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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  April 19, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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i am not deterred by threats. we'll do the right thing. >> dana: i heard that he prayed about it. talked with his team about it and decided this was the way to go and also said he was persuaded by the intel that had been provided to him. he has a son going to the naval academy. he would rather have all this taken care of without americans having to get more involved. we'll see what happens on that. >> bill: before we scoot, before we go. these ballerinas could say they broke a leg wednesday outside new york plaza hotel. it set a new guinness world record. >> dana: isn't that beautiful? good job, ladies. you go, girl. another you go, girl. here is harris faulkner. >> harris: perfect on a friday. i needed that. let's begin here.
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israel took aim and fired inside iran and president biden has told both countries don't. his foreign policy is toothless and no one is listening. israel hit iran in retaliation after that islamic terrorist supporting nation launched 300 missiles and drones inside israel last saturday. you will remember president biden reportedly told prime minister netanyahu to take the win after telling the other country don't. no one is listening to him. instead israel, of course, took action. i'm harris faulkner. a united states official said they struck toward an iranian air force 200 miles from tehran. state media there is saying no damage to their facilities. jack keane reacted this way. >> the most important question for the israelis is what do they want to achieve here? i think they made up their mind
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they wanted to achieve a limited narrow attack to de-escalate the situation and would not put pressure on iran to retaliate. that was the objective. it is more symbolic. sending a message to iran. iran knows full well that israel can strike any place inside of iran. >> harris: we're told the u.s. was notified of israel's strike but secretary of state antony blinken says we were not involved as a nation. >> we saw an unprecedented attack on israel. our focus is making sure that israel can effectively defend itself but de-escalating tensions, avoiding conflict and that remains our focus. again, i won't speak to anything other than to say we weren't involved in any offensive operations. >> harris: let's begin with jeff paul in tel aviv with more.
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jeff. >> we're expecting the israeli war cabinet to meet at some point today if they haven't already. the big topic of conversation will be the strike on iran but it's important to point out that 0 official comments have been coming from the israeli government or israeli military regarding this strike on iran and we likely will probably not hear anything on the record at least today regarding this strike. it goes along with the long-term military strategy with israel. they don't comment on strategic strikes. what it does do is send an overall message that israel can hit iran whenever it wants pretty much wherever it wants. this is considered a very specific and targeted strike. it was focused on the central region 200 miles away from tehran and also near a nuclear facility. the site wasn't hit but strike appeared to target a nearby air
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base. iran state media has down played the strike and reported that the explosions heard were the iranian air defense systems responding to three drones. they haven't mentioned a source of the attack. iranian official has reportedly told reuters it has no plans to strike back immediately but listen to what iran's foreign minister had to say when asked about israel during an interview just hours before the israeli strike. >> what will our maximum response be? i can only say that it will be carried out at a maximum level and regretful for them. the details have been planned by the armed forces of my country. >> as far as right here in israel specifically where we're at in tel aviv, life seems to be getting back to normal. people are on the beach. exercising and doing last-minute shopping before shabbat and the passover holiday that starts on
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monday. the u.s. is warning employees and americans in some major cities in israel to maybe not travel outside of those areas until they can assess the situation. harris. >> dana: all right. jeff paul reporting. thank you very much. and we have this breaking news right now. the house currently is taking a test vote for debate on a series of foreign aid bills. now remember, they were all lumped together and speaker mike johnson began taking things apart with a dedicated hope of getting separate aid for israel quickly. because ukraine is part of this, indo-pacific is part of this. he splits it up and doing a test vote whether debate can start on those bills. it looks like that they have the votes for that movement, that process to go forward. so let's get right now to chad pergram who is on the hill.
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this is important in the u.s. house. i would imagine this is also a day filled with angst for speaker mike johnson. it could trigger something else. >> he said just a bit ago that he is not too worried about his job and we'll play that sound bite in a couple of moments. let me walk you through the roll call vote. you need this test vote to bring the foreign age package to the floor. this it didn't pass they couldn't put it on the floor. you have 164 democratic yays. i don't ever recall in all my years covering congress any instances of the minority party voting yes on a test vote to put a bill on the floor, let alone such a staggering number, let alone more votes than the majority party. that has been the criticism of some republicans at mike johnson. he is using democrats to put these bills on the floor. that's a remarkable vote if you look at it.
