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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  April 14, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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here in buffalo. luckily, we caught each other in the morning, so i got to give him a kiss goodbye. and he had been in a fire that morning. we went to the scene and they wrapped him in the flag and we drove to the hospital and the ambulance. that was that day. i got a phone call one day from frank seller and gave me his sincere condolences and said that he was going to buy us a house to have the stress of worrying about paying a mortgage taken off your plate is really incredible. so i'm asking you to donate $11 a month so tunnel to towers can help other fallen first responder families like mine.
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fox news alert iran says it informed the us that its strikes on israel would be, quote, limited and that it had notified its neighbors at least 72 hours before launching its first ever direct attack against the jewish state. and overnight, israel reopening its airspace for the first time since the unprecedented attack. however, it is reported that several foreign airliners canceled their flights to israel. iran, launching a total of more than 300 missiles and drones toward the jewish state. but the idf says the majority of those threats were intercepted. together with our allies and partners, we are operating at a at we're operating at full force to defend the state of israel and the people of israel. we will continue to fulfill this mission. trey yingst is in tel aviv and joins. us with the
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latest. hey trey, i can't help but notice the report at the top of this hour is more overt about the fact that iran did notify the united states that something was coming. the question is, is this considered limited? yeah, exactly. and about 30 minutes. israel's war cabinet is going to meet to determine what the israeli response will be to this missile and drone attack launched overnight by iran. iranian officials are trying to get ahead of this, basically saying they were conducting a limited response to this strike earlier in the month that targeted one of their generals in syria, and that they informed the united states and their neighbors that this was going to take place. now in some capacity. this is likely true because the intelligence was spot on here. the israelis and the americans knew that iran was indeed going to launch an attack. they didn't know the exact extent, but it did give them days to prepare air defense in the form of fighter jets that were in the sky. and then israel's defense array, everything from david sling to
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the arrow defense system. we do understand the iranians while they are saying they let the americans know and they let their neighbors know, have had a threatening tone this morning. they want israel to know. they intend to respond again. if israel does launch a counterattack striking iranian territory. so this truly is uncharted in terms of middle east relations and military activity. remember israel has been at war for the past six months with gaza, but last night they were faced with attack drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, things this country has never in their history seen launched from iran. and so while the air defense was active and quite successful in shooting down the majority of these projectiles before they actually entered into israeli airspace, the israeli war cabinet will have to consider a variety of options. they don't want to take this to a broader regional war, but they also don't want iran to think they can at will attack israel. guys, trey, can we talk a little bit about the war that's going on in gaza and
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how this incursion from iran, this attack from iran can is influencing can or possibly will influence this in terms of public perception. i know israel has been getting a lot of heat internationally and even domestically over how they're executing that war. yeah, it's an interesting point, and we've seen a real shift in support from the biden administration in a matter of days. the president went from saying israel was making a mistake, planning an offensive into gaza's southernmost city of rafah, to saying that the support from the united states is ironclad for israel. and that's because the threat changed and the situation on the ground changed dramatically, based on the intelligence that the americans and the israelis were able to review and part of that was making sure that israel had enough support to shoot down these incoming drones and missiles. the war inside gaza has been going on for almost 200 days, and israel has faced threats. thousands of rockets into the southern and central
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communities of this country. but they've not seen things like ballistic missiles and wide swarms of attack drones. and so this is a different threat. it is a threat that if it is not properly addressed, could lead to an emboldened iran that could attack israel more in the future. but look, iranian proxies across the region are watching closely, of course, inside gaza with hamas and islamic jihad. but some of their larger proxies, like the iran backed houthis in yemen that have missiles and drones of their own and, of course, the lebanese militant group hezbollah, iran's largest proxy in the region that has been stockpiling missiles and precision guided parts over the past several years to use against israel in a future conflict. and so the israelis have to be very careful here. they're walking a delicate line between sending a message to iran, understanding that they're still faced with an ongoing war in gaza and threats from their proxies around the region, but not escalating this situation into a broader conflict. guys, trey, i'd love for you to help me make sense
