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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  April 8, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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watch this >> you can tell from the video how much mom wishes she could be here, right? guess what, she is. ladies and gentlemen, will you please welcome -- my honor to welcome chief petty officer. [applause] >> dana: beautiful moment. she is on an 18 month deployment in be rain and made it home to see her daughter compete in the drive, chip and putt national finals. thank you for sending that to us. we'll be watching. harris faulkner, here she is. >> harris: we begin with breaking news. it has been six months since hamas terrorists invaded israel slaughtering more than 1200 people. torturing women and children and
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today 133 hostages still in captivity if they are all still alive. a grim milestone and an administration now waivering on 75 years of unwavering support for our top middle east ally. president biden facing massive backlash within his own party as november looms. what will he do? i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." president biden's most recent call with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu contained a not so veiled threat from biden. it went this way. if israel does not conduct its war the way the united states wants it to, there will be consequences. then he brushed off this question about the apparent ultimatum. >> mr. president, are you abandoning israel? are you abandoning israel?
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[inaudible] >> harris: look at this. anti-israel protestors showing up in force at the president's home in wilmington, delaware where he spent the weekend. that's as far as they could get in because secret service set a perimeter up. that's pretty far in, though. demonstrations like this are getting larger and more frequent as israel's battle against hamas continues. one headline said this. protests are challenging democratic leaders and complicating the party's ability to campaign in an election year. israeli legal scholar argues they are having this effect on the president. >> he is concerned about his progressive base and he wants to make sure that college kids in madison, wisconsin, turn out in november for the election. he wants to make sure the arab community in michigan turns out for the election and he seems to put that ahead of basic decency
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and base being morality and is betraying one of our closest allies in its time of greatested in. >> harris: an article says he is in a dangerous -- it points to biden's quiet supply of munitions to israel and harsh public criticism of its military conduct. how can you give -- yeah, you get the point. members of his own party again have no idea what his foreign policy is toward israel at this point. >> i'm not clear. i was glad to see the president at least as reported out finally say to president netanyahu that if you don't follow these -- my requests, that there will be consequences. but the president and the white house have yet to lay out what consequences they have and they want to impose.
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>> harris: an israeli cabinet minister in "focus." let's first go to jacque heinrich at the white house. >> the pressure that president biden is under from the left really boiled over about a week after an israeli strike killed seven aid workers. there were protestors outside of detroit in dear born, michigan who gathered and chanted death to america. really significant display there. israel says it has taken corrective measures since this strike to correct its conduct including by firing two military leaders. biden's base is calling on him toondition future aid to israel which republicans warn will send a message that the u.s. can't be trusted as an ally and message our enemies would capitalize on. the white house denies the president has folded to the pressure. >> we saw hundreds of thousands of uncommitted votes against president biden.
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we've heard for quite a while about the tensions that exist within the white house. the president initially said he was rock solid in support of israel's efforts here. have the protestors won at the white house? >> no. this is a tactical disagreement that began with prime minister netanyahu insisting he would go into rafah. >> the president's resolve will be tested again. israel says hamas has had plenty of time to negotiate a hostage release and israel doesn't want to wait much longer to go into rafah. >> i think we will wait a few more days. if there was no deal about the hostages we will step into the city. we waited for very long period of time to negotiate with hamas. they are playing with us and the u.s. with the qataris and egyptians they will find out we know how to fight and find them even in rafah. >> today the president is
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talking about the wisconsin in wisconsin. another swing state he needs to win in 2024. increasingly the protests are taking the focus off the topics that he wants to focus on. >> harris: yeah. they don't give him an opportunity to sell himself and they are winning on an issue because they soak up all his air time. the associated press with the headline. after six months of war israel's isolation grows with no end in sight. when israel declared war against hamas it stood unified at home and enjoyed broad backing from around the world. now they find themselves in a different place bogged down in gaza, isolated internationally and increasingly at odds with its closest ally, nap quote there. against the back drop, all that said netanyahu delivered this message yesterday. >> we will stand united and strike our enemies, we will
