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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 10, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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hitting newse h show view and their co-host, sunny hostin, who found a way to tie the solar eclipse to climatecan change. can't make this up. take a look. his up.we've got a solar eclips. >> we've always ran down hallway. the rapture is here, actress here. and then also, i learned that the cicadas are coming. >> all those things togethers a what? maybe lead one to believe that, you know, either climate changeg is w exists or something is goingro.e climate change. that's all the time we have left this evening. >> as always, thank you for being with us. dvis eveni forngr you never, evr miss an episode of hannity. let not your heart be troubledoh . gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your face. have a great night b, everybody.
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okay. all thank you so much. let's get started. undrai so during a fundraiser on saturday, donalseumd trump, joe biden soiled himself in the oval officd bidee. this is factually untrue. president biden did not himselfi in the oval office. he showed himself in the ovaceld office, the rose garden, the lincoln bedroom, the state dining room, the library, the east room, air force one, air force two, the state car marine, and in front of the pope in rome. pope. >> all right. the justice department says they won't hand over subpoenaed recordings of former special counsel robert her's interview with president biden. however, we here at gutfeld have been able to secure a brief clip. roll it. >> and and joan engaged pronouncer changa. oh, my god.oh quick, get the m paddles. t
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clear of putin's kleptocracy. >> yeah, you know, that's great . a new study says marijuana use can dramatically lower the risk of cognitive decline in adults over 45. in response, white house has introduced their new chief of staffd thei. >> a new gallup poll finds a sharp decline of trust in president biden. these are some things people trust more than joe biden. >> horoscopes, ouija boards and titanic submersibles. too soon, they can't hear it. >> former mayor lori lightfootfc has been hired to investigate dalton, illinois lor mayor tiffy hang yard for a corruption. that's like hiring to investigate a murder.
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a london musical celebrating caribbean culture. from a perspective warnsmpson that it features the sound of people eating oranges. >>to and if that triggers you, wait to see what they do with bananas. >> morning, joe. host joe scarborough, who isarbo 61 today. ughe's five years older than his wife, mika, but only a year older than her facd e. >> i don't get it. >> a recent study findsican that 20% of americans have sacrificed meals to afford their rent or mortgage, unlike i some people who sacrifice their rent or mortgaged meal to afford their meals. >> that could have been better. >> right.ffor as the numbers of dead mounted, the fbi under counted,unte according to the washington examiner, the latest fbi crimee is, quote, unreliable at best and deceptive at worst. sounds like that merlot i bought at the dollar storelic
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>> but they claim crime. n america actually went down last year. do you buywent dowthis that?oul you shouldn't because it's a lie. a liethe only thing that went t is the democrat who bribed the fbi to publish his their stats say murder dropped 13% and violent crime was down thmost 6%, which the media happily parroted. but as you'll see, it was based on exaggerated guesses. fact, and in fact, they were saying, hey, you know, all that crime you see ever they day, it's not happening. that broken i saw socketth diane suffered walking down 44th street. she probably just walkedd a door. after all, why would the government under a democrate tt to y lie to you? how they sayou they like "fox and friends" to keep their jobs. meanwhile,ee the coalition forn law order and safety, an independent groupenfo of enforcement folks blamed the increase in crime on policinrcneasing cg, decarce. d prosecution. all idearas pushed by the
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democrats. >> and other words, the law isn't being enforced. released too many thugs are being released and prosecutors refuse to deal the ones who are and the whole thing is runhe by politicians pretending. lik everything's fine. it's like they work at a slaughterhouse and the statse wd the soap to get the blood off their hands. because in order for a crime exist, a law has to be broken and then enforced before you count it as a crime. th you don't do the last two, then the first thing doesn't exist. it's like never getting on a scalng doesn like nee and claimt put on a pound in years. a few years ago, the feds demanded local enforcement use something called the national incident based reporting system to report crimestem. the acronym is nigh b, r. s. >> so just to be safe, i'll say neighbors. >> now, as we all know, the feds love to stream wineoces
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every process and make it easier to understands an. and i say that with my tongue planted so far in my cheek. i look like kamalar iny on her o job interview in s.f. sexism to say the city's tried using neighbors system. but like biden's provision, it wasn't working biden. so cops in l.a. and new york and chicago simply didn't submit crime data to the fbi. the feds gave up on it the and n now just making it up, except they call it estimatiog.n. ng they're using inferred stats. which brings me to this rules. k if you think the numbers stink, it's because they pulled them oue nuk it'st of . because when you have a strong incentive to downplay crime, that's what you'll do. and now victims sense hopelessness of the justice system and have stopped reporting crime. >>m and you blame them. that's why the feds claim violent robberies dropped 20% between 2019 and 2022, whiletwee the governmentn 20 own victimsrv survey reveals that 30%.
