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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  April 19, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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camp that allows them to overrun ukraine? >> i certainly support ukraine but i believe that americans have artie gone above and beyond i would like to have a better accounting, i want to see the receipts of where this money has gone because i believe history will show a lot of this money didn't make it to where it was intended. >> martha: you obviously know better than anyone what a narrow majority you haven't how tricky this job is for speaker mike johnson sows trying to put all of that together you very much it's good to see you that is the story for today april 19th on a friday having a very good weekend thank you're being with us the story goes on to other weekend coming up you can download today the untold story podcast with former uk prime minister lay stress and hear what she had to say about former president trump and the u.s. election. >> israel strikes back iran holding back but for how long
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coming up the former commander what he makes of this latest israel move and iran nonreaction move so far, first fox coverage in tel aviv about what we are learning peter do you see on what the white house is saying and jennifer griffin of the pentagon on what israel was originally very basic social targeting hello triton. >> good afternoon israel struck back against iran overnight looking to send a message to the islamic republic that the israelis have the capability to target within iranian territory we do know that the explosions took place in the province about 200 miles south of the iranian capital of tehran the province is home to the nuclear facility iranian stated media confirming that explosions took place overnight and attributed them to the country air defence system
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intercepting small drones the current reporting points to iran trying to downplay the incident that likely involved israeli missiles fired into iran reports indicate that the united states was informed ahead of the strikes the event appears to be over and does give iran the ability to de-escalate rising tension with israel with iran saving face and israel sending a message that it is unlikely that iran retaliates directly or further activates one of the proxies like hezbollah or the houthi to respond. >> voice of interpreter: a sound heard earlier today was not an explosion it was our powerful air defence firing at suspicious objects causing no damage or incident at all. >> or member the israeli response came after a drone and missile attack against israel last weekend very dangerous and unpredictable times in the middle east neil. >> neil: thank you, we go to peter do see at the white house and how they reacted to all of those they are saying very little about this specific threat.
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>> a strategic decision to not even admit that they know that the attacks with israel hitting back at iran happening overnight there is literally nothing except for this. >> i will be very mindful and again the super mindful, i just want to be mindful here. >> we heard that a few times at the briefing and it's a big change from monday when john kirby was at the podium saying that, asked directly if the united states would support a route territory strike of israel on iran and he said he did not want to get into hypotheticals, it's not hypothetical anymore the closest that we are getting us from the secretary of state who said he wants to make sure that the rest of the world knows the u.s. had nothing to do with it, neil. >> thank you for that following the very tightlipped white house
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, jennifer griffin at the pentagon what israel's intent was here and whether it succeeded. >> neil according to u.s. military sources the target of the israeli strike was an iran military base near the nuclear facility it was not the nuclear facilities themselves the israelis hit what they intended to strike i am told based on the initial bomb damage assessment reports from the iranians said the explosions were a result of their air defence interceptions, not true, the targets within this strike included iran air defence systems at the air base including those used to protect nearby nuclear facilities it was a message to iran that we can reach out and touch you the russian-made air defence systems were shown to be ineffective there was one target but multiple strikes within that target i am told, the iranian military base with its air defence systems the israelis used missiles and unmanned aircraft, in other words no
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manned aircraft such as f. 35 or other warplanes were used as part of the strike one possibility, unconfirmed, but being discussed is that it israelis it used a new unmanned a hyper glider vehicle that employs a standoff missiles this is one of the options that the israelis have within their arsenal no one from the pentagon or u.s. military is willing to comment on the record about last night strikes they are only willing to say on background that the u.s. was not involved in this unilateral israeli military operation and they are hoping now that cooler heads prevail. >> our focus has been of course on making sure that israel can effectively defend itself but also de-escalate intentions and avoiding conflict that remains our focus again i'm not going to speak to anything of them to say were not involved in any offensive operations. >> no confirmation that there were targets struck by israel
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inside iraq or syria despite reports last night from the region that preceded the strike by just a few minutes i am also told that as of now no iranian proxies have responded the next 24 to 48 hours will be crucial in determining whether iran will feel domestic pressure to respond or whether the supreme leader feels that both sides have made their point the mood here at the pentagon is it cautiously optimistic that both sides have made their point and do not want to take the next step on the escalation ladder. >> neil: thank you on that from the pentagon and commander it's interesting not much coming out of iran, not much of any of its proxies responding to what happened in iran, israel largely sing that's it for the time being what you make of all of this? >> thank you neil and it's great to be with you at the end of this last week or so of activity
