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tv   Hannity  FOX News  April 16, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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sleeping during the trial, he can just have a little read. brian from georgia. did you say undocumented monkeys? i did, didn't die. i'm sorry, those monkeys were illegal aliens, i'm so woke. brian from north carolina, that exotic monkey has a name and it is got felled. that is nasty because they are doing some sick operations on him. marian, your interview was awesome, you should do more podcast interviews. i am doing you hewitt and i am doing ruthless. you will see those soon. we're going to leave it at that. dvr the show and always remember i am waters and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ] >> ♪ ♪
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>> sean: welcome to hannity, tonight tensions are high inside the islamic republic of iran and israel is expected to strike back at any moment and rightfully so. the scale and scope of the responses yet to be seen but it is safe to say iran is not prepared for what is heading their way. i've covered straight ahead but we begin in pennsylvania where joe biden your president spent the day on the campaign trail talking to voters in a critical crucial battleground state just 202 days away until an inflection point for this country really the most pivotal election in our lifetime. every campaign stop crucial. donald trump couldn't campaign today at all because he was stuck in a dreary new york city courtroom and is stuck in that courtroom almost every monday tuesday thursday and friday for the first seeable future likely
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well over a month. donald trump was told he would go straight to jail and not collect $200 if he is not in court every single day and joe biden has the swing state playing field all to himself with 200 days until election day the media mob is elated. 1 fake news cnn hose celebrated with a banner that said biden hits the trail while trump sits in court. no wonder so few people watch fake news cnn there at conspiracy channel msn dcr working hard this week their fairytales about russia never came true but they will never miss an opportunity every second, minute, our every day week month to bash donald trump and they aren't alone take a look. >> don trump is in the courthouse now history has begun. cynic the biting campaigns as
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well trump is in court biden is running the country. >> the judges in a tough spot that no judge wants to be the person who is the 1 to throw former president trump in jail for criminal content. >> how to his opponents try to utilize this time? >> the split screen would be donald trump in the courtroom and joe biden on the campaign trail slats an important juxtaposition. >> why is it only coming to trial now? that is funny in a bad way. >> this is illegal for nerds super bowl kind of excited about it. is exciting to someone like me at least. >> sean: they are downright giddy make no mistake it's no ordinary trial this is a taxpayer-funded media promoted political smear campaign against donald trump and miraculously and perfectly timed just for the
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presidential election. the prosecutor hates donald trump running on a trump campaign 8 hating and for political reasons. the judge is a democrat yes who he donated 2 and 2020. joe biden and the jury pool is comprised of americans living in deep blue new york city only 10% of the electorate there voted for trump the alleged crime it's hard to describe they haven't really told us yet. had to misdemeanor document label allegation it states back 8 years. well past the statute of limitations that he mysteriously brought back to life by turning it into a felony on federal election law but none of that really matters does that. it's not about justice or keeping americans safe you think this is a threat to any american
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in new york city? you have violent criminals, gang members drug dealers, sex offenders, cops being beaten up by the criminals and the little old ladies going to church having the crap beat out of them and they escape is very relaxed prosecution every single day but with donald trump well either reduce 56% of all felonies to misdemeanor's twisted the law into a pretzel bending over backwards spending millions a year dollars to bring a case that should have never been brought for democrats in the mob in the media it's worth every penny even sacrificing roll of law and the great constitutional republic we have removing donald trump from the campaign trail at the height of an election the trial also gives the left another opportunity to trash donald trump in public the former president meanwhile he was not afforded the same rate his freedom of speech has been stripped away. the judge ordered trump to keep his mouth shut barring him from
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talking about witnesses or members of the court meanwhile all these witnesses were more than welcome to smear, slander and best merge trump anytime anyplace anywhere the state saw a key witness in the case is michael cohen a convicted liar and fell in all over cable tv has plenty to say about donald trump even live streaming and tea trump vitriol on tiktok. also a porn star he previously denied ever receiving hush money payment multiple times including a signed statement take a look. rumors i've received hush money from donald trump are completely false if indeed if i had a relationship with him dressed me you wouldn't be reading about in the news are in my book the fact of the matter is these stories are not true of course that was
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reported 2008, 2006, saying the same thing that it's a nonstory signed in january 2018. nondisclosure agreements they are not illegal but again trump is on trial for allegedly mislabelling 1 from 8 years ago and only now 200 days before an election this was a case that happened 8 years ago the judge in the case says he will treat donald trump fairly. okay i'm betting on that. of course the judges a democrat. the judge donated to joe biden trump's opponent and another anti- trump because in 2020 so it's the most high profile politically charged case in the country the judge donated to trump's political rival and according to 1 congresswoman the judges daughter is also a
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democratic political operative was financially benefited from her father's unprecedented trial of president trump you can't make this up keep in mind new york law forbids this type of prejudice here's article 2 section 14 the grounds for disk qualification. a judge shell not sit as such or take part in the decision of an action claim matter motion or proceeding to which he is a party or which he has been attorney or counsel or which he is interested or if he is related keyword there, related to party within the controversy within the sixth degree in other words if you have a daughter for example and that daughter is a democratic operative working against your defendant you can't preside over the case especially if there's money involved. we did reach out to the firmware the judges daughter works they haven't gotten back to us.