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so the government says, believee us. not the girl with the fat lipin and the missing iphone. so actuag iphol crime isn't dros at all. >> it's just that fewer crimes are being reportedn'r crimes bee it's not a penalty. if the ref didn't call it, k yo i guess you think you're too stupid to know the difference. lasto t year the united statesd one of the lowest rates of allst violen ratest crime involving ce
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packets stuck in a tre e. the fire department leaves are their "new york times" best selling author, contributor to rob. you look as as ever. >> thank you. something died, but it happened long before i got theryou e.
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>> that's how you repurposed? yes. a livingass repurpg being.that yes. you should be proud of that. are you surprisedat that government is fudging their data? it's not like they never do thisoter do . >> no, that was in dc recently and i couldn't get an oversighto . i took a carjacking to getdy somewhere, and i. gav it five stars. sta rswhat?s >> what happens is it'stica a statistical lil ale and also t all is unemployment they lie to. because if jus just give up ando longer you stop going on unemployment office. >> congrats. y >> you're not counted as gainfully employed. that's right. you know, it's just like it's a cheat. it's like saying i i'mm i'm cheating on you. >> no, i'm not cheating on you. i just identifjuy as monogamous >> yeah, that's. i'm going to start using that. e nobody is true. even their dare they say, oh, the job numbers are upd sa. they're all part time. they're actually full time job numbers went dowfus went dn. but they don't tell you that. no, they don't. they don't
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, charlie, because you know what? >> if they didn't tell us the truth, the un they might actually have to do something about it. like if they told us the crime is worseof th, they might have s actually do their jobs. >> well, right. and you mentioned that they like to ignore reality , which t i believe that they do. but i also believe the left is really good at somethinhi alsog gaslighting each and every one of us. that's something that they umetn have completely nailed down. >> we also know the fbi is completely corrupt. >> i mean, especially when they say that crime is going. but at the very same time, you have five random women gettin g in the face while walking down the street in new york city. it's easy to do the math and myself as a woman living in new york city, i can tell ink city thising stories i don't feel safe a lot of times, even in the middle of the day, walkin safa log the' >> i don't feel safe using the subway because all of the attacks we hear. >> so it's like, what mode of transportation am i supposed to use? can you give w o tran me your tips on hiring the carjacking? >> i don't know. that seems like something that i might neeind to. look, i think running as fast as you can is good. fastthat's a good one. make it a great workout. what can you not tell on a
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networking is good. >> that's good for your mobility. i meanin the goo, but one of tha things about all is that even cnn, who likesbo pretendg is that nothing is wrong in the world, everything is hunky dory. they had a correspondentong in e past year covering crime in san francisco. >> and what happenedri san fr to her while she was on assignment three different times, her crew 3 d their car vandalized. >> so, yeah, there's that. yeah. you know, by the way, charlie,di we decided to have the man who's been punching the women on the show. man jamie you you claim they all had it coming, and i disagree completely. sosten, somebody is firing on street fightsme and matter how we got a big ufc fight this weekend. if want on the card. >> i know some people, you know, this would be like. your manager always telling you every place was sold outlwa you show up and nobody's there yet. as real following because don i don't have one of those guys't ,you know they do. >> spence that your momma wasr t greaoet i love that is so much
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spin right like the i'll bet even biden where he soiled himself. mm i'll bet they'd be like this man's workin ito bg so hard for. >> he doesn't even leave o taket. stays e i he stays herhee. the the picture of that guy was let out on like, with. no. about like nine times that. yeah. okayonai like, i don't feel like should judge people, like at or you were humiliated in jail or you killed someone. hmm. i would like.i like to.e -- >> that. those should be three different tattoos. yeahhoul , i guess you did that on our show, right? oh, i didn't wear one on's a show a, but it is. >> if it's all those three things, like you go to somebody's knee and you
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go like, hey, i saw their did yu you do some time? and they're like, no. and you're lik dsometie, yeah, a different kind of time. a i'll just take a foot long m and make it a mealak. yeah, well, cat, if there werere any other occupation like thisd kind of deception would not be tolerated. deception d not lie about. you could even lie about your ratings because somebody g it everywhere. but in this case, this is ahe government. the most important thing crime . >> and you can lie about it. yeah, because i don't think it's as simple as democrats lie. i mean, obviously they do. lay obviouk that, just like you said, incentives, people who have an incentive to lie to yoplu, they will.ive and here's there's an incentive to make themselves look better. and people bette power over. you also have the ability to more easily lie about you. >> so that's why it's sopeak concerning. speaking of incentivesing of , i'm a little it's a little bit, you know, a toss up for mek in terms of i feel like if the streets of new york were safer, i would be ablewo take
