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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 9, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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future perhaps having to pay even more ice college becomes even more expensive the more and more government gets involved. >> neil: guys come i wish we had more time, unfortunately we don't but it will be a big issue right now because the constitutional fights as to whether the president can do this. nancy pelosi, the former speaker, saying technically he can't do this, this is something only the house can do. the debate rages on. julia and kat, thank you so much. a quick look at wall and broad today, the frustration in the middle east and how things are going is lifting up the price of gold, not having stocks and raising issues, whether the federal reserve will build a cut rate soon, doesn't look like so soon right now. here's "the five." ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: hello,
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everyone. i'm judge jeanine pirro along with jessica tarlov, jesse watters, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ another loophole in the law and cancel student debt, 30 million borrowers. aoc is cheering joe on and is
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giving the plan her socialist stamp of approval. didn't feel like i'd be able to afford medical school, and so, hopefully someone else who is at a competition somewhere will be able to do that because of this. >> judge jeanine: as usual, president biden is trying to
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cast republicans as the bad guys. >> student loans. that is what they are offering america in this election year. not what america most needs, for banks to make more money off people who took out loans to go to college. isn't that really, you know, morally, isn't that a real justice issue for america? >> judge jeanine: more interest to the banks.
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i never realized that was a student debt issue. you know, i'll go to you, dana. the truth is, the supreme court is basically saying that this is against the law, that the president doesn't have that power, and now she is mad i was making it about something other than the law. >> dana: there is room to talk about the interest rate issue and that would be great, but that is not what president biden is talking about. he is going after the taxpayer to help go after people who are in none of the root causes and teaches everyone the wrong lessons.
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so they said, okay, my last thought was something i came up with as i was walking. it has been percolating for a while. i think president trump would benefit from announcing his vp pick sooner than later. i think there are so many issues that are going on right now, and him about to be in a court room
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every day starting monday, if you think about having someone out there who is a good communicator, can deal with all of these issues now, we know who the two nominees are going to be, it's the longest general in history. >> judge jeanine: jesse, aside from that, which certainly you can comment on, canceling student loan debt and basically canceling a legally enforceable contract, in order to give hope so students can travel abroad, is that the new democrat platform? >> jesse: yes, go to europe for six months and get so drunk you don't remember it. i had so much fun. if only i could remember europe. i think we are not talking about the fleet here, aoc thought she was smart enough to get into
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medical school. i thought may be law school but she doesn't even know what racketeering is. i guess you could have been a great doctor. i actually like that idea. she could have basically someone out there selling your agenda while you are tied up in court. that's a good idea. jeanine will talk to the president about that. [laughter] i figured out the reason why we are in this situation. it is all the baby boomers' fault. in the late 1960s, the biggest generation ever and the only way you can get ahead was to go to college. wanted to be a white-collar worker and didn't want to have a job in a factory. so with all of the baby boomersf the millennial generation, they were made to go to college, whether they wanted to are not. little johnny, let's be honest, probably is not the greatest academic student, but he was forced to go to college, and even if the parents, the boomers, couldn't afford to send him to college, he was forced to take out loans to go to college so he could be a liberal arts
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major, and get a white-collar job. then what happened? we have this overabundance of white-collar workers and all we need our blue-collar workers. we are reindustrializing this country and we are doing chips manufacturing, all of this construction, and there is just not enough blue-collar jobs out there. so now you have a bunch of people in debt complaining that they can't find work, and so instead of joe biden encouraging people, maybe don't take $500,000 in loans out to get a useless degree when we need something for maybe the chips act or the inflation reduction act. he is still just bribing them. that's where we are right now. again, it is the fault of the boomers. >> judge jeanine: okay. all right, jessica, let's talk about the fact the democrat party was always the park you know my party of the working man and i we see the democrat partyl of these benefits so you can buy an ev car and giving benefits so you can get solar panels, tax credits, if you put solar panels in your house, and now benefits for those who have a college education, canceling their debt. what about benefits to seniors
