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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  April 8, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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daughters can learn about him. a place that they can go as they are growing up and see their father everywhere. they said we understand this. we understand your need for it. i am so grateful for that. >> you are joining us on our mission to do good and take care of gold star families, catastrophically injured service members and first responders. go to the website. it only takes $11 a month to make a positive impact. >> welcome to fox nation, a place where we look to the future and toast to our past. this is fox nation, where all of america's stories are told. sign up and start streaming today. ♪ ♪ >> harris: hello, everyone. this is "outnumbered." this is harris faulkner with
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ainsley earhardt is here. most of the kennedy saves the world podcast. kennedy herself and coanchor of "america's newsroom" bill hemmer. you are so excited. >> bill: it's a good day. it's a different day. we get to talk about something that we don't normally talk about. i find it refreshing. it brings us together. speak to the countdown is on for america's total solar eclipse. the rare phenomenon that won't happen again at least until tapley for as many people for another 2 decades. america has a front row seat to the eclipse this time for a large swath of the country. the path of totality will move across the united states from texas to new england. millions of americans getting ready to look into the skies. even those not exactly on the path will see 89% and 90% of this given some clear skies with protective glasses for all of us of course. bill likes to wears is inside. let's go to fox whether now.
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>> i would not be wanting to walk behind him in the office. you literalllly can't see anythg unless you are outside. this is gonna be great. everything really is kicking off right now. we have a watch party here in new york. if you are visiting them and go to fox square. nick kosir is out there. our dancing weatherman is going to bring in all the spectacular views. the path of totality is very impressive. it will start crossing over the border in texas at 1:00 central time and going to last all the way through about 4:00 east coast time as it crosses over into maine. the path of totality is hundred 15 miles wide. there are so many more americans that will see at least a partial eclipse. in new york, we are not in the pastor totality. we will see 90% coverage. that is enough that you will feel the temperature drop and notice that this guy will get darker and make sure that you have your protective eye gear ready to go. look at the conditions right
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now. this is looking at the satellite imagery where our cloud cover is. we want to be able to see it. right now unfortunately, poor conditions were parts of texas. i think dallas might get lucky. we have a little more time to see a break in the klondike. easily as you get into the midwest. indianapolis is going to be spectacular. we are looking pretty good as we get into northern new england. six or eight months ago, i don't think anyone would have put their bets on northern maine as being the best spot to view this with clear skies and a broker that is pretty much what we are going to see. indianapolis, a wonderful place to see this. we have multiple fox whether teams and fox news teams on the ground there. we've got temperatures that will be in the 70s. the totality begins at 3:06. at time of totality anywhere between 2 and 4 minutes. it's incredible. we are going to notice a 5-15 temperature difference. >> harris: interviewed last hour a doctor who was in cleveland. these guys were as blue as your
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dress. he thinks that this is going to be magical for a big portion of the country. >> even in areas that are cloudy, you're going to notice that it's getting darker. >> harris: great to see you. fox whether is your destination for the latest weather news and forecasts are it stream it on your favorite connected device and always on, always free. i love that part. awesome. i want to bring in fox news senior meteorologist janice dean live in little rock, arkansas, one of the most popular destinations for viewing the totality moments. janice. >> hello, "outnumbered," hello, harris. you are the director of tourism for little rock. we are at the zoo. by is the zoo the greatest place to be? >> because there's animals. animals and what they will doing during the eclipse, we are all very excited to see what that would look like and our partners here at the zoo are putting on a great show with many events and
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activities where people of all ages to come and enjoy. >> this is my first time the little rocker in the first thing i think of as the hospitality. people are so kind here. i would take my family here. for vacation. >> yes, absolutely. we are very much known for our warm hospitality. all that gas over the past weekend of it is their first time to arkansas for many of them. they have been blown away with how welcome our arkansan hospitality spirit is. >> not only will we experience it today, but in 20 years from now, the path of totality is yet again going to be across little rock arkansas. i will be 74. i will be here again. >> that's right. >> tell me how exciting that is for the city. >> in 2017 when the elastic lips happen, we started talking about it at that time. i have talked about this more than i did my wedding at this point. april 8th has been on our radar. the fact that we will have it again in 20 years is
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once-in-a-lifetime, but we are lucky that it's not going to be once-in-a-lifetime for us. >> the weather is cooperating. i had to plan this trip six months ago. climatology says this is a good spot to be for this time of year. we were worried about that cloud cover. it looks like storms are going to hold off here in little rock. we are watching storms in dallas. people have to pay attention to the weather forecast. we are going to come across with clear skies. >> we have had our fingers crossed. we are happy without starting out. >> went in the take away? why do you think about this event and what it's going to bring to little rock? >> is bringing first-time ministers. arkansas is a fantastic destination especially for outdoor recreation. we are a 365 day at your destination for that. we are getting those new visitors and make them fall in love with arkansas to become repeat visitors. >> 100 -- go the best place to be. then all the ladies on the co couch.
