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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 16, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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way of preventing wrinkles. >> it's supposed to help you not get wrinkles. it looks really ought while it. but i mean, were looking youthful, nothing says i'm going to be youthful forever like diet coke out of an antiwrinkle straw. >> i hate to stanley so much, i hit the sound they make, i hate people carrying them. drink it at home, i don't want to see your stanley. >> that is the whole look of this is that they have a word for people who use these, these are called idiots. and the way you avoid wrinkles is because if you are drinking one of these, no one is inviting you outside the house to hang out, that's it. there is no son. >> jimmy hits the stanley, thank you jimmy, great to see you. remember it is jessie next, follow me on social media, a fun video before the show tonight, check it out. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse
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watters primetime". tonight... >> it is a rigged trial on courts, everything is screwed up and the whole world is watching. also, there is no crime, this is all politics coming out of the white house. >> jesse: a runaway jury in new york city [ chanting ] >> that's part of the reason i got into drug dealing in the first place, it is a [ bleep ] you to society and every time you get away with selling drugs you have beaten society. >> jesse: the get it together series continues. >> what you like better? nurse or cheerleader? >> nurse. >> thanks, she's okay. >> jesse: fake girlfriends and what it means to be a man. plus... >> why are you here? [ speaking alternate language ] [ ♪♪ ]
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>> jesse: fox news alert, it is day two of democrats putting trump on trial for a crime they can't name. over half of the jury has already been selected, we already know a lot about them and it is hysterical. before we tell you about them, remember this is a manhattan jury, it went 87% for biden and the judge is overseeing the selection process is a biden donor whose family was paid by the biden campaign. yesterday, 50 white women wearing masks fled the courtroom , claiming they could not be fair to trump. anyone wearing a mask at this point is not an impartial -- impartial jury. here is one white woman who works in cybersecurity he was excused, listen. >> did you say you could be unbiased though? >> i did. it is difficult for anyone in this country to not come to this with prior opinions, i think we all have prior opinions about the defendant unless you have been living in a cardboard box. >> show me a juror who says they can be unbiased towards trump and i will show you a liar. that is why we don't have political trials in america,
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varmint -- fairness is impossible. trump's legal team was given the names of potential jurors and after googling them, discovered they were undercover activists trying to sneak onto the jury. one juror could not recall any anti- trump feeling. but when the defense showed them the receipts, he admitted he posted on social media, quote, donald trump should be locked up. another juror said he didn't remember posting anything bad about trump and then when shown the evidence, conceded that posting a picture that says, quote, trump invites ty voit's to the white house, ty voit's request to return to cage. those two radical liberals got caught lying to the court and were almost seated on the jury. this is what trump has to deal with. yesterday, clay travis was criticized for suggesting from supporters get on the jury. so far seven jurors have been
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seated. here's what we know about them. the foreman, juror number 1. he is a salesman from harlem who was born in ireland. he used to be a waiter, did not finish college and likes anything outdoorsy. he is married with no kids, his wife in school. he gets his news from the new york times, the daily mail and some fox news and an them -- msnbc. never met anybody who watches both fox and msnbc but okay. that guy is your jury foreman. juror number 2. a nurse from the upper east side with a masters degree. she is not married, has no kids and lives with her fiancé who works in finance. she gets her news from the new york times, google and cnn. she said two things that really stuck out. one, quote, i don't really have an opinion of trump and, quote, no one is above the law.