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israel comes out stronger they have successfully defended themselves they responded taking advice from the united states saying they've acted deliberately and now they're ready to move on iran looks weaker they are -- the massive attack last week and largely and completely defeated by israel who brought partners to the fight and then they were penetrated today so against that backdrop i think both sides are looking for an opportunity to complete this evolution and get back to the more enduring task at hand certainly israel has a pressing situation in gaza surrounded by adversaries in almost every direction they look they have challenges to address there and neither side is looking to exploit this any further for any type of open
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conflict. >> neil: i heard in one report that israel and iran are backing away from the brink, have they? >> well i think they certainly, it certainly appears that is what they are doing based on the reactions to all of this as you and i have talked about before an important component to all of this is of course the strategic medications, each side here is communicating to multiple audiences and i think we are certainly seeing that on the iran site and i suspect we see it on the israeli side as well so i think they are looking good this evolution the situation is changed no doubt about that the redlines have change the fact that iran launched a massive barrage of missiles at israel from their territory i think has upped the game a bit and while we seem to have moved through this current situation the
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situation that the region remains on edge we will see how this happens next time around. >> neil: if i am iran mander i am the thinking without any help or assistance or without anything that we would call a joint common wide based attack israel by itself managed to penetrate iran and show how easy it would be for them to do so they never want to escalate that's a pretty impactful statement to iran is it not? >> i think it is very impactful statement to iran and i think as jennifer highlighted a few moments ago the selection of targets in the area is very deliberate they are clearly not going after the nuclear facilities but by going after air defence systems in the area they demonstrated that they have the capability to go there and take out systems that would normally protect them and do what they need to do so i think it's very clear and deliberate message by israel to iran. >> neil: let me get your
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assessment what you're saying quite right to say the battle with hamas continues that you have all these global protests, one again in new york city increasingly being not just pro- palestine and anti- israel but more to the point pro hamas rallies i am wondering about not only the timing of that after all we saw last week with the attack on iran and israel's response should say just the opposite but i'm wondering what you make of that and i think that remains a growing pr issue that has israel on the short end of the stick. >> i think the information environment around all of this is extraordinarily complex and of course over the last week we have seen dozens of nations who have come out to condemn iran for massive attacks and in my assessment that information environment has switched a little bit and there is a little
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bit more support here for israel and hopefully they will be able to use that to support their move forward and with regards to the protests in our country i am not sure i am the best person to comment on that i think that it is important for the public to be educated about what is going on and remember how this whole thing started with hamas attacking israel and that has propelled the whole region to the point where we find ourselves today. >> neil: it is amazing, commander thank you very much we will look at the implications of all of this on the saturday show tomorrow and where we do see reaction from some of these iran proxies that them time to their own thing but always with one eye toward iran and whether they should be doing anything, we will be monitoring that tomorrow and in the meantime taking a look at a crazy day in the markets you're just looking at the dow that is hunky-dory doing well reflecting that energy
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prices were lower good earnings news all that the global reaction notably stable but the nasdaq and s&p 500 a very different story on both of those averages dropping today big time in the case of the nasdaq more than 2 percent, six straight losing sessions, oil prices nothing to do with that but the fact of the matter is that on many issues if we can show those markets the fact of the dow up nominally but the nasdaq and smp 500 down about 3 percent i should point out that some high flyers like nvidia were down 10 percent today very close to bear market territory about 20 percent from highs that reached little more than a couple of weeks ago and some other issues taking it on the chain we will get more of a report card on how technology companies are doing when they released their earnings next week that will be an important barometer going forward to say weather this is just a message
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of something more serious. but in the meantime we gauge a reaction from the israeli perspective about where the israelis go from here they seem to be handling and threading that needle very carefully the reed on all of this and the former ambassador tina states after this higher shipping rates may be “the cost of doing business...” but at what cost? turn shipping to your advantage. with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service. ♪ hi, i'm janice, and i lost 172 pounds on golo. (upbeat music) i could've had gastric bypass surgery, and i didn't like the idea of not being able to eat a normal portion for the rest of my life.
