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tv   Fox Report With Jon Scott  FOX News  April 21, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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i wanted you to win that jacket. but you are a business guide to think it was a rice business moved freely of hutch that m jacket? what's a million reasons why g v just here for participation trophies. jenny is out in the green room.o don't you dare talk about that lady thank you, thank you, thank you for fox news saturday nighte set your dvr 10:00 p.m. eastern every saturday right here in fo. news. do nottern forget to follow us a social media f and saturday night. be sure to listen tot my radio show fox across america weekdays noon until 3:00 p.m. eastern good night from new york city i'll see you next and rememberic until then if yof want to help the world but don'l you can be a republican, you car be a democrat you can be adon' libertarian, you can be an independent just don't be ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪.
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jon: day five anti- israel protests at columbia university in new york city burned a rabbi at the school's organization for jewish students is warning them to leave campus immediately for their own safety. good evening i am jon scott and this is the fox report. ♪ more that 100 protesters have been arrested over the past few days of demonstrations but one jewish professor on campus is called for the nypd national guard to help drive the protesters off the campus. cb cotton is alive in columbia university with the latest. >> the chance from droves of protesters here behind me are encouraging students on the campus of columbia university who have pitched another round of tense and pledging to stay in them until columbia university
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cuts ties with israel and calls for a permanent cease-fire in gaza. the white house is now weighing in. lucas tomlinson will have more later in the hour. the white house statement reads in part quote while every american has the right for peacefully protest calls for violence and physical intimidation targeting jewish students in the jewish community are blatantly anti-semitic unconscionable and dangerous." we've got a live look at the new set of tenants that are now on campus. students involved in the protest say on social media they have been told they won't be swept but suspension notices are being handed out to students who were arrested on a thursday for the same behavior. we asked about the second round of tents that university would only tell us in part quote columbia students have the right to protest but they are not allowed to disrupt campus life or harass and intimidate fellow students and members of our community."
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other campuses across the country have been inspired by these protest. here's an encampment on that new school in new york city congresswoman elyse the phonic on wednesday heard testimony from columbia's president efforts to combat anti-semitism is to phonic said on social media today it was a cover-up for their quote of the object failure to enforce their own campus rules. she added quote president should must immediately resign the columbia board must appoint a president who will protect jewish students and enforce school policies." a jewish student who is a sophomosophomore tells us how se feels. cook's jews are not 100 that's what they mean when they say zionists are terrorists. they don't care they just hate jews. that is obviously very unfortunate. we are not going anywhere. >> more than 100 jewish students have signed a petition asking
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the columbia administration to consider allowing them to attend classes virtually for the time being. columbia university tells us it is acting on students concerns. back to you. jon: the arrest of those protesters did not seem to do anything to dilute the protest. >> jon, i would say not. the students right now on campus, several post on social media throughout their protest they say they have been told they would be allowed to stay on campus they would be allowed to stay intense for the week. we are starting to hear word the commencement here at columbia university may be delayed because of everything that is going on here on campus. jon: a right cb cotton at columbia university in new york city, cb thanks. >> the impact if you want but
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the surprising outgrowth of anti-semitism raising under college campuses this is the genesis. genesis. it's both demeaning and racist. >> utah congressman burgess owens living diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives at least in part for the recent wave of anti- israel demonstrations on college campuses across america. for more on that protest columbia universities i am sorry that happened at columbia columa university and the vice grip let's bring it congressman owens a member of the house education workforce committee who heard from columbia's president last week. you think a defra is much of the source of all of this, congressman? >> jon there is no question. this is the slow march of marxism to the education system that started back in the 1930s this is the endgame of marxists it's very divisive ideology is
