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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 9, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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>> did not compute have the business thinking to do a political theatre stunt. >> laura: that might been old video but you get the point. money well spent. >> that's what i'm so fascinated by, they're investigating -- investigating away taxpayer dollars by wasting taxpayer dollars. hiring lori lightfoot to investigate corruption is like hiring o.j. simpson to save your marriage. i don't think you're going down the right street here. >> laura: maybe they can come in to do the cleanup. great to see you. huntsville alabama catch jimmy live and jesse watters is next. go to my facebook page and closed don't want to miss. 's you tomorrow. >> jesse: welcome to 'jesse watters primetime'. tonight. >> i'm sure the first vice president to use the word uterus. >> jesse: vote for joe is really a vote for this. [ laughter ]
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>> how many people to a pound of fentanyl kill tens of thousands and they're doing a deal outside the federal building cisco. >> yes. >> jesse: migrant fentanyl ring expose. chris hansen is here. >> moon is a complete rounded circle made up of gases. how could we as humans live on the moon. >> jesse: is voting for these people? plus... >> go [ bleep ] yourself san diego. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: america's first vice president john adams once said to his wife abigail that the office of the vice presidency is in the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived. here each human called the vice presidency about as useful as accounts.
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is that the vice president was just a standby equipment. walter called the job the fire hydrant of the nation. but it wasn't what the vice president did an office, it's what they did to get in there. when jfk desperately needed the southern vote it was lyndon johnson who helped carried home. when jimmy carter, a long shot one term georgia governor you backing of the washington establishment he picked walter mondale. who came with decade-long experience under his belt. and when black freshman senator barack obama needed a white guy, familiar with foreign policy, he tapped joe biden. but now, joe biden is the one who needs help. >> we are holding the election in the palm of our hands are not listening. >> with no trust in joe biden. >> reporter: the campaign has touted his success on key issues affecting young voters including student loan forgiveness, lowering unemployment and tackling inflation. still. >> i don't file, people maybe
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employed but can they survive off of it? >> what could president biden do to change her mind in terms of how you vote. >> call for a permit cease-fire. >> if he does not get elected that's his fault, it's not our fault, it's not the black voters here, is not x, y, and z, it's on him. >> jesse: never supposed tbe on joe biden. kamala harris was supposed to help win by young and black though. at least that's what biden thought he picked her. but he sleeping until noon. while the base collapses. and everyone is looking around and thinking, where is kamala. she's not looking for root causes at the border and we know she's not building electric car charging stations. johnny gets it. >> who is this? >> who? >> i -- the black woman. >> i don't know who that is. >> who the [ bleep ] is that? >> kamala? >> how proud of you will kamala
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harris? >> all she does is laugh. >> what has she done for my community. >> kamala harris loves the electric buses. >> she loves a lot of thing but she doesn't love her people. >> jesse: where is she? after they pulled her off the college tour because of hamas protesters we found her hanging out with suburban white women's brought. >> let's dip into a little workplace gossip. were your favourite workers in the cabinet? who do you have the most fun? >> the person that i deathly have the most on with his the president, he's fantastic. he can be very serious, obviously, but he's also got an incredible sense of humour. >> jesse: biden? incredible sense of humour? that's what growth a about guys that are not good-looking. he makes me laugh. right greg? you want more gossip? >> i have a very embarrassing story to ship your about the president. i'm in italy with my family and
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a little café. on the island of capri. i see this man walk by and he starts to walk by, i'm like i know him. and i scream at the top of my lungs like it's paul mccartney and i'm like, joe biden! full-blown scream. he turns around and winks at me and waives. when i saw joe biden. i totally fainted. >> i'm going to tell him about this and say you know that lady. >> jesse: biden's paul mccartney now? it's like beatlemania what he walks buy? i've covered by did a fox for 20 years. i've never seen video of women screaming what he walks by. ever. but nobody likes talking to their boss. kamala harris want to talk himself. the ladies played a little game. and icebreaker it's called had hit. >> had it, heated astrology. >> hit it.
