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tv   Hannity  FOX News  April 19, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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florida stockpicking on our president he's the victim of a systemic generational cannibalism edward from peoria arizona, campbell's eight my uncle sounds like a dingo ate my baby dug from denver you're taking the cannibalism thing way too far it's only connie to a point i'm telling you the worst way to go, todd from alabama 51 cia former leaders have just signed a letter confirming that the uncle was eaten by cannibals glenn from vero beach vero beach said johnny to osc district said they would be safer in new guinea johnny is so delicious that's what they tell me laura from vero beach, see you soon i will see you soon have a great weekend i'm a waters and this is my world.
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>> sean: welcome to hannity tonight in the middle east a paper tiger has been humbled and back at home the president has never looked more weeks just to 24 hours ago israel defied jill biden they launched a counterstrike against of the islamic public of iran and they did it with just three missiles and israel reportedly took out a critical missile defence system defending iran main nuclear facility now the message was very clear israel can and will obliterate iran's nuclear program if the islamic republic dares to launch another attack now israel in many ways it shocked the world as they showed frankly how easy it was for them to penetrate deep into iran territory that is even after biden abandoned them lied to appease his radical base which is the radical democratic party tonight apparently that message received according to reuters
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tehran is now playing down the attack and signalling that there will not be any retaliation also tonight there are three main losers in this international conflict let's go through them, without a doubt the biggest loser from last night until today was jill biden, late last week you may recall when the islamic public of iran was about to strike israel biden politely told the leaders of iran do not and then shuffled off to the beach the next day iran attacked israel 170 drone strikes more than 30 cruise missiles 120 ballistic missiles 99 percent of them were stopped and never landed other targets a few days later when israel was planning their response biden once again issued his favourite phrase don't this time he was telling prime minister netanyahu don't respond to give iran a pass now israel then disregarded biden
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and went had with last night's targeted attack and reportedly keeping joe out out of the loop and wisely so-and-so last-minute and now the world simply has no respect for jill biden that's why he is the biggest loser nobody listens to him nobody cares what he has to say nobody thinks you is knowing what day of the week it isn't just to keep track biden's one-word foreign policy i guess we can call it the biden doctoring that don't doctrine he's disregarded by our enemies disregarded by our allies a few weeks ago both the houthi rebels you may recall they ignored biden's don't and continued to attack cargo ships and who could forget when biden told pugin don't and then russia did invade ukraine jill biden having a thousand maybe we need a new biden bumper sticker that says wynne don't mean to do because they keep doing when he
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says don't thing here is the elephant in the room the word don't is about as complex as biden is capable here he is today struggling to just get basic simple words out the typical mumbling bumbling stumbling that scott morris all we take a look. >> everyone's looking for the cheapest labour in the world sent the jobs and the products to those labourers weather they are in asia or europe or wherever they were and then they send the product back home will instead of importing foreign products i'm exporting products. >> sean: israel standing up to radical islamic terrorist that attack to them they are standing up to their biggest foe and that brings us to the next loser and that would be the islamic republican of iran this country's radical regime they usually hide behind their
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proxies in other words they use foreign terror groups like hamas and hezbollah and the houthi rebels as pawns to do their dirty work last weekend they finally mustered up a bit of courage they felt emboldened because joe biden is the president and he's been trying to appease them and they attacked israel directly that resulted in utter and complete humiliation if you recall on saturday iran launched more than 300 of their most sophisticated missiles and drones toward israel 99 percent of the projectiles were shot down most by the way before they were even able to enter israeli airspace the united states and jordan and iraq and saudi arabia all helped to defend israel down the iran missiles and drones but during last night's targeted israeli strike against iran nobody came to iran's defence and with just three missiles israel was able to send shivers down the spine
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of the radical islamists in charge of iran hangouts time to finish the job the world should come to gathering take the iran nuclear sights a lot of people have been saying military expert after military expert that is going to be the most difficult task of all to take out the countries nuclear sites that are spread all around the country very deep in the ground look how deep israel was able to penetrate into iranian territory if you take out those nuclear sites guess what that would be a big sigh of relief for the entire world the next thing you need to caught off the country's finances take out their oil refineries squeeze the regime and returned to the peace threw strength policy that the world enjoyed it during previous president under donald trump iran had no money their proxies were weak the reign of terror was held in check so long his
