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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  April 19, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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retaliatory strike again iran overnight. so far, no comment from tel aviv but we know iran's nuclear facilities are secure. you are watching "fox & friends" on this friday morning. >> todd: the biden administration, the source had notified before the straight but not involved. >> another response from both sides where tit for tat is a dangerous game. but they were doing it in a somewhat calculated way to not escalate things beyond what they already did. so i think we need to be looking at how can we actually try to gain additional peace. what we don't want is full out regional war but it is about understanding the diplomacy and what is needed to continue our efforts. >> todd: madeleine rivera standing by with more washington on that. an expert analysis but we began with jeff paul live in tel aviv, jeff. >> good morning, there has been
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a lot of building tension over the last couple of days as this region really waited to see how israel would respond to that unprecedented attack by iran last saturday. we didn't know what it would look like in what would happen and some people yesterday thinking it was not going to happen until after the upcoming passover holiday. we now know according to fox news military source that israel is responding to iran with these very targeted and specific strikes in the esfahan region. that is roughly 200 miles away from the iranian capital of tehran. this is significant because not only is it close to the capital, but also near the nuclear facility. we should mention the site was not hit in the strike appeared to target the nearby iranian airbase. but really clearly shows that israel has the capabilities to hit this area and hit it when it wants to. as it stands, iranian media has been downplaying the strike. i haven't reported damage from
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the strike or direct impact. relieves only comments we heard from iran, there were explosions heard and that was caused by iran's air defense and intercepted three drones and it has not identified a potential source of this strike. in fact images from state media and iran appeared to show life resuming back to normal after there were some flights canceled in the early morning hours. so far, no comments from the israelis. we are learning by reuters, senior iranian official said iran has no plans to strike back immediately. back out here live in tel aviv, life appears to be resuming. normally, traffic is flowing and people are shopping ahead of the sabbath. we should mention that the u.s. embassy in jerusalem has put out a warning to its people here in tel aviv and throughout the greater israel area to stay close to the major cities they
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are in and don't venture out your also, putting out a general warning to americans brought to israel to pay attention what is going on right now in the middle east. a back to you. >> todd: jeff paul live in tel aviv, thank you. madeleine rivera has more from washington. >> good morning, carley and todd as we wait for official response from the white house, we can report government source tells fox that was not involved in an israeli strike in u.s. given the usa heads up. israel had promised it would act after iran's attack last weekend and urge for strength in the middle east. iran's foreign minister told the white house if israel retaliated, the response would be decisive, definitive and regretful for them. but the hope is retaliation was limited in nature, this could help bring down the temperature in the region. the white house has been struggling to walk a fine line. president biden told israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu the u.s.
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would participate counteroffensive if launched again iran. at the same time iterating support for israel's defense. cia director bill burns s attac. >> >> carley: was fired of 330 missile drones combined. it turned out to be a spectacular failure and of those missiles only four or five actually impacted israel and none of them did significant damage. >> there could be political ramifications for president biden. the president has seen erosion support against progressives incensed about handling of the war in gaza. he's been met by pro-palestinian protesters at every campaign event. most recently in pittsburgh and philadelphia this week. he will be speaking at a conference for construction and main steelworkers today and we will see if he has comments then about the incident that took place overnight. carley and todd to. >> carley: madeleine rivera, thank you. let's bring in former trumpet
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aid john elliott, john, good morning to you. success could mean different things when it comes to something like this, but do you think the strike was the right thing for israel to do? would you characterize it as successful? >> absolutely, carley. good morning. it was absolutely successful from israel standpoint because number one, they had to respond. they did so because politically they just could not allow iran to have a direct threat on even though a direct success threat on their soil. they had to respond. this was a message they sent of will and capability. they have the will to strike iran when they need to and the capability to do so. that is why this is well-crafted. but they did is attacked deep in iran and attacked a city that has the biggest nuclear facility in a town that sits right next to it.
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what they were saying is, "look, what we need you to know this is we have the billing capability to attack you at any time so don't cross any lines ever again in terms of striking us on their territory." >> todd: john, to your point, does this mean that this is the end that both israel and iran have gotten a off-ramp that they wanted? where is this just the beginning? >> no, todd, what i think is this is something where there is status quo on both sides that neither side wants to cross. iran demonstrated that it is willing, once again, a capability message from their standpoint, they have the will to attack israel directly, which is something that has never happened before. second is they have the capability to do so. on the other side, once again, israel sending very strong signal because deep into iran right in the middle of the country and right next to its most important strategic facility, which is the nuclear facility.
