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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 12, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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people are doing this. i think they made the story up. it's a word that insufferable white progressives use because they think it's going to land them their first latino friend. they are trying to impress latinos, all they are doing is pushing them away and the democrats own this which explains why polling shows that latinos are heading to republicans. >> thank you so much. that's it for tonight. make sure you check out my podcast from the kitchen table. this week we had an interview with... also don't forget to tune in tomorrow. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: america is full of racial slurs... to the hustlers in congress trading stocks.
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there's no 1 more powerful in this country than the race hustler al sharpton. he's been hustling since the eighties. started off as a street soldier in a tight tracksuit, organizing against corporations, politicians and police. today he is a major player in the democratic party. he runs the national action network, it's an activist regroup that rakes in millions of year, he gets a nice cut. every year he throws a big old party and invites all the top democrats. this year's theme de i. >> we're marching from here to the office without protest. gei thursday. >> the battle of the next decade is de i. >> we have heard so many attacks and some of them inaccurate about diversity equity inclusion programs, dei. >> this overt racism attack on
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diversity, equity and inclusion. >> jesse: they are not a fan of our dei thursdays. it doesn't seem like they are a fan of biden either. >> what has joe biden done for black voters? >> i would say nothing. >> it's our intention to be behind him but also hold him accountable. >> what has he done for the black community? >> who will you be voting for? independent. >> he is helping them. >> how. >> moneywise, economy wise. >> he believes in taking care of america first. >> jesse: this isn't an isolated incident. a new poll shows trumps numbers doubling with black voters since 2020. in swing states, trump is at 30 percent with black men and 11 present with black women.
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if that holds democrats will never win another presidential election. democrats needed -- need to get it together. >> uneasy numbers like that what it means is that people are upset with what democrats are doing or not doing. >> i believe the democratic party needs to have a conversation with itself. >> part of where black americans are starting to get really frustrated is because we've said over and over what we want to see. you have to back up the that you are making. >> jesse: biden heard them loud and clear and decided to show up virtually. before he turned on his webcam, sharpton gave the crowd a warning, no heckling. >> any hecklers are here, i'm the heckler in chief, you will not heckle out here today. >> jesse: the audience was primed for the president. biden shuffled up to the podium
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and bragged about everything he's done for black americans. rebuilding racist highways, keeping obama care and of course saving the planet. >> reconnecting black communities that have been cut in half by interstate highway systems. to protect and expand obama care. promise kept to advance environmental justice and make the most significant investments in climate ever and all of her history. >> jesse: joe has no clue how to relate to any american let alone black americans. nobody has time for electric buses or racist highways. and you can't take credit for obama care, it has your boss' name on it. he didn't even have the guts to show up in person. obama was there and he did not need any help with the black vote. it's called retail politics. you show up, shake hands, show people you are real. >> we support you.
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>> let me give you a hug. [ cheering ] >> jesse: that's better than any campaign ad money can buy. 1 of those women, a grassroots political activist explained trumps appeal this morning. >> i feel like he is honest. this is somebody who while we might not agree with how he says things, how he goes about things, at least he's telling us what it is. they feel like he's more relatable, you get that relatable feeling to where it's like, hey, i'm just like you. this is what you said you wanted, here's 1 going to do about it. they feel like this is somebody
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who is talking to them and not saying what they want to hear. >> jesse: americans regardless of race just want somebody to tell it to us like it is. here is trump today. >> we are a nation in decline, a declining nation. the inflation is coming back at levels that nobody thought they really would have. if you look at the categories of inflation they have the worst categories. in many categories are not included and if you included that, your inflation number would be substantially higher than it is now and it is already at records. inflation is back and a lot of bad things are happening in our country. we have a president that can't put 2 sentences together, we have a president that doesn't know what the hell he is doing and we could end up in a world where we have just a little bit less than 7 months now before november 5th but that's an attorney when people are incompetent. >> jesse: donald trump looked
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crips -- crisp, determined, direct and didn't appear over zoom it. biden can't be honest because he's terrified of alienating anymore of his base. the white house won't even condemn oj or even send condolences to the families of his victims. >> was there any reaction from the president to oj simpson's death? >> i will say this. our thoughts are with his families during this difficult time. with his family and loved ones. i know that they have asked for some privacy and we are going to respect that. i will leave it there. >> jesse: nobody is taking this administration seriously. a cnn search today and night to find biden... even they are laughing at him. >> if you could change job -- one thing about joe biden, what would it be?
