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tv   One Nation With Brian Kilmeade  FOX News  April 13, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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breaking, israel under fire from iran marking iran's first ever direct attack on the country.
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it's marking a dangerous escalation of fighting in the middle east. good evening, i am john robert in washington, good to be with you this important evening. >> covering this with you, cliff from new york, & smith, breaking news coverage of iran's attack on israel. i minister netanyahu vowing to hurt anyone who hurts israel despite recent tension, the white house just now reaffirming ironclad support for israel's defense. u.s. forces shot down dozens of missiles and drones must which were of 200 fired at israel from rent. >> trey yingst has been in tel aviv since the moment this began and he joins us against, what is the sense there? is it over, if it is, what comes next? >> israeli officials believe the
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bulk of this initial attack is over, they are not telling civilians to let their guard down yet though they have canceled some of the red alert notifications telling people to remain next to bomb shelters as israel's cabinet wrapped up in evening and tel aviv to determine the next steps and israeli response. we understand security cabinet has given the power of decision to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, other cabinet member in israel's defense minister, they will decide how israel will respond to this unprecedented attack of drones and missiles launched from iran toward israeli territory. he might be able to hear overhead israeli fighter jets circling tel aviv. israeli forces remain on high alert, the city did not see sirens but in the distance we could see errol missile-defense system firing off interceptors to target the incoming fire,
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silencing sounding across the country sending millions of people to bomb shelters. israelis saying most of the missiles and drones work intercepted outside of israeli territory but remarkable scenes with some projectiles slipping past air defense systems, israeli soil intercepted over major population centers like the city of jerusalem but tonight, on target territory for the middle east as iran's launched direct attack on israel in response to israeli strike against mohammed, top iranian general in damascus, syria earlier this month arraignments writing for two and a half weeks they would respond and tonight they did that. the region waits to see what israel will do. >> that is the big thing he was taken up in damascus which is syrian soil brought the iranians directly attacked israel and
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that is a big escalation in this situation. thank you, appreciate it. >> what head to the white house, president biden pledged support for israel against iran as he wrapped the two hour meeting we were told national security council a short time ago wrapped up. middle east tension turning hi, the highest this israel hamas war began and his work cabinet now monitoring the situation closely from washington. jackie heinberg has been there throughout the evening live with more what we are hearing or make hear from the white house as the story breaks. >> i was looking at my computer technical because we got a statement from the president to accomplish everyone waiting for as it pertains to what we seen between iran and israel, announcement approved major decoration potentially
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previously scheduled statement released. we are waiting for a readout on his phone call with israeli prime minister benjamin and netanyahu, we cannot on confirmation the white house will send one although it's difficult they do this relationship between benjamin the netanyahu can't biden has been strained in the lead up to iran's attack on israel, biden reiterated ironclad and wavelength u.s. support for allies but couple of days prior biden said to a statement u.s. policy toward israel would change of israel didn't take immediate steps to address disaster in gaza so mixed messaging on what it meant, the white house refusing whether was future aid to israel and as we know congress next week is taking up the issue so it has renewed importance. officials did not tell us
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tonight a whole lot about advice if any they are getting israel on its response, israel has not to respond swiftly to what taken tonight, first confirmation is jennifer griffin reporting iran's used ballistic missiles as part of the garage. they did telegraph early on that this was coming early enough that the u.s. sent commander to israel closely coordinate because neither u.s. not israel want to invite a wider work however we are watching to see what netanyahu wants to do and whether biden counseled him to practice restraint to contain the regional conflict. >> earlier you told us you were still able to see the marine post outside the west wing and indicating the president was in the oval office, is that still the case? >> i have to step further back than i'm able to but i'm like
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attached but it looks like it can see the corner of his shoulders -- yes, he left out and he's letting someone through the door so that indicates the president is still in the oval office and has been there for about an hour so usually we do get a readout when we get these phone calls and we hope to get work tonight, it's an important time to receive one for israel and us. >> for that reason, who will check back in shortly. >> on the phone with us, former trump national security advisor robert o'brien, thank you for taking the time to be with us, i know you just back into utah but the closest comparison we have for what happened in relation to what happened last week is what happened after former president trump or the assassination to soleimani, attack against the airbase and intelligent that iran going to launch was more a show of force than anything
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though few people work injured and trump did not retaliate because he had his eye, why keep it going? what you think will happen in this case? the situation in terms of overwhelming number of weapons fire not israel and the fact that they were fired israel different than what happened four years ago. >> it is can't some issue with reading issue in the embassy so i would not call it an assassination, the battlefield operation but the difference between what happened then and now, then was an attack on ahead of time to direct on the u.s.
