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tv   Hannity  FOX News  April 15, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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20th, april 27th, vero beach, florida, new jersey on may 5thns and may 25th. yorba lind maya, california. >> let's do some texts. diana from fort myers. jesse, does your hand hurt from? all those autographs in fort myers? >> no, but my doey butt ds. >> martin from ohio, trump needs to go to barron's , trs tograduate. n an this is a milestone for barron, and he deserves to have his dad there. >> that's right. go anyway. make them arrest you, don, from florida. biden's foreign policy. it depends from a on what. the definition of don't is. >> don't duke from west dorginia send dog to clear those bridge protesters. yeah, with that little pelleg tt like waters and this is my world. and welcome to hannity. tonight, we begi sean: wn with a fox news alert. tonight the world is on high alert o.
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iran's massive attack against israel. now, at thisr iran's hour, we are monitoring the skies over iran as we a forceful responsee that have been promised from trk israel. this as we also now tonight track multiple major stories , including a blatant political smear campaign that's disguised a criminal trial.crimn jury selection now underwaaly i. new york city, where the very leftist district attorney alvin bragg, is determined to prosecute donald trump for a decadeorney bragg, d old defut misdemeanor surrounding the labeling of business documents. now, the bogus charges are well past the statutee statue of limitations, but alvin bragg has mysteriouslymitation upchare what would be misdemeanorso feli two felonies. ty tying in a federal election case that was specifically never prosecuted, even by biden's weaponized doj. if this all sounds convoluted to you, that's because it is. these are not legitimate charges. this these is not a legitimate tria.
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it is s a perfectly timed political led by a prosecutor who did campaign on, quote, gettin whog sound familiar and presided over by a judge whose family is deeply involved in democratic politics. no iw, coming up to explain boguetail the real truth behind the bogus trump trial in new york city and why weaponize l inkjustice is now posing a ren clear, serious threat to our and to constitutional order, something democrats saye di they care about, but obviously do not. but first, we have officially reached yet another low point, maybe the lowest from the biden mayb. rotests today, disruptive protests broke out all across the country. you have far left wing. biden supporting agitators blockingr le, airport trafficinc in chicago, others causing a massive traffihicac jam a on the golden gate bridge and state after stat e angry far left demonstrators causing chaos, blocking traffigrc. >> and this nothing but a vile
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nationwide protest against israel. yet one day after the world's only jewish state dae was brutay attacked by iran over weekend, e you had this unprecedented escalation of violence from iran. israel faced more than 60 tons of airborne explosives, drone including 170 drones, more thani 30 cruise missiles and over 120 ballistic missiles, most of which were launched directly from inside iran's borders. now, following the attack where ,you know, here was joe biden's message to our closest in the middle east,e mi you're on your own and we won't supporu're ot you if you defenda yourself and fight back against radical islamindc. this all happened during a calli with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. biden reportedly urging israel not to fight back, emphasizing that the,. will not participate in a response against the number state sponsor of terror. the contents of that calf l,
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they were then leaked to the press, likely by the biden white house. soproces have to ask, why is joe biden so openly hostile to one of america's closest allies as it is fighting for its very existence and its very survival? and whertence is joe biden's mol compass? why is there no moral clarity when it comes to taking a standn again against the number one statesman on terror? the answer is very sadyond pat and beyond pathetic. probably the low life and low moment of hibablw lifes presideh says a lot. you take a look. you want to know where ke this begins in michigan, the democratic primary ovemichir hundred thousand voters cast their ballots for uncommitted. in other voter words, 18.9% of democrats in theiden democratic would not vote for joe biden. in large part because they sensed he was supporting israel too much. in wisconsin he , 50,000 issued uncommitted protest votes against. well, again, probably because-- of his what was really tepid
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support for israel. so now, joe, he's trying appeal and appease his radical base. you know, the ones that are looking at your screen blocking traffic on critical bridges and thoroughfares. others seen here in chicago chanting i, if you can believe h it, death to israel, death to america. this is our country. a >> take a look at as that's, to me, the thing that you heard. baldwin so get away from the bar. >> i'll be gone by my bar. one bar, america, my.>> sea >>n: we'll play that full tape straight ahead tonight. plus, we will showfull t you how the peace loving ceasefire crowd literally celebratinheg iran's attack against israel. there are now a growing numberlg of people living inside of the united states that not only hated statee israel, but sm to hate our country as well. and our waury of and they are nw
