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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  April 17, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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finally gen z gen z has a ne gww way of preventing wrinkles. >> it is supposed to help you noosedt get wrinkles. it looks really awed but i mean, looking youthful. nothing says beautifulto like er fike diet coke out o antiwrinkle. >> laura: oh, my god, to come i hate the stanley so much and the sound they make., i hate how they carried pure drink at home and i don't want to see your stanley. >> that is the whole thing they have a word for people that use d they call them idiots. the way you avoid wrinkles, laura, if you are drinking one o of these, no one has invited you outside of the house to hang n out, that is it! >> laura: jimmy hits the >> carley: a fox news alert, the president of colum bi bia /* /*
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university will testify on capitol hill today. you are watching fox news alert on wednesday morning, i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. two other ivy league presidents resigned after appearing before this panel. some demonstrators are facing criminal charges. >> carley: lucas tomlinson has more. good morning. >> lucas: this could be a preview what is to come this su summer. biden's handling of the israeli-hamas war and with iran. columbia president, some students have been protesting, wearing signs like globalize intifada. protest ares were arrested for blocking traffic.
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and those on the golden gate bridge, california governor gavin newsom weighing in after the d.a. posted, the d.a. will ensure sf is safe, we must protect free speech, exercise cannot compromise free speech. critical and does not endanger the public, people need to be held accountable for their ac actions. highway patrol warned in florida, anyone who blocks traffic will be immediately arrested, including obstructing normal flow of traffic and vehicles or pedestrians. back to california, goobel staffers bombarded the executive office protesting contract it has with the israeli government. here is what it sounds like. >> google, google, you can't
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hide, you are funding genocide. >> the protesters accuse google of the project nimbus. google said physically impeding other employees work and accessing our facility is violation of our policy and we will investigate and take action. these employees were put on administrative leave after refusing request to leave the premises, law enforcement removed them to ensure their safety. guys. >> todd: shocking any american thinks that behavior is okay. lucas, thank you. [screaming] >> todd: speaking of which,
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anti-israel protests are becoming increasingly anti-american. some progressive democrats are still refusing to condemn it. >> congressman, can i ask you, anti-israel protesters shut down bridges and shut down airports, are you okay with that? >> these are tough issues and people are passionate for good reason, disrupting a nurse's commute is uncalled for. >> anti-israel protprotesters, you okay with the protests? >> i didn't have anything to do with those protests, go ask the people doing it. >> do you condemn this type of rhetoric? >> get her to the next event. >> are you okay with people burning the american flag? >> carley: can you believe that there? door slammed in hillary vaughn's face when she asked, do you
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condemn anti-american protest? white house announcing new sanctions on iran, national security adviser jake sullivan says sanctions include missile and drone program and new sanctions against entity supporting the iran defense ministry. this comes as biden administration for freeing waiver that freed up $10 billion of previously frozen funds for iran. former president donald trump hush money trial will resume tomorrow. trial takes a break on wednesdays with seven of 18 jurors selected. >> todd: brooke singman here with more. >> lucas: 11 more jurors need to be selected and sworn in before opening statements. the first seven jurors, four men and three women. salesman, a nurse, two
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attorneys, teacher, software engineer and it consutant. it is former president unsure how to feel about them. >> how do you feel about the jurors selected today? >> i'll let you know in a few months. we're appealing. if you look and take a look around, good strong look, every legal scholar, every legal pundit said there should be no trial. there was nothing done wrong, this is all politics. >> brooke: inside look from a potential juror that did not make the cut. watch. >> i looked at him after i finished giving my final answer, the one i was dismissed for, i work in cyber security. i said i'm willing to work around it, if you need me. after i answered that question and the judge said you're excused, i glanced at him again
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and made eye contact and have no idea what he thought. >> brooke: and bragg filed a motion to hold former president trump in contempt for posting about michael cohen and stormy daniels, both of which are wit witnesses in this trial. trump says bragg should be focusing on violent criminals instead. >> alvin bragg does nothing, he goes after trump, violent murderers all over the city, they know who they are and don't pick them up, they go after trump. >> brooke: alvin bragg is urging the judge to warn trump that future violation could be punishable with 30 days in jail. >> carley: trump responses, too. >> todd: they take wednesday off. >> i don't know how i feel about
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the verdict until the verdict is in. >> todd: safety and quality concern at boeing after series of terrifying mid-air incidents, passengers are already suing, we have their attorney. >> carley: and bank of america, getting to the bottom of this and will give a live update on his investigation. don't go anywhere.