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dad biden comes to office gives them billions turns a blind eye toward them selling oil on the world stage they waved sanctions billions of dollars from iraq flow into their coffers they stopped enforcing sanctions and of course they wanted to restart the ridiculous nuclear deal that began in the obama biden administration now the results speak for themselves buy the way let's not forget that biden through israel, our closest ally in the middle east under the bus that brings us to our next loser which would be jill biden's radical base right here in this country biden publicly has trashed israel in their time of need abandoned them stabbed him in the back twisted that knife all in an effort to when back votes from far left extremists that are in charge of his party, these are people many of whom, many not all that hate america capitalism and israel but regularly defend hamas and the
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islamic public of iran take a look at a screen 13 democrats they refused to comply and simply condemn the iran attack on israel where is their moral compass? where is their moral clarity? you can't stand up against the number 1 state sponsor of terror? going to support the people that help provide the weaponry handed the plotting and the planning through the iran's revolutionary guard and the forces of the october 7th attack you can't condemn that? meanwhile during protest we rarely ever see the faces of these radical agitators kind of like the ku klux klan they like to hide their identities behind their masks and their scarves but now we do see the true colours and it's not a pretty picture take a look. >> remember the 7th of october >> never forget. >> not one more time not five
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more times not hundred more times not a thousand more times not 10,000 times feature here with maurice fox news contributor retired lieutenant general keith kellogg and florida congressman mike waltzer with us congressman let me start with you we've been talking to you in the lead up to what happened last night i think what really impressed me the most booze and i have interviewed a lot of military experts over the years and when you talk about taking out iran nuclear sights they would all discuss how they are spread out over iran a big country throughout the country there very deep in the ground they probably would need the help of this country they renewed our bunker buster bombs but it would be one of the most difficult operations ever last night look how deep into the iran territory israel was able
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to penetrate, that frankly debunked what i think probably is a myth that we couldn't take out there nuclear sites and do it fairly easily am i wrong in concluding that? >> the message from israel to iran was your can't hit us but we can hit you and we can hit you in your most sensitive military best protected sites deep within iran just south of tehran we can hit some of the areas that were hint where major airbases are south of tehran and also air defence systems, russian-made, highly sophisticated around the nuclear sites and i think you're right i i have been questioning the intelligence for years this kind of consensus that is built under the obama biden administration and continued that we can't take it out look at how iran has
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responded they've thrown their hands up and said no more so i think the only thing that will deter them at this point is the belief at least although known as calling for war but the belief that israel could take out their crown jewel and you hit on another thing sean look if biden and schumer were serious they would be passing secondary sanctions on the chinese buyers and brokers and refiners of iran oil we have had that bill sitting in the senate's passed the house along with is rarely aided that's been sitting there since last november but instead schumer is calling for regime change and biden is scared out of what's left of his mind about losing michigan and they all pander to the left and run away from our greatest ally israel which is only inviting more aggression from iran. >> sean: while israel is in a fight for their survival after the worst terror attack in their
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history chuck schumer goes out and calls for elections for nancy pelosi to say we need to cut off any arm support for israel they're not looking for free weapons they just want to buy them i think that shows the state of the democratic party general let me ask you this question now that israel has shown the world they were able to penetrate very deeply into iran i think there has to be a reconfiguration, i truly believe that those radical molas if god forbid they have nuclear weapons coupled with their very ugly sick twisted ideology i believe they would probably use them and i think the free world has to understand that is a reality that we can never face i think the countries of jordan and egypt and saudi arabia and the emirates thank they would probably agree without on that point because donald trump showed that an alliance that nobody thought possible eight years ago he was able to build with all of those countries i
