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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 19, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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israelis was the place where soleimani jumped into a car and flew over to baghdad, and we put a hellfire missile in his backseat. that sort of response needs to be understood by the senior leadership in iran, and unfortunately i'm not sure that mr. biden has the wherewithal to do precisely that. >> neil: israel did send a clear warning to iran. look what we can do. the next time, we might go a little further. colonel, very powerful, i did not know the biblical reference to which you were alluding. bob mcginnis on all of that, we will be following up with this tomorrow morning. when we raise this with a number of key generals and how far this goes. bill barr a special guest. congressmen where we go next. "the five" now. ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone.
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sandra smith along with emily compagno, harold ford jr., jesse watters, aunt tyrus. 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ that was former president donald trump just moments ago saying he is ready to testify after the stage got set, the 18 people who will determine his fate have been seated in his hush money trial in new york, opening arguments will begin this monday. the big developments today come among them, the judge ruling that prosecutors will not have to give advance notice of the witness list to trump legal team because the former president cannot be trusted not to post about them. team trump will get one nam on sunday night. trump railing against the gag order imposed by the judge that limits what he can publicly say about witnesses. he says it is time to take the
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muzzle off. >> take it away. taken away my constitutional rights to speak, that include speaking to you. i've a lot to say to you and i'm not allowed to say appeared on the only one. everyone else can say whatever they want about me, they can say anything they want. they can continue to make up lies and everything else, they lie, they are real scum, but i am not allowed to speak and i want to speak to the press and everybody else about it. so why i can't. the judge has to take off his gag order. >> emily: but some in the liberal media do not care about fairness. they want to see the former president thrown in jail. >> put him in jail? >> that's exactly what i am saying. yes, i get he is a former president. how else are you going to maintain decorum and respect?
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>> because he is an ex-president, but it is even more incumbent on the court in this process to hold trump accountable and i don't think vines are going to do it. i think he needs to sit in a cell. he should be put in a cell and contemplate his behavior. >> sandra: but stephen a. smith has a message for them, putting democrats on blast and accusing them of using the courts against trump. >> that appears to be their strategy but i am here to tell you it is not working. it is not working at all and to be quite honest with you i don't mind the fact that it is not working because i might not be a supporter of donald trump, but i want him to lose the right way. i want him to lose because you have better ideas and you make your case to the american people better than he does. >> sandra: all right, that was stephen a. smith. jesse, does he have a point? this is a former president. should he get a fair shake here? and has the media gone too far with just calling to lock him up? >> jesse: really unmoved by democrats. indicting this guy so many times and then he can't talk about how
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unfair it is? you are rigging the election, and he says you are rigging the election, and then he gets thrown in jail for saying you are rigging this election. this is probably the best campaign strategy of the democrats have ever come up with. i don't know if it is going to work. i don't think it is working. stephen a is right. we sent johnny out, black as americans, hispanic american, young and old americans alike, a biden fan in my life -- through johnny -- except my mother -- and so this could be a landslide that nobody sees coming because of how unfair this is. i would make them put me in j jail. i would have a tweet about something, maybe perhaps i set on "the five" or "jesse waters primetime," and i would force them to throw me in jail if i were donald trump. the mug shot backfired. the indictments have been backfired. being a martyr in jail may be
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what, a day, 24 hours, i think that would be good. we can't go to jail? oh, i can't go to jail? no, i absolutely could not. i would if i was running for president because it would probably help. couldn't hurt. if they make him testify, do you think donald trump is going to testify? i don't know if he is going to testify. i would probably not testify and go to jail instead. that's what i would do. >> sandra: harold, does jesse have a point? i mean, this is starting to make it look like democrats just don't like fairness. >> harold: well, i pushed back totally on my fairness about democrats and republicans. he is under indictment. he says he is innocent. i believe he is innocent until he is proven guilty. i would employ a different strategy if i was indicted. i would have my lawyers laying out my case and i would be outdoors after a day of court saying here's what happened, here's why what happened today in court prove that. this president has a unique way of defending himself, a unique way of articulating points. he said, when he was walking in,
