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tv   Hannity  FOX News  April 9, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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quite some time. >> john from kansas if parentsas of lawbreaking, kids are beingki convicted of accessory, why isn'ds t hunter's pop in prison?e >> it's almost like the textersn read my mindd.. don from maryland with sheila jackson lee and representative hank johnson, science class. aright. >> he thinks islands are sinking and she thinks the moon is a planet again. yale we're going to actuallyil contact yale and see if yaty have a statemen about that. >> marina from georgia. i took your friend's advice and filled my gas tank up the with premium. >> the clicking noise and my engine stopped in my cli 2008 rav4. >> never run better rav4 with premium. >> i don't know. >> and welcome to hannity. with just 20o 0 and ninehannit s until the 2024 presidential election. pl electiamericans now are facing
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a mountain of serious, serious problems. serious seriounow, each night os program, we do our very best to document the truth. the many of the major issues of the day that impacjor issut your li, including joe biden's border crisis as crime crisis, the biden inflation crisis, the turmoil that is overseas and around the world. and tonight, we will show you the latesthtaking record breaking crime statistics, the latest big crime. kacrstatistie latestj also brin example of violent crime. it is no w exploding among new york city's massive illegal immigrant population. also tonight, larry kudlow will be here with an updatale on the economy. spoiler alert. i wish i had better news. the numbers are not good. isedless to say, the coverag'te is not the same on other networks or on the pagespaper. of almost any major newspaper. now, these are organizationsurni filled with self-proclaimed journalists. stthey're not journalists. >> one big problem journalism
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is dead. it is buried. this is something that i. well said back in 2007 or eight, when the press turned into giddy cheerleaders for anointed one, barack obama. now, for almost every newsroomst america, it's not news. their opinion, their talk hosts, their radical leftist talk shows, with a few exceptions, journalismtalk sho w been replaced by liberal radical activism rad. some journalists are far left hacks, some of them flirtinflg right on the borderline with communism. there is no fidelity to the whatsoever. they will lie. they will censor. they will obviously the truthl s or as a means to an end. t their goal is political a left wing utopia whereou dissent no longer exists. but they don't have to take my for it. one senior editor at npr courageously now just coming clean. and in an op ed entitled quote,
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i buried npr for 25 years, here's how we lost america's america's trust. he then went on to blast his own organization for morphing from a left leaning news operation into an extreme far left political machine focused on, quote, efforts to damage or topple donald trump's presidency. ald trumhe found that the taxpar funded national radio station employed, quote, 87 registered democrats workin87 regg in editl positions. how many republicanss wo? zero. he was critical of npr as obsession over the russia hoax and its decision to censor the biden laptop story. quote, the laptop was newsworthy t. but the timeless journalistic instinct of following a hot lead was being squelched during a meeting with colleagues. i listened. i listened as one of npr's best and fair minded journalists fairs good, weren'tul
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following the laptop story. why? heald trum help donalden for trump. even for a self-described subaru a sel driving sarah lawr, educated 25 year npr employee, even that went too far.e and of course, to no one elseto at npr, they don't see therem te . their operation pretty much mirrors almost every other newsroom in america. they're not newsrooms. for themooms f, biden is little more than a spineless, bi who can wssel be used to implement their radical vision for america. they might even actually see joe biden's intellectual shortcomingseven act and his cos decline as a positive thing. but this theitiven makes it east to control him. in contrast, they hate donaldy e trump. they're not shy about it. they hate the maga movemen t. and more than anything else, they have zero influence over donald trump. he deeply offends virtuouss sensibilities. senstedesents a real threa
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to america's bloated partisan bureaucracy known as thepartisa. he shatters illusions. he's iconoclast thinking that way. so no matter how spectacularly joe biden is failing as president, he's going to get a freeiling as pass and extremey favorable coverage all while donald trump gets dragged through the mud. and here is the latest example. take but a look.hat do y >> what, in your view, prnstitutes the primary threat to freedom and democracy at home? >> donalim td trump seriously? donald trump talking about phrases like, we're going to use this threat. the constitution is going to be a dictatorn ing to on day one. >> joe biden is like donald didt not say any of those things. trump also didn'f thost his department of justice to persecutee prosecute and his political opponents. that was joe biden, pot of this country. joe biden is now using america's system justice as a political weapon. the president is now als ao
