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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 10, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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>> it's called the stelter exhibit. >> judge with this.o >> i wish. stuff. yes. i stayed up. okay. so a labrador retriever named roger. he was suppose dana: lr d to become a drug sniffing dog, but he failed because he was overly friendlylee he was, playful and oriented. but he had a career change. he found his true calling he liflifehe. he's a search and rescue dog. and in the aftermath of taiwan's earthquake last weekd peop, he helped find strad people under the rubble. and he is a huge celebrity now being praised as a hero and the plight of taiwan. so you go dog therg. there yoe >> yeah, that's great. yeah, that's right. now, we applaud the other people and dogs, but not brian stelter. no, that, sir. all right. that's it for us. have a great night. tat o >> you.: welc >>om welcome to jesse watters. primetime tonight. greatestetters pr record of a p comparable to lyndon johnson, franklinp, i hope the legacy is that i kept my word. pt my wojoe biden, too, worriedy about himself to worry about.
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>> you elect me. i'm in the 20/20 century and i m am 30.e and also so chicken. g i meaniv, let me give you a way to get rid of bide n. donald trump, chick-fil-a and the truth that'sthe trut a e chicken. you're right. it's good chicken to my kid, my teeth , your hands can't gets wet. >> d eyes can't segee how they treat you. [ >> still won't give me the problem, child iro n o mike the event of the summer. jake paul joins primetimsummeres congresswoman to lead fox news. . x news[. alk to fo >> i got a washington, lincoln, fdr, reagan, all have
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in common. >> america was at war or in aamc recession and they puta the people first. they didn't worry about how history woulrecessiod judge the. bush 43 put it this way i'll let history take its course. >> the key for me wakey for s ti , ve it my all. you know, i served. i didn't sell my soud l. u and history will ultimatelyth be thee ju judge. >> history is best written by historians. >> and now the jewish puerto rican truck driving greek professor raised in thehurc black church claims he's a historian until here he is reflecting on his legacy to do spend a lot of time thinking about what your legacy would look wha like.>> w well, i hope i hopele the legacy is that i kept my word and thati i send that it remains that its was running. it was to help change the life l of ordinary people. they reduced the prospect of war and because of vietnamd n
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and i when i ran, i said that i was once asked why i wouldn't when i was 129 years old. w it must be a secret. and so i hopas e my legacy is that i was straightforward and did what i said. >> biden's compared himself to washington at valley forgone lincoln at gettysburg, roosevelt during world war ii, and shamelessly plagiarize the kennedys. you have to be a narcissist to b te president.sident but biden is a special case ender in chief, has a lot on his plate. but biden surprisingly finds time to meet with hand-picked historians at the white a house for hours at a time, talking about his plactie in history. and this is the president's favorite historian. >> this is like 1860. this is like 1940.ou you know, you have to talk about the larger issue in the room. and just as as lincoln gave the house divided speech, just as roosevelt gave a speechhere's
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on the state of the union about the four freedoms, here is a time when president biden has chosen from now until the election in november, we've all got to say the only issue is democracy versu tths dictatorship. >> don't let them take it away. biden's historian hype squads pumping them up into the wilmington messiahpumpin, aa a wartime president saving the nation from evilrtt sa while he argues trump has an ego. joe biden has run fore wa president four times now when he was vice president, he removed classified documents and stashed them in his garage m so historians could see that he was against obama' thas surge in afghanistan. afy legac our national securit at risk for the sake of hiy.s legacy and for a guy who didn't have time to go to east palestine for over a year, iste he sure has a lot of time to listen to chosen historians compare him to faces on mount rushmore. historiansn -- are telling