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comment and it's part. there were not major casualties. here directly from iran, three takeaways, the number of injuries and number two air defense systems have worked in take on 99% of the incoming vessels and drones. number three i think it's important the u.s. reported the uk and arab countries joined, open-air and participating during the abraham accords diplomacy the trump of administration to build a coalition. think that's all good news. this is a direct attack on israel and heart to see benjamin
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netanyahu the former general himself not responding to iran having attached israel in a horrific manner. >> thank you for joining us, this is sandra in new york. the question on so many americans minds right now as they watch our coverage and see what is happening in the learn of the extent of this attack from iran obviously and israel here, how much does it raise the risk of widespread conflict in that region? >> that's a great question and something of have been talking about on your show, we have several things, personal american citizens being killed october 7 by hamas which was funded by iran and taking american hostages and instead of
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sending delta, they sent negotiators with hamas, ridiculous. hezbollah be kept as a proxy. then the biden administration has been encouraging more oil and encouraging canadians in the keystone pipeline, encouraging iranians to pump oil from 300,000 a day to 3 million i think and sanctions released and iranians make more money in the past several years than ukraine, israel asked taiwan combined. iranians are watching we are doing and saying and we need to show them otherwise we got
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sports in the white house president biden was going to wait to see what happens on the ground as a result of this attack. the spokesman for the idf says only a couple of these projectiles through, minus injuries to a 10-year-old girl. based upon that, what do you think biden will counsel netanyahu to do? >> we can only look at past history been maintaining a number of policies with china and russia but it comes to iran, they take on of money and turn a blind eye to iranian attacks on israel and somehow iranians will like it the problem is iranians go back to israel so iranians are expecting appeasement and unfortunately that's the history and i hope president biden has a change of heart and realizes the
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policy has not worked. that didn't work and it didn't work now but is the only way we will restart. >> this summer national security advisor, i would ask you what your concern is about anything here at home. we got local leaders the governor of new york issuing a statement in the mayor of new york city think while there's no direct threat, they are aware of, they are going on higher alert with places of worship here at home, high-profile locations offering security presence. where do your concerns lie as we watch this in the middle east? >> fox news reporting on the border situation we know iranians have been coming over the border, hezbollah which is an area near proxy, we know t that. christopher wray came up and
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said he's never seen it in america so high and i was before october 7 and before this latest attack on israel so iranians clearly have saboteurs and assassins. hopefully the fbi response local and state police will respond to any attacks on synagogues but keep in mind the open border is our adversary and that actors to put people in place so with got to be very careful and even blue state governors and iran starting to realize they got to take measures to protect the american people. >> one quick question before so. it's like soleimani, a legitimate battlefield target in israel's mind because he was the guy from islamic revolutionary
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guard corps funding weapons to hezbollah and hamas. you take him out, maybe you to start the supply chain. the world right now seems to be united we haven't heard from russia and china but seems for the most part pretty much united in support of israel or when this night is over and israel prospective prosecuting the war supplying weapons to, or do think the world does? >> we seen anti- semitism price here since october 7 from a heartbreaking to see. henry kinzinger's -- i was ranked a yarmulke, people were screaming. there's anti-semitism but people were thinking i was jewish. it is out of control so who got
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to be vigilant about anti-semitism and standby israel there's a lot of growth iranians and she hottie influence author in our adversaries russia and china keep us down in the middle east and work on taiwan and ukraine so these folks on tik tok and social media kat to standby israel bear the brunt of anti-semitism. >> there aren't many people on this planet know these things better than you, thank you for taking the time tonight, we appreciate it. >> thanks. >> you are monitoring breaking news out of the middle east for
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you at this hour. mike garcia, former navy pilot experienced shooting down these types of drones. he will -- we will speak to him coming up. stay tuned. sup? -who are you? i'm your inner child. get in. listen, what you really need in life is some freakin' torque. what? horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. what happened to my inner child craving love and acceptance? how about you love and accept this? p-p-p-p-powershot!