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>> harris: say thank you to your guests. that was fascinating to hear. having been to arkansas, i will definitely come back. it's beautiful. in texas, they are a little worried. we have a huge storm system that's coming in to drop some twisters. that's to be right about that time that people are hitting the roads after their totality moment. i'm curious to know about what is going to happen in those areas along the path of totality. with that cloud cover that is really thick right now, people spend a lot of their savings on going down there and getting that fabulous airbnb. >> that is a really good point. some of the places in and around dallas have canceled their eclipse outdoor activities for that very reason, harris. i think it's important to stay tuned to your local forecast and heed those warnings. i know it's a once-in-a-lifetime event. you don't want to risk your life outside if there's a watch or a warning. we are going to see the potential for tornadoes in te texas. >> harris: we all have the fox weather app. janice dean, thank you.
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bill hemmer, you said the woword eclipse. >> bill: wearing my glasses in the hallway. let the record show. >> harris: okay, all right. you said the word eclipse. you would, because they block the light. you said the word eclipse today a lot, both of you. are you excited? >> bill: i said we are in the zoo in little rock. the zoo in indianapolis. the zoo is the last time around, the guerrillas marched together. the flamingos, the adults around of the babies. the giraffes ran around their enclosure. the galapagos tortoises started breeding. the bears had no reaction.n. it's a new song. >> harris: ainsley, this morning, what about governor huckabee? >> ainsley: she was on f "fox & friends" this morning.
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>> i'm excited about this because i have an 8-year-old. we love to share these experiences with our children. i remember doing this in my front yard in spartanburg, south carolina. we made glasses or cameras out of our cereal boxes. our schools getting out early today. we are picking up 3:00 here -- not -- >> almost -- >> i have heard that word so much. we are going to central park. i have a picnic basket packed. we will take a little wine for the month. peanut butter jelly for the kids. it's going to be fun. come with me. >> i was in bill hemmer's hood this weekend. everyone had flown into columbus, ohio, to drive a little bit for the eclipse you had a lot of eclipse tourists which was fascinating. i got to see some animals in the wild that moms weekend. i was visiting. >> harris: fresh on this. do you go my daughter said, the
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moon sets. you got it partially right. to her, she is excited. i will say there's a lot of cool things. the nocturnal animals apparently wake up. watch out for the owls. in all seriousness, i will say, what i think about in a moment like this is the enormity of god and the smallness of man. i found a quote from james fenimore cooper. the author of "the last of the mohicans." i have passed a varied and eventful life. it has been my fortune is the earth, heavens, ocean, and men. never have i failed any spectacle which so plainly manifested the majesty of the creator or forcibly taught a lesson of humility of man as the total eclipse of the sun." >> bill: you are that wearing the glasses and the hallway. >> bill: can i add to that? i like in these stories when you get into the minutia and find things. i never knew that. i think i'll not of us is why we do the jobs that we do.
