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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 22, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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ily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. ♪ ♪ >> brian: all right. it's 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. i just checked my apple watch.
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this is monday, april 22nd. this is "fox & friends." opening arguments begin this morning in former president trump's hush money trial. grow increasingly skeptic of the prosecution's case. >> i think this whole case is ultimately going to crumble because it doesn't work under the law and especially under the facts. >> ainsley: plus, anti-israel chaos on columbia university's campus pushes classes online today. [chanting free, free palestine] >> ainsley: two columbia students are going to join us this hour. >> will: new polls show biden trailing trump on critical issues as one a-lister says biden's age isn isn't an issue. >> the people that i talk to and everybody that i have say he's as sharp as a tack. >> brian: ha. >> lawrence: that's funny. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now and, remember, mornings are better
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with friends. >> ainsley: we start with a fox news alert. classes at columbia university will be virtual today as pro-palestinian student workers are planning to walk out later today. >> will: todd piro is live from columbia university this morning. good morning, todd. >> todd: good morning to all four of you. the president of columbia announcing her plan to deal with this situation. saying, in part, quote: to do escalate the rancor and give us consider next step. i'm announcing all class also be held virtually on monday. this all comes as massive, anti-israel protests continue on ivy league campuses across the country for a fifth straight day. and as jewish students at columbia prepare to celebrate passover, a rabbi at the school saying they should go home, quote: columbia university's public safety and the nypd cannot guarantee jewish student eight. i would strongly recommend you return home as soon as possible. the university ramping up its security measures, including
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adding more guards and enhancing its security pressroom tier. new york city mayor eric adams calling out the protest i'm horrified and disgusted with the anti-anti-semitism being spewed at around around the columbia university campus. the nypd will not hesitate to arrest anyone who is found to be breaking the law. the nypd arrested more than 100 people thursday after the university's president authorized police to sweep gaza solidarity encampments on campus. some of those students protesters appear undeterred. they want the university to dee divest itself. they will be walking out of class at 1:00 p.m. keep in mind class is virtual. back over to you. >> lawrence: thanks, todd. >> todd: there under todd it says on our screen pro-palestinian workers plan to walk out. i do think there are distinguishing element what is
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taking outside of column i can't understand perhaps the sit-in on campus. i will say whether or not it's outside or inside. it's not just pro-palestinian. you have people saying out loud that they are pro-hamas. you have people saying out loud that october 7th will happen 100 times. a thousand times, 10,000 times over. this is really grotesque stuff up at columbia. >> ainsley: been five straight days. it's also happening at yale and harvard and mit. there is a school here in new york called the new school. they set up a gaza solidarity encampment at the union square campus here in downtown new york. there is also this yale student, she is a journalist. and she said she was stabbed in the eye with a palestinian flag during a protest. and the guy got away with it. she is an editor and chief of yale free press. and she was there covering the story. and she was just engulfed in this mob of protesters that were yelling anti-semitic chants. >> lawrence: the problem is it's not just columbia. it's all over the country. you have mit student organization praising the palestinian terror group on
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their signs you got rutgers students saying globalize the antifad da movement. you have stanford instructor who said the jews should be put in a corner in his classroom. so, the thing is. >> ainsley: how does he get away with saying that laura bush. >> lawrence: they finally fired the guy. these are anti-israel protests that, is true. many have become anti-jewish we know that because they are saying they want to exterminate the jews. they are calling from the river to the sea i think this is my personal opinion we have allowed it to go too far we can't control it. we say this is free speech. it's not free speech. they are terrorizing people on campus. >> brian: number one, you have free speech but you can't hinder people going about their day, number one getting through traffic and also going to class. i think it's a total capitulation by this president. i know she has to worry about everyone's welfare. what about the kids that need to go to school. they don't care about this. they shouldn't.