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one that has us thinking and being judged by skin totally to our american white what you see now is courage. i don't see that courage happening in college campuses there being inundated with this and have been complicit with this for so long. we have international kids that spend $90000 upfront to come to our country. they do not go to class their activists and our bullying their he process. between the external indoctrination or i am sorry infiltration of those in our country that hates jews who have the marxists which teach our kids to do the same within. we have to get this together for jon, i will say this o our couny is based on faith, family, free market education education is the bedrock. nothing else works if we cannot get her kids educated come proud of who they are understanding how to think and how to accept and embrace each other if that does not change our country in a
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culture's laws. >> you know something about racism from personal experience. you grew up in the segregated south. you are one of the first black athletes to play football at the university of miami. so what would you say to some the anti- israel protesters who are now popping off at columbia university? >> it's not what i would say to them. they have been indoctrinated they are not reasonable they are not trying to change. this new product will regards the third black to go to university of miami we don't count black scene with the university of miami we don't do that across our country because it became a much better union in place to be. were getting there in a big, big way until barack obama does at some point they change the narrative and now it's all about judging from outside in the inside out. america, let's get back on track let's get back our educational system for a summation of educators who love our country
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and are brave enough to stand against this hatred is vitriol that we are dousing on campuses across the country. >> as i mentioned earlier you had columbia university president testified front of your committed were you satisfied with her answers? >> i was not satisfied is we are here for months and months after october 7. and unfortunately this is happening today we have kids right now who are not afraid of being suspended for their not afraid of going to the class there is no accountability. we are all going understand how this works we have parameters we have to stay within those parameters these young people have no idea w what is to be hed accountable for that racist comments and the bullying happening right now. what they do is they hide their faces that's what marxist and bullies do. the admission at harvard, columbia said talking the chocolates get some results and send these kids back to the country that they came from if
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they cannot abide to our american system of law and rules. we've got to get back to that big basic concept for sure. jon: you would welcome more arrests if these purchases get out of line? >> what we have to see is some sense of the semblance of making sure people are there to get their education, get that dump donebut right now that's not happening. we have jew students talk about leaving school there don't feel safe they cannot set it as another group of people are more focused on activists in the getting the work done. let's start with those who are breaking the rules. those that are causing this a situation of hatred in this college. they need to go home. they need to be suspended and sent back to their country. that regard people will begin to respect what should be going on on college campuses. jon: sounds like a plant utah
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congressman burgess owens we appreciate coming on tonight, thanks. >> thank you jon god bless. >> president biden spending a quiet weekend in delaware as the world awaits his response to israel's counter strike on iran for the white house is weighing in on the protest at columbia university as well. lucas of tomlinson live at the white house with that. >> sean, moments ago president biden's a passover message i'm going to read you a statement from that message it includes a language about these anti-semitic protests seen in columbia university and gorge are part of the president's message it says quote even in recent days we have seen harassment and calls for violence against jews. this anti- semitism is dangerous there's no place on college campuses or anywhere in our country. now going to read a statement that's on the street right now if you bring that up for a second this was the white house this afternoon talking about the protest on columbia university campus it reads quote every american has the right to peaceful protest calls for
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violence and physical intimidation targeting jewish students in the jewish community are blatantly anti-semitic, unconscionable and dangerous they have absolutely no place on any college campus or anywhere in the united states of america echoing the rhetoric of terrorist organizations especially in the wake of the worst massacre commit against the jewish people since the holocaust is despicable we condemn these in the strongest terms. the columbia student organize anti-semitic protests on campus reacted to the white house statement posting on ex i'm not going to read is very vulgar. he said i don't give an award that rent a truck here senator ted cruz on "sunday morning futures." >> we are seeing a vicious anti-semitism of vicious hatred of israel in our universities and sadly among the democrat party. it's not just the squad. it's not just the extremes of the omers and the aoc's it is the so-called mainstream of the democrat party it was a chuck