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the sun is 400 times larger than the moon. but it is also 400 times further away from earth. that makes the sun and the moon appeared to be the same size in the sky. >> harris: i'm fascinated by that. >> i was told there would be no math. >> kayleigh: that is divinity. >> harris: you asked the scientist and brought and renovated. she said coincidence. as i go back to the faith card. >> kayleigh: my mom texted me your clip of that. >> harris: we will have more on the eclipse coverage. right now we want to talk to the anti-israel protesters in the united states chanting "death to america" on our soil. we have a lot of free speech. we have room for people to call to "death to america" at a rally. state tuned. with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein,
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>> -- [speaking in a global language] >> that video is from iran last week. protesters in tehran chanting "death to america." we are seeing that chilling anti-american sentiment here at home in america. pro-palestinian demonstrators chanting "death to america, death to israel" in dearborn, michigan. a city that "the wall street journal" has already branded as the g hot capital of the u.s. a protester they're attacking america for supporting israel and quoting malcolm x saying that the u.s. is "one of the rottenest countries that has ever existed on this earth." it is chilling to think about, kennedy. from some perspective on
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dearborn, i want to bring this up. these were happening before the offensive by israel. welcome to dearborn, almost immediately after october 7th, long before israel began its offensive. pro hamas rallies and marches through dearborn. describing october 10th event at the board performing arts center read michigan rally cheers hamas attack school. that is the attack where babies were found in ovens. >> they will not acknowledge that attacker they will not acknowledge what has happened in the wake of that and whether or not israel has defend itself from that attacker that was the inflection point. now they are calling for. i understand this is protected speech. it doesn't mean i condone it or excited about it. i'm disgusted by it. when i want to know is these are
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people who are just mired not only in feelings about a very, very angry hostile feelings that i want to know where their vision for the country is. let's say america is awful. let's say this place sucks and what are you going to replace it with? how will my life and the lives of my children and family be better under your vision? i don't trust that. they don't have one. they don't want peace or they don't want happiness. they just want eradication. >> kayleigh: that's exactly right. one protesters said it is not genocide joe that has diagnosed him as the entire system. >> ainsley: if you don't like america and you want death to america, why are you in america? why are you here in this country if you are going to chant things like that? it has given us all amazing jobs. our dreams have come true because of this country. october 7th was one of the saddest moments in history for all of us. we all had nightmares about it. everyone at home did.
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we we had to watch videos and hr things about babies in ovens and things we want to erase. i think joe biden is because he's watching all these uncommitted votes, he's abandoning israel now. i think he cares more about these votes than he does on the war on terror. we had a family who their son is one of the hostages. don't forget, they said good always when you talk about this war, talk about the hostages. 133 of them for there was a cease-fire on october 6 at october 7th, hamas changed all of that. this is what war looks like. it's sad when innocent people die. i would hope that america did the same thing as israel. >> i saw this last night. the fact that there have been 134 people including toddlers and elderly people, those of other faiths held hostage for six months is inconceivable. the fact that bring them is in everyone's top priority is unconscionable. bring them home now. i would love to know where he
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has. >> harris: i want to know where all of them are right now. though number was 13496 hours ago. then they turn over the body of one of the hostages. we don't really know at the number is. we pray that it is still 133. i had on an israeli cabinet member last hour. i asked him, how do you get the world to focus on the hostages? this should be a global effort putting pressure on hamas. it shouldn't be about biden finding his foreign policy on the issue. this should be about all of humanity demanding that they give up those people. imagine if they put a baby in the oven, what they are doing with the baby that they have now. why isn't the world incensed by this? war has collateral damage. he said this, this minister from the israeli cabinet. but i will say that if you are going to then demanded that they do something different, then at
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the same time, you'll never win back those votes and michigan and minnesota. biden is so duplicitous on this. all of our foreign policy woes aside. let's fight to get the hostages. can we agree on that? >> kayleigh: it is a bit muddled. jake sullivan will be reportedly meeting with some of the families of the u.s. hostages. at the s same time, they are gog to win back the vote in mic michigan. >> bill: 99 hostages frorom benjamin netanyahu's office. i don't know if it is 99. maybe it is more. maybe it is less. talking about numbers and michigan on the 28th of february democratic primary. 100,000 uncommitted votes cast by democratic primary voters. joe biden won the state by a grand total of 15,402,020. that is the political lens on this. regards to this chant "death to america," that was a gentleman and michigan-based activists. he quoted malcolm x who said
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"the united states is one of the "broughton-esd countries ever existed on earth" to illuminate the entire history -- whether it is 134 a 132 or 99 or more or less. that is why you had thousands of people shouting down jerry nadler outside the u.n. on sunday. that is why you have tens of thousands of people rallying in jerusalem and tel aviv to keep the focus on those hostages. >> kayleigh: priest pray for the hostages my family does every night. scammers, extremists, and racist. that is what the biden campaign labeled trump donors after he raked in cash for his 2024 campaign. that's next. your at kubota orange days. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors, zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor in the usa.