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think it may be time for everyone to get together and think about taking out those sites because the iaea is warning they may be very close to acquiring nuclear weapons your thoughts. >> is almost counterintuitive and thanks for having me song the attacks by the israelis would also like iran it's really to expose a lot of things numbel and israel responded by attacking iran directly and there is no surrogates they used their high-end weapon systems on both sides and show the real weakness in the iranian leadership and their missiles are sums when they can be defeated by the israeli systems also saying very clearly to everyone looking this can escalate very rapidly because some of the vessels that went in from iran to israel went after the air base right next to why is that important that's where the israeli or nuclear site is so the israelis responded by going right back to places like that which is where the uranium
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sights are located they have raised this level of now understanding how serious this has gotten and you made an interesting point and is very true the american deterrence and american leadership has gone in the region remember this is the president of united states very clearly to iran don't followed by the secretary of state blinken saying don't followed by secretary of defence often don't eat succeeded by defeating them don't go there the israeli said no that just shows the level of american importance in the region greatly diminished so now you're trying to figure out who will lead us to this point you talk about the iran nuclear capabilities who will push back and actually try to defeat the facility or bring those facilities online the last person who did that because of limitation they're very close to doing a nuclear breakdown they are now enriching uranium almost 90 percent generally when you enrich uranium at 5 percent it
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has commercial use when you get above 60 percent are heading toward weapons grade when you get to 90 percent you are at weapons grade what does that mean within months they could have a nuclear breakout and when you have a nuclear breakout you handled the nuclear country much differently than a nonnuclear country that just greatly increases the difficulty to bring some type of stability to the middle east and that is caused by this administration letting it happen. >> lieutenant general thank you both we appreciate your time now to a development that will not surprise you among the pro- hamas agitators arrested for trespassing at columbia university this week was congresswoman omar's daughter naturally members of the squad rushed to her defence they have long believed that if you hold far left opinions or hate israel you should be above the law anyway here with reaction israeli special ops veteran the executive director of the law fair project we have seen and we
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saw this week on campus we saw it in new york city we have seen it throughout europe we have seen it gas the jews after the jews in australia words that i never thought i would hear in my lifetime and it breaks my heart it's in the halls of congress it's on college campuses it is it is it is a real real problem that is via repugnant propulsive maryland anti-semitism and look at what we witnessed at an ivy league institution this weekend the protest in new york this week i don't know what your reaction to it is it breaks my heart that people are supporting radical islamic terrorism. >> not only does it break my heart it concerns me greatly because i love this country and yet israel being on the front lines of the war against
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theologically motivated terrorism against islamist terrorism which is a war that we as americans have been in since 911 but everybody seems to forget that after this campaign went around trying to silence and slander anyone who touched publicly about it what a authority does the united states have to dictate to israel when we have the daughter of a sitting member of congress arrested for being pro- hamas with nancy pelosi going on record saying she doesn't want to support arming israel after october the 7th but supports lifting sanctions on iran that was entirely responsible for october 7th i think the state of affairs is very sad right now and we are finding an enemy that we are at war both without and within and the department of education is now finding all of the radicalization happening on american college campuses we cannot even control the thousands of people who are on
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american streets protesting for hamas for hezbollah against america i don't think we have any authority to dictate to israel we should move three missiles israel has no interest in targeting civilians has no interest in igniting a regional war and every interest in peace in the middle east and the arming the greatest threat to stability which is the islamic regime of iran. >> you make a great point let me go to was watching with trace i thought you did a great job an amazing analysis let me go back to the military accomplishment as israel sadly was forced to go it alone i think it's an embarrassing moment for our country israel did stand with america after 911 we should have