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schumer who stood on the senate floor and demand the elected leader of israel be thrown out of office. >> jon, recall earlier this month former house speaker nancy pelosi signed a letter along with dozens of other democrats demanding biden administration stop all weapons transfers to israel bit early today pennsylvania democratic senator bob casey has a primary tuesday and a protester interrupted his interview with the local media. >> the seventh of october 2023 hamas which is a terrorist organization invaded a sovereign country, israel. start on october 7 event going on for 70 years. >> they killed innocent israelis progress many expect the protests of democratic nationall convention this summer in chicago will look a lot like the protest from 1968. jon: let's hope not. lucas tomlinson at the white
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house, thanks. breaking news now out of the middle east at least five rockets launched today from the iraqi town of zoomer towards american military base in northeastern syria. that according to iraqi security forces speaking with the reuters news agency as a first report of an attack on u.s. forces by a running back to groups in iraq since early february. no word yet on whether those rockets did any damage. congress is one step closer to providing israel with aid for its operations in the middle east. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu called the passage of the aid bill in the house a sign of strong bipartisan support for israel and western civilization. trey yingst has more on what is next for israel. >> jon, good evening but as the war in gaza approaches the 200 day mark, israel is on track to receive new funding support from
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the united states. >> the bill is passed. >> house of representatives passed a 26 billion-dollar funding bill for its key middle east ally on saturday the legislation will go to the senate and then ultimately to the president's desk israeli officials say it could not come soon enough as threats against their country evolve with the rising tension between israel and iran there is concern around the largest proxy could increase their ongoing attacks. >> strong enough to make before they go into open confrontation. but amid new threats israeli forces remain on high alert to cross the country. earlier today at rocket sirens were sounding along the border with lebanon after fresh israeli strikes against hezbollah overnight united states continues to work behind the scenes to de-escalate tension along the northern border. we are also tracking your development of the west bank for the israeli military wrapped up a rate in the city. so far 14 people have been killed according to the
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palestinian red crescent. the region is in the middle of a dangerous and unpredictable chapter with the real possibility of unraveling into a broader regional war. jon: trey yingst reporting from tel aviv, israel thanks. hor in michigan for two young siblings are dead more than a dozen people are injured after police say a suspected drunk driver crashed into a birthday party at a boat club christina ccoleman now with more on that. >> hi jon, this is such a heartbreaking case a 5-year-old boy and his 8-year-old sister died at least 15 people were injured after he suspected drunk driver crashed into a child's birthday party at a boat club saturday afternoon and night of the victims were taken to area hospitals with life-threatening injuries. the crash happened in monroe county township about 30 miles south of detroit. >> unfortunately the tragedy come to of the victims were
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pronounced deceased at the scene. this includes an 8-year-old female. and a 5-year-old mail. who are siblings of each other. >> authorities say the suspect's vehicle struck the north wall of the building and stopped after it was about 25 feet inside. >> the scene was described by the first responders as extremely chaotic. with high level of emotions of those directly involved and those who witness this horrific incident. >> this horrific incident now under investigation. authorities are processing evidence from the scene and the woman suspected of causing the crash was taken into custody. >> the 66-year-old female driver of the vehicle will not be identified at this time period has been taken into police
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custody for operating while intoxicated causing death and she is at the monroe county jail. >> authorities for additional criminal charges will likely be filed against a suspected driver as this investigation continues. jon: absolutely terrible christina coleman thanks. coming up on the fox report, two days until pennsylvania primary and the outcome could generate some momentum for one of the presidential candidates. bryan llenas is in allentown, pennsylvania. >> jon, pennsylvania is pivotal for democrats chance of when the senate and the white house they are running into major headwinds thanks to inflation. particularly impacting latinos here in allentown we will have more, next. ♪ ♪ some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate.