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who can't make any more money or veterans or the working class? >> jessica: well, there are a lot of benefits to seniors, if you look at what has gone on his part of the inflation reduction act, lowering the price of prescription drugs, especially for medicare part d is a huge win for seniors, insulin going down to $35 a month, that is something that has like a 99% approval rating. in terms of getting jobs and all of these green industries, there are a huge number of apprenticeship programs under the biden-harris administration. you get a job, it is a green job, you might not like it is as much, but it is still training -- >> judge jeanine: how many green and know my cats are there? >> jessica: i forget the exact number but there is a press release about it. it is not for the charging station, i've taken the l for the charging station already. i want to say about the student loan forgiveness program, and i was skeptical of this at first, you certainly can't go around erasing hundreds of thousands of dollars of student debt, but 62% of americans ink at least some portion of student debt should be forgiven, and they have targeted five kinds of borrowers, and i think you guys would be hard-pressed to say
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these people haven't gotten it rough, and some of it is the interest rate problem, certainly private institutions are gouging kids. i love to see how many medical schools are now ing fully funded, that billionaires are stepping and i'm just saying, no one should come out of this with debt, but these borrowers, people who owe more now, who owed for over 20 plus years, just $10,000 in debt and then they could have theieir life back, folks who enrolled in "low value academic programs," they used to have financial aid program and now they don't. you can make an argument they are victims of the system versus what you would say it was, that it was kids who are out there earning a quarter of a million dollars. this is for low and middle income people. >> judge jeanine: are couples that make a quarter of a million. go ahead, greg. >> greg: first of all, aoc's district is a nightmare. i mean, venezuelans walk in and they leave. instead of helping her constituents, crime victims, seniors who no longer have pharmacies to go to because they
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closed, people who need jobs but can't find them because somehow amazon never came here, i wonder why that happened. and said she decides to bail out the nonbinary, pink haired, gender studies major from wellesley -- >> jessica: don't have seven sisters that. >> greg: i'm sorry. if that travel abroad then, i didn't realize that the whole point of a government and the whole point of paying my taxes is so that somebody can travel abroad. do you think the truck driver making his auto payments is asking for a handout? you know, so he can go backpacking through europe, traipsing from one hostel to another until he passes out in the red light district of amsterdam? jesse? i didn't travel abroad when i was young. and it wasn't until i was older. and that was for a medical procedure. this could be solved fairly. which you think the democrats would embrace because it is all about fairness. so why not split the load,
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right, between schools, banks, and borrower. because it is not really about fairness, it is about boats. they would prefer to bill the taxpayers because the taxpayers are powerless. unlike the academia and on like the banks who have actual power and come after you, and finally, they are always conflating inteh functionality, so as long as it's compassion, it's good. but if you look at all of the areas the dems apply compassion, crime, immigration, women's sports, here with the loans, it's bad. it's bad because they never factor in how their compassion impugns other people. whether the loans, money being stolen from other people, whether it is female athletes, whether it is hard working americans who have to compete for jobs, all of this stuff is viewed through the lens of compassion. when they say these people need help paying their bills, that is no different than these migrants need a sanctuary, or this trans woman needs to be her best
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self. they are all the same, but in this compassion, in this weird compassion filter, it ignores the cost that it impugns on everyone else. in this case, it is theft. you cannot call it forgiveness, you cannot call it loan cancellation, they are stealing money. if you are a hardworking american, how you can support this guy who has taken money right out of your pocket, then you deserve him. >> judge jeanine: okay. coming up, huge moment for women's sports, but the left won't stop until caitlin clark has to play against men. ♪ ♪ file 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me!
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: women's sports is finally having its moment in the sun but woke liberals won't stop until it is ruined. over 18 million tuning in to watch the women's national college basketball championship, and sport sensation caitlin clark. but enjoy it while it lasts, ladies. lefties are dead set on letting biological dudes snatch up all the glory.
