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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  April 13, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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tonight part of the reason we are incredibly sensitive reports and confirming types of missiles used against israel but what we can confirm, unprecedented attack with drones and missiles launched from iranian territory sending people to bomb shelters in israel and israelis believe is an ongoing situation tonight. >> 3:00 a.m. there, great coverage, stay safe, keep us posted. reporting continues, remarkable coverage. thanks for being here, a different situation but that will do it for us. we'll see you back here tomorrow 7:00 p.m. eastern for the big weekend show put breaking news. john robert will take it now. ♪ fox news alert breaking news this hour israel under attack. i riran launching dozens of dros and cruise missiles working a
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significant critical escalation of the middle east good everyone i am sandor smith in the org good to be with you. >> good to be with you on the side as well. i am john roberts and washington special break in coverage of the iranian attack against israel. just before 3:00 o'clock eastern time around lunch or direct aerial attack against israel. this is in retaliation for a suspected israeli air strike on iran's consulate in syria last week. israeli jets and u.s. forces are now shooting down drones and other weapons that may have emanated from iran and perhaps other places air raid sirens are sounding in jerusalem as explosions were heard in the skies above. prime minister benjamin netanyahu said israel will retaliate for any attack on its soil. >> meantime president biden is right now convening with his national security team at the white house. the white house says it is prepared to defend israel and u.s. troops in the region. trey yingst reporting live from
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tel aviv throughout the evening for us. trade, we know the white house is watching this closely. we know there's a very important phone call that's about to take place. what can you tell us? >> yes good evening. israeli media is reporting is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu and president biden are sent to speak on the phone shortly. this comes after a massive missile and drone attack launched from iranian territory toward israel. sirens astounding across this country tonight sending millions of people to bomb shelters but according to israel's homefront command more than a 720 alerts were sent out. we have a witness with our cameras and eyes here in tel aviv missile defense system active both the aero system and david's sling trying to intercept some of the incoming fire. we are in uncharted territory for this is the first iranian attack on israeli soil.
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it's also an indication that iran is willing to target israeli population centers not just military installations. remember this is the iranian response to a roots trike earlier this month that killed a top iranian general and damascus, syria the man responsible for supplying iranian proxies across the region with the weapons at missile components to use against israel for tonight israeli forces are on high alert. we understand into israel's cabinet is still meeting at this hour in tel aviv is israel's version of the pentagon. they are most concerned about the possibility of iranian proxies. see recent. john: sounds like we lost trey yingst there. understand in a situation like this with us so much going on in the skies over jerusalem, tel
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aviv and the rest of israel. the communications may be at risk your for no other reason than israel is shutting things down while it focuses on the incoming. sandra: we just heard and one of trey's last reports and booms, air siren sounding throughout the night sky for joining us right now is retired lieutenant keith kellogg former national security advisor for the trump administration but you've had time to analyze what's going on right now and what is happened so far but where do you see this going next? >> i do not see this going to a good place at all. and the attack is just beginning. trait mentioned something i think is really important. because it signifies a greater attack if it is true, than most believe. there are three dimensions to israeli air defense. there is the aerosystems the david sling and iron dome.
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most of us is seen iron dome with rockets coming out of hamas. when you go to the aerosystems you are talking what its only it's onlydesigned for two defent medium range intercontinental ballistic missiles. my concern is okay, are that just doing this with drones customer if we don't know they have not hit yet. the missile start coming in that's a tremendously changing dynamic. the reason for that he look at the 136 drone that's coming and now it carries about a wondered 100-pound warhead. from that carries a 4000 pounds warhead. 4000-poundwarhead. considerable difference. they are basically gps guided what we called gps guided. that kind of attack is going on from the first attack that has ever been carried out by iran proper that change the whole
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dynamic. we will not know that for the next couple of hours but what targets they went after. did they go after facilities? or are they going after their defdefense ministry? are they going after -- that would change the response of the israelis as well. there is a big difference when we were attacked when we killed soleimani, we were told in advance through the protective power of the middle east for us that the iranians are going to attack but the going to hit dirt. we had some people then it injuries primarily from blast. we do not have anyone get killed but this is different. they're coming and unannounced is going to be pretty widespread attack. the differences are significance and then the iranians make a comment now it's one and done. they are dancing with the bear.