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i'm not so sure about juror number 2. juror number 3 is a young asian lawyer from oregon. his corporate law firm features de i on it's homepage. he is single, lives in chelsea and was wearing a purple jacket. he claims he is not super familiar with trump's other charges. he likes to hike and run and gets his news from the new york times, the wall street journal and google. juror number 4 is a puerto rican who finds trump fascinating and mysterious. quote, he walks into a room and he sets people off one way or the other. i find that really interesting. that this one guy can do all this. wow. the guy was actually born in puerto rico, lives on the lower east side now and works in it. he is married and has grandkids. wife is a writer. previously served on the jury that says he does not remember
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the verdict. he gets his news from the new york daily news, the new york times and google. anyway. juror number 5. a black woman in her twenties who does not follow the news and did not know trump was facing charges, any charges, anywhere. she lives in harlem, she's a teacher, is not married with no kids and lives with her brother, as a basketball coach. she gets her news from google and tik tok. she also listens to charlemagne. juror number 6 is a woman in her twenties who works for disney. she made the courtroom laughed because she wanted to know if the trial would be over before september because she is a bridesmaid at her sister's wedding. she is not married with no kids and likes to dance. she lives with three roommates and gets her news from the new york times, google, facebook and of course tik tok. and says she does not have strong feelings about trump one
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way or the other. okay. juror number 7 is a middle-aged balding white guy with a tan. he lives on the upper east side and you guessed it, another lawyer whose firm is big into dei. he is originally from north carolina, married with two kids and his wife works at a bank. he gets his news from the new york times, the journal, the new york post, the washington post and he listens to npr. so that is the jury of trump's peers so far. the fate of the billionaire real estate tycoon, tv celebrity turn 45th president of the united states is in the hands of new york city lawyers, teachers and disney workers who like to dance and get their news from the top. but swear they can be impartial. let's bring in our fox news contributor, charlie. i think at this point, we can say it is not going to be on
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acquittal. i think the most trump can hope for is a hung jury with one person holding on. >> look, that is all we are looking for here. the fate of the country, the fate of our entire political system rests on -- and i will put basically all of my hopes on the immigrant from ireland and the puerto rican. i think they are our best shots at saving american democracy. and my biggest concern, of course,, is that five of the seven read the new york times, which is deeply alarming. also concerning is how many of these people call themselves outdoorsy and like to hike and they live in manhattan. they are doing it wrong, that is not where you live if you're outdoorsy and you like to hike. but, i have to say that when you look at all of the people involved in this thing, this
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raft of people, even the people that are kind of ridiculous like the software engineer from walt disney and a number of them i am very doubtful that they are being honest about it but they are better than having the fate in the hands of alvin bradley, i will say. >> that is true. also concerning is the nurse on the upper east side with a masters degree and the two dei corporate litigators who claim they haven't really been following the case. okay. let's move on. go ahead. >> i mean i get it, you can't swing a dead cat in new york city and not had a lawyer, why do you have lower ears on jurors? i would never let a lawyer on any jury of mine but that is just me. >> that is just you, you are not a jury consultant although you should be because he would probably be better than most of them. they said there is poetic justice that dei is taking down donald trump.
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the sin. >> donald trump is being held to account by the very multicultural, multiracial democracy that he is trying to dismantle. and for me, there is something poetic and actually wonderful about that. it says something good about our country that we are still capable of having that happen. go dei, my dei is bringing at home. >> go dei. >> we can make fun of her but you have to hand it to her, she lives what she preaches. wearing a trump wake on tv every single night, if that is not dei, i don't know what is. so kudos to her. >> that is cultural appropriation but i'm not that sensitive. >> it is that. highly offensive but it's diversity! >> jesse: i cannot wait to find out who the next jurors are tomorrow, it's going to be great, guarantee there's another lawyer. we will see. >> i pray for another puerto rican and another irish immigrant. >> jesse: that's all we can hope for at this, thank you charlie.
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trump arrived at the courtroom earlier this morning and said this before he went inside. >> i was paying a lawyer and they market down as a legal expense, some accountant and i didn't know. market down as a legal expense, that is exactly what it was. and you get indicted over that? right now i should be in pennsylvania, in florida, and many other states. north carolina, georgia cat campaigning. this is all coming from the biden white house because the guy can't put two sentences together. >> jesse: the judge yelled at trump for mumbling audibly during jury selection and told him to knock it off. the district attorney take the judge to hold trump in contempt and ask him to find him three grand for violating his gag order, trumpet posted that the trial was corrupt. oops, can't do that. and for the second day and a rope, reporters caught trump dozing off.