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>> jesse: we are laughing to. today we are finding out biden's campaign put up a job posting for a new dei director. 120 grand a year. if anybody is interested. no amount of dei is going to dig biden out of this hole. he either needs to start being honest with voters or needs to hustle off the stage. let's bring in senior fellow at the manhattan institute chris... i bet they would've liked to see you at the al sharpton dei summit. what would you have told them? >> i would've gone there and told him the truth. here's the thing to know about dei, what you saw with al sharpton in the 1980s and 1990s has now become institutionalized. it's become part of administrative policy and corporations and universities... it's now called dei.
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there are hundreds of thousands of these fake jobs in our institutions. of the game is the same as it was with al sharpton it's a way to extract money and payments from the suppose it a presser class and distribute them to people who don't advance anything productively, they simply push left-wing racialist ideology. this is a fake ideology that has almost no support. when al sharpton promised on march... if you look at the video, you notice something very interesting. it's a group of retirees who were paid to be there and they are not enthusiastic, not engaged and they are not authentically committed to the graft and not solid is. >> jesse: imagine finding trump voters adenauer sharpton conference. it's absolute insanity. it's a shakedown but when you
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filter it through the dti hr department, it makes it less offensive. is this just another shakedown that sounds a little bit better? >> that's exactly right. it's an inside outside game. you have the old-school street activist like al sharpton leading protests and putting... on the inside corporations have decided to pay what is diet dei tax. every executive knows that dei is anti- excellence, anti- merit, anti- competitiveness but they've decided it's an insurance that's worth paying. that the dynamic we need to change. >> jesse: it's dei insurance. when you see evidence of a lot of these very wealthy companies they are cutting their de i -- dei. what does that tell you? >> it tells me they have changed the incentives for these executives.
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we've said no more dei, institute policies of colourblind equality. treat everyone as an equal individual. this is the american way, this is fair and just. this will get back american excellence. we are putting pressure on dei. abolishing the institutions and we're not not going to stop there. this is a fight that americans have to fight and it should be the end of dei. >> jesse: 120 grand a year chris. i don't know what they are going to do. that's probably a bad omen. >> they try to make you put your pronouns in your e-mail signature. they will make sure that when google has their artificial intelligence they will keep generating black george washington. they didn't do anything of significance, it's all empty symbolism. it's all word games and i hope that the dei director is very
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effective for the biden campaign and cripples it's prospects in the fall. >> jesse: it's 100 -- 120 grand less they spend on... thank you so much have a great weekend. >> thank you. >> jesse: i had on prime time. >> it's an honour to have you here, at my 18 million-dollar house on the ocean on the bay.
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file 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me! after advil: let's dive in! but...what about your back? it's fineeeeeeee! [splash] before advil: advil dual action fights pain two ways. advil targets pain at the source, acetaminophen blocks pain signals. advil dual action.
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(vo) in three seconds, this couple will share a perfect moment. (woman) is that? oh wow! but we got to sell our houses! (vo) well, almost perfect. don't worry. just sell directly to opendoor. (woman) yes! (vo) close in a matter of days. when life's doors open, we'll handle the house.
