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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 16, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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class resentment. >> socioeconomic disparities are a lot and class resentment is a lot anti- intellectualism and elitism is what drives many of these antiestablishment trump voters antiestablishment voters so i think that's a huge problem we have to address. >> sean: that elitist attitude is why she failed miserably as the cbs news anchor. that's our time thank you for being with us thank you for making the show possible set your dvr never missed an episode of hannity and let not your heart be troubled the gray good gutfeld is next to put a smile on your face. have a good night.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> greg: happy tuesday everybody. delicious all right, all right. during a meeting with the iraq prisoner biden's cheat sheet was caught on camera including to pause here is 1 that simply said if lost to go to 1600 pennsylvania avenue here's another and another he works for iraq not 711 also spotted was a card don't fart it could be poop anyway u.s. olympic uniform
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sparked concern over being too revealing so slim you could see their penises. traffic citations in san fran have nearly plummeted they credit revolutionary speed bumps elizabeth warren criticized turbotax charging taxpayers too much for returns she recommends that citizens pay how she does with trinkets. annie oakley set a record 100 times in a row coincidentally he stocked with sassy backtalk. a new survey finds the most
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stressful time is 815 am you would be stressful to if you woke up to this. o.j. simpson dead still but set to be cremated he denied it in his new book if i cremated myself. the white ford bronco used in a infamous this chase rarely driven only on weekends and after killing people. the golden bachelor and his wife announced divorce after 3 months of marriage she likes that metamucil barry supplement he prefers a laxative.
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south african women have largest butts in the world. needleless to say research was conducted by an expert. to the monolog according to legal expert jonathan turley trump is on trial for falsifying business records related to porn star stormy daniels adding it's a misdemeanor and statute of limitations ran out. somehow none of that matters in new york city where guys who punched kids are given a pat on the back and the key to the city when it comes to porn star payment take records more detailed than a cbs receipt. first what's up with hush money? you are not supposed to talk about sleeping with a porn star, if that were me i would never shut up about it. my friends would be like yes, we
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know greg and stormy tidy down and spank you unconscious with the pickle ball racket. how many times will you tell us. me sleeping with adult porn stars i couldn't keep it a secret and neither would they. but they should they should shut up that's the deal when you charge for sex you break the time-honoured pledge you dishonor a time-honoured tradition including eleanor roosevelt. anyway trump is not happy. >> it looks like the judge will not let me go to the graduation of my son who has worked very, very hard and is a great student i was looking forward for years have graduation with his mother and father there but i can't
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escape this damn trial to go there. >> greg: i haven't seen him this ticked off since i rejected his offer to be spokesperson for trump steaks. what can i say i'm a dedicated vegan. closest i'd come to put me in my mouth is when i do downward facing dog and minute yoga class. of course in their zeal to destroy trump democrats are doing him a favor again for 1 thing high school graduations are boring sitting there in a auditorium listening to a bunch of names ends kids just to see 20 seconds were the only important 1 is getting their diploma if you're lucky the kid in the wheelchair might pop a wheelie. and it's not hard to get a high school degree everybody has 1 except greta. it's a high school diploma for christ's sake at that age ever
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but he gets 1. how many times can you repeat calm me when you are 18. maybe i'm just resentful because nobody cared when i graduated from because of the tall -- cosmetology school i was class valedictorian and got the award for outstanding treatment in here treatment i came up with the first pubic hair straightener for inmates. it was called herod straight but if he wants to go to his son's graduation he should. graduations are like losing virginity it only happens a few times and trying to stop him and they will give him martyr status he's already like jesus and that he's the only 1 who can raise joe biden from the dead. just imagine if trump blows off
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a day of this dumb trial to watch his son graduate and they come to an arrest in. you want bad optics worse than the time jesse war leggings to sexual-harassment training. sure the liberals will cheer and jon stewart will joke about it on the daily show or tds. how did he swing that gig anyway like chris christie's personal trainer he only works 1 day a week. and collecting hands on the view high-five each other so hard joy will break both wrists and have to eat her hay and oats bent over. the rest of america the actual voters got to go to their children graduations are hope to someday they will see the injustice and go nuts. if you are watching president just go to the graduation. i bet some british person will still the line. >> view if you are watching president trump just go to the graduation every parent in