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wake me up when i am acquitted. >> multiple news outlets today coming out of this that trump appeared to fall asleep on the first day of his trial. >> imagine committing so many crimes you could board a your own trial. >> the optics of all this and the sustained eye resting that apparently happened in the courtroom. i do feel like if you call your opponent sleepy joe, you have one job. >> this little gem. trump appears to be sleeping,'s head keeps dropping down and his mouth goes slack. >> jesse: after trump woke up and find out the seven jurors were, npr listening dei lawyers khaki went to harlem to visit a famous bodega. this was the place where they charge the owner with murder just for merely defending himself during a robbery. >> this is all politics, this is coming out of the white house. and it makes me campaign locally and that's okay. [ shouting ] [ chanting ]
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[ chanting ] >> we are doing better now than we have ever done. i think it is having a reverse effect. all i want is fairness. and these people have to be treated better, the bodega association because every week that they rub two or three times, it is crazy. and you know what? the police can do it, they can stop it but they have to be allowed to do their jobs. we are making a big play for new york, other cities to. but i love this city and it has gotten so bad in the last three years or four years and we will straighten new york out. >> jesse: they are chanting trump and harlem. let that sink in. meanwhile, president biden went to scranton,'s so-called hometown to spew hoaxes because he thinks you are too stupid to read. >> paying taxes it something that people for a living did,
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not him. you learn that telling people you're fired was something to laugh about. listen to what he says. he says, quote, i will be dictator on day one. quote, i am your retribution. promises, quote, a bloodbath. suckers and losers, he said it. who the hell does he think he is? >> jesse: the former speaker kevin mccarthy joins me now. so trump goes to the bodega and they are chanting four more years. what does that tell you? >> it tells you that this is probably going to backfire on the democrats. if this was a hollywood movie, you wouldn't believe the script. think for one moment, let's design a movie. the president of the united states, your policies are so bad you cannot run under economic policy, your foreign-policy or your border policy. so let's come up with a plan. let's try your opponent but let's take away his first amendment rights and say we care
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about democracy but we give him non. but let's try him not by a jury of his peers, let's pick the second-best county in the entire nation where you have the most democratic votes in your last election. and then let's make sure he cannot campaign and you still lose as that opponent, president trump was out simile to a bodega and the american public chant, we love trump, four more years. >> jesse: it shows weakness. stephen sees it, let's listen. >> to my liberal friends out there, all you were doing is showing that you are scared you can't beat him. on the issues and the merits. that is why he keeps saying it is a political campaign against me. tens of millions of people see what extent the other side is willing to go through just to see him out of office because
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they can't beat him on their own merits. everything you do shows me you can't beat him. it is a damn shame. >> jesse: it is just like a relationship, you don't like someone who is desperate, do you? >> you do not. think about it. biden tries to campaign because he is concerned about democracy and he is denying democracy. first tee sous to try to make sure trump cannot be on the ticket, then he goes to put him in court and every action he has taken, president trump's numbers have only grown. why? because it reminds the american public are president trump, we had a secure border. we didn't evacuate five embassies, we did not collapse in afghanistan, we did not have war around the world, boudin never invaded anybody else. this is going to backfire on them simply because the american public is too smart and that was a great quote you just heard him talk about. but the part i love its every word, when he was down in atlanta, you have people running up to him just hugging him from
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every walk of life. and it is driving the democrats crazy. so he will probably get indicted tomorrow as well. >> jesse: these are really backfiring, kevin mccarthy, thanks for joining us. >> thank you jesse. >> jesse: migrants, fake girlfriends and elephants on the run. [ ♪♪ ] plastic is not wasted... but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen.
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the future is here. we've been creating it for more than 100 years, putting the most advanced technology into people's hands. generation after generation. tool after tool. again and again. bringing you the most reliable network of authorized sales and service dealers. always moving forward. we lead. others follow. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: remember the whistleblower who went public and came clean about how npr does not do journalism anymore, it just does dnc propaganda against trump? the new npr ceo suspended him without pay. but what do we know about this new npr ceo? she has the perfect resume.
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in 2016, she criticized hillary for not being woke enough. quote, i do wish hillary would not use the language of boy and girl, it is erasing language for nonbinary people. in 2018, she declared that trump is a racist and she did it again in 2020. during the summer of love she called all white people racist and then cap the year off showing how excited she was to vote for biden. that is who npr hired as ceo. not only is she an avid lid, she is a liar. she gave a whole 10 talk about working for wikipedia and talked about how important different perspectives are. >> these are some of the best articles on wikipedia and many of them are written by people who fundamentally disagree with one another. they also found something interesting, which is that the more that these polarized contributors engaged in conversation, the more balanced and productive their
