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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  April 10, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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for families, reports of children walking into local businesses. is now i'd reunification centre for those families on-site as well. >> martha: brian, thank you very much. that is the breaking news out of philadelphia that we have been watching this afternoon, speaking for joining us today. gaddafi with those. that is wednesday, for this story could we go on tomorrow and looking forward to seeback here, your world starts in a second among the dow jones -- the dow jones down, as inflation continues to be beastly and the market does not like it. seebacack you tomorrow, have a great evening. [ ♪♪ ] >> neil: we are waiting for that philadelphia presser on this ramadan shooting event, when they start speaking we will take you there. for us to do want to bring your attention to the corner of a wall, and indication of of
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inflation far from an old problem, remains a sticky one, prices year-over-year running at about 3.5 percent, clip at the retail level that a groceries at 320 percent rate where we are see year-over-year. picking up steam, that has some thinking that is a good possibility the federal reserve holds off on cutting interest rates, whenever that is to might be the high price. fewer and fewer now than it is possible that the feds on may goods -- make good on cuts this year. that is the way lawsuit works, may be premature. interest rates back to the heisley worsens last fall. again own concerns, prices are stubborn and getting even more so. in the meantime some other developments we are following the, jazz will not equate to make a stroke digging and despite president biden in his frustrations again as saying that benjamin netanyahu is making a mistake in his words in gaza not doing enough to make good on his commitments to tone it down. the president says he wants a
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cease-fire now, white house committee republican dan is as i would be the biggest mistake right now. he is coming up. good afternoon everybody, habit have you. let's get a couple of things straight, in israel, they're not all on the same page and neither are they in washington when it comes to those questioning the president. we will go to congress in a second but first, in tel aviv with how they are reacting th there. >> colonial, good afternoon. we started there was a big development out of gaza today, what israel reportedly struck and killed six relatives of hamas leader hazem haniyeh encoding three of his sons pitcher hazem haniyeh was in a hospital and qatar, he was visiting injured palestinians when you got the news. his reaction was stoic and he thanked god for honoring them as martyrs. this speaks to the religious believes that he has seen his death says honorable.
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the strike comes amid disagreements on how the war should end? once again is a massive rope between president biden and is really permitted to benjamin netanyahu over planned rafah offensive. israeli leaders at multiple times this week his troops would enter gaza's southernmost city or 114 million palestinians are sheltering the. the move would require huge evacuation of civilians that currently have no other safe place to go. in an interview with the division president biden expressed his clearest opposition to the plan yet. in recent days is what has ramped up a drugs to gaza with more than 1000 loads entering the enclave in recent days. israeli officials blamed the un for not disturbing the aid once the supplies make it inside. tonight were also following reports out of the region that indicate american officials are worried an iranian attack against israel could be imminent, this after a strike early this month against the is -- iranian consulate killed two top iranian generals. >> neil: thank you, be safe.
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in the middle of all of that in tel aviv. in texas now, sitting on the house intelligence committee, deals with a lot of other things are hot and pressing issues. congressmen, the president once again reminded that anybody had any doubts, serious differences with the way that benjamin netanyahu is conducting this w war. >> log, president biden is on a tactician. he's giving very mixed signals as well as what he had she wants from israel, you hear other statements from an ministration say we don't want to cease-fire and as they give the hostages back, things a lot. the cease-fire has a two -- has to be had taught what way cease-fire. a situation where israel is basically under existential threat, they have had enough, they had a massive attack on october 7th with over 1000 israelis murdered, raped, burned babies, should remind everybody that on october 6th, a day before that there was a
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cease-fire. they are quite clever, they gave israel an impossible choice, other don't defend yourself or attack us and use a human shield to protect do so. that is what hamas does. they try to draw out the fire as long as possible and watch international support wayne. that is a strategy, has been for very long time. and biden should know that by now. he has been around for way too long in politics. and you should know and understand the politics of the middle east by now. you have to eradicate hamas so cease-fire should look like hamas surrendering. the would be the best thing for palestinians in gaza that is for sure. >> neil: in the medium congress we do know from engine at neo who that the rafah invasion is on. we do not know the timing of that, when it will happen, the president has made it clear that also it would be a very big mistake. he seems a lot of his surrogates congressman, to hold up the
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possibility that aid could be on the line here as a result from equities and? >> i think again it would be a fuller mistake, as signaled to enemies like iran, hezbollah, is that all bets are off. the only thing that has kept entities like hezbollah and iran from actually enter into this war and making it as a grayed where the hour is talked about to eradicate israel as a threat that the u.s. will stop them. you take that threat over the table, it's of a dangerous path to go on and eventually it gets us into war, let's be honest. that's a thing through peace through strength, if you want to pcf to exhibit strength and it demonstrate he was standby your allies. a lot of people forget of the strings party because it is uncomfortable. give to say things and feeling comfortable. right? that is a world we live in, i'm sorry, i wish i could write a function novel about where everybody plays nice but that's on the world we live in. >> that is kind of echoing what benjamin at yahoo has said.