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stood with them in their war on terror they lost nearly 1200 people how many israelis were held hostage how many women raped and baby's head sheds chopped off how many americans also taken hostage but the sheer success and penetration into iran territory was beyond impressive to me i know it didn't surprise you we have seen past success of the israeli military but this took on a great significance to me and i want to get your reaction. >> well sean i agree with you 100 percent in what i was diving into last night and continue to pontificate here is the fact that we have a lot of experience in dealing with selective operations which is what last night was in the iranians can try to downplay this but they're just trying to back hatch this in order to save face to cover up for their military vulnerabilities which israel i believe is going to enter into a
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low intensity conflict will see some more of this israel hasn't even responded to what they did last night and the reason why is that israel does its best work in the vanguard and i don't believe that netanyahu one of our warrior songs serving in general risk honest and soon it doesn't have the luxury of asking for permission when it comes to the survival of our people were doing was 6 million leaders they all serve the military and they know the price we pay. [ speaking alternate language ] we pay a very high price to have that jewish state and while we support the americans and appreciate the help that we had defeased in those 350 plus missiles and suicide drones that were fired into israel and iran made a very big mistake because i will tell you this sean israel is a master at targeted assassinations and we will take out anyone who stands in the way of our survival and were going
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to continue to see more of this quietly but iran is the number 1 threat the fund and train hamas that entire unit which is the unit that raped and killed those 1300 people just outside of gaza in the southern portion was trained in iran, hezbollah a constant menace on the northern border which israel will continue to deal with selectively also part of that iran access the sooner the u.s. gets on board with taking out iran and treating them as a nuclear threat like the general said this sooner there will be peace and stability in the region it's a matter of signalling you can't allow the ir gc to get close to a nuclear weapon and we know that in israel we don't have the luxury to waste time for every second that we waste another innocent person can be killed that's the first thing they teach you in
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the counterterrorism special operations school so we don't have time were going to continue to see israel do more of this. >> sean: if i had any influence and i never will be difficult of the u.s. and israel and egypt and jordan and the saudi's and the emirates recognize the truth that you just spoke that should be done expeditiously otherwise we could have a holocaust in our lifetime >> we recognize the truth that you speak and we appreciate you. >> amen. >> sean: the israelis proud of them last night a lot of strength and a lot of droughts sadly the u.s. abandoned them when we come back week one donald trump's new york trial now in the book's opening statements begin on monday we will check in with gregg jarrett and alan dershowitz as we continue on friday night.
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>> this is a fox news update from new york israel and iran downplaying last night strike here in a major air base and a nuclear sight and iran there is now hope that the response could signal the two sides may be open to ds collating the current row and perhaps prevented from from developing into a wider regional conflict latest strike in iran following weeks of tension which began with an attack in the iranian consulate in syria and reach new heights last week with a large iranian air assault on israel in the meantime in washington a third republican joining the motion to oust speaker mike johnson after receiving crucial help from democrats advance aid for ukraine and israel the trio now including the arizona congressman they are upset with johnson with forging ahead with aid for ukraine before securing the southern border i am kevin
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and washington back to hannity. >> sean: one was a historic and disturbing moment today in lower manhattan where a jury of 12 jurors six alternates were seated in the falsifying business records case of former president donald trump at about the same moment that news was announced amanda literally set himself on fire in front of the courthouse the flames were extinguished and he was rushed away on a stretcher to a local hospital and officials say he through conspiracy theory-based pamphlets in the air right before the incident but the scary event only highlights the very high tension surrounding what is now officially set to be the first ever criminal trial of a former u.s. president we have opening statements set for monday in this case meanwhile another you -- new york trump
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case won't go away because the attorney general of new york location james is now formally opposing the bond that president trump went up to appeal his civil fraud trial she says it is not structured properly and that the company does not appear to have enough cash on hand to pay the bond if, in fact, trump doesn't and here with the full recap of the jury selection a preview of opening arguments next week and what is ahead fox news legal analyst and harvard law professor alan dershowitz with us and don't know what to say about the guys that putting himself on fire not exactly a recommended form of protest of any kind said in many ways professor let's take a look at where we are in this case so many issues here that make my blood boil number 1 a judge that donated to biden number 2 review of the issue of a family member that these activity democratic politics at a high level