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the press ask him a question, he said, i would testify, so we will see if the president that she has that right. he has the right not to testify. i think one of the fairness in fairness to the guy you put up on cnn, have it up on one of my screens in my office earlier, i thought he was responding to whether or not, if the president violates the court's orders, would he be arrested -- not just arrested, maybe i unmisunderstood the introduced. and i am torn there. if you don't -- it would be interesting to hear emily's take on this -- if you have a set of rules in the court and the defendant, a party to a suit, violates something that the court has laid down and one of the penalties is after a while you get arrested, i don't know how you don't arrest him because if you don't, that means you and i or jesse or tyrus or anyone, if we are in court ever and i hope never to be indicted, and don't plan to be, that we would be able to use that as the trump
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defense. >> jesse: this is a political show trial. >> harold: that's not right, this is a trial -- >> jesse: a show trial. >> harold: you can say he was indicted because of things you don't believe he should be indicted -- >> jesse: he was indicted because he is running for president against joe biden. >> harold: this is not a show, it is a trial and if he is found guilty in this trial he can't say i'm not -- if you don't sentence me, i'm not going to go to jail because it was a show trial. >> jesse: can't be sentenced to prison because it is not a real case, harold. he has someone without a criminal history. this is a white-collar situation. there is no way he is being sentenced to prison for this. >> harold: he could be. >> jesse: no way -- >> harold: let me finish my point. i don't know if you are right about that. he could be sentenced. >> jesse: as someone who has never passed the bar, i am right. >> tyrus: to be fair, let's just put that out there. >> sandra: but to be fair -- >> jesse: he's innocent -- >> harold: innocent until proven guilty and i look forward
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to hearing the case. >> sandra: we know where this is going next, followed it minute-by-minute, today. the jurors sworn in, the prosecution as of monday, it was confirmed today they will be able to start making their case, emily. >> emily: and the question is sort of, will the defense be able to make their case? when you post that hypothetical that you would have your lawyers make the case for you and if rules are set in place and you don't obey, naturally incarceration is the next step, but the question is one of the rules are unfair? what if they are totally rigged against you? what if the applications of those rules are totally faulty and by that i mean as trump's defense have tried to, for example, some of subpoena stormy daniels this week so they can get public information that is in that, interestingly-released documentary just in time for her till they make a lot of money. that was called witness intimidation and harassment. the question remains, how can trump's defense team adequately and accurately defend themselves when they are being blocked, i argue, from even assessing the information? how is it that the defendant's gag ordered but the star witness
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who has been convicted of perjury and worse, that he is lead-free to taint a possible jury, and let's talk about the impaneled jury. took three days -- yes, yes, sir. after eight years, these charges were brought. jury impaneled after three days. interesting how it took two months to impanel joe sarkar and i have dzhokhar tsarnaev -- thed yet he has three days. >> tyrus: trump has got to roll them sleeves up, okay, forget the gag order, keep it in the streets because that is what is building momentum. we are all playing attention. president from going to jail would be right up there with martha stewart. see from the inside and gets elected, amazing prison reform. he is going to fix stuff. he's not going to be like jesse with delicate skin and good hair, you know what i am saying? he is going to go in there, come
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out with some cornrows, and he will be -- i'm telling you. this is the best thing for him, to fight it, keep it in the public. if he is saying the deck is stacked against him, and that is his mind-set, except the fact you are going to go to jail, keep it out when you come walking out, let them call for you because more american people identify with being, pardon my language "the five," screwed over by the system, to see somebody -- this is modern day living martyrdom. stephen a, you gave us the word agree just, this is egregious, and i don't agree with much, stephen a come on political stuff, but i am willing to go out -- stephen a, you are a nixon expand, i am a celtics fan, meet in the finals, lose the other teams colors all week. white lightning, that is what we call ourselves in wrestling. keep it in the streets and when you get in prison, use that time, amazing prison reform. this is a win-win.
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get what martha stewart did with her prison time. she changed lives. >> jesse: a little prison work out there, is that right? >> tyrus: to fight a microphone, i would drop it. i probably leave now. >> harold: the president is innocent until they prove him guilty. >> tyrus: i'm talking about the gag order. put him in jail with a gag order, take it. >> sandra: up next, israel just hit back at aaron and it is driving the pro-hamas protesters on campus crazy. they are back at it again. ♪ ♪ hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv...