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of something. the news of the hour is that iran has announced that they gave a 72 hour warning to their neighbors and told the united states that these attacks would be coming. these limited attacks in their characterization. what i'm curious about is that presumes, as we've been talking about all morning, that this was theater, that this was performative and one would assume for a domestic audience in iran to try to strengthen themselves with their own people, to show we are strong. but doesn't that message that they warned everyone ahead of time filter back into iran and undercut the perception of strength with their own people? certainly. and last night we saw limited demonstrations in support of this attack against israel in tehran. it's always difficult to tell if these are regime led demonstrations or if people actually took to the streets themselves. there is so much propaganda coming out of the islamic republic that it is challenging to sort of parse through what is real and what
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is not in terms of the attack overnight and the two weeks of threats and really projecting what was going to take place. the iranians also are trying to walk a delicate line here. they play a charade with the international community that they're trying to follow the rules. and it's not just when it comes to attacks against israel. it also comes to their nuclear program when they say they are only enriching uranium up to a certain point, but then they get closer and closer to weapons grade material. despite the western sanctions, they continue provocative activity across the middle east. and then they also try to deliver precision guided missile components to their proxies across the region, who have all of their launching positions pointed at israel. and that's part of the reason the israelis launched this strike earlier this month, taking out mohammed safadi, this top iranian general, along with six other members of iran's irgc, to send a message that they can't do that anymore and that there will be consequences. iran immediately after that strike, went to the united nations and
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said that they wanted to file a formal complaint for the israeli strike. the reality is that the iranians play these games in the middle east. the israelis understand that israel also has to walk a fine line because they're faced with international pressure based on their response to black saturday, the october 7th massacre that left more than 1200 israelis dead. and so there are a lot of moving parts here, politics at play. but today, the war cabinet is set to meet in about 20 minutes. they will determine if and how israel will respond, and the israelis are likely to take some cues from the americans to ensure that they maintain this western support, something that they lost during the reaction to the hamas attack inside gaza . well, trey, you're really good at your job and we appreciate your insight. thank you very much, sir. stay safe. thanks, troy. thank you. troy let's move on to somebody else who's really good at their job. let's bring in fox news sunday anchor shannon bream. shannon, great to see you. you know, as the host of fox news sunday, you know, all things washington and all things politics. how
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would you think this is going to play out in our own capital, around support for israel, around the prospect of a potential wider war? well, you know, there has been a lot of back and forth about funding for israel. and so you heard calls again last night from a number of senators who said, listen, we sent over that big package, the one that includes ukraine and taiwan and all those other things the white house wanted. it's time for the house to do something with it. now, we're also hearing there are actually voices that say, listen, the senate passed a or excuse me, the house passed a standalone israel aid package. why don't you pass that one? so there's going to be some back and forth, but there's going to be a lot of pressure to get something done. does it now become unhooked from ukraine and from taiwan and all these other things, so that's going to be a debate here in washington. interesting that axios is reporting in the phone call that the president had with prime minister netanyahu last night, that he told him that the us would not back israel in support of something that was very escalatory. another big response to what iran did. so we're watching. we're waiting. john kirby will
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be with us again this morning, and we'll try to probe down on some of those questions. shannon, i'd love for you to ask john kirby this. so now again for the hour, we have the news that that iran is claiming they gave warning, which does seem to make sense with the way the united states government was acting in the days leading up to us warning of an imminent attack. so what did the biden administration mean? what did joe biden mean when they said don't? were they talking to iran with the warning they received and said, don't do this. what we saw overnight, what was meant by don't? that's a great question. it is not a foreign policy to say don't. but that is something this administration does quite a bit. you've heard former secretary of state mike pompeo get out there, talk about this and saying that is not going to work as a stand alone mission or statement to iran. now, did we know as well you've been talking about was this performative, was this so that they can say to folks at home who were celebrating the streets, we sent hundreds of attacks, drones and missiles and that kind of thing, but doing so in a way that had very