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openly aiding both hamas and terrorist state of iran. how is that noate of it being my repugnant? but in an effort to appease his radical base and win back voters that he's been bleeding , you know, and a few thousand votes in michigan and elsewhere aroundusan, the country? joe is ready, willing, and he's clearlntrye isy willing and able to throw israel under the bus as they now fight back against radical terrorists outback a ofs ,hezbollah and iran, all supported by iran, blic the islamic republic of iran that is now wealthier, more emboldened. why? because of joe neville chamberlain. , be biden beginning during his time with obama. remember biden worked hardthat i on that iranian deal to appease iran for nearl ay decades, first with the insane nuclear deal that remember the one that freed up $150 billion for the mullahs of iran in exchange for mere promise they won'ta
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build a nuclear weapon? and a short time laterear weap,e in 2016, the obama administration paid out ye admit another $1.7 billion to the mullahs in iran to freefive a five american hostages. and then as presidenndan hostat biden once again unfreezing billions of dollars for iran this time, he had authorized 6 billion to free five american hostages. boy, the price went up quite a bit. biden also eliminated critical sanctions against the salebidenu of iranian oil and flat out stopped enforcing any and all other sanctions. what's the result of that? s,the islamic republic, led by the mullahs of iran that were headed towards bankruptcy under, donald trump. they have profited to the tune n of 80 to $100 billion underro joe biden, and you could throw in another 10 billion for the sale of 10 millfor tha. energy and electricity and oil and gas to iraq that biden also authorized. biden will also waive sanctions targeting iran's nuclear
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program. and in response to biden's target, quote, generosity, the mullahs of iran have now upended ira pe in the middle east. their funding violent proxies all over the regiot proxovern le hezbollah, the houthi rebels, islamic and, hamas. the barbaric attack on october 7th. remember those 1200 israelis, mi died that day could not have been possibleghhave without joe biden's policy of appeasement and the enrichment iran. iran has also rapidlyan accelerated their nuclear t program and now they have attacked israel directly for the first time in history. only two days afteris ver biden issued this very tepid warning, befory e shuffling off to the beach for what was supposed to be a relaxing weeken sd, take a look>> how at imminent ukrainian attack d on israelis from iran. mr. president, secretary issueds the expectation sooner than lateoor that whatever they are.d on right now, what is happened to in this moment don't, don't.
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that's it. our closest ally in the middle f east is facingacin an imminentkr attack from the world's number one sponsor of terrorism wor. and biden can only muster one word. don't. joe they did your appeasement bought you nothing. and then after iran attacks israel, the president didn't botherel addressing this countr or appear in public and get this, senator lankford is now demanding answers after the biden administration allegedly granted a u.s. visa to iran's foreign afterminist they attacked our top ally thr in this country later this week. iran is responsiblaring ine forg americans. >> you might recall, taking american hostages, launching clo a strike against our closest ally. and you goset joe nevillee bi chamberlain, biden doing nothing in response. he won't deny a visa to theirstr
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foreign minister after attack. c america's message to iran and the rest of the world that is involved in terror, it should be crystasn terrl clear r will support our allies and our friends. wil and we will, by the way, wetizes will fight for our citizensr to and never lift a finger to help any country that foments ts terro supports terrorism. so how does thishow all enddo?j with or without support of biden israel? they all need to channel winston churchill in order to survivertle what is a threat. to their existence. let's take a trip down memorlety lane. >> i have nothing to offer tears but blood, toil and sweat. man. before an ordeal deal leaveski gain. then there's many, mannd. y long months of struggle and never jabbering. you are. what is our aim? i can answer in one word.
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victory. victory at all costs. spite victory in spite of all terror . victory of a long and hard road may be blood, toil, tears, to and sweat. what is our aim? victory. rsd sweawe have long said on ths program. appeasement. the like on s of which joe biden is guilty of will never work. he must bad actors accountable or you will be destroyed. ac wand now israel has an obligation to fight back. or they will risk more of these attacks and probably worse. but they clearly, with joe wil biden as president, will do so without a united moral states president that has any real moral compass or clarit or and against what is a new axis o of evil that he is allowedd that to form under his watch. >> and that would be iranna and russia and china as we speak. by the way, russia is now helping iran harderushes hn def. here was reaction analysis, former speaker of ths e house newt gingrich.
