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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 8, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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and should remind us all that we are just a very, very small part of an incredible universe. i heard you talking earlier to brandy up in rochester i think she was where they didn't get to see it so well about all the great food up there. i will go to rochester any time you want i will eat all the food that is bad for us. we can give our own doctors a heart attack by eating the food they tell us not to. speak out we are going together, young man. great job. we really appreciate that perspective. only from delavan but all our folks. this is a very special day in one of those days where we stop and think, this is all right. here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone. i am dana perino along with jesse watters and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ♪
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tilde eclipse mania sweeps in america. millions across the country putting on these clunky papers sun glasses and looking up as the afternoon light plunged into darkness. i have some glasses right here. millions traveling from all over the world to be in the direct path after thousands of dollars just to snag a hotel room. not one airbnb unavailable and the path of totality traffic jams were everywhere. warning drivers not to pull over and look at the sun. schools even closed early. if you missed it, your next chance is in 2024 when jesse jr. turns 23. they've got the glasses here. these were approved. you want to puput them on? they are really dark, i have to say. harold ford jr. how is your experience today? >> first of all, glad to be back. i heard the chief of police in buffalo upstate new york say that when people leave this thing, it was going to
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be 10 super bowls letting out at one time. it was fine. i was with my kids which was great. it didn't get as dark here as i thought it was going to get. i was prepared. i've got to tell you, putting these glasses on, you can see what you realizes the sun is you learn in school it's powerful. you learn today how powerful it was. i didn't look like that my son was there. there were still cloud coverage. my kids enjoyed it. i was with my daughter georgia, my son, my wife, and other family. we had a great time. >> judge jeanine: did you have special snacks? >> pizza. gregg: i wasn't there. in my opinion, this is worse than january 6th. i think it is offensive how foxes cover this clips. what about the people who can't see it? i'm not just talking about blind people, though i am in a way.
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i millions suffering from climate and security. about them? the people suffering from gender confusion, astronomical, racism. forget about the world dolomite word black holes. siamese galaxies and eskimo nebulas. this is offensive. i haven't even touched on the equity problem here. i boycotted the eclipse because there was no equity in how people were able to view this. some people could go on a roof and other people had to stay on the street. i find that disgusting. but then i thought about it for a while. the eclipse, the reason why everybody hates the eclipse, and it was stupid. it is the opposite of an earthquake. you cannot help but be disappointed by any clips with
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every anchor acting like they are having a massive out-of-body experience. an earthquake never disappoints you, because it just shows up. only, this is an earthquake. what is the moral for you? the moral is as a human being, don't be an expense. being an earthquake. don't build yourself up over and over and over again, because you just disappointed. instead, you show up in surprise and impress people. that is the lesson you learned from any clips. any clips is like an earthquake in one sense. and allows you to strike up a
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conversation with strangers. after the eclipse, i was walking out of sixth avenue. i would say she is at 10. that is objectifying. so she is in 8. [laughter] anyway, i go up to her and say, wow, that was incredible. she just looked into my eyes, and she goes, yeah, i guess it was. donald trump's fund-raiser was amazing. did you see how much money he raised? she walked on by. >> dana: one of the favorite topics, the media. we have a montage that i would like to toss to now. ego. >> this is really an exciting moment that so many people have been waiting for. you can feel it in the air as we
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are nearing totality, you guys, oh, my goodness. >> look at that, yes. >> i feel like it is our final turn here due to sand and slide into the totality of all of this. >> and looks like it's almost the ring from "lord of the rings." it's awesome. >> just finished wedding in totality. this couple wanted this to be there event. >> this is a total -- i don't know. it's a whole thing. >> the moon will be going i found of the sun. that is up our show. i think we've got a full eclipse they are. speak out this is the first timd
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and is what you see crossing the night sky. on the other hand, they worshiped the sun. they believed it was god's wrath. >> what about the vikings? >> we are getting there. and i figure out why god was angry. they do sacrifices. sometimes human sacrifices in order to appease the gods. native americans, certain tribes believed that there was a dwarf who was burned by the sun in order to get revenge had to snare the sun in a trap and only
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a mouse good and nibble away at the ropes to release the sun from its orbit. >> judge jeanine: that was wonderful. >> dana: the vikings. they thought the sun was the fox, and the moon was the rabbit. every once in a while, the fox we catch the rabbit. now you have it, judge. president trump got in on the action within ad ad here. watch here. ♪ ♪ [theme from "2001 a space odyssey"] >> dana: that gave you some humor. >> judge jeanine: you have to give him credit. he is such an entertainer. the thing that i come away with, i didn't think it was that dramatic, traumatic, anything. i thought it would get darker to be honest with you. i wear the glasses. at one point, i took them off and looked up for a second. you are not supposed to but whatever. i like the fact that it kind of brought us all together as a humanity. we all share this, thing together. i love that there was an economic boom that was connected to it.