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i'm a libra, my husband is a libra he'll talk about the fact that it's the libran us where we will sit on the couch the switcher for 45 minutes debating which netflix show should we start streaming. by the time we are, we are ready to go to bed. >> jesse: kamala does not watch netflix she watches the five. she saw us to do a segment on this. >> it takes longer then the movie to find the movie and it's like after a while, why my doing this? why my doing this. why can't this be better. they tried to fix it but i get so angry win i'm there, looking at netflix, amazon, paramount, all this lined up like this. >> jesse: she stealing her stuff. >> any good shows you watch?
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>> you know what i been watching as the morning show. >> so great. >> jesse: in case you're wondering what it is, brine produced it. [ shouting ] >> jesse: kamala watches shows go january 6th free time. had it or hit it went on. >> had it or hated people taking their shoes off on airplanes. >> have. completely. it's terrible. and if they take the shoes off and crossed their legs so the foot is dangling front of you. and especially if there's thoughtless. >> sok was people in an airport is unbelievable.
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>> you might have people looking into that. >> these are the issues that can bring out -- [ laughter ] >> we have a lot of federal agencies been about what's the department of grievances, we love that idea. last time kamala has cloaked commercial gracious force two. she's ripping up -- ripping off the five again. >> worst do you do on the plane is the guy who takes his shoes off and then shoves his hairy foot between the seeds. and it's on your armrest and he's not true to his toenails. >> i don't want anybody take their shoes off on the plane. >> kamala has more grievances than bare feet on airplanes. her job. >> up my little violin. i don't get a text anymore. i have all these things on my phone that prevent -- for the sake of security. but i used to love our family
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group texts. when we would -- was everything. when wardell came out, to get the word. it was so good. >> jesse: i thought al gore was the most boring vice president. wordle, netflix, airplane grievances. she's a cliché. there is one thing unique about her. >> i'm sure i'm the first vice president to, in front of the press use the word uterus. [ laughter ] and then i did not stop there i said the f. word, fibroids. >> jesse: are you sure did cheney did not say uterus? even once? we are checking. but if kamala wants the title she can have it. we are flex. you want to keep playing? let's. >> had it or hit it, donald trump. >> had it. >> right now donald trump is
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telling us that he wants to be a dictator. >> dog whistle, it's like a gigantic bark. >> i don't think it's hyperbolic to say that this generally could be the last democrat collection we have. >> you are right, democracy is fragile. it's only a strong as is our willingness to fight for it. >> i'll tell you what, we are scrappy and loud. >> jesse: don't you feel like you've got -- gotten to know kamala the way you did before because a vote for joe biden is a vote for kamala harris. if he is reelected he's not making it another four years. while the suburban white women get scrappy put kamala in the white house? if it goes anything like it did with the black and youth, they've had it. let's bring in former white house press secretary your job in white house communications,
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i'm sure was to put the vice president or member of the cabinet in a podcast and maybe let them show different sides of themselves, do you think that this kamala harris podcast was effective? >> it almost feels like a set up. there are two things that every perspective president wants to be. and that is likable and relatable. it's a whole purpose of her doing this interview. but here's what her communication team missed before you work on being likable and relatable, you have to be respectable. and she has spent two years losing all respect, the cackling, the borders, all the gas, time after time, the word that she repeats, she needs to get back respect. i've a belief that she went through media training over christmas break because she came out on the view and she was
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hitting all the points that a politician would want to hit on, abortion, because i can't hitting the young people, women, but then she loses it with this interview. so i don't know who put her up to this but likable is not your problem, respectable is. >> jesse: she would've gotten more respected she had done her job instead of avoiding her job as she is done for the last almost four years, jet an opportunity that served it up to her, what makes you difference? you the 49 vice president, what separates you? and she said, i said the word uterus. that's it? >> imagine if vice president mike pence had said that. people ask them what you do? i let the coronavirus task force, i was beside the president during a national crisis, a pandemic. imagine if he said i said the word uterus. that's my accomplishment. but this is kamala harris and she is two problems, it's just -- likable as well.
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>> jesse: i don't know if did cheney said uterus but we are still checking. do we have her -- >> i love that you're checking that. >> jesse: we want to ask you about this entire push towards suburban white women. as a suburban white woman, do you think kamala harris is the most effective messenger for the biden reelection campaign? >> no, not in the slightest. suburban women care about the economy, they care about inflation and even care about the border. and deploying kamala on these abortion head jobs. state to state, assuming that all suburban women care about is abortion to the exclusion of good education for their children, affording dinner for their families, to the exclusion of all of that inputting women in a box as long as i say the right things about abortion and roe v wade, check, got the suburban women. not the key.