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>> to me, this might be the lowest point of has beened presi a failed presidency, and that is a lacisk moral clarity and abandoning our allies and literalll cly in many waysg giving, you know, the thumbs up that you're not going to be punished if, in fact i, you are involved in either proxy terror wars or direct terror wars. >> thoughts? y well, you knowou kno, you actuao look at what biden does it's pretty straightforward. >> he abandons our alliesng war in afghanistan after ouing warnedne by the military that if you pull out, they're going to collapse. didn't matter. did tterm for 22 years. >> he sold the iranian the ukrainians. you're not allowed to fight russia the in.a russia. they can bomb you. they can destroy your electric yoia, thfacilities. they can destroy your towns. you're not allowed to use any weapon to god allo russia. sai
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and said to the israelis, a i think the rafah to become a terrorist sanctuar becomy cit a moment of total insanity. we have allowed you a warship to sit in the red sea where it helped houthis target their missiles. that ship could be sunk by the american navy in 5 minutes. but it sits there. and now you've had 335 missiles and various weapons fired at israel. i did a piece at gingrich sweet 16 where i said, look, if you say and 335 times they do, then what's your obligation to respondthan? a biden is beyond being a paper tiger. this this i is pathetic. >> but i think it's deliberate. i think he's classic left-wing liberal one in down america. and it's our eyes are bad
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and the enemies are actually good. and so you ought to understand the enemy, no matter how bado the enemy a and that's where we're at. and until we defeat him, that' s what we're going to continue to be at. >> because that's who he reallsy is. >> so we've got to aske the question you have touchehavw on it and that is the why. okay. i thinokay,,nkk biden is, hi watching polls. his base is eroding. that woulds sp be the traditional base of the democratic party as numbers are crashing with african-americans, hispanic americans, asian-americans ars, the youth vote is going away. and he's got all these radicals in his party in in michigan and other placesnd and he seeseb these numbers. they would rather vote for uncommitted. t uld rathnearly 20% of of democratic primary voters in michigan. and he cares more about his blind political ambition thanigan a he does about standip against terrorism. lthat's that that's a u.s. president. that's that's the leader of theh
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free world. >> i don't i actually don't. you. with youi willree . i don't think this is purely transactional, purely political. way back in 1984, ambassador jeane kirkpatrick made an amazing speech at the republican national conventionch in which she described and the blame america first democrats and said, whatever happens happens, anywhere ine the world, the reaction of the foerican left is blamet is b america first. well, guess what? that was joe biden as joe b. e se he was in the senate already. he was part of thaast. le who he now he's surrounded cry. ople who are craz and the fact is, i think we ought to go back and learn the lessons of the 1930s. franklin delano roosevelt was faced in roosed with a effort z the united states. they lockei effod people up.klye and i believe, frankly, wey wantld say, if you were for the victory of iran, if you want to scream death to,'r we're deporting you. if you're an american, we're trying ame for treason. get you can't get up and say deathsa it america as an
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american citizen. and it's time we were prepared to defen prepad the survival ofe united states. and i think it's time we confronted head on a president who clearly on everyeh single front from ukraine wherea he favors russia to what's happened in afghanistan, where in end in favor of the taliban, to what's happening in gaza, s a where he favors hamas. to what's happening with iran, where he favorhas iranians on every front. joe biden is on the side of ther people who hate america. >> all right. coming up, als n:o have the latest on the sham trial. jury selection beginning today. newt gingricectionh, thank you.o all right. joining us now, fox news contributor ari fleischer, floridu.g usa congressman mikebu wallace is with us. >> congressman, maybtor, m e newt is right. >> maybe this is the jeane kirkpatrick hate america. st crowdfirst crowd.t >> maybe it's what i tendbeliev to believe that this is purely a political motivation, lit that the biden folks have had a literal freak out afte
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r saw dem the democratic primary vote come out of places like michigancimar. tion. maybe it's a combination. what do you sao yoy? >> sean? i think it's -- it's bothrue. be true. you have a progressive left that believes amer core america is not a force for good. in fact, f america is inherently and at its founding racist, paternalistic and colonialist. soist. you couple that with a political agenda when agr 100,000 people in the dead of the michigan winner, 100,000 democrats, a they go after work. despite all of wor that to make a point to vote against you, you you couple two togetherwith underscored with an appeasement first approach which they'veic rewarded now is de-escalation. but every time they say that they back away further and our enemies take another step forward, you ca ourn trustn all of that, sean, with just few a few years ago when president trump was the first ft
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president, the only president in moder n american history b that left the middle east better off than how he found it. and now they're determined to do everything opposite ofr he did. >> you have a witch's brew and you have a world in chao an >> yeah. yea ari, you know, look at thet th admonition of michael moore bid warning biden israel support will make him hillary 2.0. w >> that's what's goinghat' to happen to you. ou.but to me, i look at the big big picture here and i seers, tn these protesters who think back to the summer of 2020 and all the violence that took e then. and what are we really watching? what are we really witnessin? re here? we are witnessing the squad wit is nowne the mainstreamd de radicalized democratic partymoc you know, we lost joe lieberman recently. joe lieberman woul joed not be a part of this movement. i mean, he was there 2000 vice presidential candidate of the democratic party.