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my dog out at night. >>ut
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yourself right. mission hammock underwear. >> love your first pair or they're free at shiniest. >> second. our view on the view and dumbest of them all their
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brains are small, but who's the dumbest who't one of all tr. none of them are in mensa. >> but who's the most denser? t perhaps it's sunny who masteredr the art of making looks smart now the view could a mirror o who's the dumbest one of but there's no way that glassul doesn'd utt. s does so instead, let's check out this clip from monday's episodn' eienc of the view. when the ladies put their science caps on and discuss the sola andr eclipse.e. >> a know, right? i mean, i have to say, karen, do our one. oh, oh. oh, my god. awful makeup artist. when the earthquake happening, she put her coat on and she was like, is coming, i'm out. hed saidas i'm out, i'm leaving. we've got a solar eclipse. we've got away. ran down the hallway. the rapture is here, is here. and then also learned that the bodies are coming. >> cicadas. cicadas for the first time
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in his life. >> no, no, no. >> the first time in many, many years. thery 17 years this happens. well, that's not what i readat. but maybe, you know, mayber. you know better. >> all those things together .
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oh, they're turning on me. >> so that makes any person who thinks climate change caused the solar eclipse that. >> all right, kat, did you ever see such a mazing? how jaabconversaw? >> and we became the smart ones . >> for me, the most shocking thing about the conversation waiss, how truly boring. like, well, the cicadas. they're cicadas. okay? >> but it was like, every hundred years notes every 70 years. but you don' it. emmys, this show at 31, 31 and the show at 31. e seemean, i hat the conversation don't make headline yous a lot. and we don't have a. of wat
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>> not a single, you know. what does that tell you about the emmys, cat? yes, vaguely. mister boo. give that man a free sample cupe of water, charlie. me >> are these women bad fordoesn women? love i >> the whole discussionthe about climate change drives me nuts because it does not exist just because of the characterss have gotten themselves involved during just a couple of weeks ago, without nk remember he wasn like the guy who was like, all bro. >> like, i think that there's climate change foe make. he had no idea what he'se talking about. that was greator twice. thunberg, who i have grown to be very fond of because she continualln the y makes a mocke of herself. >> she was arrested not once, but twice. yeah, thisev likd my res past w. and now sunny hostin throwing her hat in the ring, claiming that naturally recurring events such as wakes, which by the way, i did my researchthin, g
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the first one was in 1831 b.c., saying that they stemmed fromtig climate change, just dying whenh she said something she wanted to say, racism, i'm dying to say that. d she realized, what if trump wasn't born, then? yeah punchli. >> oh, what a way to cover your bases. yeah problem. 's tru >> i mean, you do that a lot with punch lines. yeah. what do you. what's your problem? what a sensitive audience tonight, jamie.? >> yeah. yoat are your thoughts on the dude? >> ime, i wantn. to know to why. are you being so quiet about.w i'm glad you guys asked. i hate that show so much. did and us. all right. like, what are the. what it e s show prep? they just go go because at theit pre-show we like what was
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that i didn't really just go past our talking that that all happened on the air. >> i thought it was just like a behind the scenes disaster or . yeah, that was crazy. and we can disagree. greg youl live say save ex cicac i say cicada, we can disagree. but i feel like if the world ends, first of all, i'll d have say the exact correct amount of money with all due. i hate the solar eclipse. i went from new york city to rochester, new york this weekend to d forin seeo a gig, i canceled. >> i forgot about the eclipse and i looked. there's no other flights. yeah, the train is sold out fort people going to see this eclipse and people watching the eclipse so that alsyracusew l ts to buffalo are sold out. boys to syracuse. that's how what endit?ng >> see the eclipse? they went to syracuse. yeah. that's s sterday how bad it was.went t and i was so annoyed by the whole thing in the world'sd he t ending and it's not even that big a deal and like i was in the green was on the show last and i was talking to tyrus backstage and he like stood upcl in front of this lamp and i was like, that's kind of it.