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biden the election is about dictatorship or democrac is aby and the rest of the country is telling him, no, it's not. it's about , us. >> it's about our incomes, our border, our street bordes. >> i know all 81 year olds look back at their careers and try to make sense of where they lande td. but not all 81 year olds are president. he's supposed to be serving us, not himself. >> now's not the time to worry about what's hanging on yourabuc presidential library. >> nancy pelosi,y losi, 84 yea, fixated on biden's place in history. >> greatest record of a presiden t that first y two years when we hade ha the majority in comparable to lyndon johnson, franklin roosevelfrank ant. they compare biden to fdr bid and trump to hitler for the rest of the country is comparing gas pricecountrs tw they were four years ago. >> you get the feeling that biden'seryo planning his retirement, not reallyeveryb
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his second term. everybody who interviews him treats them like he's abouo intv t to leave. >> and as far as, you know, you're your memoriess fa of this house. you know, i mean, that was i mean, i don't know what the future holds. what are your favorite memories? about this place? our kids jump into bed with this with our grandkids. when we're down here, they're sneaking up and jumpin g. on this. e that's my favorite memory. and they love it and love wandering througit.e wandh the o and loved it. there's two floors upstairs and a lot of bedof bedro , private residence, and they just love coming down. irst t >> you ask a president in his first term, what's your fondeset memory about the white house, becao you ask him, what's your vision for america? >> because i thought roker could only predict rain. >> does he know something we don't? biden's inner circleomething w s created a fantasyland where joe actually believed s he can m hear the founding fathers rooting for him. >> what in your view, constitutes the primary threat to freedom and democracyreat
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at home? y. donald trump seriously, donaldar trump talking these phrases like, we're going tog to eviscee the constitution. he's going to be a dictatoror o on day one. i can't think of any other tim e in my lifetime in history has occurred that you've had somebody who'sve had this kind of attitude, he says. you've got to be a dictato r on day one. >> no one doesn't believe him. the realno't biden legacy covered inflation. >> ukraine and illegal immigratioesse: th n ban.a fe >> a few bridges built his former chief of staff just caught on a hot mic saying this, quote, i think the presiden t is out there too much talking about bridges. >> he does two or three events a week where he's cutting a ribbon on a bridges cu. he if you go into the grocerys store, eggs and milk are expensivan aree. the fact that there is an f in bridge, it's kind of a fool's errand. >> the president's never. won an election over a bridge. >> as carville said, it's the economy's stupid.t'
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biden knows this. >>'s why he liesth about it. >> you chose his company today to deliver a message on the economy. i've heard you talk about economic growth, job i've t. what do you say to the families, not just latino families, but families across the countr latin buty that don'l that economic growth, that job creation g reflected in theirse paychecks, in their pockets? what's not yet. but guess what? the 15 million jobs that we'ved created so far, more than any president has in thisos time period, biden's real legacy is a lie. >> millions of biden'sy othe jobss went to migrants. a lot of this job growth parntt time jobs, real wages are down, prices are u pricep, inflation l hot, hotter than expected, three point five. >> this is 3/10, 3/10 hotter than we looked at in. the rearview mirror. >> gas prices up 40%. rent up 2se: , used cars, groceries all up 20%. americans are skipping meals to pay their mortgage.
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you can't even buy a house with rates this high. no e tht since the great depression have we seen so many young adults living at home with their parents. >> but it's not justrents. numbt forget about the numbers. how do the people feelbout the the undecided voters were also asked how they think president bideotern is doing on the economy. >> take a listen. i think he's been absolutely disastrous for the economybeen. i agree. it's crazy. and if you think president trump's policies on the economy would be better for your family personally, raise your hand. all right. so that is everybodyr your f. >> the legacy of the president is what other people think of you, not what you think of yourself t. >> maria bartiromo joins me now . you hear him and his historian publicist. keep joins me no saying this is aboi democracy and dictatorship. >>s what is this really about? >> well, i think it's about what you jus>>t said, jesse.