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>> emily: joe biden's toothless foreign policy on full display yet again. israel rejecting biden's advice to "take the win" when iran launched a failed to land 300 missiles and drones inside israel last sunday or day. the jewish state retaliating by launching and limited strike on iran. israel struck near a major iranian air base about 200 miles south of tehran and so far reports indicate that iran has no plans to strike back. and while tensions rise in the middle east, the pro-hamas students at columbia are back at it. [chanting] >> you are blocking vehicle traffic. [sirens sounding] >> nypd, kkk! you are all the same!
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>> we want a revolution! >> emily: cops rating their anti-israel liberation zoning c.a.m. encampment, resting 100 of them, and clinics god congress more than know mike ilhan omar's daughter. today they tried to rebuild the anti-israel solidarity camp but one minus the tents. i find it curious, as though students, frankly children in student clothing, saying that they are all hamas, which does that mean they are all rapist butchers? they called a black female nypd officer to her face kkk. why is that solidarity, seemingly acceptable, as ilhan omar says, oh, those protests definitely aren't anti-jewish and her fellow democrats say, well, that is just political reprisal? >> jesse: i don't know. i'd hate to be related to omar. doesn't seem like the best
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person. to instill values to other people. but, you know, sometimes you need to get suspended to learn a lesson. actually got suspended a few times in high school and look at me now. look at me now. see, i learned my lesson. i don't know what they are doing, looks like a lot of young women. i don't see a lot of young men out at the protests in the camp. maybe they are missing something in their lives. but this isn't it. i would definitely not side with terrorists, as something that, you know, i'd spend my friday afternoon when i was in college. i think i speak for harold and everybody around the table, we were doing different things in college. >> harold: i was. >> jesse: studying religion, doing a lot of things diligently. >> tyrus: you were suspended for trying too hard. >> jesse: i was in the library. past library closing hours. >> tyrus: refused to leave. >> emily: so we talked about
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the message that the israeli defense sent to the world, it has been argued that we will respond to any attack on our soil, it's been argued this is sort of demonstrating capabilities, but the reality to me, the biggest message, guess what, biden, i don't care what you say. what say you? >> harold: i think a little different. i've heard that narrative today and i think a little diffe differently. i thought what the israelis didn't they had every right to do. every country has the right to defend themselves. they are our greatest ally in the world. we have one of the most unique relationships. have a more unique relationship with great britain then we do i. we are allowed to say the things we want to say. i thought what israel night in their response was tactically and strategically and militarily brilliant. it was as powerful a message as you could send without killing -- remember, they sent over about 300 missiles, and israel and us shot them all
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down. israel sent about three drones are missiles, three drones, and basically told the iranian's, we know exactly where your nuclear reactors are, we know exactly where your most important military assets are, so we can either do this, i don't need to simplify it in that way, but that was the message. the real thing that concerns me is when the iranian defense minister, the defense spokesman said, this is a new equation for us now. in my lifetime we have not seen the iranians and israelis go at it it is always been proxies. is this escalation, do we revert to the proxy war are not? i think we will. the iranian's are not even saying this was a big deal in their country. the israelis aren't even opening up to the fact it was done by them. i think the most important thing that happened, then i will show up a moment, congress passed a rule around the foreign aid bill and speaker johnson but his political career as speaker on the line to do it. i thought today what he did was
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to show that he is speaker of the house. sometimes democrats and republicans in last 20 years, when they become speaker, at the leader of the party first. the courage and the bravery that he showed today, he showed not everyone -- someone doesn't have to be right, wrong, the country needs to win. he represented his constituents and i applaud those democrats who supported that rule, who broke party line, and i support those republicans who broke party line to advance this bill and hopefully we are able to get the funding, $61 billion to ukraine, $26 billion to israel, and $13 billion to taiwan. >> emily: sandra, you have been covering this since minute one. what do you say? >> sandra: i was looking at there any updates on this hour. dan hoffman earlier today so this might only be the beginning of israel's counterattack. we will obviously have to see what happens in the coming hours and days. really raised eyebrows at the white house press briefing today, which we covered live this afternoon, john kirby wasn't at the microphone. he oftentimes is.