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thankfully, there is some pushback. an association that raps about 250 colleges and overseas 80,000 student athletes is banning transgender women from competing in women's sports. and it is putting pressure on the larger organization, the ncaa, to do the same. that might be a tougher battle. one of the most influential coaches in college sports is standing by transgender athletes. watch. >> if you are a transgender -- transitioning hormones, and stay out of sports for a year. okay, at least the good news is
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that the naia made up of 241 colleges is saying no, we are banning transgender's. we want women to play. and yet she is over there, she just won -- she could have not answered the question. she could have said, that's a question for another day. she could have said -- she did the right thing, she talked about caitlin clark. she said she is a great basketball player, even though she wasn't on her team, and her team beat caitlin clark i want , i want the trophy, i want to
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take up -- and it is a shame. the bottom line, the last thing in going to say is this: the men are significantly taller, bi bigger, stronger, faster, and that's got nothing to do with a quality, that's just bottom line biology. >> jesse: greg was saying in the green room, dana, that this would be the only way he would dumped on by transgenders. wouldn't that be an outrage? especially on the salary point.
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the scholarship point we already know. what if one of them gets injured by one? in their careers are over? that's what it is happening to some of these collegiate girls. one girl in north carolina, shall never be the same. i think this is the perfect opportunity, and i'm glad the naia came out when it did. i think it is obviously clear-cut issue. they are fair. they are saying that transgender women becoming men, whatever, it's the same for both, you can go from a woman to a man and plan their sports. >> jesse: greg? >> greg: yeah, i applaud the naia, although it's kind of like me banning -- getting banned from a vegan restaurant. do you think that trans women are actually going to be in those colleges? or are they going to play division i? >> jessica: what is division i? >> greg: i don't know. [laughter] they are colleges. like if you are a man, you're going to play -- these are smaller schools, right? >> dana: i think they go for the scholarship money and glory and also just -- >> jessica: i'm just coming u up -- okay, we are going to look back, start over, greg, they didn't
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get it. we are going to look back at this era as a period of social contagion ignited by delusion based on full's compassion. all of this is virtue signaling without any virtue. it deliberately marginalized the people they claim to help, which is actually real women, at the expense -- and benefiting emotionally manipulative but unwell men. and they are awful enablers. for those of you who mocked us when we would bring this up, ha ha, you are losing and you are going to lose. we are experiencing a moment when the adults have come home. and they are wrestling the car keys, the atm come of the remotes away the kids, who need to exit stage left and let the adults fix everything. from women's sports to law and order. because the irony here is the people that were hurt the most were women. in all of these areas. and they are hurt by other women who wouldn't back them up.
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what about -- where were the mom's, where were the teachers and the female doctors -- i'm not saying all, but many of them stood by and watched as this craze took over. happy to indulge a mind virus because maybe they were just too scared of being called out. but the science as they are. the affirmation delusion has harmed the psychological profile of young women mostly because they are especially vulnerable to a social contagion being on social media more than boys are and they respond to immediate emotional recognition, but they were the ones that were hurt by this and nobody was there for them. so finally, i think everything is changing -- >> jesse: we were there. >> greg: the men were there. and you, judge. jessica wasn't there. >> jesse: jessica? >> greg: tell us what you said in the break. [laughter] >> jessica: just between us gals. i was disappointed that this came up. and it was also asked of iowa
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coach lisa blew there, and she just said, i'm not doing this today. and i think there was a feeling on dawn staley's part coach lisa blew there, and she that she cannot punt it, she got more follow-ups, granted she engaged with it, but that is a double standard that has certainly been discussed on social media about this. i think the only correct answer to these kinds of questions is to actually go to the numbers of how many of these trans athletes actually exist. so there are 33 trans women out of 520,000 athletes out there. that's .00006%. >> jesse: i'll tell you why, the media -- >> jessica: a little obsessed. >> greg: that's a ridiculous comment. the reason why this is happening is because you have corporations, you had media totally amplify this issue and put it there so that we have to go, oh, yes, this is biologically correct and we are not doing it and we are called obsessed for calling it out.