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>> i only had a good view close of something. >> yeah. yeah. what, what about people in buffalo? cloudy day. yeah. buffalo is like slogan should be so close. bara why, what's the have you everhe been on the view? >> i have many. i think when i was was born so i res still on it back then. yeah she was on it even aftern she died. ha ha ha ha ha. >> oh i remember i, i was,ke i remember was on the view and i just, i was, i don't know what horror man. horror i was playing at the time at a movie promoting. >> i remember i took off for a shoot just as hada, as a jok, you know, to kind of do something and her foot, i just like, oh, was a mistake.t ohknow w, my first it was kind of every toe had its own, you know, and god rest your side. yes. well, i don't know. omething
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>> i don't know who's dumber,s e to be honest. yeah, i don't know. question it's a closw e. >> i know what i'm going to whoopi. you know, she thought like eithert an the thought the jews were a race or were in a race. t i'm not sure what she thought. and thought. you know, this new one was sunny, pretty dumb. .he audieand then joey, behind o chamber, i'm going to say the dumbesreg: thet people to wh a show. >> yes, the whole audience clap. the studio audienc. e would be, though, is funny, right now. t >> oh, okay. i was trying to find some kind redeeming thing to say about the view, if you could see right through. >> well, at least joy and what we were fact checking this time around. that was surprising. >> pleasant one. yeah. we won't be seeing that again. all hi. up next, if you're hearing that cute beware the sound of fruits right now, someone could be listed as the owner of your home. >> it's the thousands of dollars of your hard earned equity. anybody who owns property should work at home. titles out. there's no other crime that is so easy, so quick and so
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lucrative. your home, your equity in your peace of mind can all be stolen in one fell swoop by home. title thieves like matthew cox. nobody thinks that i can take their house. nobody thinks that, believe it or not, a single page document is all it takes to transfer proof of ownership out of your name. people. >> there's a whole huge process. but the truth is, it's a one page document, but it still must go through one final barrier. the county clerk. when someone comes in with fraudulent deed, if it's notarized and all the spaces are filled in, we by statute have to accept it. we cannot give it back to them and say, we know this is fraudulent, we're not going to file it. that's against the law. it's a false sense of security. it's not real bottom of. yes, it and we can't stop it from happening and it only takes once for it to stay new. >> and it's a very sad thing. watch. you've put your your love into the house and all of a sudden it might not be yours. it's a devastating crime for
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pennies a day home title. >> lock the monitor title. >> stop alerting you to suspicious activity. you get a warning. notice that this first step has happened. you can stop the rest. meet terry. he signed it for home title lock and was immediately alerted to suspicious activity. i received the report and saw, hey, i have a lane against my property i didn't know about. we got it fixed right away. and if you call in the next 15 minutes and mentioned code, lock it, you'll receive your first 30 days absolutely free. >> what would it do to your life if you lost your property ? >> i mean, there's no price you can pull that go or call now. 1-800- 9384485. >> this is a paid advertisement for legal services. have you or anyone know used a drug name ozempic or wegovy to treat diabetes? is there help aid in weight loss? these drugs have been linked to severe side effects such as stomach paralysis, vomiting and constant nausea. do you or anyone you know
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everything done, i think to myself. i never wanted it. anything that happened to you, the cleaning lady, all new tuesdays on fox. we believe in the two minute drill. oh, my stands, totems, strip. we believe in beta sneaks and whatever this guy, we believe it's power grid and that nothing is more dangerous than a man with a dream. that's how he believed in football night 90 football. we sat saturday, memphis, birminghamrds. on fox. 5 words a story in five words five words sound of orange is causes pain. jamie an upcomina g in london is giving a trigger warning foro people who have my which is a