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you stop dancing when the bear when the bear stopped dancing. especially if the target hits things that are pretty essential for them the israelis will respond with considerable force. this is like around one we will see with the daylight brings tomorrow. there is a seven hour difference. but daylight brings in the target to bring the drones are just entering the airspace been to see what they are going to do and react themselves. i would say this is not a one and done. it is going to continue. on an israeli response will be pretty significant. in a way i wish the president had not canceled his announcement to the nation because i think it is important to explain to the american people what is going on because the most important is does is pass information he also sends a message. he sends a message to the israelis and the iranians what should be expected of both of them and what's going to happen. by him going to bed early and not talking to the american
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people it's not that he's not talking to the american people. he is not talking to the world. he is not talking to the iranians. and he is not talking to the israelis and that is a big mistake. john: for just a second, danny of the chief idf spokesman as holding a conference buddies holding it in english which is unusual. let's listen to what he's saying. quick dozens of attack drones as well as crews missiles and ballistic missiles outside of israel's border. other missiles felt inside israeli territory causing minor damage to a military base with no casualties. only one little girl has been hurt and we hope she will be well. the iranian attack is ongoing. our plans are in the air. tonight, widescale attack by iran is a major escalation.
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together, with our allies and partners we are operating at full force to defend the state of israel and the people of israel. we will continue to fulfill this mission. questions please? quick cnn is asking what type and how many projectiles have been fired towards israel so far? how many drones and missiles have been intercepted and can you specify by region? >> the event is still occurring. but until now over 200 different kinds have been fired into israel. killer drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles. we've already intercepted a vast majority of the threats by israel systems and with assistance from our partners. we are still in the event and plans are still in the air intercepting targets. we are ready for any threat that
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will come to israel. we will do everything we need, everything to defend the state of israel. thank you very much. john: typically gives very, very brief news conferences. he is saying the attack is still ongoing. 200 drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles have been fired so far in israel. most of them he says have been intercepted which is very good news. one felt near a military base. note casualties with the exception a young girl sustained some injuries which do not appear to be life-threatening. sandra: that little girl 10 years open up the best for her but we heard from the very end there we are ready for any threat that comes our way. we are ready to defend israel. and jon, as we reporting a few moments ago as trey yingst was reporting a few moments ago the president, president biden and president netanyahu are on the
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phone right now fox has confirmed this the conversation is happening right now. we hope to get a read out from the call in an update from the white house shortly. john: keith kellogg is still on the phone with us. there was a chatter coming out of iran the main target for this attack was the airbase. which is near it's also very close to israel's nuclear facility. i thought this was interesting. you say this is different than the al-assad attack back in 2020. i thought it was interesting that iran made it known even before the first drones entered is really airspace that this is over. we did this under article 51 of the un charter. that's it but we will keep watching what israel does. what do you make of that? >> i think it is a bad mystery. what i mean by miss treat you have to look to someone else's lens, your opponents lens when you make a call like that.
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with us it was different. i remember we were sitting in the situation room and because of the system overhead observation without the missiles basically cameras on balloons we could see it hitting the airbase we were sitting with the president, the vice president and the security team we sat there for five or six minutes and did not say a word. the president looked up and said we are done and walked out the door. that's when we realized they'd given us a pre-advance notice through power they they are goio hit dirt and they did and we said that is done. this is different this is an attack on israel proper going it is a stretch. dimona is there nuclear facility in israel. they were attacking that. they couldn't cotton it if they wanted to with precision weapons. it would have changed dramatically what was happening there.
