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tv   One Nation With Brian Kilmeade  FOX News  April 6, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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racist, he's racist. if it meant being segregationist, he is a segregationist. that means he's anti-semitic to pick up 5000 votes in michigan and minnesota, he's happy to be anti-semite. he lies about but he's pointing fingers at donald trump calling him effectively hitler and unleashed federal law enforcement trump and present but antony blinken, you are the worst of the worst. i know all about your backgro background, all about your associations, interests and purpose, it is to destroy the state of israel, that's what you are about. it doesn't matter why it matters that you are doing it and john mccain was right, your dangerous to our country. i'll see you tomorrow sunday on life, liberty and levin. ♪
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>> welcome to one nation, i am pump up, a great show. i'll give you an idea, these are founders of the school of hard knocks, all over social media. three kids under 25 who give you great help for generation z want to that with this, these two words, blurred lines. i'm not talking about robbing one hit wonder although it's a good song which i'm tired of hearing, i'm talking about tied changing, word lines all relating to this election in november. if you told me governor mike huckabee will support donald trump, i would say no surprised. if you sent rachel maddow back biden, not breaking news but this week what stood out to me is how many people are starting to blur ideological lines and caused traditional forks down partisan lines. let me explain. very smart guy, tom pater called out nbc for firing rhonda
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mcdaniel and pointed out the double standard. it's. >> if you are going to say you will deep platform 85 billion americans, that's a lot of people. they say is not about that, she liked. bill clinton lied under oath last time i checked, he's been on msnbc. she's an election denier. stacey abrams was election denier about her own election, liberals trigger backlash when the use these means to get to their and. >> kind of surprising. robert kennedy junior, lucian in mind, probably yours to when he's at this about who's a threat to america. >> president biden is a much worse threat and democracy in the reason is president biden is the first candidate in history, first president in history that's used the federal agencies
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to enter political speech. >> cnn almost cut the cable not one. they look at tall biden is mor more -- he looks at him as a threat to democracy and he's known for 40 years and at democrat. john stuart lived msnbc but apart for hysterical overreaction to donald trump posting a video of a pickup truck depicting joe biden. >> that was what was so disturbing and dehumanizing into short on television and airbrushed biden decal. are you the same networks that show reruns of 9/11 every year? >> if you are driving behind it, it would appear as if joe biden were restrained on the flatbed. [laughter] >> if you think that is really joe biden tied up on the back of the pickup truck, i don't that you have the mental acuity to
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operate a motor vehicle. >> once very far left voting on the table all because of president biden's terrible policies on crime, immigration, israel. >> my political views have changed immensely. i will not vote for joe biden. when we were doing this interview, voting for trump is on the table, i will not support anybody who's anti- israel, all not support anybody anti- making america safe status will what the facts. i got to show my id at least three or four times at the airport but to minister across the border. i'm not dealing with that, not dealing with police officers in the greatest city on earth. >> isn't it almost ratifying to see people having us over a set of partisan reaction? s&l finally realized they can mark president biden about his age, at least one writer
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realized he's old. >> joe has an awareness issue. [laughter] is like a nobel peace prize. [laughter] an extra pen in the microwave. [laughter] i write the train like where has it gone? and you never find out. [laughter] >> i found out all about, very refreshing so could be asked media rising everything donald trump says and does is outrageous? most of what president biden gutters is an audible and lack of availability unacceptable. seven months left to fight about. you can change how you, the candidates and just a suggestion, let's blur the ideological lines and make trump and biden earn your vote, you
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deserve it, don't let anyone tell you how to vote. great to see you, i was just wondering this past week, do i have too much that may be they are tired of overreacting to think trump says and call balls and strikes with joe biden? >> especially talking about the highest office in the land, just pointing that out clears up quite a bit but they want to take a clip of what president trump says never all the way through. not just means you're trying to cheat to get about. why don't you win on the merits of the idea and that the idea when at the end of the day and america will went on that you could say i feel like i'm winning or losing but when you present hard numbers that shows you are losing, at least admit it and tell us what you are doing what you don't like about the whole listen to the biden's reaction to these poll results and show the former president