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>> look, look at what we're doing at the grocery store. we a a go in the grocery storeyi and everything we're trying to buy is muchng w t more expen. if you're an illegal, you might say to yoursel you aref, okay, t i'm better off today than i was four years ago. ifodn i wa you're an american cu your costs are up and your wages are down. yr wathe problem that we have t now is the fact that the federal reservw ise is trying to rein in inflation. >> so, sure, it's not as bad as it was a year and a half ag n when it was, you know, at 40 year highs, 9.1%. now we're up 3.8% on inflation. and when you thinkion of things like you just showed rent oil, you've got auto insurance up 22%, it's much more than 3.8%,st 3.8% is just the average. and one of the issues is thate f while the fed is trying to rein in inflation, the president and the democrats keep throwing more stimulus into the game. soe game and by the way, jesse,e are oxymorons, but you've got
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the inflation reduction. all right. not right. you've got the fiscal responsibility act. >> if not, you've got the chips at the forgiveness of student debt. >> all of this is more stimulu a of ts . and it means that the federal reserve is facing this tsunami of spendinthat theg. and then there's the green climate change agenda. the more he saysthe mo, don't use fossil fuels and tries to kill the fossil fue trieslth industry, the more the demand goes up. >> oil pricemoangoes us are nowp >> that's underlining everything. so between the spending and the climat that'sthing.e change agenda, it is bad policy. >> i don't even see why thistion is even a close election because you have to be stupid to believe these hoaxes that trump's going to be a dictator. >> all of the hoaxes they're shovin g downdown o our throats when the economic reality is so disasterurwhen. y >> chris, do you thinkmovi they even are moving the needlne on these hoaxes or people just thinking this is expensive, this is expensive, i'm going to vote trump? >> i think i think people are
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on t>> i to it because of what it's costing them. but i also think this idea that trump is a threat to to democracy at the same time are tryinghis nas to take his name off the ballot is so ridiculous. obviouslmealloy that's a threat to democracy. so i don't think people are buying this. k they're actually justua experiencing a really expensive moment in their lives and they're wishinllriencingg te economic policy would change. >> well, it's the most expensive moment esse: it in their lives all in almost all of our lives. >> we have to go back decades i to to have it be this expensive. >> isn't it a little oddbebensil president at 81 years old is inviting his favorite, his story in over for lunches i that last hours long? an you know, we know he never does any interviews. he's in there with historianhes who are telling himand he's basically and he's savinhg the world. f >> isn't that odd for a man to do at this stage of his life? >> well, it is odd if, in fact, he's expecting? it is to run again. i don't know if the democrats think it's odd, but remember, it ie de doesn't matter who is e
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the wheel because this is all democrat policy, right? >> so it's going to be the same policy, whether it's joe biden or somebody else. iflicy whee it's a democrat in, they want to spend more and they want to raise your taxepens and by the way, joe biden just told us what another four years toe. hisk lik b he just came out with his budget. and inin tha that budget is $5.5 trillion of new and higher taxe nand his that's attached to everything else. >> jesse. okay . le i won't be able to afford hairspray at this poin t. that's not good.eed it's going to be tough. maria, thank you so muchmac . k >> thank you. jake paul on fighting mike tyson and trump goes to chick-fil-atrump go. a perfect world. >> i think it's one of the most beautiful places shattered in an instant. >> there was shooting outside of the house. but in this moment, i knew it was it's the last few seconds of my life.
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today donald trump showed what love is heading uve ip a chick-fil-a in atlanta that i would swear i love. notice what you have here how gifts are it okay can i have 30 milkshakes and also some chicken i'm going to take you. good. make a lot of money. everyone get rich.ight ? ready. thank you very much. it's going to be you like each other, right? i think that's very nice people like trump because trump likes. it's that simple.. being around trump is and johnny was right. is the love is real i care
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what the media tells you. trump supporttells. okay, 4 p.m. 4 p.m. here, give you a the dictator on day s one hoax and the fine people hoaxes just got cooked like a sack of waffle fries.. these are genuine interactions that you cannoe int fake. you'll never see videos like v this on the news it's too real. we come on, come on, come up. yeah. we're going to get rid of bidene . >> yearind apph. s >> biden's forced to spend money producing fake moments that faloucinl flat. >> i'm going to give you. you got. i don't know what the truth they can share. >> and so tell me what you guys what you do these days. >> i'm playing a you basketball>
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right now. you're really in your guar yes d here, sir. >> founder clay travis joins me now. >> clay, i think these are one of the moments, the chick-fil-a trump moment that you're just going to remember years later is oh yeah, 2024 campaign, the chick fil a moment? >> well, it's just emblematic un how good trump is in these unscripted moments. jesse, you can't let joe bideneo do i mean, you saw it today. he was trying to tak.e questiont and he pulled out his note card and asked who he was supposed to call on. >> again, they kee p putting him in those aviators. did you notice that japan's leader wasn'hit wearingr sunglasses? why did joe biden need to wear sunglasses ? i thin >> i think it's because he looks so spacey that they try to cover him uokp. . >> and this is unscripted. people couldn't yell anything. you don't know i. what somebodyf is going to say in ail a chick fil a. yet all trump getsll is laugh, right? i mean, it really is pretty incredible.