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jon: less than 48 hours until the primary and the key swing state of pennsylvania part on the ballot expensive and competitive senate race between democratic and, bob casey republican challenger david mccormick. bryan llenas is in allentown,
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pennsylvania. >> jon, the result of the pennsylvania senate race will likely determine which party will have control of the u.s. senate come november. both senate candidates are running unopposed ahead of tuesday's primary but the results should give us key insight into what voters care about here and what energizes them to the polls. today anti- israel protesters interrupted a campaign stop for longtime democrat senator bob casey. casey is facing republican challenger david mccormick here in pennsylvania polling shows inflation and the economy is the most important issue to voters. today casey blamed inflation not on biden but on corporations. >> but here is what it is pretty a big food conglomerates that other big national corporations jacking up the price of food. jacking up the price of household items is not the local grocers doing it it's these big corporations. >> republicans at meantime are countering democrats by targeting pennsylvania faster
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growing latino population in cities like here in allentown the center-right grassroots organization the libra initiative is on the ground speaking to latinos in grocery stores. >> we are trying to meet them right here and educate them. i know you feel inflation but could we tell you why? why are we feeling this inflation question of what policies are making inflation? it is the high spending. >> meantime former president trump was forced to cancel his first campaign rally since his criminal trial started last week in new york because of severe weather in the battleground state of north carolina. >> ladies and gentlemen this is donald trump your favorite president of all time, hopefully. as you can see there's some very bad weather heading in we are flying in in a few minutes they would really prefer we not come in this because there's a certain danger to all of this we want to make sure everybody is safe above all.
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>> today new nbc national poll of registered voters find trump's lead over biden has narrowed for trump as to point advantage dropping from a five-point advantage she had in january. bottom line this trial begins with opening arguments tomorrow in new york city it will last six -- eight weeks he will be the courtroom every single day last week was the courtroom biden was here in pennsylvania egging three campaign stops in three days. >> bryan llenas in allentown, pennsylvania thank you. jon: president biden might been looking to gain an edge of the pennsylvania campaign stops but to some, like the washington examiner in this headline it seems even with this trial burden former president trump out campaigns biden. joining us now byron york who wrote that piece. he is also a fox news contributor. so the former president is tied down in court and charges are brought by, we should mention a democrat district attorney in
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new york. but he has to go to court every day and he will be there for maybe two months. you say he may be winning the campaign strategy race? tell us about that. >> we have only had a week of it. and you are right's comment donald trump is stuck in the courtroom on monday, tuesday, thursday, friday they have wednesday off at least for the moment. and so the challenge for the trump trump campaign is how do u campaign in a situation like that? especially a lot of the news coming out of the courtroom is bad for trump. so, what you have seen is improvisation. you saw his visits to harlem last week. got a lot of attention. as a matter of fact it spurred some people to talk about the possibility of trump and growing support amongst hispanic voters. before the trial started trumpep did a stop at a chick-fil-a in
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the atlanta area. got a lot of good press out of that. as brian said he was going to have a big rally on saturday night, last night in wilmington, north carolina the that got raid out for that. he has been able to keep his campaign in the news. at at the same time will joe biden was in pennsylvania he did a couple copycat events he went to a sheetz gas station/convenience store in pittsburgh in the pittsburgh area and then in philadelphia and appeared to be slow and out of it. it was not may be the best idea for joe biden to try these impromptu convenience store restaurant visits. jon: the bodega i will have a minute left i'm sorry to say. but the bodega former president trump visages the what and new york city a guy came in and tried to rob the clay that the cleclerkended up turning the tan him the clerk wound up charged
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with murder for killing the guy who was trying to rob the place and that d.a. who charged him with murder eventually dropped the charges because of public pressure but that d.a. is the same guy who is prosecuting donald trump. >> what a coincidence. for trump this was a two for an event you can show support amongst some hispanic voters and also do something to embarrass alvin bragg the prosecutor you just mentioned to charge the clerk with murder eventually is a big public outcry. this is a kind of point trump like to make every day but alvin bragg. jon: byron york i wish we had more time thank you. much more box report after this. turbo-hybrid... (♪) ...we recreated some of the wettest springs... (♪) ...hottest summers... (♪)