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winning in almost every state. >> is not a party a little worried? >> no, i feel joke will be reelected. >> when he's losing in all thought about state -- >> no he's not. he's coming up and even doing better. >> we are winning this election for a number of reasons that have everything to do with our commitment to our country and foundational principles and values. we are the ones who understand what is at stake in this election. >> mr. speaker, they are not winning. >> they are in denial. electrical an interesting thing when you dwell further down, you go to nevada or pennsylvania, they are not just losing in the polls, they are losing and registration down like 200,000 democrat registration compared to republicans in pennsylvania
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in these states are winning by 50000, 70000 votes. when you look at swing states, it's pretty clear president trump is carried those for number of months and it's concerning and if you sit back and say they are not, you can't fix the problem. the first solution is acknowledge you have a problem and they go after to try to fix it. >> very interesting, your prolific fundraiser, i don't pockets replace you and your enemies even know that so far the rnc had a quick merge, 65 million, total campaign cash, 93 million. i don't have exact numbers from the march dnc kat they almost double that. how much will not hurt the republicans? >> we can make it up and that's what we need to do. we'll have to have more money, just a good message. this election is going to be about joe biden and the job he's
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done, a report card on him at the number one issue is the border and he's created this, there's no new policy that's passed in the house or senate he signed, the house pass a secure belt but he's ignoring that problem as well. find you won't need as much but we need enough to get the message out. they are trying to drain all the money president trump, putting it falls cases into court after court and drink his money, that's why the primary is over, it week unite and healthy and rcc and you are first dollars should go to the candidate because that's the most powerful you have because candidate deserves tv time at a lower rate than anybody else. help them defendant thing and i'm helping them raise money and it's easier for republicans to win more seats in congress the cycle in the last two cycles. >> for the foreign-policy. he to try to get ukraine eight on the floor.
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his role in the senate could be tough, ukraine eight extra republicans will be tough. what will he get in return? maybe unfreezing leases from drilling for natural gas. how do you see this playing out. >> i think you have to be strategic and as american sit back and remember where we currently sit in the world, it looks like the 1930s, you have russia, china, iran and north korea bounding together in an excess of evil. they are looking for weakness in america. israel was attacked on october 7 at no time should we ever waiver on support for israel. i think you made a mistake not pending israel earlier. i would utilize we have the ability to help ukraine with no american troops, that's what's been happening at the same time --
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>> people you really like your plans, preservative work with organs underway wanting to vote for ukraine eight so speaker johnson just gets democrats and republicans and pass it anyway? if that does happen, marjorie taylor brings says she's going to look to recall him like what matt gaetz did to you. >> what she's doing is different than what matt gaetz did. she didn't make it privileged so it's not unprovoked. the one thing i found about marjorie, she's a serious legislators that tells a policy and the best way is to set down and talk to them. i believe the speaker has spoken to marjorie. if you sit down and discuss, you understand you have congress, you don't control all you have to find common ground and that can be done, to preservatives can do it but the one thing i would tell you, i knew when i was there, would get water security with ukraine. now you are at a weaker hand talking about ukraine only. i think there is a way to go
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about to bring together on both sides. you are speaker, republicans majority in the house i would down for the other three leaders, i elevate democratic leader to speaker? go directly in with the president and negotiate. that's a stronger hand, that's what we do in the physical responsibly, we cut to trillium and welfare reform. all things democrats would never agree to but you use the strength of the majority to get it so don't sit back and say, what can i do? be the majority and take this is what we are going to do and negotiated from a strong position. >> just really quick, you do not believe she's going to go through with it? >> marjorie didn't make it pretty, she sat down and the best thing anybody can do sit down and talk to her. she has policy issues, awake to find -- we did every day when we secured the border. energy bill, topic d.c. from lowering criminal punishments,