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>> harris: it is going to be a journey today. you're looking alive at park square in new york city. this is our home in the heart of the city. look at what we have done. we have built a stage. we are gonna go out there and watch bill wear his glasses outside. millions of people are gathered across the united states to watch the rare path of totality. you want to keep it right here. as we take a look, it is a beautiful day. we will see about 90% of that totality. not 100% here in new york. that's coming up later. we will all go outside and be like the beatles and the wal walkway. donald trump is ramping up his fund-raising. the former president closed the fund-raising gap adding more than $15 million to his war chest from a megadonor and razor over the weekend according to his campaign. trump brought and doubled on money biden raised from his celebrity found it -- he had three presidents including
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himself at the fund-raiser two weeks ago. biden team took to the media to attack trump's donors. >> he's down in mar-a-lago with a bunch of millionaires. we believe john who not only wants to cut social security bit famous as a hedge funder betting against the american economy. it is no surprise that he's investing in somebody like donald trump who is rooting for the economy to crash. billionaire scammers extremist and racist. he's gonna cut their taxes while he cuts her social security prevented the fundamental contrast that you have between the fund-raising operation that we are building up and how it's allowing us to communicate with the voters and the money trump is raising that is pulling off as legal fees right now. >> harris: i think that was every talking point. the only thing i didn't hear about anything about ice cream. >> bill: the scammers and racist where the one on saturday? it is true that biden had an
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event here. it is true that joe biden in the past 24 hours said "this is scranton versus palm beach." you just had how many people inside radio city? you had no reporters. you had no media coverage. he raised upwards of $30 million on your own. i'm not so sure. the democrats between joe biden's campaign in the dnc have about $190 million. trump and the rnc have about $90 million. this is the one category where joe biden is number one. that is in raising money. money is not the only thing that assigns elections. you can ask hillary clinton from 2016. i think the more significant number to watch is not how many galas they throw and how much money they raised through those events but how many small dollar donations. the big politicians know, those are the people who vote. >> harris: some of the reporting around biden is he is
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gotten a few around the $200 mark. i just want to see all of it. i want to see all of the facts and fact-checking out all of this. and we are going to make this a money game, we've got to see the numbers. >> ainsley: about scammers, extremist, racist." biden can't run on the issues barely have to go after these type of attacks. too much money for a ticket kind of thing. they all have their fund-raisers. he can't go after the real issues which are immigration and crime and foreign policy, the economy. those are the issues -- that is why we are all voting in november. it's not because we really think that donald trump might be racist or these wealthy people are racist. >> let's talk about fund-raisers. when joe biden was with the clinton's and obama at a fund-raiser, guess where trump was. he was at the memorial service for the police officer. >> harris: that's right. >> kennedy: it's very
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interesting. i thought the surrogate who was on msnbc did a good job of articulating the president's case. i felt bad that president biden is saddled with kamala harris. why couldn't he find a better communicator who is able to leap off the screen? granted, it was all lies. they were falling all over themselves with the help of the media patting themselves on the back for this record all groundbreaking $25 million. american -- 15 million. that's not a big deal. do you think those were plumbers and cvs workers paying $100,000 a pop for a picture with the biden, clinton, and obama? absolutely not. that was not a grassroots fund-raiser. that is how the obama administration framed it. it's all about money. the rnc and the trump camping dish their wagons together. this is where the game changes in terms of how they raise mo money. >> harris: you know biden doesn't know any normal people like that.
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at the grocery store. otherwise he would be able to talk about inflation more intelligently. he had a really good point. this guy is a surrogate. he is the biden campaign communications director. he had all the talking points. >> kayleigh: that talking points where lies. who were there racist that were there? tim scott wathere. vivek ramaswamy, the owner of the jazz jazz was there. these are -- >> harris: you nobody's saying. >> kayleigh: it was a lie that he wanted to go out on msnbc. there's no accountability there. so we can do it. i saw a clip of biden going "i am the party of grassroots" for the tickets went for upwards of $500,000. i would love to know how many billionaires were at radio city. a lot of people with pocket change half a million dollars to shell out on a ticket to see obama and biden. got to guess you are somewhere close to a millionaire or hundreds of millions of dollars. trump doubled the fund-raising
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record. pretty big deal. >> harris: i want to say this. they bring out the black surrogate to talk about racism, because apparently the people that you just listed on that list, they are all black. but they are not democrats. >> kayleigh: not democrats. >> harris: going up, president biden is unveiling even more student handouts. as a simply trying to buy more votes? why do you think? why would i use kayak to compare hundreds of travel sites at once? i like to do things myself. i can't trust anything else to do the job right. kayak... aaaaaaaahhhh kayak. search one and done. i thought i knew a lot about our irish roots; i was surprised to learn so many more things.