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right now, look, it is like on a schoolyard where you have two bullies that each show they have strength in that they have the will and that now neither side wants to go beyond that. because it will result in something neither side wants to see happen. >> carley: let's talk about president biden for a moment because it was big news his initial reaction when he had the phone call with prime minister benjamin netanyahu after saturday attempt at strikes with 300 strikes that iran tried to lunch and israel's direction. the president's response was "don't retaliate. take the win that this, you were able to defend yourself again so strikes." israel did not heed that advice. what does that say about our president, our relationship with israel, and his foreign policy reaction? >> well on the number one, carley, he should have never telegraphed what he is saying to be privately pure that is a big mistake for for president biden to say that out loud about,
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hey, we will tell them to not retaliate. but too, a rebuke to what biden said publicly or what he leaked publicly is negative. we will make our own decision on retaliation and in a spot where you had to retaliate because he had to demonstrate that will and capability not just to iran but also to his populace, who is really know somebody strong has their back and is not going to and allow an attack like saturd. >> todd: john elliott from amazing insight, we appreciate as always, sir, thank you very much. the strike trick again iran a broader conflict at a time of the white house juggling two major wars overseas, one in ukraine and one gaza. is the u.s. prepared to respond to what happens next? >> carley: rebekah koffler, former intel, is here to tell us next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ speak with a biden administration we have seen since he came into office, they are not more fires and they are not good at diplomats here and so they will do whatever is politically best. if that means not attacking or not carrying out any type of
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offensive action on iran if need be, that is what they will do. >> carley: israel's war cabinet expected to meet after the country carried out retaliatory strike on iran overnight. >> todd: former u.s. defense of intel and managing editor, cut to the news, rebekah koffler, rebekah, right before you, we basically talked about the political side of all of the spirit i want to talk about military capabilities, iranian aspect. is the u.s. prepared to respond to a situation involving iran, involving israel in light the white house is juggling two wars, one in gaza adjacent to the general area, and one in ukraine. >> well, good morning from the military and weapons standpoint, the u.s. is definitely prepared to. what does it mean? we absolutely have the capability to do it. we have the best were fighting because military history. the question is, do we have the
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political will and the current administration, team biden, 100% does not have such a will. in fact, they told benjamin netanyahu they will not support israeli operation. so, the question is did that affect affect benjamin netanyahu's decision calculus when the israelis launched this very limited but yet very sophisticated counterstrike? i do believe it did affect that decision calculus. >> carley: the foreign minister told cnn last night if taking further action against iran, the response would be immediate and maximum level and hours later, the strike occurred. will there be iranian response, rebekah? >> well, >> carley:s are smart, there will not be a response because look at how sophisticated the israeli operation was. it didn't go for the kill.
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they didn't cause or call unacceptable the image to just have iran knock it off, right? which they could have because they have the capability. what they did is they struck the targets. in the province where the iran's nuclear facility is. so this was strategic signaling campaign that told iran, if you keep climbing the escalation ladder, you are going to find out what is coming. and israel definitely has the capability to ratchet up the conflict. very, very high, and to inflict that unacceptable message but they didn't. iranian regime seems to have read the message quite correctly because they have toned down the damage. >> todd: you are an intel officer. what is the intel community in
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the u.s. looking for in the days, weeks, months to come following this back-and-forth between iran and israel? >> here are the things that we typically follow. first and foremost, they were as a battle damage assessment is done right now. what actually -- what kind of damage israelis have been able to achieve? we also are monitoring the communications obviously, both within israel and within israeli command and control, senior leadership, and the same for hamas. we started for b12 leadership. as well as iranian process. okay? we also are monitoring what we call indications and warnings. and in a kind of impending escalation whether inside iran my inside israel or anywhere
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around the world. because iran, typical doctrine is they use proxy forces and they just targets outside of israel. so, the counterattack from tehran if, in fact to come, my intelligence tells me it will be even more limited, and it is not going to be inside israel, if at all. >> carley: rebekah, that could come possibly in the form of hezbollah on the northern border with lebanon. that could be a real threat to israel as something if you speak to somebody connected to the idea but that is a real concern for them. so far, israel is not jumped into the war at capacity that is as concerning as it could be pure at about following the strike by israel, do you think t will take place? >> it may. israel definitely is trying to keep this conflict under wraps.