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it will pass in a few minutes. they will put the overall bill on the floor. they are announcing the vote total now. so they have the votes. this key test vote they have crossed the hurdle and ready to put the individual bills on the floor tomorrow. what this rule does is allows them to debate and vote on an israel bill. ukraine bill, also a taiwan bill and a combination bill for ukraine and also to ban tiktok. they'll do those individually tomorrow. what we're looking for right now is whether or not there will be an effort by marjorie taylor greene to try to remove mike johnson from the speakership. the speaker said he is not worried. listen. >> are you worried about your job? >> i don't worry, i just do my job. i am not deterred by threats. we'll do the right thing. >> they will put the bill on the floor tomorrow.
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what happens is they'll vote on them separately and blend them together as one and what they did on this rule here. kind of a congressional thing where they blend them together and send it to the senate. they have to get through those tomorrow. go back to mike johnson. even if marjorie taylor greene were to put her resolution on the floor today the house might not consider it. why? such resolutions to remove the speaker are privileged. you have to consider it immediately or within two days. if you are mike johnson you might say let's get this ukraine and israel and taiwan money through and if greene wants to come at me we'll deal with it. kevin mccarthy put the bill on the floor to avert a government shutdown and that's when matt gaetz came after him a couple of days later and removed from the speakership in an unprecedented move before the house of representatives. we don't know whether greene will do that or if it will come to that. we may learn something today.
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if it does happen today, that does not necessarily mean they would vote today to remove johnson. >> harris: i want to make sure i get it straight. democrats did something that was unprecedented today. they technically helped this process along and it wasn't a process that they were driving. i just want to get your further reporting on that because that's worth noting. we've been hearing in recent days, as you watch other networks and read other things, we were all taking in information, i hope. what democrats are saying they don't want chaos and going through no speaker. is this an opening salvo that mike johnson might stay in his seat? >> it was a test vote for more than one thing. to get the bill on the floor for international aid tomorrow and also a test vote for mike johnson to see if democrats would be willing to help him.
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it is not designed parley men tearly that way and might not have as many democrats voting to keep johnson in the job. i talked to the democrat from new york said we don't want to penalize somebody doing the right thing. most democrats think passing the foreign aid package especially for ukraine is very important and might be willing to step in and help mike johnson keep his job if push comes to shove. >> harris: interesting. the next test will be do most republicans feel that way or would they back greene? not everybody wants to jump in with more money for ukraine. chad pergram, this news is important and i appreciate you. we're going to get into all of this and more with senator joni ernst, a member of the armed services committee and army combat veteran. she can talk a lot about iran and a lot about israel. we'll move forward with her. first former president trump is back in court.
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this is day four of what is called his hush money trial. 12 jurors and one alternate have been seated. five more jurors are needed at this point so they will have enough alternates. all of that has to happen before opening statements are set to begin. we've been telling you all week long the judge wants that to happen on monday. they have had hiccups trying to choose people and dismissing people off the jury. watch this. >> they have taken away my constitutional rights to speak. that includes speaking to you. i have a lot to say to you and i'm not allowed to say it. >> harris: yeah, i open this hour with saying fairness inside the courtroom, is it even possible for former president trump? bret tollman, former federal prosecutor and former counsel to the senate judiciary committee and former u.s. attorney for utah. with all of that experience,
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will donald trump get a fair trial? >> thanks for having me on. that's the question. right now there is an effort we used to call the crystal ball effort to read the hearts and minds of the people we were putting on a jury. i will tell you this, i have lost my confidence that i was able to predict. i was surprised more often than not. folks that i thought were solidly in our -- on our side in a case i would learn later that they were not. so i think what you do is you put the most intelligent, hardest working people you can on the jury and if you do that, you are going to have a fair chance at them actually working in the jury deliberation room. and that has transcended a lot of the games playing and a lot of the crystal ball effort that you go through trying to select them is that hard working nature. >> harris: were you surprised after the hiccups that we saw,
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96 people times a couple of days. they were looking at nearly 100 people per day. took wednesday off. north of 50% were being kicked out. they seated seven at one point and dismissed two of those they had already confirmed and seated over the idea of impartiality. are you surprised that they seated so many people so quickly yesterday? >> i was not surprised. what really happens in a jury selection is it's not a jury selection, it is actually a jury elimination process. so you are continually filling the jury and then pulling people out. i would expect, harris, that over the next several days, even after trial begins, that you will -- we'll lose a few jurors. you will have jurors have that something come up in their family or some urgent matter and why you see so many alternates.
