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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 11, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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o.j. simpson who became one of the biggest celebrities has died at the age of 76. hello i am john roberts in washington, sandra good to be back. >> sandra: i'm sandra smith to new york this is america reports "america reports" simpson rose to fame with his talent on the football field hedonic stomach dominated college while before doing the same in the nfl for me first ever run out of 2,000 yards in a single season. >> but his legacy on the field came crashing down when he became the prime suspect for the murders of his ex-wife, nicole brown simpson, and her friend, ronald goldman, was found civilly liable later for their deaths periods arrests in 1994 in the trial in 1995 became appointment television for people across the country with many key moments still resonating today. >> both victims were killed in a similar manner. slashing and stabbing wounds. both victims had their throats slash. >> that does not fit the genetic profile of mr. simpson.
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mr. goldman. >> thank you. other hand, please. >> mr. simpson cannot put those gloves on because they are too small. >> the record stands i did not, could not come and wouldld not have committed this crime. >> we, the jury, find the defendant or in paul james simpson not guilty of the time of merger in violation of penal code 187a a felony upon nicole brown simpson. >> sandra: brian kilmeade on reaction but first william la jeunesse in los angeles as a reaction continues to pour in. >> sandra it was almost overnight that o.j. simpson one from football hero and media superstar to one of the most reviled people in america. a symbol of what money can buy you in the courtroom with the right jury. their failed him to be in a jealous and abusive husband who frequently left nicole bloody and bruised. in public, the football star, actor, and broadcaster anywhere
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he went restaurants, hotel, golf clubs, he drew a crowd. he was a warm communicator and for all of his faults, simpson had charisma. he showed that almost to the day he died. while living in las vegas the next five years he occasionally posted on twitter or x where he had about 900,000 followers here is a post from two months ago where he admitted to having health problems. he thanked fans of his sport and spoke on super bowl sunday. >> let me take a moment to say thank you to all the people who reached out to me. my health is good. i mean obviously i'm dealing with some issues, but hey, i think i'm just about over it. i'll be back on that golf course hopefully in a couple of weeks. >> simpson grew up in the public housing projects of san francisco he won mike highsmith at usc, went to the buffalo bills as you mention running 2,000 yards for us to do that in a single season, went into broadcasting, appeared in ads for hertz and multiple movies which all ended in 1994
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when police charged simpson with knifing nicole and friend ron goldman to death outside the condo in brantley. then what was called the "trial of the century" 100 million viewers simpson was acquitted after hiring a so-called "dream team" of attorneys. he was however convicted in civil court for wrongful death, ordered to pay 3:30 3 million, he did not, the court shielding his sizable nfl pension. 2007 police arrested him for felony kidnapping and robbery of the sports memorabilia collector in las vegas. he was sentenced to 33 years and served nine. he died yesterday at 76 surrounded by four children, several grandchildren after a battle with. sander? >> it is just remarkable for so many who lived through that time. to now learn of his passing today, thank you. we will have more coming up. >> john: let's bring on brian kilmeade ""fox & friends""
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cohost a mixed reaction probably leading more one-way than another on o.j.'s death, some former nfl players are saying rest in peace while many others are saying burn in hell. >> not for me to judge but if he doesn't burn who will question clearly he killed someone in the blood and tortured his ex-wife while she was alive and she feared for his life we have the recordings we can go back and listen to them. she did everything except to beg for help. and he got away with it but lived a life in purgatory where everyone looked at him many saw a murder in the first time really we talked about race to this degree in america where we almost got from more familiar with the topic with george floyd and a little prior to that, but this guy was living a charmed life. came from nowhere, used his athletic ability and his drive to soar to great heights i remember he was the first one to really break through although jim brown with the dirty dozen after retiring after nine years going to los angeles and becoming bigger but i hosted a show with jim brown afterwards