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reminded me of east palestin pr where it took biden a year to go when trump went in to the daire itny queen, if i remei there correctly, and ordered a bunch of blizzards and ice cream for everybodmber andy unle joe biden, who stands around and creepily licking ice cream coneandsnd creeps by himself, du trump just rolls right in and buyss righ ice cream and chn sandwiches for everybody. he called it, i think the wordoy chicken, which is an amazing i own chick-fil-a. i don't like the wordsh if i chicken with a quote from trump on it. i just think it's incredible. branding. trump needs more of these unscripted moments. biden can'.t do it i think it demonstrates a pestly, in a perfectnestly mot there how different these two guys are when comeshandle to being able to handle the job of president fox fast food . trump's my favorite trump hands down golf, trump's good fast food, trump' s good.nd >> and if i were runningi his campaign, i would have him e do these fast food stops every week. he's tied down in court constantly. as i'd say, just go to fast foodn h joints on the way to and fromry
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court every time and have moments like hav. >> this and it would force the media to air that because this is absolute gold. also he was on the tarmawac. >> listen to his comments about joe biden. >> ii that biden is going to be gone in six now that's all we have. but six months is a long tim, th because the damage he can do in six months, he's done more damagn done than the ten wt presidents in the historyneve of our country. there has never been anybody thates damaged a country liken joe biden. so i predict november 5th, the most important day in the history of our country. ility da and it's going to be christian visibility day, christian visibility, day. christians are going to come out and they're going to vote like never before. not trans visibility day christian equality day. spealay yeah, i'm sure you saw jesse speaking
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to transmissibility day that the south carolina women's basketballf trans vi coach dawny wants to start recruiting dude so she can dominate, right? >> right. man but -- but i mean, how many points do you think lebron could score? you thonright now if he decided to identify as a woman? >> 200, he might double up t 200.. >> but i think what you're seeing there with what happened th are, with with nathan wade, with lover boy and everything that's falling apart, i think democrats that's stop spe are going to stop spending money in georgia soon. >> i think this trip into atlant gon.a to raise money,e ch the chick fil a, the number of black voters that you the k votew showing great love r troy, i mean, that's everywhere. >> it was off the board. yoat is everywhere in atlanta. >> you put that in atlantan and the rest of georgia you have lake and riley still reverberating in people's heartse laki . you >> there is georgia. georgia. right now it i'm with you, clay or bed and if you're real and you win, you win arizona. and that thing is getting: that close. >> well, that's close to be witting a little crazy cla'stiny sandwich that's getting a little crazy with the abortion stuff. >> but we'll figurion stufe it ,
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as they say, clay, to be a little wacky looking, looking dapper. primgladg dapper, i' you're drer jesse watters primetime. thank you. pink, thank for you. >> in honor of all the love in my heart for everywhere. okayd th, it's trans visibility day. >> that's right. on clay's wardrobelesbia. thank you.s da fox news alert over the weekend ,a group of pro hamasro protesters chanted death to america at a ramadan rally in dearborn, michigan. ] no doubt the of record of not a great look. the mayor condemned it. the white house condemned it. but whatite hous about congressn rashida tlaib, she reps. dearborn, is she okay with herer constituents chanting death to americaconstitu? fox business correspondent hillary vaughn asked her watct hi h congresswoman to leave fox news. >> i don't talk to fox news at a rally in your district. people were chanting death>> --
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to america. do you condemn it to fox news? do>> i do you condemn chants oh to america? i don't talk to peoplex ne thate racist tropes. use ra >> why can't you just say why c whether or not you condemn people chanting death to me? an juswhy are you afraid to tal. to fox news is not listening.g - using racist tropes. where's my community is whats my fox news is about. and i don't talk to fo x news. death to death to america racist. fox news is chanting death to america racist. talking about your guys racist tropes. you know you guys are. you guys know exactly what you do. i don't responguysavd. >> okay. but you guys got to go out there with your own self back to use me. >> the great crawl from china. >> j plus, jake, paul. plus, jake, paul. >> you know, i spend a lot look at three in the morning any time of day. >> what? >> what? people don't knol friracle-gw is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with theou
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is throwing everything at usg front and center. >> is china the defining threat of our generation? to put it simply, the ccpthrowi is throwing its whole government at undermining the security and economy of the rule of law world. >> if china's throwing everything at us, why are we letting armies of chinese nationalngeverythis sneak in ova chinese slipping into the country? what itjoe biden doing about i ? >> for the first time, i had an engagement with my counterpartin from the people's republic of china to ensure that china would begin to accept removalfl flightightss. and we actually did effect one flight most recently, the first time in a number of yearsrst time. >> 40 thousand chinese broke into the country and biden only sent a plane's worth back. >> is that because the chineselm paid the family millions of dollars under the table? >>ilofrs never.