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he has been increasingly unpopular with his coalition, increasingly challenging him. i'm just wondering what you make of that, especially now as here carefully with the attack on israel's attack on the consulate in syria. is what seems to indicate a congressman that it would target in response iranian nuclear positions in iran. what you think of that? >> neil: >> israeli politics a complicated, benjamin netanyahu's unpopularity to the sincerely mean that israelis do not want action in gaza and would not want to respond against iran. doctor quite a bit of unity on that particular subject. they differ wildly on other subjects like their judicial reform for instance. you would have to push through which issues are popular and unpopular when you're talking about israeli domestic politics. >> neil: at oleh room is over
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this, but you were -- saying that it would add an article trafficker's, drug winners into a category that they could a stereo and spy on essentially. but it looks like it's potentially stack, what is latest? >> the entire thing is stuck right now. the entire reform processes stock. my men in particular, we simply add that category right now. right now we ask you cannot use pfizer to target a lot of the affiliates of cartels. the bankers, the accountants, the drug runners to make all of the people that action make the business possible, you cannot. these are foreigners and foreign countries by the way, they're not americans. under pfizer you cannot actually target them. human that amendment is being opposed by the people who oppose it. a lot of the same people that love to tweet about how much they hate to cartels and how we should bomb the cartels and all
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that,'s a talking tough but not really supporting the actual legislation that would be helpful here. you can even target of the chinese precursors. it is a real problem, you can just prefix up. right now everything is at a standstill and look, a lot of antics appear and kneel. usually him all that worried about them, this one worried about? if you got pfizer and make it unworkable, you are susie endangering our nation, a massive amount of our intelligence and fourth adversaries are doing, tears spots around the world, massive amount of that comes from pfizer derived intelligence. if you have that up at that -- if you got that program, we are in for a dangerous years. >> neil: you mentioned antics and a lot of people are looking at what could be another fight over the speakership and weathermac johnston hangs onto his job. what you make of that? >> right now, i'm not sure there is a real appetite by enough people to out speaker johnston.