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>> jesse: an illegal immigrant on the terror watchlist is back in custody but only after getting caught and released by border patrol twice. national correspondent has the
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shocking report. >> for a long time people like you have worried with the constant flow of people over the border that someone with ties to our violent radical islamic organization would try to get into the u.s. we have a case of someone who did. on the terror watchlist, he roamed free in the u.s. for 11 months, picked up and released twice. a federal source says he entered the u.s. and california. in march of 2023 he was not yet on the watchlist so he was set for ep or federal agents acknowledge that he is tied to a radical group said to be responsible for the deaths of nine american civilians and soldiers in afghanistan. when information about his ties to the group was developed, he was picked up again in february of this year. for reasons unexplained, federal prosecutors did not give that information to a judge so he was released on bail. he's been picked up again but a federal source says based on the information available, there was no reason to believe this individual entered the country
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as part of a terrorist mission. the border remains porous, our cameras caught around 30 migrants reaching the wall friday morning. their body language indicates they are confident they will get in. the city of el paso says agents average just shy of 1000 migrants every day. >> it's important that we do something to secure the border because we are experiencing too many criminals that have come into our country illegally. >> reporter: releasing pictures of a new stage house that was rated in el paso, they say they have found 136 depots for human smuggling this year. that's already half the total of last fiscal year. >> it's becoming the normal course of business. it's a stash house almost every day. >> reporter: customs and border protection stress release new numbers showing the people were picked up trying to get into the u.s. this fiscal year. numbers also show a decrease in border traffic into december but the traffic is still
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significantly higher than when president biden took office. jesse, back to you. >> jesse: migrant crime is coming -- becoming one of the largest issues. in communities all across the united states are being terrorized by violent illegals while biden rolls out the red carpet for them with his open poor policy. donald trump is pledging to take care of the problem and keep our citizens safe when republicans get back in power. >> we have millions of people coming into our country. they are pouring in at a level nobody's reporting or going to talk about. i believe you could have 15 million and some are terrorists. they come from jails and prisons, they come from mental institutions and insane asylum's. our country is like a dumping ground and we are going to have it stopped. biden should close the border immediately. needs no legislation. they come from places you don't want to know about and are going to be big problems.
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migrant crime is a new category of crime. i demand as a citizen the border has to be closed. our country cannot take it. no country could take it. it's not sustainable by any country. >> jesse: help can't come fast enough. body cam footage shows a mob scuffling with police in a new york hotel i was turned into a shelter for illegals. officers responded to a 911 call from a hotel worker saying that unruly migrant was getting violence. he was throwing things that other people in the sheltered. when officers arrived on the scene they attempted to detain a suspect in the hotel lobby but they were quickly overwhelmed by migrants who swarmed them and then tried to pull the purple way so he couldn't be arrested. they even tried to block the buildings exit so police couldn't take the violent migrant to the squad car.
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>> jesse: things don't stop once the cops got inside. other migrants continue to interfere with the arrest including one woman who threw herself against the cop car to try to stop officers from opening the door. she then attempted to assault officers before she was subdued and arrested.
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>> jesse: the same migrants causing trouble at this hotel are now complaining about the conditions. they are claiming workers are stopping them from achieving their american dreams. >> what they do is aggravate us. they abuse us verbally. they come to our property and harass our wives, stealer money and property from our room. >> they abuse us verbally and take our belongings without her permission. if we complain they call the cops. we feel offended. we come to this country within american dream. >> jesse: america first legal founder stephen miller joins me now. these are tough scenes to watch miller but if you've got to pull people out like that, that's the law. you are not allowed to cause a ruckus. i'm sorry, i don't care what they do in venezuela.
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>> you are not allowed to be an unruly illegal alien in this country jesse. you are not allowed to break into the country, not allowed to live in a country work in the country, not allowed to be here let alone to commit crimes here as we have a criminal migrant invasion on our hands. let me speak bluntly to you. we've known each other for a long time. i will be very direct. speaking as a private citizen, this is your choice america. if you import the third world, you become the third world. simple as that. america becomes the third world. elect donald trump and america remains america. that's it. two choices, choose your future. third world or an american century. that is it because what you are
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seeing in new york and in la and on the texas border is coming to every city, every town from every part of the world. the policy is so insane, you have illegal immigrants showing up from terrorist countries and putting in the system and saying we don't have any information on them, let's let them in and see what happens. this guy is here i will let him in and see what he does. we will find out later i guess. that's the joe biden immigration policy. suicidal doesn't even begin to describe it. >> jesse: the best part about that last piece we saw they said, yeah, he's a terrorist but he wasn't here on a terrorist mission. [ inaudible ] >> joe biden said... he told us he's not here to hurt anybody he's going to say that terrorism for his own country. he said let the men.