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suburban women care about what men care about which the top two issues, economy, border and i would add education. >> jesse: dena perino mention idea for donald trump off-the-cuff. do you think it's good one? what if donald trump picked his vp person now to kill be tied up in court for a while, you having to stick to these hearings are these trials. what if you have vp out there hitting the road for you while you are tying down at trial? >> and that is one of the biggest qualities that i'd be looking for no vice president. who could be the most effective messenger all these legal issues to women, to these groups that i need to win. i think it's a smart move but at the same time, if he chooses it now, he'll loses out on all the free media cycles, he throws a tidbit to the washington post, i picked tim scott or new york times, maybe it's, whoever he throws out there. you lose that free media, take
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it when you can get it. but you need an effective messenger. >> jesse: that is true. are you saying trump likes the drama and the teas? i can see that. >> i would say maybe. thank you. chris hansen ahead on prime fi time. [ ♪♪ ] roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me! ♪ with fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement™.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: when you are a parent you know what going on with your child. and if you don't that's on you. >> that's why i'm shocked to hear these parents today have no idea what the kids are doing. you hear it on the news all the time, we have no idea! [ laughter ] kids in the room with 16
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bazookas, 19 grenades, he's going to school, dressed as darth vader. look in the room! [ laughter ] it starts at the house. [ cheering ] >> jesse: school shootings are not funny but he makes the point. parents can't plead ignorance when their child goes on a rampage. legally that argument ended today. james and jennifer were sentenced to 10 to 15 years in prison for involuntary manslaughter after their son ethan shot up his michigan high school. killing four classmates. they are the first parents to ever be charged and convicted in a case of their kids school shooting. the judge said the tragedy could've been prevented with some halfway decent parenting. >> parents are not expected to be psychic. but these convictions are not about poor parenting. these convictions confirm
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repeated acts and lack of ask that could've halted an oncoming runaway train. about repeatedly ignoring things that would make a reasonable person feel the hair on the back of their neck stand up. >> jesse: the school shooter in the massacre wrote it in his journal that i have zero help my mental problems and it's causing me to shoot up the school. i want help my parents don't listen to me. not only did they not listen to them, they bought their mentally disturbed 15-year-old son a gun and did not secure it. ethan was a loner, depressed and kept a mental health journal. he'd scary eyes. just a few hours before the shooting a teacher found sadistic sketches on his desk mapping out a mass killing including this message. the thoughts won't stop, help me. the school called his mom and
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brought her in for an emergency meeting but she would not take ethan out of class because she had to get back to work. later that day he slaughtered his classmates the families and the victims hold the parents accountable. >> when you got a call about your schooling and how it interfered with your day. i was rearranging my schedule to get madison an oil change for the first time. but when you texted ethan don't do it. i was texting madison please call mom should. >> the defendant through their choices and their indifference and gross negligence enabled their son to murder my daughter and three other children. >> you failed your son and failed us all. >> jesse: former judging current partner joins me now. elizabeth, do you think legally this is sound ruling?