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i think people one alliterative fame, a little bit of attention. you see here, look, johnson has a tough needle to thread on a very tough judgement on a lot of tough issues and he just has to do it. he has to get those authorizations are out of the goal and is all. today was a major failure. need to have a plan b. we have to start away -- stop wading into the last second to get every thing done, we know these things have to be done, a supplemental has to be voted on soon otherwise brush just subjugates ukraine and we lose our global deterrence for the next 15 years. these are big decisions we have to deal with. and encourage our leadership, to figure out how to deal with it. >> neil: is that martha taylor green taking the action she wants take against the speaker, not serious then? >> you would have to ask her. >> neil: what you think? she thinks it should go, do you? >> no i don't think the speaker
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should go. >> neil: shares much support for that. >> no i don't. i don't. >> neil: what he thinks doing it? >> that cassette, for attention. unnatural were the other possibility would be. we got to this point in our politics or anytime we disagree with somebody, and they have to -- you have to push them off a cliff which is a pretty absurd to tactic what a guess that has become the norm in dc, the unfortunate reality, too many people actually cheered on as an incentive structure in place to do that. adding that's what happens. but of this real support for it, i'm not saying it now. >> neil: congressman, thank you. i do appreciate your service to this country. in the meantime, we are getting more details and we will be getting a statement from police onto the shooting that would work essentially the end of ramadan in parkside section of philadelphia, brian has more for us. >> kneel this happened around
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2:30 o'clock this afternoon at a service somebody eid al-fitr, which is that the breaking of ramadan, the holiest month for muslims to make it happen outside the park, outside of the philadelphia mosque involve -- west philadelphia located on 46th and while listening avenue. we now know at this point according to the buildup inquiry, elise twaddle people were shot at what was supposed to be celebration with it many children and families that were there. they were taking the pen presaging the medical center which is a level one trauma center and one of the two according to the inquire is being treated as a prisoner. a police officer also fired their service weapon at the scene. but that is the latest information that we have in terms of what the philadelphia inquirer is reporting? will receive it says they has been numerous arrests and at least four guns have been recovered at the same. during the eid al-fitr
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separation. in fact a general messenger -- general manager of a market who is aaron has has his business at the locations as, anywhere from a dozen haven's dirty children came running into his store seeking shelter -- heitt -- kids as young as taught what years old, 14 years old that were at this event. there was a meal service held by the mosque celebrating eid al-fitr there. this service is it running from 12:30 pm until 4:00 pm, when shots rang out at 2:30 pm. the fbi says they are now assisting in this investigation, there is at least -- about two dozen police vehicles that showed up. as you can see, we have been told by local reports anyways that a family reunification center has been set up a 48 48th street and gerard. you can imagine when this chaos broke out in his way seeing,
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families were divided. there were children that were completely separated from their parents. and now there is a reunification center as we're seeing this helicopter shot of the mosque in that white tent where this celebration was happening. bottom line, elise twaddle people shot according to the inquirer, one of those shot is being treated as a prisoner, four guns recovered at the sc scene, and our fox 29 affiliate reporting that there were multiple people shot. the abc local affiliate is the only one now reporting that they were -- there are at least 12 people in custody. we're trying to get information from the primary sources, the mayor and the philadelphia police, we have not heard yet from them as a they are trying to always together information that waiting for that update from you and from them, speeding is always. on top of that we are on top of what was a major's liberation, member the city that celebrate -- inflation is going under control? well that all stopped in the
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latest month, and that has some folks wondering, that only are those interest-rate cuts delayed, they may be denied. some thinking of them next move could be to raise the rates. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah
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>> today after ramadan subregion hear the part, we had about a thousand individuals out there and things were going well. we had a detail assigned to this event and they are working the outside. during that time, there were cars parked at the gas station behind us, and they were bringing the chickens be at some point they heard a small rally of gunfire, lisette approximate 30 gunshots. what we do know there are to be two factions within the park that are now exchanging gunfire. as officers starts to deploy into the part, the observed three males and a female arriving and the stop those individuals and were recovered four weapons.
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at the same time we had one of our officers he was here earlier engaged at 15 old male who had weapon. she fires in that male released a gunshot to his shoulder and his leg. the officer secured the weapon and then transfers that child to the hospital. we have another individual showed up was 22 years old, yes gunshot to his stomach and we believe that may have happened due to gunfire. we also have another juvenile that showed up shortly after the last half an hour at the hospital, and so ain't total we have five individuals under arrest, four that were carrying weapons, as well as an individual that a police officer fired and struck as well as an individual -- that's the numbers? that is the numbers in total. >> five arrested? >> we have a total of three males and a few more that were arrested, and then we have
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another individual who is 15 years old, recovered a weapon in that as well for a total of f five. >> [ inaudible ] >> three now. we have three individuals shot, one by the police officer, one we believe in the exchange of gunfire which is unknown and determine now, the child juvenile that was shot ithe hand. what we do know they were here at this event. >> what he wanted say to those who have concerns about this happening? >> listen i walk through this event and we know as a majority, nine and presented it in but -- individuals at this event are good people wanted to have a good time. we have young people engaging in gunfire who is really the story, same thing that happened. it's an event, we had german walking by, was that we have to learn how to love each other and he was really frustrated. one thing i do know the mayor was on location as many of you saw, did just come he not only
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to support us but to support the community. she is actively engaged which known to the islamic community to make sure they have all this was a need. and this -- we contacted her as well, to bring support services. we do have support services, and recovery centre we're here here at the claire mahon mood school to be able to have trauma services that. but the mayor clearly send the message to the community, important for her to be on location, engine as we are here to support them. we would ask that at this time that anybody who has any information that they would call 215686 tips recall the homicide division. we did not have a homicide in the situation but considering the magnitude of the situation in the capacity to deal with us, we have a shooting investigation team working on those. call (215)686-3384. >> two weeks ago you had a panel, talking about the study, where the shooting arrived at
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the time that this happened, you were really trying to dive into the context to predict more things like this happening. judging from what you learn from that starting now, what would you apply. >> i don't know, in this case who would applied to this scenario only because school closes, and the situation, until we get the true understanding, we won't be able to do that. clearly the data shows as, i don't know if this translates into the scenario here, just because of the dynamics and the way to plato today. >> were there also -- it's what i do apologize yes. unfortunately, unfortunately during our large response at the time when we were responding, there were multiple calls coming over here, for those of you who know, we had three or four assists and we had large portions of the city deployed.