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america like you or hate you will go, yeah, i would have done that because the cases other early ridiculous why would you not think what you are doing here will almost guarantee donald trump wins the next election the only thing that would absolutely do that is if he's found guilty of being put in a prison cell at that moment trump wins by a landslide. >> for once the british are right about something? it's easy when you compete with prince harry, mr being and the teletubbies. once again turley said it best. >> everything about the case is in my view legally absurd. of the is basically a state misdemeanor that ran out on statute of elimination -- limitations they took a dead move misdemeanor and bootstrapped it into trying a federal crime but the federal crime here under election law was to look rejected by the department of justice they didn't feel it should be a charge. >> greg: he has great eyebrows
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but he's also right his law fear they can't be trump political he because so far he's the fight all the laws of politics so they decided to defy all the laws. alvin bragg is like oj but slower fatter and more alive. they are twisting the law like a balloon animal with the scoliosis and they could bring it about on the first day over half the jurors were nixed after saying they couldn't be impartial. the city is more blue than a smurfs balls after sitting on a nice pop. so it's not within the court that matters were the evidence is key it's what's outside the courtroom where the president matters more. trump's hated so much by the democrat said they were trying to destroy the legal system on the verge of cementing their own worst nightmare another trump term in this he's older wiser and hopefully less horny.
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>> greg: let's welcome tonight's guests. her swear jar is an aquarium. emily it companion. and he draws big crowds sometimes paints them. joe devito. and she's like jean simmons wearing tons of makeup and can't sing. kat tenth. and his doctor uses a surfboard as a tongue depressor comedian tyrus! >> emily as a lawyer i have to ask you this question that was confusing you're the lawyer. they could've easily changed the venue and not have this problem with the jury what they chose not to in the jury is proving
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the point this is a contaminated site how does this go on? >> they say it's the most thorough questionnaire so have no fear he said at the end we will have a impartial jury but to your point is been proven along the way there is no amount of people here that could be impartial i would argue because i live here to not because they are anti- trump because they see the legal absurdity this is any normal person can see this is an absolute travesty to add a postscript to the point from jonathan turley earlier not only is the statute of limitations out but what jurisdiction does the state of manhattan have over a federal law anyway and also about the high school graduation he is punishing barren because parents of course they want to kids graduate that's so important as most important to the student to see the family there in the audience i've been
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to a million hearings in every judges noise like you have a dentist appointment, okay, you operate based on that part to cover your ass at the appellant to level so the fact is treating him as already convicted and incarcerated where you do say oh it's your mother's funeral but no i'm not going to grant you leave he's doing that now all this is setting up with the conviction happens heaven for bid it will be overturned on appeal no question. not only did bill clinton go to graduation at his own messy spoke at the ceremony and afterwards banged to 3 teachers. hypocrisy at its finest. but also multitasking at its finest. as a lawyer myself i think trump has given us the best way to get out of any social obligation just to say i would love to go
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to that christening but unfortunately i have this trial with a porn star gives telling anybody we had sex i think all this does is make trump look like a good dad compare them to like hunter biden had to go to court to admit he someone's father hears trump sing i want to go to my kids graduation and you don't mess with them i don't know if you've seen him lately yes a trump he is child of all time because trump says everything is huge and tremendous but a skid is 11 feet tall i can't wait until the election at 2044 current growth rate he will be 30 feet tall i want to see him against hunter biden that's what i want to. >> greg: i want my brain soaking in a vat of biochemicals i will pull all the strings. without contrast. you can beat the hell of a woman on a street and get off but you can't see her kid graduate. i thick ice move that a little
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much but you get the picture. >> the remarkable contrast which you alluded to joe what we're talking about i agree bullish it doesn't really hold up does stem from these such payments because he had sex with a porn star allegedly and covered that up. because what they're doing if they push it so far and don't let them go to the graduation there is a potential here that if he goes and gets arrested there's a potential for headlines about the trial to be coming out and paint him as a true family man. and they feel like they do this the -- is hard to make him look like a victim he's wealthy and successful his wife is superhot and they've managed to make a man like that look like a victim which is impossible it seems to take with the trial is about