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seemingly involved in this case plugged up of the new have the statute of limitations that is passed on what would be a misdemeanour charge in new york but somehow we still don't completely know how melvyn bragg has connected this to a federal crime that the doj passed on they didn't want to charge trump on there trying to make this into a felony case on every level here in the president as a gag order on every level i don't see equal justice under the law i don't see a fair trial i don't see an environment where i would feel comfortable that justice is being served your thoughts. >> i agree completely as a liberal democrat and civil libertarian i am appalled that the first case he's the weakest case i've seen in 60 years of practice in writing about the
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law everything you mentioned plus they are trying to keep him in the court room against his will and preventing him from campaigning he has the right to be in the courtroom government, the prosecution has no right to keep him in the courtroom and the jury selection as a defence attorney i would be very unhappy with the 12 jurors as i have seen their backgrounds outlined they seem like typical manhattan residents that is okay if you want to move to the neighbourhood and have friends but if you want to have a jury against donald trump the last thing you want is a typical representative group of people from a borough that voted 85 percent against trump and probably 70 percent of the people hate him with a passion the defence attorneys probably did the best they could with the jury pool to try to pick 12 people who will be fair but i have to tell you the likelihood
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of people being able to not take into account their personal and put a abuse their hatred for donald trump hits negligible so i don't think he's going to get a fair trial i think it's very possible he gets convicted in time for the election it will have an effect on the election and then the conviction will be reversed on appeal but election interference we'll have been accomplished i want to see the selection fare and square whoever wins the selection to be able to do it proudly and whoever does it should be able to say i lost it fair and square that's not happening with this child -- trial and with the other four cases including the civil case against him then constitute election interference it is a scandal much of it unconstitutional and all of it as an american. >> sean: it's amazing liberals will say he has a chance on appeal on the issue of recusal
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and the gag order and so on and so forth and why this is really a misdemeanour case and the statute of limitations however that means the trial if there is a guilty verdict that would take place before the election any appeal wood probably if it is reversed on appeal was to after the election that's a problem. >> absolutely. >> which is had a better chance of a fair trial in salem then donald trump in manhattan the jury selection proves it. >> i wish i had thought of that please continue. >> jury selection proved it when asked an absolute flood of people said they cannot and will not be fair to donald trump they don't want to be fair how many of those who said otherwise like oh, yeah, i can be fair how many of those are actually lying with
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a hidden agenda of getting on the jury to convict? manhattan as the professor points out is an inherently hostile venue for the accused and in a clinically charged case against an outspoken clinical candidate that is hated especially in manhattan the jurors are predisposed to the outcome is preordained this case should have been moved elsewhere to staten island for example where at least the jury pool could be more balanced but alvin bragg opposed it and so did job mershon no coincidence which is evidence that they both know this prosecution is legally week if not utterly absurd and they are counting on a prejudice jury to convict this is a ratchet abuse of power in our justice system and i agree with the professor this is unquestionably and irrefutably election interference they want to be
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able to call down trump a convicted felon over the next several months all the way to election day even though they know it will be cost and reversed on appeal. >> sean: thank you both professor thank you have a great weekend up next another rough actually brutal week for joe biden day after day blunder after blunder we will show you all of the lowlifes, actually what may be my favourite blunder of all time about uncle boozy and cannibalism straight ahead e
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>> sean: yet another rough and long week for joe biden while donald trump was forced to spend his it week at a new york city courtroom biden took the opportunity to campaign in the key swing state of pennsylvania
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unfortunately for joe almost nobody noticed or cared except to point out his numerous awkward campaign trail blunders this may go down is the uncle boozy cannibalism week it extended to an appearance by the way in dc today in case you may instead here's their recap. >> was it take to be an electrician is that what you just as? four to five of training to become electrician the best in the world we've seen how critical they are in transformative in the process you will be making for the country instead of importing foreign products and exporting. >> i'm going to go order milkshake.