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and fortune one of our patrol wagons struck a younger child and she recovered with a fractured leg? so clearly prayers to her and her family, that was not our intent of purpose and we will make sure to follow up with her family and her. >> and maybe [ inaudible ] soon i don't know. it is one of the most modest situations, i was able to quickly take a glance of the film into see the mass of people running away from the park, lilium sure there may have been some kind of underlying medical issues that have resulted from that what we have no information at this point. of anybody suffering a heart attack that it was transported to the hospital. >> was our car anything like that? >> no information on a car at this time. >> any message for parents for those young people that were involved in the shooting, minors? any message to parents? >> i've made this message multiple times about parent engagement, and their
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responsibility and in all of this. if you are not engage with their child and try to figure out what they are doing, whether you have guns in the house, the activities are doing, you are not doing your duty. maybe not even a parent, you have to understand, orchids are getting raised by second-generation grandparents who don't have the capacity of the time to do other things kamaka but we always on the lead of my glean on young adults to engage with young people, the guns and were recovering, is in a totally different process now, some of them are out here actively engaged in gunfire. involved in shootings. and as easy today, they do that, that is zero-tolerance for that. rocketed make any excuses, we will do everything we now can, we will be looking for those who are not in custody. >> located he sake, the immense -- for clarity's sake -- the events in the park that happened on the street? [ inaudible ] a. >> we have not's connection of
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the two, we have the incident, and is so the incident was happening as a result of the celebration. not that the subagent because her dog it was a public via, anybody could have have access, it was not a ticketed event. clearly we had some individual who decided to use this as a way evidently, just anything else we see, when we seen david rose beeping and going at each other, they don't care where they see each other out. in this case clearly the saw something going on in the park, with that was, they had to pull a guns and shoot each other. the investigation, we will be looking into that. >> what about the 15-year-old coming into this with the police officer? soon listen, and met with the officer. commanded her for her actions, report study she was not fired upon, fortune she did not have to take the juveniles life. but the bravery she displayed in the valor she displayed by not
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only engaging with the individual but recognizing had a child in front of her and putting him in her car and transport them to a hospital is a testament for the men and women who work for me. >> the 15-year-old shotts [ inaudible ] >> we are still investigating all of that. we do not know. i do not want to get into the police shooting part of it, but one is a juveniles to get hot, once and the shoulders, twice in the leg. >> yes, of all the individual shot in the stomach, the 22-year-old's cave with conditions, the 15-year-old is in stable condition. >> other partners, with the investigation? >> you're always and engage with other partners, the commissioner here, we engage our federal partners, fbi, at the district attorney's office is here as well, all of the partners where engaged with here to support us in every effort that we need.