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eliminate hamas and free our hostages and with god's help we will bring total victory. >> harris: former house speaker nancy pelosi joined more than 30 house democrats in writing a letter to president biden. here it is. we strongly urge you to reconsider our recent decision to authorize the transfer of a new arms package to israel and to withhold this and any future offensive arms transfers until a full investigation into the air strike is completed. that air strike is in reference to the accidental killing of seven aid workers last week. the "wall street journal" editorial board says democrats are playing into hamas's hands and cutting off weapons to an ally in wartime would be the definition of betrayal. israel's minister of economy and industry, a former idf paratrooper and former mayor of jerusalem, we welcome you to "the faulkner focus." thank you for being with me. first of all, i want to try to
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understand your vision for where israel goes at this point with its military. >> well, october 7th israel was attacked by terrorists. by jihadists. from hamas perspective, october 7th is just the first incident. their goal, their charter, together with iran and qatar is to kill jews all over the world. actually not just jews, to kill all non-muslims and bring sharia law. that is their charter and they are a vicious enemy. what we saw october 7th, the massacres, the killing, the raping of women, we have to make sure that these nazis do not survive this war. it is an interest not just for israel but for all peace seeking people around the world. that's our goal. there is a consensus on that with the president of the united
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states, with the free world, and that is our goal. we have to finish that task. >> harris: i'm curious about why the world doesn't push against hamas. what is the precedent for pushing against the terrorists and demanding that the hostages come home? there should be a global voice at this point. we don't even need biden to say much if the world will join in on that. what is keeping the world from jumping in? >> unfortunately i agree with you. every rational person has to understand that the alignment of evil, the alignment of iran and qatar, iran is giving arms and qatar is funding public opinion. they have thousands of people working against israel, against the free world to try to eliminate us and start the war. >> harris: you have seen tiktok. >> it is from the university and blood money they are using. they are using money and
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supporting hamas and jihad and isis all over the world. the biggest funders and they have blood on their money and they are funding and buying their way here in the united states and all over the world. so we understand the sensitivity of the world and american administration to make sure that no innocent people are hurt. we understand that and we will help because we have no quarrel with the citizens that -- we don't want collateral damage. we want to focus on the terrorists and that is what we'll do and consider all our friends in the world that are concerned about having people, you know, sometimes people get hurt, of course. and we -- >> harris: i think people understand that's war. the seven aid workers complicated matters because the chef that runs that food program spoke out quite strongly against israel. i will ask my team. do we have that to play?
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okay. we'll move on at this point. i did want to ask you though. >> let me react with your permission. you should know that four israeli surrealist were killed by friendly fire and three of the hostages that escaped hamas were killed by friendly fire. this is friendly fire. it happens all over the world. it happens to america, it happens in the second world war and unfortunately it happens everywhere. we're really sorry and we share condolences with the families of the victims. it is very unfortunate. you don't change your strategy fighting terrorists because we have sometimes people hurt from friendly fire. >> president biden: biden seems to think you might. >> harris: israel facing an imminent threat from iran. israel is prepared for a quote multi-front war, end quote. iran vowed revenge for a deadly strike on one of their embassy
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buildings in syria that killed one of their top generals, the quds force. four israeli officials said israel was behind the attack. the government to our knowledge today on the record taken official responsibility. "the new york times" also reports iran is planning a direct attack on israel. president biden and his administration reportedly are very worried. deputy chief of staff for iran's president posted this. iran warns u.s. leadership not to get dragged into netanyahu's trap for u.s. stay away so you won't get hur here is chuck schumer. >> iran and its prox less the most destabilizing force in the middle east. the president and his team are working hard to prevent escalation and are prepared to defend any attack and response if necessary. >> harris: what is your response to that? >> it is well-known iran is a
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jihadi state. the biggest funder of terror around the world. they are behind hamas and their charter, like all of the muslim brotherhood alliance, which is an evil alliance, want to destroy the state of israel. this is not new. we've been saying this for decades now. >> harris: i want to cut in one quick second. how do you change the world's perspective and get the world behind you again? got to make it quick. >> people have to understand the jihadists are not just after israel. the united states is the big satan. the west, christians and jews are enemies of islam and that's what's written in their charter and that's what they are saying in arabic all over in our hometowns. listen to what they are saying in arabic. we're all in the same line.