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within 24 hours of this attack. step up to the microphone. karine jean-pierre let off that briefing by saying if any of you asked me about it, our answer is no comment. very odd that they couldn't even simply say something like you just did there, harold, that they have the right to defend themselves, but that wasn't even said. mayor adams weighed in on these protests, and they seem to be growing in number. they seem to be getting bigger and more vile, is what he said. the vile treatment of these protesters, to the police in particular, yesterday they filled six buses outside of the university. that one point stopped and made a chain in front of them to not allow those buses to move. to not allow police buses to move. think about that. chanting kkk at the police come as you mentioned, yelling pr pro-hamas slogans and slurs, and holding up their signs, had a student off the university earlier today, feel horrible for these people, what about those
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students? what about the students who are not involved? what about the jewish students on campus? who is standing up for them? was protecting them? who is helping them feel safe? she is living out her dream going to that university, just let the idf, there she is, and she can't even walk down the sidewalk at her school and feel like she's safe. a college student. that's where this has gone, and it has gone too far. >> emily: that is the same campus, tyrus, were over 100 professors signed onto a letter supporting students who were defending hamas' military action on october 7th. >> tyrus: right, always the same thing is no comment. hey, what's going on with this? they never own their stuff and never stand up. whenever they are question, no, that's not what it was. do you support hamas? they won't answer. i am hamas, but we don't know what it is, they don't know what words are. calling a black purse and the kkk, you clearly have no idea what kkk means. unlike jesse who was diligent in the library to the point of
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suspension, these go to college and they don't -- they have no knowledge and no experience. but here is the thing. we give them too much credit and we give them too much camera time. they do those champs, they don't work, they don't rhyme, no one can get behind them, but when they do their marches, turn the cameras off. you can still tell us the story and still be present and not give them their moment on tv. i look at them the same way, when someone is arrested for committing a crime and they become famous for being on tv, take the cameras away and let's see how long these marches last. because they are doing it for reaction. if you go back, you made a great point a couple days ago, when the civil rights movement, you asked martin king what he was martian f marching for, anyone with him, willing to die -- yesd this is why in this is what we want. when you ask them, jesse asked them, you are racist, you are the kkk. is it me and harold in the klan?
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and jesse? all inclusive now? it is nonsense. turn those cameras off and see how long these things actually last. >> jesse: chants that line. >> harold: there is a pro-palestinian, free palestine, we are hamas. there is a total difference in saying we want to protect gazans, protect people in rafah -- >> tyrus: everybody in the middle east -- >> harold: that's a criminal act. you got the eyman isis and not be arrested. they should be arrested, period. >> emily: that's right. coming out, joe biden is exploiting a canny fa no mike kennedy family feud to tank rfk. ♪ ♪
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>> jesse: family fights usually private affairs but leave it to the democrats to exploit that drama for political gain. team biden pitting sibling against sibling, rolling out the kennedy family to officially endorse joe biden and trip up rfk jr.'s campaign. >> my name is joe kennedy. >> kerry kennedy. >> chris kennedy. >> i am here to proudly endorse joe biden. >> when i think of modern politicians and our country and this century, i think joe biden is the rfk of his generation. >> jesse: biden has good reason to be worried. rfk jr. just secured ballot access in a pivotal battleground state of michigan. joe's campaign also busy trying to convince us that his brain is fine. check out the new ad. it's literally called "sharp." >> i've been a proud steelworker for 23 years and i know hard work when i see it. i love to tell the story about meeting president biden because when you meet him, this guy is as sharp as a knife. >> jesse: so they had to spend
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millions of dollars for that. you could also just be sharp and save the money. >> sandra: i lost it at -- this is what i -- this is what they have to sell now and campaign ads? that he is sharp? i was watching martha's hour in the 3:00 hour, i think clay travis was involved, it devolved into who is going to stay awake. i guess because they are going after trump for apparently falling asleep in court. kind of funny but not. are we getting to this point? harold, i don't know if that is a huge selling point, that he's sharp. he's running for president. >> harold: look, i think two things. i said yesterday on the show, i would give him yesterday's performance i think in pennsylvania, i give him a b. what he needs is reps. part of the concerns, sandra and et over there, he needs to
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demonstrate to the country and perhaps to his team what he is good at over the next several months. he is not necessarily great going into a wawa alone. the new mayor of philadelphia who was a dynamic and unbelievable person. what she ran on was getting public safety better and improving the life in philadelphia for everyday philadelphians. i'd have been out with her looking at some program or initiative that she has kicked off, whether the police were in a neighborhood, trying to understand better what she is doing and what no mike c because of what you are doing mr. president is why we can do this. these are not going to work alone. let's figure out where he's best, what he is able to point to that's working, and how can people around him interact with him and interface with him better? as we said it right now, the sharp ad alone is not going to get it done, i agree with you. >> jesse: tyrus, how awkward is that family situation now?