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it will be practical reasons. after they are seated it will be practical reasons unless something comes to light or discover something on social media or discover something that's very compelling, you won't have it over bias or prejudice. it will be an analysis whether they can serve the remainder of the trial. this will be a very difficult trial. so many people will want to know the identity of these jurors and the level of scrutiny is probably beyond any trial we've had. >> harris: that's unfortunate. as americans at some point in our lives we're called upon to do it and you don't want to put the people in the position they are pressed upon. a forensic view that we needed to have that science lesson on what will happen in the courtroom. thank you very much. have a great weekend. chaos on columbia university's campus after huge anti-israel protests.
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>> what wrong with you? >> harris: who plays tug-of-war with the cops? that's not protesting. the university had to bring in the nypd to arrest more than 100 demonstrators. one of them the daughter of far left so-called squad member democrat ilhan omar. remember her? and her fellow progressives say they are not happy about this. of course they will support her, her daughter. seattle radio host jason rantz in "focus" next. the last three, covid and rising inflation have caused many people to abandon their pets. most pets often land in shelters that euthanize them after just a few days, or they're left homeless wandering the streets. well, we're better than that, my friends. i'm john o'hurley, and i invite you to support puppy food bank with a $15 a month donation.
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[shouting] >> harris: new york police department headquarters getting a taste of some angry protestors when a large crowd showed up at nypd to protest the police for arresting 108 people taking over columbia university. the university called in for help to disband a massive anti-israel protest just a day after the school's president testified on the hill about anti-semitism. watch. >> why are you doing this to me? [shouting] >> you stop, you stop. you stop!
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>> harris: oh my gosh. police charged the students with trespassing and two of them with obstructing law enforcement. the mayor and the nypd commissioner described a very chaotic scene. >> 500 students left their classrooms and telling us we're the kkk, we should go kill ourselves, we're baby killers, and everything else you can imagine. it was sad, very sad to see. >> you should not be using inflammatory comments like we saw. it was very vile. some of the comments that were made. our institutions, i believe, should use this moment as teaching moment. >> harris: they came out of the classroom to do that. mayor, they aren't interested in a teaching lesson. among those arrested the daughter of minnesota congresswoman ilhan omar was scene right on that columbia campus. that is not her school. here she is after she was
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released smiling and hugging her friends. she does not go to columbia, as i mentioned. she was suspended from her own school barn hard college. omar's fellow squad members were angry. bowman said suspending omar's daughter was a political reprisal. tlaib called the arrest appalling. i have to imagine, i know your show and done it myself as a guest. been on. you got a lot of response. i'm first curious to know what are people saying that you've been talking with? >> the folks i talk with are noting number one, these are professional social justice martyrs. they like to be victimized and show up and go over the top with the expectation they'll get arrested, pretend it wasn't the expectation and then use this as a moment to radicalize other younger people usually disillusioned youth upset about their job prospects right out of college to join this movement.
