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tv   Fox Report With Jon Scott  FOX News  April 13, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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[laughter] and i just lost are it. again, it's waiting game. we have to wait and see what happens, how many of these missiles get through and where they are targeted. >> that's exactly right. i think that is the key question, is iran trying to actually kill israelis, are they trying to just make a point that, hey, look, you hit our guy, he's a senior quds force commander, you know, we're going to now push back and demonstrate to you that we're mad, or are they really trying to start a war wees reel? that question, the that calibration will come into play in the next fur -- few hours. and we'll see how successful the u.s. and israelis are about knocking down missiles, sounds like the u.s. is already taking action, the uss carney there going after some of these things with their aegis systems. jon: jamil jaffer, thank you. >> thank you.
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those are drones still in the air. they have not hit yet. it appears to be retaliation for israel deadly strike on iran's consulate in syria two weeks ago. good evening i am jon scott this is a special expanded edition of the fox report. his route will shut down its airspace for domestic and international flights about 30 minutes from now. idf spokesperson said dozens of slow flying drones from iranian territory expected to take hours to make it to israel. israeli forces on high alert will sound alarms if and when those missiles approach is real. trey yingst is a live from tel aviv with the latest there. hugs jon, good evening. on precedent and moment in the middle east right now. iran has launched a direct attack on israel firing dozens of drums toward the country but as you noted it will take these drones hours to reach is really airspace but reports indicate
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jets are already shooting some of these drones are down but remember israel's key allies across the region including the united states said their commitment to israel defense is ironclad. we do expect assistance from israeli allies to assure many of these drones or possibly even missiles are intercepted before they reach israel. i running state media at this hour is putting out what can only be described as a propaganda. they say they've launched a new wave of ballistic missiles we cannot confirm that information. based on how quickly those missiles would reach israel you would expect the sirens to be sounding in locations across this country and that is simply not the case at this moment. what we can report according to sources israeli officials are still meeting at this hour at israel's version of the pentagon just a few miles from where we are standing in tel aviv. they are trying to determine what the israeli response will be and to get a grip on what the
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full scale of this attack really looks like. there is an understanding of these drones could target military installations in the northern and southern part of this country avoiding major population centers like jerusalem and tel aviv. this m made drought limited is really responsive. we understand israel wants to wait and see just how large this attack is part and if indeed the iranians are trying to do rome the missile attack they would overwhelm the air defense systems that are currently on high alert across this country. again this is an unprecedented moment for israel. a direct attack from iran we can confirm dozens of drones have been launched including from iranian territory toward israel. at this hour is really forces and their allies are trying to engage these drones and shoot them down before they reach is really airspace. jon: it is our understanding u.s. forces have also launched and tightened around interceptors of some kind u.s.
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forces are taking down some of these drones which is a welcome news to the israelis. >> absolutely. the israelis need to know come according to sources we have talked with that the united states has their back there is an understanding on the ground that's what happening as we speak could be the first of a very difficult chapter for israel if this response from iran evolves into a broader regional conflict this is a real clear possibility given the fact the iranians have control over proxies in the the region that have drones of their own. cruise missiles precision guided missions we are trying but organizations like t t the eye n back houthis and yemen and the and theiran backed lebanese milt group hezbollah. even earlier today and even a last hour hezbollah was launching rockets into northern israel israel's iron dome defense system intercepted those rockets are gives you how active
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the northern front has been since october when the war erupted between israel and gaza. the israelis have been at war for more than six months now. this country has been on state of alert. when the decision was made by the top defense echelon to launch the strike earlier in the month against the taking out two top iranian generals that could draw the response taking place is something israel is not seen in the past is part of the reason israel's homefront command has communicated a message of caution to israeli civilians for the israeli government is trying to walk a fine line right now to ensure israeli civilians are cautious, close to bomb shelters and prepared if this does unfold and unravel into a larger situation. but they also want to make sure they have the appropriate instructions. as of this hour just past 1:00 a.m. local time the
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instructions are to avoid large gatherings of more than 1000 people all educational activities have been canceled across the country. we do expect these instructions to be updated as this event develops this is very much an active attack that is unfolding as we speak. that right now involves dozens of drones that have been fired from iranian territory. potentially other countries like iraq from iran back she at militia. and again is really forces are waiting to see if some of the larger proxies in the region get involved. jon: trait on standby for us thank you. the large box on your screen is tel aviv. nothing is hit yet we want to stress that. cruise missiles are relatively slow flying. it's going to take hours for them to reach israelite territory from iran. where they were launched. so, until they land we will not know how many they are and what the targets are.