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>> neil: when it comes to threading the international dibble medic relations needle a lot of people even though big fans of israel say that tel aviv threads this perfectly and meticulously doing just enough to send iran a message but not enough to see a widening conflict that could turn into a world war if someone were right and fearful, we give the former israeli ambassador to the united states always good to have you what did you thank of the way that israel pulled this off? >> good to be with you i think threading the needle is precisely the metaphor, israel had to reassert its deterrent power and prove to iran that they couldn't fire 350 projectiles at israel with impunity there had to be a response and to prove to iran that while they could not penetrate israeli airspace we can penetrate their airspace with impunity if these reports
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for the israelites lights to israel not taking credit, of course,, but israel to do so with out ending the regional alliances has been formed against iran together with israel, jordan, saudi arabia, united arab emirates and other sunni states and iran and the radical shiism as a exist until threat to their countries and not crating a situation where israel can be perceived as trying or succeeding and dragging the united states into a regional conflagration so all of those needles were threaded very well by this alleged israeli strike on iran and apparently a very sensitive military sight which really sends the message home to the iranians that we can get you. >> neil: what message does it send separately, even though it's a different beast, to hamas and this six-month war. >> if i was the head of a hamas
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sitting in a tunnel and rafah i would say if the is where they're capable of doing this to iran the major military power they certainly are capable of doing it to me and i would hope he would internalize that it is in his benefit to strike a deal certainly about releasing hostages in exchange for a temporary cease-fire and right now he has rejected that offer again and again and unfortunately many of the messages that hamas receives from the united states and from europe is that if hamas can just hold on for a week or two more there might be a break in the world may impose a cease-fire that will not be conditioned on hostage release and will not be temporary but in fact permanent which is what hamas wants and they can declare victory i hope that those messages will cease and hamas will conclude but they have no choice but to deal with israel and strike a deal about releasing hostages. >> neil: if there are hostages sometimes you begin to wonder if there are but let me ask you. >> let us hope.
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>> neil: indeed i didn't mean to be doing full about that but it does affect some of the strategy that hamas has been using and you want to ask about these protests that are cropping up all over the world, right here not too far from where i sit in midtown manhattan, anti- israel, strongly anti- israel and pro- palestine and more to the point often times not afraid to show it and brag about it, pro hamas what do you make of that? >> i think that is the least of it there anti- american, there anti- west they're talking about not just liberating palestine but liberating the cities in which these protests are taking place, liberating chicago or pittsburgh and protesting now at columbia university about liberating new york and burning american flags and cursing police officers these are profoundly anti- american demonstrations not just anti- israel and i think that is very revealing that israel's war
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against hamas is not just against hamas it is against an enemy of western civilization and israel is fighting that fight very boldly. >> neil: i am wondering where you see this going, we do have a weekend show and were getting word of other protests planned to be popping up in not only this country but all of the world and they say after every thing that has gone on in israel and the missile attack that was dealt with last weekend that everyone is nervous about israel's response yesterday but it seemed to be a very good balance to your point and no rest for the weary or no thanks for any of that and that is just not stopping in fact the hatred accelerates vpr which always seems to be with israel on the short end of the stick and that's relentless. >> what you're seeing is the result of 60 years of systematic brainwashing in some america and
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the west leading universities where students are taught to hate civilization and hate their country the field of american studies in this university has become a field of anti-american studies and you are seeing the results of that undoing this process will take a long time and a lot of effort but little consolation to us to know that it's not just israel being demonized in these demonstrations but also the nine states but that's the fact of the matter and i hope that is what americans will understand that within these protesters call for israel's destruction is not only israel's destruction that is in their sights. >> neil: thank you very much, be safe, be well. >> have a good weekend. >> neil: the former israeli ambassador to the united states, meanwhile house speaker mike johnson confident that he can get an israeli aid package in concert with or part of aid to ukraine and other nations as well even though there are a
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how it's playing out. >> good afternoon the house up for debate this weekend on the foreign aid bill democrats helping republicans clear a parliamentary hurdle to put the aid package on the floor more democrats democrat supported the test vote the -- band members of the gop. >> when the speaker proposes something that we think is good for the country were not going to arbitrarily oppose it because it happens to be a republican proposal. >> the minority party had not helped the majority party in this fashion on the floor since 1964, some gop members are mad at johnson but do not want to throw him out they demanded provisions for border security in the bill. >> all i can say is i do not support the motion to vacate and as disappointed as i am in the speaker and i disagree with his handling in this particular issue in legislation i do not support the motion to vacate. >> marjorie taylor greene did not trigger her resolution to oust johnson today, the act is
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wearing thin among some on the right. >> the vast majority of my republican colleagues are over this drama this is not supposed to be reality television we came here to govern and when we can't govern because some people want to be on tv and they want to do campaign fundraising and all that there are now three gop members who want to strip johnson of the devil there is green, thomas massey and paul gose are the house both on the eighth package tomorrow it likely passes with them a credit and democrats might help johnson keep his job. >> neil: am i reading correctly that johnson is calling their bluff? >> a little bit here let's go through the math they are going to consider these bills individually tomorrow there are probably 370 votes for israel and 300 for ukraine probably close to 400 on the vote for taiwan and if you get some