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and he said the o.j. that you see is not the o.j. in real life. he had another side to him. man did he ever. we never really got the details of how he killed ron goldman and his ex-wife, but keep in mind too his family knows the same facts we know. his kids kept in touch with him through the years, he did end up going to jail for trying to get his memorabilia back he said was stolen from him. he emerges. i thought he would be a high-profile ex-prisoner, but instead he goes to florida and kind of stays under the radar. and would come out once in a while perry to my. people have o.j.'s sightings but hell on earth because he knew what it was like to be treated like gold. corporate america raced to him, hollywood raced to him. sportscaster he was at the top level as a sportscaster too. life was good until o.j. decided to do something different with
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it. what i also think about on radio it was the first time we started not believing what we were seeing on television. he says in many ways you see the verdict he said wait a second, we s the slow speed chase, we knew he had a gun to his head and was going to his wife's great. he knew a.j. he basically admitted to him and we find out after seeing this case play out in front of a hundred million homes and a daily bases a related opera who finds everything we knew ends up not to be true and he ends up getting away with it. also to point out the first time, john, we heard the name "kardashian" on a big ten basis. >> that whole crew kardashian stomach kardashian, bruce jenner, the whole dynasty from that. with the pro football hall of fame which has had o.j. simpson in there for quite a few decades about his passing they said from jim porter who
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was the president of the pro football hall of fame he said o.j. simpson was the first player to make a rushing mark many to not be a obtained in the top 2,000 yards from his on-field contributions will be preserved in the hall's archives in canton, ohio. i mean, he brought the 2,000-yard rushing record and all that information is in a backer closet somewhere not in public display. >> they took his heitzman out of u.s. ca and other things they have the records of people who did not kill anyone like pete rose, they do have the records of others from the steroid era like barry bonds in the hall of fame, that is something for them to wrestle with. i don't think anyone who saw him play whatever tell you he was anything short of sensational. he tried to turn back the clock and get more glory in san francisco but was unable to do it. with a running back it's hard to bounce back especially with what they knew about physical therapy back then and the injuries he had but he made the instant
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transition in america. battle of the network stars, the towering inferno he was the lead if i remember correctly. and the humor guy in "the naked gun" one of the funniest series ever but he ruined it because you see him and all you see is a murderer or what he's capable of. i think that face you see right there is a lot different than the last 25 years. because he knew what he did in my estimation and he knows we knew. then he got away with it and passed away. >> sandra: but leaving this quiet life in las vegas, right? you mentioned and it says in the family statement he died with family and friends. his family stood by him. you know, they did not leave him. he did leave californinia i thik for reasons like the killer could be here, so he went to las vegas and let a very quiet lifestyle there of course until 2007, but you just go through the decades of headlines with o.j. simpson. every time you saw his name pop
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up you said what now? but the fall from grace. when you look at the heisman trophy and the nfl player rushing 2,000 yards in a season and then he went hollywood a list or with "the naked gun" to 94-95 when we saw this fall from grace. charged and acquitted in the trial, jim gray was saying earlier for those who knew him before all this you could not believe it. you just couldn't believe it when it first came out. >> yes. i think about it too because of all the lawyers we have here. if he goes and says i am guilty and deeply down to manslaughter and does ten years in prison as bad as it was does america accept him or that he did his time, went through the trial, admitted his guilt, pleaded down onset i lost my mind? i'll never forgive myself, but if he comes out in 12 years and says he will live a different life, most likely not but he feels as though in many ways he was getting over on somebody.