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they have to finish up their finals. pay 70 or $80,000 a year for this ridiculous school because of the reputation it once had. and now all of a sudden they are told to go back to zoom because all these people are for terrorist organization. and a renegade group that has no interest by the way in a two state solution. they have no interest in acknowledging the horror of october 7th. so, in the big picture, gillibrand comes out, the senator from new york and condemns it mayor eric adams as offended as anybody. do you know who doesn't say anything. the highest, most powerful jewish member in american history he be out there kids to class every day. >> that's it. but i think chuck schumer there is even more direct. funding to get rid of energy drinks.
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heavy to step down and maybe focus on upper east side new york. i think this is related to tiktok. you have most kids between 16 and 25. on this device for 90 minutes, 170 million people in americans. where did this come from? professors certainly push it. but i think the foundation led on tiktok. >> they learned a lot of this on can college campus. will made the interesting point. i used to agree with you in the sense of when you say when you go to the protest, some of them are truly just for the kids in gaza. here's the problem that i have learned as i attended some of these protests. when you ask them to condemn some of the behavior, they won't condemn it. imagine that you're -- you are just saying that you want freedom and antigovernment and you are on the right, right? but then you have got a clans member waiving his flag, has to fold it. you say condemn that person. and you refuse to condemn them it. leads me to believe that you're
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kind of friends with the guy. i think that's what is happening. maybe it started as just for the children. it's definitely metastasized to something bigger than that i'm not just worried about the kids. who is funding this. why do they all have the same tents? who are providing these signs? who is organizing internationally for all these protests to happen at the same time? who is providing the concrete mix for them to shut down the bridge in san francisco? i want to know. >> will: that's great point. i think we can see in the videos it's not just about israel as you made the point earlier. there is video of a jewish kid who can't make his way through campus because they make a human blockade, a chain. and i know is he jewish because he is wearing orthodox garb, they know he is jewish. what does that have to do with your protest over gaza and what does that have to do with israel. that's targeted specifically a jew. >> brian: i would get in groups. jewish students get in groups
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same organization, walk everybody to class. go in class. i'm not going to sit in zoom anymore because of these idiots. >> ainsley: the problem is what would you do if your child went to this school and your child were jewish and walking around with the star of david and proud of their faith. would you suggest that your daughter still go to class? >> >> brian: i would do it. i gold to class even if i have to go personally down there and walk them to class. i would take a sick day. i'm going to be upper east side. i'm walking them to class. because it's a bad sign to give in to these heretics. and i think it's terrible, okay, if you keep pushing, the jews will go away. is that the message? >> lawrence: i don't understand how we just got back from 2020 where people in the middle of the street for months setting things on fire claiming they want equal justice under the law. yet, you can't get the same type -- at least a quarter effort. today is the beginning of passover.
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>> brian: they are staying home. there is going to be a walkout at 1:00 and told everybody to stay home. >> ainsley: still protesting. some people protesting at the columbia gate aren't students around allowed to be on campus. >> lawrence: to a floater. openings statements in former president trump's new york hush money trial set to begin in just hours. >> the first witness has been named publisher of the national inquirer david pecker will be on the witness stand today. >> ainsley: eric shawn is outside of the new york state supreme court, hey, eric. >> hey, ainsley, hi, guys, good morning. we will hear the case against donald trump today. and we will hear the case for him. as opening arguments begin in historic and sensational trial. manhattan district attorney alvin bragg has brought these charges. he says the former president tried to interfere in the 2016 presidential race. by paying off stormy daniels to hide their alleged affair and part of a plan that paid off playboy playmate karen macdougall to hide their alleged affair, too. also american voters would l. not find out about the sex
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scandals. >> 34 false statements made to cover up other crimes. these are felony crimes in new york state. no matter who you are. we cannot and will not normalize serious criminal conduct. >> prosecutors say the so-called catch and kill scheme by the national inquirer was intended intendoppress karen mcmacdougals story. pecker, the former head of american media incorporated the tabloid's publisher is expected to be their first witness today. he will likely testify about his conversations with trump and michael cohen about the payoff scheme. daniels, karen macdougall and cohen are expected to be key prosecution witnesses against the former president. but, you know trump's attorneys will try hammer cohen's credibility by pointing out that he served time in federal prison for tax evasion, campaign