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>> we have a total of five in custody? two and five. >> it can you break that down. >> we have three males and one female who we arrested as he exited the park, pursued them and recovered a total l of four weapons from them. we have a fifth individual arrested it, a 15-year-old juvenile shot by police and we recovered a gun in that scenario. so a total of five individuals in custody and we have a total of five people. >> the present that shot of the officer is in stable condition? >> that is correct, shot in the shoulder and the leg. she saw the gun? >> any safety plan? soon we will move on from that, at this point, the situation here, and we will keep you guys in course. >> one juvenile, out of that
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group of four, out of the group or four that we have got we recovered four guns pitcher listen i appreciate you guys, gonna move on out. sue and i can do it, i appreciated. >> neil: ra we got some details here, five under arrest, three shot, and events abutting the end of ramadan. is a good couple of hours ago and all of this started, we do not know what it was behind the shooting as it started, ending the 30 day ramadan events. eid al-fitr. everything seemed to be going as planned, there were a good many at this, the officer is not able to tell us exactly how many but it was open to the general public. again, five under arrest, three where shot. everybody is expected to be,
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okay,, nicole parker, the former fbi special agent, which makes of all of this. nicole, great to have you, sorry under these circumstances but what do you make of this? >> while livers thing that i noticed is that this was obviously a preplanned event, ramadan, in the park event, around 1000 attendees open to the general public. there is not public, when it's the public, with law enforcement is difficult to control the area. but i didn't know that they said they did have a detailed -- detail in place. that is so important for people to understand, those large events, many attendees, law enforcement as intelligence going into the event. they know these are potential targets for terrorism and violence, for active shooters. they were prepared. as you mentioned the officers were giving parking tickets, the higher gun shots and immediately they respond. this female officer who engaged and it neutralized the threat,
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that is a very heroic and courageous thing to do. especially in a large group of individuals. i think also it is important to note is that involvement of juveniles. we're seeing such an influx in crime involving youth and minors, under the age of 18. five individuals were arrested, one of them was an adult. this is on it has to be just in this country. the other thing it involved two factions, was it a violent crime event that happened to come across a large existing event that was occurring in the park, or was it a preplanned event where multiple shooters pick this data, pick this occasion, the pocket was the end of ramadan, that is summoned and that law enforcement will delve into. the other thing important to note, there are multiple on present agencies on hand and that is the beauty of our law enforcement in this country. the back one another on the local, state and federal level. the perimeter of this crime scene, they saw on television,
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is extremely wide. this is a very wide apart, the permit or set up with the caution tape, and out law enforcement we going in and they will be have -- evidence response teams and gather every single shred of evidence. shall casing is, everything, the interweaving of the witnesses, the victims. one of the shooters is now in custody but is in the hospital. i've seen that many times. that person's can be questioned got even a hospital weren't there receiving care likely. but i'm glad to hear so far is there is no fatalities. he's shooting this happened entirely too often, i hate to say it was an ongoing a slow down unfortunately. many people are using these events to deal with their own personal grievances, their own arguments, and an up invites. younger children had to one for their lives. that is evil gimmick that is
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wrong? and and i'm got his individuals in custody and i hope the full justice is served, whether it is a random act of violence that happened, if it was a preplanned event, this is unacceptable and they must be held accountable. the only way to slow down these kinds of events in our country is to have consequences. we all have the right to make our choices, but there are consequences that come with your behavior. when there are consequences, hopefully we will see a decrease in this type of crime. >> neil: it's interesting to, you touch on possibility nicole, that this was a ramadan ending event, in those attack what everyone a call it, i don't overstate that it might have had nothing to do with that. you might have been as one philadelphia people was noting, you possible gang-related issue. we don't know. but we do know given the nature of the event is and as we herded was the end of ramadan event, many muslims were going to be gathering, not just muslims are to point out, that immediately
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it raises concern, even panic within the community. how do you handle that as a legal authority trying to get people call him. >> rightfully so, it would be naïve not a good consider that a true possibility. it is out there, terrorism is an all-time high in our c c. we know this, we hardly fbi director testifying before congress multiple times, the terrorism alerts are at an all-time high across the board for different factions and groups. so obvious to be undertaken into consideration. if the fbi's own scene and determined this is a terrorism related case, the fbi takes over the investigation. if this is a random act of violence that happened to come across, it'll be run on the local level. all people will be involved, fbi, federal law enforcement will get -- provide any resources possible to the local authorities. >> neil: speaking of a much
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nicole, appreciate your expertise and background. certainly came in handy today. if there are anymore updates from the fbi are police who will keep you posted. this is k-lowercase-letter and the beginning, not that a few people getting shot is not a scary development but again, appears it could have been a lot worse. it was not. in the meantime what was gary at least for those worried about losing money, in response to inflation reports that it was stronger than anybody thought, these days these reports on inflation, otherwise what we pay at the retail level, something called the consumer price index, spiked a little high. and spiking a lot lower. was that response justified, the fear now that the federal reserve is not good hold off on cutting rates. but might not move at all. and if it does, is a possibility monkey some who think the next one is a hike. that is after this i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right?