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we were successful the first nine months were very successful in a small majority. >> always great to see you, i know at the former president becomes the future president, he's going to call 1800 kevin mccarthy, at least i hope he does. thanks so much, mr. speaker. meanwhile, serious crime, soft on crime policies across the country especially in big cities and my group criminal taking advantage. i'll give examples in illinois, this man illegally crossing the border two weeks now charged with killing his wife dropping off her head in front of her kids in the bronx, migrant watterson possession of guns and drugs arrested and set free. not forget this, disgraceful videos migrants beating up nypd officers. i don't have to tell you we have big problems when it comes to putting criminals in jail controlling our borders. we see it every day. my next guest calls out his own party, or is every chance he
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gets because he wants border security as much as anyway i know, that's pretty much his district. joining us now, one of our favorite guests, henry cuellar, great to see you. we're just talking about border security and building a wall, saving our cities from migrant criminals, some are affiliated with gangs, what is your reaction to how this has gotten more serious? >> i'm against crime whether i'm migrants, any crime we need to support our men and women and support them all away, stay away from defunding police, that's crazy but when it comes to migrants, anybody who comes in and violates our laws, they should be arrested and deported, i'm looking at videos you shown people who don't respect should not even spend a second in our country and should be deported.
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>> i know and we agree but it's mostly democratic mayors, democratic judges who don't have the same view in these cops no longer want to deal with it they are not going to be backed up. you talk venezuelans giving the finger as they were let out after beating up on the cops. you see what's happening with squatters in the bronx. you see what's happening from a they've got our mayor in chicago who says i can take up to 700,000 illegal immigrants, who just got to get them jobs. how does act like a magnet for future illegals? >> if you don't prosecute migrants when they violate the law and of course it becomes a migrant. look what happened two or three weeks ago when migrants attacked bps and state court, that is wrong. when you kick somebody, assault them take their guns away from of those migrants attacked bps and state quark which i support
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them all away and they should be prosecuted and i hope district attorney does not but again, that type of reaction, i can't speak for anybody else, just for myself that anybody who violates this law about migrants, they should not spend a second in the united states if they don't respect their own laws. >> has the white house reached out to you directly and ask you, how to resolve this? >> we have had opportunities but i will say this, i will be ready to offer my ideas to anybody willing to listen and in the house appropriations, we worked out a good appropriations bill. >> until i call you, they are not serious. they try to primary you which is nuts. to give an idea how much
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costing, might say it's a texas problem, if you look at for example in $60 million plus 180 million for food and shelter, 10% of the city's annual budget los angeles, they give medical care full medical coverage to every illegal immigrant and $1000 a month to the program, giving fixed income and new york city, $1.47 billion on temporary food and housing, $53 million debit cards, external program to see what happens if we give illegal immigrants to spend how they want. if i'm in el salvador, ecuador, nicaragua, by what i not come here? they not understand the mike that they create? final thought? >> becomes a magnet, i know we are supposed to care for folks but in this case it becomes a
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magnet that attracts more people and this is why it is important to know if you have 100 people who go to new york and at the end of four or five or six yea years, immigration judge will reject 8790% so why are we allowing one 100% of them and when it should be small numbers? get to the border, your customer else, they will provide you everything and they are not going to touch you for four or five or six years. >> president biden and his administration want this? terminology use taking office so they want to be welcoming to refugees, are they on some level happy they have 7.3 million illegals in our country since the cop the keys to the oval office? >> i can't speak for the white house but i don't think anybody wanted open borders. we don't want to see open
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borders, we need to enforce the laws we have, they stop people, detain people and catch and release. catch and release has to be eliminated. >> i've been to the border three times and all three times we spend that because he can't. by yourself, no staff, just trying to solve the problem. i wish people would call you and tap into your. thanks so much. have a great weekend. the biden's policies are bad for policies the matter what class you fallen, we will explain it so the comfortable school of hard knocks founders are here with keys to success. don't move, you're watching one nation. >> over the last four years, was the most money you've made a single your? >> 10 million. >> is a smart that? have you ever been brought before? >> price.