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democratic help if there is a motion to vacate marjorie taylor greene would not say she is going to do that tomorrow she certainly did not do today he probably prevails. >> neil: got it, thank you very much, and on that father cusick the hill editor-in-chief, that was my interpretation i could be very wrong, was not too off the math though chad did not dismiss it out of hand but what do you make of that that maybe this was the week that mike johnson said all right i have to get this aid package through i know i'm risking a lot with a couple of these members but i have to do it, end of story? >> and it johnson has always indicated that he would support aid for ukraine as long as he was getting something and it was on the house terms not the senate terms because the house did not act on the senate passed bill on senate aide and they did their own thing even though there's a lot of similarities, neil listen i tell you that i think the speaker, one of the
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smartest move that he did was when he went down to marla go and they talked about election integrity but also talked about ukraine they got on the same page trump has not gone the way of this legislation and i think that was very smart and also johnson has done things with a smile it has not gotten personal between him and the other like matt gates and green he has met with greene and mccarthy got a bit personal maybe a little bit more than personal for some and that led to his ouster. >> neil: that's a good point sometimes the best way is to wage war with a smile and a joke but let me ask you about where this whole drama possibly takes republican's because right now one of those packages goes through aid for israel likely the easiest one to get through putting them all together is a bit more of a heavy lift right? >> it is and it will take some time for the senate which is not scheduled to be here next week because of passover so the senate i do think it will
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eventually pass this as probably one big bill but certainly there are a lot of conservatives in the senate that do not like what is going on here and they will be looking to block it or at least delay it but all in all they will get the most past and send it to the president. >> neil: a lot of democratic point back? help back to your earlier point whatever get the job done, kevin mccarthy had that democratic help and we know what happened to him but it does seem like you are saying that an chad was echoing the same, the appetite for going to that political third rail seems limited. >> just not a smart move especially when the majority in the house is so slim and johnson wants to expand the majority to make his life easier next year if he remains the speaker so i think the three weeks without a speaker last year was enough chaos for house republicans and if they do it again i think the chances of them retaining the house will be quite small.
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>> neil: we will watch it closely always good to see you bob and we are getting word right now that donald trump has left the new york supreme court today that wrapped up everything including the selection of those 12 jurors and six alternate jurors on monday there will be opening arguments sometimes he makes statements when he leaves but he did not today. meanwhile back here we are talking about this battle back and forth as to weather the speaker can stay in his job at one of those congressmen who is joining this push it to maybe oust the speaker will be joining me the congress man from kentucky will be joining me tomorrow on the weekend's show about why he thinks it's still a good idea that republicans have to be more in your face and not fold on issues like aided that he says are reprehensible that's tomorrow into the meantime looking at these protests that are igniting yet again [ chanting ]
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want to see the stuff we have violent criminals all over the streets of new york and nothing happened so even when they catch them they let them go none whatsoever so this is a concerted witchhunt whether it's judge kaplan with a person i have no idea until they saw call saying they're suing us i have no idea who this person was this judge or if you look at ingrown,
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he said that mara lago he said his narrative but what's happening in the city and all over the country was happening in particular in the city sum are very good by the way sum very fair it's really the cities that are thriving but what is happening here with the judicial system is all over the world there watching it and they're saying this is a giant witchhunt they're trying to hurt the campaign biden is the worst president in history of our country i'm beating him buy a lot and this is the only way they can win but it won't work. >> [ inaudible question by the media ] >> do you support speaker
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johnson? >> neil: there is that donald trump not answering questions as he left but to making it very clear that he still finds this whole process that he is going through a sham and an unfair one at that but just to sort of bookend how he ended that week with different trial days and 12 jurors have been selected six alternates have been selected opening arguments are set for monday in this hush money trial. we are separately learning right now that the new york attorney general lakisha james has a problem with that 175 million-dollar bond that the trump legal teen posted to deal with a separate issue coming up and another court case that it should be returned and they should come up with something else, bottom line is that very few think this will succeed at that but more noise that the former president is it dealing
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with at a time where he feels that he is forcibly gagged and cannot say anything but full like michael cohen and others are allowed to say whatever they want and however, they want, jonathan turley the law professor and fox news contributor good to see you an interesting week. >> thank you. >> neil: we thought this would have a stumbling start but it seems to be going at a fast pace you've heard the trump legal folk saying that it is almost like a rush job going on here what do you make of all of this? >> i am quite astonished it has gone this quickly i would be surprised at just a conventional case not one with the trump as a defendant to have jury selection go this quickly in a major case. but it looks like we are set for monday and the frustration of the president i think as well based i think it's well based on two points, one is that this is a put in the prosecution you can say that the mara lago prosecution is based on
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established law that one harder to make the argument, on this one is not this is clearly a political prosecution in my view second the gag order is a standard device used by courts but this is not a standard defendant he's running for president and you do have michael cohen on the air every night attacking him and he can't respond i do think that the court is at fault here for not showing some greater flexibility in the context of this trial doesn't mean there shouldn't be no restrictions on trials or any defendant but i do think he has a point about the fact that this entire campaign, maybe i shouldn't say the entire but much of this campaign will turn on the weaponization of the criminal justice system and this case is the primary example cited by many to prove that allegation.