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violations and lied under oath to congress. for his part. the former president has harshly attacked the case saying he thought he was paying for legal services when he signed the checks to cohen. >> called -- i was paying a lawyer and marked it down as a legal expense. some accountant, i didn't know. marked it down as a legal expense. that's exactly what it was. and you get indicted over that? >> well, everyday here in court. the former president, when he arrives or leaves he makes statements. today we expect no difference. he will likely continue to harshly attack this case. as he will have to sit behind the wooden defense table. listening to the testimony and the opening statements this morning. back to you. >> thank you, eric. >> ainsley: let's bring in our fox news legal editor kerri kupec urban. hello, kerri. >> hello. >> ainsley: how do you look at
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this. do you think this is just compensation for a nondisclosure agreement which happens all the time in big business, especially. >> it is. i expect the trump team to focus on two themes in opening arguments today. the first is that trump did not have actual knowledge of how these payments were classified. that's key. he has to have known. and what i think they are going to argue is that it is someone else, like a lower level associate, a trump tower who characterized them as legal expenses and a retainer. he had no idea how they were table with labeled. and, two, that they were, in fact, legal expenses. that compensation for nda can be characterized as a legal retainer or expenses because what else would you call them? if a jury doesn't believe that what it going to come down to s. michael cohen's word vs. the former president's word. >> brian: he famously went to karen macdougall and a door man and he said give me the story. i'll write it up. here's your money and i'm going to kill it. he spikes it. how does that help the
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prosecution? how does it hurt the defense? >> just some context on that is that this does happen in the media world. can you buy writes to a story and then choose not to publish it. some people may not like it but there is nothing inherently illegal. the prosecution wants to bring this in though to say well, he and trump had some kind of agreement that he was going to help them out with the election. so he going to pay off macdougall and this speaks to the same pattern here with michael cohen and therefore, what happened with stormy daniels is in effect an illegal contribution to himself. it is still a stretch no matter how you look at it but that's this whole case. >> lawrence: kerri, i'm curious. is the argument for the defense the statute that bragg is bringing before the court is not really congruent with this case or is the argument that, yeah, he did it but it's not illegal? >> it's a couple -- there is a couple points to that first, is that the statute of limitations has run. it's long run on these
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falsifying of business records, it's a misdemeanor, 1 through 3 years depending on what state you are in. the only way that bragg revived this is by bootstrapping it's a felony saying well they falsified these records to conceal underlying crime, but the question is how do they do that and who did it? did trump do it? did michael cohen do it and what was the underlying crime. bragg said in a press conference they violated state and federal election law except the problem is doj declined to bring the federal election law charge against trump. i think they are going to focus on the fact that, again, he didn't even know how these were labeled and, two, even if he did, what's the problem? >> will: let me see if i can summarize this that i understand it completely. so, to ainsley's point, making these payments under the guise of nda isn't illegal. they make it illegal by calling it bookkeeping fraudulent activity when which by the way you point out statute run on that misdemeanor. bragg says i will make them a
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felony saying illegal campaign contribution that you were helping out the trump campaign for presidency. and that comes down to, by the way as we hear from david pecker the nat "national enquirer" wits they will prove it's a theme and strategy overarching that trump and cohen had employed, and that's going to be come down to your point testimony from trump vs. cohen on whether or not they were actually making these payments to further his campaign. and this will be cohen on one side, a perjurer and liar, convicted perjurer vs. donald trump. >> i wrote a book about "revenge" about donald trump and so there's no doubt, i think, on anyone's mind that cohen wants to get trump and that he has, you know, a real axe to grind here. but, look, the consequence of this case could be life-altering for the former president. that's in the hands of these 12 people. >> ainsley: does this set a precedent for other people who want to run for president. what if they did they told me in eighth grade any wanted to run