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limited human impact. there are injuries. we know that those are being treated. they could be serious. but the fact is, at this point, we're told no lives lost. so is that what iran was hoping to accomplish? we obviously moved a lot of assets into the region to also telegraph the optics of you've heard president say ironclad with respect to this respect then provokes questions is it as ironclad when it comes to threat of hamas into rafa that's a different conversation which a lot of people say when you put distance between israel iran smells blood in the water. >> yeah it is not surprising to me that -- that congress is talking about spending more money they never let a crisis go to waste so that's not a surprising development. i found it interesting we had -- the press secretary for president trump here, and just sort of she was talking about the contrast between donald trump and his handling of international affairs and peace that broke out during his
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presidency versus chaos we're seeing right now. you're in washington, d.c., you're having all of these politicians on from washington, d.c. tell me how this whole event will play out politically for these candidates as we're moving forward in this presidential campaign. >> as you guys know rachel we've had a lot of polling that show qhs you ask people about foreign policy about how president biden handled china, israel all of these foreign policy threats they do not think he's doing a great job like most of those cases like 60/30, 5, 35 that kind of thing disapproval thinking he's not doing well but it is not just fox news polling "new york times" polling freshing out this weekend as well shows that trump gets the edge when it comes to asking who is better to handle all of these foreign policy messages trump or biden. so you've got to imagine that's something more on the campaign trail and heard it from former president last night saying if i were in charge this wouldn't have happened but under my watch i didn't start us new wars i got
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out of stuff and when you asked voters president trump is thought to be better on foreign policy too. pete: trump haters are getting trump in a courtroom on trial for the hush money. trial that he's facing here in new york how do you see that playing out? no cameras in the courtroom but a lot of attention and eyeballs on him. >> it will and it starts with jury selection tomorrow in a place where 85% roughly of the electorate went for biden last time so the jury selection process is going to be really tricky for defense's team and 34 felony counts it is a novel way that alvin bragg is doing this and brought this case will the jury buy it. we'll see. my big question for will shaarf one of the attorneys and you saw him friday like i would like to do that michael cohen who was expected to be a witness key to the case says he doesn't believe trump will actually take the
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stand and that there's a lot of danger in doing that. so we'll have to see yeah no tv. but you have to imagine each night president trump is going to come out to the microphones and undoubtedly be waiting and we'll hear from him. >> tell us what you have coming up on fox news sunday who are the guests i heard it was kirby but there's more. >> john kirby with us senator john kennedy out of louisiana and trump's attorney we've also got -- general kellogg with us to talking the battle plans what comes necks and also a member of the sharon haskell with all star panel i might add that includes very familiar faces. pete: all right. glam we will be tuning for that. >> thanks guys. rachel: you know, pete just listening to -- what shannon had to say i kojt help but when she said joe biden's foreign policy messes and i think about the people who actually really cleaned that up are the military. makes me think about your book and war on warriors because i
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think they're in the worst position they've ever been in to take care of the worst messes we've ever been in. will: i thought about that and the flag patch is upside down. and that's not meant to be disrespectful. that's a universal sign of distress, and if you talk to members of our military right now, there is grave distress about the capabilities of our fighting force when you wake up this morning you see this attack unprecedented in the middle east you want to feel like our military if it comes to that is ready and capable you saw a lot of great capabilities last night from fighter pilots others flying over enemy territory shooting down missiles and drones in a high stakes -- that's great. what if it got bigger what if we have to fight a land war or how many ships do we have and prierts of political leaders war on warriors shows degraded capables in favor of other priorities, about, you know, whether it is social justice or
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gender or race or the environment and can we have electric ships or the best f35s what kind of questions are we answering inside our pentagon. rachel: well it makes me think about that. pete: donald trump has said i want to rebuild our military and part of the story is -- obama did a lot to change the general class to be very compliant. donald trump changed a lot of it but they still tried to work under surface so by time biden came in it was refocused not on war fighting and donald trump said if i was in office it wouldn't have happened and still rebuilding our military. here's what he said last night in pennsylvania. >> i want to say god bless the people of israel. they're underattack right now that's -- that's because we show great -- would not happen. the weakness that we've shown and unbelievable and it would not have happened if we were in office. you know that.