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contributions became. i knew instinctively this is true because i have seen how productive friction can really get us places. how mistakes and debate actually bring people into the conversation. you do not sit back when you disagree with someone because engaging offers you the chance to shape the public record. through that process, ideas become sharper, better and more understandable. >> jesse: she claims the npr newsroom had a ratio of 87 democrats 20 republicans. doesn't sound like much debate going on there. and a senior fellow joins me now. you got in trouble, they said you are targeting her. how dare you? >> yes, that's right, i have spent the last day or two digging through her tweets to show people exactly what she believes. it is actually incredible, it is the most vapid left-wing propaganda imaginable. she has been at it for years,
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she is a supporter of blm, she believes in the pseudoscience of white privilege and white fragility. she criticizes her own whiteness. it is like mad libs for left-wing women and she is doing at all in realtime and somehow by showing what she herself has written, i'm supposedly targeting her, i am not sure how that works. >> jesse: targeting, you mean noticing things other people said. her resume is also mad libs. i atlantic council, wikipedia, is almost like she has been laundered through every left-wing organization in america. >> that is exactly right. if you were to set out to say we wanted a hyper left-wing female executive of npr and you had a laboratory where you could create such a person, it would turn out exactly like this. it is the golden resume, it is the language, it is the concept, it is everything. there's nothing original here, it is vapid ideology that is
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passed around elite institutions. but what is beautiful about this is that she left this paper trail for more than a decade so american taxpayers who are funding her salary and part, can actually look to see what these people really believe, to see what they are saying when they believe no one is looking. she is now being held to the fire, she is losing even the support of the new york times which has been running critical stories about her leadership at npr. this is a tipping point, i'm not sure how long she is going to last. >> chris, you seem to be the only one noticing things, a.k.a. targeting other people. you have noticed some very important things about the harvard president, now the ceo of npr. could you please continue to notice things, because apparently you were the only one who notices anything in the media. >> i think a lot of people notice it but few people have the courage to say it. i have always believed that we have to tell the truth, we have to expose what our opponents
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believe and then trust that the american people will make the right decision in the end. >> trust the american people, what a novel concept. thank you so much. johnny talks to biden's migrants. home. but home is also your body. i asked myself, why doesn't pilates exist in harlem? so i started my own studio. getting a brick and mortar in new york is not easy. chase ink has supported us from studio one to studio three. when you start small, you need some big help. and chase ink was that for me. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card from chase for business. make more of what's yours.
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does this sound like this is pro- palestinian or anti-american if they are burning american flags and chanting death to america? >> i'm not privy to -- i have not seen these reports, i would have to check them myself. >> anti- israel protesters blocking the brooklyn bridge burned the american flag and chanted death to america, do you condemn this type of rhetoric? >> we have the get to the next event here. >> you okay with people burning the american flag? are you okay with people chanting death to america? congresswoman porter, are you okay with people chanting death to america? is it okay? do you not a problem with that? >> jesse: today, house republicans walked articles of impeachment against it down the hall. it is the first time in 150 years a cabinet secretary has
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been impeached. republicans are charging them with willful and systemic compliance of the law with his handling of the border or mishandling of it. the next step should be a full-scale trial. but the democrat majority already said they will toss this thing in the garbage first chance they get. so the border is still open and he is still pretending he secured it. >> with the resources and the authorities that we have been provided, it is as secure as we can make it. >> don't buy that. biden has more resources than any president in american history. they could close it tonight if they wanted to. texas just arrested a 17-year-old cereal smuggler. the mexican has been released 96 times. for drug trafficking, human trafficking, even exotic monkey smuggling. what did they do with the smuggled monkey? probably gave it to couch he. and new york, over 1000 african
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illegals form city hall. they wanted green cards, work permits and apartments. we scent johnny there to talk to them. >> where are you from? >> i'm from guinea. >> africa. >> where you from? >> guinea. >> where you from? >> i don't speak english. >> where you from? >> don't speak english. >> where you sleep? >> shelter. >> i live in shelter, i don't have money now. >> it is not nice, we have so many problems in shelter. sometimes the food they are giving us is not good for me. >> what do you want? >> i want help. >> to get a work permit. >> do you like joe biden? >> yes, i like to biden, i think he is a good president. he opened the door for us. >> if trump was president do you think you would be here right now? >> no. he would not allow us to enter.