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which is to make the headlines like data the year the things they hand to him it's truly remarkable. >> greg: and the judge says he hasn't decided he hasn't decided he can't go trump was a wise to sense the opening and use it. make also not the present being like i'm in a thing about kiss mass do it will do i think you'll make bail. the funny part to me about this is so they talk about how trump was paying hush money and trump he wasn't doing that he probably didn't even know about it that's why you have lawyers and knee clearly a corbel 1 in cohen who went to jail for this already there trying to say this like he was looking at that like singco no he's a businessman who runs
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empires literally it was probably don't worry boss we will take care of it that so it probably went so they should be going after is the lawyers who is the witness which is literally the 1 who signed the papers made the moves cut corners did it all himself because he's a lawyer who passed the bar you would assume when he was your lawyer he had his integrity and did what he -- annuities doing seems like trump should be the witness against cohen. >> greg: i said yesterday on the 5 but it's like the hospital suing the patient for the doctors malpractice it makes no sense a landed much better yesterday. up next why she went to greatin pains to insule t the brain. our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars
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>> ♪ ♪ it's a video of the day! >> greg: she once delivered the news but still hold stupid views. here's our video the day slamming trump of voters calling anti- intellectual role it. >> to your point i feel socioeconomic disparities and class resentment is a lot and anti-intellectualism and elitism is was driving many of these antiestablishment which are trump voters antiestablishment voters i think that is a huge problem we have to address. [ laughter ] she's like a little munchkin in a tree. what she meant to say was we're
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stupid as opposed to the cerebral thinkers behind the today show you thought matt lauer was nbc's biggest embarrassment at least he had decency to leave the airways it would've been nice if he put his pants on first but that's the difference between liberals and the bubble took her 50 words to say people are done when it could have taken her just 2. sorry katie intellectuals in the last 5 years have given us covid-19, vaccines runaway spending they didn't think would cause inflation and dudes and women's locker rooms so anti- intellectual as a source i can see why her colonoscopy being televised was her career highlight. that acyl is more credibility than this 1 and joe she think
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she was just confused by the terms nt intellectual and antiestablishment everything was all screwed up in their. >> i think she was confused by the chair having a conveyor belt. you just watch them slide until just a hand on the cushion how relaxed do they get on club random. >> remember richard he slid all the way don't to the floor he slid into the parking lot. i think they might be resentful if you paid your bills work hard and save your money and someone from a rich family said you have to pay their debts i can see how people might be resentful because you don't see the people saying this but my point is if you're so smart and elite why did you take out student loans you can't pay i can get past that because the people she's insulting are the plumbers and electricians truck drivers whose
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people he make the society works of people like her can say we live in a technology driven society now or win the power goes out what is the technology driven society going to be doing i'll be begging an electrician to help me out but because i have a liberal arts degree in soft hands i'm useless. >> greg: whenever i see this it reminds me. people in the media have a blind spot it's their ego. their ego is in the way of everything so she has to be right and those millions of people are stupid. >> and you and i have no ego. >> every morning i wake up and i let go of my ego. >> especially you. 3 get it lego my eggo she's too young to know what that is. i get up every morning. >> i'm gonna keep saying it
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until somebody collapsed. >> and that's what somebody would do if they had no ego. but she can't understand why millions of people don't agree with her and they think she's complementing herself like i am smart and they are stupid. >> i think the support for trump comes from people saying things like that tired people are way more money easier lives than them in so many ways fame and all this saying how they are supposed to vote and supposed to think and if they see you something differently than that is because they are stupid if you wanted to know you could talk to these people you could read what these people right i guess it does make you feel better all you have to do is just vote for the other person and all of a sudden you're a