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the judge it doesn't seem understand the concept of a fair trial already threatening donald trump with jail if he fails to appear at any point during the trial even at this point hesitant to let trump attend his high school graduation slapping trump with a unprecedented gag order all refusing to do the same for those trashing donald trump in public they get to talk all they want but donald trump asked to keep his mouth shut and today according to reports during jury selection the judge denied a challenge to remove a potential juror because of extraordinarily hostile videos posted to social media celebrating donald trump's loss in 2020. how is that not a cause for disqualification is that not somebody who comes across as abusively biased instead the judge trump for muttering during
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the challenge. this is not a fair trial it's not trial at all. according to an associated press pole only 1 in 3 americans think trump acted illegally donald trump his train to take it all in stride after the day in court he ended up at a bodega new york city watch this crowd stomach they want law and order they have tremendous crime over there stores are being robbed and as you know we will give them a shot for the presidency i think we should be able to but. as new york is a lot different we will work at the mayor and bring in a lot of federal money. and work on crime these guys are great friends of mine but they're committing tremendous crime.
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>> sean: with reaction we have our legal editor. i asked you want to go over with you as their bins 7 selected for the trial. jury selection is important the jury pool i would argue is not particularly favorable the venue also isn't for donald trump so let's go i will put it up on the street -- the screen let's look at the first person to be picked a male from west harlem originally from ireland likes anything outdoors, gets news from the new york times, daily mail fox news msnbc. fox news could he mean fox at 5 new york it doesn't necessarily mean the fox news channel which would be very different in my mind your thoughts? >> it will be interesting to see how this goes from from men and 3 women picked 2 lawyers and oncology nurse, in ela teacher
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and it consultant a software engineer who likes to dance there is also interesting some of the people dismissed 1 potential juror who posted on his facebook page he was grateful at the court ruling against trump's unlawful travel ban in 2017 which i would say having being at the department of justice so he was actually wrong initially on that in the judge about that post said that was okay it was the part where the jurors said get them out lock him up that was the problem but i was surprised the judge was a well allowed -- allowed to let that first part go when he was celebrating a trump loss? >> the fact the judge was able to look over that that's unreal. juror number 2 a native new yorker oncology nurse my sisters were nurses gets news from new york times and google i don't really trust anybody who gets
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their news from the new york times or google wants your thoughts? >> we have to see how this plays out interesting to hear were these jurors are getting their news how to even know and what is google by the way even mean you can put whatever you want into a google search engine so i could say trump in prison and see what comes up. so that's unclear to me when jurors list google is a source of news what does that mean they feed them their algorithms based on what they are interested in or they searching for news articles fitting with their political leanings i don't know. >> sean: both get their news from the new york times, a google and juror number for getting up from the daily news. the young to middle-aged man grew up in oregon attorney practicing corporate law.