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apparently they have not hit it yet or have not targeted it completely because they could hit it if they want too. i think everybody has to sit back and say what does it look like in the daylight? they are seven hours ahead of us. what are they targeted? does it counter value, counterforce means going after military installation counter value you go after civilian targets but what kind of targets are being hit? what i am talking about is i miss read the way israel is look at this. the discussion between president biden and prime minister netanyahu can change that dynamic. ayou don't have to respond too. but that's what the president needs to say publicly to the american people. not in a private discussion he's not just addressing netanyahu he's not addressing the american
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people, he is addressing the world. i think that needs to be done. again i will close by saying this the missiles are still coming in. the drones are still hitting. let's see what happens in the barn because generally speaking is a great army action. let's see what happens. sandra: a general comment just going through what we just heard there from the israeli officials approximate 200 missiles that have been launched there toward israel of very few missiles felt inside israel. but as we just heard one cause a small damage to a military base one tendril girl was injured we just heard. the event is not ended yet. we note conversations happening with netanyahu and inviting right now. general yuko back to ironic bowing preventions april 1 since air stairstrike in syria killedo iranian generals inside the
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iranian counselor building, our message from president biden this week was don't. here we are so now they are having this phone call but what do you imagine the conversation is between these two leaders right now? >> great question. president biden said don't, secretary blinken said don't and lloyd austin also said don't. the response netanyahu would say they are doing, they are doing, they are doing. that is in response imparted that is because we have not convinced them it's bordered by the united states. the israeli have a better defense and a better deterrence message than we do. we have not sent a clear message. here's the clear message we should have sent in the clear messes we should have sent to an missile start applying from the houthis in the missiles supported by the irradiance in the red sea as we should have
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put on the bottom of the sea these spy ships the iranian has during the targeting during the red sea. that sends the message out. what happens is the israelis and not accept this message they're going to send a message back. the message and back is we will make the decision when it is over. were going to send a very clear message back to you that this is unacceptable. i think you're going to see biden telling netanyahu i don't go there don't get them fired up about it but i don't think netanyahu will listen to him at all i think they will respond too. sandra: general kellogg if you could standby with us with the news it breaks it seems to be changing by the minute as we heard from trey yingst on the ground or by the way an update from trey we did lose signal with him he is fine. we'll hear again from him shortly prevents thanks to gentle pressure taking time away from your event tonight to join us. my good friend jon is the man behind the grammy nominated five
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for fighting. he recently released a song about october 7 massacre. we are not okay but happens to be in tel aviv tonight just a couple of hour goes he played a concert and hostage square. jon, you are there on the streets of tel aviv. tell us what it is like. >> it is surreal. just a few moments after a walked off stage we were notified to be near a shelter by 11:00 p.m. certainly they have the timing down pretty good. we all got to the hotel, got to the shelters and then the news reports started breaking. it's really quiet here in tel aviv th there still a buses on e street we did see it meant the many interceptions it is been pretty quiet here but certainly a historical night and thank god for the iron dome. thank you iron dome. sandra: john, this is sandra new york we thank you for joining us. cannot know what it's like for the people who live to this
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threat every single day. >> today at thousands of people on the beaches, in the parks, you could not get a reservation. everyone was talking about it. everyone is thinking about it. i have been here three days and the fortitude the resilience of the israeli people is truly inspiring. to be a fly on the wall in this night of history, i would not send happy i'm here but it is something to behold. >> he notes the middle of the night there i don't know if you've had a chance to talk to anyone or maybe people were talking about this during the day. the fact that iran has directly attacked israel escalates the middle east the tinderbox in a way that is never happened up until now. is there any sense among the israeli people you gathered today we were talking with them that if iran were to mount a retaliatory strike like tonight israel should hit back again?
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>> was talking to michael the former ambassador but people did not expect this. of course iran had to do something with the rhetoric but i don't think they thought they would be sending drones over jerusalem. certainly people are surprised. i think netanyahu if there is any pause that has ended. with the president biden saying a don't and iran sing whatever. i think the dynamic has changed using jordan and the arab countries shooting down drones. it is surprising as well. the whole dynamic is changed overnight iran maybe thinking twice about this decision. john: john thank you very much for joining us thank you for setting up in the middle of the night hope your concert went well tonight. we certainly are praying for the safety of the israeli people. as the airborne weapons continued to rain down there in jerusalem. as you said thank god for the
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iron dome let's hope it works as well as it is advertised to. appreciated her. >> happy to do my best and love to my wife carla, see you soon honey. sandra: we say thank you for joining us. we are waiting news for the phone call between netanyahu and bided we are monitoring all the breaking news at this hour out of the middle east. israel is under attack. stay with us.