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as the bottom of the app you are just joining us as a look at some of the headlines. people are dead six others heard after shooting at a block party in memphis, tennessee last night. police at least two suspects open fire, no arrests have been made. off duty chicago police officer killed early in chicago. authorities say lewis was shot several times in his car stolen he's returning home from work two days shy of his 31st birthday. no arrests thus far. and nascar news 19-year-old rookie jesse love got his first career win after crash filled double overtime race at talladega superspeedway. they love the fox news app qr code on your screen go to some experts are worried america's metal school schools are killing off the merit system in hopes of bolstering
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diversity. critics say the end will have deadly consequences for patients. you penned medical professor roger cohen are prioritizing the social justice skills. some are even ditching the notoriously tough and cats to make it easier for students to get in. he said the shift is affecting medical licensing's exams too. the step one exam as a pass/fail in an effort to reduce biases against minority students. here is what do no harm chairman doctor stanley had to say to congress last month. >> once you decide the problem is because physicians are biased than all of this regiment flows from that. it's very unfortunate because it is wrong. it also does not benefit the communities in whom the disparities are trying to improve. they need better access to care. they do not need the faculty of a medicthe medical school goingo
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antibias training. hereto and fox news contributor dr. marty makary. the question really is showed medical schools which are notoriously tough to get in, should they admit students based on merit and skill or merit and race? lexus is a big question right now. traditionally medical schools have said we are going to favor diverse candidates as long as they meet the same standards in terms of merit performance in their mcat scores. but right now is a whole new discussion. medical schools are talking about having a work around the supreme court affirmative action ruling for there is a debate whether or not it should be eight merit-based admission or merit plus race which should be more difficult for whites and asians to get in. there is strong language being used to say what creative ways can we used to work around affirmative action while still advancing the diversity agenda?
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>> is been a lot of talk about the idea black black babies do better when the doctor is black jackson on the server room court cited a study like that, right? >> i was surprised to see she cited that study. the american medical association included in the amicus brief to the supreme court had reached retracted that language it was based on an entirely flawed study. this is post covid area that we live in the culture of medicine. of the study shows what an activist agenda wanted to show it is elevated as evidence. that is how people cherry pick medical research. that was a flawed study it was repeatedly cited black babies are far more likely to survive if their doctors are black. i've seen good and bad medical decisions made by white and black doctors and doctors of all kinds. it's based on their skill, their judgment, their humility in knowing their limits.
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quickly supreme court had thrown out affirmative action programs as a system to allow entrance to college and medical school. >> many people thought we were done with that argument. whether or not we should lower your standards in the name of diversity and affirmative action. but if you look at the work of say the association of medical colleges is the prime accrediting group of medical schools there making it very clear that this is an agenda item for them. look maybe we don't need to require for medical school. jon: well, i would like to know my doctor pass the mcat. dr. marty makary, thank you. a bit of hope today for families whose children have been diagnosed with the most common form of brain cancer.
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it is a breakthrough thanks to the fundraising efforts of determined father and the doctors at children's national medical center. jennifer griffin has more. >> it's the worst thing a father or mother can hear for. >> federico was just nine years old when he was first diagnosed with a life altering brain tumor. until the discovery he lived a healthy life in brazil. love to read. his father fernanda said he read every kissimmee receipt novel. it's sad to see a kid suffering from cancer particularly because they have their whole life ahead of them very. >> but do let plus thomas is the most common form of brain cancer in children. 500 new cases are diagnosed in the u.s. each year. the current treatment developed in the '80s leaves the kids with lifelong cognitive and develop mental problems. >> technology and medicine have evolved tremendously in the past decades. but not for kids with brain tumors for.