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[siren sounding] >> todd: back with a fox weather alert. t tornado sirens in the northwest, tornados and heavy
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wind. several twisters reported in iowa. >> carley: in kansas, tornado on the ground with wind speed reaching 100 mile per hour. two people were hurt after their rv flipped over from the wind. janice dean has the fox weather forecast. >> janice: look at the video. the storm prediction center did know where that was going to happen yesterday. we had area of concern across midwest and ohio river valley. damage from kansas to missouri, iowa, nebraska and a lot of hail and wind damage, as well. this system is moving eastward, we have risk for parts of lower great lakes and ohio valley for cincinnati, detroit, grand rapids and pittsburgh, as well. could see rain, damaging wind
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and tornados. tomorrow risk from texas to tennessee and ohio river valley including louisville, st. louis. this is all the fuel storms need to turn severe. front moving across eastern third of the country. cold enough air for snow across rockies and the front will travel southward and eastward and give us ongoing risk of stronger storms. fox, will cover for you, and i will, too. >> carley: janice, thank you. whistleblowers will testify before a senate panel today on safety and quality concern with boeing jets after series of terrifying events sparked panic midflight. a boeing engineer testifying today says i'm doing this not
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because i want boeing to fail, i want it to succeed and prevent crashes from happening. boeing can't keep going the way it is. mark lindquist, represents 29 of the passengers on the plane in january. good morning. what do you think about this new whistleblower testifying today? he's a boeing engineer and says parts of the plane's fuselage donal don't fit together. the company pushes the pieces together with force to make it appear the gaps don't exist and he wants thems to ground dreamliners worldwide. >> this is just the latest in a series of problems for boeing. this employee has credit, the
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problems go back to problems known about the 737 max. what is interesting, boeing all but conceded problems with 737 max, but denying similar problems with the dreamliner. >> carley: you represent 29 passengers who were on the plane in january, where the door blew off the max 737 plane. what are your clients saying they experienced? >> they quite frankly all thought may might die and that is not unreasonable when a door plug blows out at 16,000 feet. had it been at cruising altitude, they likely would have all died. >> carley: boeing is saying in a statement claims made about structural integrity of the 787
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are inaccurate and do not represent work boeing has done to ensure long-term safety of the aircraft. that is their st stance on this yaelgsz we'll learn more about today. what is going to happen with boeing? such a massive and profitable company. there is a doj investigation into boeing and the ceo is saying he's stepping down. >> yeah, it's too soon to say there is not evidence to show problems with 787, but not too early to say there are problems at boeing. there is a culture problem. boeing is putting profit ahead of safety and boeing needs to return to engineer ing excellence, which is what they were 20 years ago and what a lot
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of us thought they would become after the 348 people died in the crashes. that should have resulted in cultural changes, but has not and you now have a doj investigation in a senate hearing. >> carley: that happened in 2018 and 2019 and you represented some of the victims families then. and now more today. not a good sign when a company's safety culture is being analyzed. thank you for joining us. >> thank you, carley. >> carley: okay, remember the npr editor who called out his own outlet after liberal bias. he just got suspended without pay. >> todd: i am shocked, knock me over with a feather. and the ceo is giving clear picture of the bias inside that newsroom. knock me over with that same
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said feather. joe concha is here to react next.