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john: at this our present bite is reaffirming america's commitment to israel is ironclad. biden currently meeting with national security team as israel comes under attack from dozens of iranian drones by the u.s. shooting some of those drones down. israel's iron dome working to counter the rest of them. jacqui heinrich is live with more from the white house on this breaking story. well, sense of déjà vu tonight. it was about four years ago former president trump and his team are huddled in the situation room as iran was attacking the always hot air base in retaliation for the assassination of soleimani. now we are back at it again. quick start i can say there is a marine outside the oval office door right now which signals the president is inside. this is happening as israeli officials tell us a biden is on the phone right now the israeli prime minister discussing what
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the response is going to be to the strikes from around that we saw today that we expect to unfold over the course of the evening. it has been a few hours gotten any updates from any sources here including the national security council, white house, state department, in any of the agencies represented in that high-level situation room meeting. you had a secretary of defense the secretary of state, homeland security director. cia director f played the direcr of national intelligence national security advisor and a number of senior advisors to the president as well as the vice president filing and remotely. trying to establish exactly what it would the u.s. would counsel israel to do. we know this was an attack from iran that was a telegraphed over several days. enough time the u.s. sent to the centcom commander all the way to israel to talk to them about how we should watch and measure whatever happens next side that
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tthatthe u.s. nor israel want to invite a broader regional war. certainly not a war a full-fledged war with iran. there was a message posted earlier in the evening through iran's admission to the united nations suggesting what we have seen is a one and done. it read in part the matter can be concluded. however should the israeli regime make another mistake iran's response will be more severe. that may indicate iran before any of these launches made contacts and israel are ron was already looking for an off ramp trying to contain whatever happens next because israel has also vowed to take a proportionate response to whatever it sees unfold. so we know the u.s. is watching for the impacts tonight before it says anything in terms of what should or should not happen. we know the president is in the oval office but we hope to get a
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readout of that call but no guarantee, guys. we have been asking all night it's been a while since it gotten anything from the white house. john: jackie great to have you on the job tonight thank you we will get back to you. seeif i bring in victoria coast victoria, thank you for jumping in here. we are just getting a statement from leader mcconnell at this hour. on the iran attack on israel calling on congress to pass the supplemental aide and says quote president biden is insisted america's commitment to israel's security is ironclad. it is time for his administration to match words with actions. that trailed off at the end i believe that's how it ended. your thoughts on this hour as we do await what comes from the white house and this phone call with netanyahu. >> yes good to be with you. i think what should have happened in november is when the house sent over with broad bipartisan support $14.3 billion
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package for israel the senate should have just passed it immediately played the president should have signed it we should have sent that signal before the end of last year. that truly the united states commitment to israel is ironclad. unfortunately that legislation still languishes with the senate because every single democrat voted against bring it to the floor. they could take that out. they could come back in an emergency session tomorrow take it up and pass it if they won't do that i hope speaker johnson will pass another version of that part senate back to the senate so they do not have to go to the extra step and get that message to the region. the united states truly does stand with israel because right now it got so many mixed signals since october 7 yes we do, no we don't, maybe not so much. we need this to be unambiguous and clear israel is not going to cease to exist because the united states won't let it. >> it is john your thank you so much for being with us.
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really appreciate it when you're at the nsc in the trump administration where the senior director for middle east and northern africa. you know all of this really, really well. this could be iran is saying we have retaliated under article 51 of the un charter. that is it, we are done turning off the lights and say good night. you cannot miss the fact this is it on precedent and escalation in the middle east up iran directly attacking israel. the genie really is out of the bottle now. >> they've been pushing at this boundary relate since october 7. we have had the first of ballistic missile shots out of for example yemen which triggered arrow two and three system. that had never been used before for good news was that worked for the bad news was it was used. as you said tonight we have seen for the first time to wreck strikes out if iran on israel. they can say it is over now.
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that is fine. but at the same time we are waking up tomorrow morning to an entirely new security situation in the middle east. what i want to know is who helped us? who helps shoot down all these drones it could be very interesting list of countries. >> no question about that. a big after action report there is no question about that. victoria coates thank you for joining us tonight, appreciate it. sandra: victoria thank you very much this just in from our own janet griffin and national security correspondent for the u.s. military shot down at least dozens of iranian drones in route to israel tonight u.s. military engagement is ongoing per senior u.s. official telling fox news. we are monitoring all the breaking news out of the middle east at this hour but were going to have new details on how u.s. forces are responding. stay with us.