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>> will be right back. >> he flew those single-engine planes as reconnaissance over war zones he got shot down in new guinea and they never found the body because these to be cannibals in that part of new guinea. >> sean: if that wasn't bad enough according to time magazine biden no longer one of the 100 most influential people in the world shouldn't shock embody it should not come as a surprise by deciding had enough struggles in one week he's now ditching dc guess where he's heading? back to delaware, wilmington this time not the beach here with reaction fox news contributor tammy bruce this may be remembered as the week of uncle boozy and cannibalism that took his dear life.
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>> it's like living in a cartoon i did get worried about cornball folks are not sure what's happened to him he's just disappeared so he look at this and i would disagree with the influential list clearly joe biden is the most influential person on earth by doing nothing but a neutering the united states every horrible thing that's happening there is no good thing happening because of this man his lack of policy giving power worst people earth you can't even a broken clock this guy and his handlers have got to work at being wrong all the time so now we see this war between israel and iran the
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russia and ukraine north korea looking for some attention god help us china eating our lunch it's just a remarkable dynamic and i think there are more and more people saying they feel dumb and embarrassed her having voted for joe biden but that is what fear does to use this is why they this demonizing of donald trump trying to make you think the world is going to and lo and behold the world did in because of joe biden now we have a chance to make a difference here and this is what the bad guys also know this is why the rest of this year as donald trump they try to put him in a cage the one guy that can save this nation and the world at this point i thought donald trump of course was great and the great president is now the guy that can save the world who new but that's what we have and they caged him and we have bad guys around the world knowing they've got about six months to
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do as much damage as possible that's how influential joe biden is right now. >> sean: you follow the media as close as anybody and basically i've declared journalism in this country dataset that back in 2007 no idea how right i really was i think that's true for a long time i thought that people would not pick up the media will not show the real joe biden that we show prewinter every night because if these out in public there's something to show saying part of it is funny but the other part of it is deadly serious because he supposed to be the leader of the free world however as you look at these poll numbers and you look at people's perceptions and his own base abandoning him regardless of how much the media the effort they put in to protecting him it's not working is it. >> well the irony is that social
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media is the great equalizer at this point so while the news networks can try to hide this disturbing behaviour is much as possible social media has clips of joe biden that go viral seen by millions upon millions of people far more than any of the broadcast networks or cnn or msnbc can muster off that's the good news if you're looking for optimism here but again the clark griswold presidency continues every weekend a holiday weekend the white house had him back in delaware in time for happy hour this weekend 24 hours a week seven months or year but. >> sean: his happy hour isn't like yours or tammy's happy hour, is is chocolate chocolate chip if he's really good on any given day and doesn't mumble bumble fumble and stumble he may get a little ice cream cone before he goes to bed if it
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wasn't so dangerous it would be funny but anyway thank you both have a great weekend straight ahead more reaction to president trump and his historic new york criminal trial of next as we continue
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, anyway joining us now with
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reaction's criminal defence attorney along with former florida attorney general pam bondi went over with alan dershowitz earlier over the jury and the judge and recusal's and gag orders let's get you were taking pam juries are historically unpredictable and not a favourable venue new york
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city, not the ideal place for donald trump to get a fair trial however, it is what it is what is your analysis week one jury selection? >> well week one is he has a horrible jury, as you discussed earlier everyone nose that this judge has not tried to hide his disdain for president trump and in courtrooms jurors look up to the judge and they kind of take their lead from the judge that's why the judge has a tremendous responsibility to be impartial at least to act like he's impartial in front of that jurors and that is not going to happen in this case and sadly that will rub off on the jurors as well president trump a wonderful legal team we know that staff against him and let the blessings around the country and believe the system is rigged we will see how much leeway this judge gives it president trump lawyers in opening statements because he certainly didn't give them any injury selection.