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>> tyrus: i have been on the headset with headquarters trying to find about getting in trouble. all i can say is the optics are bad. really bad. that speech was worse than a red curtain speech. but, you know, i have a commercial coming out next month where i talk about when i met joe biden, and he had a pulse. it was wonderful. he breathed unassisted. the whole time. >> jesse: the whole time? >> tyrus: at one point he went -- [breeds] and i went, you've got my vote. he is sharp. that is what you say -- everyone else is like, he's not, but he is your kid and you love him. >> jesse: granddad is sharp. speeder he's a whip. he's still got it. between the hours of 3:00 and 5:00. it's like time stopped. >> emily: my dad used to say he's a good leader. >> jesse: he's a good eater.
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[laughs] >> emily: respectfully, harold, you say this guy needs a more reps, public service for 50 years! another 50 years, more reps? >> tyrus: he doesn't have 50 years. >> emily: utterly failing. he trots out the kennedy family, resurrects this relic of a family, he is hitting the panic button, it is so clear, and in their statement i found so laughable, he was encapsulated by love and wisdom and compassion. you are telling me someone has compassion when he tells black voters they are not black if he doesn't vote for him? calls republicans neanderthals? calls out voters for daring to ask about unions? you cite his wisdom referring to dead leaders. like, it is a joke, they are trying to emperor's new clothes this person with no backbone whatsoever. i love hamas and free school how to get gen z back? rfk jr., we know, trump wins
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georgia, p.a., and that might be why even "newsweek" had a headline that said "why gen z loves rfk jr." >> tyrus: to say he doesn't have a backbone is rude, you know his family was attacked by camels. a step too far. >> harold: this is a tight race and is going to get tighter. >> tyrus: sharp race. >> emily: razor-thin. >> tyrus: great song. >> jesse: "the fastest" is up next. ♪ ♪ -remember when i said we need to screen for colon cancer? -was that after i texted the age to screen was now 45? [both] because i said cologuard®! -hey there! -where did he come from? -yup, with me you can screen at home. just talk to your provider. [both] we'll screen with cologuard and do it my way. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk.
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my name is dana bellefeuille, and my husband and i own the village bakery located in hayden, idaho. our mission is to employ people with different abilities. tiktok is allowing us to show what acceptance looks like on a day-to-day basis, here at the bakery. this is a community of just complete and utter love. it's the people that lift you up when you're down. people on tiktok do that on a daily basis, and i've never found a community like that, ever. ♪ ♪ >> harold: welcome back. time for "the fastest." first up, how many times do we have to warn you, america? selfies are dangerous and could get you killed. people grabbing a scared bear
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cubs out of a tree just to take photos. lucky for them mama bear was not there. obama bears are known to attack. tyrus, you had a particularly strong reaction -- >> tyrus: is a death sentence because now the cubs have the human scent all over them. you just sent them to starvation, worst case, the mother will not touch them. >> harold: say that again. >> tyrus: if you see a cute baby, squirrel fall out of a tree, mama can get it, the birds can get it. they have human scent all over them. the mom is going to reject them. you just wasted a whole year of energy for the mother and the cubs, for what, a picture? have some respect -- >> harold: legally should there be something done with these kinds of things, emily? what's your take on this? >> emily: it was so atrocious to me. difficult to watch this footage. i wish there was someone there that would have stopped them and beaten them. but cubs -- >> tyrus: figuratively. >> emily: figuratively -- i'm on tv -- figuratively.