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i also think about robert kardashian. to bring him into your legal team in order to keep the secrets, robert kardashian evidently got rid of it so it's like he knew he was standing next to a murderer who got away with it i thought this face really showed when people close to him felt for the last 20 years like i cannot believe he did it and got away with it and i can't believe he is walking out of here, look at that face. that is what he reminded me of. and there are a lot of questions out to be answered but it was the beginning of so many car careers. we saw so many people who started on television because they were legal experts from this. i think it brings all of that fact. the fact is he dies from prostate cancer when no one thought he was seriously sick and prostate cancer for the most part is 90% plus curable. >> sandra: he said in the video took him months ago we just played it out with the reporter he said he was feeling great and dealing with issues but feeling great >> he was in
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hospice so he knew the end was year. >> john: and legal too. >> oh, yes, great point. >> sandra: we will watch one nation on saturday at 9:00. >> greenwald, micro and kennedy and of course me i may end with a song. >> john: looking forward to that. >> sandra: thank you. >> john: bring your ukulele. >> sandra: meanwhile a shocking and appalling seen on a school bus leads to the are rest of a student aid. and reaction from parents whose children were attacked. >> john: and absolutely awful video plus the head of the fbi on capitol hill where he will likely make the case to renew fisa bill. will he convince lawmakers that say it violates america's five c's?ough brad wenstrup ways and coming ue next.
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>> john: breaking again in the los angeles show hey otani's interpreter is facing after us stealing more than $16 million after skimming to pay off gambling debts. there is no evidence that otani himself was involved. the former interpreter faces up to 30 years in federal prison. sender? >> sandra: all right, john, a colorado school bus aid fired and charged after a video appears to show her punching and stomping on a 10-year-old student. jeff paul has that story for us. you spoke with the mother about student, why is she sharing the story in the video of this entire ordeal? it must be so difficult. >> very difficult especially
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when you see this video. the victim's mother we just spoke with because she wants to get the video out there because words don't encompass how awful it was. she is hoping when people watch they pay specific attention to her 10-year-old sticks on, decks, and his face. this important because jessica says dax is nonverbal and he does most of his communication through facial expressions. now the person sitting with her son is kiara jones a bus aid for middleton public schools in colorado. the bus video seems to show the aid hitting and smacking that in roll repeatedly. the mother said that she saw the bruises months ago it wasn't until jessica asked for a review of the bus surveillance video when she realized what was happening. >> i was in disbelief. it was a 45 minute long video that i can only watch a few minutes of so, yeah.
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it immediately snatched me out emotionally. >> the bus aid has since been arrested and faces a felony assault charge on an at risk person. since then other parents of kids that read the same buse come forward sharing similar stories involving their nonverbal children with autism. >> it's just completely shattered emotionally and the next hour his anger and betrayal from the people we trusted with our children. >> general disappointment and systems across the board have failed our children time and time again. >> we have reached out to the public school and are waiting to hear back but in a letter obtained by the associated press the superintendent todd lambert wrote the behavior is not tolerated and parents should never have to worry about their children being harmed in their care. sender? >> sandra: a really awful video and difficult story held around.
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jeff paul, thank you. john? >> john: good lord, that is terrible. a look inside capitol hill as christopher wray testifies between before a house panel is expected to urge lawmakers to review the government spying program known as fisa or agency say it's a critical fight to terror but they say american 'estate is at risk in the surveillance program. let's bring in brad wenstrup a member of the house intelligence committee. good to have you with us, congressman. the test vote on fisa section 702 after trump posted "kill fisa it was illegally used against me and many others they spied on my campaign. djt" that's a sharp contrast of what he tweeted when he was president when he said just signed the 702 bill, this is not the same fight is a law that was so wrongfully abused during the election. i will always do the right thing for our country but the safety of the american people first.