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the pentagon continues to be on high alert is iran launches a
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missile attack on israel. u.s. forces working in formation with israel to shoot down some of those drones. dozens of drones, actually. israeli forces a few moments cup saying most of the drums were intercepted outside of israel's border. joining us now, national security correspondent jennifer griffin with the latest from the pentagon, what you got? >> registered drones have been shut down as we've reported he was officials tell us the u.s. military has shut down dozens of one-way attack drones outside of israeli airspace but also ballistic and cruise missiles. we've learned u.s. military assets in the region have been used to intercept some of those holistic and land attack cruise missiles we were reported in the last hour or fire from iran so that means iran fired not just drones but also ballistic and
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cruise missiles. what is significant is the u.s. military engaged at least one of those ballistic missiles in a manner that protected israel so u.s. navy, u.s. air force, central command, very busy tonight across the middle east. we also understand the jordanian air force and missile defense systems very busy tonight, they've engaged. i've been told dozens of iranian drones passing through their airspace. idf has been clear most of the drones and missiles were destroyed and intercepted outside israeli airspace, good news for israel and shows the incredibly complex layered missile defense and air assets employed to engage not just these missiles and drones but also we are told aircraft% by
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hostile aircraft sent toward israel and they were all intercepted, we are told so a lot of activity in the skies over the middle east tonight but we are getting good science from the idf telling israelis they no longer necessarily be in shelter so this first wave of attacks appears to be winding down but we are told the u.s. military aircraft are still in the skies patrolling, ensuring israel is safe tonight. >> i'm sure that is important thing to do. thank you. sandra. >> california for public congressman and former u.s. navy pilot, mike garcia, appreciate you joining us tonight working news. jen griffin's reporting there on the u.s. military shooting down what we now know was dozens of one-way attack drones and
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ballistic and land attack cruise missiles intercepted. these are things you are very familiar with. can you take us through the process, the u.s. military shooting down one-way attack drones and what's involved records unique to the u.s. military, really defense forces have a very sophisticated system, integrated air system comprised not only of surface to air missiles where they have medium-range missiles and short range systems like iron dome which most people are familiar with but israelis have fifteens and at 35's and they are airborne for a couple of hours, high-resolution long-range active electronically scanned radars typical targets from triple digits, miles away in
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most cases. what we see is iran watching what looks to be by the time the account is done, i'm willing to bet it's going to be more than a couple hundred projectiles, rockets of drones and they are testing the air defense system. from a product perspective, you are airborne, you got in 120 air to air missiles on board from a 20-millimeter at your disposable as well and commander on the ground accrington turn directions and most of these one-way suicide crohn's on the radar look like cessna, it's similar to cessna 172 so they will pick them up among ranges, time to do positive identification and corroborate and make sure they are targeting the system and not an innocent civilian aircraft for some reason before they pull the trigger. once they pull the trigger, it's high odds missiles they are
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using will take down these systems so this isn't a sophisticated checking of power from iran tonight but what it does demonstrate is how vulnerable israel is, threat from all 360 degrees from hezbollah, hamas and to the e east, iran with directed past using not only drones but also ballistic missiles so this is why we need to stand behind the emphasis the fruits of appeasement relevant peace through strength we've been seeing out of this a penetration. there will keep the air sanitize the next several hours and i will shoot down most of the things that come down but if you chew a couple hundred, it only takes one get through this complex sometimes confusing picture to potentially kill hundred of people and this is why we need to help israel. >> a couple didn't get through invented on the ground near military bases. he didn't name the military base but reports are that and airbase
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was targeted, that's where a lot of they go up potentially even though israel hasn't technology, that took out mohammed. want to ask you because i don't know if you saw it or not but these small drones, the ones you described as being the size of cessna cayman to israel with lights on. think u.s. pilots are israeli pilots would have them lighted up to shoot them down, maybe iranians were saying we want to make sure you get these so they don't actually kill anybody what you think this was an element of terror for iranians to cite see the light? that's us, we can put a missile anywhere we want to. >> i don't think we should assume the best of intentions from the iranian regime. i don't know why they would have lights on, it would make it easier to see but they are going
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to track with radar other sensors, you don't need a like to see these things coming so it does require a response and if you recall 2019, iran shot down one of our global fox and expensive report, $75 million we did react in kind and strike back with iranian territory of the missile sites that launched missiles to take down the talk. it doesn't necessarily mean world war iii but israelis have a right to protect themselves and i don't care if they turned their flashlight on her indicate that they were supposed to be shut down, iranians need to be responsible. >> where your concerns lie stars terrorism here at home and a radiant presence confirmed look radiant crossing over our borders, we are getting an update nypd, counterterrorism efforts in putting in place,
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increasing visibility at relevant institutions here out of an abundance of caution. where your concerns lie here at home? >> was clear with fbi director ray earlier this week in one of our appropriation hearings, i don't trust him. the fact that he's sounding alarms is interesting but this open southern border thing going on for three years in a man-made joe biden ran on so we have 7 million people in our country and we don't know who all of them are even if it's .01%, it's enough to create enough damage and kill enough americans to answer, doctor we are more vulnerable today than before september 10 of 2001 so we need to close the border, double on investments and readiness and recruiting of our military and secure our comment but we need to invest in israel and make sure they don't run out of equipment.