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then he became too too conservative for that party. >> now, we've evolved into the aoc squad party, led bye? joe biden, buying into all of it. >> what's your take? >> well, number one, sean, i would never call theseld people protesters. they are disrupters. protesters want their voice to be heartheid. these people take action to block intersections to stop people from catching flights, to interfere with ambulances, taking people where they nee in to. these people are disrupting the american way of life. and newtpe are is right of it, anyright, i of them are not americans. if they are here on a tourisy to visa, a college visit, visa, student visa, every one of themd should be deported. you cannot burn the american flag. beu cannotyou cannot say death a and expect to be welcomed in this country. >> deporpectt them all.d have they should have been deported on october eight because that'sm when most of them took to the streets to support hamasto. >> as for president biden, sean, i just know this is adidnt continuation of his flawed alway judgment. he's always had flawed judgment, especially when itd comes to foreign policy. he was against the firstsuccessf
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successful gulf war that got rock out of kuwait. he was for the second gulf war,e which didn't turn out to be a success. >> he was agains outt the thatd killed osama bin laden. >> his judgment has been flawedto the from the time he was a senator to the time he's a president. and now he's trying to have it boths presve in gaza and he's ug restraint on israel. >> could imagine if all thosef drones and cruise missiles were fired at the united statesones d and we shot them down. do you think the american doe biden, theay to jo down? take the win? that's not a win? atthat's we escaped.we n >> we narrowly escaped people who were trying to kill us alleaople. l >> no, israel is going to havefr to go after iran one of thesehe days. and when they do, i sure hope the unitedy dore states, whoevee is our president, will support everything israel is doing . iden >> this president will not. i do have a message foro have israel and. njamin n the prime minister netanyahu, go win your wanr on terror against terrorism and gosurviv protect you and your very country. survival.
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and if joe biden says don't, don't listen. thank you both. appreciate you being with us. when we comeanu both back. oh, we go from one crazy story to the next. trump's criminalcrisis in new yk began today. we're going to tell you the real truth . what what a bogus trial this really is. bogus tria justice noww, risk shredding all law and orde r and constitutional order in this country. that's straight ahea cou d. welcome to fox nation, where history is held sacred. in one night, they showed the world that three people could rise up against unchecked power. and heroes can shine. pilots are laser focused and determined to perform without. a place where we look to the future. i was determined to be out there and toast to our past. a history of the world and six blessed. this is fox nation, where all america's stories are told. sign up and start streaming
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lighting every soccer match at shell energy stadium. we're moving forward with the houston dash. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. you need to navigate this disease. go to ptf talk today. well, it was a sad, patheticg da and embarrassing day for the new york legal system, if you want to call ifonet that a y dark day for justice in america. jury selection dy fo has begun.t and alvin bragg's witchhunt against president trump and, the manhattan d.a.'s case is nothing more than yet another brazen attempt by thee
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left, the radicalized left, to get the republicanshe nominee for president. even before taking office, you had bragg there campaigning on what get trump says. sound familiar out? >> take a look.d a whoever has this job, are theyio going to convict donald trump? >> but that is the number one issue. we know he's investigating. >> i'm the candidate in thei am race who has the experiencetrum, with. donald trump. i was the chief deputy in the attorney general's offic iute. >> we sued the trump administration over 100 timers for the muslim travel ban, for family separation at the border ,where shenanigans with the census. >> so i knowhe senses, s how toe with him. >> i also led the team that did the trum thep foundation case.hh >> i believe we have to holdd th them accountable. em i haven't seen all the factsut beyond the public, but i've litigated with himi have, so i'm prepared to go where
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the facts take me. tam and hold thems accountable, the number one issue, let's see, not the murderers, not thee, not the people caught on video beating the hell out of police officers in time os square. squr now, here we are.e, two years later, bragg unveiled angan avai insane felony indictt charging donald trump with t 34 counts of falsifying business records. ru s ofhere's problem number one ie the state of new york, in case you're interestee of nd in, rea, falsifying business records fa, note a misdemeanor a felony, unless prosecutors orn prove it was with intent to commit or conceal another crime. so what is the other crime? i'm not sure bragg himself even knows if he does. he hasn't told anybody. he shrugged off questions g. owing durin a professor last year following the indictment. you may recallthindictment you s that there were three small business records in holland and they were done to conceal another crime.