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with u.s. defense officials the u.s. military itself has shot down dozens i am told at least dozens of iranian drones as they were on route toward israel. we've also been reporting tonight jordanian air defense systems have been employed the jordanian military obviously on high alert tonight all of jordan on high alert given the fact the iranian drones and cruise missiles will be flying through jordanian airspace and they have been clear if their sovereignty is violated that they will respond. and they have for the u.s. military, u.s. central command very busy tonight and the skies over the middle east. preventing many of those dozens i am told of those of drones from entering israel airspace the idf has said most of 200 or so missiles and drones that iran launched today from multiple locations inside iran at israel, most of them were intercepted. a few have gotten through we
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have seen in the skies over jerusalem and this is what is truly unusual. something i never expected to see and i was based in israel and jerusalem for seven years. there was always a general rule of thumb even when saddam hussein was in power he would not fire cruise missiles or scud missiles at jerusalem for fear of hitting which is so holy to muslims in the holy sites in jerusalem are sort of off-limits but tonight we saw w lights in e sky over jerusalem as the missile defense system intercepted and those of drones which themselves were lit up in the sky. what is also extremely notable is many of these drones it appears they had a little lights on board so that you could see them and the night sky part you have to ask yourself if you are attempting an element of surprise or are attacking a why would you have lights on drones?
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experts who have spoken to are very familiar with this drone technology that iran employs the 136 that the lights being on board that would be sort of a mechanism of terror. it's to say it look what we are capable of. it is to show the israelis and others in the region they have launched these hundreds of drones and missiles at israel tonight. this is designed for propaganda as much as anything they're easily shut down if they have lights on board perhaps that is the points. this could be what is been described to me as a cost imposing strategy be think of the cost of the missiles and that missile defense systems have been employed tonight to defend israel. those are multi- million-dollar missiles. these drones are thousands of dollars that in the millions of dollars so very expensive way to have to defend yourself with these missiles.
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we have certainly seen with the houthis when they fired cheap thousand dollar drones at u.s. warships and that u.s. warships have to fire million-dollar missiles in response, that's part of a run strategy tonight to deplete israel's missile defense arsenal. that missile defense shield is working very where it's the david "slaying goliath" in addition to iron dilbert iron dome is usually much closer in rockets and projectiles they would be employing that arrow and david "slaying goliath." so from here in the pentagon things very tense. we just learned that meeting in the situation room between the president and his national security team included the defense secretary lloyd austin and general see a cute brown lasted over two hours. it is now complete. president biden has spoken to prime minister of israel
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netanyahu and defense secretary austin has spoke to defense minister yoav gallant. those discussions are ongoing about what the ultimate damage the bomb damage assessment will be in terms of damage to israel. so far the idf says minimal damage at one airbase in southern israel but we didn't expect these iranian drones and missiles to target north and south of the country which are less populated. it was clear they did not want to hit tel aviv per se or any of the populated areas. so again a lot of this was a show of force. as a show of force for my ron certainly an escalation in terms of launching an attack from iran proper toward israel with some of those drones actually landing in israel. most of them, dozens of we reported have been intercepted and shot down by the u.s. military. sandra: is your reporting the
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latest details for us getting word from our senior field producer on the ground there in israel the israeli ambassador to the un is calling for an immediate united nations security council meeting. things are continuing to change by the hour will check back in with you again soon, thank you. john: will spring iowa's senator joni ernst who was kind enough to join us tonight. we are both good friends. you pointed out what he said there. biden said ahead of what happened tonight to iran, don't and iran said whatever. now, iran it may be going to pains here to not hit any population centers, but what do you make of the fact they completely thumbed their nose at the american president? >> john, and i do hope john is safe. we wish him well. we wish our friends in israel well. this has been three and a half years of failed policy coming
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out of this administration. if you go back and the sanctions that were put in place by the biden administration on iranian oil but were never enforced. and never enforced. if you are going to throw that out there, if you are going to talk you most will walk the walk as well but we do not see the biden administration doing that. over the course of the last five years we have hit an all-time high of export of iranian oil to the tune of $80 billion that goes to fund iran and its terror proxy groups which are targeting not only american troops but israel as well. so we have come to a culmination of a failure in policy to deter iran against attacking israel as well as our american troops big et cetera it's good to have on the program tonight, thank you for joining us. as you can imagine a world leaders continue to respond to what we are all watching play out on the world stage tonight.