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smart person so much better than these other people the harsh reality is there are stupid people on both sides. >> exactly send your letters thick kat. >> stupidity transcends politics >> platform a not for her. tyrus gino peers made a great point today on the 5 he said so funny her talk about people being resentful when she wrote this memo where she wrapped in every female the business being so bitter. >> i wonder why house or new show doing. is a gone. >> listen all she did was describe the democrats because that's early interactions. she probably hasn't talked to a single trump a voter she did the work and drew her opinion based
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on interviews or whatever she didn't do that at a little too much to drink start saying dumb stuff and try to invent words then apparently thought she was some form of leadership because we have to address that she cozy up and like i need to talk to you about the click who gives a damn. they tell him themselves i am so out of touch so i will trash my own party and blame it on the other party reason most americans like trump they look at trump and solie here's a guy did it his way and i dig that i want to be like that so i will strive to do this is dead gave him a million dollars okay runs in the family he made to sign bigger which is every person here is like about my for small business had 1 small shop had an oven to make my pizzas i have a pizza dynasty everybody looks at that same thing for uganda politics president trump went on movies as trump you know how
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over you have to be that when you are in a movie as yourself and everybody knows who you are if you will or ran democrat they would've talked about how awesome he is because remember these are people who wanted to be buddies and friends with him and wanted his money. her career she's probably mad she didn't get into politics because she's not getting attention trump did in everyone else's crying over spilled milk. >> emily she is once america's sweetheart may be an excellent. >> i don't know whether to take that as a compliment or not. >> just say sign for god's sake you're wearing me out. [ laughter ] so i had so many feelings about this the tragedy to me is it's not hard to find the reason people support trump you talk about the blind spot you're absolutely right that the media holds dear that democrats just
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like why do they support them i don't know it's so easy it is so easy to find with everybody over half of america's saying my life was under him better where you fight for people like me that's the number 1 answer out of the iowa exit polls. because people like that are telling everybody else who they are what they stand for how they should vote what they are valued at which is nothing she represents the median is performed that no matter what you do you'll never be good enough or smart enough or valued enough until you serve in the military and die in so others so they can have a say that's why trump will win in november because that's what those people represent. >> greg: more stuff coming up.
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>> it's time for hunky heroes. >> australian women favor these dudes braver risking it all to defend their mall. the suburbs of sind sydney a murder spree was subdued by 2 brace civilians and since then the australian women are swimming over the handsome heroes for risking their lives to save others years 1 describing why he decided to act we were there so at the end you have to do something. so just try to do the right thing in we didn't think that much. you can't think at that moment. >> they're lucky they didn't try that in the united states they would've been arrested for obstructing a murder and progress in the media would blame the wall -- at the mall
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for let white privilege. so kat they stumbled up on the murder scene at the shopping mo armed with a small metal post but the overarching message in australia was finally some real men isn't that a rope lead in a world besieged by a collapsed masculinity audience like that at least. >> sometimes it really is thought to see a man cry though. as long as as long as it's over me right centerpiece and masculinity unlike telling minutes okay for you to cry as long as you're crying over me. >> greg: would you find these guys appealing?
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>> of course also having your life saved also hot also, i just is hot he's a hot guy like i thought he was hot and then i saw you as a gap toothed and is like i did know is that hot. so let's say he didn't save anybody would you still think he's a. >> yeah. >> the other thing that happened during this terrible spree is that a dad walked towards the mad -- murderer is with their wife and his kids in the video showed the knife guy ran away. and these cowards wearing people in public totally disappoint -- dissipate the contrast that in this country manor paid 20 grand remember me covered the men school davo to these guys bring them over here. >> greg: tyrus there is a serious point here that is we
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live in a culture where everybody films stuff when a crime is happening. >> that in itself is a problem but cowardice is contagious. here's the thing right likely this happened in another country besides america. i never thought i would say thing like that because these toxicant males didn't think before they acted and we don't even know what gender the attacker was this could have been a hate crime of some sort and that's the point. every society whatever you look at the ones who guard the gates of the alpha males like them or not you know what they are therefore to control other guys. we talk about this it ain't hard. men are horrible. we are horrible until we get wisdom are a bigger guide us a shut the. [ bleeps ] up and stop doing this.
