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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  April 8, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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♪ so i made barbara's new side gig count by guaranteeing her maximum refund. intuit turbotax. ooo, that looks complicated. thatat's why visionworks organizes our frames by shape and price so it's simple to find a pair you'll love. there are the shapes, that's the price. now you get it. visionworks. see the difference. chair pause before thank you for joining us, tyler fischer, walter kirn, 13! and kat timpf. [ applause ] >> trace: good evening entrées gallagher at 11:00 pm on the east coast, and this is america's late news, "fox news @ night". breaking tonight, chance of death to israel and death to america are pretty common in
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iran but these chants were in dearborn, michigan, the home of ford motor company's. proposed union protesters are not happy with president biden's response to israel war on hamas, the senior nationals correspondent kevin corker is with us with the latest. >> good evening betrays, it is actually an annual proposed union advantage, how the last friday of ramadan and enjoys significant support around the world, in particular here domestically in dearborn, michigan which as you probably know has the highest abortion of muslim in the nation be! with this comes with fierce opposition for u.s. support for is what, and what many deemed to be atrocities by israel in gaza, in retaliation for that hamas attack on october 7th. the marches including protesters chanting "death to america" and
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"death to israel" and "genocide joe" there's of course applicable angled to all this and rest, biden was declared the winner in michigan in 2020 by a relatively thin margin and is currently trailing former president drawn by 4.3 points. so it goes this way, with moslems and a younger voting age americans disapproving of u.s. policy in gaza, the post has now can spell defeat in november. meanwhile several pro-israel events are held this week and including a march to the lincoln memorial in washington, dc, held by family members of those taken hostage. >> we say do hamas, let the hostages go now! we say to all of the governments of the world, freedom, the security and the peace of the hostages and all civilians is the paramount ethical imperative and consideration at this moment, it takes precedence over all other political and
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ideological agendas. we say bring them home now! >> jamie's speaking there, rahman and riley the way,, for a cease-fire there, continuing to all the way around the world including massive demonstrations recently in jordan, morocco and throughout europe. >> trace: kevin we'll get about tina moment, thank you. iran is warning the united states to "step aside" made aware that iran is planning to hit u.s. or israeli assets in response to last week's israeli airstrike on the iranian consulate in the syria. draft paul is live with the very latest on the rising tensions in the middle east. >> good evening, the warning reported issued on social media through the iranian president's deputy -- deputy chief of staff that her ex account, reporting not only did he warn of the u.s. to "stepside" say don't get hit, but also warned the u.s. not to get dragged into his really prime ministers benjamin it in
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yahoos "travel! the u.s. has yet to make any -- that have been was essence easily strike onto the iranian consulate in damascus, the u.s. is on high alert for potential response from iran. when questioned about her that, a u.s. official told fox news "nothing has changed from a forced protection standpoint". fox news senator chris koons had this to say when he was asked if a retaliatory strike from iran on israel was imminent. >> well what has been publicly released by our government is a concern that there is a likelihood of an iranian strike. i cannot get into classified material but i think it is important that we continue to show strong support for the defense of israel, that we continue to support of the iron dome and other ballistic missile defenses we have julie developed and that we make it clear that we will defend israel against any iranian a proxy attacker any
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direct attack by iran. >> dad tell of this is really prime minister benjamin edge and yahoo has pledged to innovate at the gaza city of a rafah where many palestinians but despised by the war attempt to live. he said it will happen and there is a day, the u.s. has said to a ground operation in rafah would be a mistake. three thank you. [ ♪♪ ] u the fox news at night common sense department is disturbed that an image of 22-year-old at shawnee luke, a german israeli citizen murdered by hamas is the photo of the year. he was raped and beheaded, shown being paraded in the back of a hamas vehicle. of the award by the reynolds journalism institute at the university of missouri was given into a freelance journalist with the associate of parens. commonsense would remind either a still serious ethical questions about why a
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photographer just happened to be at the scene of the october 7th at mass murder. it is not appear to be a case of the right place at the right time, it appears to be the wrong place at the wrought -- wears time. it is fair to ask what these photographers knew and when thty knew it. that was associated with the award to say the image captures the "harsh realities of war". except there was no more. this led to the war. photographers were documenting horrific crimes committed by horrific criminals. his father is glad the picture one because he says it will inform the future, just like images of osher it's informed us. they are the saying says that a picture is worth a thousand words, the common sense things that picture is worth three words ups is evil among us. without swing and former member of is all special operation counterterrorist unit, aaron cohen, is great to have