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but obviously a very, very nervous night in israel right now. so, as tensions estimate present by and is cut his week in short to meet with his national security team at the white house. that is where we find jacqui heinrich she is live with the latest there. >> iran has ignored president biden's warning of a junction. even at the same time he said aa strike from iran to israel was expected sooner than later but now that it is underway the president made his way back from delaware beach house please was expected to work the weekend. it not gotten a statement on paper from the president since all of this began with the presidents would be doing here at the whiteouts. this is in the situation room this evening. meeting with the secretary of state, the secretary of defense the chairman of the joint
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chiefs, cia director director of national intelligence, the homeland security director and also national security advisor the nsc coordinator to the middle east. they will be discussing what happens next. with dialing into that meeting from a secure video link to assess what is happening and ensure whatever israel does it next is proportionate. the u.s. and israel did not want to invite a wider worth iran and their messaging in the last couple of days have been aimed to discourage iran from taking any action that would devolve into a further broader regional conflicts. wait now also uscentcom commander was in israel to coordinate closely with the israelis on what might be their response to this iranian strike because the u.s. reported that the pentagon reportedly frustrated the u.s. was in the dark ahead of a suspected israelite strike in syria that
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took out top iranian general and spurred all of this the frustration they had were stationed in the region be put at risk. if he is afraid any american forces will be attacked the citihe saidis always worried abn troops. watching statements of support for israel's defense come from the white house. guarantees u.s. support is ironclad. we see that echoed from countries like france. the extent to which other allies are going to be helping israel and its response in intercepting any launch is headed its way. we do not have too many details right now on the extent to which that effort will be happening. we are still awaiting anything from the president. any message directly from him on this. jon: right jacqui heinrich reporting life in the white house, thank you. for more on the latest let's
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bring in michael is the first green beret to serve in congress the florida congressman member of the house foreign affairs committee. i mentioned it earlier, i've been reading intelligence briefs for a week or more this was expected out of iran. is this something you expected, congressman? >> jon, i think we have to take a step back here. there is no other way to describe the obama biden middle east policy except as a dangerous disaster. this is an utter calamity. just a few years ago under president trump isis was destroyed. iran wasn't broke in on their back foot. and we had the abraham accords. look where we are now. the fundamental mistake, the underpinning has been an appeasement strategy from the biden administration that is so fofocused on what they called de-escalation it has signaled to
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the region and certainly to iran they have room to push. they can achieve their goals as they tried to appease and back away braid but that is been red by dress last year we refused to push the un to renew sanctions on iran's drone and missile program. now they are literally flying towards it or leave. but not to force the oil sanctions. 90% is being sold to china. we have backed away from our greatest ally, israel, very publicly. and by the way we spent the last couple of years begging iran to get back in two and iran deal using russia as an intermediary and lead negotiators now under investigation by the fbi for some type of traitorous activity towards iran. the list is so long that iran clearly thanks it can get away
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with this. and it sees this as an opportunity. we have to have a commander-in-chief. november cannot come soon enough. we have to have a commander-in-chief that our enemies and respect and fear and we do not have that. jon: abraham accords were negotiators of the trump administration for a lot of people feel a lot of experts feel the october 7 massacre was student designed in part to try to undermine the abraham accords. two sort of separate israel from those arab nations that have been reaching out toward it. and establishing diplomatic relations are creating relations in the future. how does this, on the part of iran how does this change do you think? >> just in terms of this strike is still unclear, it is still early. this going to be like what iran did after president trump took out soleimani they knew they had
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for their own domestic populace and their reputation and in the region they had to do something. basically a symbolic hit back. is this a symbolic hit back in response to israel taking out the irg seat and the consulate? or is this the ring of fire the ayatollah has always promised? this is just the first wave. the thing i am watching is duly hit city centers and civilian centers or do those drones go after military targets and secondarily does hezbollah to the north unleash its full arsenal and its approach has always been to overwhelm is really defenses with what we call dumb rockets. followed by precision guided that could hit critical israeli infrastructure. i think that is the piece to watch overnights. is this symbolic of the ring of fire? jon: the first green beret to