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>> how did 40,000 chinese nationals even get here? >> it starts in south america, and this will tell will be stumbled upon by. accident is a major hub, a major transit point needing place for chinese foreignstumbl nationals that are on their way to the united states. it's mostledupon by accidey ages there are some right behind mena right now,ti males one thing to note is that amongb all of the foreigneh nationalstm that are entering the united states illegally, the chinese are among the most l of t well-funded and the most sophisticated in the way they go about getting to the united statee most w the s. who are these chinese migrants? our friends at muckraker . a talk to a chinese alien on his way here. watch. don hi you think that there are chinese spies in america? absolutely. absolutely. of course. ? especially high technology] field or military field. >> chinese>> high-, fisa, everyr they're stealing our secrets, driving our senatorscrets, d, en
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sleeping with our congressmen. >> could this explaingressmen wa guy was caught sneaking into a u.s. military bases g into? china operates like the cartel. its people are under control of the government no matter whergovernmee they are in the w. if the migrants disobey china, d the big trouble for them and their family back homefa are the chinese police in the united states. >> yea states? h, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. are you worried the chines e police can find you in the united states? h. yea states? >> yeah, i'm afraid.afraid anthony is the founder. of muckraker. anthony, when you saidhat the chines e migrant smuggling was was more sophisticated than you'd evere seen, what do you mean by that? >> well, they have dedicatede hubs. when you're in south america, when you're indedicate colombia you can see these hotels that they stay at that are just packedseha of chinese. i've obtained the logbooks at these hotels and i've gone through them and it's juste logo
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all chinese, all headed to the united states, go back months, and then when they geto ng back to theed sta united states, of course, there's many different stops along that, you knowte o there,r 3000 mile journey. but when they get to the united states, they have an jo go network set up here. i'm going to direct the listeners at home to a websitg toece. s beca honestly, shouldn't really expose it because they're planning to shut it down once we see plannin it on air here. but it's called yemen one on one dot com that was it wasp at least a in part by a chinese illegal alien. and they give instructionsen and on there as to how to survive as a chinese immigrant in the united states. >>ae immigrant in and one of thu of instructions on the website is it actually tellsctsite i yo a immigrant how to obtaiobn a gun, a firearm in the united states. they're not allowed to. >> i mean, illegal aliens are not allowed to possess firearmsen. t's what >> yeah, that's that's what you would think. but what they sa wouldnk.y is te there's a workaround and they say in order to work around the legal framework that preventework ths you from - a gun, you need to first obtain a hunting license. yemen,preven one on one dot coms everybody can check it out. i'm not making this up. i literally just checked it outl anarming before the show.
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>> okay. well that's that's alarming and you also heard the guy say that he's aware of chinese spies aws here in the h united states. he's aware that they're ripping off high tech military the secr. >> is that just kinde th of understood to be e the strategy? >> absolutely. i mean, these are very sophisticated people. >>u know , i would be even more concerned about things etting kc if it s only stays with them stealing trade secrets. i think that that woulta with da blessing for us.sing but unfortunately, the chinese have a history of unrestricted o asymmetrical warfare. people can read on guerrilla ase by mao zedong.rrilla that was a pamphlet that he put out. and people can people can also read unrestricted warfare, which was put out by chinese colonels in the people's liberation army that talks about how to defeao chinest thed states using tactics such as this. >> yeah, drug warfare states us we're already getting crushed with fentanyl. they're pretty effective with that,getting crusheth righi all right. well, thanks for bringing this to our attention. i hope they do shut dowour ion.n immediately. great reporting.