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>> sean: what is your take mark. >> i'll tell you sean that throw back to when you and i used to fight during the nineties over the whitewater trials and when we were down in little rocks. >> sean: they were friendly spats that wasn't a real fight. >> right exactly and that was back when mark levin was not the great one, and an interesting thing to me that they do not have these sequestered juries has a criminal defence lawyer if i'm defending this case of susan and todd excellent trial lawyers it's unfair, it really is unfair to the defendant to in the middle of a presidential campaign take him off the trail and force him to be in a courtroom and have it in a venue where already we have seen demonstrably one of the jurors deathly afraid of her name getting out it felt like she would be intimidated the only
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way to have solved this problem the only way when you pick the 365 days per year and decide were going to have hay defendant tried right before the election coincidentally we just want to do it right before the election the only way to make that fear as a pretext is to sequester the jury so they don't get intimidated goods we will review soon someone already articulate. >> sean: if democrats have their way they would have donald trump in a courtroom for the next hundred and 99 days and they'd have three more trials after this trial there is a phenomenon we have to discuss though donald trump gets arrested his poll numbers go up he gets arraigned poll numbers go up he gets a mug shot the poll numbers go up i think people have a sense of fundamental fairness may be not
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in new york but the rest of the country is not going to see this the way that new york city residency this and you have to wonder even if there was a guilty verdict at the end of this, which he is likely considering they knew that when you think it's going to put into it people are watching this seeing a judge that donated to joe biden whose daughter would i think bringing the issue of recusal the lead witnesses someone who does not have the best track record of telling the truth i think people will see all of that won't they. >> they should and even if he had good jury and he is a horrible jury and if he had a good jury it would be an uphill battle for him because it's new york and because of the media and because of what mark said they go home every night and watch this on tv and i've had plenty of trials that were nearly as high-profile as this and my juries were sequestered as they should be all of the
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rights should belong to president trump but none of them are in this case and that's what so frightening for our country, to i want to see him in jail? absolutely not but i wouldn't put it passed this judge and president drug -- trump should be out on the campaign trail every day shouldn't even be going until after the election. >> sean: they tried to put the former president jail 100 and some odd days before an election you really believe that will happen? what do you think the country's reaction to that is opening arguments on monday thank you pam we appreciate it when we come back the world health organization has issued warnings about a bird flu outbreak which is now apparently found in milk we will explain after the break
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we're here with chris counahan of our local leaffilter. so chris, tell us how leaffilter is different from every other gutter protection on the market. with leaffilters, patented filter technology, there are no gaps, no openings, no place for debris to get in at all. and we install leaffilter on your existing gutters. it's a permanent solution. you'll never have to climb a ladder to clean out your gutters again. that's amazing, chris. tell me about the process.
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simple and easy. just give us a call, set up an appointment. we'll come out and give you a free gutter inspection. if they're sagging, we'll repair them. if they're broken, we'll replace them. if they're in good shape, our local team will install leaffilter in as little as a few hours. wow. and i understand you guys have a lifetime no clogs guarantee? we do. it's actually a lifetime transferable no clogs guarantee. you know, that's peace of mind and then some. so, how do people sign up? to schedule your free inspection. call 833-leaffilter today our agents are standing by. or visit - they slept on me for 15 years. things i collected, pollen, dust, dander. all that time, they could have protected me. allerease mattress protectors block 99.9% of dirt, dust, and allergens. for cleaner z's add allerease. find it where you buy bedding. hi, i'm ben and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) with other programs i've tried in the past they were unsustainable, just too restrictive.
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7:00 pm
>> sean: the usual useless world health organization now warning that bird flu has been found in very high concentration in raw milk while noting that milk is sold in major retailers is still safe a top who official has expressed great concern over the virus because of its high mortality rate among humans that have been affected so far to cases of bird flu have been confirmed among humans in our country the risk to the pub link remains low so you decide unfortunately that's all the time we have left this evening thank you for being with us thank you for making the show possible police that your dvr so you never ever ever ever ever ever miss an episode of auntie in the meantime never miss an episode greg gutfeld is next have a great weekend