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the german chancellor has issued a statement saying the attack on israel territory that iran launched is unjustifiable and highly irresponsible. this is just coming out iran risks further escalation in the region germany stands by israel. we will discuss the situation with our allies. you have to imagine world leaders all over are watching this play out and having to plan for what may be coming next. >> exactly sandra. we do have to wonder what will happen next? we did have a little bit of a heads up that iran it planned to do this for they are telling the world they were going to strike israel. what is the next step following this? we know israel is intent on wiping out hamas. again another policy failure coming from this administration is waffling on support to israel. we should not be interfering with their war. we should say to israel, we
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support you. we will help you. wipe discouraged off the face of the planets. this president has not done that. we need to step forward, make sure we are protecting our own interests in the middle east which includes defending israel. john: were fastened by jennifer's griffins reporting of these drones that were lit up. you are in the military, you don't military strategy paid what you make of that? >> expect to our conversation earlier. we were noticing the lights on those drones. now i immediately thought this is one way to strike terror into the citizens they are in israel. you also pointed out this is a one way to identify those drones they can be easier shot down. so twofold i think maybe iran did not intend for those missiles or drones to land. that is possible. i still think it is all about fear.
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it is about striking fear in the hearts of israelis. we saw this with hamas that was a tactic they were using as well. they want israelis to exist wondering what is going to happen next. am i safe? are my family members safe? if you wonder that all the time, it does degrade on your quality of life. so certainly there are a number of aspects iran was engaging in when they sent those missiles or drones into israel brickwork center to add to our continued reporting here and updates coming directly from israel. the israeli military revise its earlier alert saying there is no requirement in place right now anywhere in the country for residents to prepare to take shelter. if that changes they will advise residents. continued reaction pouring in this one from your colleague in the senate mike braun u.s. and must not abandon our ally israel as they defend themselves from this vicious attack.
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praying for the lives of innocent citizens in israel tonight the jewish people all around the world. to add to griffins reporting per u.s. officials confirming iran fired both the ballistic and land attack cruise missiles at israel in addition to the attack drones. first confirmation she says we have ballistic and cruise missiles were fired at israel by iran. i can only imagine but we can only imagine as we watch with thwhatthe coming hours will loo. >> yes, this is unprecedented for iran not to utilize those proxies but to strike directly against israel. and the comment to engage with ballistic missiles. the thoughts i have heard coming from other colleagues, other people within the space makes you wonder how close are they also to having the nuclear
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capabilities? they want israelis to exist in fear wondering what the next step will be. but again it is unprecedented what iran has done. we've got to assist the israelis in any way possible to push back against this threat. we do see saudi arabia stepping up or we see jordan stepping up early want to thank those arab nations that are friends to israel and gate to the abraham accords and other partnerships for this is part of the defendant act which passed bipartisan i let that effort and the senate many years ago. but, to tie all of these nations together in an air defense mechanism so that they could protect against iran. we see the successes when america chooses to lead this is what we need at this moment is american a leadership that will step forward and support israel. john: thinking about he said just a moment again regarding
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iran and the nuclear program this could be assigned to israel that once we get a nuke we couldn't reach you without any problem. >> absolutely. quick >> how you put the genie is out of the bottle here. there's been a direct attack by iran they have israel has attacked iran before but iran did not attack israel. now that iran has attacked israel do you think israel will sit on its hands and say that wasn't so bad a 10-year-old girl got slightly hurt but there's nothing else. or will they say you can't do that we are coming for you. >> and think we have seen israel step up after october 7 they said no more, this will not happen again. i do anticipate strong reaction. >> i cannot speak for biden i would never want to speak for biotin. i cannot get in his mind again the failures of this president for so many years now to actually step forward and enable