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likely defying a supreme court ruling on, quote, studenupremetr forgiveness just prior to an election. who an y he to buy votes before the courts have yet another chancefore the to step in and sa for a second time. now, the presidentecond ti alsoe reportedly directed the federal government with the help of bi g tech to censor social media posts. they don't . d ou the president also eliminated our southern border. he's not enforcingsouth fl the s of this country and he's aided and abetted in the lawbreaking encouraging, what, over 10 million unvetted joe biden illegal immigrants into the country. manynvetted joe b of whom are bg our laws, many from our top geopolitical foe mans. reat but donald trump is the threat to democracy. no, i would samocracy the threae at the border with people from iran and syria, afghanistae fron and egypt and russia and china, they're probably a bigger threat to our democracr threo y see, notice that the biased reporter didn't bring upe bi any
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of these issues during joe's answer. just satthe answer. in silence,y providing joe biden with a platform to smear trump. in fact, outside of this network few of america's abusively biased and corrupt ever challenged joe biden or or call him out for his blatant lies. don't let him spend the entire02 2020 election hiding in his basement. and fo hidingr yesterday, we got another big whopper. take a loot anothek. >> i like an awful lotis of people in this audience. ha ced it was the first in my family to go to college and watch my dad to help me get there and get all the kids there. and it wasn' all t easy. >> joe biden was not the first one in his family to go to college. his father attendely td the very prestigious john hopkins pres. sity and biden is even on tape bragging about his grandfathere who played football at santa clara. take a look. being raised by a grandpop being
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who went to santa clara back in the days when irish in northeast pennsylvania didn't ver wn they y much get a chance was to go to college. he was an all-american football player alayer th at santa clarae came back as a newspaper guy in the business side. >> in 1987, the new york times, they brutal biden over thisli very same lie. but don't expect similar level of journalism today. the fact checkers have taken a a sabbatical for the last three years as biden liebbaticas pretty much with impunity. he lied about leaving americans behind in afghanistan . he lied about his own son dying in iraq. he didn't die in ira hisq. he lied about his never meeting with his son og withr brother or anybody for that matter. >> they're foreign business dealforeign s or ever had anyd c discussions with any of them. he lied about his role in thuseh civil rights movement. he lied about getting arrested in south africt ent herea. he lied about his involvement with hunter's art career. he lie d about the border being closed and the border being secure. he lied about inflationry
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being transitory. he lied about his intervieyingwr with the special counsel, robert hur. he lied about trump's position on abortion. he currently lies about the national debt and deficit goingd down. and he lied when l he promisedit to support israel, which is america's closest, closest ally in the middle the east. no. in order to win back thew in radical left-wing that have been running from him, biden has turned his back on israel as literally putting his own blind personal political ambition above standing up against radical islamic terrorists that attacked israel, killing manymany and taking others prisoner. you know, joe is now desperatel joey trying to appea, well, people like this. he wants their vot le. >> take a look at gaza has shown the entire world why these protests are so anti america, because pre it's e united states government that provides the funds for all the atrocities that we just
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heard about. >> oh, my god. oh, my god. oh, that video chants of deathnc to america. death to israel coming from dearborne of ameri, michigan. got very little coverage outside of this network. firs and it wasn't the first time that we have heard calls for israel tt heao be annihilated a this group. but the media mob doesn'elt want it to be an issue, especially when biden is begging fore their supporpursuaeggingt. n they would never let the hatred for america get in the way of winning themerica a good elen and beating donald trump any way they can. so, as alwaying donamp as, the a they will do whatever it's going to take to cover for joe bideken. e bide and yet they still claim to be journalists. they are not. claimothey are radical left-wi show hosts pretendinarg to beitd journalists. it is dishonest. it's insultingishonest i. and you, the american people, most of you watching this network know bettee mostf r. here with reaction. fox news contributor joe concha and former e ontribut arkansas
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governor mike huckabee. governor, you've lived this. joe, you've covered this. governor, i don't think it's ever been this bad. and i did predict a long timea ago,lo back in oh seven and oh eight, that journalism is dead. i got no idea at the timeho how right i really was. yeah. the truth is, shawn, elvis presley is more alive than journalism is today. and that's just absolute fact. it's long been gone, and is yo thought that this article you alluded to it earlier from the npr veteraded ton 25 years a stunning, not in its revelations of something we didn't know, but in his admission of it. i meanssion of just coming outlf and saying what all of us have felt now for years. and i think the obvious question to that is why in the heck did taxpayersthe heck invet a dime in something that absolutely hates halfe the country and half of the people who are helping to pay for itping t? it maybe it's time to just say with the deficits wee have and