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trump's spokesperson said since 2018 there been a lot more information uncovered as to 702 pfizer abuses. where is it push my way to use it on all this? >> i think it's a very important tool we need to keep our country say. look, we all want to prevent harm to a u.s. citizen. we want to catch bad guys and keep good people safe. that's the bottom line. i think what the president may be should have referred to is we want to kill these fisa abuses that took place. as i sit on intelligence committee and we underwent the investigation on russian collusion we realized that donald trump did not do anything wrong it was actually democrats that orchestrated it and the fbi participated in abusing this before court and lying to the fisa court and the inspector general confirmed that. well, there was no criminal repercussions for any of that. there are no rules. they may have rules in place but if you don't follow them nothing happens. we now have criminal
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prosecutions if you abuse this. the reforms are very, very necessary. to protect innocent people especially across america. there is a difference between a query and a warrant and that's a real sticking point is we are going through this right now. a query is when you are looking at foreign intelligence you have gathered. if john roberts' name comes up and the ayatollah is talking about you, you would want to know why he is talking about you. so we can -- a query we look into all the other information we have gathered legally from formant intelligence to see if anyone else is mentioning you. they may be trying to talk to you or they may be talking to you so they want to assassinate you. if we have to wait for a warrant, it takes a long time. so you could miss the boat on this. we don't want to go back to pre-9/11 things but i just want to make it clear. you still need a warrant to put surveillance on john roberts or
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anybody else as a u.s. citizen. carter page had a warrant on him. the problem was they got the warrant because they lied to the pfizer court. >> john: if iran wants to, they have to get in line behind my wife because she is first. speaking of carter page his warrant came from fisa 1 not section 702 so that's a completely different thing because fisa 1 is permanent and does not need reauthorization. >> that is a point but you can understand why we have to have criminal charges on all of these programs if you are abusing them. we put in 56 reforms for one thing would reduce the queries by 90% because we reduce the amount of people who can conduct queries and you still need to have probable cause for the query. in other words, you cannot just go on a fishing expedition. you can't be an fbi agent that says i don't like joe smith so now i will query joe smith. no, you have to have found
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something already in your foreign intelligence to do that query. these are all the things we put in with the reforms. keep in mind, but we have been able to do over the years, we prevented a subway attack in manhattan, a terrorist attack thereby al qaeda just in 2022 we were able to take out the last 9/11 conspirator in afghanistan periods of these are very important tools for all of our protection but we are also trying to make sure that the query is not abused and you need a warrant when you are going to surveillance u.s. citizen. >> john: we will see where it goes as it continues to language in congress. we should point out we are seeing the fbi director there and some red handed gaza protesters. behind them they have not disrupted the hearing yet that's why they have not removed them. we appreciate your time, thank you. >> and i hope your wife is good to you, john. >> john: [laughs]
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we too, sandra? >> sandra: reaction pouring in with the death of o.j. simpson going from football hall of famer to murder defendant. michele tafoya is here to examine his complicated legacy. >> john: plus npr on blast after an editor accuses the outlet of liberal bias. nell fortner president trump is weighing in. dave rubin joins us on that just ahead.
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alert o.j. simpson is dead at 76 after battle with cancer. the controversial figure was a football star whose legacy was overshadowed with the allegations of murdering his wife nicole brown simpson and her friend ron. michele tafoya with your reflections after his passing, your thoughts? >> it was not happy news today. it was just weird news, you know? listen, i remember o.j. simpson before the murders was an icon in our household. he played football and my dad's has cooled, galileo, in san francisco and later his nfl career went on to become a 49er. i remember my dad taking me to see him play and this is one of o.j.'s more sympathetic moments. people may not recall but at that time when he was with the san francisco 49ers a young, young son drowned in a swimming pool accident from his first marriage and my dad kept pointing out how o.j. was sitting alone with his head in his hands a very sad time in o.j.'s life.
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okay, cut two he becomes this huge celebrity post nfl and suddenly we see him in handcuffs on his front lawn in brentwood and no one can believe this is happening. and it was ironic it was father's day weekend that this bronco chase started, right? i was flying home to l.a. to spend father's day weekend with my dad and the pilot on our plane was updating us on the slow speed chase. landed at lax as i drove home to see my parents. you can see people on the highway overpasses waving at o.j. people were still in disbelief thinking maybe he is running for a good reason, but that all came crashing down with all the evidence. the other thing i recall, sandra, i remember o.j. simpson's one saying i'm not black, i'm o.j. meaning his fame, his charisma, his welcome's popularity transcended race but when the jury went to visit his brentwood home, his defense team arranged for all of
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the tawdry art and self-promoting posters that were all over his home to be taken down in favor of her family pictures and african american art to make o.j. look like he was really embracing his family, his african american heritage, et cetera. so that is what the jury saw when they visited his home. and then of course there was "if it doesn't fit you must acquit" it same to stomach, seemed to seal the deal that despite he was committed in civil court he was able to go on with his life smiling, telling us he was chasing down the real killer, all of those things. crazy. >> sandra: it really is. that moment with the gloves in the courtroom just really something to look back. michelle come appreciate you joining us on that on o.j. simpson's death at the age of 76 today think you. john? >> john: to the white house now jacqui heinrich questioning press secretary.