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welcome back, now the hypocrisy in california. the states got a new absurd fast food minimum wage law causing resource to close and prices too
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high. the state raising minimum wage to $20 an hour but where are the wages not going up next governor gavin newsom's laundry restaurant, he california fired up. this is what he said on foxbusiness is the bottom line. >> i can't champion or stand behind all the things he virtue signal sport but that's just typical and that applies not just in newsom, that's all electricians out there talking about we need 3-dollar minimum wage for the government workers themselves are only making 15, 16, $17 an hour the mark you want to talk about impact along with hypocrisy, the owner of ten anti- and pretzels saying hello will cost them for $70000 each year can't live like that. we know you don't parenting today government and it's no surprise president biden's policies are not helping as
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inflation reached the power of your dollar prices continue to soar, how does it link together? my next guest knows a thing or two, at out of six months aei fellow an author, you will love it. family and family, how are culture made raising kids much harder than it needs to be. tim carney, welcome. >> thanks for having me. our government policies making parenting more challenging? >> the one thing we need is the ability to buy a house and are so many regulations that make it hard to build something start a home become family can enter into and now biden is talking subsidy that will drive up prices brother like all of the policies do and a lot of communities just don't build the playgrounds, sidewalks. when we were kids we would ride our bikes around town and now
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increasingly fair building not family friendly places for kids to buy can walk in the police are saying you shouldn't let your kids wonder the neighborhood anyway so on all these levels top to bottom, all of these obstacles. >> you also say when people focus on daycare, we need more daycare and you say you know what we need? one of moms would rather be home and rather than getting more daycare and make it affordable, maybe they if they want the option, they want to make it affordable to stay home. >> the biden administration pushed to subsidize daycare and in vermont they wanted to pull money out of a child tax credit so instead of letting them escape more income they said we should use the money and subsidize daycare, i studied all economies in northern europe that did this. what they did was subsidize work and make it so you are people have babies because it shifts in society away from families. subsidizing daycare is not subsidizing families, it subsidizing work limit we need
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the average family got kids. now let's talk about something else which i can relate to but the travel team syndrome, keeping the travel team it's involved in sports, too much negative, they made up. what did you discover about travel sports? >> the first thing in this winter workout for baseball was baseball's plan, winning is fun and then you see parents, they think so much is at stake if derek it doesn't get playing time face kermit the coach if the kick gets called on about call, they scream of the empire. called help kids and adults unable to keep the governor because instead of once building character, they think it is past 21 scholarship for major league contract. >> one think we saw, former nfl linebacker who witnessed his parents come out of the stands defending their kids and they went after the coach it descends
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into chaos and people are getting sued look at that. this is like youth game that means nothing people to understand it. we live our lives to hollywood but it's significant to know many hollywood families picked up and left. they have the money and choosing to live elsewhere. you got water, they want why for their kids you think there is something to learn from back? absolutely, we are over scheduling our children and putting too much pressure on parents and they need extensive childhood full of freedom must not this over program to think will regift it which at at every second. >> they want to normal high for the kids because they know how they would can change the. congrats, a lot of parents will
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be picking it up, appreciate it. thank you. still to come, reveal the world force they were in america, is going to make sense in this question, have you ever wondered became wealthy the school of hard knocks takes to the street, to find out from share the secrets with us, so don't move. >> you for like everybody else is pushing it and you are not? it's because your program has a virus and you have to rewire your mind so meditation, mental rehearsal. ♪ so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools,
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now back to one nation. ♪ >> thirteen guys under 25 years old grew up together, parents serving in the military or two brothers in the front supporting china, where they went, eagle scouts together and then wanted to continue to be successful but the question was, how? they have my dear, why don't they find out from the people that are successful even if those people didn't know they were coming? >> excuse me, is this your permit? >> it is. >> is this your he got? what you do for a living to a 40 got?