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at the end of the day when you start paying attention to some of the language it is not merely anti-israel. these are anti-cap tallists taking advantage. it's like the antifa movement. you have the ones that escalate the violence and get what they portray to be an overreaction from police and the next day and next day and next day they start to see what they can do. they start to test it out. if the nypd in this case or police departments anywhere else, if they don't push back immediately for the law breaking what will end up happening is they will have momentum on the activist side and start to spiral until we get to another summer of love. we saw this unravel already. it's following the same script. >> harris: you mean summer of love? you can see somebody like a lore eye lightfoot, former mayor of chicago, you can see leadership
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on the far left saying just work it out and not arresting these people? that cannot be in our future, jason. >> i certainly hope it is not. let's be clear it was in our past. >> harris: recent past. >> yes, a large massive movement with a demographic that democrats need to hang onto if they want to win this next presidential election. so you have the politics bumping up against the public safety issues. i do think that enough of these lawmakers who are democrats. i don't think dem do not like jews. i think the progressive movement is. you have to rely on that movement to stay in power you have to make tough choices. i only hope that unlike what they did during blm they mark the smart political and public safety choices. >> harris: the progressive left that are trafficking in anti-semitism. they are. they're utilizing it to get what
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they want. right now they want to push on the moderates in their democratic party to bend their way. ilhan omar's daughter. your quick thought. a legacy of hate against jews at this point. you have her mom and the comments she made that are anti-semitic and her daughter and a crowd yelling for hamas. turn up the volume on some of that stuff. it's in english. >> i'm assuming she is very proud of her daughter right now. this is precisely the kind of kid she raised. the kid who fights for hamas, pretends that -- >> harris: at least is in a crowd who is. >> she is on that side. if you were someone who wanted to take a nuanced position and wanted a conversation about israel's response but when you show up to crowds that are screaming about an intifada, screaming that they side with hamas, the crowd that is saying iran was right to strike over the last weekend, i think that
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says more about the individual than it does about this entire movement they might want to say they are a part of. these are people who are radical. end of story. it isn't that difficult to understand. the people on the nuanced and showing up. >> harris: doctor king didn't protest like this. none of this is feeding the palestinian people. i want to get this in. we had senator ron johnson of wisconsin talking about this yesterday. let's watch. >> what troubles me is the double standard. we have at least a duel system of justice. in this case this free speech is completely allowed. can you imagine if these were people with red maga hats on blocking highways? the left wing protestors, pro-hamas group. we have left wing groups bailing them out if there is any kind of
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arrest. >> harris: jason, your last thoughts. >> he is 100% correct. what is important for folks to pay attention to is not necessarily the arrests but whether or not they get charged and when they get charged go forward a few weeks are there plea deals and get pled to a miss demeanor that doesn't matter. they won't spend any time in jail but hit with a severe enough penalty where it serves as a disincentive for other people in the group? since i doubt that will happen, what i'm all about is naming and shaming. the people who end up getting arrested, ones saying the most vicious comments, let's name them. let's tell the world who they are and they can stand with anti-semitism or go down with the ship. >> harris: good luck finding jobs in the future. it is all on video. jays an rantz, thank you. new data show a shocking number of gang-related apprehensions at the southern border and fueling deeper concern about illegal immigrant crime in the united
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states. plus president biden under fire for, quote, weakness on iran. >> we have to have a clear leadership on the world stage right now. i don't think we have it. the concern is we're allowing iran to function as a country which directly weaponizes hamas and hezbollah against the state of israel. >> harris: well, biden's critics say he is caving to calls from the far left and he needs to be tougher on iran. i wonder if he is listening? iowa senator and army combat veteran joni ernst in "focus" next. - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs,
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president biden reportedly had told israel to take the win. we've been reporting that for days. after iran last saturday targeted the jewish state with missiles and drones. so is this back and forth now between those nations leading the middle east into a wider war? how would it affect us? senate republicans are accusing the white house of being too soft on crime by iran, you might say. >> president biden is consistently failed to push back on the iranian regime. >> the parade -- >> make no mistake, iran is not deterred. it is actually emboldened. >> harris: "new york post" opinion piece with this headline. instead of pushing regime change in israel biden should purchase port it in iran. every approach to curtailing iran from its threat and
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behavior toward israel and other countries has failed. the future u.s. administration can make it clear to israel that america supports undermining and overthrowing the tehran dictatorship. army combat veteran and senator joni ernst, thank you for being on the program today. first of all, are we inching our way closer to a wider war in the middle east? >> that's not a foregone conclusion, harris. what we do know is that israel, when they were attacked over the weekend by iran, saw the response from a number of other arab countries that actually stepped up to defend their own airspace and israel's interests. so i am with israel, i am thankful they did strike iran. they retaliated just as they should. but what iran needs to keep in mind is that there is a very
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strong group of arab nations that do support israel. they don't agree with the attacks by hamas on october 7th. they are in the abraham accords. we know that saudi arabia is trying to move forward with their own plans with israel to strengthen ties. so i think iran needs to be very careful about this. they need to think carefully. but president joe biden has got to step up. he can't continue to appease iran. >> harris: so far he only knows f four words, don't and take the win. what does it do when you tell an ally to just take it when the enemy hits it? >> it is unacceptable in my opinion. president joe biden shouldn't be bowing down to the iranian regime. he shouldn't be telling the israelis how they should be fighting their war. what he should be doing is saying israel, we will stand
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shoulder to shoulder with you whatever you need we're on call. so we haven't seen that but my message from congress and from many of my colleagues both democrat and republican is that we stand with israel. we will always stand with israel. >> harris: is it complicated for the president now with the protestors in the streets calling him all sorts of names like genocide joe? we saw an uncommitted vote in michigan. the politics of this for president biden, are they dicey or is the actual right thing to do pretty easy and maybe he should take the win? >> right. the right thing to do, harris, is always easy. but, of course, president joe biden is not choosing to do the right thing. when you do the right thing, you have a clear conscience. he is bowing down to all of these far-left extremists that are now even saying we are hamas. this again is unacceptable.