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hatred of certain sounds because the performers eat oranges on stage. >> wow. do you have do you issue trigger warnings for your show like when you eat it, you this story hits me. >>s i'm probably going to bee the only one goes the other way unless i absolutely have thichsd thing i believe. i believe so. peacn't stand when people are chewing. and i noticed it like i was walking with a friend and he was eatingh peach and i wasf like, i tell him a story. he took a bite of the peach and i felt just like throughr i my body, like almost like a lightning bolt of just violence, likeand he t anoth i e like, oh, why am i so uncomfortable? and he takes anothere this bite of this peach. i thought to myself, i feel like i've never felt like it was just likd ge of those like. and i go, i'm never like a third wheel. before. when i saw something, i go, did you even get consent and that peach, honest to god and that
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curse to me. and he goes, he goes, yy an you look at me like that and i go, dude, you're chewing. it's like driving me, like, insanegoes must . >> i feel like if you take one more bite, i'm going to prison today. and he goe okay or is, you must have misophonia disorder. you have this disease. and i go, okay.. or is it possible? is it possible that i'm fine? >> and you have eat likeam animals? thisie wante is how jamie i gave jamie wanted an apple. he was dyingk av an apple. a he was at my house and i havendm i said, i think i have an apple. ggage.i didn't have on my fridgi but i did take one. i did find one in my luggage. >> mm-hmm. okay. i t, and, and because i gave i jamie, and then he complained about it, i asked rob for anes app. i go, i'm starving. and he, you know, normally frople would reach out to fruit bar. he reaches into a bag, right, and pulls out an apple. >> i think when he toured before snl. yes, he had it swaddled in a the boxers. it looked and looked fine on the outside. insi. >> and then he bit into it and the inside was a black hole
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of fruit. >> sorry. sorry, buzzy i love my fruit.a t >> fuzzy. where am i now? i've let charlie. okay. i want to add a fact to this. the show's ow iy on inspired by the quote, ongoing global structures struggles of lgbtiqak cia plus rights and seeksobia a to challenge homophobinda and transphobia. >> so, okay, this is supposed to be an edgedgy dy drama and performers are going to be eating oranges. why would any performer want to worry about the audience? uncomfortable. ah, is supposed to make you uncomfortable there. so. >> g oh my god, i don't want my orange eating to this or whatever. i'd given up on that sentence. here's another fact that iof thi will add to the description of this. there's dancerd thers in this performance, they must be , trans or non gender conforming. >> so i have a feeling that the trigger warning for eating the orange ts is the least thinl
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that people should be worried about who don't watch this performance. >> and also, i just saw it. it occurred to m e what there was a trigger warning for any time the lgbtqt plus minus crowd did anything that was remotely uncomfortabl e. people, what a world we would live in. there would be constant trigger warnings. i would feel an. but also i would be trigger happy, trigger happy. and pri have to say, though, i have a problem with the i have misophonia as well. it ended my freshman college roommate experience because you eat bananas in door. >> do you have misophoniamiss called ban's advanceed? yeah, it's real. it's real. my mom says it's auditory defensive. have you have you been injured by misophonia were you injured at the workplace by misophonia . kat, what are you thinking right now? are you wondering if you're on a show? did something happen? how exactly do you think they might be eating oranges? do we know? dare i ask that? perhaps they're not eating the fruits ppropria in entirely appropriate manner. could they be using something beyond their mouthe yond. i was
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>> oh, god, please. that's what i was thinking. that's what i was thinking, cat. i was not thinking that. yeah, i. look, i just. i don't understand how you do this. i don't understand. like, if i had trigger warnings fo triggningr, my show, what wo. i don't even get it. i think that, honestly, people, if they don't, they're thatha worried that they might have to hear see someone eating somethinve ing that you probably aren't going outside. i mean, people people eat. t as yes. just like not as part of a show. ye par e show us. >> all true. yeah. and i think that, you know, it's fine to have feelings about and things are sensitive about. i'm sensitive about a lot of things. i get my feeling out s every day, but my feelings are my own responsibility. theyreand if you're that concer, then there's also you could google i thet. e >> and then, like, be like, does this show have eating fruit in it? it an would say it would say, yeah. and then you go see one of