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if we don't win here in hamas, you will see this -- it will fuel the jihadists all over the world. europe and the united states, we -- the moderate arab states like saudis and the rest of the moderate states are deeply concerned about this move because they all understand that it is not just israel's war we're fighting. people have to understand that. >> harris: i appreciate you going into such great detail for me. it's very important as our president begins to look dupe -- giving -- saying he wants a cease-fire. having you on is very important. appreciate your time. >> we have to stay united. it is not a partisan issue and we have to make sure that alignment of good beats the alignment of evil. >> harris: thank you very much.
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>> thank you very much. >> harris: you are seeing it all across the united states, eclipse mania, millions of americans are getting ready to experience nighttime during the day. we have reporters all along the path of totality with all you need to know about this rare phenomenon that happens every few years. not everybody sees it in the same places every time. so a lot of people will get to see it from texas all the way to maine today. dr. noah petra, a nasa laboratory chief in focus with all the dos and don'ts for watching safely. ♪ i met with a turbotax expert because i had two full time jobs... lawyering and... liaming. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. let a turbotax full-service expert do your taxes as soon as today.
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♪ >> harris: oh yeah. well, actually the sun won't be in some areas total darkness.w. millions of americans with a front row seat for the rare total solar eclipse where the moon passes in front of the sun and completely blocks it. the temperature falls, the winds shift and die down. i've lived through one of these in my lifetime. you can guess how old i am. more than a dozen states are in the path of totality. but everyone in the lower 48 will be able to see at least a partial eclipse. spectacular, this event that won't come around again for another couple decades. many people are traveling to get the very best view. >> i already drew about 2 1/2 hours get to just here and 9 1/2
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hours a more clear version. >> when he retired in 2021 i told my husband this was the first thing i wanted to make sure we arranged to do. >> look like a weather in burlington would be great. you don't get a chance to shoot an eclipse every day. i'm going to go chase the sun. >> harris: burlington, vermont will get a fantastic view along with look at that line. that's the totality line. anywhere around it you will see a partial. in new york we might see as much as a 90% glimpse of that. that's even amazing. fox has you covered. reporters across the nation. look at our amazing people covering this phenomenon. kelly is one. let's first go to casey stegall in dallas. the largest city in the path of totality. casey. >> good to see you.
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boy, is the anticipation building out here this morning. a lot of people, of course, have been talking about what on earth will the weather be like? you can see it is difficult to even catch the skyline behind me. that means it is very overcast and cloudy at the moment. however, the national weather service is staying that there is a chance that some of this could burn off and it could clear out before the main event this afternoon. take a look at this fox weather graphic that shows you the timing of it all. for dallas specifically the partial eclipse will begin at 12:33 central time. totality is expected at 1:40 and last just under four minutes. then the entire event will be over in the dfw area by 3:02. half a million people have come here from all corners of the globe to experience this historic wonder. some 35,000 hotel rooms have been booked solid and with that many folks out and about, we're
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told it will strain some basic services. >> and so while it is great that we have everyone here, it will add some stressors to our systems the. when you think about communication and transportation, calling on our police and fire, there will be some demands made by having this incredible number of people in our community. >> demands in terms of traffic no doubt. areas, highways and by ways expected to look like parking lots this afternoon as a mass ex dues after the eclipse is over and people hit the road for home. visitors arrived in a staggered fashion over a period of time. a lot of people making a special weekend trip out of it. they will all largely hightail it out of here once this is over. so it is going to be gridlock. >> harris: i have 11 cousins in dallas. my uncle ronnie and tim know it will burn off.