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thanks, as always. anthony rubiy shutreportinn, wet sheila jackson lee saying the moon was a planet made of gas would be the most a ridiculous thing we heard thishi week. >> but then congresswoman jasmine crocketts week topped it,k pe saying black people shouldn't pay taxeopds. that should be there, reparations. where did she get this idea?rd well, of course, she heard itbr. from a celebrity just this pasth week. >> i saw i don't remember which celebrity, but it wa celebritys' actually a celebrity. >> and i was like, i don't know. that's not necessarily a bad idea, but i'cessarild idea butoy through it a lot. >> one of the things that they propose is black folks that have to pay taxesposek folm a certain amount of time, because then again, that puts money back if then your pocket. >> we've always been openwa in the reparations conversatioyn . but no taxes is insane. .oprah, obama, lebron diddy don't have to pay taxes. i'm point 1% black.rcen i don't have to file. crockett's just riffing. seconds later, she realizedcraz
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their tax plan is crazy and said maybe we should just cut them checks instead. >> if you do the no tax thin g for people that are already struggling and aren't really f ng taxes in the first place, it doesn't really existt . maybe they may want those . se: ifike they got exactly >> exactly. if you're planning on paying your taxes this year. on taxesdead ones monday. you unless you're hunter biden. >> jake paul joins primetime the day. feel, get your clear choice. dental implants changes your struggl . teeth forever and changes teeth forever and changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changesnged ove your smile aw others smile at you. clear choice network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants, and they can change yours too, because can change yours too, because a clear choice day
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we're cut in half. just like that. go to ship station .com slash try and get two months [ree. >> primetime loves e. spectacl >> we love controversy. and nobody in the fighting world isy in better at stirring the pot than jake paul. >> originally a youtube sensation, now a boxing star. >> jake paul'sensation taking oc champs like ben askren, tyron woodley, nate diaz. >> but he's stepping it up in class now. >> you heard it right. have i'm fighting mike tyson. >> he's goint a right here.
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>> and not only do i haver of the honor to be one of the two most famous boxers to ever live. he's alse of twoo live on satur, july 20th. >> jake, paul is going to be fighting mike tyson at the at&t stadium in texas a liven on netflix. >> this is going to betexa the even t of this summer. >> iron mike, the youngest t heavyweight champ in the history of boxing, a lifetime recordrd of 50 wins and six losses. he's now 57 years old and stillg training like a beast. it's >> idaf they won, the fun just begun. they, too, be gettin g ready foran you. >> day three.t you still want to give mto e 3.0? >> they don't know who wins. okay. you're going to do that and still be free to go to work at nine and one. >> jake paul doesn't
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have tyson's record, but he's got youth. he's got power and he's goty 28 athleticism. >> he's only yea 28 years old and he only took up boxing just four years ago and continues to shock the worldars ago . my kid. mikey, your hands can't getan se wet. >> your eyes can't see this. jake. >> jespaul, have what it takes. or is he making a big mistake?he atyson was on "hannity" last week talking smack. i think he's you know, he's came a long way from youtube in. >> and listen, i've seen a youtube of him at 16 doing weird dances. that's not the game where we find guy is going to comehim in and try to hurt me, whichat i'm accustomedg we to, and he's going to be greatly mistaken. >>fithis g jake paul joins me n. >> thanks for coming on, jake. >> thank you, jesse. i want to give a quick shout out to my mom. wa ts watching. >> so, mom, if you're watching this, i love you, mom. se: mo
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>> i want to give you a shoutm, out. i know you're probably not watching givu , but i love you,v >> so you heard mike. mike says you're making a mistake. >> what do you say? are yo u. man, i thinkk he he's underestimating me. i trul'sy i truly think that.. >> and it's a heavyweight fight . so, you know, he's the bigger man, but i'm the fasteger mar he's the much stronger man. but i'm fresh. he's experiencedfresh.xperienc,t but in the ring, he may b be smarter. soe smarte it's a really intereg matchup. >> but i think the whole world and a lot of people see his training videos and yes, he looks like a beast. traininghe's a dog. iron he's iron mike tyson. mibut i believe i have what it takes to be him. and i know this is the toughes t test of my life and it's an honor to be in there with mikee, . >> but at the end of the day, i'm going to be the one who gets my hand raise iwill bei >> all right. we will see. i know i'll be watching along with millions of otherl be watc. you know how he likes to getle. inside on people that deserve fameove., fame, get inside.