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>> don't attack our ally. >> i just said i we communicated to iran i said that i said we will not go into a public back and forth on this but i said we communicated to iran. and we said have no involvement, that's what i said, right? on the strike in damascus and more we warned iran. ascended at the top. >> on the issue of inflation, there was a report in politico on tuesday that the former chief of staff ron klain was teeing off on the president's talking about bridges all the time on the campaign trail and not talking enough about the prices people are paying. we did not get any statement today on the ppi index, why aren't we hearing more from the white house about the issues people are facing at grocery stores and paying rent? >> i mean the state of the union the president made very clear
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about what he understands the americans are facing. and he has talked almost every event he has had crisscrossing the country after the state of the union about how important lowering costs is and how there is more work to do we hear that. in new hampshire and north carolina he spoke about lowering health care costs and in las vegas he discussed his plan to build and renovate 2 million homes to lower housing costs. in medicine he announced his student debt relief plan. he spoke with senator sanders last week about his progress lowering costs for prescription drugs and inhalers. this we keep spoke of lowering cost for health care, home health care, elder care, he talks about lowering costs of almost every event he just laid out the events he did in march and early april about how he is making sure the number one economic concerns americans have is lowering costs. just like ron, ron said this. he said the president -- he believes in with the president has been doing chris cotter, crossing the country talking about the state
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of the union and talking about how we will continue to cut costs for americans and making sure we do not give big tax giveaways to corporations. that's what republicans are talking about. they put out there the budget and the budget is to cut social security, medicare, medicaid, that's what they want to do. we are doing the opposite, trying to protect that and lower costs for americans. >> is appropriate for the president to be commenting on what the federal might or might not do with interest rate cuts question mike >> look, the president come on like the last, has been very clear about giving the fed the space to make independent decisions about how they are going to move forward on the monetary decisions. the president has always been very clear about that and he will continue to do so. and his comment yesterday he was also clear he said we don't know what the fed is going to do. and he was simply reflecting on public interpretation of recent data's but he also said we don't know what the fed is going to do
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and we have always given them the space to make those decisions, both monetary decisions independently and make sure that, again, they have the space to do that. >> there've been some discrepancies between what israel says in trucks getting into gaza full of aid -- >> john: karine jean-pierre there touting the president's economic record saying he knows what they are going through but at the same time we have that nasty inflation number taking back up again. it was going down and now it is on the rise. let's not full anyone, prices have not come down, they are going up but a little more slowly than a year ago. >> sandra: under this presidency consumer prices up 19% and grocery prices up 21% and according to our last fact to check in our brain room, credit card debt is soaring. it's an emergency situation, john. credit card debt is on a 47%. people are piling on debt to buy
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their groceries and there is concern now emerging on the left in the mainstream media why this white house is not even showing empathy to the american people living through this, let alone trotting out their economic policy team to tell us what they are doing about it. >> john: i heard that fellow on "fox & friends" essay he makes three times the national minimum wage and he can't afford to live. so there is a lot more to be chewed over on this between now and november. be to our panel will chew on this in a couple of minutes coming up taylor riggs and brian brenberg are going to dig into this for us and tell us what we need to know as mike rhoades told me this morning that the biggest story heard recently his people going to the dollar store he has a buddy who owns one and it's what they have to leave behind. they come with a certain amount of money or a budget they can spend and they have to separate and put back what they can't afford. i mean, there are trends and stuff like this happening with