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the terror of the cubs and the fact that one of them was reported to be super traumatized after, the ranger comes out, they should be ashamed of themselves -- they should be in jail. who were the people videotaping this? where is the accountability? it looks slovenly. it makes me so enraged that they were okay to do that and there isn't some type of accountability. >> harold: sandra, what are your thoughts on this? >> sandra: what was the goal? to get a picture and posted on your instagram? i don't get it. there is risk to them. there is risk to the bears. i think it is frankly awful. people are doing a lot of really, really dumb things right now to try to get a photo. it's not worth it. >> harold: we have done a lot of stories like this. how does this compare -- >> jesse: well, as an african american, we don't do this. >> tyrus: one-percenter. >> jesse: notice this is a white thing. african americans, myself included, we do not go into the wild like that and just grab
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wild animals. this is stupid. >> tyrus: we don't investigate. >> harold: all right. if you are looking to score in the dating world, try upping your score in pickleball. that's right, the courts are now a hot spot for singles to hook up. now, i don't -- i'm married. i'm not sure -- what are your thoughts on this, tyrus? >> tyrus: shut up and play pickleball, okay? just play the game. you know the game sucks. they are dating. it is ping-pong for people who can't even do that. no one is like, i was at pickleball, this 10 walked up to me -- [laughter] four out of shape guys showing up because they think there might be women there. this is a ruse to suck lonely guys into play pickleball. >> harold: do you see yourself doing something like this? would this be a place he would go if you were single? >> tyrus: that is a besmirchment, jesse. >> jesse: emma took a tennis lesson today.
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i'm thinking, how different is it, harold? speeder tennis at pickleball be afraid. >> jesse: she said she led the instructor. >> tyrus: pools and tennis but not pickleball. >> emily: pickleball is for nerds. it is the latest thing, like that game at the park, a mini trampoline and kicking around a ball. i'm not single but if i wasn't someone came up in any way associated with pickleball, that's an idiot. >> harold: you were an athlete. >> sandra: i play a lot of tennis. pickleball, i am not going to hate on it because i think it is a really good sport for people who can't. [laughter] >> tyrus: so is teaching. >> emily: mother teresa, sandra, terrible! >> sandra: there is nothing wrong with binding activity if you are single to meet someone. >> tyrus: would you go heckle a tennis player? >> harold: finally, researchers have found students
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with last names later in the alphabet may get hit with lower grades basically because the teachers get lazier as they great things from a two magazine. you do not care about your grade but you have -- teachers were lazy. >> jesse: i want to correct the record, i did do well in school. why is everybody laughing? i did well in school. >> harold: did you go by jesse adders? so sandra -- >> sandra: really sharp! [laughter] >> emily: he's a cheater. >> tyrus: locked himself in the library. >> emily: i was an excellent student. i approved this wrong. i'm obviously a smith. i was a great student, i got great grades. >> jesse: is smith your maiden name? >> sandra: yes. >> jesse: you didn't take your husband's name? >> tyrus: that's on "the
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slowest," this is "the fastest." >> tyrus: i was murdock, middle-of-the-road, but also -- that's a lot. >> harold: emily c and harold, we were at the top of the class. >> tyrus: are you saying you didn't get by on merit? you got your deis? jesse and i, we earned our stripes. >> harold: ""fan mail friday"" is up next. ♪ ♪ moving forward with node-positive breast cancer is overwhelming. but i never just found my way; i made it. and did all i could to prevent recurrence. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence of hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive, early breast cancer with a high chance of returning as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection.
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♪ ♪ >> tyrus: jesse, you've got to let that 1% kick in, relax, baby. [laughter] it's "fan mail friday." all right. you know how this works. it is a roundtable and we go quick. if you can't answer you get passed up and the fans will destroy you on social media. here we go. start with emily. what is your worst airport story? >> emily: one of the worst airport stories was when my sister throughout our luggage tags and they lost our luggage, so we just had to sit in the airport for another ten hours -- >> tyrus: harold? >> harold: two weeks ago i was going to nashville, get on the
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plane, switched us to another plane, sat four hours, never got there. >> tyrus: jesse? >> jesse: a drink at an airport ball and this girl comes up with a service dog. come on, with a service dog? that's a scam. she goes, i have stage five cancer. >> tyrus: okay, moving along. >> emily: us like a confessional. >> sandra: i missed a flight home the night my husband was going to propose to me. >> jesse: oh! that's why you didn't take his name. >> emily: that really happened. >> tyrus: sat on an airplane with a large woman who kept falling asleep on my shoulder and eventually i said enough and knocked her out of the chair. wasn't on purpose. statute of limitations run out, i'm fine. emily, with whom would you most want to go out for a beer? >> emily: ryan reynolds -- >> tyrus: you are done. >> emily: ryan reynolds wife. up blake lively, thank you. >> harold: living or not?