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>> but biden did? >> yes. >> jesse: trump says all of these migrants are going to make new yorkers vote for him. >> do migrants have taken over new york, you have 500,000 illegal migrants in new york. the people of new york are not going to take it, that's why they will vote for trump. >> jesse: the get it together series continues with a former drug traffickers straight ahead. experience the thrill of fly fishing from our expert guides along north america's finest trout stream. explore thousands of acres of wilderness on majestic trails. then replenish at our world class spa. and when the sun goes down, enjoy an intimate country music concert. this summer, discover the west kept secret. book your all inclusive luxury experience at three forks can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators,
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>> jesse: fox news alert, and elephant escape from a circus in montana. elephant's name is viola. she brought traffic to a screeching halt and the handler chasing her through the streets. we can report the elephant has been taken into custody by circus employees and while no one was hurt is ruined -- rumored that the justice department may charge the elephant with obstructing an official proceeding. but sources tell primetime before being captured that viola did go number 2 on a nearby lawn. in my little old book, get it together, people from all over the world opened up to me. they shared their life stories, their deepest secrets. but just because we finished the
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book does not mean they get it together series is over. today we are talking to a comedian. for he was a comedian he was a drug trafficker, before he was a drug trafficker, he was just a college kid. johnny mitchell has been to columbia, the prison and now he has been to primetime. johnny mitchell joins us now. johnny, how did you go from college student to drug trafficker? >> naturally that is the progression of any american college kid. that was just the market, that was who was buying up drugs generally. it's young people on college campuses. so it was just one of those things, every kid back in the nineties and 2000 sold weed so i was no different. and i got into it at the university of oregon and i got good at it and i just kept it going. and by 2008, 2009, i had shipped i don't know, thousands of pounds through the u.s. mail,
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all over the united states. so it was quite unexperienced. >> jesse: what was it like when you first started getting involved in the cartel? >> well, the first time i ever met these guys, i was massively hung over. i was taking keg stands the night before and then my buddy reminds me, you might want to take it easy, we have to go meet mexican drug traffickers tomorrow. so i was like, okay,, yeah. so we drive 10 hours down the i. five to this tiny little town in northern california, we went to some dumpy little motel room and we met these dudes and i think we were buying 50 pounds, we had $100,000 in cash and that got us about 50 pounds of weed, 2000-pound. i remember as they were counting the money and getting to know us, i kept having to go to the bathroom to throw up.
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so i was like keg dude, these guys think i'm wearing a wire, and like i'm adjusting it. >> jesse: so that went down and your parents had no idea you were doing this? >> they knew. >> jesse: your parents knew you were drug dealing? >> yeah,, just not to this level. >> jesse: and they didn't care? >> of course they care but i was so far gone in the game, i was so addicted to the money, which is far worse than any addiction i had to alcohol or women or anything like that, that there was nothing they could do. >> jesse: okay. when did it all end? when did you get arrested? >> 2010, the fall of 2010 i was arrested by federal agents in the portland police department, the portland detectives. >> jesse: and you believe this
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experience in prison, drug trafficking, talking with the cartel, you believe this kind of gave you the comedy chops to be successful? >> when i was in prison, i actually started doing stand-up comedy. they would have these talent show nights in the cafeteria at the facility and the institution i was at, the oregon state penitentiary and if you put together enough good behavior, a good time, once a month you can go down and sign up to perform your talent so it was like open mic night and so i would get up there and try to make people laugh and i started just roasting people and i would just make fun of everybody. and it was brutal. like today i would be canceled. from the outside looking in it was probably hate speech but i was killing. killing, jesse! so i got the bug and i got the bug because in there if you are
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trying to perform a talent it is kill or get killed. so that gave me the first kernel of an idea. i was like, okay,, may be something more to this. i was like i would go to hollywood, i'm going to be a screenwriter and an actor and whatever other delusions i had. but my cellmate would come down, he would see me doing these talent shows and just killing and he was doing life, he was never getting out, he was a shock collar for the hells angels prison gang and he goes, you should think about doing this comedy thing. and from then on, my mind was made up. >> jesse: great advice from the hells angels. you've gotten it together. mitchell, any advice for people that still haven't really gotten it together? >> yes, you have time. you have time to get it together, as long as you don't ruin your life irreparably.
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so you can't do drugs anymore, sentinel has ruined it, it has ruined cocaine fund, i'm sorry, that's just the way it is, you cannot do drugs anymore. you cannot do life in prison. you cannot end up dead. but short of that, short of disaster, mistakes are, okay,, they are necessary. >> jesse: we're glad you got it together, listen to the words from the wise, there is still time. appreciated buddy. >> take care. >> jesse: fake girlfriends and the american dream, right back. [ ♪♪ ] start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> back in the day the worst thing about having an imaginary girlfriend was founding out your friends found out.