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the people were traveling and buying that gear and the paraphernalia. for that 4 minutes and 28 seconds, whatever it was that we were also fascinated together and recognizing that we were all part of the same human body on earth. i called home to see how the dogs were doing. i said, i don't want them outside. i don't want them looking out the sun as i look at the sun. i said, are they acting funny? they said, no. not at all. i just thought it was interesting. i didn't freak me out. >> dana: let's do it all again in 2044. >> jesse: isn't it interesting that the entire news industry can stop for a day to focus on something like this? what does that tell you about how the news is made? >> dana: that is a good rid riddle. >> greg: stop it and start it whenever they want. >> dana: we will move on from the seller accepts.
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the pro-hamas crowd chanting "death to america" on american soil next. it's good to get some fresh air. fresh air? hi guys! bill, you look great! now that i have inspire, i'm free from struggling with the mask and the hose. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button. no mask! no hose! just sleep. give me this thing. where are you going? i'm going to get inspire. inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more and view important safety information at you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us.
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♪ ♪ >> and other low for joe biden's america. the pro-hamas crowd feels emboldened enough to chant eath to america" while holding a rally in dearborn, michigan. [speaking in a global language] >> jesse: the anti-eckstein agitators getting up -- it looks like the left pressure campaign has been working.
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biden has been caving. six months since the terror attack. democrats are also going soft on hamas. >> dana: the president initially said he was rock solid in support of the 16's efforts here. have the protesters won at the white house? >> jesse: no, i think this is a tactical disagreement that began with prime minister netanyahu insisting he would go into rafah. i believe president biden has been saying to prime minister netanyahu, before you try to finish the job against the 17th, make sure you allow for humanitarian aid and for those civilians trapped in rafah to move out of the way before you can dock this last stage of the ground campaign. the two weathers joe biden strategy? >> dana: i don't know actually who started this. i don't know who to credit. it was that biden has a new two-state solution, michigan and
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nevada. one of the things that is happening especially in michigan is that you have been worried that if he doesn't win michigan, he's not going to win the election. you have a certain percentage in michigan saying, we are not going to be excited about joe biden. it doesn't mean they are going to vote for trump, but they might stay home for there are a lot of jewish americans who live in pennsylvania. i can't figure out the political strategy or the principal. what i is the principled stand? why don't we all know all the names of all the americans are being held in israel? they don't talk about them. there's no posters. there is no pressure put on israel to say, everything went end in 5 minutes if you release to the hostages. that is a confusing thing to me. i think it is chilling to listen to these folks in dearborn, talk "death to america." i just wanted to look it up.
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you will remember after jan january 6, lloyd austin, the defense secretary and joe biden, they were very concerned about right-wing extremism in the military. they spent almost a million dollars on an investigation to find out how many people were in the military were sympathetic to what they would call insurrectionist. on january 2nd out of 2024, all these years later, hardly ever got a mention. greg did a monologue on that. dod report finds no evidence of disproportionate extremism within the military. a million dollars on investigation that was ridiculous. you don't hear them say anything about this. >> greg: of those chance of "death to america," is not actionable? and the fbi going to start an investigation? >> judge jeanine: the fbi can investigate anyone they want. they investigated the catholic church. no, it is free speech. it seems to me if you are going
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to chant "death to america" "death to israel." why not act on that if you don't like america, why not act on your hatred for america? this isn't just protesting. this protest movement allegedly for the palestinians is not a humanitarian movement. it is an illumination this movement. by that, i mean, it is a movement to destroy israel. it is from the river to been seen. they don't want a two-state solution. i love the idea of michigan and pennsylvania. i heard michigan-minnesota. i don't want a two-state solution. they want a one-state solution. they want all of israel gone. we seem to forget that it was hamas that started this. it was hamas that killed 31 americans. it is hamas that has over 250
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hostages including five americans. now all of a sudden, joe biden is gung ho from the get-go. now he's slowing down obviously because of the politics of it all. it is amazing that no arab country would stand up and say, i will take these refugees. they reason that they don't want netanyahu to go into southern gaza is because there are a million civilians, and i gently civilians at the rafah gauge right at the border of egypt. egypt won't take them. jordan doesn't want them. syria doesn't want them. lebanon doesn't want them. that makes no sense to me. they are arabs too. what is it about these people? what it is a is the fact that hamas is integrated into the civilians. that is why they are still one big grade, thousands of israeli troops still there. they are making sure that they are in a position to react. this excuse that well, we are trying to work in the