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the indictment does not say what those crimes were. we are shooting perhaps that they might be a bunch of relatedrelated. criminals abt was real. a so let me let me say as ane initial matter, that the indictment-- doesn't specify that because the law does not so require. >> now, as jonatha, n turley pointed out in his latest column for the new york post, gazeg's caset columnth, this rea possible federal crime that the biden doj never used to charge trump. why is that? even biden's weaponized doen bij understood this was a weak case . and get this. last year, brad braggar downgraded 60% of felonies in new york city, givingsentence lighter sentences to many violent criminals. >> but nowy viol , blinded by his clear, obvious hatred, his campaign, he upgradedemeano a misdemeanor to ar felony, regardless of the fact that, well, yeah, the statute e
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of limitations had run out. welcome to the lawless state of new york. by the way, my former state. here's the second problem. bragg is alleging that this all took places around the 2016 election. the statute of limitations for t ,a felony of this nature in new york is five years. so bragg found, quote, a loophole. he says. yor new york law has a provision allowing the statute of limitations to be suspended for periods of time. the defendant is living out of state to help the state prosecute fugitives, somethingso that obviously does not apply to trump eve n brags predecessor, another far left d.a. who spent years investigatin predece g trump.e he left office without bringing charges. but now heree without we are et years later and 203 days beforee november's general election. >> you know, again, years after and years after the statute of limitations had passed. don now they want to keep donald trump confined to a manhattan bg
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instead of being on the campaign trail as then op judge lectured donald trump and said, you must be here every day or will put you in jail. >> well, so much for s campaigning in pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, georgia, north carolina, arizon, wiscona nevada. aside from the questionable legal process to bring chargesff against trump, the case itself is beyond a mess, largely t on the testimony of the prosecution's star witnesses , serial liar, convicted felon. trump hating attorney michael cohen, who pled guilty in they n past to what? like lying before congress. how's that for credibility for your sta b at forr? and by and by the way, who a federal fr judge suggesteald may have committed perjury under oath. ont we're supposed to trust his testimony now. on top of all of that, the judg oe presiding over the case happens to be a democrat. he donatede happen to biden's cn in 2020, creating what is an obvious bias. and what's more, his daughter
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is a leader. the political consulting world allegedly working with prominent democrats. you can't make it up like adam schiff, the congenital liar himself who raised money off the charges agains t trump that i . in this case, while daddys is presiding over. s case and now the judge in this case has denied every motion fo r his recusal, which would definitely open up an avenuep te of appeal for the trump team. but that appeal would likely take placeame plac after any tra and any possible conviction. and todal d any, court things gi to a pretty interesting start. according to reportsng, over, 50 of the potential 96 jurors were dismissed after admitting they could notd afte unbiased. welcome to liberal new york city. donald trump did get about 12% ' of the vote there. it wasn't just the jurors by thet justby way, that made yu headlines. you, the judge, warning trump he will put him in jaiimly he's not present every single day of the trial. this may go into june, maybe
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yate june, even refusing to sa whether the former president can attend his son, barron's high school graduationn scheduled to take place next montlaceh. clearl clearly, this is nothing more than another political smear campaigng mo. of course, they waited eight years and they start the trial 203 days beforebefore the election. here with reaction the elect, tl spokesperson elina harb is back with us. all so here we are, 203 days before the electioe n eight yeas later, the statute of limitations have passed. they upgrader, statured misdemer and try and use a federal crime to to charge trump. your reaction to all of it? oupl >> i think there's a couple of facts that the american people need themerica . you mentioned that cy vance didn't bring this case because he knew it was loser case. the statute of limitations had run and it was baseds of on thew defunct former attorney michael cohen.