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the many other shows where people don't eat fruit , you know, they're such very good friends. yes. it's not people. >> it's not brave anymore. yeah. it's you're wearing it's down. it isn'ts yo wea brave. >> it's -- it's too much. and i would just say what'smake brave is anybody who could make it through the show. you makeit thr shell it through. >> you're brave. and it's like and gomorrah redo at this a redpoint. point. it's like there'll be no show, no matinee wednesday because the theater. >> you do what i like. you know. u're t what i like about whenalt you're talking is that what you're wearing? you are dresseyou d like a man from 19 five. thank you. this is exactly what i'm on. this is it. yes. there you go. this is exactly what paul wouldw have worn on hollywood squares. just a little blanorollywoodk. now, that's charles nelson. you're doing charles nelsong reilly? yeah , i am. all right. a supp
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we're going to find this person who booked me on tuesdays on fox or any time on hulu. >> i'm richard carr and i love host. my hose is lightweight. oh my hose will not come off and my hose is anti. it ain't those old hoses. this is my hose, the new pocket hose copper bullet now infused with real copper. >> so your water is always clean and lead free. just turn on the water and watch your hose grow and grow to a full size three quarter inch hose. >> it stretches and expands like rubber band. and when you turn off the water way it goes shrinking and squeezing that water out until it's practically bone dry and that it easier to carry and put away our new inner tube uses three layers of high strength latex on the inside. then it's wrapped in a new polymer filament jacket similar to the used in forest fire hoses because it's light and tough three times stronger than the other hoses.
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it's guaranteed for ten years nearly impossible to tear or snag. and the redesigned connector protector helps stop leaks at the. but my favorite part of our new hose build the oversize easy to grip fittings, easy on and off, even with gloves. with more than 100 patents worldwide, it's the best pocket hose in the world. get the super light 25 foot pocket hose, copper bullet for only 2999. but wait, call now and our copper spray nozzle with our exclusive thumb drive free simply. use your thumb to turn off and on. and with ten unique patterns have a setting for every job. it's a $30 value. yours free with every 50 foot copper bullet. but it's not available in stores. this is an exclusive release of our newest pocket hose. there, a strict limit of three per order. so don't wait order now to order. call 1-800- 709 4650 or visit copper bullet hosken. so call 1-800- 709 4650 or
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visit copper hose .com order no♪ five more words, five more loc words. lockdowns worse than covid. dukdownsnh. charlie, get this. a new study in scientific reports confirms lockdowns destroyed our mental wellbeing. quots locke, mental health wasaa more sensitive to lockdowns than to the presencelt of theese pandemic itself, meaning that the oemic cure was worse tn the illness. >> and what what are we goingo to do? what can we do with this information? wellwith information, unfortunal bad. i always feel bad saying this. i was i was just in florida. this weekend celebrating my grandmother's 96 birthday. >> so shout out to grandma. grd and i feel bad because actually florida is where i spent pretty much the entire lockdown. >> and i wheree didn't feel like i wasckdown in a lockdown. i felt like i was at summer camp. i had a great time i . was
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>> my mental health was better than it had ever been. so i fee idl the people who went through all of this, that's a low bar, charlie. >> it is a verthis.y low bar, actually, i will admit that. but yeah, i had friends in new york city who werend they were g like, we can't go outside. we can't live our lives. and that was, of course, due ou our big corporations, the elites who are making the egregious policies to help no ous one else but themselves. s we saw mental health decline. we saw obesity rates skyrocketal ,saw drug use, alcohol use go up. >> and i feel for those people who are still dealing for those consequences. >> yeah, so true. okay. i know, rob, this is wheelhouse. >> first, you're one of the first people, one of the brought out by the way now. yeah. >> g about time. >> well well, let me tell you, it gave it away. it was really good. wou well, at least i will take this as some sort of an apology. is this the apolog y you were. going to get? >> yes, it's the one, but no, but there is no apology attachedo ched, nor is there any action. like when would we say, you know, the thing is like we're sorry, i wasn't listening to that. we're sorry we made you takeot five shots. it didn't work, didn't stop or