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you on. commonsense are here, that should not be the photo of the year where hamas is awarded and their behavior is awarded for that, what are your thoughts? >> my thoughts as there is serious investigations as to continue with in the portions of the media regarding the associated press. u nailed it. your commonsense report, having photographers who just happened to be strategically with a line of sight with at cameron to be able to get that shot, both of his hips broken, always he sexually assaulted, they do not know whether she was dead or not. when they said that a body on the truck i said that girl is dead, you think it is a spit in the face to israel, to jews around the world, it is absolutely disgusting. >> trace: these that follow the united states quoting here is a high alert and preparing for possible attack by iran targeting israeli or american assets in the region in response
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to the israel strike on the iranian of embassy in syria, a u.s. official said friday. i mean i am not surprised but if iran hits the assets of israel or the united states, what is our response? >> thing the imaginal response will be to jack up israel unequivocally, israel is not in our own, we are not in iran. but israel has, trace, israel strength has always been actionable intelligence and preemptive striking is at the core for survival. of israel's intelligence assets smell thousands of drones getting worked up to get to israel or medium-range ballistic missiles which there are 3000 of them within 15 minutes of tel aviv, israeli air force, the elite is really air force will go into action because preemptive is in the survival of israel's livelihood. >> trace: standing by one second i want to bring in at the
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ceo, jennifer grossman, speaking for coming on the show. this is used speaking, getting harassed while you were speaking and it is important and instructive for us to watch this video. i will get you to comment. >> 32,000 palestinians have been murdered by his own? >> [ bleep ] >> who is touching me? >> trace: i'm assuming you are expecting them to raise their voices, did you expect to be pushed jennifer? >> well i guess on campus think is continue to escalate so i really am not surprised, to th generation of campus radicals speech is a violence but i guess violence is speech. >> trace: images start because there is the chanting we were
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talking about, chanting "death to protesters" i want to play this because this is an iran and this is what it sounds like in iran and i will play this quickly and gave final thoughts. >> [ chanting ] >> trace: the same thing happened in dead the barnett,, -- what are your thoughts on that jennifer? stew and i'm glad they are putting together their slogans of death to israel and death to united states because what is at stake here is more than some kind of policy criticism. there is a hatred of civilization itself, and what the united states and what israel represents, and that is capitalism, that is democracy and that his success? at the very fundamental base of this, that is what is drawing to the eye of these anti-semites
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and anti- zionists. i thought it was particularly ironic that the individual you show harassing me at the university was there draped with a trans flag and completely oblivious to the fact that in israel they would have the right to behave in any particular way and be treated with equal ri rights, try that in gauze, try that an iran. >> trace: very quickly, aaron cohen, and is well this is very powerful these protests on president about them. clearly has change, visual stops smac stops fighting the war tomorrow what would happen? stew in israel starts fighting when they got gaza back and look so happen? they gave it to palestinians, 1300 israelis were slaughtered, in the middle of the desert, we will see it all over again. israel has to be aggressive with hamas. >> trace: aaron cohen, jennifer grossman, appreciated. another brawl on migrant shelter in new york city, this time
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secured guard injured after five illegal immigrants are accused of launching yet another attack at that shelter. ashley with more information on this, good evening. >> i'm learning more about yet another incidents taking place at the granville island facility in new york city and according to foxnews digital, five men were arrested after allegedly attacking a man adds to in the morning, security guard was also heard in that attack. it does follow a series of incidents at the mic and salter, over 24th -- a stabbing of 24 euros on january 6, that was during a wild the scaffold that resulted in 18 arrests on genuine 19th and several others assault on secured guards and police officers. it is important to know that this morning things happened during an newly imposed curfew which went into effect on march 20th and it limits migrants from coming or going routine 11:00 pm and 6:00 am, with very
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few exemptions. new york city mayor eric adams said in february that metal facility, here's what he said at a recent press conference about the ongoing violence, listen. >> you place 1000 people in one setting, you tell them they can't go, all he can do set around all day, tempers flare. we will make sure we have the security there and take the appropriate action. >> as for this morning this incident, all five suspects were charged with third-degree assault and harassment. we reach out to you officials about the status of the victims that we have yet to hear back from. >> trace: actually, live for us in new york, thank you. that's frank and trump 23 for national press secretary karoline leavitt and tezlyn figaro? eight violent incidents, you really look at these things and they are into the one facility, do you think it is randall island, we hear this in name every single week.