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they know that. everybody knows that. but america prays for israel we send our absolute support to everyone in harm's way. this is an attack that would not have happened. i mean, to think about -- to think about what we have to go through. ukraine would have never happened. israel attack both october 7th and today would have never happened. then blame price gouging and jump fees but all of america knows the blame with the nightmare lies with one person crooked joe biden. will: if you want to funked a silver lining of what happened last night iran is increasingly -- left alone there increasingly ostracized because it wasn't just united states and israel together last night include jordan. and reports are as well that -- that coalition included saudi arabia in terms of attempting to isolate iran and all of that is -- a product of a policy put in place under donald trump which is the abraham accords and
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former state deputy special envoy under donald trump was on earlier talking about effects of the abraham accords. >> had is the outcome of the abe accords the proudest achievement of the foreign policy under trump's leadership so today what we're seeing is that, not only those countries are still standing side by side with israel but even we're hearing reports of the kingdom of saudi arabia. has participated in some way in these interception yesterday we know that some of the assault from iran's activities came from yemen and syria and iraq so again you have the gulf arab countries coming to the defense of israel. historic times and truly in thanks to president trump's leadership and the abraham accords peace deals. >> i think the picture is becoming more and more clear that if you want peace --
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and i want peace i'm a mom i have nine kids. when i hear people talk about nuclear weapons world war iii it gets me anxious if you want peace it seems very clear there's one candidate who brought about peace. peace broke out under his president city in the most unlikely place the middle east as elie pointed out, and we're still feeling the effects of that and you just can't help but contrast it with what we see going on with joe biden it is war after war. reaction -- reacting to things and in some cases -- tempting people like you know, a little incursion with russia or even suggesting to ukraine that they could enter into nato which they knew was going to be provocative and they're always reacting and finding ways to sort of manage wars and fund wars as opposed to not letting wars start to begin with. pete: do you remember when former defense secretary robert
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gaetz said joe biden has been wrong about everything about foreign policy over the last 40 years it is coming true again. i got a great nog the from lucas tomlinson pentagon reporter he wrote this on twitter on x he said for yearings as a senator joe biden was skeptical of missile defense. joe biden skeptical of missile defense, last night that missile defense saved israel and you remember ronald reagan famously mocked he was mocked meant to show the soviet union hey we can shoot down your missiles with this secret plan we didn't really have but led to development of other things. think about drurp in the space force that's where wars are going in the future he's mocked for that. wait until those capabilities come to bear and they're the reason why we're defending our country so joe biden has been wrong about a lot of this stuff. now he's in charge -- which doesn't give me any confidence over how this will be handled. rachel: that includes nots energy independent and selling
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oil to china and whole system is messed up iran was broke under donald trump. and now they're able to find wars like this. pete: there you go speaking of iran, iran's revolutionary guard launches its first ever direct attack on israel. how the terror group looks to try to reshape the middle east, that's coming up next. ♪ ♪ file 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me!