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humanitarian aid. think about it, jesse. and what war have you ever seen one side being required to provide food, humanitarian aid, and care to the other side to stop the war so we can go in and take care? when we can tell the difference between a civilian and hamas. when we and the allied forces bombed germany and killed hundreds of thousands of germans, we didn't say, oh, my god, they are civilians, war is war. it is. on the sun, these people who want death to america all of a sudden, they are the ones who are pulling back joe biden -- which is nothing more music to the ears of hamas and iran. >> jesse: harold ford jr. >> when i think about these things and they hear everything that the judge said. i don't disagree with a lot of it. i think about it the way that the late general powell, secretary powell talked about
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the doctrine. his birthday was april 5th. he talked about the risk in the interest as a part of that dialogue. the last three pieces dealt with is there a plausible exit strategy? is there broad american support or american people support for what we are doing? do we have broad international support? or a lot of the reasons that the judge mentioned are the reason is that i support israel's efforts and have unequivocally and unconditionally since october 7th, since the afternoon of october 7th. we found ourselves now in this weird spot. one of the frustrations on the part of the administration has been that they believe that there has been some real movement and agreement to release the hostages. hamas has -- to be released for
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the hostages. just knowing the names of the american hostages could be very useful to help one or two of these questions asked by the powell doctrine. i think the growing frustration for the administration is that they have seen a raft with them and netanyahu grow bigger and bigger. some are complaining that with support for israel. you have this craziness in michigan. i had disagree with you. we have found ways to investigate people in the country. they should find ways to investigate anybody "death to america" 8 times at a rally. the premise seems to be against foreign policy. people who go to school board meetings rightly so were acting out against elected officials. we should be doing the same right here. i never thought i 53 years old, being elected that we would find ourselves in the moment where you s format policy was not outlined when they came to securing israel. we've got to find our way back
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to a much better spot than we are in. one of the ways to do it to ensure that this "death to america" thing does not continue in that we have an honest conversation about our interest on the exit strategy and what we do to secure and why israel security is so important to our own. >> jesse: you look great for 53. congratulations. >> greg: i disagree. i look great. >> jesse: you look great. we all look great. >> greg: it took us a long time to move on. i use that phrase probably loosely to move on from 9/11. we remember dad to every single day, every single day we built and we did everything. 6 months hence october 7th, and history is already history. there are people that are already denying what went on. it has gotten in many minds
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smaller and smaller. their respect for what israel is doing is getting smaller. it is not israel's fault. your respect for what israel does is related to the legacy of the holocaust. if you actually believed that since the holocaust, israel has a right to defend itself, then this is the moment to prove it. if everything you said about israel in the past, and now you are criticize them, then nothing you said was worth it. it is supposed to matter now. it's not supposed to matr in skirmishes or when there some kind of political beef or an election. it is about when it actually comes -- which it did on octobe. if all of a sudden you are saying, you guys should slow down. a little humanitarian, then you are not respecting the legacy of the holocaust. this is where it counts, you know.
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i get the impression with the "death to america" stuff. we are on a slow roll toward our own little gazas. these little islands of unrest in the country. these were places that were sacrificed to leftism. leftisms, where laws were discarded. identity and division became the currency. look at minneapolis is george floyd. never the same. we were supposed to be a melting pot. that requires melting. instead of what we are saying is hardening. it is a hardening. we are always accused of xenophobia if we exalt our country's awesomeness or make fun of another country's customs. fair enough. i get it. it's a two-way street. if you come here and reject assimilation, free speech, cooperation with people there. you, those are our values. if you reject them, you are zine of ohmic and anti-american. it's not illegal. why are we respecting it and
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encouraging it? leftism encourages the sort of behavior. it's time for the adults to enter the room and basically change the conversation or these cities are gone. >> jesse: that was powerful, greg, very powerful. i need to use these. >> greg: coming up, as joe biden cooking the books on the so-called drop in crime? right back. what can i do to make a better cotton crop? we believe that the best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable farming techniques. from our sheets to our blankets and quilts this is a product that can be passed on. it could be a family heirloom. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20.