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>> were going to go upstairs. later gators. [ laughter ] >> why can't guys be like that? [ laughter ] [ laughter ] >> he is a man, he knows how to treat a lady. >> jesse: owe bud. but now, because of artificial intelligence, people are going public with their imaginary girlfriends. a recent survey found that one in five americans have flirted with a robot. ai girlfriends are predicted to be a 1 billion-dollar a year business. whatever happened to meeting a girl at a bar or having your friend set you up? the internet is giving us a zillion options, it is a fantasyland. we have a dangerous combination of big tech, high standards and low confidence. thanks to social media, everyone
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compares themselves to supermodels. when before you just compared yourself to the people in your own town. constantly scrolling dropped guys confidence and girls are incentivized to objectify themselves. what do we have? a generation of young men too scared to even use a pickup line. host of the first date podcast, lauren compton joins us now. >> how are you? >> jesse: i am great but confused. why are guys dating ai girlfriends? >> i don't know, i think that there are some pros and cons to it. like on one hand and ai girlfriend is perfect but on the other hand you are cuddling with a laptop. or you are probably doing something else but i don't... i don't really know. >> jesse: do you think this is a bad sign? because i see this getting worse. >> i mean i thought guys didn't like to be cat fished.
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>> jesse: after the linebacker from notre dame, i think everyone learned their lesson. is it something that girls are doing to us? because it can't be guys fault, women must be making us dive into this deep dark tunnel. >> i don't know. i think that girls are looking for guys with money and it seems like guys are willing to pay a dollar a minute to chat to a bot. so why are guys turning to robots? >> jesse: if we could just use the money we are paying the ai girlfriends on the real girlfriends, problem solved. >> to go to dinner, yes. what is and ai girlfriend giving you? >> jesse: i think it ends in about 30 seconds and then it doesn't matter. but when you say girls want guys with money, what else do women want?
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because we have been trying to answer this question for thousands of years. >> i don't know. i think and ai girlfriend is setting some unrealistic expectations. like they are always organized, they always know what they want for dinner, they will never forget your birthday. i don't know. women don't even know what we want. but in ai girlfriend always knows what she wants and she knows what you want. >> jesse: you just answer the question perfectly. women don't even know what they want, how are guys expected to? guys are just supposed to do their own thing, right? we follow our mission, we make some money, we mess around in our free time and then you guys can shop and do your thing, right? >> yes! and ai girlfriends don't even get jealous. let's be real, do you really want to sit on your couch and catch up on sports with your buddies all day and not have a girlfriend causing any drama?
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>> jesse: do you understand now that for the next three or four months, there is no football and that is all guys are going to be doing is just waiting for football and watching hockey and watching basketball? this is going to be a rough time. are you prepared for that? >> i mean it is going to be hard to handle. >> jesse: i feel like you can handle it. >> but i have a question for you. >> jesse: please. >> do you think that these guys that are falling in love with ai girlfriends, are they introducing them to their parents, to their families? >> jesse: well my family can't even log onto the internet without help. so maybe they are just printing a picture out and showing it to them because that is about as technologically savvy as my parents are. thank you for joining "jesse watters primetime" and thank you for enlightening us about how confusing women can be.
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we appreciate it. [ laughter ] >> any time! [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: we have food for the staff today but instead of eating with the staff, i ordered my own food. is that considered -- text me. we have got janet. from columbus ohio, i received your book for my birthday and so far i am loving it. he get it together series will be continuing as well. marlene from california. i know it is not your favorite place, but can you please schedule a book signing in southern california? yorba linda baby, here i come. pete from sleepy hollow new york, those jurors cannot possibly find trump not guilty because they are friends would never speak to them again, that is how it works in new york. steve from georgia.
5:59 pm
i hope there are some possible jurors from harlem and that pool. can you imagine four more years chance at a bodega and harlem for trump? rick from pennsylvania. if i was trump i would be at that bodega yelling tax cuts for the irish on the puerto ricans. they are our only hope. peter from minneapolis minnesota, maybe the naked cowboy makes a return as an alternate juror. stealth cowboy. i like it. william from west virginia, when did google become a news outlet? seriously? how are people getting their news from google? justin from new york, if trump has to be locked up in an nyc courtroom during the day, you should spend his evening sitting bodegas and painting the town red. i have some suggestions about some other places in new york he could be going. gary from kansas says its time to sell your books at new york bodegas.
6:00 pm
i think i will send trump a copy of get it together so instead of sleeping during the trial, he can just have a little read. brian from georgia. did you say undocumented monkeys? i did, didn't die. i'm sorry, those monkeys were illegal aliens, i'm so woke. brian from north carolina, that exotic monkey has a name and it is got felled. that is nasty because they are doing some sick operations on him. marian, your interview was awesome, you should do more podcast interviews. i am doing you hewitt and i am doing ruthless. you will see those soon. we're going to leave it at that. dvr the show and always remember i am waters and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ] >> ♪ ♪


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