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middle-aged man from the lower east side born in puerto rico and it consultant both getting their news from the new york times, a google and the daily news which is also a liberal tabloid in new york interestingly not the new york post which leans more conservative what are your thoughts. >> based on my reading of our producers notes coming out of the jury selection the news they get their news from has overwhelmingly been from liberal leaning outlets that's been clear to me based on looking at weather note safe in the courtroom that could be a problem that's where they've been getting their news you know better than anybody else. >> sean: juror number 5 a younger african-american woman from harlem in new york teaching at a charter school previously a
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caseworker for a juvenile detention center mother retired police, news from talk radio, a google and tiktok. >> that aspect stuck out to me once again a lot of interesting stuff on tiktok and again how much of this is self-selecting and if you're looking on tiktok are looking and searching in the google what kind of news are you looking for you looking for objective news something that will fit what you are thinking all these there and answered questions i don't want to disparage the jurors need to let the process play out this is what we know about them so far. >> sean: juror number 6 we don't know much about native new yorker software engineer for disney that's all we know, a juror number 7 a white mail upper east side in new york from north carolina attorney practicing as a civil litigator gets news from the new york times wall street journal new
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york post and washington post which is which is a pretty balanced mix actually if you're asking me. >> that 1 is a balanced mix i'm curious to see how the lawyers look at the case like they will understand or at least i hope they would understand how crazy it is what the judges do in converting misdemeanors into felonies after statute of limitations is already run out and the felony and underlying crime still unclear to most people you can't say you violated federal and state election law without explaining how and he hasn't done that. we are talking about hush money payments how did we get from that of violating state and federal election law? >> sean: great point and remember they didn't bring the case either. just like the previous the predecessor calvin break you
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passed on as well great to have you thank you joining us now is gregg jarrett and a harvard law professor i want to ask you 1 question as number 1 you look at the case and greatly will start with you tonight you look at the case 8 years later 203 days yesterday before the election of presidential election if you look at the fact trump must be in court every single day and it his opponent is out campaigning you look at the statute of limitations which passed this is a misdemeanor account which somehow becomes melded into a federal charge for a felony is unfathomable today -- to me and nobody can explain that part of the case to me this is obviously political that here we are in the cases going forward. a course a recusal issue as well
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>> he is putting a wrecking ball to justice the term fare trial in new york is an oxymoron. threatening trump with contempt i gag order it's unconstitutional if all of that is evidence of bias judge in a dishonest da who knows his case is so he might actually lose so win or lose over them are sensually colluding to keep trump off the campaign trail tied up in court to damages election chances which makes new york i think beyond corrupt it would be a miracle if trump can get a fair trial which was the point in bringing the case you factor in media openly cheering as you pointed out for the prosecution and you have a poison justice system harboring contempt for the accused and
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presumes guilt having said that there is a glimmer of optimism. there might be 1 fairer juror will hopefully see for the courtroom charade reliant on contorting the law. may be the lawyers will see it second of all american voters resented this meddling in the presidential election an effort to deprive them of their right to choose this is always been a rush to convict on it contrived case brought against nobody else not name trump and i hope that people are smart enough to see it for what it is. >> 8 years later a misdemeanor evolves into a felony and allegations a judge is quite compromised in the case i'm sure you have a lot to say. >> i'm looking for a fair election i'm an american voter
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who hasn't decided at this point who to vote for or against. >> sean: want me to help you. >> and this case is depriving the american public i'm trying to speak for the american public not for either candidate at the prize the american public of the right to have a fair election. trump should be in principle -- pennsylvania today there is a statue which gives him the right to dish a statue which gives in the right to leave the court any day but they say in the absence of an objection by the people in other words the prosecution has a veto over a judge decision whether to allow him to leave the courtroom in any given day that day -- that is unconstitutional in the skate hat -- case has to be challenged motion should be made by his lawyers immediately under section 5, 340.50 which the judge has the power to allow him to leave the courtroom in campaign but only but only if the prosecution agrees to it
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which is unconstitutional. the gag order is unconstitutional you can't prevent defendant from attacking witnesses from attacking the judges daughter if she could be a basis for disqualification i agree with greg the american public is sick and tired of seeing the legal system weapon eyes democrat or republican trump supporter or abide and supporter you should be equally appalled. we have the right to decide who to vote for without the thumb or the elbow of the criminal justice system led by democrats in this case the district attorney -- attorney who campaigned on getting trump arrested we have a right to not have that election interference. election interference. >> sean: you leave the judge should have recused himself?
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>> to me it's not even a close question. she can make money it's not even a close call she can make money she's probably making money merely from the fact that he is sitting on the case and if trump loses as a result of judge rulings she puts money in the bank that's a conflict of interest. >> sean: a conflict of interest and of donald trump were to appeal conviction under those circumstances where the odd settle happen after the election pretty sad. >> after the election. >> sean: thank you. >> sean: a lot of ground to cover tonight biden bowing to political pressure on israel as bad as it's ever been we have the new access -- axis of evil forming, tim scott responds straight ahead.