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we've never spoken. but you've told us many things. that you love stargazing, hate parallel parking,
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and occasionally, your right foot gets a little heavy. the lexus es didn't begin in a studio — it began with you. ♪ here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. >> greg: it looks like cooking the books in america's crime crisis. hyping crime stats from the bureau that show that murder and violent crime are down. >> president biden: last year gave the united states had one of the lowest rates of all violent crime for more than 50 years.
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>> i debunk some of the things that trump is pushing about crime. most of the u.s. is going down. >> the truth is that violent crime skyrocketed under donald trump's presidency. crime has fallen under joe biden's presidency. to be go crime rates keep dropping. that rate is lower now than when donald trump was in office. >> i can safely walk my dog to the capital today in a way that you couldn't do when we all got here. >> greg: right. about the "washington examiner" crunching the numbers. finally someone did it. it's a bunch of b.s. the fbi has been using a complicated multi-new system which major cities have been struggling to comply with. the feds forced to start estimating crime stats and thus undercounting total offenses. i've got to go to you because you were one of the people of very sensible an old-school democrat. i can't tell you are struggling with is talking about the data.
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>> harold: i agree with you. >> greg: the data they were pushing didn't match their eyeballs. we knew that the defunding, the politicalization of the justice department, all that stuff was destroying us. they were telling us now. they were gaslighting us. >> harold: the politicization of the justice department. >> greg: criminal justice i should say. >> harold: we have set on the show them if you feel unsafe, note number of stats are going to tell you you are not. you said something also, judge. i would assume that the secretary and security when he was walking his dog. i would feel comfortable and safe if i were him. a couple of things. we have set on the show for the life of me, i don't understand why vice president harris whom i have a great deal of respect for and like, one of the great prosecutors this country ever had. by you and go around the country and gather up all the great practices around the country and whether it is reducing
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homicides, with the assault or reducing thefts or gun violence, dallas, you did a great thing on the dallas police chief. you and bill did a few months back talking about how the morale of the police is up there. crime numbers are down and the mayor, a democrat switched to being republican. these are the kinds of things now that you want people switching from democrat or republican. let's figure out how we adopt these around the country. something i think we all fully agree on, cashless bell hasn't worked. you can't let them back out 10 minutes later. we have seen unbelievably disgusting statistics and fixable statistics here in new york where we understand that a small number of people are committing the majority of the crimes over and over and over again. key people in jail. there's nothing wrong with spending more money on police officers. there's nothing wrong with giving police officers the equipment they need as well as investing in the kinds of things in communities that help get people to not commit crimes.
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when people commit a crime, they need to be arrested. and people commit a violent crime, they shouldn't get out on their own recognizance or because a group of legislators think it might be the right thing to do. people in new york, we've got to do it all across the country and change these laws. >> greg: can we get a still. and never do an interview when you are on the toilet. it is not a good look. dana, the failure of this justice -- in this article, they say there is a rising share of victims no longer recording crimes. they feel like no one is going to do anything. >> dana: peter has been talking about this in britain for a long time. if you had a robbery in your house or your car got broken into, you call the police and they will say write a full report for your insurance. they don't send anybody. the story they did last week, they will send the lease to your house if you get reported for doing some sort of hate speech
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on instagram over there. i go back to this and learned this from george w. bush. you cannot fix a problem that you don't measure properly. that was in regards to education. that is how you ended up with the no child left behind act. the government has their head in the sand when it comes to crime. when you said if you feel unsafe, how many people that you talk to anywhere -- judge, you travel this weekend. are you okay? people are aware everywhere, failure to report as a decrease in crime. let's also talk about how the biden administration by doing this is hurting the police chiefs. if you look at almost all of them have been people of color. how many women and police chiefs have resigned because they will not get help or support from the prosecutors are from an administration who says we are going to do something about it. >> greg: the "washington examiner" did this. we have been talking about this. they were the first person to do