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>> kidney, kidney, uppercut. i mean, you've seen the results. >> i don't know if you want to give away your gameplaydon'f and on live tv, but whatou are you going to do? ng >> yeah, look, it's going to be tough. he's the bigger man. >> so you're right. he's going to be getting insidem ,probably going to be at chick-fil-a with mr. trump trying to gain weight for this fight. but i believe that i have the faster feet and the faster hands. so i'm going to be working angles. and, you know, i don't minan, dm mike, i can have the game plan. >> i'm still going to win. that's how confidentstill i am in my ability. >> what happens if tyson bites your ear off? >> he can't. he can't put my ear off. is tte m off i knock his teeth >> is this an exhibition fight? there's a lon fight?t of controy over how real this is going to be. what's the truthto ? >> yeah, man, it's. it's so annoying that peopleng e
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on the internet will believe anything they see or hear. there's been so muchhear.. >> i mean, we know thiswoul to believe that would have fox news and. >> yeah mike and i want thisfigh to be a profile for page shotsgh . we're submitting that request to the commission. it's an all out waat req to the cr. thes >> there's been all these fakeoo videos about notut being able to hate each other, big love and all of that stuff. >> and it'hat stnds all, as trud say, fake news. you know, you do have acoming big event coming up in november, maybe not up in nog as this fight this summer between you and mike. >> if ifeen yoand biden put thes on and trump put the gloves on, what do you think would happento ? >> i mean, trump wouldn't evenor have the punch and biden would >> j fall over from the wi >> all right. we'll leave it there. ght, w and.his, >> and trump, if you're watching this, this is an invite. i know you used to promote y
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tyson, so i'd love to haveou you at the fight. >> but they camee fight. to my r fight and of course, the silver fox barron trump. so, donnie, pull up. >> we got tickets for you. all right, you have tickets fore jesse watters primetime. i got you, man. of course. >> come on. all right, good. well, you're been very successful. geerybody's getting ready for this big fight live on netflix. jake. >> paul, mike tyson, the firstpn ever live professional sporting event on netflixg and mostst valuable promotions, did that in less tha n three years of business. so it's a testament to me and my partner to tyson. i jesse, thanks for having met as always. and i'm going to put on a show and i promise to my fanon that i'm going to come out with the dub and do the unthinkable and showl co w the world that no matter what the odds are, no matter if it's mike tysoe world tn that ir less than four years become the best in the world or something. can bwell, if you beat him, i t know who you're going to fight next. that's going to bet i a tough, u tough call. >> anybody anybodyl., anywhere,e any time, any place. >> all right. it's a challenge. jake, paul, thanks so much.
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find the real you again. go to muesli dot com slash. welcome to fox nation. a place where we look to the future and close to our past. this is fox nation where all of america's stories are told. sign up and start screening today today. >> let's do water is cooler. let's bring in fox news host julie. >> all right, julie. tonight's the white house state dinner with japan, which were not invited to. >> no, oddly. but we got to look inside. here are the arrivals. >> well, first we have yes, we have the food ribeye. wit >> there's kamala with doug, fresh lookin g very fresh. how do you think kamala looks? well, i think she looks lovely. >> you are very, very subdue d. >> billary, what is hillary wearing? >> she's wearing some sort of komodo. is that a komodo? o.i'm really sure what that is,r but it looks like a muumuu just to me.