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just below the threshold of a full, kinetic, massive type of on scale operations. because neither side is interested in that spirit but at the same time, it is trying to calibrate its response in a way that it sends a very clear message to tehran. because remember, its nuclear program is effectively de facto operational. the breakdown of the breakout time right now is zero days for that operation capabilities. imagine that instead of the head drones and 300 missiles that iran did use last week to st strike inside israel's homeland. if they put a nuclear warhead on that, right -- >> carley: that is a major concern for. >> you have to be very, very careful, and israel is doing exactly that. >> carley: for an important
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warning from you rebekah koffler, we have to leave it there. thank you so much beer of the u.s. traveling to mike telling e u.s. embassy. >> todd: here to tell us what the movements like there now.
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(♪) you were made to dream about it for years. we were made to help you book it in minutes. ♪ ♪ >> carley: the u.s. embassy is telling employees and their family is to exercise caution after israel carried out a strike on iran. restricted personal travel outside of tel aviv, jerusalem until further notice. rabbi served as a senior advisor to donald trump's ambassador to israel and is live near tel aviv right now. rabbi, good morning to you. what is the mood like in jerusalem or israel right now, following the strike last night? >> the mood i think is quietly confident. there were two different things and israel in terms of how things are going, number one the amount of leaks coming from the
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government, which traditionally leaks like a sea of and whether schools are in session were not there the last eight hours, the government has not taken anything and the schools are in session. so when those things happen, the government is satisfied going about the business i should be. >> carley: speaking of leaks, rabbi, the news we have been getting through reports possibly through israel itself is that the strike was not going to happen for some time. even after israel launched its ground him patient into rafah. but it took place last night. do you think that was by design by israel to sort of muddy the waters in terms of timeline for the strike and if so, why? >> absolutely. i think most of the time the reporters declare to tell you something for the security cabinet. the israeli security cabinet wants you to think that way. therefore, thinking the attack would happen after passover,
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perhaps delayed until after the gaza war was completed was a fake in order to have iran relaxed a little bit. the ultimate success over here is that israel was able to demonstrate to the iranian leadership that they can it anywhere in a any time and iran and they won't see it coming. >> carley: are you worried there will be retaliatory strike by iran in israel? no, today i am not because mostly iran's declaring to the people there is no strike. they have news trucks driving around the city showing no explosions. therefore setting up a situation that they can claim there was an attempt by israel not done by iranian air defenses and they can sort of reset. iran does not want a full-scale war against israel. when they saw israel together, the united states of america standing up against their attack, my guess is iran a soft
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target for the next, i don't know 4-6 weeks and perhaps america or some jewish gathering in western new york. >> carley: rabbi, "the wall street journal" reported yesterday the white house is renewing their push for israel to normalize relationships with saudi arabia. in order for that to happen, israel will have to agree to palestinian statehood here a two-part question here, what dos palestinian statehood actually ? and also what you think about this possible deal overall normalization of relations with saudi arabia, which is something that they would want in exchange for palestinian statehood to? >> i spent most of my time focusing on normalization in the middle east him there will be peace and prosperity. the questions, how will that come about? with the biden administration we are looking at 300 plus track record failure after failure on
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policies and especially foreign policy. why do we think they would get this particular deal correct? israel wants to make peace with saudi spirit and saudi would like to normalize relationship h israel. all the rest of the stuff that the u.s. has introduced to this deal will just muddy the water, make the relationship more challenging, and allow the palestinians, who should not have equal progress not only detailed progress, poet perhaps positive statement in order to destroy the path to normalcy and normalization thro throughout te middle east. >> carley: rep i think you for joining us right outside of tel aviv this morning. we appreciate your perspective as always. >> thank you. >> carley: you very welcome. cold iran attack on israel a pretty significant failure. >> todd: dan hoffman a cia chief and now fox news contributor, dan joins us now, and how do you assess his religious response based on limited information we know right now?
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>> well, there is very limited information right now. we caution the viewers, this is just may be the initial response. it might not be the only response from israel. what we know at this point is targets were struck in the city of isfahan, known for having iranian military base as well as iranian nuclear facility and missile production ability. but the details as you noted are sketchy because israel is not commenting on them yet. it does demonstrate israel has penetrated iran's air defenses and successfully launched a totality or a strike. whether this is the end of it or not, iran is downplaying the strike and saying it is drones when it appears it is more than that. we will have to wait and see. but the situation in the middle east, i would argue, it is still very much at a nice edge, more so than ever arguably before.