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so what ends up happening, a sean, let's talk about a key part of history herebout. president trump announced that he was running for office agai ningn,n. and sure enough, d.a. brag indicts. you just played d.a. brags video footage, much like miss james, who you and gg'si have spoken many times about. who are these? soros backed politically motivated people who come out and say, i know trump well , d i'm going to do it again. i did the trump case. i did that case. p cai listen, judge mershon, ser the judge that's hearing thiinsl did the allen weisselberg case put him in jail? not once, twicane. e you know who else? judge mershon, having steve bannon, he has steve bannon'sjuha case. s no this is no coincidence. and the american people needenc know. and for the next six weeks, i assure you, i will be loud l and clear abour about is going. on here. this is political. it's election interference . you're not even allowing a father, never mind a former president, but a father attend his son's graduation . le and let's not forget passover. observanguess, pt.
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have a right to go and and prayt to who they want and observe passover. and this judge would not allowpn it? not for any of the attorneys. and there are observant jewish attorneyy of ares, the trump tem and as well on the day. it's just a sad state peo of affairs for the american people, i can assure you of that. >> welpl of thl, i mean, i've s don't believe the president can get a fair trial in new york, d.c. , fulton county, georgia. i just don't believe it's possible. poand if democrats and these radical have their way, all these trials would take, t plachesee and he'd be in a courtroom the entire 203 days leading up to the election. >> that's that's the america we're going to livs e in. >> yeah, that is. and meanwhile, hunter biden hasn't see n a courtroomha other than for when his plea agreement fell through because the judge read the fin greemente print and saw that he was going to get immunity, you know, not img a due process, the right to go sit in front of the supreme court and heao h a case that determines many lawsuits that are currently againsats manyt president trump
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on immunity, on grounds for immunityonnity. t fo let's not forget something here, sean. president trump was in washingtosomethinre sean.umpe was going on, when this is happening, when somebody made a notation in antrum accounting record at trump organization, he was in washington takingp care of this country. the absurdity is beyond and i'm going to be talkin g about it and loud and clear so that everybody knows how corrupt new york state has everybo become. all right, elina, we'll be updating people throughoun: alreawe wilt thank you for being with us. when we come back, radicalr bein anti israeli activists gettingby more emboldened by the day. death to america chants abl happening in multiple cities across our country. we've got the tapeto straight ahead. .com, >>on i got the thousand dollar camera for only $41 on deal. >> that deal, thism oe auctions since 2009. sold only $0.50. this ipad pro sold for les lesss $34. and this nintendo switch sold for less than $20.
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left anti-israel pro terror protests that sprung lef up all across the country today. and while these kinds of protests are nothinegn to new since october 7th and what happened in israel, the worst terror attacwhat ik, their hist, the rhetoric these radicals are spewing has taken a very dark, violent turn, open, direct of violence and a new favorite refrain, death to america. >> take a look. bah, bah. this right here, my you are incited by nephew.does tha what does that mean? oh, so it has to mean that you are down there. so let me get away from my environment and i'm ready to about. bah bah bah bah bah bah. >> i'm here to speak in support of the city council introducing
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a ceasefire resolution. you guys are all horrible human beingsguys a and probably woule have killed you himself. >> i remind you that theseyo that we practice that other people in the global south believe in violent revolution against their oppressors. and n a i hope one day somebody brings the guillotine and kills all of you. so regardless of whether you elect people in officees, lt they'll backstab you, they'll let you die. >> and for that reason,, you guys want to criminalize us with metal detectors. we'll see you at your hous w e we'll murder you. >> wow. one of the clips n: you saw there, a woman in bakersfield, california, threatening the lives of members of herrenty city council. she is currently facingfelony 18 felony counts for those threats and could be seen, by the ways.and coul crying on h during a recent court appearance where she pled durind guilty. here with reaction, the author of the upcoming book, uncomfortable conversations with a. israel's formes with ar specialy for combating anti-semitism, noa tibi, is back with us,
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along with the host of tomi lahren, is fearless on outkick, tomi lahren, noa, start with you. get your reaction to everythingw ,not just what you saw heard and what you heard there, but what we're now what what the biden administration is isia telling israel after 1200 dsraelis are kille and hundreds taken hostage. oh, it's time to give up the watime tr. it's time to retreat. and then saying if r you retaliate against iran, not we're not going to be with you. your reactioon to it all? >> my reaction is this. so iran or the islamic republic of iran has been waging war isl againsamicrat and against amerir decades now. we all remember the hostage crisises when iran took w the american hostages. we all remember the bombinirang bosnia. cyrus and what is happening right now is a proxy war, an ana ring of fire, a ring of terror e that they are creating around israel when they chant death to america, death to israel.