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the consumer that economists are taking note of is the white house. we will ask our panel. >> john: a lot of things as the dollar store aren't a dollar either. at six months since hamas attacked israel but in the united states anti-semitism on campus has gotten worse. president of hollow tells fox news more jewish students have been assaulted since october 7th than in the past ten years combined. let's bring in dave rubin the host of the rubin report. hillel has updated his college guide to now track anti-semitism and anti-israel sentiment at colleges across america. that's a really troubling development. >> it's deeply troubling but it's not that surprising, john. i mean, the institutions have failed us. our education institutions really starting with our public schools at the elementary level, junior high, high school, and our "higher education" has
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completely failed young people, the administrators, the faculty, everyone has failed across the board here. none of this is going to stop virtually at any of these schools. these kids have been taught all the wrong things. they think the jews don't fall into the intersectional matrix of oppression. they are being lied to about israel and its founding and the history of the country and virtually all of the history of the middle east and everything else. and there is no reason to think there will be enough administrators at liberal arts schools to turn this around. i think how the faculty have retired and gotten out and i think you can liken this to what's going on in our big cities. good law enforcement officers, they get out of new york and they move to greener pastures in florida and that is what's happening at the liberal universities. the good professors are just retiring early because they can't take it anymore. administrators terkel years ago may have stood up or taught the right things but they can't take it anymore and the inmates are running the asylum so i see no
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reason to believe any of this will turn around at most of these schools. >> john: shocking revelation on the topic of npr national public radio when you're a a editor had a lengthy article with the leftward tilt but not really leftward tilt it's all the way left at npr he wrote "concerned by the lack viewpoint diversity in voter registration for our newest rumor npr has iphone 87 registered democrats working in editorial positions on zero republicans. none. in response to that form the president trump put out on truth social "no more funding for npr. a total scam. editors say they have no republicans only used to quote damage. not $1" if he becomes president again is npr's days number? >> s john, they love diversity
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except diversity of thought and thus the most clear example you can possibly imagine. i think the npr should be clearly defined end. the idea of public radio that is highly partisan is completely absurd on its face. i would defund it today. i hope donald trump would defund it on day one. i don't think taxpayers give a ton of money to npr anymore. it's largely user supported but it's good to know people are tuning out and realize what it is but it's completely uncertain i'd be more interested to know what is happening in newsrooms at cnn or msnbc that also presented to be nonpartisan journalistic outfits and clearly are not. >> john: dave, great to see was always. >> sandra: from grocery prices to gas prices all are up since biden took office but that's not how the white house sees it.
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brian and taylor, we are already chatting, they will be here after the break. introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis allison! over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. with clearer skin girls' day out is a good day out. live in the moment.
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b2 we are watching the white house this briefing is still going. after president biden insisted that inflation is not as bad as when he took office. the numbers do tell a much different story. since he took office these are the real numbers. everyday staples like bread and steak up 29%, eggs up 104%. january 2021 versus now. riggs coast of the big-money show on fox business good to see you both. this is "the new york post" cover for the day. put it up on the screen if you can.
