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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  April 18, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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>> bill: i don't know you don't get enough. i know i don't get enough sleep. i know you don't get enough sleep. >> this topic came up at 3:00 a.m. and i was awake. >> bill: what is the effect over years? >> it wears down your body and increases all the diseases that i worry about starting with high blood pressure and weight and diabetes. stress and sleeplessness. another thing as a physician i treat them as one thing. you asked me this before we came on. i treat stress and sleepnessness as the same thing. something like a sleeping pill you cover up the problem. why are you worried and what can you do about it? >> dana: i'm looking at instagram reels of too many dogs.
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thank you, dr. siegel. sleep well. day three of the hush money trial against former president trump. the new panel of 96 jurors brought into the courtroom now as we speak as jury selection for this historic trial resumes. trump arrives at the courthouse a short while ago and color inside the courtroom and bring you the details as we get them. juicy bits this morning. this is a fox news alert. critical meeting getting underway at the u.n. concerning tensions in the middle east as the u.n. security council considers a palestinian bid for new membership. recognize a palestinian state. see how that will go. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. >> bill: how many hours did you sleep last night? >> dana: i will put me down for six. >> bill: about six and a half i would say. that's a good night. i'm bill hemmer. good morning.
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the palestinian push for full membership comes as israel remains at war with hamas in gaza. israel's u.n. ambassador calling the idea of granting palestinian statehood at this point in time a prize for terror. now here are three key points the security council must consider. first, is the state peaceful. second, does it have agreed upon territories, third, does it have a fully functioning government. the answer to all three is no. >> dana: it comes as anti-israel pro-hamas activity is have been holding demonstrations in cities around the united states blocking bridges and more. alexis mcadams is live at u.n. headquarters in manhattan with more. >> good morning from the u.n. here where as you mentioned those protests happening across the country. more eyes will be on this decision in new york city. the u.n. security council could vote as early as this afternoon to decide whether or not the
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palestinian authority could be granted full membership to the u.n. we'll keep an eye on it. look inside. things are beginning in new york city at the u.n. as they prepare for a vote that could force the u.s. to use its veto power here. the u.s. has said establishing independent palestinian state should happen through direct negotiations between the parties and not at the u.n. linda thomas greenfield saying this in part when she was asked about it. we don't see doing a resolution in the security council will get us to a place where we can find a two-state solution moving forward. explaining that president joe biden supports a two-state solution and has been working on the ground to get that in place as soon as possible. as the security council begins the debate the resolution need nine votes in favor and no vetoes in order for it to pass. the u.s. is expected to veto because this could lead to recognizing the palestinian state even without that
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two-party negotiated treaty. the iranian foreign minister is expected to be here today. you can see him on the screen. israel will speak up and out against this saying the palestinian authority does not meet the criteria for statehood. back live at the u.n. the palestinians are currently a non-member observer state at the u.n. they've been pushing and waiting to see if there will be a vote as early as this afternoon. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: lawmakers demanding answers from the d.o.j. over illegal marijuana farms with ties to china. the renewed concerns come as an influx of chinese migrants flood the u.s. border. border patrol already catching more than 24,000 just six months into the fiscal year. former director of national intelligence john radcliffe answers those questions in a moment. first the story and news with alexandria hoff live in washington with more from there.
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>> this was raised by susan collins trying to get answers for two years from the d.o.j. and f.b.i. on why and how chinese nationals have established hundreds of illegal pot farms in her state of maine and hundreds more elsewhere. they asked garland about it yesterday during a justice department budget hearing. listen. >> do you have a theory on why the chinese are sending people illegally into our country to establish these grow operations? as you point out, it is not just maine. >> i don't have a theory now. i develop a theory by learning the facts from the different investigative entities that are looking into this. at this point i don't have a theory. >> he acknowledged it is a serious problem. two months ago a letter was sent to garland's office demanding attention and action. nothing in writing was returned until this week.