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( ♪ ) my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife. i took it every day, three times a day,
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for three weeks. look at her and i said, "the pain is gone." and she said, i'm glad it helped. i said, "no, you don't understand. it's gone." you, too, can feel better every day with relief factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. call or go online now for our 3-week quickstart, just $19.95. (vo) in two seconds, eric will realize they're gonna need more space... (man) gotta sell the house. (vo) houses. or, skip the hassles and sell directly to opendoor. (man) wow. (vo) when life's doors open, we'll handle the house.
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>> sean: joe biden's weakness on the world stage is making the world less safe emboldening hamas and the number 1 state sponsor of terror being iran. in the middle east biden stands accused of a lawsuit of aiding and abetting the hamas terror attacks by funneling 1.5 billion to the west bank and gaza despite hamas being a designated terror organization. that is in violation of the 2018 taylor forest act which specifically does restrict money from going to palestinians unless they are taking steps to at end actions of violence against the u.s., israel and israeli citizens. biden also refuses to hold iran accountable for their attack on israel with no plans at all to
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issue any sanctions on the lifeblood of their terror organization which is going money gained from iranian oil lifeblood of the world's economy and even worse he won't support the israeli right to defend itself against these terror attacks and is enabling iran and hamas and by the way by doing so increasing a likelihood of even more attacks. biden also apparently is no issue with russia aiding iran according to reports russia is all but openly selling weapons to the islamic republic including factories facing u.s. sanctions. meanwhile biden hasn't said a word about vladimir putin with phoning a worship with hypersonic weapons and them into the mediterranean this week and none of should should come as a surprise biden can't even secure the border here at home earlier today is secretary of homeland security paid the price paid
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that price as articles of impeachment from the house formally got presented to the u.s. senate. the question is whether a cynic republicans will be able to hold a trial as we believe chuck schumer will move to dismiss the articles tomorrow. tim scott was in the chamber for the delivery of those articles and joins us right now. senator will 41 republicans stand on principle and take the impeachment of him who lied to the country for 3 years said the border was secure and border was closed light to us we have 10 million unvented joe biden illegal immigrants tens of thousands from russia and china and let's see iran and syria egypt and afghanistan. will 41 republicans stand on principle and say you should and must as a matter of your
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constitutional duties enforce the laws of the country. >> 1000 percent we unequivocally must stand for truth stand for justice the biden administration and him are guilty of the greatest of the invasion in american history with the sovereign border sleeper cells coming across our sovereign border is not just a crisis it's a crime the impeachment should stand and we need to fire joe biden and november and reelect yes reelect donald trump because we have -- we had peace prosperity and opportunity, yes sean? >> will 41 republicans unite to make sure this trail goes forward? >> absolutely we had conversation today and i believe we will have a unanimous
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republican party standing and defensive truth. the democrats want this to be quick painless republicans want this to be an exercise which is for a which finds the truth bringing to the surface the absolute disaster of them jeopardizing american lives it's a national security issue the border is a national security issue. >> you look at the radicalized democratic party people like chuck schumer, the squad and joe biden now in israel's hour of need 1200 is really skilled october 7th this attack on saturday night by iran never happened in history and you see it joe biden's answer is he will not stand with our ally as they stand still stood with us after 911 back then winning the war
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against dishware against radical terrorist attack in them they are the victims here and the reason is joe biden is more concerned that he lost 100,000 democratic primary voters in michigan 18-point 9% total 50,000 in wisconsin and seems to me joe biden -- joe biden would rather stand against israel which emboldens radical terrorists en masse and that iran because a sublime ambition is taken over how do you see it. >> 1000 percent you can't say it better than you just said it the bottom line is joe biden is more interested in all elections in doing the right thing. he is willing to be a feckless he is not loyal to our allies which means he can't belief all to our adversaries it goes a step further however it's not