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>> neil: he has said i believe we have the full byword where he talked about this gag order and outputs them at a disadvantage he has echoed this time and again and i want you to react to this. >> i need to be released from the gag order they have taken away my constitutional rights to speak that include speaking to you i have a lot to say to you that not a lot to say it and i'm the only one everyone else can say whatever they want about me they can say anything they want they can continue to make up lies and every thing else they lie and the real scum but i'm not allowed to speak. >> neil: he does speak there, speaking out about how he doesn't find that fair the prosecutors have say that every time he does that he should pay a thousand dollars and that they added up a dozen times he has done so, some have even advocated throwing him in jail and let him cool his jets in their what do you think about all of this? >> well i am not a big fan of
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some of the president's comments about these cases i think it would be better for him to allow others and particularly his lawyers to make objections along these lines but i do think that he has a point that this is the major issue in this campaign i think there is evidence of the political manipulation of the criminal justice system the question is how does the court deal with that? these gag orders have been upheld as constitutional but my problem with this is that these judges have really put the pedal to the medal to get this trial going right before a major election a presidential election and if you are going to do that if you're going to insist on holding this before the election i think that it is incumbent upon you to make some type of recognition of that fact that you are going to have to allow a bit more discussion of the case that is at the centre of the campaign that is where i would fault this judge so i think the frustration is a valid one the greater issue here is this case should never have been brought,
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this is in my view a legally absurd case this is something that would normally be litigated as a misdemeanour the statute of limitations has run and it you have a district attorney that created the type of frankenstein case zapping it back to life by attaching it to an alleged federal crime even though the justice department doesn't view it that way it is not clear that there is a federal climb here it's not even clear in the indictment what exactly the crime is being alleged, all of that makes many of us feel very uncomfortable and the people on other networks legal analysts saying this would never reach a conviction outside of a deep blue area i think that is true i think this would collapse in most areas. >> neil: federal authority didn't even want to take it up and of course the predecessor didn't think it was the time --
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worth the time to take up but now very different, thank you very much in the meantime the latest update on protests concerning how awful israel is from a crowds that right now are saying we will not stop protesting and nonstop in some cases praising hamas after this ? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. why would i use kayak to compare hundreds of travel sites at once? i like to do things myself. i can't trust anything else to do the job right. kayak... aaaaaaaahhhh kayak. search one and done. [music playing] speaker: it all starts here, by uniting the world in passion, commitment, and care. we turn the impossible into possible. celebrate every triumph.
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>> neil: one of the most expensive universities in the country elite as they come and right now a source of great controversy because of a good many of those students and not just students there there seems to be a lot of protests going on but they continue to protest israel and in some cases outright praising hamas we have been following all of this, how do things look today? >> there are protest happening both on and off campus in fact large groups of pro- palestine demonstrators are coming here in support of the students behind me i will step out the way to give you a better view take a look this is what is being called a liberated zone by the students, we have been told that these students will be allowed to continue this process on campus as long as no tents are pitched but as you can see there are still put the of sleeping bags and blankets and people bringing food back and forth we have seen some students who are
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muslim praying we have her chanting and singing from the area of the students do not want to speak with us and this continues after the nypd droves of the nypd officers in the right gear arrested more than 100 students yesterday students who spend more than a day and they have camped out in tents on the lawn on the lawn protesting the conflict in the middle east and demanding the university divest from companies connected to israel the nypd moved in at the university's request after students were given repeated warnings but would not leave most were issued summons for trespassing but according to nypd presented a ilhan omar daughter among those arrested and suspended from school as you can see neil the protests are far from over out here on campus back to you. >> neil: when you don'ts bump into the students there you hear these reports about outsiders coming in and talk to tell i understand but what are you hearing on that front?