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the west really needs to liste,n to this. it's one of those things that is shocking to me. how can people don't hear itit they tell us who they are and they tell us what it is that they are after. le this is not hyperbole.hy this is what they want. they want to creatperbwhate thee crescent. they want to create a jihadi caliphate. and if they take israel down, the u.s. and europe are coming next. s wh this is what israel is dealing with. and i have never seen anything g like this. that israel is the one that's being attacked first on october 7th and then on saturday by tons, dozensaturdays and dozs of tons of killer drones and launch missiles that are coming at israel. and the world is asking th, de-escalate, c cease fire. and this rhetoric, all this rhetorice atthis r that is safeo israel alone. there is a war happening right now with ukraine, . cked ukraine was attacked. nobody is telling ukraine to cease. nobody. this is something that is only safe to israel. is someatis going to have to re to some extent and have to setry the foot down. and really, there's there's
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a boundary that has been passean and it needs to be taken care of. >> and this is not just israel's problem by th. juse wa. it's not just a jewish problem. n valuesjewester issues. and i really hope the west actually wakes up to this. and hot wake tooh, i think what is dead on accurate. accuyou know, i'm trying to understand, tom. >> exactly what the motivation a is here. >> i have a message fo mr israe. i support them in their victory in the war against terrorismthey i support their full and complete victory. >> ithat'simpl simple. >> well, it should be that simple. but unfortunately, b joe biden,r the democrat party, are very worried about the state of michigan and otherer states where they see a large contingency of people h who unfortunately seem to support terror proxies, terrorists terror and terror g. so that's what they're dealing with. that i what's the more disturbing, the fact that we have people in americati ,whether they're citizens or not, chanting death to israel and death to americar no "deathr
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that the democrat party and joe biden are actively courtingor the votes of those individuals. i'm not sure which one should give us more cause for pause. it's really disturbing to me that we're at this point, but we're also seeing this we streets. our we're seeing it on our college campuses. and what i would say to the jewishd collegt americans out e that have been voting for democrats for generationericanso is the time to wake up. wheat woui would say to th republican partyld is, this is your opportunity to do some extreme outreach to the jewish communityy to and reminde them that there is a party in this country that also cares about their safety and well-being that will take care of their children on college campusekee s. wil there is a party that's willing to stand with israel and actually have ironcladto stf support of one of our greatest allies, and that's the republican party. of oatest also this is an oppor to make that message loud and cleamakeatr for americans ad especially jewish americans, to hear that and receiveicans, a >> i know i only have about t 30 seconds left. i don't think the west you were talking about this at the end of last answer.
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i don't think the west fully comprehend the mindset of convert or they don't seem to understand or they don't. they're putting their headss in in the sand about howd radicalized this ideology is radical islamic terrorism. >> and how real of a threat it is. your boss. yes. the ph >> first of all, i'm using the phrase jihadism because nobody i can argue that one person's is another person's freedom fighter. that's number one. the other thing to remember is they call it revert, that is, meaning we are all actually muslims that are just waiting to get back to that. ad and that is something we need to be very careful. soavr that's important to say is this is not a war against the irania wnple ha people because the iranian people have been trying to tell us forven tryi years years that. they want their freedom fromedom the oppressive islamic hav republic. and we have not been listening. it's time that we listen to thee ,m as well.than well said. thank you both. appreciatebo it.when w
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and tommy, thank you. when we come back, a devastating new poll forting the biden campaign. kellyanne conway, reince priebus, they're neck straight ahead ahead. i'm jonathan larson here to tell you about life insuranc and loinsurance througl pen program. >> if you're aged 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remembethe tr three piece. >> what are the three p's? the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase and a price that fitn get cos your budget. that fitn get cos your budget. >> i am 50 four. what's my prictions.e? onth. you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. >> what's my price? also 995 a month. >> i just turned 80. what's my price? the if you're aged 50 to 85, callti nostw about the number one most
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to learn more, pleas e go to parkinson .org or call one 804 pd info. all right. so as joe biden's poll numbers continue plummeting, even the new york timess poll n, thea hide how bad things are looking fo are lr joe ahead of 24. and that means november 5th. a new polls novemb by time's ans college asked voters if they generally remember the time that donald trump and joe biden were each president as mostly good or mostly bad years for america. mostly 42% of voters say they remember the trump presidency is mostlyi. good. look at this part. saonly 25% say the same thingbi. about joe biden. 46%, almost half of voters sayno the biden presidency has been
