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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  April 7, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪ ) with the push of a button, constant contact's ai tools help you know what to say, even when you don't. hi! constant contact. helping the small stand tall. >> israeli are defense forces announcing withdrawal of most of its troops in southern gaza saying division left gaza strip in order to recooperate and prepare for future operations this as tens of thousands are rallying in tel-aviv demanding a gaza hostage deal.
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welcome to fox news live i'm mike emanuel with a live report from israel in just a moment. ♪ ♪ mike: but first former president trump is closing the fund raising gap by adding more than 50 million dollars to his war chest from his florida event last night. madison is live in palm beach, florida with the details. hello madison. >> hello mike trurp is calling it the biggest night if fund raising of all time. event nearly doubled what president biden raised at a fund raiser with former president obama and clinton and biggest since he became the party's presumptive presidential nominee and trump said americans want change. >> we're going make america great everyone know it is. the election is going to be now a little more than six months and it is going to be -- the most important i believe, election we've ever had.
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i think it's going to go down as the most important date in the history of our country. >> high dollar donors paid anywhere from 200 to 800,000 dollars to be at the fundraiser with former president and first lady. and there were some big names at last night's event including governor doug who has endorsed trump. >> it was actually inspirational being with all of these incredible job creators, people that have many people that started with nothing they've lived the american dream and given back to their communities and created, you know, countless jobs around our country, and they're concerned about the future under joe biden. >> the biden campaign slammed trump's high donor strategy saying a way to cozy up to billionaires. >> this campaign is scranton versus palm beach real people who know the stakes of this election and are rolling up their sleeves to pitch in what they can.
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reporter: some donations from fundraiser will go to political action committee that does help pay trump's legal bills his campaign says that the pack also covers other expenses, and last night's fund raiser will help close the gap with president biden who has a cash advantage over trump. now trump has more fundraisers including one in georgia and meanwhile, president biden has campaign events in madison, wisconsin, and chicago. back to you, mike. mike: madison starting us off from wonderful palm beach thanks. for latest on fundraising totals and bring in our political america first policies to chief communication director mark and corcoran street group brad howard gentlemen, welcome. >> thank you. >> let's start with the fund raiser last night former president trump top official at the rnc talking about that. >> prior to last night's the
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largest single event fundraiser in politics ever was the one that joe biden had and he needed three presidents to haul in $26 million he needed selects like lizzo and one man donald j. trump one president to double that. >> brad how do you respond? >> melania trump looked fantastic it was good to see her the again and both of the candidates will raise a ton of money. this is going to be one of the most expensive presidential races in history most likely two incumbent presidents that have an ability to fund raise real key is how are they spengsding that money trump and rnc will defend trump legal cases, 2k34-9s are putting that money into battle ground states in field, and turn out operations. so i'll be looking how they're spending not how much they're raising. >> forgive me mark -- >> we look alike. blue ties. mark 55.1 million one night.
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what's your analysis? >> the party is coming to togetr and with the fund raiser advantage he's going need it and campaign is based on a lie telling people that the economy is okay. the border is secure. the world is not at war, when they know that things were cheaper, they had more money many their pockets border was secure, and world was at peace under donald trump. >> obviously, biden campaign has to feel good about the money edge at this point, correct? >> yeah you want more money mean mrs. campaign workers more states to compete in and more turnout operations but to mark's point all of those things he said weren't true either and wasn't secure under trump and migrants coming through like -- argument that's going to come down to this race and president is trying to point it out is, you know, values you have scranton versus west palm beach so in this race that's a guy that's with billionaires and corporate presidents, ceos or a guy fighting for the prounion president fighting for blue
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collar workers they have to find out who they want. >> with billionaire when is he had his fund raiser that doesn't hold any water and american people know who is fighting for their jobs joe biden is trying to put autoworkers out of work with ev mandates that won't sell in michigan not going to sell in ohio and with the american people who just don't want ev's. >> raising money with those people but fighting for the blue collar worker. >> speaking of ohio there's a snafu whether he will get on the ballot it is battle ground, ohio. >> no there's multiple ways to fix this and i was talking about this before it was silly but there's a law something has to change here either ohio does the right thing and amends it and it is when it is held every four years with administrative maneuver can qualify him ahead of the ohio bout. i think this will get resolved but the true focus is you know ohio is a battle growngsd state we've got a senate race there
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which shared brown up for reelection we need a democratic nominee at the top of the ticket for down ballot reasons even though there's ohio at the presidential level. >> no chance that ohio is going blue. it has zero chance and ting hurts sherrod brown even the whole dismay of whether joe biden will be on the ballot not on the ballot i think he will get on the ballot clearly but unforced error how it missed this time. >> the attempts to keep trump away from the ballot in states over january 6th i thought that was fair and disenfranchising voters that is a bad look. >> final word. >> i agree completely with that and give it in there somehow they'll figure it out. >> mark brad howard gentlemen thanks very much. ♪ ♪ mike: tens of thousands of israelis rallying in tel-aviv this weekend demanding hostage this deal marks six months since the hamas attacks.