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>> carley: so dan, if israel reached iran, they would have to go through jordanian, saudi arabian, iraqi airspace? does that mean those countries were alerted to israel's plan in advance, possibly signed off on it? if so, what does that mean? >> well, i'm sure those are questions that the israeli defense force will be answering potentially in the coming hours or days here could be just don't know all of those details. it is difficult to speculate right now. we do know those sunni gulf states are very, very concerned about iran's lipstick missile program, their nuclear program and they were support, material support to proxy terrorists in the region. so, they have, in the past, and most recently during iran's massive strike on israel saturday night provided israel with some assistance.
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they just don't want it to be public knowledge out of concern for their own populations and antipathy towards israel. that is the challenge there that those governments face. >> todd: we have been talking for the first 90 minutes about the region in the middle east. and we spoke with a rabbi and he would not be surprised to see iran do a proxy attack gathering. and in south america. but dan, are you a concern in any way, shape, or form here in the homeland of any kind of response to the strike mark >> yeah mom always concerned. that is why intelligence matters. we need to be tracking it and i'm sure we are, full-court press on the proxy terrorists potential sleeper cells in the united states around the world darkening u.s. persons and installations here are the way we stop those taxes collecting intelligence on them before they take place and preempting them effectively. israel does that on a regular
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basis. but we also think they have to be concerned about al qaeda and isis. both of those terrorist groups enjoy open field running in afghanistan, the likes of which we haven't seen before 9/11. so as director ray, emphasized the united states arguably at risk now more than ever before in recent memory to terrorist attack. so you are right to emphasize this and fewer should know as always, look if you see something say something pure to go to your state, federal, local law enforcement and tell them what you are seeing so they can factor that into plans to protect our citizens. >> carley: we have debt to israel and death to america chance and pro-hamas from the golden gate bridge to columbia new york. how can you not be concerned? dan, thank you for joining us. fox news alert, secretary blinken and italy moments from now and we are watching to see if he addresses israel strike on iran overnight. >> todd: and oil prices up,
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you have down of a strike, no surprise there. and here to tell us how this could impact global economy. at . mom made this. umm, i... added the garnish. stay twice and get a free night when you book direct.
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♪ ♪ >> todd: happening today former president donald trump's hush money trail resumes a few hours from now pure 12 person
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jury and one swore in yesterday but five more alternates are needed. here is what the former president is saying. >> a different place to campaign, but i've been here all day on a trial that is a unfair trial. legal experts saying, this is not a case. the case is ridiculous. >> todd: opening statements could begin as soon as monday. >> carley: here we go again, new legislation tiktok is back on capitol hill, and it could become a law as soon as next week. the law could be on the app in the u.s. if it doesn't cut ties with china-based parent company. house republican leaders included in a package and wednesday, would send to ukraine in israel since passing into hill march, widespread support in both chambers.
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and ilhan omar daughter releaser arrested during anti-israel protest at columbia university yesterday. >> todd: brooke singman has more. >> congresswoman ilhan omar's daughter facing trespassing charges after 1 100 anti-israel protesters to be an arrested columbia university camp of the spirit she has since been up from the college for refusing to leave campus after receiving a warning from senior staff. in response to the warning, she says "those of us and because of solidarity encampment will not be intimidated. we will stand resolute until the demands are met." protesters a makeshift encampment on the university for more than 30 hours and eventually the president turned to the nypd for help saying, the massive crowd was interfering with school operations. watch this. [screaming]
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>> they were handcuffed and loaded into corrections buses which were immediately blocked by even more protesters, todd and carley, b back to you. >> todd: brooke singman, back to you but a fox news alert already on the rise as israel reporter retaliatory wrist rake the mic strike on iran. >> carley: hi, cheryl. >> the initial reports of the strike happen and that is when you saw particular 4% backed off of that but still, the domestic contract still down triple digits on the dow jones and traders are nervous. we expect the market is really counterstrike again iran. we are also saying the dollar strengthened, the parenchyma they can. people are looking for safety. okay, that escalation is truly going down the road as it might be, then let's be careful but traders also look to the comments by iranian news agency where they kind of downplay the strike by israelis and that
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brought the oil markets off of their eyes overnight. so we will see where things go. but remember the rise in oil producer in march this year that produced 3.2 million barrels per day. and you know, not just the oil production facilities that israeli could strike iran pier that is another concern as well. another issue from markets right now, what happens if more blockage of these tankers that have to find alternate routes. that is an inflation story for this country. remember cpi in march, 3.5% fear of the headline number energy, gasoline prices, aaa today and e average national price for a gallon of gas 3.6%. excuse me $3.68, excuse me. all of this plus high interest rate environment is kind of adding to this big soup, if you will love concern when it comes to the market here the other thing is the global supply chain. people talk about that and we