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for president. since they paid off a girl when they were 30 years old. then that was election interference. >> right because they know somehow in 30 years they were going to be president and trying to contribute to themselves and not report it. >> exactly. which whole thing is crazy. again, it shows quite troubling power line of a prosecutor to crush a political enemy if they want. >> brian: you say life-altering, what do you mean? >> this carries jail time. and so at a minimum it really inhibits the former president's ability to campaign. we know he has to be in court every day. he is -- if they convict him, he will have to go through an appeals process. each of these charges carries up to four years of prison time. it's outrageous. >> lawrence: since they have said the statute has expired but they are still going to do it anyway. i used to do political opposition research for a living, the amount of politicians pay people off do they all stand trial now? this is what they are essentially saying? and there is a ton of them. >> yes. and, you know, look, we don't
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know if donald trump has done this in the past long before he decided to run for president. you know, i don't think. >> brian: would that benefit him to bring that up? >> i think it would. i think it could be potentially embarrassing for him. we don't know if he has done this whole life he doesn't like bad stories about himself. >> ainsley: people voted for him knew about karen macdougall and stormy daniels. >> will: your point on that if he has done it his whole life it wasn't part of an attempt toe influence his campaign. >> he doesn't want bad stories out there by b. himself. even if we get to the campaign contribution as specht of this case, they still have to reconstruct compensation for nda into an illegal -- unreported contribution to himself. you know, the whole thing it requires such a leap. >> will: good stuff. thank you, kerri. carley, let's go to you ford headlines. >> carley: secretary of state antony blinken is reported i expected to announce sanctions
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defense force battalion over alleged human rights ceilings in the west bank. prime minister benjamin netanyahu condemning the possibility saying quote if anyone thinks they can impose sanctions on a unit in the idf, i will fight it with all my might. we are also learning israel reportedly planned a larger attack on iran but scaled back after pressure from allies. a new york city high school soccer game canceled after a group of migrants refused to leave the field. even after police were called. a local youth sports coach joined us earlier to tell us how big a problem this is for local kids. >> don't have a perspective what it is like in new york city. if you live in the suburbs, there is fields all over the place. it's hard to get a field in new york city. so there is a permit system. when you are going out there and all of a sudden your game gets canceled because people won't get off the field that don't have a permit, it's heart breaking. >> carley: the coach of that team had their game canceled and said he and his team don't plan
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on coming back to that field any time soon. home depot outside of new york city is reportedly hiring security guards to deal with aggressive migrants and thieves breaking into cars. the "new york post" reporting two guards could be seen patrolling the store last week with a german shepherd. a guard telling the post they were contacted weeks ago saying quoted it's not just because of migrants but because of a myriad of other things, too. like people breaking into cars. that kind of stuff. actor michael douglas is defending president biden over concerns about his age and mental fitness. >> the people that i've talked to, everybody that i have, say he is as sharp as a tack. is he fine. we all have issue with memories. as we get older we forget names. something, he has overcome a stutter. in his life and sometimes he might -- >> carley: douglas also says most of biden's cabinet would
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work with him again. those your headlines again. back over to you. >> lawrence: i used to have a stutter, too. it doesn't impede me. >> brian: doesn't talk to me talk to him other people i talk to talk to him and says is he sharp. >> ainsley: keep in mind is he an actor. >> lawrence: good. >> brian: time for knee read. that's why earn is looking at me. [laughter] a new poll says former president trump is still favored over president biden in a head-to-head matchup. but that lead is getting even narrower. >> will: same poll put biden behind trump mental acuity and ability to handle a crisis. >> ainsley: peter doocy live at the white house with the latest for us. >> peter: the race is tightening. this poll had trump with a 5-point lead. this nbc poll had trump with a 5 point lead in january. now down to 2 points. the numbers are trump 46. biden 44. this is really interesting. biden takes the lead when r.f.k. jr. and others are listed on a five-way ballot. that is a sign that r.f.k. could
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be hurting trump more than is he hurting biden. biden is also found in this new survey to be the better candidate on the issues of abortion and unifying the country. but, on every other major issue, he is trailing trump. you've got dealing with inflation, the cost of living. trump 52. biden 30. the necessary mental and physical health to be president. trump 45. biden 26. handling a crisis, trump 46, biden 42. strong record as president, trump 46, biden 39. and then the competent and effective category has trump by 11 points. 47 to 36: the poll finding people very interested in 2024 election is at its lowest point since 2012. that is a sign that turnout could wind out being low, too. back to you. >> ainsley: thank you, peter. >> brian: i mean that, is the one poll. that is the outlier with the r.f.k. taking away from trump