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serve in congress. advisor -- make a former advisor of the white house and the pentagon as well. michael, thank you. >> we want to bring in an idf soldier he went back to israel to serve. give us your thoughts about what is expected tonight. how are the israeli people reacting now that the crews missiles are in the air? what should israel's response be? >> i'm speaking to you honestly as a former idf reservists. a service since october 7 for 2 months and i'm actually on a visit to the states. to the local jewish community here. i'm following closely the news from israel have gotten in touch with my friends and family. we are all in very high alert as trey yingst said before me. we have been experiencing a
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state of war for the past six months we are alert. we are ready, we are prepared. i, myself and ready to receive any message in a call for my commanders back at israel. in any case were i am needed. when it comes to what i think israel should do, i believe we need to first look and see with the results of this attack is. i am sure israel in higher officials, higher than me at least know exactly what to do and are more prepared than me. jon: this attack changes the paradigm. iran has never before attacked israel, launched an attack on israel from its own soil. now that they have done so the crews missiles are still in the air. we do not know how many there are, how many will be shot down, how many will hit and where they will hit. now they came from iran would
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you expect your government to respond against iranian territory? do you want your government to do that? >> i expect we will see an attack from israel on iranian soil. i am not a military official i am a relatively simple soldier in the idf reserves and waiting for any call from my commander. i believe we can expect it in the next 24 hours. a few days. i do think there are a few difficult days ahead of us. not only in israel and iran but the entire middle east. several countries have shut down their air spaces we can see gps shutdowns all over israel. it is definitely something that changes reality. we have not seen anything like that before in the middle east. it's the first time in history iran attacks israel from its
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borders. and i am waiting just like everyone else and watching the news closely to see how things go. jon: we hope it is not going to be a significant attack it. we hope israeli and u.s. forces can take out may be all of those cruise missiles. let's hope so. thank you. >> thank you. that middle east on high alert once again iran launches a major drone attack on israel. for the latest lisping and fox chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin. >> as of right now the pentagon is keeping quiet but watching very closely. i am told general brown the chairman of the joint chief in secretary austin are still at the white house meeting with the president. i am also told we have no confirmation as of right now any ballistic missiles or even cruise missiles have been fired
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at israel. we do know a wave of dozens, possibly 100 attack drones one way attack drones have been fired from my ron toward israel i've just gotten off the phone with a well-placed source in the middle east who tells me the noise over jordan right now is significant. suggesting the jordanian air force has been alerted. there is a lot of activity in the skies over jordan and they will shoot down any drones or missiles that fly over jordan airspace and violate jordan's js sovereignty. i'm also told by well-placed u.s. officials the idea that the u.s. will sit back and not help israel is misleading at best. u.s. air assets in the region as well as other assets will be in a position to shoot down anything that is flying i'm told through the air that they do not know where it will land. suggesting to me the assets that
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u.s. has on both warships in the red sea as well as in iraq and syria will be activated and have been activated in order to protect israel and ensure anything flying through the air, those drones for instance coming from ironic they can talk take a shot they will take them down i'm told. right now the president's meeting with national security team. plans have been in place for the defense of israel as well of course israel has a very, very significant missile defense system as we have suggested. you have david's sling which could deal with drones as well as crews missiles you have patriot missiles at batteries of patriot missiles the u.s. has deployed to israel and israel has positioned around key assets. right now it is watch and wait. i am told that u.s. military as well as the jordanian military if anything violates airspace
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suggesting flying across jordan those drones will be shot down whether it is jordanian aircraft are u.s. warplanes for they are taking this very seriously. they believed israel missile defense and air force can handle the situation. but again, all it takes is for one drone to get through that very significant layered missile defense and dell is going to take any chances no one is resting right now the u.s. military on high alert across the middle east at very, very dangerous situation as we speak. >> alright jennifer griffin reporting from the pentagon thank you. let's bring and retired army major general are we going yes dana is coming up at root he's also the author of hunting the caliphate america's war on isis. it was not that long ago we were reading horrific things about every day.