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response letter was received but didn't reveal if the d.o.j. has launched an investigation. in february chinese nationals were trying to sneak into maine through canada. that's one case. of the 24,000 who are caught so far this year crossing illegally between points of entry border patrol tells us that 85% of the chinese nationals who are apprehended are single adults. according to reporting by the daily caller the chinese illegal grow operations in maine alone could be bringing in $4.4 billion. much of which they say is sent back to china. we'll send it back to you. >> bill: thank you live in washington. dana has more. >> dana: former director of national intelligence john radcliffe. chinese migrant arrests, if you just look at this chart and see that there is 24,296 so far this year, that is way and above what you saw in 2021 and 2022.
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in the last two years it's ramped up. you were the dni. what do you think is going on? >> well, dana and bill, good to be with you. i think china is doing what all countries and many of our adversaries are doing, taking advantage of joe biden's open borders policies. you see countries like venezuela flooding our country which emptying its prisons. china is doing so in a much more systematic and nefarious way. 342 in the last year of the trump administration to 24,000 last year to 24,000 in the first six months of this year. that's a 14,000% increase. why you have to be so concerned about that is that it's 100% controlled by the people's republic of chinese and chinese communist party. nobody is allowed to leave china without a passport. these are people the chinese government wants to bring to the united states.
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they are very likely getting rid of some of the people within their community they don't want. religious dissidents, people that may not be employable and contribute to high unemployment and the problems they're having, but also assets, intelligence assets, military assets and civilian assets for an information network to support the warfare campaigns like they conduct in the united states like was just mentioned with the growing farms and as we know the fentanyl operations that originate in china and so all of those things are -- >> bill: the products coming out of china and going through mexico. it is an epidemic. 2018 look at where they were then. look at 2023, 73,838. bill barr said the fingers of the ccp are all over this stuff.
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>> i don't blame this administration for trying. it is clear that they aren't acting in good faith and when they do something it's window dressing. they are knee deep in this. are they bystanders watching this traffic and don't want to interfere because we're the ones being hurt or are they active? sins of commission. it is clear from this report that they are knee deep in it and complicit in the trafficking and driving the trafficking. >> bill: janet yellen said it was an area of cooperation. do we want to stop it or not? >> bill barr is right and janet yellen is absolutely wrong. this is why the biden administration, when they call china a pacing challenge or a strategic competitor is so far off base and while we talked about china in terms as our number one threat and sinister, nefarious lethal adversary.
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in the case of the fentanyl, again, you need to understand, bill and dana, that 97% of the precursor chemicals necessary to produce fentanyl are produced in china. there is no alternative to the pre-cursor elements right now. it only takes place because of china. ask yourself, why are they producing chemicals illegal in china and having the chinese communist party subsidize companies to produce those? it is because they are exporting a destructive product primarily to the united states to their advantage. and so i think bill barr yesterday in his testimony called it mass murder. it is akin to shooting into a random crowd. you don't know who you will kill but you know someone will die. that's what the chinese government, the people's republic of china, is doing to
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the united states. and it is absolutely a crisis and epidemic. here is the thing. it is absolutely could be shut down tomorrow. all chemical production in china is controlled, all companies are controlled by the people's republic of china. if the u.s. administration was pressing this issue, you could get this to stop. >> dana: john radcliffe, thank you for being with us as we move our show along here. thank you. >> bill: more breaking news now. new panel of jurors 96 of them are in the room and the judge was giving brief introductory remarks a moment ago. trump was watching with his head turned toward the jury box. merchan said the name of the case is the people of the state of new york versus donald j. trump. the new photos you are looking at now. the first time we've seen them. trump shakes his head and he stopped looking toward the jurors and started looking down.
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every detail as it happens from inside the courtroom in southern manhattan. those are the new photos, five in all i do believe. the choice of tie today, dana, was blue. >> dana: you notice everything. [shouting] >> dana: anti-israel protests erupting at columbia university in new york city. who is condemning those demonstrations and who is staying silent? >> zbl the nba was a real issue on its hands. a lifetime ban against one of the players and what he did to deserve that. >> dana: a homeless encampment next to a school prompting concerns to parents and teachers. >> i have to bring my child to school every day because i don't want her walking there. it is dangerous for her to walk there.