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it plays out like a trump campaign ad? you just sit there and watches the sanga because it's a sanctuary city and its chaos. >> that is exactly right trace, would you about his decision to open the southern border has created an immigration, humanitarian, national security, economic and a crime crisis in every single state and community across this country. president trump is a first want to call it a migrant crime wave and that is exactly what this says. we read local headlines exists every single day, and the state of texas alone, illegal immigrants are 32 percent or more likely to be convicted of murder than american citizens. they are 91 percent were likely to be convicted of sexual assault than american citizens. joe biden in the mainstream media can be ten this migrant crime wave does not exist all they want, with a real american see this for what it is that's what immigration is the number 1 issue in this election. >> trace: we keep hearing the
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borders secure, the borders secure, i want to show these pictures because this is a board a new mexico. watches people just walk around the wall. just walk around the wall. watch this, take a look. oh, some of them go, why don't we just walk around as the wall. it really is, just illustrates exactly what people have been saying for the better part of three, almost three and a half years. >> it's been longer than that, i'm so grads to be independent, i'm not republican or democratic, publicans drop the ball when they were in charge do something about immigration and guess what, republicans drop the ball and they're doing it now. congress right now is completely broke, congress cannot come up with some solution to be able to fight immigration, donald trump -- >> trace: joe biden i did it, joe biden is the one whose executive orders and did all of this. he could do it tomorrow if he decides to -- congress were going to allow 5000 illegal immigrants a day to come in
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before they would shut it down. >> well guess what? >> trace: turning down 5000, why can't shut it down out of one? >> guess what, democrats don't agree with conservatives, that is no breaking good news. he and did exactly what trump wanted to do, that's no breaking news. the bottom line congress cannot come up with a solution, democrats and republicans, one is not better than the other, was very clear democrats do not do anything lower publicans are doing anything either. they cannot come to a solution, both sides, both set -- of course a don't! that is why i am saying they cannot come up with a solution! if trump gives an office, i guess it will fix it. if democrats stay in office a guess it will fix it. the bottom line is, mathers that wants work together the solution don. and we are in the middle of the mass. >> trace: here is the former president on abortion on truth social, watch this. >> now that we have abortion where everybody wanted from a legal standpoint, the states will determined by vote or legislature or perhaps both, and
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whatever they decide must be the law of the land. >> trace: i have 30 seconds, i want you both to weigh in on this. a lot of people pushing back include mike been saying this is not what we -- this is not what we decided for five years ago. >> president trump aligned with the majority of americans on this issue, he once we the people doubt the power to make this decision, i like joe biden and the democrats who were wildly out of touch with the american public. they support abortions up until the moment of birth and they want taxpayers to find it, more than a deep set of the country disagrees with joe biden and you should answer the questions, do you supporting the restrictions? he continues to dodge the question, we have does support -- assume he supports the abortion of an unborn child right up until birth. [ laughter ] absolutely denies you, donald trump dodges a question as all. when we got to be honest with you megan people? a dollar trump dodges the question is what, the reason why he dodges is because there's only seven states to be making a
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decision on abortion, arizona, georgia, michigan, nevada, but savini, miss collins and, is the second was important issue, 42 and 49 percent of those voters in those days omega decision, said that abortion is a number 1 issue, that they believe that most of them are pro-choice. of donald trump wants to win, you know changed his message. let's be honest about it, it's okay to change it. >> well... >> at first he was very proud about a rovers is wade overturning, now he says let's leave it up to the states, it's okay to change it, let's be honest, that's the reality. the seven states make up the determination. >> the overturning -- >> trace: i have five seconds, gotta go. >> the overturning of a row we've weighed did deter that decision back to the states, he has been clear about asses up again, he wants we the people to decide. >> trace: meantime -- >> he was very proud -- >> that is out for the states to