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>> tyrus: anyone. >> sandra: that changes the whole thing. >> ha>> harold: tiger. >> emily: tiger woods? >> jesse: martin luther king. [laughter] >> emily: it is funny you ask this because i was doing a deepn the engineer behind eiffel towee amazing to talk to. >> tyrus: frederick douglass. >> emily: harriet tubman. >> tyrus: what is your favorite movie to watch? >> emily: "goonies." >> harold: "coming to america." >> jesse: "casino"." >> sandra: "cutting-edge." >> tyrus: "blazing saddles." i love breaking this record. what is your favorite old-fashioned arcade game? pass! >> emily: pacman! >> jesse: i got pac-man, too. >> tyrus: ms. pac-man. >> jesse: even better. >> tyrus: she's faster.
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>> tyrus: do you have a good sense of direction? >> emily: yes, i do. >> tyrus: harold? >> jesse: not really. >> tyrus: that's why you have a driver, jesse. i have amazing direction. enough said. all right, if your pet had a human job, he or she would be a... >> emily: duchess would be a special forces operator. she passed away appeared >> harold: a doctor. >> jesse: gigolo. >> emily: don't have to say why on that one. >> tyrus: homeless. my animals are lazy. can't live on the water. what is the worst hairstyle you ever had? >> emily: worst and best in the '80s, short with a tail. >> harold: i had a part right here for a long time. >> tyrus: jesse? >> jesse: curl. >> sandra: i had a bob when i was like 18. >> emily: that's cute. speed through my football coach convinced me to get a flat top, hated it. on a long trip, would you rather
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have a paper book or your phone? >> emily: a book, obviously. >> tyrus: liar. >> emily: i'm not lying. >> jesse: "get it together," a book. >> sandra: a phone and i would download the book. >> tyrus: thank you. all right, "one more thing" is up next. i am the king of this. ♪ ♪ here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need...
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...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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>> shannon: time for "one moret" harold? >> the florida educator named teacher of the year for 2024 in seminole county. hodge celebrated with the iconic blue angels. hodge works instructional coast at bear lake elementary school sit in the back seat of f-18 super horton. set a goal to not passout or get sick during the flight. luckily for her and the pilot that was a test she passed with flying colors. >> tyrus: very sharp.
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>> sandra: jesse. >> jesse: get it together book tour continues. i got a little carried away when i said you could run your fingers through my hair. come on, ladies. >> tyrus: and against. >> jesse: yorba linda and tonight we have carley shimkus, vivek and kristin gaffney 8:00. >> sandra: that is it? i think this is me. all right, so this actress was mistaken for a real life police officer when it really mattered. mariska hard at a dressed in svu gear mistaken for real life police officer by a young girl who was lost and looking for her mother flipping one of the final episodes. she just not a hero on tv. she is a hero in real life. she helped that girl connect with her mom. >> tyrus: that is amazing. the wonderful people at fish heaven, they gifted me this breeding pair of flower horns. and i'm so excited endo flower
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horns. be traveling, out in thailand getting a workout. getting ready. >> sandra: is he huge. >> tyrus: just like you, emily, is he a good eater. [laughter] >> tyrus: speaking of a well-balanced meal i will be hosting gutfeld tonight. make sure you watch that if you really need to see me tyrus live comedy tour is everywhere. jesse, if you ask me where i will slap you. i'm everywhere from california, new jersey, ohio, indiana, missouri, michigan, nevada, arizona, florida, colorado, nebraska, you name it. i'm there. everywhere but jesse's house. don't you dare. >> sandra: tyrus. >> jesse: what happens it called? >> i will-a noise. >> emily: working canine for the police department. rock is a german shepherd mix. he was rescued from the streets and brought into the fort worth police department where he has now taken hundreds of thousands of pills off the streets with narcotics detection program making him, of course, a vital
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tool and asset in combating the fentanyl crisis. he is on heroin, meth, cocaine and marijuana. that is a very good boy. and we thank him for his service. >> jesse: i want to mention something to sandra because your husband just texted me. >> tyrus: yes. >> jesse: he wanted me to ask you why you missed that flight. >> sandra: get really close as i always. before kids really easy to fly. i used to show up at the gate, i don't know five minutes before they shut the door and i was five minutes late this time and i missed it. tire tire . >> tyrus: i that not sharp. >> sandra: that was the night he was going to propose. that does it for us. thank you, very therapeutic. that's it for us have. a great night, everybody. >> bret: hey, sandra, i'm still trying to imagine je jesse


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