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just a 1.5 billion given her flowing through their not just 6 billion in exchange for hostages making the entire globe unsafe for americans to travel not just $10 billion in november it's at the more than 100 billion a sanction relief to oil so the president is complicit with the actions of the axis of evil you described earlier more importantly we had a choice when we have another choice on november 5th the question should be answered emphatically the borders are more secure we had peace in the world prosperity at home and opportunity across the world under donald trump that is why the trial is absolutely injustice not justice that's why he's more afraid of the growing anti-semitism and that his party
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is going to try his best to insulate them and leave the rest of us a vulnerable it's just wrong. >> sean: if joe biden had any moral clarity at all and he doesn't he would be telling israel the united states will stand by you and wish you all the best and give you as much support as we can and hope and pray you win your war against radical terrorism. that should be the stand of the u.s. that's not complicated. senator great to have you. coming up next, joe biden traveled to scranton to pitch his tax plan the whole thing was typical biden disaster. all the low lights in reaction straight ahead. >> ♪ ♪
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>> ♪ ♪ >> sean: president joe went from the white house to his former hometown to scranton to cell is ridiculous tax plan which according to some reports could cost the u.s. economy about 800,000 jobs. this includes raising the capital gains tax rate quoted drew playing the cop corporate stock buyback to -- buybacks tax corporations don't pass tax because they raze that onto you the consumer. they are raising the corporate tax rate to 28% increasing the medicare tax implementing a global minimum tax on multinational corporations usual yet a speech overlies in typical biden bazaar gas i'm not sure he
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knows today is tuesday. >> thank you to the mayor, excuse me i was a most about to say the old mayor's name. resorted from the scranton press you think a getting and and they would have breakfast at the table in there to go wander in the table where adults were sitting but you can never sit at the table. my grandfather would tell me when i walked out the door -- walked out the door north washington, scranton. >> sean: the biden economy is struggling even the chair had to finally admit the obvious that the inflation data showed a lack of further progress in other words inflation is up
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dramatically year-over-year this past month 3-point 5% year-over-year the month before 3-point 2% say bye-bye to interest rate reductions with reaction is the host of the foxbusiness network her friend larry. a couple things biden can't get over. americans now are paying 39% more when they buy goods when they go to the grocery store and so on paying 55% more for energy than they were under donald trump. 60% of this country is living paycheck to paycheck and i just mentioned the inflation rate were not making much progress i don't think we have any we have any room for an interest rate cut in june i don't thank you do either meaning the economy is continuing to struggle from biden inflation the book biden's economic plan is failed where we will be november i don't know why do you think?
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>> thank you for having me. first-quarter inflation cpi growing about 4 and a half percent annually is so that will knock out interest rate reductions and no goosing the biden economy for reelection but what is incredible to me is donald trump cut taxes across the board and it benefited every part of the economy and in particular this is where is class warfare is so bad middle income people benefit the most low income benefited the most lax, hispanics, women, the poverty rate under trumps tax cuts fell to 7-point 8% unemployment rate for minority groups fell here's 1 little statistic for all of trumps for
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-- 4 years after tax cuts weekly earnings typical families weekly earnings after inflation increased by 9-point 2% edit annual rate so far for 3 years under joe biden earnings so fallen by about 4 and a half percent i ask you if you are running for president in your raising taxes by $5 trillion which is what biden is talking about you think that will help the economy are hurt the economy i don't who you are 5 trillion in tax increases it's preposterous and will never work. >> you talked about raising corporate taxes you're smarter on the economy and then i am. do corporations really pay taxes or or do they just pass taxes on
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to the american people every watching -- everybody watching you pay the taxes not the corporation. >> that is 100% rate that is why with the tote -- corporate tax cut that was passed down that scott was passed down to middle income people and the bottom quintile they all got big tax cuts. consumers pay it in higher prices, investors pay it in lower returns. why reverse a tax cut that helped everybody benefit it's beyond belief and biden gives you the wrong numbers falsifies everything working folks no donald trump's tax cut was their best friend for growth wages and opportunities by the way he also
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had virtually no inflation during his 4 years so go figure. >> 1 point 4% cpi rate and those trump tax cuts expire in the year 2025. love have you thank you my friend. and joe biden caught with another cici. you won't believe how the new york times is praising his fashion in a hard-hitting article against your president. straight ahead.