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see with the houthis rebels in the red sea going after cargo vessels and not just israel bound ship going after u.s. ship, u.k. ship spirit if that escalates, that is another play that iran has appeared may be you are not doing direct counterstrike against israel, but you are going after the ships and that is how you do it through the proxies. remember this is a monetary story. the one thing i will say and we will see that antony blinken will speak in the next hour is that the saudis and the u we do not want this escalation of this conflict. it is one thing to have a smaller regional conflict i'm a bit if you are opec plus, which includes russia, you don't want to see an escalation because of what it will do to the global oil market. so i know there's a lot of tentacles in this, but you have to take all of these factors as we go to the summer season in
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this country to figure out where we will be pure to buy the way, we already heard from the biden administration yesterday, president biden will keep gasol. how are we going to do that? is that through diplomacy? is that through back channeling it with benjamin netanyahu? i don't know. >> todd: the strategic reserve and what is left. >> caback to the top story, isrs carrying out a retaliatory strike again iran overnight. we still have not heard from tel aviv or received official statement from the white house we were to be could hear from secretary of of state, antony blinken as he prepares to step up to the podium and italy. mark taupe a national security foreign policy expert, colonel jonathan sweet serve 30 years as intel officer. both gentlemen joining me now, mark is this one and done by israel or setting the stage for
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further action? >> good morning, todd appeared it appears to be one and done right now but as previous guests were sagging, dan hoffman my highly suspect there is something more to come and we will be finding that out in the days ahead. but i think what we are seeing higher altitude is this is a perfect storm in the making for a long time beginning with afghanistan and permissive environment president biden tried to create with chaotic and frankly premature withdrawal from it to now what we are seeing is fear of escalation and not wanting to see things escalate in ukraine and the middle east is actually leading to the escalation that he so fears. ukraine, we saw that oct october 7th. and then again, this last saturday. so, interesting point, it may be
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one in ten right now from israel standpoint. but the middle east is in a dangerous position at this point largely because president biden has created this word i would add one last point here that one of the things that we need to be looking at is connecting the dots here but this isn't happening in a vacuum. it is happening because china, russia, north korea as well as iran is acting as acts of evil. it is all coming together to put the middle east and this dangerous situation that we are in and they are operating together and it is time for the u.s. to start pushing back and say, hey we will lean into when a now and no more perpetuity. >> todd: earlier joe biden told benjamin netanyahu, take the win and don't do anything. obviously benjamin netanyahu ignoring that by jonathan want to show you a brand-new report we got seconds ago, "the wall street journal" saying
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joe biden is $1 billion in new arms for israel. the largest transfer to that country since october seven, 2023 and what is your reaction to that, jonathan? >> my reaction is it's about time. it is about time that the folks in congress passed the funding bill -- >> todd: right, and understand his shot is frozen. mark, can you pick up that question what do you make of this $1 billion in israel that i asked jonathan about! >> it is needed in late in coming and israel is fighting a war on multiple fronts right now. and they are fighting a war that has to be won in the gaza strip you are the u.s. has been doing its best or i should say biden is doing his best to tamp down on that leaving hamas which is
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crazy because the gaza strip has to be rebuilt and you don't want hamas sticking around to be the ones to do it. we will look at rinse and repeat situation. from the standpoint, israel needs the money, weapons, and the capabilities to put an end back hamas as well as to do to her if not destroy it if necessary as the law and lebanon and take on iran as needed as special as the nuclear program and nuclear break out in terms of ability to produce bombs, which they may already be there and draws near your car there was a lot of things going on now. $1 billion strengthening may not be enough where there is a potential big war happening in the middle east that we, as a country, need to be leaning into to make sure we wanted. >> todd: jonathan my belief we have your shot back and i want to lean in as your military officer. what do you expect to see on the streets of iran today?
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>> i think what we will see on the streets of iran's messaging. the iranian government will say they defeated is really attacked and they will be pushing citizens to get out and protest to say that so that is what we will see but in reality it was a message, a strong message sent and the leadership will tried to push that away. and say that there is a victory. >> todd: but clearly, if you can touch the iranian nuclear sites at will like israel demonstrator last night, apparently that it can my do not think that is cause for celebration if you are the mola os they were a bit cause for celebration for >> carley: people if the ouster of those molas. mark, jonathan, thank you for your insight pure to be appreciated. as i mentioned none of the nuclear facilities were impacted by israel strike overnight but sends the signal tullibe could hit them if they want to.