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now, try immuno 150 with its 70 minerals and 80 other nutrients. i'm elmer heinrich, celebrating my 90th birthday as i make this commercial, with no dementia, no health problems, aches, or pains of any kind and the flexibility i had when i was 60. now, i have consumed immuno 150 for many years. i can still drive a golf ball 220 yards, work out, bench press 100 pounds, run, jump, and do about anything i did 30 years ago. now, i know it's because of the 70 minerals. now, look at the two videos on our website listed on the screen and consider placing an order online or call our toll-free number. and, by all means check the number of minerals in the product you take. i know you can be just as sharp and as healthy as i am and in as good of shape when you are 90 years old if you consume a full spectrum of minerals every day. the 70 minerals are the key, order now. >> neil: the federal reserve
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has anyone moved on interest rates even though there was promise and hope they would start cutting, but market rates have been going higher, anticipation here that inflation is a problem, we got a report today that approved it, frances newton stacy with us, scott, is that a justified concern now, the rate hikes, or at least rate cuts are off the table? the government talking with the right height, where are you honored? >> i will tell you neil, think the market got ahead of itself think you would get six cuts on four, than two, as you talked over the years, we talked about having no weight hikes coming hug and that's what the market has to get its terms around, saying that it would perpetuate no rate cuts, and maybe the data will be down the pike, the markets have to react accordingly and so far doesn't like it. >> neil: market rates backing up francis, that is something to have very little control, but it is not working right now. where do you think this goes? >> i think of we don't have a
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credit event, i think the fed -- >> neil: what is a credit event? >> neil: c1 sorry, it means something in the system, you have a lot of default in, either credit herds, commercial real estate, something someone to the financial crisis, but if we don't have some kind of crisis dog the fed is going to continuously have a hard time justifying this motion of cutting rates. and member all of these components have logging events. of these commodity prices continues to go higher, cpi will only get worse as year. so probably won't have the rate cuts and hopefully not a rate hike. >> neil: you know how to the wind under everybody's back is been the stronger markets, stocks in general look like a good year. to you does it still look like a good year? >> it does, those challenges ahead. i think the market got ahead of
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its albany's hopes of a rate because that will perpetuate more of the gains is always the overdone and overblown. market has to go back to fundamentals that you have to watch earnings, company announcements, we have this tiny little thing in november regarding an election, that is coming forward. there's a lot of things helping that we did not experience an investor should be ready for those. >> neil: francis i was thinking if we hold around these rates for ten years, i will get to her cane here but that's kind of what mortgage rates are attached to. roughly seven .5 percent, 30 year fixed rate. that could at least call housing. what you think? >> it you have this other anomaly in housing, you have this low supply in the low supply comes from the fact that people don't want to sell their current houses, even if they want to leave because it want to lose their mortgages. it is creating a lot of that. and commercial real estate he have some of those mortgages that are coming in from maturity, that are 4 percent,
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that will maybe even be non11 presented depending on the type of mortgages they are. the back office saying hasn't totally taken hold particular in the small business. you can't do ai from home, that is a small sector of the economy. we definitely have some headwinds ahead. the thing is keeping the economy stable, is that we have a high physical spending, private credit has coming to backstop these loans, and people have been putting things on credit cards pitcher anyone of those things falls apart, everything could be changed. >> neil: thank you both very much, something to worry about and think about but again, all was said, all major averages hit hard. let's see what happens tomorrow. meanwhile, that's what happens with his impeachment issue that takes place supposedly in the united states senate, of the united states senate ever takes it up. the back and forth on that, you will send it over to john kennedy
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>> neil: we talked to the senate, until the senators ready almost two dot the eyes and cross the t. is, with the sec. mayorkas going, that is in the eye of the beholder.