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there's the family name. 1892 wow. that one here is the boat they came over on. yes. wow.
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>> president biden is ready for the next phase of his student loan handout. canceling millions in accrued interest along with full forgiveness for a long time borrowers with undergraduate and graduate degrees. the president took the social media today to brag about the bailouts. >> president biden: grande 1, my administration has been committed to fixing the broken student loan system and making sure higher educations is a ticket to the -- 4 million americans through various actions. today, i am announcing new plans that would cancel student debts for millions more. in total, these plans would cancel some or all student debt for 30 million americans when combined with everything we have done so far. >> the important question here -- we know the answer is why he is doing this.
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he's going to talk about student loan forgiveness. let's pull out the pole. rfk jr. owners under 35 at 9%. trump, 39% with owners under 35. >> bill: i didn't have the exact number from 2020. i think this is very telling. like or dislike donald trump, he is not a politician. he makes decisions that nobody expects and surprises everybody all the time. joe biden's move is an old-school american politician. you can see bill clinton doing this back in the day. maybe presidents before him. he is in madison, huge school there. 37,000 undergrad. he won 75% of the vote in dane county alone. i computed to about 190,000 real votes. wisconsin matters in a big way that "wall street journal" poll showed that was not a close one.
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10 electoral votes. how many votes to joe biden when back in wisconsin in 2022? i got 20,000 votes. in dane county alone, you're talking 190,000 real votes. that's why you do it there. is it smart politics? maybe. it is at the right thing to do? we can all debate that. >> harris: direct line between what he's doing with the loans and what he's doing with inflation and the economy in this country. you mean that your loans scoot and let the creditors come after you for a while, but you've got to eat. the price of everything that the food and energy are extracted from that raw data that we know to be the inflation rate is problematic. it's bad enough as it is. >> bill: i don't know if it's working you're going to work. if you look at young people right now, they are trending toward trump. we don't know why that is. we will find out soon enough.
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>> kayleigh: that uninstructed line got 48,000. 48,000 for a double margin of victory for biden. uninstructed line where you've got a lot of young people, 15% is what they were pulling in as opposed to a percent. gaza matters to young people as much as student loans. >> they will try to capitalize on that. you've got some really disgusting politics that are on the way. i don't see any congressional intervention. there is no accountability from the school. as long as they know that the spigot is open from the federal government, they are going to keep charging higher and higher rates for people to go to college. once there is a different administration that undoes those executive orders, they are out of luck. he is definitely doing this to get the young vote peers what bothers me as someone like my do put himself through college. his goal was to put all three of us through college. now, will he get any of his money back? the next question is, what about
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the military? what about our men and women who have sacrificed everything to get free college and willing to give up their lives were precollege. how is this fair? they are making the ultimate sacrifice. they are going to get everything paid back with your tax dollars. >> kayleigh: subsidizing the guy with a degree. how does that make sense? the total solar eclipse has begun in the middle of the pacific and will began to sweep across the united states. kennedy took to the streets to get answers to the questions that millions will ponder today as they looked up at the sky. are you a son person or a moon person next? i bought the team! kevin...? i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too! starting with the sound system...
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>> we are gearing up for the first big show, the first phases of the groups getting underway with totality expected to hit the first u.s. towns in about one hour and 20 minutes from now. we are with you every step of the way with correspondence and guests from the texas-mexico border all the way up into new england. for the best eclipse coverage anywhere, keep it right here on
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fox. i am john roberts. sandra is off today. we will see you at the top of the hour for "america reports." >> oh that's right. a clemson man is sweeping the u.s. and the world. i hit the streets for healthy "outnumbered" team to gain the excitement. are you excited about the eclipse? what is your sign? >> i am a capricorn. >> capricorns are really supposed to benefit from nick lentz. i made that up. it's really exciting. are you looking forward to the eclipse? don't look at it. classes only. are you excited for the eclipse? are you in town for the eclipse? you think president biden is going to resign after the
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eclipse? do you wish she would? i do. don't tell anyone. do you think people who are dumb enough to look at the sun? nikko yes, 100%. the aliens are coming. they are going to use that oppoportunity to land. aliens, we have to say that now. she is not as excited as i am. that is okay. i think the eclipse is the time to shine. >> i heard you can't look up at it. >> not with your blue eyes. turn into the fog and crystal. are you a son person or a moon person? are you lunar or solar? no astrological signs will be benefited by the eclipse. going to be rich after the exams. it's going to shower gold. hopefully we will be here to see everyone get showered in gold. >> sir, do you like this on nor the moon?