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>> frederick it was now 17 when he relapsed his father teamed up with a leading children's brain tumor specialist and the u.s. and the my dula plus film initiative was born. what's it sometimes took between 10 and 15 years to go from a discovery to eight new treatment, to prevent the treatment is better. >> raising more than $10 million in just over two years they are now on the verge of two clinical trials. every dollar raised contributes to the research behind a cure. >> we know we have a long way ahead of us. we still need more support and more people helping us to help our kids. >> jennifer griffin fox news. >> tilted, the fox report reports from our southern border the number of migrant encounters are on the rise in the el paso sector. danamarie mcnicholl is in el paso, texas forsberg. >> that is right will have a
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look at those numbers from last week in the recent activity we are seeing here in el paso. there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go.
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the migrant surges back on the rise in texas. new data from customs and border protection the el paso sector is once again becoming a hotspot for the border crisis more than 1400 encounters on friday alone. danamarie mcnicholl is life on the border with more on that. >> the migrant crossing numbers as you just mentioned are slowly trickling back up.
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our cbp source tells us is just over 7000 encounters on friday alone. let's get to the recent activity we are seeing here and el paso part of fox drone team flying this morning showing two separate groups of about 50 migrants who crossed illegally being loaded into a bus. that being taken to a processing center we release into the u.s. or they are fleeing from along the southern part of the highest population is coming from mexico a close second from venezuela. it was a busy week for customs and border protection here in el paso who made 24 drug seizures caught 25 wanted individuals at the ports of entry. $20 million worth of meth, cocaine, heroin and fentanyl were seized by u.s. border patrol. we did speak to the commander of the el paso county sheriffs sheriff'soffice who said their n resources are spread thin with the crisis but federal agents who usually help them with illicit activity in the area are
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now busy. >> they are redirected to a migrant issue. that has an effect on investigations and the apprehension of drugs and weapons of currency. >> it is a concept action and border patrol gave us eight wea weeklyround up saying in juo weeks they bust at 500 migrant 72 different smuggling schemes and 19 different stash houses. jon: overwhelmed. danamarie mcnicholl at the border in texas. thank you. so the company fox report wicked weather in store for some of us is the new work week begins. right adam klotz? >> we are tracking the showers continuing to move across the southeast as they ventured to clear out. guess what? warmer weather is on the way put up more details are coming up in the full forecast. ♪
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jon: time now for some headlines from around the globe. around supreme leader discussed last weekend's attack on israel for the first time today. and an acknowledgment is really
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intercepted 99% of the drones and missiles that he dismissed talk of its effectiveness insisting still demonstrated power. near tokyo to japanese navy helicopters crashed in the pacific ocean. japan's defense minister said one crewman is dead at least seven others are still missing. in denmark, plans are underway to rebuild the spire of copenhagen's old stock exchange. a fire damage 17th century dutch renaissance style building . in ecuador voters are casting ballots in a referendum on the expedition of mafia bosses and crackdowns on spiraling violence. the boat is seen as a t-test of the popularity.
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the london marathon honoring last year's winner with an emotional tribute before the men's race. the champion and his coach had died in a car crash earlier this year. baby bearded monkey is make its public debut at it sue in germany proud mom gave birth to the cute primary on march 14. that is a look at some stories from around the globe. a tornado and a hailstorm rattled parts of south carolina leaving some houses in shambles. take a look. unfortunately that storm is just a preview of what might lie ahead "fox weather" meteorologist adam klotz is here with the work week forecast for.
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>> that was a big weather feature of the course of the week and storms moving across the southeast. find that some truly cold air unseasonably cold air these are the temperatures outside right now you do not typically look at april and think 60 degrees in atlanta. that's closer to a temperature you would see in that part of the country. more like february you see that over a number of cities across the southeast were temperatures throughout have been hovering close to february temperatures mike early march temperatures t the true cold front that swept the room brought the severe cold weather across the carolinas yesterday we are still tracking some of that sleeping its way across the country. mostly it now you're getting right up along the coastline pared back behind this is the cooler air in its clear conditions. still a couple areas where sink thunderstorms were looking the jacksonville area stretching back to big bend up along the coast areas are seeing some of the bigger storms and a raw rainy weather across portions of the colitis particularly north carolina still hanging onto the dreary weather. overnight that will continue to march off.