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will: fox news alert world leading terror sponsor launching first direct military assault against israel. iran's revolutionary guard retaliating after two of its officials one of them being its top official were killed in a strike in a consulate in syria earlier this month. pete: here to break down terror regimes of reshaping middle east and world as we know it iran scholar, and author benn ben what are their goal and do they think they advanced the ball down the field last night? >> pleasure to be with you and regime is trying enact by a thousand cuts strategy by israel and for 44 years had ideological straw teenage wick the jewish state and says death to israel when it means death to america
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it means it and unlike other actors this regime knows how to fight to live another day and last night was beginning of a change we're seeing in security posture of the state sponsor of terrorism expect more not less possible operations. pete: that's interesting you can have a debate whether the ym is a rational actor you're sort of saying they're both that they have this ideological bent but they're not suicidal. so they're -- they want death to israel but they're going to -- inform the world that they're going attack because it serves their purposes from now in pursuit of a larger goal. >> that's right some would say it is means ends rational and may have irrational ends and they can follow those ends using limited means they have. and just look at what they struck israel with last night. cheap low and slow flying drone and more expensive high and fast flying ballistic missiles these are replacement that islamic
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republic of iran has exceptionally outdated air force these are weapons was weak but islamic republic has become home to the ballistic missile arsenal in the middle east and turning that into its advantage. pete: if they -- would -- do they have weapons capable of surpassing these missile defense systems and the intentionally did not use them? >> i think they have a lot more of the same so sometimes they say quantitity has a quality of its own there are reportedly it to 300 ballistic missile and drones employed last night and taiwan could merry them up with cheaper drones, for example. islamic republic has a lot more lethality survivability and i feel this is the tip of the iceburg. >> in pursuit that have goal then what did future cuts look like and how would you anticipate iran tries to get at the state of israel and the united states? >> well first it has a
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diplomatic strategy to stop normalization between saudi arabia and israel at all cost and second it wants to pick up a partners like the uae and council states get them hedge a bit more and third to integrate china and russia much more into the architecture over the region those are iran lawyers afterall and fourth it wants to animate a bust and boom cycle from the gaza strip from lebanon to syria and force syria and they have drones, rockets you name it. pete: real quick do you anticipate a retaliation from israel and how large? >> i certainly do even though there are troubling signs that biden administration may be backing away already or putting hand cuffs on israel i think especially after a post october 7 middle east it could be gobble think of a world where israelis would not. i don't necessarily think they're going for nuclear fills
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but trying to engage in deterrence by punishment. pete: iran scholar from fed thank you. benjamin netanyahu says he's ready for all. >> courtroom drama trump criminal trial is one day away and the impact on november. will and i go off the wall and show you, coming up. we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product. there's value in buying american made it has a real life impact up and down the supply chain. we want our customers to feel how special this product is, right when they open the box. go to and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20. rsv is out there.
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tel-aviv. trey. reporter: hey good morning and just a few minutes israel's war cabinet is set to meet here at the tel-aviv, israel's version of the pentagon, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu the defense minister and cabinet members trying to determine if and how israel will respond to this unprecedented iranian attack overnight. that included dozens of ballistic missiles dozens of cruise missiles and attack drones, many of them intercepted outside of israeli air space, others slamming into the soil, and others intercepted by israel's extensive array of missile defense systems. israel is at a precipice right now in terms of middle east tension they understand that the response in the coming hours or days will ultimately define direction of the region possibly for the years to come. israel will want to avoid a broader regional war that doesn't serve any country in the middle east. but also ensure that iran doesn't feel embold tonight attack israel from its own territory and they've never
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lawfnlged such an attack in the past and always relied on proxies across region including hamas and vallic and houthis in yemen to put pressure on israel so iranians have climbed the escalation ladder quite a few rungs but it is up to the israelis to decide what comes next. clearly, the iranians are trying to step off of the ledge here they have placed themselves on. they not only had their permanent representative to the u.n. release a statement overnight, saying that their attack against israel was over. this morning you saw top iranian officials signaling that both the united states and their neighbors in the region were actually given a heads up about this attack before it took place. an indication that the intelligence really did match in terms of what the americans and israelis thought iran was going to do and what they did overnight. but again the latest information we have this morning is israel war cabinet set to meet to determine if and how israel will