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trey yingst is live with the latest from tel-aviv. hello, trey. >> mike good afternoon today marks six months since october 7th massacre we sat down with one woman who was released from gaza as part of the november cease-fire deal and talks about the horrific time as a hostage. >> i'm in a tent and for the past three years i've believed in -- >> my husband they shot him at point blank range in the chest an two or three gunshot wounds i remember and he was lying on the floor like that quietly. i remember him with his legs folded laying quietly straight away there were five terrorists inside safe rooms with weapons -- opening in the closes et there and telling us to get dressed we were maked in our pajamas they demanded we dressed up. >> what's going on in your mind? >> terrible fear, shock, got out
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in a line and boys going out and then followed one of the terrorists saw the shirt and opened it like that i remember his big green eyes an he screamed at me in arabic i don't understand what he's asking me. >> so you're driven into gaza with your children. what are those first few -- hours and days like? [inaudible conversations] >> it took us seven minutes to get to gaza and seven weeks to return when we came back from gaza the ease of how it all happened was unbearable. it fierce when we arrived we were there for two days. that was the first time my youngest son cried during the kidnapping they were really composed and they also tried to talk to the kidnappers even maybe a little in english. they were very like -- they didn't cry. they didn't shout. they really behaved in a
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admirable way. >> what were interactions with hamas like when you were held in these locations? >> actually, in absurd way they guarded us protected us. sometimes even with their bodies from the israeli air force strikes we talked about this absurdity and we talked about this absurdity several times and made sure to point it out like we protect you from the air force attack. that is the war that absurdity. >> the reason that hamas wanted to protect these israeli hostages they knew that they would be used as bargaining chips as part of a larger cease-fire deal to include release of palestinian prisoners. mike: trey yingst live in tel-aviv, trey, thanks very much. president biden defending his apparent shift in policy to u.s. officials monitor the possibility of a retaliatory attack from iran. lucas tomlinson is live from the white house with the latest,
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hello, lucas. reporter: mike is appears that president biden threats worked and pulling forces from southern gaza this follows phone call between biden and israel's prime minister now things got a little sporty across town in cbs when john kirby appeared with margaret brennan. >> we're not blind to the risk workers are in and suffering that people of gaza are going through and the president again was clear. i won't get ahead of him margaret i won't -- prejudge decisions he will or won't make. >> heard from him on this if he feels so strongly, why isn't the president out there talking about this? >> you saw his statement after -- >> i read a paper statement. >> on fox news sunday chris coons offered following explanation for the withdrawal. >> i presume this is a tactical decision by the idf and israeli leadership in threat of a real attack from the north to hezbollah or direct attack from iran and it is important for all of us who support israel to be clear that we will continue to defend israel against iran or
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any of its proxies in the region. >> senator coons told neil cavuto he would vote to block aid to israel unless changes were made on the battlefield. >> if prime minister netanyahu and idf went ahead with a full scale attack, with a ground attack and air attack on rafa, in their ongoing efforts to fight hamas, without making any provision for very locating the million civilians who have fled to rafa then i would be open to some conditions on aid. six months into the war over 100 hostages remain in hamas captivity inside gaza including some americans. mike. >> reminder lucas tomlinson only the north lawn thanks very much. today marks since months since war on israel start as protest continue across the united states including on college campuses like rutgers university in new jersey where demonstrators showed up at a town hall and cb cotton is here with more.