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what isis was doing you helped lead the fight that made that force into a shadow of what it used to be. how do you assess in deciding from iranian territory. >> it is a challenging situation. i am surprised iran is launching these drones from iranian territory. they have the ability to be able to do this differently. obviously they felt strongly they had to respond to israel's attack on their consulate and damascus and the killing of two of their senior leaders and others. they could have chosen to attack
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israel someplace outside of israel. israel's attack was not on the homeland. they decided to do something different and much more dangerous. this attack of drones the swarming of drones will be very challenging. i believe between israel and the u.s. the vast majority of the drones will be shut down. the fact they are telegraphic with going on may mean is that decoy. we could should expect multi directional multifaceted attacks from other assets such as crews missiles from trent eight. even missiles from hezbollah who are all trying to swarm on israeli defenses with a hole of something will get through. how they've launched this strike from iranian soil no matter how effective it is they have open
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pandora's box and are biting in israeli response directly on iranian soil are they not? oh. >> they are pretty it is a red light we have not seen in the middle east between iran and israel. attempting to strike the other from their own territory. we have not seen that before. one has to wonder if iran has checked with their allies. with a china and russia to get backing on this. it is a very dangerous situation. jon: you did not see a situation where china or russia would involve themselves in this conflict, do you? >> i would hope not. but certainly support. certainly diplomatic support even military support as far as equipment. we have seen iran helping russia with drones and other equipment
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in their war against ukraine. so again it's a very dangerous situation there's a plenty of capability of the u.s. in the area. the u.s. has forced us on the ground in syria, iraq, jordan. if you look at the route the drones are taking to get to israel they have significant naval assets in the eastern mediterranean. and the red sea, and the persian gulf. so right now what is happening is a picture is being painted between israeli assets in u.s. assets and they are tracking the drones. there also been prepared for anything else that may attempt to attack israel. jon: iran does not have a lot of friends in the middle east itself. the arab world generally despises iran. it is hard to imagine what they think they are going to get out of this except perhaps some domestic support from their own
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population. how do you assess the thinking that goes into the strike? >> is a number of things behind it. iran had to respond from the attack. just like they attempted to respond when general soleimani was killed a couple years ago. jon: they did not do much. >> is the largest missile attack against u.s. forces from iran ever. there was some significant shifts. no u.s. forces personnel were killed but there were some injuries. that's how they responded they are. this time they felt like they had to respond because not only was it against their some of their leadership but also the fact one of their consulates or embassy is considered your own territory. so they have to respond for domestic audience there very unpopular in their own country.
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they are hoping to get some support from other nations in the middle east. so far that is not occurred. jon: and major general, retired from the u.s. army we appreciate your expertise. thank you. >> thank you. jon: for more on this let's bring in aron kohn is an israelitisraelispecial operatio. so the drones are on their way from iran. apparently some have already been engaged. possibly or probably shot down. we do not know of anything striking israeli territory yet. give us your assessments of this very brazen attack by iran. >> jon, my immediate instinctual response as iran is officially declared war on israel. i can say that is a big mistake israel not only has a lot of warming up in the last six months of recent operations in gaza.
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very tense fighting there. very tense air campaign israel has eradicated almost 15000 terrorists within six months for the idf is highly motivated they took combat arrest pulling out of gaza. if i had to venture to guess right now i would say israel's special operation assets that are in iran at this time but rirightnow what they are doing y are looking, they're creeping, they are snooping that's what these intelligence commando style units do. israel actually lives as two major pieces for the israelite survival. first thing is the actionable intelligence. it's having a good look they have multi layered air defense system between the spider, the barack system, office of the iron dome as we seen as the all-stars of the last gaza campaign. also in southern been on the
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attacks coming from hezbollah. at this point israel has had enough. i would not be surprised if israel's full out initiates some type of preemptive response that will directly attack those missile batteries and those of drone launch points which, if i had to venture are coming out of the southwestern region of iran. again iran made a big mistake israel has a ton of intelligence on iran. and to the iranian leaders. like they say in farsi which is not only solo money within our reach but every one of these military leaders is within israel's reach. every one of the missile and drone launch points could potentially get obliterated in due time. israel will move feels it needs to. and when it feels it is ready. they need to be careful because of multiple attackers about to square up on israel.