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are you excited for the eclipse? do you think the alien mother ship is going to land? 's nico i don't think so. >> do you like the sun nor the moon? one more for the lunar people. >> i'm going to buffalo. >> you've got to hurry. >> that i've got the ticket at buffalo state. the field. it's $45 general admission ticket. i'm ready to go. >> how do you think this eclipse is going to change your life? ♪ ♪ >> i think i will know once the 3 minutes go by and there's a shadow, i think i know how i'm going to feel. i know for sure once it happens. it's just, i think it's going to be a renewal of the spirit. >> it's whenever the sun and the moon lined up. >> that is exactly right. good job, sir.
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represented, in north carolina well. there you go. have fun in new york. don't do anything i wouldn't do. >> understood. >> bill: well done. >> harris: that was great. >> people where willing to talk. it's not always the case. when you have subject matter that is fruitful. another person who is happy about it, our very own emily compagno's in indianapolis waiting for totality. maybe the best place and that country to watch it. it will happen at 3:06:00 p.m. eastern. you can see her eclipse sunglasses in that beautiful city of indianapolis. >> harris: it is gorgeous. >> kayleh: my favorite was the guy who you said to him, is biden going to resign after the expenses? he said unlikely. >> they guy who you have the thinking dots. he was really giving it some thought of how his life would
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change. >> he is expecting to be deeply moved by this. that is one of the suggestions. you need to feel everything. when you are in central park with your daughter and your friends, you every sensation you possibly can. >> getting into it, ladies and gentlemen. >> of the party is just getting started outside on fox square. we are going to go live. that is happening next. veteran homeowners
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♪ ♪ >> yeah, "outnumbered" outside. you are looking live the total eclipse party watts in austin, texas.
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texas will be the first state to see the eclipse. it is some crowd there. we have our own right here in new york city. waiting for today's historic total solar eclipse in fox square. we will see about 90% of it. we have a crowd. nicosia is in the middle of our viewing party. nick has been known to cut a rug. >> break it down. >> watch this. this is what i'm calling "the eclipse watcher." when your eyes get tired you look down at the ground. up, down. you are staying alive that way. as the dance that i'm doing today out on fox square. we had a line around the building here for the fox weather solar clips glasses. everybody wants to protect their eyes during this expense right here in new york we are going to get a partial eclipse at 3:25. that is when we will see max coverage at about 90%. everybody is super excited.
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in terms of totality, 9,000 miles of the united states is going to see the total eclipse where the moon gets completely in front of the sun. right now, but a partial eclipse is taking place over parts of mexico and getting ready to make its way through parts of texas and eventually through 15 states of the united states before wrapping up around 5:00 in maine. people have found from all over the united states to get within the path of totality. people have come from all over the world. some people have equated see totality to the birth of their first born child. that goes to show you. >> harris: we have to get those people out of the house. that's what needs to happen right there. >> bill: the first spot in north america that will see the eclipse. >> the good news is some of that cloud cover has lifted down in texas. before those storms, and later, it looks like they are going to see something. >> bill: where was this
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weather on the weekend? >> it has all been about the cloud coverage. >> try putting on glasses. >> it works. >> it totally works. >> harris: thank you very much. you have given us some good news they are. when it's all over that they stay out of the way of the storms. right here on fox square, we've got -- look at along the sidewalks here. >> thumbs up to you, my friend. >> what i love about this day, and brings everybody together. >> as a moon person -- >> are you moon or sun? >> ainsley: i am probably more sun. i like to sleep. i don't get a lot of it. >> i am a florida girl. >> i love the heat. i love the sun. the only place you can visit space is the moon.
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i'm kind of torn. >> harris: i can't just pick one. we are taking a look. it's happening. >> mexico. >> look at that. for the next few seconds, they are watching the beginning of the partial, then the whole thing will be covered d from thr vantage point. on the backside of that and 15 minutes or so of the partial before he goes away. here's excited? >> harris: watch what you can and keep it on fox. for now, "america reports." >> there's a lot of excitement like there's a buzz in the air. >> it seems awesome. it is awesome. >> it was about 7.5 hours drive. >> we rented it. i booked it in may of last yea


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