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let him enjoy those sightseeing, maybe he will go to the grand canyon or mount rushmore. this is the kind of migration they are getting into america. >> jesse: now it's about money and even the media is admitting it's about money. this is a headline from the associated press. a healthy u.s. economy secret ingredient, immigrant workers eager to fill jobs. miller i was told... not because they were going to take our jobs. >> everybody knows if you are an illegal alien from afghanistan who is being persecuted, the safest way to get out of danger is to travel 7000 miles. the 7000 miles in the jungles of panama through central america
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and mexico. yes that's the easiest way to avoid the tribal leader who doesn't like you. they are taking jobs. they are not filling jobs. all job growth under biden's going to foreign workers and american workers are losing their jobs, losing their incomes and losing their futures. >> i will not have an illegal alien stephen miller on my show no matter what. i want the real miller. don't you dare take him. thank you so much have a great weekend. >> jesse: we were right about your lunch.
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>> jesse: primetime onto to be healthy. you are what you eat. instead of farm to table, most of our food is factory to table, ultra processed and is made many americans miserable. we had no idea that some of our
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foods contained potentially dangerous elements, food that we feed our children. and investigation conducted by consumer reports found that lunch a bulls tested positive for lead. >> every kit we tested contained lead, cadmium or both. and can increase health risks over time. these also contain high levels of sodium which can raise blood pressure and can be a concern even among young people. >> jesse: they tracked the amount of lead in lunchables and compared it to california's maximum allowable dose levels. it found that the turkey and cheddar lunch a bulls -- lunchables reached 74 percent of this daily maximum limit. the pepperoni pizza reached 73 percent and the cheese pizza at 69. that's a lot of lead.
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it can cause severe developmental problems over time especially in kids. even in small amounts. it has been traced to tons of health issues like obesity, asthma, cancer and reproductive defects. but that's not the only thing we find a little concerning about them. the ingredients list for the crackers, ham and cheese, it's an entire paragraph. it would take me may be a minute and a half to read all of the ingredients. flip over a turkey and cheddar lunchables and you get a long list of ingredients i can't even pronounce these words. this little plastic box is filled with additives, preservatives with extremely high levels of saturated fats, sodium, added sugar. if you turn around an extra cheesy pizza lunchables oh, my god not much better. the kicker is that a consumer
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reports there's a version sold to students as part of of the national school lunch program that's even less healthy than what you by in-store. about 25 to 40 percent more salt. primetime reached out to the company about this report and here's what they told us. we are extremely disappointed with the reporting from consumer reports. the fact is that all lunchables products meet strict safety standards. consumer reports admits that none of the food they tested exceeded any legal or regulatory limits. we are proud of lunchables. you are proud youmak this begs the question why do fda regulators allow such high levels of lead in food? and why does it feel like americans are preying on other americans and making them sick for profit? author of hooked, food free will and how food giants exploit our addictions.
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michael, some of these thanks in here, it's going to make your stomach turn. it should be illegal, how are they getting away with this? >> i was really supply it -- surprised by this one. not only by lead in a product that so many kids have been eating for so many years but also by the reaction. consumer reports is highly reputable. these are the folks that test things like refrigerators so we don't spend a thousand dollars on one of its break in six months. i would've thought they would've said thank you for bringing this to our attention. we are going to use this intelligence to get much of it out of our product is possible. here's what's going on here. this play by kraft is a really big one to get in the schools. other food companies selling fast food are doing the same thing because they think -- it's
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called creating brand loyalty. they think if they can get their product in the hands of a kid, served by a teacher or whoever, they are more -- there were to be loyal to the products because they are going that's what i had at school. what parent could resist that? >> jesse: if one of these things is 74 percent of the daily allowable lead, what happens if you have two boxes? that's over 100 percent. how does the fda allow that? >> as my report showed over the years, in many ways these companies are more powerful than the federal agencies that they are supposedly to regulate them on our behalf. i'm really curious how the fda or the usda will respond to this one. >> jesse: we are going to feed these to johnny and throw the
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rest of them in the garbage. have a great weekend. we warned you. jfk and the rfk campaign next.
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(reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade,
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we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'.
