biden's crux of the campaign pitch back in 2020. >> we actually pulled this question in 2020 and was the exact opposite. it was biden with a ten-point advantage over trump. same with handling a crisis. biden had the edge over trump and how about this. the former president and the current president, now we can measure who has the strong record as president and again trump outpacing biden on that front and again you have to mention this one as well, necessary mental and physical health. we ask this for years ago and was awash and now a clear liability for joe biden. >> martha: such an unprecedented situation when voters have the benefit of watching one president for four years and another for three and a half at this point. and this is what the polling is showing. very interesting.
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>> martha: brand-new interesting poles that came up from nbc over the weekend. former president trump has considered more confident and effective than president biden by 11 points and what's fascinating is if you do that, you know, you draw a x. across these numbers have flipped almost exactly from four years ago. when folks were asked and they were said biden would be more competent and effective. now they've got the reverse on that three and a half years later. the same nbc news poll shows enthusiasm for the 2024 election at one of the lowest levels in almost 20 years. joining me now kelly and conway former senior counselor to former president trump and now president of a consulting and a fox news contributor. fox news senior political analyst great to have both of you with us.
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what do you make of that flip-flop on the competent and effective numbers? >> there's no getting away from the numbers. they are consistent and i will say president biden is the incumbent and win people are asked about, you know, general attitudes are from the economy to what's going on in the middle east. ukraine, any complaint they have. they say who is sitting behind the big desk? it's the come -- income bit so it all goes to president biden at this moment and the biden team making this a choice election and remind people why they didn't vote for former president trump and 2020. and right now what we see in the polls martha is, you know, there right now the last four months the poles of gone from plus four for former president trump to a think it's half a point advantage for president trump and this morning the other pool had president biden ahead. he's been making gains since the
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state of of the union with a pretty consistent messages of biden's a doddering old fool and the state of the union he came off pretty well. >> martha: the head to head to got tighter but whenever you do these breakdowns trump seems to be way ahead on the issues and on the competency issue. presidential election preference, biden versus trump kelly yan. forty-five for biden and 46 for trump's then he put rfk junior in the mix he gets 15 percent but in this poll he is taking away from trump and helping biden who gets 39 percent. how do you read that? >> that's the first poll is the rfk junior taking away from trump and not biden but i think the third-party challenger should be very seriously. taking that out of biden's lead but i want to go back to the attributes testing. the question nbc news asked in the survey are the same thing people asked as they go to the
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voting booth and filling out the envelope. they say who is confident was a plan for inflation and whose physically and mentally able to do the job? that's the four other jobs people will be asking. and so the horse race numbers and i will say it when trump is ahead, i will say win trump is behind, the horserace numbers are nearly as relevant or exciting because they will change over time. what will changes who you see is handling issues for the family and these personal attributes questions. this comes down to something very simple, it's that with donald trump those attributes are being based on what people and with joe biden they were higher at the beginning of the presidency because it was wishful thinking. now it's a true indictment of what they see and what goes to a pollsters. >> martha: for the first amount of history people of a choice of what watch be president and another person be washed be president of the
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united states. it's a fascinating matchup and we will see where it goes and rfk junior on the back -- ballot in michigan. we will see where that goes. thank you both so much. always great to see you. see you soon. so on the eventful day in terms criminal trial and the busy courtroom calendar ahead. she tells us what she wants today and what she's watching tomorrow next. >> just want to say before we again these are all biden trials. this is known as election interference, everyone knows it. i'm here instead of being able to be in pennsylvania and georgia and lots of other places campaigning. it is very unfair but fortunately the poll numbers are very good. because of your credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment
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>> martha: today was the day we got the opening statements and a little bit of testimony as the trial for former president trump criminal case kicked off any quote orchestrated a criminal scheme to the 2016 federal election. he said he did nothing of this sort in the trial itself is a form of election interference because he is obviously the nominee for the gop and should be in the middle of a campaign right now. a fox news legal and former counselor to attorney general bill barr. always to have you with us and thank you for being here today. it is very interesting the prosecution on this case because they went back her forth. alvin bragg almost took the other case which was a fraud case in new york. but decided to pursue this one. and when he did, an interesting attorney came onboard late in this whole process.