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respond to the attack by iran. will, pete. pete: trey thanks very much. ♪ ♪ pete: former trump hush money trial set to begin in new york city here tomorrow. will: off the wall to understand the trial the key players and its potential political impact. pete: if you're a little confused about home about how this is laying out we are too. will: it involved donald trump he's facing felony charges relating to falsifying business records to conceal payments to several individuals most notably stormy daniels characterized as hush money and falsifying business records. pete: 34 charges in all is my understanding most of them felony counts that starts tomorrow, tomorrow morning april is 15th here tax day by the way here in new york city taking place giving you the who, what and where, why united states supreme court this is the statisticky part will these are
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upgraded to felonies because of a falsification of business records. it is a misdemeanor in new york in order for alvin bragg to get them pled up or charged up, to a felony they have to have been in pursuit of committing separate crime. that crime as we're told pete, is affecting election or election interference or election fraud. affecting voters in the 2016 election. pete: i've got a legal friend who posted this question to. most of these charges of falsifying business records are outside the statute of limitation how do you get around that? that hasn't been specified like charging for robbing a bank and not telling you which bank and right now trump team doesn't know which election laws they're being told have been violated but that's what's being used to justify bringing charges in past the statute of limb nations so
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flimsy and may seem salacious but if the trump team does its job they can point out what are they bringing to bear here. will: even haters of donald trump says this is weakest case and for their agenda it's unfortunate they say this is the first case to receive the light of day. because of its weakness. here's some of the key players alvin bragg district attorney bringing this case. michael colangelo investigators brought in by alvin bragg to sort of put the case -- alvin bragg made this a priority and matthew will bring that case. >> adult film star alleges relationship with donald trump and received to have received payments from michael cohen working for donald trump by the way karen mcdougal model who alleges a relationship with donald trump. >> put out a letter she wrote and put out public i this was never -- this never happened. i never received payments unequivocally so there's some very --
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changing of stories on this. especially with this guy too. >> michael cohen is the one who allegedly facilitating these payments. and -- he took out a home equity loan, pete he did allegations in the scheme would have paid daniels and mcdougal trump hires him on retainer to repay for what he paid to these individuals. pete: they say robert costello was middling plan and david pecker alleged to have been part of a purchase and file away bakely hey we want to purchase the rights to your story. but then never publish the story that was part of the accusation. >> and then judge juan. >> there's salaciousness around what we pointed but tale is old as time is candidates saying if you have information about me, that's not good -- i don't it to come out to the public whether it is true or not. and in this case, stormy daniels and donald trump denied for
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many, many years and politicallied advantageous and now alvin bragg says we're going to have a case it is knob the law but a election. >> jury selection starts tomorrow and many people have pointed out 85% of people that live in manhattan voted for joe biden hard to get a fair trail when it is political and removed it to staten island. >> most conservative of them that's their hope and if it happens in manhattan or any other burrows democratic territory not really a jury of his peers might say. will: here's matt whitaker yesterday on "fox & friends." >> in new york county which is in manhattan 61% of the people polled said they judged case and think donald trump is guilty. you have 7 of every ten voters that voted for joe biden only 2 trump voters --
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out of every ten, and so it is just going to be hard to pick a fair and jury -- will: that's again what starts tomorrow. what are the implications potential implications? well if this is the first criminal trial to make itses way as you pointed out a little bit earlier pete notably to a courtroom and carries potential for jail time. pete: donald trump is familiar with first and first president to have his home raided by the fbi. first president to have 91 counts against him. so we're not surprised by this at this point. but we should remember how unpress unprecedented this is for being nominee of his party for charges where -- people involved have denied them for quite some time. it is and thenned to last will the trial about six weeks. will: he can continue to run for office even if he is in in jail unlikely that could be. pete: correct. you think we're in unprecedented
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>> to iran in this moment? >> don't. i have one word, don't.
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to any actor -- state or nonstate, trying to take advantage of this crisis to attack israel -- don't. >> we have just one word. don't. will: fox news alert biden administration facing criticism from lawmakers including next guest, say this kind of response to terrorism is what got us into this spot in the first place. former green buret commander congressman michael walts so simply declaring or imploring don't is feckless but i think this is something deeper we need to explore here. with the information that iran gave 72 hours of warning assuming that to be true in a lot of our actions seem to suggest it was true we then passed on those warnings publicly. what would be the purpose of the biden administration saying don't? did iran just defy biden administration not listen to don't.