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swamped americans are grounded in this high prices this is no joke. as americans, taylor, are drowning in these high prices they are taking on more and more credit card debt. it's up 47 plus percent since biden took office. >> and it's really hard when people are putting basic things like eggs that are up 104% on a credit card because they can't afford things in the checkout line at the grocery store. i think this is why you are not hearing the white house talk about bidenomics anymore because it's not working. at january and february has seasonality to it it was hotter than expected, may be a one-off and i think march reiterated may be it's one-offs. super core, the core inflation, all the numbers the federal reserve are looking at a three month annual basis at 6
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6-8%. in all the spending and you have a monetary policy planned trying to combat that swimming upstream. >> you brought up credit card debt liquid sees at 3.5% which is the highest since 2012. we are back at great recession levels in terms of where people are with their credit health. you also have a lot of grocery prices up on the screen there. that's great because people face those but where inflation is killing people now is actually on things like your home insurance premium. your car insurance premium. caring for your car. notice it's not just that you can't afford to get things, you can't afford to maintain them. you can't afford to keep them. the price of owning things is really high. >> i'm thinking of how crazy it was in the middle of all this inflation talk in them denying the reality that was inflation for most americans, he announces more spending and says he is committed to building and renovating 2 million homes to
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solve the housing crisis in this country. i'm in, you are talking massive amounts of money. inflationary spending. there'll be political consequences. this is a group of undecided voters. this was aired on another network, msnbc, there was almost shocked by the host when they heard this, listen. >> raise your hand if you think president trump's policies on the economy would be better for your family personally? raise your hand. that is everybody. i think she has been absolutely disastrous for the economy. >> i'm trying to be a first-time home buyer in the present my prices are so high right now it's hard. >> not even accountability he's in the the mail is happening. >> sandra: that's not good. they are not hearing the empathy from this president or a plan. by the way, some -- during that interview some of them voted their hand so they voted for joe biden and they are undecided and very upset how the economy has been handled. >> grocery and home prices are interesting because it's an affordability crisis. not just that mortgage rates at
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7% but the price of the homes are not coming down because a lot of structural issues like supply but i would argue the government building new homes and spending taxpayer money and putting additional trillions of dollars back into the economy is not the way to do it. let the private sector do it but this administration has been screaming at the private sector and we have all worked in capital markets. we know, yes of course, companies in the capitalism care about the bottom line but don't tell me that when inflation, the rate of inflation slows that they are somehow goosing up profits and purposely doing greedflation. >> sandra: that would be illegal. >> they want to build your home is because you can't afford them. that's not an accident. >> it is something to watch will be all over this, thank you very much, taylor, good to see you, brian, thank you.
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speak i don't talk to fox news. >> a rally in your district people are chanting death to america, do condemned question might >> do not talk to fox news. >> intrepid hillary vaughn tracking down rashida tlaib after "death to america" chants entered district in michigan. we will ask hilary about that competition coming up next. a pair you'll love. there are the shapes, that's the price. now you get it. visionworks. see the difference. veteran homeowners, car payments are getting out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans.
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11:53 am
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>> a fiery confrontation on capitol hill but not between lawmakers. congresswoman rashida tlaib getting riled up and fox news pressed her on the "death to america" chance in her home district. hilary vaughn wood behind -- was behind the questions and joins us live. i've known you to be a lovely person tack but she didn't want to talk to you. [ laughter ] >> reporter: yes not yesterday she didn't john but we wanteto know her thoughts on what is happening back in her home district in the rally where there was a "death to america" chant. we wanted to know her thoughts and this is how it went. >> i don't talk to fox news. >> reporter: people were chanting "death to america" in your -- >> i don't talk to fox news!
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>> dew you condemn "death to america" chanting? >> i don't talk to fox news. >> why can't you say you condemn people chanting "death to america" , why are you afraid to talk to fox? >> listen racist in my community is what fox news is about. i don't talk to fox news. >> reporter: is "death to america" racist? >> i don't talk to fox news! >> is chanting "death to america" racist? >> you guys know exactly what you due. you got to do-it-yourself you can't use me. >> jong she was clearly not in the mood to talk to fox that day but i've spoken to her in the past about other issues so it seemed she didn't want to answer the question i had. but also during the whole exchange there were some jewish students standing watching it all go down after the elevator door closed they thanked me. i'm not advocating for 1 side or the other but clearly this is an issue that people care about your job. >> it's like if she got close to you she was going to have an
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anaphylactic reaction. like let's not forget though the fella leading the chanting once said from the river to the sea is the absolute highlight -- annihilation of the regime. there is tepidly violent language there. hilary you are a treasure for us we love you see you soon. >> reporter: things john >> reporter: thanks john
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