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the incredible debt we have, there are some things we need to get rid e need of. >> we could start there. where do you see any network news, network, abc cbs, nbc, joe concha, most dnc, fake news ,cnn, "new york times", washington post. >> i mean, they they are all aligned politically by the end of this election cycle combined. this will be the biggest campaign in the historyof of presidential elections. that's you i mean, you can't ask for fawni more fawning coveragnge than what they give joe biden and more anti-trump coverage. thery je obsessed with him evey second, every minute of everywi dad ofy, showing you how broken, utterly broken our media is, o to your point. on msnbc tonight, their specia l that they promoted the hell out of, by the way, on social media wal oias avenatti phoning in fm federal prison to comment on donald trump's trials giv
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to give his analysis on the whole deal. you cannot maks analysn the thip >> and look, here's the most telling part of that nprs and perhaps why i've seen unless i missed it, nothing on the other so-called news networks regarding this piece. uri berliner, who won'works re t be invited to cpac anytime soon, he is a liberal, wrote, quote, the laptop was worthy hunter biden's laptop. but the timeless journalistic instincts laptop of following ac story lead was being squelched, unquote. so i squelche it appears that trump's election seven and a half years ago probably prompteen ad the biggest chain reaction in the history of this industry. the histor outlets and it doesn't matter what acronym we're talking about npr, pbs, nbc, abc, cbs, cnn, msnbc renounced any rules and normss n and ethics in journalism and then proceeded to basically bearrnalisoceede hug publicly wy of them always were privately political advocates and activist in the most insufferable and pious way possible. and this posturing was only compounded by the fact
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that their friends in the media all cheered each other on with like alls and retweets, which is the ultimate gold stars to those impossibly insecureevep attention star people. and what this npr piece shows, sean mik thee is that they belih that they were on the right side of history making of their blind partisanship justified, all while saving democrac jy, they say, from a mn who they believe was worse than hitler. stalin. s stalin mnow darth vader and dart combined. jon you know, governor huckabee, you know, weok at what we learned this week. we saw that the biden campaign was furiouek wn campais and they the media know it because they weren't covering donald trump to their liking on the issue of abortion ng o. and all they did in this case was accurately lay out what donald trump had said. and then, of course, how manyng in the media are ignoring death to america chants in michigacan and i think this is a grav ae importance because the democrats and joe biden and their campaign, they scared
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to death 100,000 democratic primary voters in michigan didn't vote for joe biden. 18.9% of those votes went against him. 50,000 in wisconsin. so joe biden now rather sell out our ally, israel, in their war against terror , the worst attack in their history. so he would have a better chancey e of winning michigan and wisconsin and other states. wow. that in and of itself should be a massive story. >> well, iy.t should be. it's such a crass political position to take whene the lives of jewish people in israel are literally on line. and here is a country the most freedom democratic country in all of that part of the world the only one, in fact, and it's threatened with itstenc very existence. and joe doesn't seem to really care. it's stunnint seem tg. and here's the white house yelling at the press, in the pyhem the story
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that they ought to be covering. and it makes me thine coverik o, you know, when you watch a basketball game and the coach goes and yells at the refs and suddenly all the calls start going differently. i mean that's what we'ret before watching right before our eyes. they're screaming at the striped shirts. and the striped shirts have decided take off the stripet the std, put on a jersey and just go ahead and cheer for the home teairtsmh >> and that's what they're doing. it's a great analogy. governor huckabee, concha, thank you both. we appreciate it. all right. now, according to some reports, my next guest is now abc, among them, the front runnerump' to become donald trump's running mate. here to respond to that rug mate th senator tim scott. senator, i'm sure you heard about it. t i'm sure you read about it. i want to get your thoughtsho about it. >> listen, there's no doubto dob that we need four more years ofd donald trump, and i will do everything in my power to make sure io we get four more years of donald trump. it is the best outcome for all of america. >> listening to your brilliant monologuing toe reminds me o
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of election engineering. brother isf dnc. all of cnn, msnbc, abc nbc and cbs. trey have become an extension of the liberal elite who areyi trying to have an election engineering. they're trying to engineer an outcome. listen, sean, they have lostlist minds because they're losing their voters. hecause threbottom line is thata coalesce around donald trump so that we get four more years of low inflation, four more years of low unemployment, nd and frankly, a return to a fair and equal america. everybody deserves chance to succeed. but you've got to work for it. and unfortunateld yo fory, the y left. they're losing their minds losiuse they're losing are their voters. and thank god almighty that donald trump has the backbone and the tenacityd to stand in the fire because itb not him. it will be mmee and it will be you. you know, we recently lost joe lieberman.