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more than biden. but the biden people. >> ainsley: do you believe that? >> brian: i don't know this poll is something we sanctioned. we thought it hit our marks. but, the thing is, if you break down the categories, there is like nine categories, only 2 biden does better than trump. on all the individual, including leadership, effectiveness, comparing the administration, it's all trump. >> lawrence: i think the democrats are more concerned. and you don't have to take my word for it. look at the kennedy family. coming out there unsolicited to make it known, hey, he is our brother. we love him. but, we're all in for biden. >> ainsley: right. >> brian: all right. i'm going to read again? >> ainsley: yeah. >> brian: this is not a good story. heart break in chicago. a young officer shot and killed heading home from his shift just days before his 31st birthday. the growing impact of soft on crime policies. and law enforcement in the eye of the storm. >> officer was a victim of the type of crime that he was working against to keep people safe in this city.
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my name is oluseyi and some of my favorite moments throughout my life are watching sports with my dad. now, i work at comcast as part of the team that created our ai highlights technology, which uses ai to detect the major plays in a sports game. giving millions of fans, like my dad and me, new ways of catching up on their favorite sport.
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now investigating the murder of off-duty officer louise huesca shot multiple times on his way home from work yesterday. just two days from his 31st birthday. he paid tribute just last year to another fallen officer also shot and killed he is very proud to wear this store. >> lawrence: investigators now visibly shaken. highlighting the city's crime crisis. >> these are senseless, senseless crimes that are taking the lives of our community members. that officer was a victim of the type of crime that he was working against to keep people safe in this city.
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>> lawrence: joining us now chicago alderman also a chicago police officer. anthonanthony napolitano. >> you come on here as an derman but former cop. what's life like for the men in blue today? >> you know, it's dangerous. it's probably the most dangerous profession going right now in the city of chicago besides just being a citizen. nobody is safe here right now. we have leadership in city council that's more worried about funding money towards illegal immigrants and getting more votes for their next election than they are protecting our city and our citizens. my father had a saying when your police officers aren't safe anymore, you've lost your city. and that's what's going on here. >> lawrence: this is a statement from the mayor's office. my office of community safety and the chicago police department is committed to putting every resource available toward apprehending anyone involved in this morning's shooting and bringing them to
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justice. as the investigation continues, we will prove -- provide immediate updates as they become available. so, you know, this a statement to say they are going to catch the killer. back drop of the cops in the force. including the good cops it. doesn't seem like the mayor is focusing the attack on the law enforcement. >> not at all. where that statement comes up very short. they are not putting every resource towards finding these offenders. in city council taking as many resources as we can away from our police officers. we are defunding them as much as possible or our leaders are defunding them as much as possible. that's a statement you make after every shooting. it's written down somewhere in a drawer. they pull it out and hand it to them. that's what they read. it's not the truth. they have a better chance of this offender winning a lawsuit against the city of chicago for unfortunately getting this poor officer's blood on his clothes
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and he will sue the city and win what we quality city lottery. because they don't care about police officers. they don't care about citizens. anymore. we have lost our city and no one is doing anything about it anymore. i don't believe any of that talk anymore. they are taking away. taking police out of our school. demonizing the police and celebrating the lawsuits against these police officers every week in city council. they are not fighting any of anf them. not settling them it. demonizes the police department even more and makes them look like the enemy. >> lawrence: i'm just curious because you will have to rear people are for a funeral for officer luis. would the mayor be welcome. >> yeah, the mayor will be welcome. you can't put what happened on the mayor. is he a human being. is he a man. he is family man, too. i'm sure he does love his officers in his heart. it's just where this administration is going and where our leaders on city council is going they hate the police.