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mostly bad for america. ithas been reaction fox news wit contributor kellyanne conway, former white house chief of staff reince priebus. kellyanne, you're the pollster. add that to the the demographic thift and the loss of the base that joe is experiencing of his coalition, noteriencin good. him. le new >> oh, it's terrible news. poll after poll by any outlet. basicalls,ly any shows the samee what's important about the thattion you just showedquesti,, is the way that polling question is framed is precisely the way the question pul is frad by the voter as he or she goes into november. as hy saying it's ay binary choice. i can judge both biden and ch presidents who have had a record on inflation, on the border, on crimea re, on ukraine,, on the middle east, on anything they want to examine . they're going to compare that.a that's30-p a 30 point different. jo, 25, mostly2 good, 2042, mostly bad, 46,
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mostly bad. >> donald trump is plus nine is a 30 point differential. and it's also reflected in the swing polls. what this says to me as a pollster is voters are mostlyt, nostalgic about hungry for and poised to vote and support the donald trump presidency again this fall. i thinagain k trump 2024 is thet of 2016. reince and i were there. the hunger, the swagger, underdog underestimated donald anump with that four year record as president. and people, you know, e de the democrats are going to overplay it. on abortioegoing n on january s, 2021, we've had january 26, we've got january 6, 20, 22 or - 23, 24 since and voters are saying everygenun single january six. since then, i've been less prosperous, d so less safe, more nervous, and things just seem more chaotihinkc, more cris ridden and less fair to me and my family. >> and now, reince, on trial, i've been saying that trump has now divide basically, defiedl
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all conventional political gravity up to this point. tional pical grathey him his pos go up. is that going to happen when they try him? wn theyjoe certainly can't rune on the question of whether whe you're better off than you were four years ago with a straight face. sou werer january 6, is abortion democracy in peril? >> republicans are racist, sexist, etc.. will that work in this economicn environment? will that work with the world basically on fire in large part because he's abdicated america'se on the world stage? well, definitely not in this case. you know, interesting speakingsy of these polls and yourme questiondi, the media hasn't a taken notice of one thing. >> eve nn we've been talkingt qt about it quite a bit. >> but the mainstream media, i mean the issue of democracy, i mean, they've spent years talking about the fact that donald trump is a threat to democracy, yefact tnaldt in e polls, both biden is either
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single than trump on this issue or they're tied.y is t and why is that?they they're tied because there's a actually half the country that sees disqualificationlitigi through litigation as bad. they see a border that has no you know, that's an open floodgate is bad. >> they see sanctuary cities as bad. they see 87,000 irs agentss is as bad and lawlessness in the street s are bad. right now, 26% of the american people aren't even paying attention to these caseat . >> but if they are the one lineu that president trump, when he walked out of the courtroom today and i watched it a couple of timese courtratched, the thie said that that's the most obvioun mos speaks to those 26% of the people that are paying attention is he said, we've got lawlessnes thass and crime outside of this courtroom and we've got 14 prosecutors inside the courtroom and thehink t
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american people pay attention to that. so i thinkha that this is not the case. this is not the case. and if i could bet on draftkings and acquittal >> a choicdraft e, i'd probablye that bet. well, we'll see. sean:203 days to go.time t perfect time to start. start a triat a l from eight yee ago when the statute of limitations passed. we'll continue straight aheae d. it's that time of year again. >> answer the question, ladies. when the boys in blue pam, don't get a much earned, you should be more nice. i was in second grade. >> there's people like each other in the head. you're worried me. fox nation brings us back to the beach. none of you guys are 21, right? so i'm happy for that, al. that one's for spring break with cops. spring break. don't miss the season finale friday on fox nation. the only place to watch new episodes of cops. please make scare away america is streaming. >> doctors recommend calling stool softener for gentle, dependable relief from
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if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, call one 802 960860 now or visit us at missile fund aecom . >> we have breaking news as stories develop across the world. a lot of fast moving action on capitol hill. get smart inside the top headlines. we'll be covering all of it. the story with martha maccallum weekdays at three on fox news channel. america is watching.n: -- >> the ball is going on 203 days to go and then you have get the power to get this country to change course.e we >> that's all the time weft thi have left this evening. thans plear being with us for making the show possible. please say dvr never, ever miss episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld meantim let, by toe on your face. >> have a great nighut