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but it is not israel's first rodeo we saw in 67, syria, egypt, lebanon also had over 50 scud missiles coming from iraq at the beginning of the gulf war. israel has a lot of experience in dealing with a tax or multiple countries this is going to be of another dustup with irn and israel is going to put iran in its place very soon if i have to guess. jon: at about a minute left you don't think israel is in any way overwhelmed or overmatched? the feeling is may be the iranian's thought has been weekend perhaps by the attacks from its proxies you don't think it's the case at all? >> our member having conversations with the media october 8 everyone thought israel's point it wiped off the map or did not happen in 48 didn't happen in 56. didn't happen in 73 after 20 years of fighting at the southern border lebanon did not get wiped off the map right after that attack on october 7 killed 1200 civilians beheaded
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babies, raped women, kidnapped one or 50 plus hostages were still in the tunnels. israel still around, israel's incredibly well oiled and intelligent machine that focuses on actionable intelligence one of the finest institutions in the world regardless of the mistake that was made on octobet every inch of the fence takes mistakes are going to happen iran's posturing. they are making a mistake. that fact is the iranian people like the general said the iranian people do not support the regime. and at the end of the day everyone is very much in line and the region to see the regime get toppled but if israel's going to be the one to do it then so be a bit israel's not in harm's way. there will be repercussions. projectiles will fall into israel but israelis it's a warrior culture. israel's going to be fined finds time for israel to put on their war face again and get into a tactical mode, which is what
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they are doing. >> a veteran of the israeli special operation forces, thank you. >> thank you, jon. jon: catching you up iran has launched dozens perhaps hundreds of drones in its first ever directed military attack against israel. prompt in the jewish state to shut down its airspace for domestic and international flights. our trey yingst is live from tel aviv for us. >> hey jon, good evening. updates in this developing story. we will start with a new directive from the command this is the organization linked to the military responsible for communicating to civilians here. they are telling civilians in the heights also in israel's and some smaller cities and towns close to the desert to state near bomb shelters. indication israeli officials believe this initial wave of drones is going to target the
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northern and southern parts of this country. also at this hour are reporting on a new statement from permanent mission to the un. there is a post to put out on next and as we speak here you can hear in israeli jet going overhead. there is a post to put out on x by the iranian government that post read they have conducted the matter. saying it could be deemed concluded. an indication iran wants to try and contain their response to the israeli strike earlier this month on the iranian consulate in damascus, syria that killed seven members of the irgc. the question now is whether or not the israeli government and military will accepted this event as overpaid these drones have not yet reached israeli airspace. we do not know the true extent of the attack yet. there is no indication at this
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depth are ballistic missiles that are some other it determines how small of an attack it is the work cabinet that's meeting at this hour and tel aviv of the pentagon will ultimately launch their response we understand there will be in israeli response to their territory but the response might look like what type of coordination is currently being conducted with the american forces operate right now and in the middle east. >> these reports that iran fired up ballistic missiles, those are coming from my iranian media? so far there is no absolute confirmation of that. that would be a game changer here. >> absolutely. they have the air defense capabilities to shoot down such missiles.
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there are a variety of missiles they have an arsenal. the most likely be what they would use in a situation like this. the range covers all of israel. israel has an advanced missile defense system called the arrow to pride they also have a later version of the system called the arrow three. now these systems have been tested. they are extremely efficient and have the ability to shoot down these advanced ballistic missiles. this system would be used by the israelis if the iranians ratcheted up their attack. if that doesn't take place, as you noted it would be another step up on an escalation ladder that is already been climbed by both the israelis and the iranians. as we noted they targeted these iranian generals in syria pickwick so it's interrupt you for different circumstances a video you're seeing on your screen right now is footage
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taken from iraq. flying over with iraqi territory see the flame calling is pretty significant. they throw off a lot of heat it's fairly easy for the interceptors to pick up on the heat signature and bring it down the drones in. it is hoped no matter how many dozens of them have been launched perhaps 100 perhaps more than 100 most of them are going to get shot down by some of the israelite systems that you talked about. again that footage from iraq after iran for the first time ever launched a series of strikes launching dozens may be hundreds of cruise missiles to fly over iraqi territory and onto israel. all right trade, let's get back to you in tel aviv. sorry to interrupt.