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they state it as much as possible that they have no love for our police and they are going to defund them every day they possibly can. the mayor will be there. he will be saddened by what happened. >> lawrence: anthony, the law enforcement being bigger people in this tragedy. thank you so much for joining the program. >> thank you for having me. i appreciate it. >> lawrence: you got it. condolences. all right, ainsley. you have got headlines for us. >> ainsley: awful. those are the worst stories for us to report. god bless his family. 15 people were hurt after a tram crashed at universal studios hollywood over the weekend. fire officials say several passengers fell out of the tram after the crash. the victims were taken to the hospital with minor injuries. according to initial reports, the tram overturned, authorities are still investigating. bird flu has now spread to dairy cows in at least five states, texas, kansas, new mexico, idaho and michigan. the world health organization says the virus might infect humans more easily since it's spreading among mammals.
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earlier this month the human case was confirmed down in texas. and those are some of your headlines. we have a fox news alert. we are monitoring that situation at yale right now. there are reports of police in riot gear swarming the yale campus where hundreds of students have been protesting israel. this as columbia university moves classes online today amid protest chaos on their campus. our next guests are students. one of them nearly burned when protesters lit the american flag on fire. it's good to get some fresh air. fresh air? hi guys! u lo♪
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[chchanting you're on the wrong side of history] >> brian: no, this isn't gaza. this is yale. fox news alert. right now you are looking live at the campus of yale university where police are swarming the campus. they are chanting right now as you hear there has been hundreds of students protesting israel at yale. anti-israel protest plague colleges and universities across the country all while jewish communities begin to celebrate passover. our next guest witnessed the anarchy firsthand on columbia university's campus that pushed today's classes online they say for their safety. one was nearly burned after a protester lit his american flag on fire. here to discuss it are columbia university students alicia baker and andrew parker stein. andrew, it was you saturday night. what happened? >> basically a bunch of jury students to respond to encampment. we sang songs of peace on the
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way out a pro-hamas mob started chasing us calling us imbred that we have no culture. one of them grabbed my friend's israeli flag in the middle of the campus. carried to a mob. communicating with the angry mobs outside of campus. they threw hard objects at him. they started harassing him. >> they tried to light his flag on fire. and nothing is done with this. and after that, on the way out, we were talking to public safety, they started following us on the way out. and public safety just shrugged their shoulder. they are the ones responsible in protecting us. only protection that we had is we have one student is a 65 student and everyone hid behind him as we were leaving campus and angry mob of pro-hamas students chased us off of campus stating we don't want any zionists here get out of here. f israel. >> brian: these are a bunch of students. >> this is the most shocking thing on campus right now. video proof of people sneaking into campus. the encampment themselves are bragging about the fact that many aren't students and so we
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don't know if they're students. likely they are students. they might not be students and columbia is doing nothing about the fact. >> brian: unbelievable. they just shut down school. alicia, what's your experience? >> i mean, we have been calling this out for six months now. we know these are anti-smythes using semitic rhetoric. >> brian: since the october 7th attack. >> since the first set of protests on october 12th. now we see what happens when you don't shut down anti-semitic rhetoric and allow these people to feel entitled there. was rest on thursday. that was great. i commend the university for doing that guess what? walk 20 yards to the left and jacket same thing on the other lawn. now they are harassing us. yelling go back to poland where should we go. go back to the poland. we know what happened the last time the jewys from poland. >> brian: you shouldn't go anywhere. but you don't feel safe on campus. >> absolutely not. and there is no -- there has