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>> bill: now 911 services have been restored. several states interruption overnight. south dakota, nevada, nebraska affected. emergency officials say call lines are back up and running. officials in las vegas, rapid city and sioux falls reporting service interruptions. what is the connection there? during the outage residents were urged to text for help, a new way to do it. could be, right? 17 past the hour now. a homeless camp next to a high school in oakland, california has been a fact of life for years. raising safety concerns for students and staff alike and now after years of complaints, patience in that blue city is running thin. cl
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claude -- we're live in oakland. >> we're on the blacktop at latitude high school in oakland. right next door is a sprawling and troubling homeless encampment. more than a dozen people are living in tents and cars and rvs. the city has declared the encampment a public nuisance but it sits on private property. once squatters have settled in city officials say it is very hard to get them out. >> if it's a private property, the judge has to direct the sheriff to come and clear it. if they break into your house, it is not the police that will come and get the squatters out. it has to be the sheriff to come get them out. >> that has not yet happened because of what he calls government dysfunction. meantime students and staff here say the squatters are often aggressive and set fires that damaged school property. every morning staffers check the playground for needles, glass
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and other trash. the head of the school says that along with her students' physical safety, she worries about their mental health. >> our kids have experienced enough trauma as it is and what they don't need is to be traumatized every day when they walk to school because there are aggressive dogs and people using drugs right next to the sidewalk where they try to walk. >> according to city officials property owners have refused to pay hefty fines for code violations and not returned calls and emails. the head of the school says it is probably cheaper for the owners to pay the fines than clean things up and keep the area secure. for now there is no incentive for anyone to leave which creates a frustrating and dangerous situation for the people at this school. three other schools nearby and the rest of the neighborhood. bill. >> bill: thank you, she is in california. thanks. >> dana: toronto raptors ford john porter now banned from the
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nba. he league says he shared confidential information with sports betters claiming he gambled on games in which he played and claimed to be sick during a game that influenced a bet. keith o'brien is offer of the rise and fall of pete rose and the last glory days of baseball. tell us this story about porter. >> let's say one thing off the top. the system at least did work here. all the leagues have in place security systems provided by third party contractors that are watching in realtime how people are betting on the legal platforms. specifically how athletes and people in the inner circle are betting. this alleged of $80,000 happens march 20th a month ago. in four weeks' time porter is now banned.
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i have a lot of questions still about this story. starting with even the wording in the press release yesterday. porter has been banned from the nba but is it a lifetime ban? that word lifetime doesn't appear actually anywhere in the press release. one reason why i wonder why that is might be opening the door to the next possible scandal. if this involved a much bigger name, a big star, say, would the nba have reacted in the same way? i imagine we'll find out in the years to come. i do not believe this will be the last gambling scandal. >> bill: i think it might be just the beginning. what is going on with the dodgers and ohtani the best player in the game today. fundamentally changes the relationship with sports and the fan. i think you are right. 38 states it's legal and 38 states you can do it on your phone.
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we have gone past a point of maybe no return. i don't think we can say that yet. the system did work but the bet that he put on the line was outrageous. he starts a game and playing in the game. $80,000 on his performance. you have the potential to win $1.1 million. that's nuts. this guy had a problem and the league stepped in. >> it is a stunning amount of money. what is also crucial to know is that these kind of bets that porter allegedly made couldn't have been made 35 years ago when pete rose was banned forever for betting on baseball. when rose was betting on baseball, he was betting on the reds to win. he wasn't placing so-called prop bets. a prop bet is a specific bet involving a very specific thing like how many home runs will ohtani hit tonight or how many
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three-pointers will porter make tonight. not only can we place bets on phones, couches, the locker rooms inside the stadiums but place these specific prop bets. that's what's dangerous here. a player may or may not have control over the outcome of a team sport, an entire game. but when it comes to a prop bet specific to that player's performance in that game he or she has total control and that is a real red flag here with what happened with porter. >> dana: can i ask you this? in the next few months we'll have the olympics. is that another place where this could happen? >> absolutely. this is the concern that every sport has. if and when we as fans stop believing that what we're seeing on the field or the court isn't