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the amount of bullets israel has is a critical situation. we can defend our home and secure our borders and protect israel, we just need a president who cares to do that first. >> 7.4 million you mentioned, people apprehended by or patrol we got eyes on, estimated 1.8 -- we don't even know. >> they sit on the intelligence committee god knows how many are here we don't know and haven't been able to track this is why i told director ray flat out earlier this week i don't trust him or our president. they are intentionally putting us in clear and present danger's situation as leaders of our country so we need new leadership obviously. >> appreciate you joining us tonight, thank you very much. interesting perspective thank on what it takes to shoot one of these things down. >> not easy.
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>> israel : immediate meeting of un security council, morgan ortega's joins us as we monitor breaking news out of israel, she is coming up next. ♪ feeling sluggish or weighed down? could be a sign that your digestive system isn't at its best. but a little metamucil everyday can help. metamucil's psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down... so you can lighten every day the metamucil way. (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) you can't be that different. (fisher investments) we are. we have a team of specialists not only in investing, but also also in financial and estate planning and more. (other money manager) your clients rely on you for all that? (fisher investments) yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first. (other money manager) but you still sell commission -based products, right?
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god bless the people of israel, they are under attack right now. that's because -- this not happen, unbelievable and it would not have happened, you know that, they know that, everybody knows that that america pays for israel, we sent our absolute support to everyone in harm's way. this is an attack that would not have haven't. >> former president trump earlier today following support for israel as iran watches 200 drones and fizzles an unprecedented attack. the u.s. and israel intercepting several of them. joining us now, morgan ortega's president got a little cough there, that this would not have happened under his watch. i know you are with the former secretary of state mike pompeo the night soleimani was taken out. you are also with them the night iran retaliated, missiles at the palace on airbase so you've got a good effective on all of us.
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what you make of it? >> first of all, the might of that afternoon you are referring to whenever iranians strike back, it was similar tonight and that we had several hours morning it was scary to be sitting in the state situation room just sort of waiting to know the fate of so many of our soldiers and sailors intelligence operators, diplomats based their in the region and what is compounding to me is that scenario not only happened tonight but almost happening on a daily basis in the middle east. that's how provocative iran and proxies have gotten. men and women are target practice for iranians and further proxies almost on a daily basis, if not a weekly basis so tense in the region, he used the word at the beginning of the segment but i think is
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important, unprecedented attack. it wasn't just unprecedented because of the scale, we are looking at the fog of war but we are looking at hundred drones, suicide drones, ballistic missiles, navy cruise missiles, hundreds of those our launched from inside iranian territory to his inside israeli territory so not just the amount, the quantity we are seeing but also unprecedented because it's happening from inside iran to inside israel and it's a new phase in the middle east and in this work. >> thank you for joining us, u.s. military has been able to shoot down doesn't of those one way drones. we wait to get more on that, we did get just more from the white house, jacqui heinrich reporting and administration official call between netanyahu and joe biden has wrapped the call with the
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president and the prime minister asking for 25 minutes, rather than speculate on what happened, what do you hope was discussed? >> i can tell you what i hope, i hope the biden and his team were not trying to stop israeli response and that's what we've seen october 7 biden at top team think they can manage the conflict manage escalation and every time they tie the hands of israel, it's worse for the hostages, israel and certainly worse for palestinians and why we still have 500 americans unaccounted for so i hope biden wasn't tying hand tonight because of what i just said, because unprecedented nature of this attack, just because there drones make it, just because weaponry was sophisticated enough to hit it doesn't mean there wasn't intent to inflict real harm israelis and even
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other people in the region including ourselves, we have lots of assets in the region as well. iran crossed a vital redline, we should not forget that targeting inside israeli territory, israelis when doctor these, they did in damascus syria territory, iranians and israelis going out for about a decade now. this wasn't new, a vital redline was crossed and we did not need to come up the biden administration does not need to do what they been doing since october 7 making them like this work with one hand tied behind her back. >> this perspective here, biden was out there and answered a question about what he would say to iran about attacking israel. again, he used the word dumped. iran went ahead and did it. you just returned from taiwan, another potential target on the radar screen in future days ahead for which you want a
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robust deterrence against china. biden says don't, iran does. biden says don't to china about taiwan, what do you think she's going to say? >> let's hope it's not the same response iranians have had. i thought i would pitch you and sandra to come monday and talk about taiwan frederick learned, i didn't expect to be with you from breaking news but that's what happens. when it comes to deterrent failure, deterrent started in 2021 beginning of the administration in august 21, lynn kabul fell to the taliban, when we have chaotic withdrawal, i heard on that and go back to that because in my opinion, that was the beginning of this escalation spiraled with tenant. biden team never learned deterrent failures in august of