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really been no enforcement of policy and the problem is that public safety is unable to really step in when they are a problem. >> brian: are they armed? are they capable of doing anyone e. anything, andrew? >> i think that's the most concerning part. people have been saying for a while now that they don't feel safe. a lot of that had to do with the rhetoric. i want to be clear now. this has now got noon physical safety. i no longer feel physically safe in my campus. >> what year are you in. >> i'm a junior. >> brian: are you going to finish this up semester. >> i promised myself after saturday night after our group was attacked by a mob of pro-hamas supporters that i'm not stepping on campus while this is happening. i don't know what that means for finals or the rest of this semester. >> brian: for you, guys, you have a mission. you want to get a degree from an ivy league university. i don't think you should let these guys stop you from doing that. >> i agree. by the way in america with religious freedom and at columbia with a big jewish community, we're supposed to feel like we can be proud of our identities and we can be proud
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to wear our kefias on campus and be proud of our state and be proud of israel. that shouldn't stop me from being able to walk on campus. >> brian: in your estimation, who organized this? what's going on? >> there is kind of two things happening. there's the coalition of groups on campus called columbia university apartheid divest that are calling for a number of things. one of them now is defund public safety. basically trying to get rid of the only set of people that are even tasked with keeping us safe on campus. and then you have groups like within our lifetime which is designated by the antidefamation league as pretty much supporting terrorism, if not kind of being a terrorist group themselves. and on or about at least a pro-terror group themselves. >> and what is happening is that group that, is organizing right outside our gates, which is by the way on the way back to my dorm. i have to walk through them. and the group's inside campus are totally coordinating. sneaking people in and out. sneaking things in and out. by the way, i don't know what's in a backpack when it gets snuck in. who knows.
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andrew on saturday night had water felony in his face. what if somebody had, you know, a gun or a knife? we never would have known. >> brian: why do you say pro-hamas? >> because someone stood there and say al kassem which is the military wing of hamas next target singing songs of peace israeli flags. they stood there for 10 minutes and nobody did anything about it. if this was peaceful protest. if you have one rogue who is doing that if someone on our side did anything like that, we would shut them down immediately. instead they had people filming it and celebrating it while we stood there singing songs of peace. and it's all over social media. peoples of al a kassem's next target which is hamas. >> brian: what's your reaction to the fact that i'm showing you live pictures at yale right now. you know this protest happened at mit. they know it's happening at berkeley. the new school downtown. a lot of nyu students not protesting there they are coming to the upper west side. what are your reaction to this? >> i mean, look, the fact that this is spreading is not surprising to me.
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i'm seeing it at yale. my brother is going to yale next year. i know that he is going to have to be dealing with the same things that i'm dealing with. and he walks around with a kefia, too. it is really really crazy that jewish students who are entering college now and are in college now have to be thinking about the fact that they can kind of make a choice, right? i do want to be proud to be jewish or do i want to feel safe? >> brian: people look at this resume oh, you went to columbia? i don't think i want this resume. i'm going to put it for the bottom except guys like you to stand up and speak out. thanks so much. stay safe. don't let them win. at least complete all your courses. and then move on. thanks so much, guys. please keep us up to date. >> thank you. >> brian: we are awaiting president trump's departure from trump tower as he heads to the courthouse for day one of hush money trial. gregg jarrett is ahead with opening arguments and he will preview that spring has sprung. we have the products that will give you the best lawn in the neighborhood. >> the envy of your friends. ♪
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>> janice: good morning, everyone. i got my friend from tennessee here, what's your name? >> chris. >> where are you from in tennessee. >> nashville. >> nice we love this there. who do you want to say hi to. >> i want to stay hi to my mom it's been a rough start to the year so far. >> janice: what's her name? >> ann.