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>> i am looking at this video here. we should note two things. there are reports that indicate cruise missiles could be involved in this attack. the second thing of note here, we look at video coming out of iraq is the fact iran has control over these shia militia that operate across iraq. they've been used in the past to target american bases in the middle east. the real concern is the proxy forces will not only be involved in this initial response towards israel but could be involved in any collating conflict that unfolds as a result of this iranian attack tonight toward the jewish state. there is a concern from the israelis they could be overwhelmed with the amount of drones impossible cruise missiles that are used in this initial iranian attack. it's part of the reasons you've seen such close coordination
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with the allies including the americans to shoot down some of the projectiles being launched from iranian territory and possibly iraqi territory. there are initial points coming and i'm just getting this for my producer right now, according to two u.s. officials the u.s. and military shot down at least one i iranian drone that was headed toward israel but they would've shut down this drone with fighter jets currently operating in the middle east. we also understand, according to our defense sources here in israel the israelis have jets in the sky all night even before this attack started in anticipation of the attack. remember earlier this evening on the phone israel's defense minister spoke with his american counterpart defense secretary lloyd austin. there's been a close coordination between the american and the israelis anticipating this attack would take place. the intelligence was correct. we talk about the war that has unfolded over the past six months in israel there's been a
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lot of criticism about israeli intelligence and the american intelligence provided to the israelis they miss things when it comes to the attacks from hamas and islamic jihad. they are spot on with this anticipation was high it's part of the reason the israeli society did not have runs on the banks or grocery stores to a large extent paid right now things are calm and israel's major population center including jerusalem and tel aviv. while there are these instruction from israel's home from commandant for living and the northern and southern most part of the country they very simple instructions by their asking civilians to stay close to bomb shelters at this hour. understanding if these drones slip past the fighter jets and the air defense systems they could target civilian population centers. but no one is panicking at this moment there are israeli officials as we speak that are trying to determine what the israeli response will be to this unprecedented event. a direct attack from iranian
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territory targeting israel. jon: trey yingst from tel aviv, live, thank you. as you see in the lower right-hand corner of your screen i iranian drones fired from iran are on their way toward israel but as you see in the larger box left of your screen it is a very peaceful night and tel aviv. none of these drones has yet reached israel. at least one is been shot down as trait reported by u.s. forces. israeli forces are certainly looking for the others and hoping to bring them down as well paid so peaceful in tel aviv. peaceful in jerusalem. no explosions yet but a very, very big step from iran they could change the calculus of the tensions in the middle east and perhaps lead to a wider wart which all sides have said they want to avoid. tensions are escalating president biden is cut short his weekend to be with national security team at the white house. jacqui heinrich is there but she has the latest for us.
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>> genre told the president's meeting with his top excuse me his cabinet officials. thary of defense for the secretary of state, the chair of the joint chiefs, home and security, cia, national security council and the situation room right now. we are working our sources to try to get any information on exactly what is being discussed there. especially as it pertains to interesting message we just saw iran a post it submission to the un suggesting before any of these area launchers strike israel or hit israel that this is over but want to read a piece of their message. the matter can be deemed concluded but however should the israeli regime and make another mistake iran's response will be more severe it is a conflict between iran and the rogue regime for much that u.s. must stay away. we have reached out to all of
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our sources in the national security council in the white house to try to understand exactly what this means. if iran appears to be looking for an offramp before any contact is even made from the launches that's launched from le region for the white house did call at 5:15 p.m. the present arrived back here from rehoboth, delaware. what that means we do not expect to see him publicly at least. that's a little bit unsurprising given this would all be of evolving has heat might be speaking but we are told this is going to unfold over a number of hours we have an expectation this is going to be an evolving situation throughout the night. we have not gotten a paper statement from the president outside of w it what we hear fe national security council which included more expressions of the u.s. unwavering support for its ally. we are also watching this is a
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significant moment for president biden and how he handles israel he faced domestic criticism for his continued support of israel despite his conduct in gaza lot of domestic criticism from his base, basically for continuing to support israel in its prosecution of the war against hamas. as there is an evolving situation of famine there. you also had expression from chuck schumer who recently called for regime change called for a new election sink u.s. stands by its ally as it awaits the incoming this evening. we are going to closely watch the messaging come out of the white house. we know both israel and that u.s. are working hard to contain whatever happens here. no one wants to see this escalate to a broader regional war. however the u.s. is made clear
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it stands by its ally and will continue as jennifer griffin reported to assist israel in defending itself from the iranian attacks. quickset is a fascinating statement from iran. we will be parsing that for the rest of this hour. jacqui heinrich at the white house thank you. let's bring in a senior congressional correspondent chad pergram. chad, what is the latest on capitol hill and the response coming? >> what's t >> abilities then we've got and here's a statement from house speaker mike johnson. i am just going to read this to he said as israel faces this attack from iran, america must show our full resolve to stand with our critical allies for the world must be assured israel is not alone but i will continue to engage with the white house for a proper response the biden administration undermining of israel is an appeasement of iran has contributed to these terrible developments. what i find interesting about that statement is there is no
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commentary whatsoever from mike johnson about the supplemental spending bill. foreign aid supplemental spending bill that would provide aid for ukraine, taiwan, and israel. mike johnson was rather coy when asked directly about this, this past week. he also said they were going but did not say what the next thing was. you have upscaling of these hostilities in the middle east ups the chance of getting something done. there is nothing on the house rules committee next week for international aid package. this is going to intensify that discussion. the other thing that's going to be infused with politics especially in a presidential election year. you have republicans as mike johnson blaming the biden administration. keep in mind we had the statement a couple of weeks ago that was dramatic from the senate majority leader chuck schumer he called for elections
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and israel. he was critical of benjamin trent why you have republicans saying there's no time to do this especially in a time of war this overall concern in the middle east. jon: senior congressional correspondent chad pergram, chad thank you. iran has launched dozens of drones is first ever direct military attack against israel by the jewish state is shut down for domestic and international flights as a result. trey yingst has the breaking news alive from tel aviv. >> hey. we are following some developing stories right now. we can see air defense coming off of some areas near tel aviv flying through the sky. i am just going to stay with me are going to look at where the red alerts are on right now. there are sirens sounding right now and communities across israel.