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>> hi cb. reporter: fighting overseas continues to create wars of words on college campuses. a town hall meeting at rutgers university ended abruptly this week after a group of pro-palestinian students began shouting and chanting and attorney for one of the jewish students who was there says that a disruption came after the student led government body put two referendums up for a vote. on severing ties with tel-aviv university and divesting from anything connected to israel we're told shortly after rutgers president jonathon holloway said he would allow vote to take place but added that the university's ties with israel would continue. pro-palestinian students later confronted the president at the campus town hall meeting with this -- [inaudible conversations] >> after that jewish students who were there tell fox digital they were escorted out by police as pro-palestinian students
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began shouting. rutgers university releasing a statement to fox acknowledging that disruption but not saying too much else adding in part, quote, the rutgers university student assembly leaders ended the meeting and president holloway with his driver who was a rutgers university police officer and other attendees left without distinct and lawyer of a jewingish student at rutgers university says client intimidated leading up to the town hall meeting and a criminal investigation is underway and how his client was treated while they continue to evaluate their legal options. back to you. mike: full disclosure my all matter political protesters for decades get that on the record. cb cotton thank you for your report. >> thanks, mike. mike: for more on this joined by member of israel former israeli ambassador to the united nations danny danon, welcome. >> thank you for having me mike.
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mike: u.s. officials are being asked about israel withdrawing ground forces from southern gaza let's play this clip and i'll have you respond, sir. >> it is really just about rest and refit for these troops that have been on the ground for four months and not necessarily that we can tell indicative of some coming new operation for these troops they've been on the ground four months, the word we're getting they're tired and need to be refit. mike: what do you say danny? >> let me be very clear the war is not over it is far from being over. we will continue the war until we bring back all of the hostages back to israel, and eliminate hamas, and we are getting ready for the next operation in rafa in city of rafa -- i think we will wait few more days even though no deal about the hostages we will step into this city. we will fight the hamas battalions while we'll see what we can do about releasing hostages. we know we waited for -- very long period of time to
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negotiate with hamas with playing with the u.s. with the qatari and egyptians find out we know how to fight and we'll find them even in rafa. mike: there are concerns about iran retaliating against israel and potentially american interest if iran lashes out. is israel ready? >> first of all we take those threats seriously. we are on eye alert here in israel but you know life is continuing but the military has very impressive and ill defense system and i can tell you former deputy of defense that, i feel that we are ready for any threats coming from iran. even if they dare to sending uav or missiles former iran to israel they'll pay a heavy price we hope it will not happen. we have no interest to start another front with iran. so far they're using proxies against us. but if they'll make that mistake they will pay a heavy price.
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mike: today is precisely six months since this conflict began and feels longer for families that have hostages being held. what are your reflections six months into this conflict, sir? >> you know, we believe that it will be over by now. we hope that we will see hostages back home unfortunately it didn't happen. we were able to release a few of them and people of israel they're praying for the hostages while thinking about them and we are determined to do whatever is necessary. how long it will take, in order to bring them back home you know you have american website christians, muslim hostages many are praying for them around the world and with hamas there's no logic. you know, it is not like kind of a negotiations you see let's have middle ground let's find a deal. with them, you know, they have interest with nobody can understand that is why i believe that the only way to finish the
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war is to go all the way with eradicate evil terror organization. mike: do you worry about what appears to be about friction between your prime minister and president biden having an impact? >> absolutely. you know, at the beginning we saw president biden coming to israel standing with us and we appreciate the support that we receive from the u.s. but you know, real friendship becoming and now it is hard with international pressure and we expect our allies to stand with us. you know you cannot say we support israel, but stop the war. you know, we can not stop the war if we stop the war now, it will mean hamas won and if hamas will win this war you will see enemy of israel from tehran beirut damascus you name but they'll come against us. that is why is became existential threat so we expect our allies from u.s. and other countries to realize that they have to stand with us until we
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remove this threat from the area. mike: can you concerned about democrats particularly most liberal ones talk about withholding aid to israel and worryied about using that against leverage to israel to get that will by the israelis? >> unfortunately you have radical in different countries different areas and when someone says let's stop sending aid that is actually saying i'm supporting hamas i'm supporting those savages who committed atrocities on october 7th the one who massacred, raped, kidnapped babies so if you don't support israel, you stand with hamas. i think it is unfortunate, but i believe that the majority of the american people stand with us. they realize that they're now hamas fighting israel but those radicals that would fight the u.s. if they can do that so we're in the frontline and i
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believe we have this support of the american people. >> danny danon thank you so much for your time today, sir. >> thank you very much, mike. mike: new front in the border crisis as migrant and scouts for drug cartels overwhelm a border state. ♪ ♪ all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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mike: fox news cameras were there in new mexico as migrants and possible car teats scouts were seen crossing the border this weekend. matt fin is live in new mexico with new reaction to the border crisis. hello, matt. reporter: hi matt we're on swarming with illegal migrant activity over the past couple of days we have some exclusive video to show you encounters coyotes or scouts smuggling small groups on this mountain some of the coyotes monitoring us keeping their eye on us. some did run away and tried to keep their illegal groups away from us. a border patrol agent told me and my photographer here that border patrol has last control of this mountain to human smugglers, and we have clearly witnessed an illegal enterprise on this single mountain alone. coyotes are brazen, and all of this is happening just steps away from the border wall.