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real anymore, this ceases to become a sport or competition but a side show. the security platforms are in place to monitor betting traffic in realtime. the problem, as bill pointed out a minute ago, the smart betters aren't placing these bets on their legal platforms on their phones. they are doing it through illegal channels. >> bill: there are so many ways to do it. we have gone into a new era here. the point you make about rose is that i don't think they ever proved he bet his team to lose. but with this nba player, that is sticky stuff. last comment and we have to roll. >> incredibly sticky stuff. a great risk to all sports and again, the years ahead will be fascinating for all of us to watch. >> dana: i'm glad we have you on speed dial. good to have you. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> dana: over in the wnba
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caitlin clark is about to cut a huge deal with nike. the iowa superstar is in talks for an eight-figure endorsement to include her own signature shoe. nike's offer outsigns her contract with the indiana fever coming a few days later after she was selected as the number one draft pick. i wonder if the white house will tweet that b that. probably not. >> she will be okay. i believe she will be fine. >> dana: if it brings more eyeballs to the game, great. >> bill: you get the tv contract up and you make more money. >> dana: will they make the shoes in my size? i doubt it. >> bill: illegal immigration top political issue number one in america. the senate shrugged off the impeachment article against mayorkas yesterday with barely a glance and no debate. how does that play? bitter anti-israeli protests again at columbia university as the school's president is
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>> dana: we have updates on president trump's new photos in and color from our producer in the room. photos we'll run them through. there is not too much excitement going on but apparently as they go through jury selection they are going through row by row and asking the jurors if they think they can be fair. they might have an issue with one of the jurors they already chose who came back today after yesterday remember was a day off from court and said after being selected on tuesday and maybe thinking it through, she is not sure she can be fair is concerned about being identified and about her place of work being identified. that is all happening. also it seems we heard that trump appeared to have shaken his head after merchan repeated they expected the trial to run
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six weeks. he is visibly bored. if you have been through jury duty it is boring. his arms crossed and looking at the jury and 21 jurors have left because they can't be fair and impartial. they lost 21. potential jurors are being excused from the courtroom. he stares at those behind him. the first time he has looked back at them. as i said we have detail. we'll bring it to you. there you go. keep you updated. [shouting] >> bill: more anti-israeli protest from last night in new york city columbia university. as the school's president testified before congress on the same day. she refused to call the slogan from the river to the sea anti-semitic. "new york post" cover sea no evil. senator marco rubio with reaction. first to the news and reporting from washington and rich edson.
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good morning. >> columbia university president acknowledged her school was unprepared for the after math of the october 7th terrorist attacks on israel. some jewish students say anti-israel protests devolved into threats against them and accused their university of failing to address it. >> attacked for showing judaism and showing the dog tags and wearing stars of david. public safety gets called and reported but what happens when it gets reported? are there steps taken to prevent it in the future? so far no. >> columbia's president said calls for the genocide of jews violate her school's code of conduct. a major contrast to the december hearing when the then presidents of harvard, penn and mit refused to do so. columbia has updated its code of conduct. suspended students. punished faculty.
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republicans say columbia's response is still lacking. >> when mobs or people are shouting from the river to the sea, palestine must be free or long live the in-- it's not now you feel. >> we sent a clear message. >> does that fall under the definition of anti-semitic behavior, yes or no? why is it so tough? >> because it is a difficult issue. >> leadership says they are still considering whether to have other university presidents testify. bill. >> bill: we'll see if that flies. >> dana: senator marco rubio. i want to turn it over to you. you got the inside the intel. whatever you can tell us we should know today about what is happening in israel or what is happening here as anti-semitism spreads across the united
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states. >> in the case of the middle east, i believe and expect israel respond in a time and manner of their choosing with what was the largest -- single largest drone attack in history occurred against israel on saturday night and what people forget is the night before hezbollah launched between 30 and 50 rockets and continuing to launch them. israel faces that every day. up to 90,000 internally displaced israelis that can't return to their homes in the noerths because of constant bombardment from lebanon. you look at all of these in hezbollah or hamas, none would exist without the iranian regime. it's the regime in iran. the people in the country and people who run it are more different than iran. the regime is the the source of