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was friends with joe lieberman. i like joe lieberman. he was sort like the canary the in the coal mine. he was the vice presidential candidate for democratdential s in 2000. then the party threw him overboard and he had to run as an independent to win back a seat in connecticut, which he did so successfully. soullyand what does it say aboue democratic party todayicaliz that they're so radicalized that eitheedr joe biden betrays israel as they they were attacked. they were victims of terror, atta o victims terror on nine 1101. this is the worst terror attac k in history. hamas started this. it was unprovoked. israel rightly is trying to wing their war on terrohtlyr. s pu joe biden is putting a knifette in their back, tryininghe's to influence their elections. and he's put his pol pl personal political ambition above fighting terrorist. o because of the pressure from within his party.
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what doe s that say about the party of lieberman or the party of scoop jackson? and if you want to go back even further, what has happened to this party that has becomeary that radicalized, that they're taking the sidse of radicalve terrorists over the right of a country to a war against terrorists is just disgust. rog senator lieberman would be rolling over in his grave. thinr in k the fact that this administration told israel on the seventh, the day of the attacks to stand down. think about the fact that it's this administration that approved greenlighted billions of dollars, 10 billion in november,november 6 billion in august, greenlighting more money to actually fund iranian proxies that are killing and targeting americans. it's this administration that has allowed daylight the between the united states of america an d our greatest allygreate in the middle east, israel. i can't thinstk of a greater
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dereliction of duty, save afghanista cann when we lost 13 american soldiers than what we're watching righ at now on display for every american just to see. 90% of americans actually agree with turning shoulder to shoulder with our israel, our ally, israel. we all know psalms 122 six,th pray for the peace of jerusalema and those who do will. this administration has lost its mindthis. contin this administration continues to prove that we are loyal to our allies and therefore we cannot be lethal to our adversaries. hamas continues to grow becausee this administration puts so many on netanyahu and israeljami that the war continues to drag on. give them the resources, the weaponry to finish this fight as quickly a as possible.u and that's how you save lives. you'll save lives by yourby tur
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back on your greatest ally ba the middle eastni o. all right. let me ask you this. based on tonight's reporse the have you had any conversation with president trump about potentia youl re being and runns as his vice president? and ifesiden you are asked, what would you say? ak >> there's no doubt that president trump will make that decision. i before the convention, i havec not had anisioy specific t conversation with the president. i can tell you one thing. whatever ielu whatever it tat tt takes for president donaldre y trump to have four more years, whatever it takeearss to restore sanity in the streets amt me in, sean.e you're a patriot. i'm .a patriot. i love america. i'm not possible in any otherhe country on the planet except for the city , on the hill that's in there. >> all right. >>e shine, the shining city on the hill. all right. great to see you. senator tim scott, south carolina s t shinionhill, when .