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decide. >> trace: the joe biden campaign and says voters continued to tell posters they are just not feeling get a more than half of those fox news surveyed feel they are worse off than compared to four years ago and just 22 percent think they are better off. a kourtis as they are doing about the same financially, then i grew and j.p. morgan ceo says that government spending and they expect and need for that spending to continue moving forward will fuel both high inflation and interest rates, let's bring an hour for their -- former economic adviser steve moore, great to have you in la. april 1st, biden is that he had the best to put -- best economy in the world and you see the polls show that's not true. >> twahtwah out of three americans say they are worse off financially, it is true people have a lot of money, people at the top of the income scale are doing well but it's the middle class and the working class that he getting hammered and squeezed right now. look at the numbers got groceries up 22 percent, energy,
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oil and gasoline at the pump up 30 percent, mortgage payments up 30 percent. those are the kind of basic bills people can pay, not too many americans that have that 20 or 30 percent raise. >> trace: i found this interesting, on a point out of these three, bullet points here, have of homeowners struggle to fourth of the housing payments, roughly one in five people who struggled to afford housing give to meals and/or working extra hours, surprisingly high sure minnelli is, was to him or not retired have dipped into retiring savings so they can afford housing. >> it is, it's because prices have gone up so much. by the way when trump left off is going to know what the inflation made was? 1.5 percent. eighteen month later it was 920 percent and i hate to be the bearer of bad news, inflation rate has come down -- 9.8 -- we are going to be looking at potentially four-dollar-gallon of gas and, when trump left office as was under three dollars.
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working on trump with the economy, we want the selection to be about -- member when reagan asked carter? >> trace: yes. >> he won as a same question. >> trace: here is president biden on student loans. >> with the department of education determines were cheated by universities, love students in on affordable loans with little benefits to students. [ cheering and applause ] >> trace: i mean the argument here is that if ucla cheated you out of a education we will pay 40, it is to lease the one 30 million people will get -- these are people who signed the loan agreement, people are suckers here are the people my wife would actually diligently paid back their loan. by the way who in the future is ever going to repay their student loan? everybody -- while the government. credit card debt? >> trace: eventually they will! great to see you?
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coming up, it looks like many small colleges now banning transgender athletes from competing in woman sports. and you will have 20 more years to catch the next solar eclipse, by today's is pretty dazzling. we even got the skydive clips fix for you and later in the -- "the nightcap", the great subtitle debate, some say that subtitles are a must when watching a show or movie, others say they are pointless and distracting. what do you think? do you prefer watching tv with or without subtitles? let us know on a @tracegallagher. we will be the best responses. coming up and "the nightcap", we're coming right back for fracture, you can build new bone with evenity®. ask your doctor if you can do more than just slowing down bone loss with evenity®. want stronger bones? then build new bone; evenity® can help in just 12 months.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> trace: breaking tonight, and move to protect woman sports ahead of the intercollegiate athletics from those who small
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colleges is now banning transgender woman from competing in female sports. back now live to the senior correspondent kevin coric. >> interesting story tonight, the naia which usually is in charge of smaller colleges and less influential than emceed aaa, does carry simpler goal weight in the water you as debate about transgender rights. the naia resident has approved a new policy, they did so no vote of 20 haven zero that is says if your trans athlete got you cannot compete in a woman's sports. it is a first for college sports organization to take that such a step. "only naia sterne acids whose biological sexes the mill may participate in any naia sponsored female sports" according to the policy. however there is an updated by the name of kelly robertson, you may have heard of her, she runs a human rights campaign which advocates for the gb naia ag
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agenda. she's criticizing the move tonight -- 2slgbtqiap+ -- calling to the policy a cowardly decision that enables discrimination. you may also recall those trays, once in a dozen female athletes suited the ncaa for allowing transgender swimmer leah thomas to compete, alleging that was a violation of their civil rights under title ix which of course is the federal law banning discrimination based on sex and education. we will have to see. >> trace: indeed, alive for as in dc, thank you. let's bring in our report lydia moynihan and contributor vito definitely. like he was saying, it's not the ncaa but naia is what is significant, this is pretty big deal. >> this is a huge deal, it is unfortunate because it is an obvious rule, right? when we have to say it, men cannot be participating in woman sports, this is what you expect