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here is the flip side of that. there is a major twister carrying storm system coming in and they need to sun to heat up the atmosphere to bring in the storms. thats the sad part with the people trying to leave at 4:00 this afternoon. we pray for their safety. >> our fingers are crossed. >> i'll pray. doctor petro , laboratory chief at the nasa flight center where it is gorgeous. look at cleveland. you are in the path of totality. what do we need to do and not need to do today? >> first of all we need the clear sky to stay around until 3:00. the weather forecast is not looking so good. for folks if you have eclipse glasses you want to use these any time the sun is out. take them off during totality. everything else use these glasses to look at the sun. the beautiful bright glowing disk in the sky. no other lights with these glasses and i know they are safe
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solar glasses. winds are starting to kick up. everybody needs to be prepared for enjoying the eclipse. starting in a few hours partial eclipse begins when you have the moon starting to block out the sun. everybody needs to have glasses ready for indirect viewing methods. spaghetti coll en -- colendar you can enjoy it as well. >> it will last three or four minutes you can take these off. for children i say keep them on. they won't time out three minutes. i will leave it to the doctor. what do you say? >> if you have these glasses or indirect viewing methods project the sun shadows to the ground. you don't have to look at the sun. when the sun is completely
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blocked out you won't see the sun. you will see the glowing corona, then it is safe. you don't need to time it out. the moment you start seeing any sunlight appear you need to look away. for parents, i would suggest use indirect viewing methods. have the kids practice now putting them on, looking up at the sun and looking down. certainly if you are ne in the path of totality you want them looking toward the sun because you get the spectacular show of the total eclipse. >> harris: this is so important and studying it. in 1979 i wrote a paper on it when i got to see one when i was in junior high. the thoughts you want people to take away from this other than the fact it's cool. >> as you said earlier it is a sub maresive experience. the temperature drops. see shadows differently. everything around you changes and almost every one of your senses gets heightened during an
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eclipse and totality sets in and you see an amazing show. we learn a lot about the intersection of the sun with atmosphere and the size of the sun from these events. it is educational as well as immerseible. >> harris: thank you so much. fun to come to you. you are getting your wish come true. it is windy to keep the clouds blowing away for you. >> i hope so. >> harris: everyone is crossing their fingers, it is hilarious. keep it right here on fox for much more on the eclipse. we have special coverage continuing all day long. now there are new legal challenges for fulton county district attorney fani willis. i mean, she is a walking reality show, this woman. remember the georgia election interference case against former president trump? you might not remember it so much. she is soaking up all the oxygen in the room. one of trump's co-defendants says fani willis broke the law in another state. plus claims of a double standard
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at president biden's justice department. >> this department of justice has shown there are two tiers of justice. they'll protect the white house no matter what even with the credibility of the justice system that has completely tanked with the american people. >> harris: a judge who biden appointed tore into the d.o.j. over its defiance of republican subpoenas. fox news legal editor carey -- is in "focus" next.
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this case by noon on monday i may have no other choice than to pursue all lawful remedies. meanwhile, fani willis has spoken publicly about the georgia election case. >> recently they tell me they don't like me to talk about race. i'll talk about it anyway. truth is, it's some challenges that come to being black. let's say it for the record. asme owe not embarrassed by everything we've done. i do think there are efforts to slow down this train but the train is coming. >> harris: right out of her mouth. oh my goodness. trump has a gag order and she doesn't? now some co-defendants in the georgia case are reportedly considering pressing for a gag order against her. the judge ruled against donald trump's most to dismiss the entire case. see what happens next. kerri kerri kupec urban. is this a reality tv show, what's? >> let's talk about the what the
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purpose of gag orders are in the first place. to prevent harm to the case or the people involved in the case that otherwise could not be undone. we have seen these gag orders slapped again and again after one person and one person only, his name is donald trump. my question, harris, is how is the harm that they say trump is causing by tweeting about political bias any different or worse than, say, the district attorney in georgia talking publicly about the case saying things like god is on my side or letitia james salivating over properties that trump owns on twitter live tweeting all these events. if i'm a business person in new york i would be very worried she would do the same to me and apply the law in a way never applied before against me. doesn't matter i'm not trump she does done it once. why not do it again. if i'm a potential juror in fulton county how would i not be
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intimidated by the district attorney, powerful law enforcement officer making these comments? would i not be nervous and side with her if i'm on that jury? >> harris: you think the judge would be. i always wondered if she was watching in a sequestered area her ex lover nathan wade on the stand and the judge didn't ask her. she comes out in a huff and hair all over the place and has to get on that stand. attorneys are trying to keep her from testifying in the first go round that we showed on fox, who is intimidated by this woman is a fair question. if intimidation is something that a gag order would solve, why not put one on her? >> again, only been applied against one person one way. let's not forget fought civil fraud trial the aclu suggested
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that gag orders against him are election interference. that's them talking not trump. if you own a business in new york or live in fulton county i don't know how you aren't intimidated by the actions of both these law enforcement officers. >> harris: a judge is accusing the d.o.j. having a double standard. she put d.o.j. attorneys on blast friday for instructing two of their tax attorneys not to comply with those republican subpoenas. quote, there is a person in jail right now because you all brought a criminal lawsuit against him because he did not appear for a house subpoena and now you guys are flouting those subpoenas and you don't have to show up? she says. that person in jail is former trump advisor peter navarro serving four months for defying a subpoena.