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about timing being everything, mayorkas on capitol hill, making things doubly awkward for him. >> hyrve old, so the secretary just left because those hearings have now wrapped up and we're not sure if you will see him next week, it because as we say we don't know if senate democrats will allow impeachment trial. what was say that a vulnerable democratic, montana's senator jon tester was pretty happy about taking mayorkas today. watch this stew and is administered and have any plans to use any additional executive powers to address the situation of the southern border. >> senator tester, we continue to consider what additional executive actions we can take, that board to survive legal scrutiny and have an impact on border security. >> it is apparent the status q
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quo, and i would also say, this proposal for funding for homeland security is inadequate and we need to work on this. >> the house articles of impeachment were supposed to be sent to the senate tonight, that was delayed by house speaker mike johnston in order to give senate republicans some time to pressure democrats into trial. instead pleading for more money for the border all while being impeached for his job at the border. some questions about all... 's human are you asking the leader to dismiss this? have you considered stepping down secretary? any comment about being impeached, in the first cavernous secretary in 150 years to be impeached. you have to have some thoughts secretary. >> neo, if you had thoughts about being impeached, he did
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not want to say them out loud. you have no idea if we will see him next week. >> neil: thank you for that, on capitol hill, senator john kennedy of louisiana joins us now. senator wordy think this impeachment thing is going? rbc the speaker had to be delayed getting these articles of impeachment going, some interpreted that he's not in sync with the senate, the senate is not in sync with him, even with the republican party all not in sync with each other. >> offers that was in the hearing today with sec. mayorkas and he has -- he did to say the biden administration is thinking about taking steps to stick it -- secure the border. i don't know why they didn't do it three and a half years ago. he also asked for more money. i guess he wants more money to buy more welcome mats. look, after a lengthy investigation, the united states house representatives, we are not talking about trumps snow
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bro, weeds chicken mcknight it's -- chicken mcnuggets and has an opinion smokes weed, that you as house representatives has sorely investigated this and devoted and they have impeached sec. mayorkas on taught what counts. and senator schumer wants to not hold a trial. i just try to posit resolution setting the terms of the trial on the senate floor. and the centered objected. it is interesting why the objective. they said of the evidence does not support the allegations, and my response was, how do you know, you haven't heard them. you haven't heard them! that is the purpose of the trial! why don't you want to let the american people hear the evidence? >> neil: you know what i wonder about senator, whether
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your republican colleagues, many people get the sense that mitch mcconnell isn't fired up about this but maybe you can share, do all your colleagues share your same rage at those? >> well i will lead senator mccauley speak for himself, all i can tell you is i'm pretty fired up about it. i'm fired up on the basis of not the politics, i think the constitution gives the united states senate they duty and the responsibility to conduct a trial. we've only had 21 impeachment's in this country's history, and we've conducted trials and all of them except when the official resigned before it could conduct trial, and now senator schumer, because he knows present biden and sec. mayorkas whose policies of the border is so unpopular, he doesn't want to have a trial so the american people can see the evidence, and think he's worried about the election, and
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out of thin violating senate president for political expedience is exactly covering him in glory. >> neil: do you think there is some chips going up on both sides? it is taught to impeachment trial -- charges, understand the house mechanics do agree with the senate, and you didn't. that of course gets the senate saying well he did not want to get lost in the sauce and his whole thing and wanted to make a big dramatic event mike what do you think of that? >> outing that's accurate neil. housing that speaker johnston with a impeachment articles, h e did not want to be in the middle of the budget a fight in the senate. and the house and the seven talked about thought, and nothing all sides agreed to. >> neil: but you can walk and chew gum at the same time? >> not with a trial, you have to start were you doing in hold a trial. >> neil: but it would kind of
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just get the process going? >> if i could just finish my thought, no u once the articles are presented, we are sworn in immediately. and then we have to ree to a procedure. we're trying to make it as easy as we can for senator schumer but the trial does not have to take as long as medical school. we could have a committee, have republicans, have democrats, conducted trial. we will accommodate him, but you did not want to trial at all. >> neil: do you ever have regrets on the bipartisan that? it wasn't perfect, he said that at a minimum. but it was a strategy to deal with the border, now the president is kind of lading executive actions as you said, considered three and a half years ago? and here we are. any regrets about that measure? it wasn't great but it was something. >> none u nine.