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florida congressman and green beret michael waltz here next. >> carley: and a look what is coming up on "fox & friends," hi, steve. >> we are doing exactly what you are doing and covering israel's retaliatory strike in iran all morning long on "fox & friends." if you are just waking up, israel launched attack just hours after good morning from iran that their response will be much harsher at this time. and former state special envoy deputy, ellie cohan and who came to the united states as a refugs what israel is up against. with over 45,000 american troops still in the middle east, how should the united states and allies respond? pete hegseth will break it down. this comes as reports israel would not strike until after passover, which hasn't happened yet. retired navy seal officer makes a really on the effectiveness of a surprise attack.
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plus anti-israel protesters at columbia and other news, 100 of them arrested and google employees, 28 of them fired after office protest over the company's ties to israel. journalist and author, says america's private institutions are finding their backbone but there is still a lot more they have to do. plus insight from general jack keane we will hear general rob spalding and journalist and activist so stick with fox news all morning long for the latest for the hits in iran. todd and carley, back to you. ♪ ♪ after 30 years of research, brain scientists have discovered the key factors that can cause mental decline in memory issues and a breakthrough solution.
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be. >> todd: anthony blinken expected to speak moments from now. we have still not yet heard from tel aviv or the biden administration. >> carley: the swowrnl record reporting the white house is considering sending $1 billion in new weapons to israel. that would be the largest transfer to israel since october. florida congressman michael waltz served on the armed services committee and first green beret to serve in congress. a nice nugget about your life that some people might not know e joins us now. congressman, good morning to you. so this $1 billion that we're learning about this morning would be in addition to the foreign aid package that the house is considering, going to be considering and possibly
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voting on over the weekend. comes as a bit of a surprise because, obviously, the progressive wing of president biden's party is not going to like this. what do you think about it? >> yeah, i think president biden is going to have a political problem on his hands with this transfer over 50 members. over 50 democrats signed a letter saying don't do it, including former speaker nancy pelosi. so, i am a little bit pleasantly surprised at this transfer and the difference with what we're voting in the house, what we're voting in the house would buy them new weapons over the time. this would be an immediate transfer of small arms, mortars, tank rounds, things that they need right now for the war in gaza that would come right out of our stocks. >> todd: congressman, what do you think is going on behind the screens right now both in the middle east and quite frankly in the white house and in d.c. to avoid a larger war, especially in that region?
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>> well, the strike from israel to iran was clearly meant to send a message. israel to iran, you can't hit us. you failed, we can hit you, and not only can we hit you, we can hit your crown jewels, your most sensitive sites. the home of their nuclear research and enrichment. and we get through your most sophisticated air defenses. you can't stop us. that was the message israel just sent to iran. more bradley, at what point does biden just sit down with his team and admit our middle east policy has completely failed and we have gone from the abraham accords to open warfare between israel and iran. and every time they say de-escalate, every time they try to pull back. our enemies push farther forward. and the biggest thing, guys, that this administration could do to help our ally israel and
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tamp down the violence is cut off the cash in tehran. cut off the oil. they are selling 90% of their illegal oil to china and that money is flowing through tehran, out to all their terrorist proxies, building the drones, building the missiles. and until we cut off the cash, this is only going to continue. >> carley: what about the sanctions the biden administration announced earlier this week? do you think that will have any negative real impact on iran? >> carley, sanctions don't -- they aren't worth this piece of paper unless you enforce them. you have to go back to maximum pressure and actually enforce the sanctions. we have a bill that will be part of the package called the ship act that would put secondary sanctions on chinese buyers, shippers, insurance companies, brokers, refiners, if you start sanctioning the chinese buyers of iranian oil, you're going to
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tamp down their cash and their economy. you got to get serious about actually enforcing the sanctions, not just symbolically passing new ones. >> todd: 10 seconds to you, congressman, will iran retaliated? >> they may say they will. but, can they? the biggest thing to watch is hezbollah. that's the -- that is the insurance policy and the big hammer that iran is still sitting on hezbollah to the north. >> carley: congressman, thank you for joining us, you will have a busy weekend. thank you four joining us ahead of that congressman michael waltz have a good day. we are waiting for israel's response to the strike on israel over the weekend. and it happened last night. and now we await to see if iran is going to respond, also the white house's response to all of this as well. >> antoni blinken expected. "fox & friends" will have all that they begin right now. >> steve: this is a fox news alert. a u.s. official has confirmed that israel has launched a retaliatory strike


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