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>> jessica: 70% of americans also agree with that. people like lia thomas, the reason this happens, there can be such an outlandish case, which is not the average experience, where you have someone who was one of the worst swimmers on the men's team, and then is setting all of these records on the women's side, and everyone looks up and says, that's not appropriate. no matter how many hormone hoops you have to jump through, i just coined that -- >> greg: hormone hoops. >> judge jeanine: you know what, she won by 38 seconds as opposed to every other swimmer, milliseconds. >> jessica: that's why i brought her up in this. but it is still a small faction -- >> judge jeanine: but they are winning -- >> jessica: outside attention. >> greg: i want trans athletes to compete. they can have their own league. or you can -- anybody can join, just like soccer. [laughter] >> jesse: all right, greg is going to have hormone hoops
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jumping on his show tonight at 10:00. >> greg: i wish. >> jessica: jesse watters prime time. >> jesse: try to follow this liberal logic: punching women in the face is now somehow donald trump's fault. ♪ ♪ we're talking about cashbackin. not a game. not a game! we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're not talking about practice? no. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. not a game! we've been talking about practice for too long. -word. -no practice. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. i mean, we're not talking about a game! cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours.
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we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. ♪ ♪ >> dana: a liberal rider says the horrific rise of women getting randomly punched in the face on the streets of new york city is somehow donald trump's fault. the headline from salon calling it an "desperate last-gasp of male rage fueling maga," while they ruminate about trump, the left refuses to blame anything but soft-on-crime policies, shocking video shows a low life, watch this, punching a 68-year-old woman down the stairs in front of a church and
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then he stole her purse and car. the nypd is looking for the attacker. greg, the other thing is i thought crime was coming down at 50 year lows. >> greg: that is what happens when people stop reporting it because they realize it is useless so they don't do it. that rider from salon, amanda marcotte, she has a head injury because she has never said anything that made any sense, that's why i remember her name, you have a mess and the cost of living has gone up, you can still deny that and hope that maybe people will buy into it because if you admit it, then you are toast, so it becomes a double lie,
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gaslighting. denies the truth and other people's experiences, whether they have been mugged or they have been paid more, you are actually telling them they are and 88 which leads me to my big pithy knee. i can't find anybody who is for squatting, i cannot find anybody who will say -- what gives? why does this stuff always happening when you can't find anyone who says they are for it. just because no one for it doesn't mean no one is behind it? the dems are not for crime but they are behind it, they are in for inflation but they are behind it because it is really hard to think for yourself, to
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plan ahead for yourself, to make decisions when you are having a really hard time getting by, that is the strategy. we'll be right back. >> dana: imagined a lunatic criminal punches a lady in the face and you ask him hey who did you vote for in 2020? >> judge jeanine: [laughs] look, they are looking for any issue to blame donald trump. what i love about the article, this is increasingly about unhinged male fury and women daring to have lives that are centered around something other than to cater to a man's every whim. now as far as i'm concerned, that happened 40 years ago, okay? i don't know why they are just figuring this out, and every example she uses has nothing to do with maga. is anyone screaming maga? is anyone wearing a maga hat? is anyone saying we are maga in new york city? haven't seen a maga a new york city. they want to blame donald trump. they want to blame donald trump
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for men punching women but it is about women kicking women, women punching women, people stealing from a woman at a catholic church, and the irony is that the people who are pushing -- who are writing this stuff, are the people who are pushing the agenda itself. and so what i say to myself is where other people on the disinformation board? >> dana: whatever happened to them? >> judge jeanine: this is the same group that wants to make sure we don't say anything that is disinformation but even there premise doesn't connect with the facts. >> dana: jessica, punching -- >> dana: aoc's district, she said nothing. jesse, it's like --