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jonathan turley wrote this. the justice department continues to act with utter impunity in these cases. it abandoned consistency years ago. >> i give the judge a lot of credit. she is right. let's remember why we're here. what is d.o.j. currently refusing to do? make available two of the prosecutors part of the hunter biden sweetheart plea deal. republicans are investigating. they were career i.r.s. whistleblowers who testified the process used when it came to hunter biden and by proxy joe biden was deviation from protocol, stuff they had never seen before. they saw the special counsel let the statute of limitations laps. republicans want to bring in two of the prosecutors on the team and ask them questions. the department of justice is defying those subpoenas while
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simultaneously prosecuting and sending to jail two former trump aides for doing the exact same thing. >> harris: wow, clear hypocrisy but the other thing is this is special biden treatment. doesn't matter which family members. you could say all their names and insert in the blank space. white house visitor logs show hunter biden's attorney met with the first lady's top aide and what she called her work husband in december just two days later hunter biden defied that subpoena to appear before the house oversight committee and held a press conference, remember? it was all the scandal, that whole stunt. he held a press conference instead of showing up and answering that subpoena in person. >> i wonder if that meeting was a public relations meeting given what we saw on the hill was a complete p.r. stunt that maybe they won the hour but lost the war on that given that hunter ended up sitting down behind closed doors for that deposition to the republicans won on that front. you have to remember something
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else. when it comes to blowing off congressional subpoenas or lying to congress both things which are considered contempt, the department of justice has almost never in its history prosecuted these things. so when the department of justice right now is stonewalling and saying we aren't going to make our d.o.j. attorneys available. what they are saying is it's rules for thee but not for me. >> harris: clearly. i'm sure they wear the t-shirts at home. kerry, great to see you. president biden expected to announce his new plan for a massive student loan hand-out even though the u.s. supreme court said he couldn't do this. honey badger, he doesn't care. interesting the move comes as polls are showing more and more young voters are leaning away from him and toward trump. apparently maybe biden can't buy their votes with the loan scheme he has going there. plus the biden campaign is throwing shade at the former president's huge campaign haul over the weekend.
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>> it stands in stark contrast to the lack of fundraising out of the trump campaign. money trump is raising from a bunch of billionaires is paying off legal fees right now. >> harris: trump still set a record and took a step toward closing the cash gap with president biden. a great debate coming up. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me! (♪) i've got to go. ok. bye. mom!
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>> harris: it's out there, president trump today announced his long-awaited position on abortion. the former president posted this video on truth social. >> from a legal standpoint, the states will determine by vote or legislation or perhaps both and whatever they decide must be the law of the land. you must follow your heart or in many cases your religion or your faith. >> harris: madison scar pino is in palm beach, florida, with more. >> hello, harris. trump's abortion announcement comes ahead of visits to key swing states this week. it is a legal issue that states will decide. listen. >> many states will be different. many will have a different number of weeks or some will
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have more conservative than others and that's what they will be. at the end of the day, this is all about the will of the people. >> trump also said he supports exceptions for rape, incest and protecting mothers. he also reiterated that he supports inveto fertilization. president biden reacted to the announcement saying there is nothing more unamerican than having our personal freedoms taken away. this announcement comes after trump raised over $50 million at an exclusive palm beach fundraiser nearly doubling what biden made at a new york city event. trump heads to georgia, orlando and pennsylvania. the rnc chairman said this fundraising push has two goals. >> we are going to spends every single dollar we raise on two key critical core missions for the rnc which are getting out the vote and protecting the ballot. and we are going to make sure
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we're focusing on the battleground states and districts where we need to be competitive. >> meanwhile, biden is slamming trump's high-dollar donor >> this is a grassroots campaign of nurses and teachers and firefighters and cops versus donald trump and a couple billionaires looking for a tax cut. >> in terms of money trump has catching up to do. president biden has a significant cash on hand advantage over trump with $192 million to trump's $93 million and biden's campaign push continues today with campaign stops in both madison, wisconsin and chicago. harris. >> harris: madison, thank you very much. the great debate charlie hurt, washington times opinion editor and fox news contributor. doug schoen, former clinton