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>> absolutely. for years when i worked as a prosecutor for 10 years and violent crimes and then i was a judge for 10 years something like this used to be termed felony stupidity, in other words you have this parent who has a kid that's doing something extremely alarming and the parents just have their heads in the sand, not doing anything to prevent what could easily be a preventable tragedy. i think this was a sound ruling and i think it sets a precedence that parents cannot be stupid anymore. you have rights as a parent, you have constitutional rights to bear arms but with those rights come responsibilities. and these people and all parents over to the community to exercise those responsibilities with those rights, i think they go hand-in-hand. >> jesse: you don't by your 15-year-old son with no friends wearing red clothing riding in mental health journals about
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sadistic sick twisted fantasy, a handgun in the not keep it locked out. it was similar to what happened in parkland. the case that you oversaw. weren't there similar instances of just absolute neglect on this case? >> in the parkland case the shooter's mother died about three or four months before the actual incident so he was living with various friends and family members. but, yes, there were signs that people reported to law enforcement that he was -- i'm watching this. and i'm having a little bit of déjà vu. isolated quiet, crazy eyes, drawing these disturbing type drawings. in fact, the specific drawing bit is that the most concern is the one that was shown to the
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parents on hours before the shooting. >> jesse: that's crazy. >> the kid true picture of what is clearly as semi automatic firearm. if i had to draw firearm it would look like a stick. it be a terrible rendition. this kid drew with very specifics of what could even be termed by some that are familiar with handguns as the six-hour nine millimetre that is begun that the parents bought him. if you look closely you can tell. and his parents sat at that meeting and did not say a word. they knew he was having problems, they knew that he just purchased that gun. that got from four days before. they did not know where it was, obviously because within minutes of the shooting happening in being reported by the news. the mom calls dad and says what are we going to do. and then dad reports the gun stolen and says, i think my son may have been involved in the mom texts the son and said
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please don't do it. so obviously if they reacted back quickly, they knew that their son was at least -- maybe they do not know for sure she was gonna do this but they at least knew that he presented a present danger to the community. >> jesse: felony stupidity. there it is. i think you've coined it. not a legal argument but i think you? did very well. thank you as always for joining us. and i know sebastian was joking but go on their room and look around. that could help. thank you. liberal protesters invade the congressional cafeteria.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: npr used to be a player in the media. they were also a little left but they had journalistic chops kind of. and some of the material was thought-provoking, i guess.
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but over the last decade they're not even taken seriously by anyone. last year npr cancelled shows, laid off staff and now only 30 percent of their own audience trust them. how did this happen? one senior editor who is worked there for 25 years is confessing. a classic liberal says that npr has gone away too far and an interview she revealed how they corrupted itself in 2016. >> i think like every newsroom and legacy meeting we were shocked, disturbed, distraught, troubled. we assumed hillary clinton was going to win and she did not. and it was an unsettling experience but i also think that to me revealed that we didn't really understand a lot about what was going on in america and we were out of touch. >> jesse: he admits that the new steam coped with the loss by getting into bed with adam
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shifts. >> after a while we started covering trump in a way that a lot of legacy news organizations that were trying to damage his presidency find anything that we could to harm him. anything will be latched onto was russia collusion, like a lot of news organizations which catnip. but it was just rumours and a lot of it based on pretty shoddy documents, we really latched onto adam. he was arm used to the trump collusion story, we had one constantly. and the muller report came out and no collusion. and i think we sort of story kind of disappeared. >> jesse: once the trump russia collusion story was bumped, npr pretended like it didn't happen. it exactly how the government works, they use our tax dollars to mess things up and then act like it doesn't happen. but it did not end there. he also admits that when
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covid-19 kicked in npr did everything that it could to kill the lab leak theory. and then when that hunter bombshell dropped npr ignored it. instead they started pumping out an assembly line of liberal propaganda, trans, racism, climate, republicans are bad. this was all being fuelled by former npr ceo who thought why people had to atone for their skin colour. she made it clear that he thought the country was racist and totals reporters to spread that message. >> it's a pretty big thing to say that america is in fact it was systemic racism. that's a big deal to say that. that would be a great starting point for reporting and looking for evidence and figuring out is it true, not true? to what extent? but i think atone have been sent instead. >> jesse: ceo set the tone in the file followed.
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reporters had to ask everyone that they interviewed what their race, gender and ethnicity was. follow protocols set by the der board. like avoid using the term biological sex. could not use that. npr's worker seemed happy with the rules. here's why. >> at one point it got frustrated with what i saw was the lack of different perspectives in our coverage that i decided to look at voter registration. among our staff. what i found was eight to seven registered democrats, they were republicans and i presented this all hands or large news meeting and i said, something has gone wrong here. >> jesse: no republicans, no problem. they did not care that there were no republicans on the payroll. in fact, they preferred it. remember npr as a taxpayer-funded news organization.