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this is america. we don't allow terrorism to reign. joe biden has to step up. the problem is he is so weak. he is weak on the world stage and now we see exactly what we as republicans have known for a very long time is that he is also weak domestically. so this is a great opportunity coming up in november. we do need to see a change in administration. we did not see these same issues in the previous administration under president donald trump. we need a strong leader right now, joe biden doesn't fit the bill. >> harris: you mention the abraham accords. they happened under trump. one of the few things biden hasn't touched. we'll see what happens. u.s. border patrol reports more than 9600 criminal arrests at the southern border since october 1st. more than 270 have been tied to international gangs. look at that.
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the f.b.i. director said they are closely tracking a particular venezuelan gang. let's watch that. >> what is the the f.b.i. doing to combat the rise in trans national criminal organizations specifically the venezuelan gang? >> so we are tracking that particular gang, tda as we refer to it. we have safe streets, violent gang task forces in all 56 of our field offices. >> harris: the so-called tda gang is linked to the killer of laken rile'. josh hawley grilled mayorkas about that suspect. >> do you know what he did. >> i know what he is accused of doing. >> which is? >> murdering a young woman. >> that wasn't the first crime that he committed in this
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country, was it? >> senator, as i have articulated previously i am not going to speak about the facts of the case. i will not speak to the particulars of the case given the pending criminal prosecution. >> you certainly of course you don't want to because it is an absolutely indictment of your policy. >> harris: he is charged with violent crimes. every death caused by an illegal is easily preventable is the headline. we're scrolling them now. senator. >> failures. this administration. what we saw demonstrated by the lack of a trial this week with the impeachment articles of secretary mayorkas being dismissed by the democratic leader chuck schumer, it tells me that not only is the biden administration failing, but they
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are also pushing this on the democrats in the senate just to ignore any facts that might be relevant to our southern border and any sort of criminality that is occurring because of the illegals streaming into the united states. we have an issue with fentanyl and foreign terrorists and foreign gangs but they refuse to do anything about it. >> harris: why wouldn't they want us to know, though? we american citizens are outnumb period at the border with people coming through. we aren't able to vet the ones we want to vet and you have more than a million who sneaked in. >> absolutely, harris. and this is an embarrassment to the democrats and, of course, it is an election year. they do not want to have to respond to any of the evidence that was brought forward from those impeachment articles into a trial in the united states senate. so effectively what leader
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schumer and democrats did we don't have to do the constitutional duty and we will pretend this crisis doesn't exist. >> harris: senator joni ernst from the great state of iowa. thank you for your time. new fox polls show president biden and former president trump are locked in tight races this key battleground states especially in pennsylvania. that's where we know president biden has picked up an endorsement from the kennedys in a snub to their relative r.f.k., jr. >> in 2024 are there only two candidates with any chance of winning the presidency. >> harris: team biden working hard. he got on the ballot in a key battleground state. the power panel next with a great debate. ♪
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>> harris: president biden and former president trump are battling it out in battleground states and the polling brand-new from fox news is all showing that they are tied in pennsylvania and wisconsin and trump leads in georgia and
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michigan. now, when you factor in robert f. kennedy, jr. to the mix, biden makes some gains in the states where they are tied. take a look at your screen. trump's lead widens in the states where he is already winning. what does r.f.k. bring to the table? the kennedy family endorsed him in a show of force against r.f.k., jr. >> we want to make crystal clear our feelings the best way forward tore america is to reelect joe biden and kamala harris to four more years. that's right, the kennedy family endorses joe biden. >> harris: however, the biden campaign still has some deep concerns about r.f.k., jr.'s campaign. leaving nothing to chance biden and his allies seek to hobble