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all right. biden's ploy now is to buybiden' votes. with your money is being challenged by a number of states plus nged b, another batchh of of bad economic stories for joe biden. larry kudlow won't breako that down. hang on to your wallet as we continue . >> what a lovely place. the kids weren't joking. this place is something else. straight from the history books is now to find out what we is now to find out what we heard so much about. that didn't take long. that didn't take long. you could say junior product men tell us when they use just four men to eliminate gray. there's a great before and after. >> and then there's the after. >> the after that boost you get when you look and feel your best. >> and that's why more men choose just for men. top fungus is tough to kill and it can spread. it's time to start using fungi now. maximum strength on vinyl is so powerful it cures and prevents fungal infections. plus it has aloe and tea tree
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sellers and wolfgang puck go to ship station .com slash try and get two months free. right. according to joe biden and his biggest donors. that, of course, being the media mob. your life has never been better. >> but the facts, they tell a very different story . smal now, a new survey showse that small business confidence has hit t its lowest leveln mo in more than 11 years. last month, many owners now citing biden's inflation as a top concern. a mo meanwhile, last week, the mob, the media, they couldn't stop praisingstop the new jobs repor, but what they forgot to mention, axioreport ws, a god
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analysis. almost all the new jobs are going to foreign born workers, and over the past year, 1.3 million foreign born workers have been hired. while the number of native bornn american workers has fallen by 700,000. and by the way, almost all of those new jobs that they were screeching about last week that were created these days, they're not full time jobs. they're part time jobs. tbut not your heart be troubleo joe biden has a plan to fi joexa the economic mess that he himself created. he wants to give away more free stuff. iled and only yesterday, biden unveiled a new plan to forgivenew plan even more stt debt. >> great plumbers, electricians ,carpenters, everybody just just ante up and for some sociology professor that's tenured at a liberal universiton ,biden just announced he's also doling out other money. he is al$6 billion to an arizona semiconductor. but get this, the project's president is the former ceo
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of solyndra. remember them? the guy that led the failed solar power company intoy into b bankruptcy right after bringing in a half a dollars in loans from the obama administration? well fro here with a lot more a they never got the money back, by the way, is the hos tr of kudlow on our sister network, the fox business channel. k the channeall right. total job creation numbers, a total b.s. good to kno w. gas prices again on their waywa up. wey up have you know, joe depled the strategic petroleum reserves. he can't fill them up again. inflation last month up from a year ago 3.2%. i mentioned small business optimism 11 year low and i guess my favorite story of thehe day is 6.6 billion to the guy that ran solyndra into thouground. and i thought 500 million was a lot that he took fromthat h american taxpayers and wasted. how's that possible tooke possil
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well, look, first of all, thanks for having me back one on the show. w th i appreciate it. the economy is not as strong as some of these numbers suggest. and i think the small businesswm survey you cited was very important. inflation was up in that surveyd and economic activity was downrt on the jobs report. a bad half of the top line number was government jobs. the top line was about 300,000. however, about 150,000 were government or government related jobs. that's really quite something. and you're right, the part time workers, i think they were, 0 plus 700,000 full time workersar are actually dowe acn. it's this is all very strange and and suggests, as bankeras jamie dimon suggested the other 1 ba things may not qui be quite as strong as they appear to bes strong. >> all right. so the economy, peace and prosperity, elections.ospery
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you heard the comments, for example of david r i thought he was right on. he's tired of biden bragging about thed e economy. and i think he is far moreor in touch with with everyday americans and the sufferingn th they're going through. you know, what have we read in the last two weeks that, what, 50% top metro or the 50 top metro areas in the country, it's cheaper to rent than for people to actually own. it's getting more difficult to buy egetting a home becausey wants to give up their 3% 30 year fixed rate mortgage and get another homer . me const new home construction has come to a halt. gas prices nowe a on the way ue that means everything we buy at every store we go to is going up as well. >>esas well. right? >> yeah. so we're going to see geme higher prices. >> we're going to get a cpi report tomorrow. sean, it's hard to predict these things month to month, i but in all likelihood, we're going to see highelikelihor cpi
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and it's going to stay above the fed's target. my guess is going to run about three and a half to 4%. the targeta is 2%. and actually the last, i don't% know, three, four or's five months, it's been trending up, not downrending . s no it's not as bad as it was two years ago, but it's gone in the wrong direction bads it.e look, i think the biggest insult to middle classlt working folks is this biden idea to cancel all student loans and the interest on student loanans, which could come to about $500 billion. okay. that's a half a trillion dollars. 18 states are now going to sue to enjoin him from doing this. he lost last year on the same issue basically. congress has never specifically mandated that the president has the authorit y to suspend theseese loan loans or the interest expense. nterestand bear in mind,
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you're talking about i'm going to say, percent cream of the crop going to colleges or benef graduate schools that benefit from these loans. frombut that leaves roughly 70%t of taxpayers and working folks out ther e that do not playe studen in the student loan game. and why should they haveion-doll to finance a $500 billioner 30% bailout for the other 30% goinge to the elite private schools or the elite schools? s it it makes no sense at all.o and ironically, here's the greatest irony of all the interest expense on some of these only student loans was originallys put in to finance obamacare a bunch of years. y ar you got to love that. people have barely talked about that. so they're doing away with allhl that sources of finance. one more point shot. this is what happens when the governor runs things.