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matthew calendula. tell us why we should know about his role in all of this. >> because he held the number 3 spot at doj which is may be the coveted spot the department of justice outside and to -- typically that job is a straight shot to become a corporate bigwig -- bigwig and considered very elite. for him to step down from that to go work for a local prosecutor in new york on this case says something. i think it says he has to be a true believer and personal if he wants to get into this. >> martha: we hear over and over from the trump side that this is orchestrated from washington and from the white house. we know the doj didn't touch this case and they didn't touch it up but then this number 3 left the doj and went up and is one of the lead attorneys on this and you say it is surprising he is facing forward on all of this. >> i actually on most jump back on my seat today when i realized he was the one presenting
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opening arguments and i thought oh wow. they are not concerned at all about how this looks. which is not entirely surprising. given how this is gone and the judge in this case donated to joe biden and his campaign and i said this recently it's not the amount of money he donated which was small but the fact he did it at all because he knew these cases were percolating in new york and typically judges resist getting involved in anything political because they know it'll undercut their credibility and the decision the issue. so the fact that this judge decided to go forward that donation and the one to stop republicans, just some group, i think something as well. >> martha: it is amazing. he would think in that position as a judge you would want -- even though these are elected roles khaki would want to be as clearly above as possible and not ever make a donation to anything political. so obviously he had no fear about that at all. what about the fact that they wrapped today at 12:30 because one of the jurors had a dentist
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appointment and we know that the former president trump would like to go to his son's graduation in a few weeks but he hasn't gotten approval for that. >> the juror had a toothache which anyone understands knows how hard it can be. so the judge can be closed early for the juror but that's immediately what i thought of. you said you could easily move the schedule for a jurors dentist appointment but you can't tell the former president of the united states that he can attend his son's high school graduation? come on. >> martha: you say that this judge you see is not treating trump, you know, any differently because of its former status as president of the united states? >> what has troubled but me in this case is no one is above the law, is a good sentiment of course we agree with that. but what frustrates me is there's a lack of balance with but also need to respect the fact this man when the 2016 election and represented the united states and was the leader of the free world has the president of the united states and that is -- respect.
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>> martha: we are going to need you a lot in the coming months. thank you it's great to see you in new york. what we are now learning what the violent criminal past of the suspect or tried to break into los angeles mayor karen bass is home while she and her bass is home while she and her family were inside.e, m struggling with the mask and the hose. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button. no mask! no hose! just sleep. give me this thing. where are you going? i'm going to get inspire. inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more and view important safety information at
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it powers big jobs and small ones too. from hospitals to hospitality, people rely on propane-an energy source that's affordable, plentiful, and environmentally friendly for everyone. get the facts at before the man accused of breaking into lma or karen bass' home report elisa spent seven years in prison for assault with a deadly weapon according to the los angeles times damage to correspondence jonathan hunt reporting live from los angeles. hi jonathan. >> we are learning disturbing new details about this incident today. as frame hunter is a 29-year-old man who police arrested here on the property of the la's mayor -- he was
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apparently charged with murder and kidnapping back in 2015 in massachusetts and according to the los angeles times served seven years on a related charge in that case. and then he knew where he was breaking into on sunday morning according to detectives talking to fox news. they have told us that this was targeted, it wasn't random. our cameras caught pictures of mayor bass on the property here just hours after the incident. today, shows and events to unveil her new budget and she talked about the break-in very briefly. listen here... >> i am fine, my family is fine, and we are going to do everything we can to keep angelenos safe and i believe our budget make significant contributions and investments were keeping angelenos safe. >> at about 6:40 in the morning on sunday, the breaking -- break in happened
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the intruder apparently breaking through glass either a door or window and getting in to the property and we are hearing that he apparently made it up to the second floor of the residence and mayor bass apparently sought refuge in a panic room inside, that triggered the alarm eventually the police got here and arrested 29-year-old as frame hunter but a very disturbing incident in the. before that is terrifying. jonathan, thank you very much, jonathan hunt reporting from los angeles as we obviously have started a very busy week continuing coverage of the trial that is ongoing in new york city, the first criminal trial for former president trump that is a story for today. good day for the dow jones investor as you are about to get -- on "your world," but that is "the story" were today. will see you back here tomorrow. have a great evening, everybody. >> ♪ ♪ >> fox news alerted a session in the new


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