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and do it anyway -- or was that don't targeted elsewhere? >> yeah. well, everything that we're seeing in terms of this administration's middle east policy now has to do with domestic politics so much like iran was giving -- i think the appearance of taking action for its own domestic audience, it had to look tufts and it had to do something. it did the same thing in the post strike if you remember under the trump administration it gave president trump warning they're goapg fire some missiles and largely fell outside the base. and trump despite all of the pearl clutching wanted peace and he stepped off that escalation ladder i think you're seeing the same thing from iran and biden sadly is worried about michigan and he's worried about the upcoming election. so they have to appear to be standing with israel. but at the same time, appeal to
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its domestic left. and that's why you're seeing, for example, chuck schumer despite the fact the house has passed two israeli aid packages talks tough, but when it looks -- when you look at what they actually do it is very weak. it's feckless, and at the end of the day iranians know that and that's why they're on the march. will: that's what i'm trying to figure out a lot of us what we're looking at is domestic political posturing inside of iran or to your point inside of america. but doesn't simply declaring don't when you know stheg is going to happen -- and you don't intend to stop it, then make joe biden even look more weak here at home. because he said don't, and iran did. >> you nailed it. will, i mean that's been -- that has been the issue with this administration, and it's appeasement first strategy what every time they say don't they also say deescalate and our
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adversaries see that as weakness and they see that as opportunity it is kind of like the schoolyard bully -- you know, that you keep backing up and backing off and just promising to give a little more. what are they going to do they're going to keep taking more. and we've seen that with russia -- we've seen that with iran, we're seeing it with china. and you know, counterintuitively inviting escalation by weak and feckless approach, and you know, that the frustration is that you could actually stop all of this by going after the cash, shut down the oil exports, that are benefiting china by the way, and we have measures to do that. they know it work and they just won't do it. will: all right congressman michael thank you for being with us this morning. >> thanks, will. will: all right we'll be rightrl back. (vo) houses.
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author and journalist batya sargon joins us now. batya it is so great to have you on you're a friend to the show. i want to get your just your feelings about this cease-fire negotiation and the break down and the rejection of it. >> thank you so much for having me rachel. good morning, and to all of your viewers, you know, hamas continues to expose the absolute hypocrisy and fecklessness of american left. can you imagine spending all of this time demanding a cease-fire from israel and when they offer exchange for hostage and hamas reject it you continue to attack that is president biden flip-flopping in support for israel in order to care to 100,000 voters in dearborn, michigan had a huge impact here, and it conveying to hamas they are winning the war and rachel, the worst part about this. is that biden could end this in
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a second. you know how? there's one entity that hamas listens to 100% -- and it is qatar. if qatar said tomorrow release hostages which include american citizens, they would release the who hostages tomorrow president bide incline 2021 made qatar a major nonnato ally, what has he done with the leverage he got out of that absolutely nothing allowing hostages to languish in captivity. rachel: it is outrageous that american hostages in the very least have not been released and that does -- show very badly on president biden. i want to move to this topic because you wrote a book -- and i want to make sure i get the title write batya. the book is called second class how elites betrayed america's working men and women which could be the new webster definition of democrats. so talk to me about -- about your book and about specifically this student loan
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aspect of this that we're transferring money from poor and working class americans to pay for rich elites and the professional class. >> absolutely. the democrats agenda has become a massive upward transfer of wealth from the middle middle co elites basically they have been plundering middle class booked abandoning working class and that is what my book is about. rachel: batya it is a fantastic read thank you for joinings us this morning on both of those very important topics. >> thank you rachel. rachel: you've got it we're going to be right back. stay with us. when barbara switched to turbotax... i broke four generations of family tradition... ma, i want to make perfume!
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♪ give into the rhythm of the islands and delight in a caribbean state of mind. visit or call 1-800 sandals. we begin our final hour of "fox & friends" with a fox news aall right. right now, israel's war cabinet is mulling over response to iran launching its first ever direct attack against the jewish state. rachel: overnight, israel reopening its air space for th


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