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we just saw some sort of missile interceptor fired off from an area around tel aviv. it is unclear whether this is david to sling or the arrow system it is not the iron dome from this location. i'm going to step out of the frame here and see if you can see any of the interceptors go off here. let's just talk about what is happening there's a lot of red alerts right now and reports of explosions heard you can see it interceptor coming off. i'm not sure of our cameras are able to pick that up. but that right there is the missile defense that's currently being used across israel. we are going to try to get more information on what exactly is being fired here. this is a clear indication that some of these iranian drones or missiles have made it into
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israeli airspace. the local channels right now that i can see our airing footage from inside israel of interceptions taking place. they are also on the right side of israeli channels in hebrew they have a list of cities were cities sirens. i want to confirm some information before i reported to eriheirs or just stay with me. there are sirens currently sounding in jerusalem and dimona that is where the nuclear facility is for the israelis. again, a lot of developments right now. this is the initial iranian response to the strike earlier this month that targeted seven members of i rgc and syria, at the iranian consulate but again this attack is starting to reach israeli territory by their israeli defense officials
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meeting at the israel's version of the pentagon just a few miles from here determine what the israeli response against iran will be. jon: so, very, very quickly you talked about the arrow system and david's sling. those are designed to intercept missiles or projectiles that are coming in from varying altitudes, do i have that right? >> yes absolutely. israel has a tiered air defense system the lowest tier is the iron dome. a system that was used over the past of 190 days during the war between israel and hamas. this is a short range system. it was developed in 2011 and is used to shoot out rockets from places like gaza and lebanon. the system above the iron dome is called david's sling it is a system able to intercept medium and in some case a long range missiles that are targeting
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israel. finally you have arrow to an arrow three systems for these are israel's most advanced missile defense systems. they are used to shoot down ballistic missiles. missiles that could be fired by the iranian seas are likely missiles that would be used if they take it to the ballistic category. i want to be very careful with what we are reporting here in terms of the missiles being used. there is a major difference between cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. so far have not been able to independently confirm any ballistic missiles have been used by the iranians. we have been able to confirm a wave of attack drones was long-term toward israel. there also indications the americans shot down at least one of the drones that was trying to target israel. there are also reports of cruise missiles were used in this attack. i want to read a little bit as we are talking there are reports still at this moment of sirens
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sounding across israel. we could see some of the missile defense active from tel aviv. there interceptor rounds coming off of the skyline. soaring through the air. headed toward the projectiles entering israeli airspace. but the amount of sirens that are sounding across israel indicate this was not an iranian attack focus simply on military installations. i should also notes here and we just covered this israel's homefront command only told people in the southernmost and northernmost parts of this country to be close to bomb shelters. there were sirens at sounding and israel's largest city of jerusalem. there also sirens sounding and dimona this is close to israel's nuclear facilities. parts of the west bank had sirens, israel's third largest city.