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trump's fault and you have your attack. >> jesse: i would make so much money as a liberal. here is how i would do it. in the media industry if you write about transgender or if you blame trump for a problem, promotion, promotion, promotion. also, to greg's point, not only are the liberals behind it, their solution is then compassion. fixing the problem can be hard sometimes. >> greg: it is viewed solve some problems sus here, people peered up next, does it take one to know one? lori lightfoot investigating the worst mayor in america. ♪ ♪ cou
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an hour by the illinois village of dalton to probe their democrat mayor, tiffany and yard. tiffany is allegedly a cartoon character of corruption accused of embezzling public money, taking lavish trips at public expense all while making nearly $300,000 with a town of 5 million in the red. laurie vows to get to the bottom of it. >> i will do my utmost, to make sure i serve you with integrity. the residence of dolton deserve nothing less than a company on my government fully responsible, transparent, and stewards of your precious tax dollars. >> greg: it takes one to know one. but jesse, this is the real story. the most incompetent leftist still has a safety net, right? brian stelter gets fired from cnn, takes a job at harvard,
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keep him afloat until he finds something else at arby's. lightfoot finds this job investigating the worst mayor ever after she was the worst mayor. there is no safety net for you, jesse. you lose this job -- >> jesse: there's not? you mean i am out i live wire right now? >> greg: news now wouldn't even take you. >> jesse: what's that? >> greg: i don't know, it just popped into my head. [laughter] >> jesse: if you know what you want for a result, you hire a firm, or you hire someone to do an investigation -- i'm using a lot of these air quotes, you get what i am saying -- you do an investigation. it has been predetermined. and lori well i am sure do whatever she has been told to do, which is probably keep this woman in office. do you agree? she is going to get the acts? analysis like that, maybe i will be leaving here shortly. >> greg: i've got to say, i
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don't like jesse. all right, jessica, i suppose she has expertise in assessing corruption. she practically invented it. are you going to defend her with her contrary perspective? >> jessica: yeah, but it seems like all the ladies at the table want to do that, so i will make it quick. i don't think that, you know, she didn't do a good job, democracy worked and voted her out, and she is entitled to have a career after that. this also is a gig that is not going to last that long. max on it is $30,000 when she has to submit a report, and we should be applauding the fact that the people of chicago -- whatever you think of brandon johnson versus paul vallas -- they did what they needed to do, they voted someone out they thought was an effective she has a right to live and make money. >> greg: judge, it is like hiring sam bankman-fried to do your taxes. >> judge jeanine: let me tell you why.
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it is prophylactic, okay? >> greg: watch your mouth. >> dana: watch your mouth. >> greg: this is a family show. >> dana: the mayor who should be, i don't know, i think the fbi should get involved investigating, what do i know. lori lightfoot had 100 times the number of people and made less money. this woman is the mayor of the city of 20,000 people and makes $300,000. lori lightfoot has 2.6 million, made $260,000. this woman hires a sex offender to be in charge of code enforcement, which means -- by the way, spent 12 years in prison, we are not talking about in name only. code enforcement has an obligation to go to your house. that is how many brands this mayor has been what better place to put him? she's got professional hair, makeup, all kinds of security, whether she is the mayor of a small town, she is using the money and that is why when lori says i'm going to be the effective steward of your
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precious tax dollars, she made a deal ahead of time and she is going to nail her. >> jesse: you are saying be a mayor somewhere, get free hair and makeup and security? maybe there is a place for me. >> greg: dana, you sit in the break, never trust anybody named tiffany. >> dana: exactly, except for them what in the mall because i loved her. >> greg: r.i.p. >> dana: no, she's in california. >> greg: sorry. >> dana: first of all, the evidence is already out there about tiffany henyard. the people who are most matter black women in the community saying this is outrageous. lori lightfoot, whether you agree with her or not, she has credibility in the community. i think she will do a very good job. plus sign a $400 a lot -- $400 an hour compared to what most people make. but in these types of investigations, it's about a third of what these lawyers are getting, so if you think you want to go to law school, there you go. >> greg: dana perino says $400 an hour is normal. just clip that and send it