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prevent the disease. pr, sorry that we made you close your business. you no longer have any money, which i would like to get out of school. we're sorry. your grandmother. we're sorry your grandmother died alone and we're sorrya weir that you now have a weird thing going on in your heart. but the good is the cancerew you developed. >> we got a new drug we're working ong on. you have to wear this neck kerchief now for the rest of your life because you became 87% more appealing. it's amazing. cat. okay, we did a new show, sroadway, where i eat orange out of every orifice. anybody wanted to go? yeah. >> cat we did shows during the lockdown. yeah how was your mental health? >> it wasn't good.od and it wasn't good. and well, because, you know, e a like many new yorkers, i don't have outside. stuf, you know, you don't have outside. so that's tough. and also, you weren't allowed
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to say you that. >> it was tough, right? not evenf if you were one of the people. i was one of the lucky ones because i still at least had a job that i was ablkybecausl h. >> we were once a week at the time. i could leave the house somewhere to go once a wee g ak >> so that made me a lotof luckier than a lot of people. worse, yeah. s >> was essential to do thiscoo o once a week. but you weren't allowed to say even if your business was shutting down, you weren't allowed to say, he ng dy, i want to you know, i don't want my job to be illegal. monty joi want to keep making m. >> you were then a murderer. exactlneeny. put on your white blood work and you were tolu d that and you were called that by people on tv who did have their jobs. that was the worst part. an i said it over and over again. i'll say it over and over again now. it's like how hod n.w you be seo as one of the good, compassionate people when you're sitting there gettinge g hey, to tell people who want to get paid that they're bad people. rememberidare bad the why we arn to fight on the fight with a certain person 5 about that who would say like, oh, you go,
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you're no, but it was scary, though, because they kept lying to you on your phone, say, o h, oh, this guy, this guy, his parachute didn't open, died of cold. but do you know, just for havingu were you wear a face ma, you wore a fake mask and i gave it to you. >> you did? yeah. you know, jamie, i >>f i'm alive at 40, is that he's that he found out that the lockdownwn was more harmful than the coping bat harmf that did the covid virus. i bet he's going to have to create a more lethal virul s. just to make sure he's number one. yeah. i wonder if surprised as he's i surprised at all. >> or is he just been lying the whole time? reke, i don't even knosg the wh >> and i remember when wmee did we did the gutfeld show. remember, we had no audiencet . embe >> we probably did that for four months. i remember i kind of likedr i wa because if i did a joke and noso one laughed, i was like, oh, that's why. yeah. and thatt but now i'm like, oho they're back, but they're just not into i bt. i was with my ex-wife when during i remember whenhe they were like social distancing. were socialle to remain six feet
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apart. and remember, me and her actually had to get closer to getd tocloser the yeah. >> yes. that guy to move a ball. i feel bad saying that. stop. where is the letter? i put it back. i will thank you. >> oh, now you're in hamas. okay, up next, they became unglued, then to feud. sometimes your work shirt used to be for more than just work.ft s to be a big shoulder to cry on. which is why downey does more to clothes softer, fresherp and better daily breathe lifroe your laundry. >> when a normal is gone, you cannot get it back. you cannot get it back. tomel. normal repair. it penetrates deep into it penetrates deep into the tube to actively mouth
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acid weakened enamel. i recommend for normal repair with new pronoun togethers orr mouthwash. you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they were great together. >> yeah. this. this. i do this every day. you can do this every day. i do this for you. every that you do this. you know, connect with skilled, professional to get all your home projects done. well get started today and decomp and you day going up going down oh, that's a good question. >> if i go to nine, it opens up the eight and the seven. but if i go with the jack, it could lead to the grand win solitaire, grand harvest, grand 11. >> what should i do? maybe let elevator go? >> oh, sure.