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these are still alerts coming and at this hour. israeli channels as we speak our airing videos from different parts of this country where we see air defense systems that are active. excuse me for looking down i just want to keep you updated on the information we are getting in. iran says at this hour they have concluded their attack. the israelis will certainly not see it that way. israel is facing fire at this moment. these alerts are coming in, onto my phone as we speak red alerts assistant used to inform of rocket and drone attacks. they are still sounding at this hour. we are talking hundreds of thousands and really more at this moment heading to bomb shelters in israel as a result of this iranian attack it is ongoing at this moment and sirens continued to sound across this country as israel's air defense systems are trying to engage in these targets launch
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from my iran is part of the iranian response to the killing of top iranian general earlier this month in damascus, syria. jon: it's about 10 minutes until 2:00 a.m. in the morning where trey is working for you are doing a great job. we thank you for that. hope you get rest at some point tonight. we have a statement jacqui heinrich read for us earlier. this is from the permanent mission of iran to the united nations. kind of an interesting place for something like this to emanates. this is what they wrote conducted on the strength of article 51 of the un charter pertaining to legitimate defense. to the zionist regime aggression against diplomatic premises in damascus. it goes on to read the matter can be deemed concluded but however it should the israeli regime make another mistake that will be considerably more severe it is a conflict between iran
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the robe is rarely regime from which the u.s. must stay away. clearly iran does not want the united states to get heavily involved. they are saying this thing is over. let's ask somebody who knows what all this means but let's f. retired army major general. when you hear that statement, what does it suggest to you? >> what it suggest to me is first of all it's not over. the drones are still in the air. they are trying to flood the zone is as far as israeli defen. i don't see why they are saying that except for possible deception. that would cause israel or israel's allies like that u.s. to say okay it is overbroad that it's not going to happen until
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every drone is a shot down or y hit somewhere on the ground. itis just beginning breed that s not over. one good thing about that this is it. we do not want to escalate let's see what happens as far as what targets are hit. seems to be a week you need statement of i could use that terminology. >> we've lost your audio. jon: we apologize major general retired from the u.s. army, thank you. the middle east on high alert as iran launches the major drone attack on israel but let's bring in fox chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin, what do you have? >> well jon, what is really surprising right now as we are starting to see some of those
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drones being intercepted by israel's significant missile defense systems. what is unusual and i have never seen before has been engaged over jerusalem. that suggests the drones are flying or in the air. fired missiles at israel it was largely believed no outside country arab or i iranian wood fire missiles near jerusalem for fear of hitting the mosque. you see the night sky lighting up over jerusalem with the missile defense intercepting some of those drones which clearly have gotten close enough and into israeli airspace. that suggests also a very risky move by iran. the fact they are sending drones over jerusalem tonight.
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you heard from trey yingst who was in tel aviv he has seen some of that missile defense system. not only patriot missile batteries they'll be employed for ballistic missiles if they are fired. no confirmation from the pentagon ballistic missiles have been fired at israel from iran. there are reports from the idf acruise missiles fly much slower may have been launched the pentagon at this point can't only confirm these waves of drones have been fired toward israel. we can confirm based on our reporting u.s. official told us one drone has been shot down by u.s. military. those would have been air assets involved in shooting down at least one drone possibly more.
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over jordan which is right next door and a stone's throw from jerusalem. we can report based on my conversations with british not involved in shooting down that uk has not deployed any air assets to israel despite some reporting we have seen on the internet suggesting as much. i am told that uk has not deployed assets over israel. that most likely is because right now that u.s. and jordan are engage in any sort of air defense before the drones can get to israeli airspace.
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jon: jennifer griffin chief national security correspondent at the pentagon thank you. the right of your screen images have been released from iran purportedly of our iranian citizens is celebrating this attack on israel first ever attack on israel from iranian soil. there is speculation those who run the country who are not particularly popular i might say are trying to stoke native enthusiasm by trying to give israel a black eye. whether that is ultimately successful or not is yet to be seen. but we just wanted to put those pictures up there preaching as he was coming out of iran for more on all this spring and aron aaron: israeli special operation veteran we have a minute or two left. give us your thoughts and the propaganda if you will.
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it sounds like a round is on its knee. it sounds like it's almost as if they are sounding on taking out the targeted assassination to the syrian console when they took out the general. i feel like iran has gotten away above its head at this point. israel's going to end up doing everyone's homework for them. the people of iran are tired of the islamic regime and arabic essentially iran has been a onee monster of metaphoric hostage siege the last 40 plus years. i don't represent the iranian people which are good people. you can see evidence of that
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throughout the information passed run on twitter but i've got dozens of e-mails from iranian national saying we do not support the regime. the fact is iran has unofficially declared war on israel part israel's going to respond aggressively and take care of business are going to do it swiftly. israel's not playing around this point. >> aron kohn special operations veteran of the israeli defense forces. thank you for sharing your expertise tonight. so, the missiles are still in the air but still on their way. the suggestion at least on the iranian side is that this may be the end of it. let's hope so. that is how fox reports on this saturday, the 14th of april. of 2024 i am sorry it is the 13th. i am jon scott. ♪ >>he


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