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in a post true the area, the left all the time kicked -- what is next? are nothing it's just woman sports, we can stop there we have to talk what woman's presence, woman's shelters which are being invoked treated with men in california, you have woman getting pregnant and getting administered birth control which is protected by the state. it's not just unfair, it is largely dangerous, the infiltration of a man and woman spaces. >> trace: want to move onto this, about a fascinating, doing the rug johnson was not on the view but he still booed him on the view because you did not decide to endorse a candidate. watch... >> the endorsement that i made years ago with that biden was whether thought was the best decision for me at that time? am i gonna do that again this year? that answer is no, i will not. because i realize without caused back then was something that tears me up in my guts? back then and now just division. >> a couple of questions -- [
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boos ] >> trace: he would have endorsed trump and the booze would have been that are. >> i can only imagine. adding this is emblematic of how a lot of people are feeling, you voted for joe biden five years ago, now he is looking at the way that his country has gone and is really not pleased with the outcome. the reality is it's very tabooed to say, i'm considering voting for donald trump. you hear a lot of people saying, i will wait and see, i don't love either joys, it's gonna be a gametime decision, and i think that's how a lot of folks are feeling because there's pockets of the country, industries like media were you frankly cannot say i'm considering voting for donald trump and i cannot imagine were terrifying plays in the media then the view to say a pledge my subordinate for donald trump. >> trace: and one of the most terrifying places as new york city because a lot of woman have been punched, literally
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blindsided and punched, and allen said they found the villain, coding here, "men punching random woman new york city, a desperate last gasp of the male rage feeling mag a" this is like jesse getting a divided by mag i, you gonna blame trump for this one? really? >> a hundred percent, it's not only outrages, it's actually infuriating that they would blame of this on the maga support is. it's mentally ill people, loads be lost about it. the reason it is happening is because new york city, demonizes rave men who stand up and protect women and children in the city, like what they did to daniel penney, they want him behind bars for protecting subway riders against is goods affronting while and individual. what new york city needs to do is encouragement to be masculine and protect weak people and their communities, have mentally
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ill criminals behind bars, and this is a testament to how woken is, the woke experiment has hard woman. we're talking but woman sports and we're talking which is safety in general. >> trace: the article goes on to say, obligee responded, "the rise of maga is fueled by misogyny but it is less a backlash than a tantrum, arrange explosion by men who want to restore their dominance". the article has no evidence, it has no proof of anybody doing any of these things and then yet it is a good opportunity to go after the right. >> the irony here is that many of the people who believe what the article was saying are the very people who have been watching these policies that have led to the rise in violent crime like punching people that we have seen in new york city. they are the ones that are supportive of the soft on crime district attorneys would not want to do anything to ask you put these people in jail. they are supportive of open borders, where you just kind of buffing and thousands of illegal immigrants, putting them in
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hotels, giving them 10,000-dollar visas, and you compound that with the fact that many of these people want to defund the police, put it in a blender, this is what god. for them to blame this on his maga donald trump is just ab absurd. >> trace: it is. lydia moynihan, it great to see you both. great to see you. a friend of the show, the great skydiver and police expert alex wanted to get a better view of the eclipse so he and the people of west tennessee skydiving, an incredible adventure, great team, one for a little high altitude skydiver and might have gotten the pictures. look at these! the pictures of the day, spectacular. somewhere up there is the arrest. meantime the greater mega- clips is a huge hit as the weather cooperated along much of the path of totality. letting the folks who ventured to prime viewing locations around the u.s. here's a chief correspondent... >> with telescopes and eyes