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the department of education has no expertise in banking orbankin credit analysis, and yet they're presiding over $1.7 trillion in student loans. they made these loans without any knowledge of credit worthiness, whether the student or the parents o whetherr, what. this is what obama did years ago. and biden is now tryingis to unwind this thing. they ought to take i t outt of the education department, put it into the treasuryt, try to work it out so we can w get something from thisn a disaster and maybe learn a lesson that try that banks pri and private lenders should make loans, notlender left-wing bureaucrats in the education department. soucation departme 70% of worki are going to have to pay up to 30%. those are bad politics. i know it looks biden. i mean, biden trying to buy the election. absolutely. i'm just just saying to you. it'
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it's not going to work. it's going to backfireing to b. people are going to see through it. and the courts are to stop. and it reinforces the idea are that democrats are the party of coastal elites. they're looking out fo party orl going to graduate school and expensive collegesand ex ate expense of hardworking americans. why should at they have to pays they didn't sign their name for a loan. they didn't get the benefi namet. educat joe biden's free education and add one other prize, the supremioe court said they. couldn't do it anyway. no, i got i got to run, larry. r run.i to do this. you know, newt calls it big governmentvernment socialisg government socialism. and it's an abject of across the green idealism. >> s you.ank up next, horrific new examples of brazen crime. it's all crimell across the cout we have it all on tape.ap you will see the footage as weu continue . america, you love aliens.
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listen, get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm anytime, anywhere. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. right? another day, another streamg of brazen violent crimes. take a look at your screen. look at this. k herelooka purse snatcher punc0 year 68 year old woman right inn the face, right in the face,f st sending her down a setai of stairs at ars new york church then he steals her car as sher s lays on the ground helpless.e meanwhile, the new york post, you'll love this. they're reportin post u allow g alleged gang member is roaming free despite racking ups th nine specific arrests this year. whwhy? because in new york city, in their very walk, no bail laws. thi and take a look at this. according to police, a group of armed robbers shotd a customer at a new york city bar before leavingme with a a gold chain and over $1,000 in cash. nogold chain andw the problem it
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in new york. according to a new report cardji now surged to a record high in 2023. well, what's fueling the crime wave? all borders. biden's border crisis. that's not helping. police are saying a group of illegal repeat offenders viciously attacked police officers during a bust for ransacking a new york city target while another illegal was arrested for allegedlyng a n murdering a dismembering a man in california. the sanctuarcaliforny state of california. here with reaction, author of the upcoming book, the war on warriors, "fox and friends", weekend co-host pete hegseth and former senior trump adviser stephen miller. >> you knor stephen millerw, loe videos, pete. just take a look at this woman. sshe's going into church and, dw you know, this woman gets knocked downhe groun to ground. then we have in the new york post today a banger allegedly t with the latin kings, literallhy got arrested nine times. a look at the crimes.
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everything from intent to sell dangerous drugs. grand larceng fromy of cars, possession of weapons, allegations of domestic g violence. and then you look at, you know, how they treat police officerse . i mean, you know, you got outi of new york. ofi out of new york. stephen miller was never dumb enough to be in new york. r wa so, i mean, who wants to stay in their ? that's right. i mean, this is brought to you t by the democrat party. this is brought to you by leftists. this is brought to youyo the de regressive. they're not progressives. they're progressives. arethey're ultimately sidingtig on the side of criminals pursuing really radical policies that nobody wants. but ultimately serves some sortv of utopian futurese think benefits society. it's just not true at all. here's the thing. for legal citizens, we're doing it to ourselves, and the democrats are doing it to us. >> you mentioned my new book, yor on warriors, the bookmore i that's more important.