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>> jesse: who exactly was lee harvey oswald and why did our government lend a hand to this man? he was discharged from the marines and effected to the soviet union at the height of the cold war. he walked into the american embassy in moscow, pronounced his citizenship and declared my allegiance is to the union of soviet socialist republics. he confidently told the soviets he had information of special interest and spent the next three years in the ussr. the soviets were interested in the information he had. before defecting he served as a radar operator in japan and. all i gave him crypto clearance, higher than top-secret to one of the bases where the cia ran
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their spy planes out of. the very planes used to conduct aerial surveillance over ocean territory. six months after he defected to moscow, a spy plane was shot down by the soviet union. the first time in the cold war era. the pilot raised the -- the question of whether it had something to do with all his wild, the self-declared trader. the u.s. government did not treat him like a man who just committed treason. three years later after betraying his country, he decided to come home and instead of handcuffs, the the embassy gave him a lone and a passport. and when his passengers slipped -- ship landed in new jersey, they were welcomed by travel agents with ties to american intelligence. the theory was that he may have been a part of a navy intelligence program where american officers pretending to
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be disenchanted with capitalism were dispatched to the soviet union. being recruited by the soviets and fed back into the united states, acting as what the communists thought were double agents. this would explain why he wasn't arrested for defecting. instead he was immediately contacted by... known as the baron who was working as an intelligence asset for the cia. the baron admitted later that a cia officer told him to contact lee harvey oswald. what's the first thing he does when he makes contact? he moves him like upon to dallas over 60 years later there's another kennedy rattling the establishments cage. he is a candidate playing more than a spoiler in this year's
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election and the democrats know it. trumps already capitalizing on it. the former president delivering a clever message to democrats. watch this. >> if i were a democrat i would vote for rfk junior every single time overbite and. he is frankly more in line with democrats. kennedy is a radical left democrat and always will be but he's a better man than joe biden. that i can tell you. it's great and i hope he continues to run. >> jesse: biden knows rfk junior is a threat to his legacy. that's why we've seen a legal team attracting -- attacking has access. even blocking secret service protection which rfk junior calls and abuse. aaron rogers who was on the shortlist says we are watching another kennedy put their life on the line. >> they killed his uncle, killed his dad. they can't declassify because
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it's so damning. bobby is endangered. he's putting himself on the line why? because he believes in this country. he is the archetype of everything we love about luke skywalker and han solo. these people believe in something. >> jesse: we hope nothing happens to him but if jill stein was a headache for democrats, imagine the kind of damage that kennedy will do to the establishment. it's the kind of damage that's permanent. >> who have been in government forever who are insider-trading like crazy and lining their pockets during their terms and post career, how is that working out? it hasn't been working since jfk was in office and we need
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somebody who is willing to lay it on the line. that's what i love about bobby. >> jesse: senior advisor to robert f. kennedy junior. blake, is he in danger? >> know he has not endangered. we have great security. he's also not nervous at all. this is a guy who picks up rattlesnakes with his bear hands, jumps off cliffs, walks around barefoot on planes. he is not living in fear but this is just part and parcel of how corrupt the dnc is. they know they can't run on any accomplishment. joe biden has been around for 50 years and has nothing to run on. he is in utter calamity. we had over 300,000 illegal migrants come through the southern border in the month of december. he can't run on immigration were 34 trillion dollars in debt. of course they are shaking in their boots that we are giving them a run for their money. >> i don't know if it's brave to walk around on a plane with bear
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feet. that might be bad manners but i believe that one alone. you hear donald trump say democrats listen, you should vote for rfk junior. how does he see the trump threat there? >> first off this is politics. i thought his video was very entertaining. what i was focused on this week was donald trump was making me crave chick-fil-a. when it comes to the selection, no one knows these fancy expensive consultants, they don't know how anything is going to go. they said hillary has a 98 percent chance of winning. she's going to be the first female president, feminist icon. a week later she was hiking through the woods so nobody knows was going to happen. let's see what's play outs in the next few months. >> jesse: you need to calm down about that. >> thank you jesse. >> jesse: i hope you get your polynesian sauce.
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before we go i want to correct something that primetime aired on march 26th. as i was commenting on the feds rating... a soundbite play from his former bodyguard. the text of the bottom of the screen said his former bodyguard accuses him of drugging girls. he was not discussing did he in that soundbite. he was speaking generally about unnamed people in the music industry. he did not accuse did he of drugging girls. up next, sink or swim.