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so, i went to a second hand specialist who also offered nonsurgical options — which felt more right for me. so, what i'd say to other people with dupuytren's contracture is this: don't wait — find a hand specialist trained in nonsurgical options, today. i found mine at >> todd: listen to this, bank of america accused of debanking certain conservative customers because of religious or political views. 15 attorneys general writing a letter thats in parts, your discriminatory behavior is a threat to free speech and religious freedom, is potentially illegal and calling regulatory backlash. know indiana d.a. joins me with steve curtis, founder of timoth y two organization. steve, that organization exists solely to train pastors who
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otherwise would not have access to becoming a pastor. seems like a beautiful, innocuous organization that nobody should have a problem with. what did bank of america do to your accounts? >> sure, thanks, good morning, todd. you are right, that is why we exist, to help pastors tell people about gospel of grace and everlasting life available to all who place faith in christ. that is an important task. even for plumbers or lawyers or missionaries like us, there are certain legitimate expectations you have. when you turn on the light switch, you expect the light to come on because you paid the bill. you expect a debit to be processed because that is arrangement you have with a bank. bank of america told us they were not going to do that anymore. we had 21 days, they would
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restrict the account and in 30 days it would be closed. i was in asia. i am in thailand now, it is potential to be very disruptive for us. they gave no reason other than to say we were engaged in a business they were choosing not to service. i asked them toin spla. they said nothing else we can say. what if i go into a branch? we will give them this number and there is nothing we can tell you. we don't know why. >> todd: ag, do you say b of a closed the accounts because they are involved in religion? >> i appreciate what the pastor is doing, not being his attorney, i cannot say that. this is a pattern throughout a lot of corporate america and not
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just bank of america. this idea they will hoist the rest of us or they can't stand up to the socialist pressure being put on them. either way, it is unacceptable. when you offer a commodity on the king's highway, the root of old english law on this, you have to offer to all the king's subjects on the highway, you can't just pick and choose. that is the basis of our discrimination laws. what they are doing here is discriminatory and smacks free speech to the government, but same kind of thing with a company that is this big and can control people. that is why we have anti-trust laws in this country and states to break down that monopolistic behavior. we are not necessarily alleging
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all of that, but just trying to show viewers how roots of our laws account for this kind of behavior and they don't like it. >> todd: federal government admitted searching words like trump, maga, bass pro, under biden administration. ag quita, how far beyond religion does this debanking go? >> it goes into gun sales, it attacks your second amendment, it is part of radical climate change agenda. all wrapped together in movements and ideas that really at their core are about controlling individual behavior. this is about your individual freedom. america is exceptional because of the rule of law and individual freedoms we prescribe to and they are intentionally destroying that by the day. >> todd: bank of america said we
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are proud to provide banking to non nonprofit organizations affiliated with faith-based communities. we will see if this letter leads to a follow-up in a state of law. thank you for your time and steve, keep doing what you are doing. an npr editor suspended for calling out bias and lack of viewpoint diversity at the company. >> at one point, i got so frustrated with what i saw was lack of different perspective that i decided to look at voter registration, 87 registered democrats. and republicans, i presented this at all-hands meeting and said, look, something has gone wrong here. >> carley: joe concha, fox news contributor, joins us now. i know npr is something you have
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been covering for a while now, looking into the bias at national public radio. now this latest turn of events is rather than fix issues, s suspend the guy pointing them out. >> joe: it is remarkable we are witnessing what we're witnessing here. think about what we've witnesses at other news organizations. npr says they celebrate diversity and free exchange and when one editor, who has been there for 25 years, he has won a peabody award, what does he know? this is not a one-off, this has gone on for years and he gets a five-day suspension and there is a goods chance like we saw with ronna mcdaniel, he will not be welcomed back at all.
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ask juan williams what happened to him, he did not go against grain so much issue just giving an opinion on fox news and that was too much for them to handle. and the voter registration at npr, 87 democrats and 0.0 republicans, you can't unspin those kind of numbers or the fact they dismissed hunter biden laptop story or what the true origins of covid could be or the way they covered the war in gaza, patsently they are anti-israel over there. u.s. tax money is funding this entity. maybe it is time to end taxpayer money flowing to this far left prop propaganda outlet. >> todd: they said they suspended him for appears on
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another network without permission. to your earlier point, npr is supposed to be unbiassed. we, every american that pays taxes, pays for it. this is the ceo, this is the person who gets paid with your taxpayer dollars. i do wish hillary wouldn't ouz boy and girl, it is racing language for nonbinary people. airline business class demographic are a pet peeve, in the lounge and on the plane, usually 80% male and white. next one, looting is counter productive, protesting, oppression, founded on treating people's ancestors as private property, huh? get outer to vote is my biden
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gr grandpa hat. that is katherine maher. >> joe: she wore the hat for joe biden. that is action of progressive activist and there are dozens more. we only have finite time as far as social media posts that underscore activism again and again. one point she said she wished she was sampling nuts with kamala harris somewhere. fascinating visual. she is exactly what liner was when he was describing npr bias and activism, that is who they are and who they have been for sometime. she gets the big job, big money, american taxpayer money, obviously tweets and posts show what npr is going to be doing up through the 2024 election and beyond and don't seem to have a problem with that. thaps is too much with the fact
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he pointed out on another platform this entity and steve, who writes for npr, went on another network to criticize lenner. >> carley: npr original mission was to be the voice of all americans, not just 50 who was who vote like the employees they hire. thank you so much. >> todd: remember when president biden said this in 2022? >> president biden: i want every american to know i'm taking inflation very seriously and it is my ton domestic priority. >> todd: not doing the best job of that, what the fed chair said he is going to do or not do. >> carley: the president is campaigning on the economy and getting ready to do that in pittsburgh today. we'll talk to a union democrat turned republican about how the party has failed him. that is ec92. next.