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it's across the board and it's not just people you see with elephants gorillas and chimps you take the alpha males out all hell breaks loose. it's always savage alpha shows up and they go known a no-no. that's what happens because to stand up for that over there all they are saying were the men gone they've always been there you just done everything you can to get rid of them. nobody wants 1 until their house is on fire or somebody's breaking it and where's joe devito win i need him my hands are soft because after put them in my pocket because i don't want to face time in jail for what saving a group of people so congratulations they are getting hopefully this will remind us next time you see a man stopping something praise him for it. protest him to get out of jail. >> yeah, joe.
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>> i put joe over. >> greg: you said in the greenroom you wish there were more dylan mulvaney's. >> yes, because that's when i moved to the top of the food chain right. that's when i start looking but there are brave men like that new york i sought 2 guys breakup a purse snatching and not for them they would've made off with my purse so so i appreciate it i just want to make it clear there were good it's good to have guys that there is a person in this room that i wouldn't cower behind here in this room but tyrus makes the good point when you talk about toxic masculinity the problem is the toxicity not the masculinity and win the problem show up these are the guys who suddenly realize we need these people around to save our lives right pure member years ago shooting in colorado
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of the people murdered by the crazy guy froth of them were men who jumped on top of their girlfriends to save them they didn't think about it they didn't take a men's retreat they didn't need somebody to tell them may be should think about this first because maybe you're getting too close. they were strong men they knew this is my role as a protector in the smart society would encourage boys to grow up to be like this. >> oh definitely do that for little guess. coming up an actress said her eighties flick said too many white chicks.
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>> we've got another clip for you video of the day part 2. >> greg: the star of pretty in pink things white people staying. our second video the day comes from the miami festival where
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she discussed films that made her a star such as candles and it deep throat. saying they wouldn't fly today hit it. >> those movies that i'm so well known for their very much overtime rate and if you were to remake that now it would have to be much more diverse and it would have to be you can make a movie that white now. those movies are really very white and they don't really represent what it is to be a teenager in america today. >> it's true they did the movie today the actress would be hotter. tyrus does this go both ways i want to see a white version of saft and schubert their super fly and i was thinking i wait
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version of the ways and you call it wizard of oz. >> i think 1 was tarski and hutch listen. how dare she the coolest character and all those movies was long death don. and i believe he was asian of some sort. nobody cared. she's obviously trying to get work and awoke is in charge so if she paces on her previous a compliment maybe she will get picked up for a movie. what role are you going to play you don't fit and awoke movies. 1 thing we seen die as white families and commercials. find a white family in a commercial anywhere even black families we are even have to match skintone they just throw us all together that's the problem right these are called
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classics i didn't watch and say man i wish there was a brother in here somewhere. we don't matter that much is not about you it's a movie and it was about midwestern white kids growing up middle-class so i would assume there is a genre for that out there right i didn't go to high school like that and that's fine i don't have to be there and not upset because darth vader had a black man's voice dressed in no black but it was a 6'4 white guide walking around and i'm not like this is crazy this is rude ridiculous feel bad i wish he had a higher platform and was more successful and could be proud of her work but people do anything to stay in the limelight even unfortunately in this case shoot herself in the foot. >> greg: joe? sue-mac answer your question of what she was doing she was in the jeffrey dahmer series as this stepmom speaking of white people behaving badly at jeffrey dahmer movie these were the movies i watched when i was
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growing up and we didn't want eighties movies to be realistic about icicle i don't want movie about acne. >> greg: ever but he was 30 playing a highschooler. i mean these sizable kids had arthritis is ridiculous. but it's okay john hughes experience growing up in a predominantly white area that's what he wrote about and they were great stories i wouldn't expect somebody wrote in the black community to have to update it it's ridiculous. >> greg: if they have to update it just include more violence that's the change in schools people beating the show leap leap out of each other. >> also why can't you say john hughes was a genius that time was special i'm grateful to been able to kiss jake orion and thank you for my fame by firing to direct a movie this is what it would be about whitey have to bash stuff in the past just to
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keep up with something from the present that was a special chapter in films for people. >> i've never seen any of these. >> slumber party. >> i might see in the middle it looks like the guy from the mighty ducks is in it. >> i've never seen any of them but you know i think she was clever in the way she phrased it because there's like oh can never be made this way today rather than say shouldn't have made it that way because it's like okay then move your costar shouldn't have had a role. named them. >> greg: no white lady ever gives up her job she always says they should but she's already done the job secant say her. typical. typical. coming up a frosting which takes the cake. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that?