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>> we're at the base of mount crystal ray you can clearly see where water stops here and small group of men cross through here and one of them took off running. >> and this is video of the two men who breezed around border wall in new mexico and one of the men presumably the coyote went up hill on to mount christo other man took off running into the desert. we have seen border patrol chasing an apprehending migrants yesterday and a short while ago. video shows two migrants in dark clothing who were running around the base of this mountain trying to evade law enforcement this is all happening few miles away from el paso, texas that's a much different scene there right now. because governor greg abbott is bolstering his border there with enhance razor wire and fencing. mike. mike: matt fin in new mexico thanks very much.
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♪ ♪ a man has been now charged with setting a fire outside the vermont office of senator bernie sanders security video reportedly showed him spraying a liquid on the door and setting it a blaze thankfully no one was hurt in the fire but there was some damage to the building. a motive in the crime remains unclear. ♪ ♪ mike: new dash cam video shows a group of masked men in northern virginia swarming a police officer's cruiser, as fairfax county virginia police were attempting to disperse the crowd. madeleine river ia is here with the story. hi maddy. >> police departments are now rolling out resources to fight crime in a fairfax county police are conducting high viz abilities enforcement this weekend after a so-called street takeover rather turned cay yacht chaotic last sunday they said an officer encountered a group of
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people driving recklessly doing donuts in a parking lot and crowd surrounds her and jumps on top of her cruiser others start banging on windows and police chief beliefs they intended to do much worse. >> they fully intended to drag her out of that car and thankfully they didn't get into the car. >> here in d.c. three girls between 12 to 13 years old are facing murder charges after investigators say they beat 64-year-old reggie brown to death in october. while violent crime is down 21% in the nation's capitol, youth krill remains major problem. the juvenile arrest rate in d.c. nearly doubled arrest rate for youth nationwide per the d.c. policy center. the justice department has unveiled more law enforcement tools including adding more federal prosecutors to the u.s. attorney's office in d.c. to focus on carjackings and shootings. but the attorney general admits they've got a long way to go. >> no one at the justice department and i know that no
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one in this room will rest until every person in every community is safe from violent crime. >> and the extends beyond nation capitol on surging resources to fight crime in three any cities, jackson, mississippi and hartford, connecticut. >> thanks. >> of course. >> now hours away from the total solar eclipse next how a ranch owner is offering unique viewing experience. stay with us. to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. icy hot. ice works fast. ♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy.
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♪ ♪ relax into a caribbean state of mind. visit or call 1-800 sandals. >> count down is on as millions of americans prepare for total solar eclipse from texas to maine tomorrow afternoon. fox weather robert ray joins us no fro the indy motor speedway in indianapolis with more. hello, robert. [laughter] reporter: yes hello mike look at
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this incredible scene indianapolis no tore speedway with the grand stand and indy 500 will be next week and before that a blockbuster event tomorrow total solar eclipse here in the capitol, indianapolis, 50,000 expect tores here at the speedway tomorrow and they'll have items just like this. solar binoculars and glasses to cover your eyes from the protection as moon passes between the earth and the moon. look at this video from indianapolis that we captured in the past day or so. people readying for this event almost eclipse mania has swept over the city here, as people are selling t-shirts they're putting eclipse glasses on dinosaurs at the children's museum an excitement exudes in this area. as people from around the world have come to indianapolis to see this incredible event atmospheric event tomorrow.