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polling expert. how does this play with republicans and see what the president is doing now? >> on the abortion issue? >> yes. >> i think it is a smart move by him pointing out that this is an issue that needs to be resolved as close to voters as you can get and nothing is closer than state governments and so legislation coming from state governments is going to make a whole lot more sense than the idea that you will have nine men in black robes on the supreme court declare for 50 years that there is some abortion right, constitutional right to abortion which never existed in the constitution except by fiat written by nine men in black robes. i think this is where most americans are. obviously i have a position on abortion. i have an opinion about abortion and i won't like all of the laws that every state comes up with. i will probably not like the law
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that california comes up with but i can live with it if i know that the people in california have made that decision. >> harris: by the way, some women on that u.s. supreme court, not the least of which amy coney barrett, a lot has changed in that time. they need to rediscuss it anyway. bill mitchell, who has his own studio, i happened to catch his tweet. trump just took abortion off the table for 2024. it will not be a presidential decision. what do you say about that, doug sc schoen. >> i say that's flat out wrong. we've seen in 2020 and 2022 the power of the issue. charlie is right, i think, from a legal point of view. it is a state issue but politically women, swing voters want to know that their rights of abortion will be protected. in states like florida and others with six-week limitations, that effectively makes abortion illegal.
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i think trump would have been better served saying 15 weeks is my position and my policy. i think this is going to hurt him and hurt the republican party. >> harris: a quick response to that, charlie, and we'll move on. >> look, i do agree with doug it has been a problematic issue for republicans. but it is because democrats are distorting it. i'm not saying doug is doing this but they are distorting the issue trying to -- desperate to make it a national issue because they know that it works to their advantage for the reasons that doug pointed out. but it is a lie. if states are making these rules, the argument -- that -- if you care about this issue, then putting it closest to the voters is the best thing you can do. >> harris: so if that issue isn't going to work to bring in young voters president biden has another plan. it runs counter to the u.s. supreme court though. president biden expected to lay out another attempt at a big student loan bail-out during the
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speech in wisconsin today all because he is losing support from that critical voting block, the young people. well, he is almost 82, 15 days after the election he will be 82. that's like all of us. i'm not that young. the daily caller said biden went to the map for young voters on student loans and now they are abandoning him. a recent fox news poll found voters under 30 prefer trump over biden 58 to 40%. biden won young voters in 2020 and now look at the difference between the two men. same two men. doug shown, what is happening? >> what has happened is young people have been hit very hard by inflation, the rising cost of living, gas prices, crisis in supermarkets and biden frankly can't win this election unless he replicates what he did four years ago with young people, every bit of polling i've seen, fox news polling, other polling
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showing robert f. kennedy, jr. doing very well with young people. unless bidens can pick his numbers up dramatically he can't win and why he is doubling down on student loans. not about constitutionality, it is about politics. >> harris: that isn't exactly optional for the rest of us, right? we have to follow what the u.s. supreme court says. doug, i want to double down with you for a second. you just mentioned what it would take now to get those young voters and it might not even be this. there are young voters out there who are hurt by inflation. he won't even talk about that. it has ticked above 3.1 and 3.2. when does he get real about how real people feel in this economy? >> let me be very clear. if i was advising him, which i am not. i would tell him to listen to what you said and start talking about the cost of living and what he is doing to reduce the
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cost of living to hold down the size and scope of government and the failure to do that is in my thought political mal practice in the extreme. i see my friend charlie hurt shaking his head yes. i think this is obvious, clear. the biggest weakness of the biden campaign. >> harris: i have to let you both go. gentlemen, thank you, great discussion. always a good debate. 90 minutes from now we'll start to see the total solar eclipse. everybody in the lower 48 will get to see a partial view of this. millions of americans with a front row seat including a team of fox news reporters acrow cross the country. fnc for the cool kids. keep it tuned right here.
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