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israel to do the right thing and defending its own home territory. joe biden has failed at every opportunity. i have a built right now in the united states senate there is a companion bill it is bipartisan in the house as well that would force this administration to enforce the iranian sanctions. they need to do this. we need to cut off the revenues going to iran. we need to choke them out so they cannot keep perpetuating these types of actions against who they perceive as an enemy which would be the united states and israel. sandra: saturday when you had to work monday morning, what does this look like questionably heard from mcconnell earlier today we must pass the supplemental. what is that conversation going to look like in congress as the u.s. stands by israel? >> those conversations are going to continue but it's incredibly important we get enough to the situation this weekend. we have to have further conversations about the funding
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of a supplemental package. these are friends and allies all around the world that we partner with they are in extension of the united states and our own national defense. we have to make sure we are enabling our interest overseas. this also includes a discussion about pfizer. we need to know when terrorists are talking overseas. we need to know how to respond to that. this is about national security folks. we have got to engage as congress and take this seriously. john: just as we finish you brought it up and we talked about early think you get pfizer 702 renewal this coming week and what you think will happen? >> i absolutely hope we get this done. it isn't necessary. if we want to protect the united states of america we absolutely have to be able to intercept communications. not american citizens mind you, these are foreigners overseas plotting against the united
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states of america. we need to have tools in the toolbox to make sure we are protecting our own interest so i hope my colleagues listen. john: basin what we have heard from chris wright lately maybe we need that. >> appreciated joining us. as far as domestic threats, we continue to get statements here out of new york new york governor kathy opal on the york stance with the people of israel. as they face this horrific attack by iran. they are not aware of any domestic threats at this time upping security at houses of worship and high-profile location to the center to think you were monitoring breaking news of the middle east for you israel is under attack. stay with us.
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sandra: we are monitoring breaking news out of the middle east for you at this hour. israel is on high alert after rom launcher dozens of drones at a zero-point joining us now former national security council director robert greenway. we know that number has swelled to over 200 drones as reported by the israeli military this hour. robert, what so far as your reaction to what we've seen and what do you believe is coming next? >> despite the president calls for don'ts and the telegraphing of this attack in much the same
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way date leaked intelligence about the russian invasion of ukraine. it was unsuccessful at deterring iran. it was no doubt incredibly useful for this strikes me unprecedented attack of some 200 drones and ballistic missiles from iran to israel which is tantamount to a declaration of war but they traded blows below the surface for decades bird israel getting the better of that. this is an open conflict and escalation is going to be much more difficult to achieve a pretty sweet very difficult to control what inevitably will be an israeli response and has to be given the and scale which is not proportional and certainly not calibrated. certainly capable of doing so. very difficult for that i say to control it going forward. john: that's different than what happened back in 2020 when iran responded to the assassination of soleimani. they had these revolutionary guard corps. but in some ways it is very similar. trump knew iran was going to
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respond for the swiss intermediary said they're not going to do any real damage for the number of people didn't manage to get hurt of the concussive effect of the missiles. but trump did not respond to the eye iranian attack because he got what he was looking for pretty got soleimani and say we do not need to go tit for tat for that iran anymore we got what we are looking for. now let's move on. do you think israel looks at it that way? and now they don't need to go back and forth with iran and escalatory tit for tat? >> i doubt it but you are right this is similar. i was in a situation of the president when that scenario unfolded. and the recognition was the eye iranian's were done and then taken no serious casualties for their some injuries certainly on the base but it was not u.s. territory proper producer loose on twitter ballistic missiles and drones launched directly from iran and israel. the scope and scale of the
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attack is different. the telegraphing is similar. but again iran's a calculation it is the united states will continue to restrain israel and not iran for the catastrophic loss of deterrence has made this almost inevitable. to make matters worse we essentially provided the resources for iran to develop its missile program and let all of the restrictions, including un security council resolution 20 to 31 expired just in october. the same month the deadliest attack in israel's history that iran was responsible for. john: should have, could've, whatever. robert greenway thank you very much appreciated. stay with us for coming up next hour we will be talk with congressman michael garcia cohesive former f-18 pilot it can tell us what it takes to shoot that out of the sky. don't go away.
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