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everywhere. i'm kidding. just joking. don't go to hr. up next, "the view" has a take on the solar eclipse that is so dumb, it will fry your brain cells. ♪ ♪ summer is not just a season, it's an adventure. experience the thrill of fly fishing from our expert guides along north america's finest trout stream. explore thousands of acres of wilderness on majestic trails. then replenish at our world class spa. and when the sun goes down, enjoy an intimate country music concert. this summer, discover the west kept secret. book your all inclusive luxury experience at three forks
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about the solar eclipse. speak with got a solar eclipse. we've got -- also i honestly, i can't stand, even this week, the ap style guide
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changed, you can actually dissent against climate loony. >> jessica: greg, trying to think back, i consume most of the clips, but i hadn't seen that she doesn't know anything about eclipses? she's got "on" in her name. she's having a bad year, by the way, a month ago don't think suy
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really believes that. sunny is playing sunny. let me explain what i mean by that. sometimes i play myself on tv. >> greg: that is true. >> jesse: i will say things because i think jesse watters, a fox news host, would say that, that is something jesse would say -- say -- >> judge jeanine: you are a caricature of yourself. >> jesse:
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♪ >> judge jeanine: before we get to one more thing. be sure to check out surviving hamas. benjamin hall's new series featuring interviews with survivors of the brutal october 7th attacks. it provides a unique perspective on grief, resilience and is survival now on fox nation.
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okay. now, it's time for "one more thing" a police officer in utah caught on camera in hot pursuit of two pigs that had been on the run for several days, four legged pigs. officer corey cooper chased the squealing animals across the yard before he managed to corner one of them in the driveway. the pig almost got away before the officer jumped on top of him. tackling the animal football style. my pigs up. okay. greg? >> greg: tonight, we got amazing show. rob schneider, charly arnolt, jamie lissow, kat timpf. look at that, huh? all right. let's do this. greg's guess what comes out of the pipe. all right. i'm going to show you the pipe and you have to guess what comes out of the pipe. >> judge jeanine: an alligator. >> greg: an alligagator? >> racoon jessica? >>
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>> jessica: crocodile. >> jesse: i'm going to go beaver. >> greg: good for you. all right, producers. what comes out of pipe. >> dana: can i hardly wait. >> judge jeanine: person. i knew it was a person. >> greg: you didn't say it, judge. we're not there yet. >> dana: actually come out. >> judge jeanine: it is a person. >> greg: it's a woman? >> jesse: it's a woman. >> oh. >> are they goats? >> greg: little baby goats. >> judge jeanine: where is this? >> this is in [inaudible]. >> judge jeanine: momma was waiting for them. >> that's a hero. >> jesse: you go, girl. >> greg: you go ewe. >> jessica: my one more thing. women, they can do so much. >> greg: they can do anything a man can do, jesse. they can't not do anything. >> jessica: talk about caitlin
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clark again? >> jesse: i wouldn't have gone in that pipe. >> jessica: you may not have had permission to skip school. bruce springsteen happily for playing concert. what happened to 11-year-old sign note to her teacher explaining why she wouldn't be in class in the middle of a san francisco show springsteen noticed the young fan skipping school. sign my note? and he knelt down and happily obliged. >> greg: looks like tilda scwinton. >> judge jeanine: i agree both of you. dana, hit it. >> dana: 34 blah blah. rehabilitated back in the ocean after being released on je'kel island georgia. under care of four facilities being treated for hypothermia related conditions including pneumonia and dehydration which the turtles experienced when the
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weather became cooler in the fall. i'm. >> greg: what do they do when they get to jekyll island? >> go to rehab? >> i will be in fort myers this weekend. and you can judge, i understand that vice president harris is on jesse watters. >> jessica: that's what i think. >> bret: that's what i heard. good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier biden tea


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