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we talked to one gentlemen at butler, university who runs planetarium there and he kind of described it best. listen. >> if the weather cooperates what they're going to see before totality is the streetlights come out venus make an appearance and jupiter and diamond ring effect with that last speck of sunlights is come through the moon's valleyings and then we're thrust into twilight. he talked the celestial event and mike and our viewers at the speedway you can see we have wind and activity going on here and expected to have rain in the next few hours. that will go through the night but here's the good news in indianapolis cloud cover tomorrow minimal, temperatures around 70 degrees and we're going see that eclipse. if you happen to be in a position like in texas where severe storms are expected, and you may not actually be able to see the eclipse up in the air, good news is this --
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it is still going to have darkness 48 states, 48 lower states all going to have that experience as maybe you hear that wind kicking up here, in my microphone give use a view of where 50,000 people will be here tomorrow to see the incredible celestial event next time america will see it, 2044 so tune into fox weather and fox sports tomorrow have the most immersive experience on the streams and connected tvs. mike. mike: like great conditions there in indy what robert ray calls eclipse mania, robert thanks so much looking forward to your coverage. let's go now to rod rochester new york and a boost from the rare solar event and brandy campbell is live there with more. hello randy. reporter: hey mike right now coming you from the rock city at
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innovative stadium one of the locations thousands of people will pool many to watch that eclipse on monday. now, of course, as you would have it if you take a look up at the skies it is clear blue skies not a cloud in sight but unfortunately our fox forecast center expects it to be mostly cloudy on monday. potentially actually blocking that view for the hundreds of thousands of people traveling to this portion of the country. now if you take a look at video you can see on the flight coming in cloudy that continues for monday and people are concerned about clouds actually blocking that view this spectacle that will not happen in the country for another 20 years and in rochester for over another hundred years but regardless party will go on. city of rochester hosting over 50 even they're going all in for the eclipse. now here at innovative stadium, the rochester red wings they're in one of their first games team actually transformed to the rochester moon rocks, for this
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eclipse weekend, and also tomorrow they're going to be hosting event called solarpalooza now i want to say fun fact, i actually i end up throwing first pitch today so -- so much fun happening out here. i speaked to mayor earlier, though, in regards to the 3 to 500 people coming in town and cloud coverage, what he thinks about that scenario. >> regardless of the cloud cover i'm hoping will still dissipate -- we're going to have great weather still going to be nice and still able to fill the experience of the eclipse regardless of what clouds are in the sky that's what we're looking forward to and still going to party. ♪ ♪ reporter: all right exactly still going to be a party we're still going to see that darkness come upon us and may be darker it is cloudy and on top of that you'll feel that temperature drop. so we're still going to experience eclipse but hopefully clouds will part for us and we'll see something but the mayor also saying they will have
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security around the entire town. police all working for the big event, and saying people do need to be aware, and prepared for some traffic in this area. mike. mike: did you get that first pitch over the plate randy? >> you know what this was my first time really throwing a baseball and i was told i did pretty good so -- yeah. i did. reporter: i look for that video on your social media randy camel thanks so much. fox weather is your destination for latest weather news and forecast streaming on your favorite connected device, always on always free. mike: cloud coverage you heard in parts of the path could put a damper on viewing parties meteorologist a.d. come to cloths adam klotz has the latest. >> it is april and rainier times across the middle portion of the country. unfortunately, that does mean there's some systems we're paying attention to and it take a brief break in the clouds to be able to see the solar eclipse
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but symptoms will make that challenging particularly across portion of the south an area where typically historically, this would be your best chance to see clear skies. unfortunately there's a system rolling in off the gulf of mexico and overcast conditions towards houston cloudy up towards dallas still could be a break in the clouds. this is an area where we see the best risk of severe weather, though, over the course of the day. everything here in that red highlight is a two out of -- five on a scale of risk for severe weather that's not going to happen during solar eclipse and later in the day but still a lot of folks are going to be in this region. and know that there's a risk here for some pretty big severe thunderstorms a little bit later in the evening even if you are able to see that eclipse earlier in the day. as you head further to the north that cloud cover does break up we're looking at a few clouds across portion of the midwest st. louis up to minneapolis and then continuing this track a little further north we run into clouds over the great lakes mike and by the time back into interior new england and maine it is sunny skies once again.