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211 they left afghanistan, then putin and ukraine and massive deterrence failure, i could go on but your businesses while clapping but as a relates to october 7 and what china may or may not do over taiwan, right now biden said four times miss a penetration he would defend taiwan. unfortunately you got u.s. military budget that doesn't even keep up with inflation and the latest budget, they cut one on a submarine, budgeted to and now they cut down to one the spending priorities do not match the rhetoric. you do not need top-secret plans to pick about, just look at the budget. >> we know in the last hour or so israel requested emergency meeting with un security council to condemn iran. that was israeli human ambassador, a short time after
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that the confirmation came in from of the u.s. security counsel aims to hold a meeting now pure cold tomorrow 4:00 p.m. according to a diplomat. this is put together quickly as we anticipate next moves there, the discussion will be incredibly important. >> absolutely. i don't expect much in terms of a resolution because it's likely based on what happened that russia and/or china or both would be told that resolution. it's important for the united states to stand up for israel the un. by the way, without opportunities so there is opportunity the un to have a resolution which is rhetorical but a way to stand with israel and by so many of us were inflamed from the united states did not stand up for israel, the coke, a few weeks ago and abstained from the un vote. however, there are ways in which the biden administration, i
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tweeted about this today, the ways they could have stood up for israel and the united states and didn't. i am talking about un resolutions at the security counsel had prohibition on iran's procurement of ballistic missiles and drones, the same equipment you see tonight, the biden administration let that expire at the human, something, there was a conventional weapons embargo in the trump administration expired in october 2020, we fought like tooth and nail to get that extended, there was no effort by the biden administration so there's the rhetorical things you could do but their real hard things you could get done at the un if you want to stand up for yourself and israel and week should have done everything we could to get the un weapons embargo extended against iran for the ballistic missiles and drones they are using tonight, but we are seeing tonight. >> thanks for joining us ton tonight. catch up next week about taiwan.
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>> we are waiting the readout of the call between not know who president biden's. we are told it lasted about 45 minutes. world leaders calling for restraint including from israel after hundreds of missiles and drones were fired at them by iran. more reaction just ahead.
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breaking news, is real under attack as a ranked laundress dozens drones and cruise missiles. strongest now, former trump investment senior fellow maven sale. the big russian tonight, what does israel do? what does the biden administration counsel netanyahu
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to do and if they did reta retaliates, what you think they would do? >> what we have seen, i will try to do justice to all three. last month we seen the white house publicly parading netanyahu and his work on coalition government basically being best, nagging them not to fight despite and gaza, provide this amount of humanitarian assistance, have this kind of internal accountability for mistakes treatment, i'm worried now that israel has faced unprecedented attack on common, 200 missiles and drones at least biden felt israel to take it easy. quote america dukes? what was joe biden do if an enemy launched 200 missiles at the united states? we wouldn't supply and give speeches of the run, the american people would demand the president take action and israeli people i think will demand netanyahu's coalition
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government take action because the only way you will resort deterrent against iran. they are doing it because they think they can get away with it and israel have to prepare wr wrong. >> thanks for joining us. we cannot confirm one security council will meet sunday tomorrow 4:00 p.m. on the situation in the middle east. we are still waiting on the readout between president biden and netanyahu. your thoughts and what message you want u.s. to send amid the conflict? >> i think the message u.s. needs to send as we are behind israel one 100%. our closest ally in the region faces unprecedented attack on the torment, there's no if's, answer but. one thing we do here is we need to get military assistance approved through congress, not so long ago a couple members were talking about conditioning
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eight, israel is not want to get conditions unless it agrees to the wish list of the house and senate. that's up the window and it's important for israel to hear on a bipartisan basis america will have its back and try to restore deterrence against regime in iran that white house is calling from day one. >> the genie is out of the bottle, somebody walked across the redline. iran for the first time act is really all meant. how does that change the dynamic? >> iran likes to play games with a hide behind their proxies. it was never plausible. we all knew what was going on but now they feel emboldened to strike over. that tells me they think they can get away with it. got to prove them wrong. >> thank you for joining us. >> really great to have them on.
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don, great to be with you covering this. thanks to our reviewers for joining us and we will be back here monday, get 1:00 p.m. eastern time. >> stay with fox news for mark breaking news out of >> coverage continues righint ne ♪talk >> we are talking about cashword backing. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback?
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