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there's not a lot of additional rain left account most of the following in florida the whole frontal boundary drugs itself off a little further off the coast future forecast if you're still dealing with that you no space have you to the overnight hours this is a push off you clear out on the backside. once you get there you see a change in the forecast. yes there will be some rain in the work week ahead. what you will really notice his temperature start to shift you go from tomorrow's forecast highlighted atlanta a little bit ago 67 degrees is cool. by tuesday, wednesday, thursday start to see these numbers get a little bit closer to what we typically would see this time of year take you through the week and suddenly more like the mid- 70s. these are temperature departures i am showing you how we are below average for now pretty see that tomorrow as you march in the week ahead but all the warm air from the west continues to funnel into the middle of the country. jon, by and large watch this last bit of rain but out of the country weathers on the way. >> look forward to it
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meteorologist adam klotz thanks. up next a little calf left shivering and alone in the woods. wait till you hear who swooped in to take him in. animal almanac coming right up. when we say it'll be on time, they expect it to be on time. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. ♪ it's better outside with ninja. cookouts are better with master grills that char, bbq, smoke and air fry. backyard bashes are better with pizza ovens
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that give you crispy crust. 700° high heat roasting, and bbq smoking. it's better outside with ninja. oh... stuffed up again? so congested! you need sinex saline from vicks. just sinex, breathe, ahhhh! what is — wow! sinex. breathe. ahhhhhh!
3:56 pm
this is remington. ...he's a member of the family, for sure. we always fed them kibble— it just seemed like the thing to do. but ...he was getting picky
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we heard about the farmer's dog... and it was a complete transformation. his coat was so soft, he had amazing energy. he was a completely different dog. it's a no-brainer that (remi) should have the most nutritious and delicious food possible. i'm investing in my dog's health and happiness. ♪ no. ♪ -no. -nuh-uh. ♪ yeah. oh. yes. ♪ oh yeah. yes. isn't this great? yeeaahhhh!! ♪ yeah, i could do a cartwheel in here. oh hey! would you like to join us? no. we would love to join you. ♪
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♪ so moving that many of us are, utah high school customers, vital from night for the start, kevin bacon minister the actor return face and eyes full of the, 40 years ago and schools moving, and is the last from there, and this is a followed month-long campaign, by the student body to start back to the scene at this breakout student school school supplies, to donate, 6 degrees foundation. again sort in maine, it is drying and customers for more than just this fire arms and me the shop that, keith, the owner of angie shooting, there's the little cavalcade, back to health after finding him alone in the woods. >> mom had rejected him and so he was shivering cold and celine
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met out the woods next humans i would say, he's going to be at siebel here. >> a differences store-bought expecting products and receiving loss of scones printed in wichita his glasses expected to the arrival of no one but five baby elephants next year, and zookeepers are keeping cool side hormones are making the necessary preparations including, maybe proving the elephants exhibit. >> were going to have a really busy an amazing 2025. >> the first calf is expected to make his debut in early spring. in a tortoise at the national sue enjoys a good scratch on his show. >> like i love this. you are a good boy. >> that is growing enjoying the scratches, innocent - tortoise which is one of the world's
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largest types of tortoises printed although the maternal child told charles part for us since an event skin they still have nerves and can feel they are being touched. he likes to scratch pretty to have john had to look was shocked that i an idea about the internal field shall and that is complete news to me is fascinating. >> i was a little bit surprised as well and how about those five baby elephants, coming up with that to kansas, that will be one baby party. >> that is the kansas he will be in hit in the next year and it is not love to see the benefit of baby animals of this investment spark. >> there such doting mother some of those mama elephants and all right, it's good to see you out and walks reports, the sunday april 21st 2024 from i am john scotty think you were joining us see you next week and big weekend shelf is up next. the big weekend show. >> hel


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