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pointed to this guy, tens of millions of eclipse watchers from mexico to mena to gain a rare and extraordinary total eclipse of the sun. >> tear words he, once-in-a-lifetime. >> is incredible, it's over thin people say it is. >> i feel like low. >> in the united states in the sky darken indexes on the board it was micah's gophers, around 12:30 pm local time, with totality, the sun entirely covered by the moon, experience for roughly prefour minutes, and more than a dozen states along the path of the eclipse. is starting a moment for all of the privileged enough to witness it. >> it really does make do you appreciate the beauty of the earth, the beauty of the moon and the sound, the beauty of the universe that we are so privileged to be a part of. it is just quite an extraordinary thing right! that was under clear skies saw a partial sun coverage until just
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before totality, one points of light appeared around the edges of the moon. resulted sunlight of moving through valleys on of the lunar surface, and finally, one last bright spot, like a diamond r ring, before the sun appeared as a black disk was only to outer atmosphere or corona visible. then the process reversed, as the sun slowly reemerged. in the u.s. the clips from start to finish lasted about an hour and ten minutes, ending in northeastern maine. >> when it got totally dark i was like screaming the whole time, action cried a little tier because it was overwhelming. >> with the moon blocking the sun temperatures drop got going to change directions, shot is spelled differently and birds stopped trooping. scientist took full advantage of the opportunity for research. >> we learn a lot about the interaction of the sun, from these events, we learn about the size of the sun and these events, it is an educational experience.
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>> for scientists a day was a huge research opportunity. for the rest of us, the tens of thousands over here at the indianapolis motor speedway and the millions more who witnessed the eclipse, first-hand across the country, it was a physical and emotional and even spiritual experience, and a memory that will last a lifetime. trace? >> trace: jonathan, thank you. coming up, speaking of spiritual experiences, how about baptisms at the beach? a revival hopping in clearwater, florida hundreds professed their faith on easter, one of the leaders performing the baptisms joins us live, that is next. plus utah police engaging in a dramatic pursuit of several misbehaving hogs, at a french diver at the new pairs aquatic center. today's best viral videos are next [ ♪♪ ] ya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months
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[ ♪♪ ] >> trace: on easter sunday a faith initiative in clearwater,
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florida turn into an and norma's religious experience moving hundreds of people to get baptized into the ocean at sunset, let's bring in format, along those performing baptisms on the beach, great to have you on here. is reading your notes, there were 219 people signed up in clearwater to get baptized, but i started doing it there people kind of, sport is looking around, they were prying a decided you know what, i will get baptized to you? tell us about what happened? soon it was amazing, the scene on the beach was surreal, we gathered with a group from online that said they will come down to the beach on easter in worship and do some baptisms. all of a sudden as we gathered in the water we sent our teams out in the water, myself, my husband were there, people started to gather on the pr, pierce 60 to be exact. hundreds of people started clogging onto the and they were
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filming us, some people were crying, older couples were just crying and some people just decided they walked all the way down the peer, came walked right into the water, people from other countries. they do not even speak our language, we had to get interpreters. and they said we want to get baptized, we felt called to the water. >> trace: you talk about the interesting part of this thing, nature action got involved. some of the animals, people were, and there were things that were kind of involved in this whole thing? >> yeah, it was really amazing what we saw it, all the creations kind of salivating with us. we were able to capture on video hundreds and hundreds of birds circling around just the baptisms, not anywhere down the left side of the beach or the right, just to buy us and right behind as you would see dolphins jumping out of the water while people when in the water and came up, dolphins jumping and birds and fish coming out of the water, it was absolutely amazing
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to see. >> trace: is amazing because he said he action started in 2018, he was singing on your facebook page, right? you tell your story, you said listen, i go back and i was a homeless person, i had a bit of a drug problem, i was a self cutting wiccan from accurate on that, then he started singing on facebook and he had become of this brand-new person. >> yeah, and i gave all praise to god because that is what the world is looking for right now. it's hope, future. they cannot find it in drugs, they can't find another things, they confided in jesus and you literally turned my life around. i was living in people's backyards on the streets, it is just a blessing to be a part of what god is doing, especially in clearwater, florida and tampa area. >> trace: and know your book is called sounder freedom, what is your message jenny? what is a take away? what did you tell the people who were baptized as he left you and they hug do you, would tell