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the work because they were the only people that weren't scared of upsetting a narrative. think of these other reporters out there who saw what we saw. you know what? we will go with the data. >> judge jeanine: then data deniers like kathy hochul who told us we were all crazy that there was no crime in the subways in the crime was a figment of our imagination. and jen psaki who said, she pointed to it and said what are they talking about? why are they so focused on crime? this administration and the whole point of this block is that the fbi is underreporting the number of crimes in this country. because the democrats want power. that is the ultimate game here. here is the problem. they say the economy is great. we know it is not. we know it eggs cost and we know what meat cost. we know how much more it costs to live every year. you don't need to be a genius. what you have to realize now is
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that when milwaukee in their own local report says that robberies have gone up 7%, but the fbi reports that robberies have gone down 13% in milwaukee, somebody is lying. 63% of the departments in this country are reporting less cr crime, why? because the fbi has created new onerous crime stats that take hours to analyze every crime. it is like the new york city council has just passed a law to say we want the police to do more paperwork every time they have an interaction with a human being -- which provides for less police defense on the street. they are liars, and it's political. the bottom line is, you cannot function in a society where you don't have enough police, where there isn't enough 911 response time. we are not safe. everybody agrees when harold is
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saying we need to get rid of cashless bail, we need to put criminals in jail. until we are in a situation where that stuff is eliminated, and until we have politicians who are willing to do that -- with all due respect, i don't think kamala harris was a great prosecutor. i think she was a horrible prosecutor. i think she laughed at the number of people she put in jail for marijuana. she would take a few herself laughing at the people she incarcerated. let's not make her some queen that she isn't. fighting crime, she is the one who is putting money into getting out that 2020 bail criminals who committed violent crimes and getting them bailed out of jail. she is as much a prosecutor as i am a defense attorney. >> harold: you want to see what she said about you? >> judge jeanine: i have problem going at it. >> greg: jesse, if you look at job reports, immigration, prices. all data is junk.
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>> jesse: enron style reporting across the board. administration is flying in migrants from venezuela to accuse a border crossing numbers down. every time you look at a jobs report. next month, they revised it down. it's all part time jobs, it's all migrant jobs. it's a mirage. inflation is going down and prices are still going up. just at a slower level. this is really information warfare. the media should be reporting this instead of just repeating the propaganda aroround the sta. you have a crime riddled divided and distrustful society that doesn't believe the politicians, the media, or the fbi. then they wonder why there's populism on the march. >> greg: good point, jesse. that's march later. put on your glasses. coming up, we have reached trump derangement totality. there is that where it again.
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the abc started letting the ""comparisons fly. de? -it says 547. 5-well, that's not working. dad, she really needs to pee. [baby crying] we're gonna get in in a minute, okay? -it's not opening. -well, i'll call. representative. [baby crying] speak with a person. [cs line] you are a valued customer. representative! we can go in the window. (♪) daddy! just a moment darling. meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals leave you hanging, try one where you can reach a human in about a minute. you know, when i take the bike out like this, all my stresses just melt away. i hear that. this bad boy can fix anything. yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. when i'm riding, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn't ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected by america's number-one motorcycle insurer. well, you definitely do. those things aren't related, so...
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ah, yee! oh, that is a vibrating pain.
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: this woman has a serious case of trump derangement syndrome. one of the stars of the abc it sits, flying into an grant on how the ex-president is "hitler" and will put a black people in camps if he is reelected. >> he will punish everybody that didn't vote for him. let me tell y'all how i know this [bleep]. i know it, because i know what mental illness looks like. that mania is unstoppable. this [bleep] is. he didn't come to play. >> judge jeanine: she knows what mental illness looks like. i think i just saw it.
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the amazing part of this, jesse, is that what she does, is she says, he is going to put blacks in camps. he is "hitler." he didn't come into play. the man was president for 4 years. if anything, the past predicts the future. where is she getting this from? >> jesse: they are all becoming mentally ill, judge. you have these prosecutions not working. $25 million joe raised right across the street. donald trump doubled it in palm beach over the weekend. he just took home on paper about $3 million in stock. he just announced this morning that he does not want a federal abortion ban. he's up in every single battleground state. these are really important things that are happening right now all going in trump's direction. all the hoaxes that they have been pushing him a dictator on day 1. he calls them animals, migrants. none of it is working. they get exposed in 30 seconds..