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>> i can tell you that the university has capped the premise pretty locked down to everyone except those with a student id and they have tightened security even more today so from what i can tell these are mostly student protesters but certainly again that they feel supported strongly supported by people coming and remaining just outside of the campus chanting and encouraging them to continue what is going on here on this lawn. >> neil: crazier by the minute thank you very much from columbia university we are also joined by a new york post columnist and a part-time student of columbia witnessing this first hand you saw quite a bit didn't you? >> i certainly did that columbia id came in handy i was able to get access to campus when itu ad to go what was effectively and nypd checkpoint in order to get on campus i am taking a night class this semester, my first semester and i had no idea that
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what i was signing up for was a crash course in radicalism, shocking to see 100 of my classmates being arrested by cops in riot gear i witnessed that first-hand it yesterday whose tents were these? >> i have no idea where they are coming from in terms of the reports of outside protesters i've felt it was pretty clear when i was on campus with this checkpoint and plays that the vast majority of the kids there were my fellow students but as soon as he went outside the gates people who were not able to get in i found to be more aggressive heckling me when i walked by by as far as where the tents came from i'm not sure but they were all uniform and seem to be purchased at the same time. >> neil: that's also what i noticed and i was just wondering pitched for what? what are they staying for? it seems like they're camping out for a while. >> and encampment for liberation but i think it's really just more of like display by a bunch
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of kids that feel they need to make a difference but are pretty ineffective at actually doing so i was shocked to see people with lesbians for liberation and queers for palestine posters demonstrating just how little these kids know about how lgbtq people are treated in this area of the world and how these are really misinformed and radical fellow students at unfortunately one of the most elite universities in the countries. >> neil: reminding them what it's like in that part of the world, great reporting make you very much. >> thank you. >> neil: in the meantime we are looking at this how israel itself deals with pr amid what is going on with iran and what can be a very nerve-racking weekend we are on it after this e are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets.
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♪ ♪ >> neil: why did israel hit in iran? lieutenant bob mcginnis knows. u.s. army retired, best-selling author, a scheme for a one world government. always an honor to have you on. there was a strategy to this? >> i think so. the world council in jerusalem, likely a well-informed rabbi looked in the old testament and
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recalled when david was pursued by king saul, and one night while encampment, all of the soldiers were asleep, david snuck into the center where saul was asleep. he grabbed saul's spear and his water jug and then snuck out of camp, stood on a high hill, and then yelled down to the army. he said to abner, the general, you failed to protect your leader, and saul recognized that he could have been dead as a result, and so the message is that your army can't defend you in spite of this. now what the israelis did here in this situation, neil, is they went after isfahan, which is the jewel of all iranian cities, a tourist area, a big mosque and also has a center of its nuclear program, as well as an air force base, and a lot of air defense systems, and so when they went in there and just did a pin
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prank, they were doing exactly what david did to saul years ago and the message hopefully will be, you know, the ayatollah will call off the dogs of war. now do i expect that? maybe not. but it was an interesting strategy. >> neil: do you think iran has been embarrassed to the point it can't and won't do anything right now, colonel? but it sure is contemplating, going back to the good old days of do using proxies to do it. >> that's why we went after a group in syria, the israelis in syria and iraq because the iraqi hezbollah went after tower 22 u.s. americans that were there, and of course the syrians continue to go after us in eastern syria. the fact is that we need to recognize the iranians are going to be bent in a way that is necessary if they feel as if the regime is under jeopardy. remember that the same consulate
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that was just destroyed on the 1st of april by f-35's from the israelis was the place where soleimani jumped into a car and flew over to baghdad, and we put a hellfire missile in his backseat. that sort of response needs to be understood by the senior leadership in iran, and unfortunately i'm not sure that mr. biden has the wherewithal to do precisely that. >> neil: israel did send a clear warning to iran. look what we can do. the next time, we might go a little further. colonel, very powerful, i did not know the biblical reference to which you were alluding. bob mcginnis on all of that, we will be following up with this tomorrow morning. when we raise this with a number of key generals and how far this goes. bill barr a special guest. congressmen where we go next. "the five" now. ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone


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