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>> i think we have a particular obligation to reflect america and to understand people from all different outlooks. to bring up things that might be uncomfortable for our progressive audience members to be a little bit more daring intake of the more chance and be more curious about things that don't fit the narrative. >> jesse: former presidential candidate. npr just put a statement saying that they stand by their reporting. and inclusion is very important. you're gonna have to grapple with these types of people, it just does not stop what is the strategy? >> in the name of diversity they've illuminated diversity of thought in the name of inclusion they've traded the culture of exclusion. were certain points of view representing 50 percent of the population in this country just were not welcomed. on the positive side i want to say that took a lot of courage for that reporter. i want to congratulate him as a guy who probably disagrees with
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him on the substance of a lot of political issues. i still respect his willingness to come out and tell the truth. that takes courage and i think npr could take a page from his playbook if they look at their own audience me i say that we lied to you about the trump russia collusion hoax. hunter biden laptop, we're sorry about it and here's what we will do to fix it. that's how npr could have returned its trust, it's too bad the management squandered that opportunity. >> to how brave this guy is? he is still working at npr. he still walks into the newsroom. he's just come out with this huge interview, this big piece and he's just going to work like everything is fine. that takes courage. >> i respect it. our founding fathers they had courage. what i found today's that america you travel the country and people of common sense, most people behind closed doors probably at npr believe what this man does. americans do not lack for common sense, we lack for courage.
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i think this man despite being on the left showed some courage in his move in this reporting today and i think whether you're on the left or rig, when you're the only person in a room who believes that what you do you have an obligation to stand up and say it in the sky did just that. >> jesse: well said. always well said when you're on. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> jesse: chris hansen on dec. ut because i had two full time jobs... lawyering and... liaming. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. let a turbotax full-service expert do your taxes as soon as today. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day.
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what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it! [ryan laughs]
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: american intelligence, the clock is ticking. congress has 10 days left to renew their surveillance powers before the law expires. could be agencies don't just want their powers renewed, they want them expanded. cia planted a story in usa today saying they could stop the flow fence not the border any time. if congress granted the more power. surveillance day at the border is what they want. because that makes the companies who get the contracts very rich. waldo make money, surveillance does. primetime wants the government
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to fight bad guys they should have the tools but every time we give them the tools they abuse us with them. american spies penetrated the trump campaign. feds invited the privacy of political donors. contractors lead to trump tax returns. and cia and fbi interfered in the last two elections. and whistleblowers are saying that they're blocking investigations into it. these agents have been dead silent about the dangers open borders for four years, now they want to get tough? do we need more government power? or more chris hansen? his investigation uncovered is syndicated for hondurans poisoning san francisco. >> who is running the fentanyl trade in the san francisco area? >> within san francisco we've got a group of hondurans that are mainly distributing, over 400 them that we've identified. >> 400? >> are these illegal citizens from other countries mostly? >> majority the folks that we've
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identified are coming from the same area of honduras. and so they have really developed a niche cap ability within, not just our area, but they've expanded to salt lake city, denver, portland and seattle. >> jesse: permissive laws in the century city haslett dealers traffic fentanyl right in front of the federal agencies tasked with bringing them down. >> it was insane to walk around my building, people were dealing. >> the federal building? >> people were dealing drugs in front of the federal buildings. we have protective service vehicle sitting right out there. law enforcement vehicles all around in the person was out there doing a deal for a pound of sentinel. >> a pound of fentanyl? >> how many people could a pound of fentanyl killed? >> if you break that down, tens of thousands. >> host of take down with chris hansen on true blue and the
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predators. how sophisticated is this migrant crime ring? >> it sophisticated and then going on a long time, you basically have 400 illegal and -- illegal hondurans trafficking fentanyl in san francisco. you have all that and you have the users committing crimes for retail theft to buy the fentanyl. and so you have this cauldron of crime that's profitable because these dealers are making 300 afforded thousand dollars a year and sending that money back to honduras where they're building mansions. of 400,000-dollar mansion in honduras, probably looks like five monologue goes. >> i don't know if it's ve. but it stands out. >> jesse: a dollar goeoes a long way in honduras, let's put it that way. >> they're making good money and the problem is, as you mentioned earlier is a century city where a lot of these people busted are not turned over for deportation.