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(vo) in three seconds, this couple will share a perfect moment. (woman) is that? oh wow! but we got to sell our houses! (vo) well, almost perfect. don't worry. just sell directly to opendoor. (woman) yes! (vo) close in a matter of days. when life's doors open, we'll handle the house. hi, i'm ben and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) with other programs i've tried in the past they were unsustainable, just too restrictive. with golo i can enjoy my food and the fear and guilt of eating is gone.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> sean: president joe can't make it through a day without a step-by-step mature aerial -- tutorial what he needs to do. he had a cheat sheet during his
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meeting with the iraq prime minister he looked at the script various times during the meeting like this in the course the sheet even had all caps cues of pause but instead a covering concerning news like this and showing the nation a complete cognitive basket cases are president the new york times did a wonderful soft love peace to joe praising his fashion sense in their latest puff piece fawning over his dapper style saying his dapper style and him being so well-dressed that nobody can really tell how old he is. actually anybody with eyes can see he is weak for a rail and old and a cognitive mask. here with reaction's former senior advisor to donald trump stephen miller as well as former governor mike cok could be. i assume you have something
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witty and funny about this but i have been to a trump rally i've watched the prompter the guy who scrolls the prompter behind the scenes. that guy has no clue what donald trump is going to do because he will go on a 5 minute rant and the guy doesn't know do i go forward to await and eventually trump will kind of pick up where you left off and go back to the prompter a little bit but for a lot of the rally it's free styling almost joe is incapable of that. >> it's easier to fly a boeing air play within engine off then operating a prompter for donald trump and just to make sure i did okay i brought my own card with me with all of my instructions on what to say where to pause. the new york times published nonsense about how well-dressed he is my first reaction was that
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some of the most well-dressed people i've ever seen were when i saw them in balm and laying in state. just because somebody can dress-up it doesn't mean they ought to be president that's not a constitutional duty or responsibility or qualifications to be commander-in-chief and leader of the free world. all apologies to the new york times doesn't impress me. we needn't want want a leader in the white house. >> sean: i've been to an irish wake and there's always that person who will come up looking at the dead body and say don't they look great and i'm just like no they don't. if that's what you're reminding me of. miller you wrote still -- wrote a lot of speeches for donald trump as he is to take his big marker and pen cross this out, add this did you ever have to
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put the word pause and there. >> did not. they had a encyclopedic memory for donald trump of his speeches and the agenda of the policy plan what the mission is for whatever we are talking about and whatever we are doing on a given day in the west wing. that's how he was able to give a speech and take an issue and dissect it with a 15 or 20 minutes specific drill down on that issue that story, at that anecdote. i would also say we're talking about style the most stylish president and first lady in our lifetimes are donald trump in milan you trump. donald trump is a style icon he changed american fashion on the apprentice. if anybody deserves a puff piece on their sense of style it's donald trump and the first lady.
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joe biden looks like a walking corpse the only style article to be written about him is how you have mastered the art of looking in balm to because that's what joe biden looks like every single day as he goes about his schedule. >> sean: i don't think donald trump will like this but maybe, just may be governor. maybe the fact joe is on the campaign trail and donald trump is sitting in the courtroom as they get upset when he talks as it might work to his advantage in the end making full of himself everything will day. >> every time he makes a speech it's a disaster. every time he reads from a card carefully printed out that's a disaster. the only time he is winning is when he's on the beach in
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delaware or in his basement hold up and out of sight he's like a spare tire. what you need from joe's to keep them in the dark out-of-the-way all pumped up just in case you ever should need to bring them out of the truck. >> i like the idea that joe biden the more he talks the worse he looks. 15 seconds. >> every time he opens his mouth not on uppers it sounds like watching somebody with 1 foot into the grave. the more joe biden talks the worse he does which is why he's terrified of debating donald trump. as my response maybe that's why.
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my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife. i took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. look at her and i said, "the pain is gone." and she said, i'm glad it helped. i said, "no, you don't understand. it's gone." you, too, can feel better every day with relief factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. call or go online now for our 3-week quickstart, just $19.95.
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a former nbc anchor criticized donald trump supporters last friday saying
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his bases driven by anti- intellectualism and crass -- class resentment. >> socioeconomic disparities are a lot and class resentment is a lot anti- intellectualism and elitism is what drives many of these antiestablishment trump voters antiestablishment voters so i think that's a huge problem we have to address. >> sean: that elitist attitude is why she failed miserably as the cbs news anchor. that's our time thank you for being with us thank you for making the show possible set your dvr never missed an episode of hannity and let not your heart be troubled the gray good gutfeld is next to put a smile on your face. have a good night.