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>> failure starts with the tax cut that benefited wealthiest and exploded federal debt when he was president, it is outrageous. trump wants corporate giveaways. >> todd: tony lives outside scranton, a former democrat that switched republican. tony joins me now. is that campaign message on the economy comparing his view to donald trump's view resonating with you? >> very much so.
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every time he opens his mouth, he's lying, that is what i can see. everything he says and does costs everybody more money in taxes. he brings people into this country that he woo pay for. that is what happens in today's world. it is ridiculous. >> todd: to be clear, you used to not just be an electrician, union blue, classic, run of the mill, northern american from scranton, pennsylvania, that worked on skyscrapers making this country work. despite that pedigree, you're planning to vote for trump. why? >> i believe he has the formula to bring our country back in line. only problem donald trump has, he talks too much sometimes. the fame and fortune, he already has. to see everybody go against him
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and what is happening to him, it is ridiculous, you have to be blind not to see it and democrats can do whatever they want and say whatever they want. >> todd: you were profiled in an article about how you and fellow retired veterans, thank you for your service, gather at a diner and talk about news of the day. this is my dream when i retire, be with my boys, eating bacon, egg and cheese sandwich. what do the retired veterans say about where our country is headed? >> they are sad and heartbroken, they see their own veterans on the streets suffering and can't get help they want. they will go out and find them and bring them to the va and help them. everybody else talks, they actually do it. they are so proud of their country. they love this country. nothing in the world and
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amazing to listen to them from army, navy, m marines, they lov everything about this country and are so sick of watching what is happening to us. it is your honor itting into a third world country in front of us. we are paying for it. nothing in this world is free. you pay for everything. i was taught that as a young man. when i want something, my father said, go out and work for it. >> todd: beautiful thing your friends are doing. what do your friends who are about the same age as the president say about joe biden? >> i can't use that language on the air. it is pathetic to watch it. they can't -- impeach because he's not capable but yet capable of running our country. there is something wrong here.
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good people, we keep our mouths closed, bite our tongues, but in reality, we don't have the say democrats have. when you try to say something, they say we are going to make it better. i have not seen anything they cre created better. >> todd: knowing your community and state does joe biden win pennsylvania this time around? >> i hope not, i pray to god he doesn't. >> todd: oo understood. tony milidantri. thank you. >> carley: you will get there one day, eating bacon, egg and cheese at lori's. chairman of federal reserve has bad news for biden on inflation. >> todd: cheryl casone from fox business has details. cheryl.
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>> cheryl: bacon, egg and cheese sandwich is pricey, you may have to work longer to afford it. we got comments from fed chair jerome powell. seems to be at odds with president biden. >> we need greater confidence it is moving toward 2%. there is continued strength in labor market, lack of returning to 2% inflation goal. >> cheryl: march consumer price read 33.5%, compare powell's tae with inflation with karine jean-pierre's view. watch. >> the way we see the economy is very different than the way republicans see the economy and how we have an economy that, wos for all. making sure the wealthiest billionaires and corporations pay their fair share is the way to go here, not putting that burden on everyday americans.
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>> cheryl: stick with the numbers, inflation numbers are problematic in an election year. in may of 2022, president biden maintained inflation was a top priority for him. >> president biden: i want every american to know i'm taking inflation seriously and my top domestic priority. inflation is our top economic challenge right now. >> cheryl: there is not much the white house could do, cut fiscal spending. the president's new fiscal 2025 budget includes 5 trillion in new taxes. inflation rates have been higher than expected three straight months, based on forward-looking data, not sure it will get any better for the president. >> carley: not good in an election year. former president trump was in court and after things wrapped up he went somewhere unexpected.
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>> cheryl: former president trump getting a break today. yesterday he made a post-court visit to the bodega where jose alba was attacked by an ex-con. he was charged with murder before it was dropped. president vowing he is going to straighten out new york. >> the bodega association invited me and i respect them and they respect me, they want law and order and have t tremendous crime, we have to straighten out new york crime and these guys are great people, great friends. >> cheryl: albawas traumatized and returned to dominican republic, where he remains
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today. >> carley: the bodega co-owner says crime is still an issue. this is interesting, this is going to be the way that donald trump will have to campaign. has to be in new york every single day but wednesday and weekend and he the hit new york spots. >> todd: pennsylvania maybe, the tri-state area. >> carley: maybe he'll win new york city after all said and done. >> cheryl: a building says trump tower on it. i don't know. >> carley: thank you. congress just launched bipartisan investigation into china's role in the fentanyl crisis. rob whitman is here to talk about it and reveal some stunning findings they discovered. >> todd: wait and hear what he has to say. first brian kilmeade will look at what is coming up on "fox and friends." good morning. >> brian: taking a look at the rundown, stuck in manhattan, former president donald trump swarmed by supporters.