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them? >> we told him that when they get baptized, they go into the water, all of this in, all of the strongholds, all of those things holding them back in life, that be left in the water because jesus has made them whole and you again. people from all over are able to celebrate this new life because of jesus christ. if you candidate for me, he can do it for everybody. our messages, jesus is the way. >> trace: jenny we were, great to have you on the show. the way she the best of like and think you. >> thank you so much. >> trace: while first up into nights viral videos, police in utah went on a wild pig chase. this runaway hog was finally taken into custody after police pursuit. the pig was just one of many brought to justice after running at large for apparently days. so far nobody had bailed the pigs out, they're stuck in jail. during the opening of the paris aquatic centre for the upcoming
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olympics, french diver alexis slept and took a nasty fall. the president of france was in the audience at the time, he was mostly fine but he told nbc he had a broken boards before but he had never break him. if you have a viral video to share, shared with us at @tracegallagher, or on social media. coming out, the great subtitle debate taking place ready on fox news at night, which member of our were "the nightcap" crew will you agree upon whether words on your tv screen are helpful or just plain distracting. let us know, x. and instagram at @tracegallagher, we will read the best responses in "the nightcap". but for as benjamin hall ways and live tomorrow, fox and her friends as american -- americas sees protesters chant "death. "and" death to israel. >> everyone: recorded on dvr if you cannot manager) catch his life, we're going right back. [ ♪♪ ]
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[ ♪♪ ] >> trace: we are back with "the nightcap", kevin card, ashley strohmeyer, olivia mona ham, tonight's topic the bottom line, the great subtitle debate is heating up online again, some say subtitles are a must, while watching a show or movie, others say they are pointless and it
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kind of distracting. do you prefer watching tv with or without subtitles? kevin coric has to be the leader in this! >> you know i will probably say whatever videos does, i kinda like the subtitles because sometimes you miss that all teas. i vote yes! >> trace: is interesting is started watching call my agent, have it i seen this thing? it's in french but it's all subtitled, at first as distracting then you're addicted to them, then you're watching whether in your leg where are the subtitles? olivia? >> i'm usually a subtitle person but i've been watcng shogun recently with a lot of subtitles, now i'm sick of subtitles. [ laughter ] >> trace: i'm with you, i'm on episode four or five or six, it's too much per mike ashley? >> know my brother has always got every time you gets a remote he turns the subtitles on, is a full-blown meltdown for me. is a hard know for me. it is so distracting! >> harold: yeah, it is a big
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distracting baggage of paul? >> no subtitles unless it's a different language, but think what's even worse is overdubbing when it's in a foreign language. if it's in a foreign language, don't overdub. you have to hear the native tongue. >> trace: like the old godzilla movies? >> yeah,, like the words,. >> trace: a love those movies and then the subtitles came in! welcome to "the nightcap", are you subtitle person? >> have to say, with everybody kind of melting their brain on social media, maybe this is a good way of kind of addressing up on your reading copperhead and skills. i am a subtitle person, especially for a period piece, anything with accents, if i'm watching the crown without subtitles i would have thought it was about burger king. you need the help. >> trace: that shoot -- the truth is, the subtitles are always like a step behind, like, okay,, you said something that is nothing on the screen, and then your step behind, so here it is, we asked our x. and
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instagram walrus got deeper for subtitles and watching tv? yes 39 percent on x., 37 percent on instagram, and here are the comments. cj takes away from the action, scott, no, to distracting however sometimes the word on-screen art art wrong and can be hilarious. jd i don't enjoy subtitles but i find it necessary with biden. i can't even read it. subtitles," but for movies and shows evidence my dogs decide it is playtime, i don't miss a thing. jersey says, with age comes wiom, and bow, and the need to read what you can hear. that is said, speaking for joining "the nightcap". thank you for watching, we will see you back here tomorrow. [ ♪♪ ] ned's plaque psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking.
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