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to my republican colleagues, both of whom i respect, some from mcconnell, senator schumer and murray. -- murphy. they dump the onus at the last minute. i had no idea what it wasn't hazard looking at it. is a very quickly they are going to hire tens of thousands of new asylum officers to make decisions about asylum. guess who was going to a point of those asylum officers? senator mayorkas. the man who believes in open borders. the man who parades this chaos. as soon as i saw that aside no boss. >> neil: do you think any colleagues were influenced by donald trump saying don't do this? this would be a very good election-year issue? >> i cannot speak to my colleagues been -- for my colleagues. i'm not criticizing him, he is a good man, eight did the best you could in the circumstances. but for much asked, tell me what's in the bill. tell me what's in the bill,
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please! don't give it to me at the last minute! and they talked to me and gave it to us of the last minute and we were told to take it or leave it and i said no boss. is that how we gonna vote? is that short answer is no. long answer is hell no. >> neil: always good to see you, thank you very much. >> mentioning donald trump, big fundraiser in atlanta, details on that after this.
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he's a comusical >> neil: i don't know what the legal term for hail mary pass is, but the trump legal folks, their arguments are over and they are awaiting the decision on seeing if they can push back this april 15th -- next monday, hush money thing, this was their last chance to do so, don't know how it's going to go but john you would know, former deputy attorney assist in general, berkeley. he would be the guy i copied everything because you just know he is acing it. john come help me with this. they are trying to delay this thing, essentially. their argument is... >> they are trying to come up with legal claims like -- by the way, i would be going like this so that you couldn't read over my shoulder. i would pass you notes all day
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long to tell you what to do. >> neil: excellent. >> what they are trying to do is come up with substantive legal arguments that would delay the trial, but a trial judge like judge merchan has a lot of discretion whether to handle those and send them up on appeal for decision or just to drive through and get the trial done first and then see about the legal claims, the legal claims, for example, is president trump immune from prosecution by states? that's a really important question that has never been resolved or even asked before because no president has ever undergone what he is going to undergo on monday, which is to sit for a criminal trial. i have serious doubts, also, about the legal quality of the charges. for example, what the d.a. is trying to do is punish president trump for concealing what he says is a campaign contribution. usually that is up to the federal government, not the state governments and not the cities. but judge merchan has rejected
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those claims, going straight to trial, so all of these other efforts that the trump team is throwing up, to slow it down, this judge is not having any of it. >> neil: let's say this latest action on their part to delay doesn't go anywhere. there is the final -- only use this to break the glass at the final moment come and donald trump can fire his legal team. what would that do and how likely is that? >> so, judges like the one we have before us here, thousands of judges like him may have seen all the tricks of the trade, trying to monkey around, slow the case down. i don't think a judge is going to have much patience for it. may be he would give a week or two for new lawyers to come on board, but if it looks like an obvious delay tactics, than the judge should just say, we're going straight on with the trial. i'm not going to allow you to manipulate my trial schedule, defined donald trump at this point, why not to try to get the trial done now over as quickly as possible, now you know the
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judge wants to go forward, so that it is decided as far away from the election as possible. >> neil: there could be a convention. >> that is one of the unprecedented things we don't know about. what would a conviction due to the presidency, future presidents? and what would it do to a race? the other unprecedented then, this is the first trial of a candidate from one of the two major parties for president during the campaign. we don't really know what's going to happen to president trump's support. so far the trials have been good for him but this could be bad for him. >> neil: got it. john, thank you very much and thank you for letting me cheat off of you. john yoo, one of the best. "the five" now. ♪ ♪ >> greg: that's the problem with men. all right, i'm greg gutfeld along with judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, jesse watters, and security has to make sure she is not stolen by hawks, dana perino. "the five." ♪ ♪


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