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violence and instability in the midst. not the israeli, palestinian question but the iranian government. it bleeds into the united states. imagine sitting in tehran and watching those images of the radicals in columbia or blocking streets in san francisco, and you begin to think to yourself we're not only winning -- we're winning the war inside america. a growing number of americans are cheering iranian attacks on the jewish state. deeply disturbing. how much longer will we tolerate this craziness in our own country? >> bill: it exploded and the far left is pushing that and proven by what happened a few days ago. you wonder how it plays in an election year. we aren't even into the summer and fall months. it could get bigger and bigger. on the question of the border now, mayorkas, the articles of impeachment were walked over this week and senate democrats kicked them to the curb. mayorkas was seen on the hill a
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few moments with chad pergram. >> do you feel exonerated yesterday? what are your first comments being cleared? anything to say at all? are you concerned about the state of the border? do you think democrats have been put into a bad position here yesterday? is there an asterisk next to your name as the secretary going through an impeachment trial? >> bill: he tried. i look at the issues here, 48% of americans think immigration is a top issue. and -- but it was just given a heisman in the senate. >> the trial wouldn't just be about mayorkas. that's what an impeachment trial in but the border policies and walk through the deliberate decisions made under secretary mayorkas that ignore the laws of the united states and in the process lie to congress about what is happening. they didn't want a trial. it would have exposed all of
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that for a week or however long it took with evidence and proof and things to be cited. they didn't want people to hear that and why they blocked it but created a new precedent which is future senates are going to move to quickly dispose of impeachments that are not political and topics they don't want. that unfortunately means that most americans will continue to see what's happening at the border but with the opportunity -- the opportunity will not exist to present the evidence. you are a vulnerable democrat running for re-election in the states trump will win you are breathing a sigh of relief the border policies weren't put on trial starting yesterday. >> dana: if mike johnson speaker is able to get the foreign aid bills passed over the weekend when they come to the senate will they pass there, too? >> it depends. the one for israel will pass, taiwan will pass. the one for ukraine has been one even though i believe we need to
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help ukraine, we can't abandon them. i said i want it tied to something happening at our border. just like the democrats have conditioned israel aid on doing something to ukraine. democrats have said we won't do anything for israel unless we do ukraine. republicans said we don't do ukraine until you have the border. it's leverage in a negotiation. go back to florida or any other part of the country and talk to people, even those on ukraine's side most americans want ukraine to win not russia. how can we do that and not do anything about our own border? it's a reasonable position to have. a majority position in the country and one we shouldn't ignore. we have to see what they can pass and send it. i don't want to opine on it until we see it. taiwan and israel should pass quickly and send over the bytedance ban and i hope we take that up as well.
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>> bill: appreciate it. marco rubio, we'll talk about. no off-season for travis kelce. he is a game show host apparently. today's hemmer celebrity news. kansas city chiefs tight end, super bowl champ now the face of, are you smarter than a celebrity? a spin-off of whether or not you are smarter than a fifth grader. he is excited to follow in the footsteps of so many tv i cons. do you think t. swifty will appear on said program? >> dana: maybe for him. >> bill: this could be a very fun show. he will attract a lot of people and probably a big audience. >> dana: i have skepticism. tell you about it in the break. both candidates talking tough on china. who is walking the walk with our biggest economic rival? can't wait to have a reality check and good political debate
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up next.
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>> president biden: we're in a stronger position to win the economic competition. >> i took on communist china like no administration in history. >> dana: president biden calling on china for cheating on steal. the trump team says biden is showing up late in the game and taking a page out of his predecessor's playbook. let's bring in our power panel. matt, you were a former senior advisor to senator tim scott. you are fresh off the campaign trail. when it comes to bashing china, everybody wins? >> yeah, really.
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one of the biggest takeaways from my time on the trail with senator scott you will not lose votes by taking on china at all. when we were in iowa the folks nearby knew how much chinese farmland was owned in the area and why you are seeing tiktok ban really sail through congress. people have very clear about what the threat china poses to us. the biden campaign sees is focus groups and polling the rest of us all cismd >> dana: atlantic has this headline biden's safe, polite campaign stop in scranton, the president's kitchen table issues approach seems to lack true vision. do you agree or disagree? >> i disagree and i would agree with matt that going after china is a bipartisan issue that both parties are doing together. two issues that unite democrats right now, going after china and big tech. those two issues are on the campaign trail every single day.