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>> here is the book. previous to that, the battlemps for the american mind. they've indoctrinated a generation of kids, most of these people doina g this things. >> they're young, 17, 18, 19, 1, 20, 21 years old. they've come out of education systems. education they have the grievances. they told them they were the victims, that they're entitledytled to. turning society upside down. and then they walk intot says a justice system that says you won't be held accountable if you're a juvenile. co held ac free. if you're if you commit a crime, there's no bail, there's no consequencemmo , seven,ed by il eight, nine times. and then they're joined by illegals who see our foolish country come in and say, i will be held accountably e if i come here illegally or if i do something illegally. and these are al l consequence of left wing policies that haveo god out of our institutions and any rule of law and thenr left fending for themselves in a very dangerous way in cities likes wa new york. stephen, let's get your take on this and then the illegall ii immigrant aspect of it. and i think the worst is yetgr f
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to come because our top geopolitical foes, we've got tens al photo and, tens of thousands from iran, syria, chinn a, russia, egypt, afghanistan. is anyone going to try and make the case that we don't have terrorist cellst becausebi of joe biden's open border policy, 10 million illegal, unvetted biden immigrants. he's allowed in in country? y what do you think is goingous go to happen as a result of that? o >> i don't think it's hard to come to a conclusion here . >> well, clearly, sean, we are risk of terrorism e that wegn malevolenc have never seen before in the history of this country. e hithe risk is that acute. it's that severe. it's that terrifying, because for three years, our countryn nu has been seeded with an unknown number of foreign agentsts who have significant, absolute ties, significant close ties to espionage organizations,orgai
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foreign governments, foreign adversaries. look, the democratza party, sear opened our border and opened our jailde ours and americansupi are caught up in the carnage. so you look at these videos that you showen e yotd you lookw abiding americans getting beaten, getting robbed, and gettindg that all is the responsibility of joe biden andr the democrat party. their war on police, the warat e on ice, their war on border patrol and their war on the american citizen. ee what americans need to understand going into 2024. unden , is the use the term4 we regressive. they're dismantling civilized nation. they're dismantling the structures of society. they're tearinnsmantlinstructurs and if they're able to do this for another four years, there be a country left to save. you can have all of your other policy disagreements on taxes,ri on regulations, on any other issue. there won't be a country to save if we become a failed we third world state. >> that is where we're heading when you are notare safe, sean, when you can not leave
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your home in security and when as you have hiety at so effectiy and so well, when you have foreign terrorists entering fore in vast numbers, then you are looking at the o actual fall of this civilization. >> that's how grave and serious the civilizaand sen. >> you know, i'll give youu the last word here. wele got about 30 seconds, but they become the party of radicals. he partyi don't care if it's abg israel because the base of that part by literally hates our number one ally and is now offering aid and comfort to the terrorists that started the war against israel or abdicating their role, securing the border, allowing these unvetted people into the country from our top geopolitical foes. i meanfrom her, it's surreal to. >> it's so bad. >> i mean, joe biden's party, f the party of hamas, the party of foreign criminal gangs, lityi the party of criminality inside our own countreir own y, the pan of illegal immigration. take your pick. yo but america first.
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everything but the taxpaying, hard working, law abiding citizen of this country. and that's it's about time coune change that. all right, pete, thank you.hank stephen miller you a, thank you. all right. straight ahead tonight, you're not going to believeth who? village of dolton, illinois. remember the mayor theree villa they hired somebody to investigate the mayor's alleged corruptionigat. we'll explain. we'll get reaction. morris cooper has an interesting take as we continue . a perfect world. i think it's one of the most beautiful places shattered in an instant. there was shooting outside of the house. close to this moment, i knew it was the first few seconds of my life. this the story of that terrifying day. everything that we had was taken from us. and how a community's endearing love survived. i really don't want to say that we are totally broken, but we are kind of on hold. surviving hamas. a benjamin hall series.