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>> janice: we love you on "fox & friends." key are expecting a cooler day upper midwest and great lakes. see reinforcing shot of cold air moving in on wednesday and thursday. along that front. we will see the potential for showers, thunderstorms, even some snow, a wintry mix, i know, sometimes it happens in late april and it's going to be happening on wednesday and thursday. also looking at the potential for stronger storms this week but here's your earth day forecast. not bad. not bad at all. we do have that cold front across the upper midwest but no severe storms. we will take it. speaking of earth day. we are going to go on over to skip and ainsley and will to talk about all things earthy. >> ainsley: thank you so much, janice, spring is in full swing. time to get our lawns and homes ready for the season. >> skip: all about the right grass seed, right? can only have a good lawn if you have the right grass seed. i have been using jonathan green. my father told me about jonathan green grass seed.
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1881. longer than anyone. let me show you this great product. this is patch cure. brown spot from the dogs or like a dry spot. basically rake up your soil a little bit. sprinkle some of this on and then water it. and basically everything that you need is in this from the fertilizer to all the different ingredients put right in this jug so it makes it super easy. sprinkle it out and water in 7 to 14 day as beautiful-looking lawn. what is really different about this than any other grass seed available on the market is a couple of things. first of all, most grass the roots grow about 6 inches down. the roots on jonathan green grass about 4 feet down. so it's always pulling that water. very drought resistant. disease resistant. and the best thing is. >> ainsley: so easy. >> find these independent hardware. they have sun and shade. heat, drought. dense shade. the best part is, you have special seed for whatever your conditions are. >> ainsley: all right. i thought you have to hire a landscaper and get sod. i live in an apartment.
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>> no, it's so easy. >> skip: think of like an apple skin with a waxy coating, the seed retains the water which makes it special. jonathan green. you want to have good green grass, jonathan green is the way to go. >> ainsley: this is for the gardeners? >> skip: it is. i love these guys. free shipping anywhere in the country. let me show you some of the things i use at my house. roll out recycled rubber walkway. basically you roll this out in your garden. you got an instant walkway. super easy. water drains through it. no weeds. the other one they have here is cocoa made out of natural fiber. makes it easy to have nice walkway in your garden without getting mud on your seat. if you want to have a beautiful edging along your garden beds, it comes on a 50-foot roll. this is the easy fleck edging. you simply roll it out. you hammer down these spikes and backfill it with mulch and have a perfect clean line on your bed every time. the other one we have is just pound in edging, so you just hammer this in with a mallett and gives you a really nice
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clean edge. these products right here will geoff you a perfect walkway and define your gardens. if you like the raised garden bed very popular right now rustic farmhouse look. i use these at home. great to grow your regular tables in. come in different styles. they even have nice wood ones which is really grace. >> ainsley: can you grow your vegetables you don't have to rip up your grass. >> you don't have to rip up your grass and out of the intersection ntd way from the animals. >> ainsley: do that with the boys. >> will: yeah they are excited about gardening. >> ship everything to your house. you don't have to got store and lug all the heavy stuff truck. shows up at front porch. right now free shipping. >> will: now's the time, skip? >> we're in the spring. it doesn't feel like spring but now is the time to get your yard looking great. >> ainsley: free shipping. >> skip: absolutely. special links for all the fox viewers. everything there. >> ainsley: if you live in an apartment and you have a
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balcony, you could put one of those out and grow regular tables. >> super easy. >> ainsley: thank you a fox news alert. right now police are swarming yale university where hundreds of students have been protesting israel. insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ if you've ever grilled, you know you can count on propane to make everything great. but did you know propane also powers school buses that produce lower emissions that lead to higher test scores? or that propane can cut your energy costs at home? it powers big jobs and small ones too. from hospitals to hospitality, people rely on propane-an
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