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you see biden being very strong with china. and doing some of the steel tariffs he did yesterday. continuing to push on this. trump is worried about this movement so he had to talk about it in his speech yesterday. we're going back and forth on these issues and they will continue to dominate the election in the next 201 days. >> dana: matt, president trump didn't speak yet today at the trial. we're waiting to see it if it happens. he is here in new york. he had that what i thought was a smart campaign stop at the bodega the other night doing what he can while he has to be here. jim mentioned the two things driving democrats together. i would say another one is also going against trump. how do you compare what president trump is able to do right now with what we were just talking about in terms of the atlantic saying the campaign for the biden team lacks true vision? >> look, president trump needs to do his best with what he can. you saw the bodega stop.
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a creative way that pushed crime, migrant, immigration favorable to him and winning on those issues and something that democrats as you saw with senator rubio mentioned it too. democrats don't want to talk about it. the extent he can push those issues. get video of him doing something other than sitting in a courtroom is extremely helpful for him for the next six weeks. >> dana: you have a calm and steady demean or and you always felt biden will win. is there anything that has you worried? >> i think the third party stuff is neither campaign can figure out what it means and taking votes for both of them. you have to take every opportunity in a close election. i agree with matt.
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trump's stop the other day was very smart. on the weekends he is going home to mar-a-lago and spinning records. >> dana: he was in pennsylvania for a big rally over this past weekend. >> but he is barely on the campaign trail in times he could be. we're in the for the closest election we have seen and i just don't understand the trump strategy. anyone who thinks it will be other than a close election is crazy. would i rather be joe biden than donald trump? i would rather have biden's cards if i was playing poker. >> dana: we are playing crazy eights. i saw some of the fundraising numbers for the senate and the democrats in many races, not in pennsylvania. dave mccormick has done well in pennsylvania. in some of these other states the democrat incumbent in ohio is way ahead of the republican challenger.
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last word to you on that. >> that's a gap we need to close. when it comes to montana and ohio, those states are pretty red. even a big fundraising advantage. in the other states it does well. >> dana: why big super pacs are important on the republican side. democrats, those were eye-popping gaps. thank you for being with us today. >> thank you. >> bill: the suspect accused of murdering four students in idaho claiming now that he was nowhere near the scene. in fact, he was driving his car miles away and that his phone was never on. hum. does he have proof?
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don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma. ask your doctor about dupixent. the most prescribed biologic for asthma.
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>> harris: jury selection day three of donald trump's new york criminal trial and have journalists in the courtroom to
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keep you up to date. after the university president testified on capitol hill on campus anti-semitism and anti-israel protestors are occupying columbia's campus. 60 tents are set up and police are on high alert. a high school student has been suspended for saying the words illegal alien. senator ron johnson, phil holloway, tomi lauren, "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> bill: the number of jurors dismissed now is 48. they had 96 brought in today. the judge asked them a moment ago can you be impartial? 48 jurors now remain taking the current questionnaire. thought they had a big pool of 500 to start the whole thing. then they brought 96 in to go through them and see if they could figure it out and so far -- >> dana: that continues. we wait for this other trial.
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remember the idaho murder suspect brian kohberger. he is now claiming that cell phone records will back up his alibi he was simply on a nighttime drive to see the moon and stars. dan springer in seattle with more. >> in reality, brian kohberger's new alibi sounds like his old alibi with more detail. bottom line he doesn't have anyone to place him at someplace than the murder scene. his defense team will have a former police officer and cell phone tracking export to try to poke holes in the prosecution's case to his movements the morning of the murders. yesterday's filing his lawyer wrote mr. kohberger was driving in the early morning hours of november 13, 2022 as he often did to take a hike or run or see the moon and stars. he drove throughout the area of south pullman, washington west of moscow, idaho including a
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park. that fits with the route police drew up in the search warrant affidavit based on his phone pinging cell towers starting at 4:48 a.m. november 14: dana, really this doesn't change things except the police have always said he turned his phone off and disabled it at the time of the murders and then turned it back on in the hours or so afterwards. back to you. >> dana: thank you for that. didn't expect that this morning. we'll check it out. before we go an amazing sight in iceland. natural beauty in this time lapsed video. the northern lights glowing over an active volcano sending up clouds of ash and smoke as lava flows along the ground in southeastern iceland. >> bill: quite a sight. see it on fox nation. >> dana: harris faulkner is next. >> harris: a fox news alert and


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