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9290319. >> harris faulkner puts america's news in focus. >> we begin here demanding >> we begin here demanding i am william alden smith, a united states senator investigating the cause of one of the greatest maritime disasters in history. the titanic. your ship, sir. they'll only be compensated if white star and its employees are found negligent. you did not respond, "we are sinking. and our passengers and our crew are in danger. what agreement with the military? war, miss ricard, war. rated pg i am william alden smith, a united states senator investigating the cause of one of the greatest
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maritime disasters in history. the titanic. your ship, sir. they'll only be compensated if white star and its employees are found negligent. you did not respond, "we are sinking. and our passengers and our crew are in danger. what agreement with the military? war, miss ricard, war. rated pg that's one 803 to 9 7676. >> after a chaotic town hall meeting, remember last week in dalton, illinois, where residents demanded that the controversial mayor, tiffany hanson, resign over alleged corruption? well, now the village board
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voted to bring in a special investigator to look into their mayor. this investigator, none other than the ousted chicago mayor, lori lightfoot, or as we affectionately refer to her as lori lightweight, lightweight, who's had a controversial career of her own. reportedly now be paid 400 bucks an hour to look into hanson's alleged misconduct and financial mismanagement. in a statement, lightweight said that her prior experience in chicago will help her handle this investigation without bias . here with reaction, project 21, chairman horace cooper is with us. okay. she did nothing to stop the violence in chicago. she was one of the worst mayors in and that city history, which is saying a lot. and now she's going to look into the corruption, this mayor, where i think the average citizen makes about 24 grand a year and lives a very extravagant as mayor. good luck with that.
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well, it brings to mind the adage it takes one to know one. apparently if you're going to find out who is the absolute worst mayor today, you have to pick from one of the worst mayors. yesterday so that she knows what she's looking for. now, in addition to the corruption that is alleged in this township, there is also the mismanagement, the danger that is occurring because the mayor is allegedly redirecting law enforcement authorities away from protecting people and property and toward trying to target folks who either don't support or haven't donated to her. >> we're looking at really a sad and pathetic situation.
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the people in this village at this township deserve so much more. i don't understand why the governor of illinois hasn't personally named an investigator to make sure that we find out about the corruption that's going and take this crown away from the worst mayor in america that we can see right now. >> you know, putting this aside, it seems like politicians on every level, local level, federal level, whatever, whenever you look at state level, it seems like they've forgotten that their job is to be public servants. i've always said, horace, that term limits is a bad idea, but it's a bad idea whose time has come. i would rather have. and live in a society where people would choose wisely, but too often they are not choosing wisely. and i would think that maybe if you limited their term,
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they might. we might be better able to appeal to their better angels. they will do what's right for their constituents and serve them rather than always be looking towards reelection. >> thoughts? well, i would say this pick. which one? you want to be a servant of the people or an instagram model, you're going to be able to do both. when we see this coming. wait a minute. i want to be a model. >> i'm kidding. when we see this compensation higher than almost all the governors in the country, and then we see the poverty that these people experience, i again, i ask for the governor to appoint a real investigator to find out what's going here. lightfoot is not the answer. no and if anything, it will probably make things worse. horace, great to see you. thank.
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when we come back. you're going to love this. we've got not one, but two great examples that prove that radical liberals really don't know what the they're talking about. one works for the view, and the other one is a member of congress. can you figure out who will give you time in the break? >> we'll be right back. allergies with allegra. they won't stop me. nothing beats allegra. it's the fastest non-drowsy 24 hour allergy relief. >> live your greatness. welcome to stormy heights, where the windows are always pella palace, fiberglass is the strongest material for windows and patio doors. the fiberglass frame is even scratch and dent resistant alloy windows. >> it's evenwe plannl for replat windows by pella now. >> we plan to walk to retirement, but i wish we had more cash. >> do you think those two havei
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misspoke. then, of course, is that hard hitting newse h show view and their co-host, sunny hostin, who found a way to tie the solar eclipse to climatecan change. can't make this up. take a look. his up.we've got a solar eclips. >> we've always ran down hallway. the rapture is here, actress here. and then also, i learned that the cicadas are coming. >> all those things togethers a what? maybe lead one to believe that, you know, either climate changeg is w exists or something is goingro.e climate change. that's all the time we have left this evening. >> as always, thank you for being with us. dvis eveni forngr you never, evr miss an episode of hannity. let not your heart be troubledoh . gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your face. have a great night b