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but let's just talk about thisey lady. >> i love all natural women, don't you? this is jeff bezos. a, do you have this kind of money. >> this is the buy that what you can buy right there >> tt yo row.>> jes i guess that is his girlfriend. yeahse. >> and that is janet yellen. that is not janet yellen's husband. no, it's not. that is janet yellen's workhors nott yellene, has beene secretary to the treasury. >> wallyrreputy. ere we >> and the. all right. so there we go. and it's going to be g it's goio be a feast. i >> and maybe if trump'swe reelected, we'll get to go to a state. i was going to say, we're going to need another president in the white house, i believe, to get an invitationl another l >> right. i don't you would get an eviction notice. i would. i would. they would need a restraining order. >> all right, guys. women do not want us td aono fl their problems. so they just want us to listen . whenever i talk about something to my boyfriend and i some somethingmeg to my rant ad something just did not go well, all they want to heat gor is, y, you did well, good job. but every single time i tell. my boyfriend he's like, thiss is the logical way to solvewa this and here's a solution.d i'
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and i'm like, no, i don't wantli you to fix my problem. m i just want you to tell me that i did good like. >> hello? like, hello? oh, my god. n girl like, i cannot stand it when girls go on on social media and they talk like that, liket seriously want to punch them in the face. >> it's true, though, right? i don't wantto nch hi us to fix your problems resolutely. >> no, i want a ban. i don't want i y f i wanted a woman. then i would be . okay? i do not need a man to sit thern begay.e a a placemat, if c you will, that i can just walk all over. iflk a you to tell me what i'm doing wrong. if i'm screwing up, tell me. ohewin, you did you just sit the and listen? >> you want us to fix stuff and solve. e ani want you to give m intelligent response. i'll sit there and just tell me everything i say is right. >> wanted us to nod and say,to i hear. you know, i actually nod want a man. but the problem is, there aren't really any real men these days ecause . g >> these young women don'two really know one. well, maybe if you guys were a little mor now one.e clear, i'd be a little more help. >> i should be a little more straightforward. yes, i know you're not straightforward. i'll try and find that.
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sorry, ladies. the tournament's ove .: finall r. >> but sports aren't just for the wives there. now that march madness is over, there's a black hole in sports that doesn'tarchs over get filli football season. i hope these latch on tolports e whatever sports. >> we can watch from now until t really july when it all goesil. >> and so your husband's going to watch playoffs, nba basketball, and he's going to probably even watch hockey, which is weird. i know when you put on a game on a mondad ie puy and then also tuesday night, someone's going to ask us how long it's going to go on. a long time. be patient. my aovice is are into the bravl. go, you know, pick up a sewing sun sets, you know, go doour your thing and let us do our thing. >> jesse: th reallysth is this is a tough time for us until preseason footbalh timw no, i would live in separate houses for three months if i haou d to listen to football for three more months on top of whatever. and i can't stand sports. moe sports person whereby a sports person, i don't know. >> i mean, you big into . witll >> yeah, i watch football, but are you obsessed with it like some of these guys? no, i watc of thh. >> okay.
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but he's right there. i mean, you do have the masters he's ye kentucky derby, right? and you like the eagles? yeah derby.ou lik, like the eag. >> one of those. you're learning. you're learning that men like sports. >> jese lear, i know is that the a prison at their stadium. so it says a lot about the fanp. you know i love but then you led on we've been theree♪ as thank you so much of course sometimes you meet somebody and you think, wow t i know this person. >> and then midway through the conversation they hit you with something and you're like, i didn't kno iw that. that changes everything. i thought about them lesson let'ody could be anything. >> let's do texts. merry mary from westchester, new york napoleon said history is a set of lies agreed upon. biden may be a historian after all. >> dale from nevada. biden's legacy makes carter likee he should be on mount
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rushmore. >> joe from, 30 milkshakes. did trump use a strakshakes?w? >> drink them. we're investigating whether straws were usedwe and we'll report back to you tomorrow. we are not afraid of condemning the president's choice. peter from virginia jake. verize >> paul will pulverize mike tyson just like lenno me x lewis did. >> wow. sal from massachusetts. iamond >> i hope jake takes those or mi diamond earrings out or mike will breakek his tooth. michael from jupiter, florida. jesse, can i give a shout outo y to my mom to love your mom? >> love you, mom., well, julie's mom. i love you, too. >> i'm waters. this is my world. >> welcome to "hannity". we tonight with a fox news alert. at this hour, we are monitorin g pictures from the biden whitehe house where your president, joe,re


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