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>> a.d. come adam klotz thanks o much. rust you waters of the great start of arkansas running out parts of his party for campers and rvs ahead of tomorrow's eclipse rusty, welcome. >> thank you, mike. appreciate that. mike: i love your entrepreneurial spirit so qhar you offering for folks who want to stay on your property and watch the eclipse? >> singer mary beth byrd that was on -- the "american idol" she will be here at 7:00 and playing until 9:00 then we have another banding playing later on this evening. then hopefully tomorrow the weather is going to -- let us see the beautiful eclipse. mike: we're showing folks some of the pictures from your beautiful property stone hill ranch. is the weather forecast looking great there in the great state of arkansas to watch the eclipse? >> it's looking favorable. we could have some breaks in the
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clouds. hopefully for a large crowd we have plenty of room, and 50 acres and then we have music like i said, and food and stuff for other activities for the spectators. mike: when did people start gathering to come to your property? >> yesterday. mike: what are they doing? >> excuse me -- mike: forgive me for interrupting what are they doing before the big event? >> they're camping, cooking out, playing games, listening to music -- camp fires at night. so they're having a good time just waiting on the eclipse. mike: are you selling any protective glasses and when are you kicking folks off your property and want them to leave? [laughter] we're giving the glasses away. and then we're letting them leave when they want to. mike: all right so if there's a few lingering around this time next weekend what are you going
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to do? [laughter] >> i guess hopefully they're cooking and i can come down and have a meal with them. sphwhriek i love it. rusty we appreciate your time we hope weather is perfect in the great state of arkansas for the eclipse. and hope you and the folks gathered on your property have a fantastic time. >> thank you very much, mike. mike: thank you, sir. be sure to stay with fox news and fox weather tomorrow, for special coverage of america's total eclipse should be great. after getting struck down by the supreme court, the biden administration is again expected to push a sweeping student loan forgiveness plan this week. that's next. ♪ ♪ each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. [tense music] one aleve works all day
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and mr. biden expected to offer details on his plan tomorrow near the compass of the university of wisconsin. for more on the biden student loan handouts let's welcome i guess today judicial watch president tom fitton, tom welcome. >> that you think for having me. mike: so the supreme court said no go the first time what do you make of attempt number two? >> well there's another election coming. first round was in 2022 been he needed votes then. and he needs votes now and earlier this year it remarkably the president said, the supreme court blocked it meaning his new plan for student loan relief but it won't stop me. so here he's creating constitutional crisis biden and supreme court and spending upwards depending how you count dollars without congressional authorization, this is kind of a threat to democracy in ways my guess is the progressives won't want to admit. mike: assuming the supreme court says no once again, then does he
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campaign against the conservative led court? >> i don't know. i suspect he just will legend and continue to push and pretend that he's doing something for students with debt or college graduates with debt. right now it is already in court i think 11 states have sued to stop this from happening. but at highlights that this president doesn't seem to care about the rule of law. i mean the supreme court told him 6/3 you can't spend this type of money without authorization so idea to take billions of dollars that someone else owes and have the taxpayers pay for it -- with the stroke of a pen is an of afma to the constitutionallal republic and congress can authorize this spend and the fact it hasn't should stop the president from doing it i can't imagine a supreme court going to intervene and stop this pretty soon. mike: folks on capitol hill love to remind you they have the power of the purse okay then
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legal cases involving former president trump. the one known as the hush money case expected to start week from tomorrow. what do you make of that case? >> well the president faces difficult challenge up in new york it is a jury pool that is unfriendly to him. a court that's unfriendly to him, obviously, the back prosecutor up there has it in from him this is an extraordinary case, a new application of the law. a -- arguably, application of law not just revive scrutiny but he's got to go through the process if i were betting i would be betting he's going get convicted however outrageous that would be and we're seeing election interference happening in the courtrooms. >> busy in the midst of a presidential campaign, we have a graphic to show our audience -- i mention the new york hush money trial set to start april 15th on tax day. you've got the classified documents may 20th, election
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interference what has been postponed supreme court trump immunity arguments april 25th, the national convention july 15th, 18th lots going on. do any of these cases particularly concern you tom and should they concern the trump team? >> well to a degree it requires him to focus on anything other than the campaign it ought to be concerning. there's significant money at issue here cost a lot of money to defend against all of these cases. it does distract from the campaign necessarily, and it limits his speech. it limits his freedom arguably, and for that to be happening to a presidential candidate let alone the leading presidential candidate, is something we've never seen before in america who knows how it is going to turn out if he gets convicted going to be sentenced before the election. is he going to face the prosecute of jail before the election up in new york as a result of this crazy kaition that's being pursued now? who knows. the hush money one might be shaky but is there one that
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concerns you in terms of -- perhaps the merits of a case? >> i don't see anything substantive here. you've got the biden administration and fulton, county trying to jail him based on arguments about the election. and down in miami, of course, judicial watch was raised our name was raised in vain and my name raised in vain over this presidential records case which -- the biden administration's special council herr said can't be prosecuted in part because he's got a right to the records it is not a defense they're allowing president trump and won't allow president trump to pursue i think all of those cases are weak but it is the process that's the killer. >> tom fitton thanks so much for your time and analysis today. >> you're welcome, thank you mike. mike: college basketball giants will soon clash. that's next.
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