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pretty sad. and i posted it to show that kenny's not always happy. within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000. no, you're kidding. we set up the patriotic kenny foundation to give mobility scooters to veterans. it has changed my life tremendously. none of this would've happened without tiktok.
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i am william alden smith, a united states senator investigating the cause of one of the greatest maritime disasters in history. the titanic. your ship, sir. they'll only be compensated if white star and its employees are found negligent. you did not respond, "we are sinking. and our passengers and our crew are in danger. what agreement with the military? war, miss ricard, war. rated pg
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i am william alden smith, a united states senator investigating the cause of one of the greatest maritime disasters in history. the titanic. your ship, sir. they'll only be compensated if white star and its employees are found negligent. you did not respond, "we are sinking. and our passengers and our crew are in danger. what agreement with the military? war, miss ricard, war. rated pg >> a story and 5 words. >> greg: a brilliant walmart cape. she wanted the words aries baby in small cursive in the middle of the cake and here's what she got. the cake says aries baby small cursive middle of the cake
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brilliant to write. >> i lease you manufacture the whole thing because she put a picture of rousseau she wanted to be an influencer she's like here's how it happened i think she manufactured this even though these mistakes do happen. >> this is too clever to be manufacture. >> first of all if you need a cake don't buy from walmart. she would get tired. i will mark cake is an emergency cake because it means you forgot to buy the cake someplace good and you went and bought at a walmart anyone he buys their own cake themselves you're telling the world you don't have friends some leo should pick up your cake. >> greg: i always buy my own cake i said in the bathtub and smeared over my chest you think this is real quick. >> i hope it's real otherwise it's horrible for her to besmirch the walmart employee.
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>> is a former walmart employee. >> i stacked cans for like 6 nights it was late at night is a tough job it is what it is i think this is manufactured -- of its manufacture nancy young tyrus she was being rude to she kept saying small cursive middle of the cake and elected is buddy it's like that's what i would've done. if we were working at walmart that's what we would've done. and then blamed it on >> greg: don't gtto away we will be right back. than j ust seed alone. giving you a stronger lawn. smell that freedom, eh? get scotts turf builder rapid grass today, it's guaranteed. feed your lawn. feed it. (vo) dan made progress with his mental health... ...but his medication caused unintentional movements in his face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td.
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so his doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪as you go with austedo♪ austedo xr significantly reduced dan's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, dan can stay on his mental health meds- (dan) cool hair! (vo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. ♪as you go with austedo♪ ask your doctor for austedo xr. ♪austedo xr♪ [♪] your skin is ever-changing, take care of it
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with gold bond's age renew formulations of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. for all your skins, gold bond.
7:59 pm
8:00 pm
>> out of time, thank you everyone, love you, america. >> trace: good evening, i'm trace gallagher, 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 i


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