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so they have a relative immunity to continue to sell fentanyl and think about this. 14,000 kilos of fentanyl have been confiscated coming into this country. imagine how much has gone in for mexico where they make this stuff. >> are the feds cooperating at all now with the locals are they still saying its sanctuary were not telling you guys anything? >> they figured it out or starting to figure it out. right now michael you heard from in that interview tells me that federal -- federal prosecutors have agreed to take on some of these cases. and some of the drug dealers are agreeing, a minority of them to plead and be deported. but the problem is is that in honduras they know the golden gate bridge is the promised land. and if you want to make money and get out of this poverty you have a ticket to sell fentanyl in san francisco and the cities. >> jesse: the fbi, cia say that they want to know what's going on and say that they can
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stop it, do you trust these agencies with all this power that we are giving them to use it wisely went in the past they really have not? >> trust but verify. obviously they have intelligence capabilities, and it could be helpful here. after 911 we are all up in arms because the cia was not communicating with the fbi. they should have known that terrorists were meeting overseas. so we gave them this power, fine but it has to be checked. it has to be watched and it has to be monitored. >> if we can just have them infiltrate the honduran fentanyl ring instead of the trump campaign this time i think we'll all be very well served. chris hansen, crushing it. think he was always. pro hamas protesters have found lots of ways to make politicians uncomfortable. blocking traffic, street screaming at campaign events and shut down churches. but the latest stunt may be their most diabolical. because if you want to make a
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politician mad you make them hungry. over 50 protesters were arrested today after bum rushing the senate cafeteria, blocking the entrance and forcing it to shut down, bernie sanders no soup for you. they screamed that the senate can i eat until gaza does. >> children are starving in gaza. [ ♪♪ ] people are dying in gaza. [ ♪♪ ] >> god forbid we give a [ bleep ] about genocide. >> capitol police told fox of the protesters were arrested for crowding which i did not know was a crime and obstruction. sheila jackson lee, the dumbest comment of the year.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: charles barkley is sick of the eclipse. >> they are losers standing outside watching that. >> they aren't all losers. >> we've seen movies with it before. >> jesse: primetime knows 1 person who is excited. sheila jackson lee she went to a high school in texas to teach kids about science and space but it didn't go well. >> the energy of the moon at night sometimes you hear the word full moon sometimes you need to take the opportunity to see a full moon it's a complete rounded made up mostly of gases and that's why the question so could we as humans live on the moon and the gas is such that we could do that.
5:57 pm
it's madd powerful heat almost impossible to go near the sun. the moon is more manageable but i want to be first in line to know how to live and be able to survive on the moon that's another planet we will see shortly. >> jesse: she is spreading moon misinformation it is not a planet and not made up of gases she should have known that she graduated from yale and was a ranking member on the space and neuro- not ask subcommittee these politicians are clueless they worked in the real world she would've been fired a long time ago and she is still trying to fix those glasses. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: she said something that stuck micro he called the remote a switcher now a remote
5:58 pm
control is either remote control or a clicker i've never heard switcher's that's a california thing, text me and let me know. susan said. james rhode island the rest of us call it a remote not a switcher a switcher is somebody who used to be a democrat. many switchers these days. she says she might be the first vice president to say the worse -- say the word uterus but also the first vice president to can't define what a woman is. neck stanton territorial health authority are from bruce in idaho. the word game was not introduced until after she was vice president. we caught her lying about it if you're going to lie about that what else will you lie about. market from ohio gallipolis? i don't believe it's a real place.
5:59 pm
he learned how to plagiarize i mean he just just ripped off the 5. biden and here's i've had it. i kind of like the game. i don't think npr editors are respectable he pushed his false narrative for 25 years we should appreciate the fact he's come forward and confessed his sins his journalistic sins which he preferred he not say anything i guess that makes him a little better on perfect my new but nobody is. paul from arizona to fund npr and give the funding to the police. why not. christo count from marilyn. i imagine if parents spend more time in jail for their teens crimes how do you how fast you think crime rate would drop?
6:00 pm
i think biden would be increased prison for quite some time. if parents of lawbreaking kids are being affected of accessory why isn't hunter's father in prison at summit lake the textures read my mind. don from maryland. was she and hank johnson is a science class. he thinks islands are sinking she thinks the moon is a planet again yale work we will contact yale and see if they have a statement on that 1. marina from georgia i took your friends advice and filled up with premium the clicking noise my engine stopped and it's never run better. premium i don't know the ford. >> sean: welcome to hannity at 209 days until the presidential election americans face


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