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r.f.k., jr. a report from battleground pennsylvania today. >> democrats fear r.f.k., jr.'s name recognition could hurt president biden like deep blue cities. no coincidence the biden campaign chose fillee to bring out six family members to endorse biden on stage. actually r.f.k., jr. could help biden lose pennsylvania. in a two-way race president biden and former president trump are tied. when you add r.f.k., jr., donald trump pulls ahead in pennsylvania by two points. yesterday president biden wrapped up his eighth visit to pennsylvania this year in his three-day tour he went to a world war ii memorial in scranton to pay respects to his uncle. his uncle dad forced to ditch the army air force plane that
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crashed off the coast of new guinea in the ocean but president biden said his uncle could have been eaten by cannibals. >> president biden: he got shot down in new guinea. they never found his body because there were a lot of cannibals in new guinea. >> you saw him at the war memorial. very emotional and important to him. >> the three-day tour also included a moment at the podium where biden seemed a bit confused and a stage moment at a wawa that critics found awkward. 55% of pennsylvania voters think biden does not have the mental soundness to serve effectively. it is concern enough for the biden campaign to release a state-wide ad called sharp. >> i love to tell the story meeting president biden. when you meet him this guy is as
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sharp as a knife. >> r.f.k., jr. has now qualified to be on the ballot in nine states including battleground michigan. >> harris: great report. thank you very much. the power panel now. let's have a great debate. tammy bruce, fox news contributor. david carlucci, former new york state senator. explain it to me, tammy. eight visits to pennsylvania for biden. >> when you are the incumbent and these are supposed to be not battleground states, right? you were elected because you were completely different from trump and you were going to bring everybody back to normal. but there are things he can't overcome. his presence is not going to make the difference. he wouldn't have to go to pennsylvania eight times if he actually wasn't destroying the economy, if there was actually action to secure the border. these are very basic things that americans now have already looked at and decided. what's is interesting with the kennedy dynamic, it is not about
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personalities really at this point. it is who will help us not get into world war iii. who will close the border and who will fix the economy? >> harris: how worried are democrats on biden's team of r.f.k., jr. when you trot out his family. >> we need to be concerned. every poll is neck-and-neck between trump and biden. every vote will be so critical this election. more so than ever. i think it is important that voters know who r.f.k., jr. really is. not only did his family endorse joe biden, but more crushing to him is all his environmental colleagues that he worked with in the past, the national resource defense council put out a letter condemning him and saying he is more damaging to the environment because he is denying science and he will be a spoiler for joe biden and help donald trump who is --
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>> i was a democrat and been on the left for a long time. it highlights how the left be trays its own. when the establishment status quo is at stake you will be dropped. you will be abandoned and that's what happened. >> if you fall away from the policy. >> harris: how many of the people he is shedding among young people care about the kennedys? they care about r.f.k., jr. because he is talking about issues they care about. i don't know if kerry kennedy moves the needle. >> nobody knows him. they just know the name. >> harris: when you start naming people that people know -- >> they know his name but his policies are another thing. >> harris: why was the formerly owned twitter trying to take stuff down about the vaccines he was saying? why was that? some of those things were true. people did have doubts. what was going on at the wuhan lab? he brought about a conversation
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and questions that certain people wanted to shut down. president biden is also losing support from another key demographic. i just mentioned them, young people. according to a new poll biden leads trump 56-37 among likely voters age 18 to 29. that margin 19 points. at the same time in 2020 biden led by 30 points, double digits. we're tight, ten words from each. >> this is an indication a massive swing. 30 to 19 is a dynamic that you cannot reverse. people have made up their mind. they don't like what is happening. >> i think a lot of these voters have not really made up their mind yet but voicing frustration but not a binary choice. we're 200 days away. they will lean towards biden. >> it's a 45-point swing, deer. >> harris: we ended with a deer, dear. "outnumbered" next.
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