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his campaign goes to the bodega, where jose alba was hit with murder charges. first seven jurors sworn in. look at selection process and who is on the team. over on the hill, articles of impeachment against alejandro mayorkas as he looks to the right, it is sent to the senate, what happens now? john kennedy tells us what that trial will look like. the city of angel investors? los angeles begging to fund housing for homeless, the crisis spireals out of control. npr editor who called out his own network for liberal bias suspended without pay. what about the new ceo? jonathan turley says he should not receive public funding, that is head shot his people
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>> carley: this morning senators will be sworn as as jurors for alejandro mayorkas' impeachment trial.
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accusing mayorkas of refusing to enforce border laws and breaking trust. it could be short lived as schumer is planning to make a motion to dismiss the trial all together. spoke on capitol hill yesterday for 2025 budget request. he tells congress the u.s.-mexico border is somewhat secure. >> with the resources and the authorities that we have been provided, it is as secure as we can make it. >> carley: mayorkas also refused to tell congress if a terror attack is imminent. >> todd: so reassuring. >> carley: a bipartisan house committee chinese communist party's rule in the deadly fentanyl crisis. >> todd: ccp directly subsidizing the making and subsidizing of in china. holds ownership interest in several companies tied to drug trafficking. >> carley: virginia congressman rob whitman is a vice chairman on the house select committee on the ccp and sits on the house armed services committee as well and he joins us now.
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congressman, good morning to you. these shockings are finding: sounds like china is giving financial perks to companies who make fentanyl with the expressed purpose of addicting or killing americans. is that a safe summary of what you found? >> carley, it is. it's sobering and staggering what we see in this report. we see that the post release the prc are sellingdirectly on . the ccp essentially formulating and fostering and supporting on amazon for fentanyl sales. the ccp is providing direct tax rebates and grants to' cans that produce fentanyl, fentanyl precursors and fentanyl derives. they know what the outcome of this is leading to the death of americans. the staggering statistic is last year fentanyl poisoning deaths in china were zero.
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in the united states over 76,000. they are leading to directly the deaths of americans. and we look at things that are happening on the military side, this is a direct assault on america. this is directly killing americans. >> todd: there was a d.e.a. agent who testified on capitol hill, said a lot of the same you just did. really trying to emphasize that, to your point, this is a national security threat. so, if the feds know about this, and joe biden is at the head of the feds, where's the biden administration? shouldn't they have stopped this by now? >> absolutely. they need to be aggressively putting in place sanctions against chinese companies that are selling these products in the united states, fentanyl kills people. they know that they ought to be putting sanctions directly on companies that are doing that. there are many companies that sell fentanyl and other products in the united states. there has to be severe economic penalties against china and against ccp companies that are
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selling these products in the united states. >> carley: okay. so there is also these findings that chinese pharmaceutical company it's wuxi, ab tech based in california. they do work that helps create cancer and cystic fibrosis medication. found out the company is creating this genetic information data base on americans. what can you tell us about this? >> it's astounding. wuxi app. tech generating information on americans not to development treatments for cancers and other conditions. they are doing that specifically to build a data base for the chinese military. why? to use it to their advantage when it comes to having military capability to go after americans. there is all kinds of biological implications about having this genetic information. >> we have to completely detect this. there is no way that any sort of
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firm connected to the ccp should have access to any genetic information from americans. >> todd: the fear is that they would bioengineer a weapon that somehow, based upon genetic markers able to target americans while allowing chinese individuals to live. that is wild technology. that's sci-fi stuff. quickly in 10 seconds. this is not happening in wuhan and beijing. these labs are on american soil. 10 seconds to you. why haven't we shut them down yet. >> we need to shut them down clearly, do it tomorrow, today. >> carley: this is why christopher wray calls china the greatest long-term threat to our nation. the country is playing a long game here and we are, unfortunately going along for the ride right now. congressman whitman, very interesting, scary findings as well. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> carley: have a great day. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> brian: i just checked my watch. it's 6:00 a.m. on the east


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