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>> judge jeanine: in 2016, donald trump supported 8% blacks, 2020, 12%, today, 23% of the black support him. >> harold: everybody has a strong theory of the case. mine is different than hers. i'm not for a president trump. if you ever watched her on the show, she is pretty funny and dealt with mental health issues in the past, her own. i know you didn't. >> greg: who cares? >> harold: you can agree with her or not, that's where she was coming from. i've said before, there's so many things if you are in opposition to donald trump, you've got to get to the issues and get to what our candidate is can i do better for the communities that we want to support us. when you look at the polling data which you rightly point out, all of us have pointed out where president biden is running behind in the key battleground states, you got to look at
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issues causing that to happen. i thought what president trump did on abortion was absolutely confusing. i think democrats will use them. come after them on issues. the personalization, personalizing of this -- that benefit because she is an actress. politicians, people who are assigned to do with the seriousness of campaigns, talk about ukraine. talk about russia. talk about abortion. >> judge jeanine: one of the things he says, greg, you know, love bites and the rich people are doing everything they can to stay in the dated communities and not pay taxes. 1% of the wage earners pay 46% of the taxes. >> greg: i think we are falling into a trap of debating somebody that is unwell. this is like talking to a homeless guy in the park about politics. it is on you if you engage. she is stupiddish. this is helpful, because you
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know, when people start comparing people to "hitler," all bets are hot. she had a mental illness, i don't care. >> harold: i wasn't justifying. she said the mental health stuff. >> greg: and helps everybody else know that we should avoid you. you're basically putting a sign on saying, i am a vapid ideologically captured antiintellectual dope. it is like saying, i put avocados up my rear. that is how insane it is. he is "hitler." it's not a good luck. it is sad, i think. >> judge jeanine: it doesn't go at the red glasses. >> dana: all the people in hollywood who say he is "hitler," and would probably help them like the eclipse ad. put it out there. but the msnbc historians out there saying that he's going to be a dictator for life. you will probably capture most of the electorate who say they ridiculous. before that bad boy country is
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♪ ♪ >> last night, he let the liquor
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account. country superstar morgan wallen getting arrested on three felony charges after launching a chair off the rooftop. police officers said that chair and landed near a couple of police officers. tmz getting this photo. getting slapped with a reckless endangerment charges and one disorderly conduct charge. your honor, in light of this skillet was this the right set of charges based on what we know right now? >> judge jeanine: i assume it is good when you endanger abilities, you generally get charged with the right kind good is not the first time he's been in trouble with the law. he's got a problem. he was drinking here and i believe he was drinking last time. it's about time he had some people help them out with a probable or he's can i throw a fabulous career. >> greg: he has a long way to go to reach the hall of fame when it comes to rock star misbehavior. eating cross-dress and go on the alamo. he didn't start a riot like axl rose.
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he didn't get arrested at jfk for impersonating an officer and having crack rocks all over the car like dmx. keith moon got naked and drove his cutlass supreme into a swimming pool of a hotel. that is the kind of action you want to see from a rock star. not throwing a chair. throwing a chair. come on. the guitarist for r.e.m. ended up pouring yogurt all over himself on a flight and put a stewardess and a choke hold with his necktie. after 15 glasses of wine. he's got a long way to go with him and sure he will get there. >> dana: i would say he's very fortunate that it didn't hit somebody or hurt them. then the charges would have been -- >> greg: that is what i meant to say. >> harold: bring it home. >> jesse: it was his pure timing. could've been manslaughter. kids throw things out of windows and hit people. people think they are a functional drunk. you are a lucky drunk.
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you are lucky. he's a very lucky drunk that he didn't hurt anybody. people when they don't hurt anybody tend to forget how close it was and they are back to doing the same thing. >> harold: you have been incredible today. >> greg: thank you. >> harold: "one more thing" is up next. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow, stay prayed up if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects,
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♪ ♪ >> dana: time now for "one more thing." first of all dr. nicole saphier out with a new book tuesday april 16th of the are available now for preorders. love mom. a mother's day gift for anybody looking to shop. preorder it april 16th it. comes out. i have my politics podcast out today with a good friend of mine don stuart will remember him. greg. >> greg: tonight, what a show walter kirn the great writer. brian kilmeade i'm sorry. that's viewer. tyler fisher, amazing comedian
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and of course kat timpf that's tonight at 10:00 p.m. >> dana: jesse? >> president d podcast. i was on that this weekend. check that out on youtube. >> dana: what were you drinking? >> jesse: apple. >> greg: i watched it. >> jesse: that's a great weekend for you. "jesse watters primetime" trump is the solar eclipse. >> harold: congrats on being number one. >> greg: he feels guilty. >> dana: do you want to go. >> judge jeanine: i will go tomorrow. dine. >> dana: harold, do you want to go. >> >> harold: no. it's going to be a great game tonight. that's it for us. everybody. have a great night. >> bret: hey, dana purdue, don't even need the points. all right. thanks. former president donald trump declines to endorse a national abortion ban. tonight the fallout from all sides. meantime president biden is going to try again to forgive student loan debt for millions of americans after courts have shot dow


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