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unleashing health transformation idiot on any action who do you root for we which talking head is the most brain brother rivera and keith olbermann went at it on x yesterday. >> i had a lot of free time. apparently the petty squabbles a started when geraldo recalled a time that larry david avoided him at a party because he worke lling avidd fox. geraldo says larry wouldn't even make eye contact with himkl . boo hoo hoo. keith olbermann chimed in,n replying to roreplien, maybe everybody hates you just because you . >> then the clashen the s guys,
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the claws really came out, corado wrote back. i didn't knoknoww were still aln >> and just when you thought ity was, it wasn't in swoops chris frickin cuomo back to white knight pau geraldo tweeting at him, quote, i've seen you guys a pass in person because you knew they were not worth the effort i to. slap some sense into this. is that situation times o sl iresilient. giraul >> so there you have it,t geraldo versus olbermann with the surprise appearance ola by cuomo. >> i'm sure cuomo will discuss itnn ae in depth on his new show currently airing on gas station pumps across tri state area. rog, who you root for in this idiot en idiot action? >> well, i have to say, keith olbermann, just the fact that he feels comfortable >> t to women. yeah, there's some sort of prize he should get. yeahs so , that's true. >> that's saying he's he doesn't just go after all. he'll just go after after any girl and just going after riley gaines is just, is something
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that took i got to saynd of co a special kind of courage. >> yeah. yeah. an has it.t yeah, he does. charlie. idiot. an idiot. action who do you root for?route >> i love watching idiot on idiot action. >> iit all the time on bravo. usually deals with the housewives but older men oo olde equally i've found is entertaining. >> i don't know. i just wish that we gontt to her all of these insults in person like you post to show your voice. coming f >> but if we could have heard it actually coming from their mouths, it would have been so good. it h so gofox nation, you hearde first you show idiot en idiot a actionctio. n. there you go. that's right. that's a good that's good to geraldo. open the vault. we got to show, baby. exactly. jamijamie which idiot idiot. >> an idiot is the only i watchy lately. porit's. >> i don't. i don't even mean it to be likeb that. ohe , i hadn't heard from over
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in. and so i feel i'm done with twitter. i feel like twitter allows people that are unimportant to tal runk about each other,r t really be talking about this. i had the whole story for meg fo is for all those mustache. and just like, what did you do? you go in the barber and you go like, make me look like i just tied a young lady to the she road tracke me. oh, pretty. yeah. you really should be. moving very quickly. yeah moving pretty. twirl a little twirl. kat, do just feel sorry for all of them. >> yeah. i think the real winner here is larry david. >> these are. 1 doesn't even know this happens.m ost suhe's just one of the most successful, creative, brilliant people ever in television. found his mone y. >> it's honestly, if i had a story where david was meanor to me, i would never telld anybody. >> yeah.
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oh, embarrassing. i don't think it happens like y. did >> if larry david didn't like you. keep that to yourself. yeah, larr youkeep ty used to c. >> him and his wife used to complain about people never drive anutd how dare you drive a your big. yes, your big rv? and whnd my they would takeak a private plane from l.a. to santa barbara. privw, i said that tod his face. >> and intimate is why i've never talked about it again. noabouw i.. >> excellent. so i did say that to his face. >>, rod, 'swe love you and that's why we love me. scotlovet, don't go away. >> we'll be right back. you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirk at in the morning, any time of day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with theyb right kindody sh of nutrients. look at this new organic soilali from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. everybody should have it. it worked great for us this s. everybody should have it. it worked great for us this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew it really is about the dirt. is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd huge turner. i'm proud of it.
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unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is now.


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