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we're here with chris counahan of our local leaffilter. so chris, tell us how leaffilter is different from every other gutter protection on the market. with leaffilters, patented filter technology, there are no gaps, no openings, no place for debris to get in at all. and we install leaffilter on your existing gutters. it's a permanent solution. you'll never have to climb a ladder to clean out your gutters again. that's amazing, chris. tell me about the process. simple and easy. just give us a call, set up an appointment. we'll come out and give you a free gutter inspection. if they're sagging, we'll repair them. if they're broken, we'll replace them. if they're in good shape, our local team will install leaffilter in as little as a few hours. wow. and i understand you guys have a lifetime no clogs guarantee? we do. it's actually a lifetime transferable no clogs guarantee. you know, that's peace of mind and then some. so, how do people sign up? to schedule your free inspection.
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call 833-leaffilter today our agents are standing by. or visit
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>> jesse: to tenant we have the battles of the neighbours, a steve do see taking on martha maccallum, is he a good neighbour? >> excellent neighbour he lives
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in the town i grew up and so i had to move when i heard he moved into the neighbourhood. >> wherever i go if it's a walgreens of its shoprite i get you work with martha i had her in chemistry class. >> jesse: dwells time for you to get some revenge the first question the fight of the summer is mike tyson versus jake paul, both have recently been on fox but which one said you is scared to death, was it iron mike for the problem child jake very thoughtful both of you the answer is. >> right now i'm scared to death but as the fight gets closer the lesson site become. >> i think you was scared to death of hannity. >> jesse: talking smack is the category, who said joe biden's economy is better because four years ago you couldn't buy toilet paper. was it mayor pete.
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>> i know most of the stuff because the kid the ghost you're high school is in the room, i'm going to go with the mayor. >> if you just look at where we were four years ago, you couldn't buy toilet paper sometimes. >> jesse: 80 i don't member that. >> people were stocking up on toilet paper during covid's pieta yes, i stocked up. >> i still have some left, my wife said it's too thin. >> jesse: to you have to get double ply, which one is on tv presidential for birth saying what shaped his interest in politics was watching the democratic convention on tv as a 9-year-old was it bill clinton or joe biden. >> did they have tv when jill biden was nine? >> that's the question maybe it was.
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>> i'm going to go with quentin because you said favour. >> jesse: to this is going to steer it. >> i got to watch the republican and democratic convention on television's pieta martha needs this one and in the interest of sportsmanship we will make the final question worth two points, here we are. >> is that fair, you can just do that? 's pieta can do whatever i want this is jesse watters prime time, getting them into the whole country stopped to watch the solar clip. >> basketball legend not impressed, you're calling people who watched it losers was it charles or shack who called eclipse lovers losers. >> charles. >> those losers standing outside watching that. >> jesse: to dc you get it, martha. >> sink or swim baby.
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>> i think i went swimming and you sank. >> jesse: around the old neighbourhood tell her. >> chi take these. >> jesse: know we need those. >> we need some vague spoons at home. >> jesse: look lumber is pricey, thank you guys. >> thank you. >> jesse: to happy birthday to you, happy birthday mom, that she is with jesse junior and rookie not even a dog lover but she tolerates her ricky. we love you so much enjoy whatever you are up to and it may not you are probably not watching, you watch the five more than me i understand that but i love you anyway. have a happy birthday. let's do some tax. patsy from florida can't wait to meet you tomorrow to get my book signed will johnny be there ba.2 cares, seriously?
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you undying to sign the book? bill from chicago don't you know miller's first name, use it be 88 stephen right? will soon it will be one, gary from texas if migrants came to texas to take the job of lawyers and newscasters he would never hear the end of it, for me at least i tell you not cnn but i think it chatgpt will probably take cnn's jobs. i think linda from grant of florida, jack said if he can't pronounce it he won't eat it. that would probably limit my menu, we will see you in fort myers tomorrow, i am waters and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ] >> sean: welcome to hannity on this friday night, when democrats accuse conservatives of wanting to ban books it's important to know what they


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