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>> i run a healthcare company. >> you business owners. >> have you ever been brought before? >> twice. >> i've been broken i'm not afraid of being broke. the most dangerous person is the broke one because the broke [bleep] has nothing to lose and everything to gain. >> people are scared when they make a little bit of money, they want to keep up but normally you have to reinvest into the business. >> standing out as the most important thing. ai will replace commonality, you've got to use your brain. >> people buy from people they like. >> three years later they created one of the largest business finance media channels across all social media with over a billion views and 4 million are responsible conspiring americans next generation to take it and get involved in be successful. joining us now, cofounder of the school of hard knocks media company james donlon, jack donlon and jack smith. welcome inspiring to see on instagram, tell me whose idea
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this was. >> the three of us were intrapreneurial, we grow, d.c. area, centered around government jobs, politics, d.c. is the place to be if you want to do your own thing, get out of d.c. so because we had dogs, eagle scouts together and corrupt boy scout troops, we need to do something together and related on media, content creation, 500 billion-dollar industry in the next few years we can go all in, we to started to understand because we were doing our own thing, but start of channel together, started the three of us starting content about business and realized most people don't care about 20-year-old kid talk about business, seek out industry experts, ten, 50 years of experience to pass on and that's what we did. >> he didn't go for the famous,
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he said that guy has to be successful, but imagine, a yacht, picked up to be successful. one of things you asked, what did you discover? >> the two main objectives of the channel was to help younger children and people in college and young adults get better financial literacy and career mentorship so we went up to them and introduced ourselves, who were respectful and wanted to make a quick connection is a we have a good cause, this isn't a joke for social media, we want to help the younger generation of entrepreneurs and achieve financial great career success. >> some commonality, they took risks, almost all of the hospital and they've all got back. >> absolutely. that's the thing, there's this chance things will work out but even if things don't go your way, you're not starting from scratch, starting with experience on the next venture. >> is on a yacht, did you know anything about him? >> i didn't, no. >> here's how it went from a
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course the most amount of honey humate in a single year? >> 10 billion. >> for five years ago, broke out of my mind, somebody asked me and my wife to do a photo shoot and was can't a yacht and i kept the pictures because i can never been on a yacht and a quick on a screensaver at kat hustling and doing all of us and envisioning and about two months ago i looked at the picture, it's the same exact yacht so when you talk about what is crazy, the manifestation part. >> that's what you learn from a visualization. >> but you also realize these people, they all have their own story and journey collectors become, it doesn't matter. one think about taking a risk is look at the top 100 people in the majority are willing to go to negative for billing dollars to be successful so it goes to show people are willing to put it all on the line. >> what soquel is nobody asks people how they got it, they just assume he's rich, she's
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rich. you asked how they got it, do they want to tell their stories? >> a lot of people the interview, they've never from a they've never been asked maybe they started a global tech, they've never gotten in front of the camera to share the story so we give opportunity and valuable lessons packed in the career that cannot be shared because of these interviews. >> what did you take like? >> not only from doctor d but from our channel, people are willing to get back, take the shot and asked because people, they have their own experiences starting in many different places some people come for money on something from zero but they will have their own buses to share and when you compare from our channel, there's a lot to learn. >> i want to say one more thing, there's a misconception for successful people don't want to
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give back when in reality the most killing people to provide value sink in consideration. >> we started the interviews month and 100,000 euros now we are pretty much averaging 1 million views interview, it's phenomenal to see the impact of people be able to learn from this industry is it instagram, when you get most hit? 's instrument flight you can find us on instagram, tik tok, facebook and youtube. >> what you say to your generation? sometimes we think we look at your generation, gen z and we say where's the work ethic, but drive? you also say that? >> if i had a message for our generation, overtake number one, for stick estimation is the assassination of all, you can't procrastinate about anything. some of the best advice from florida when i asked the
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blueprint to become familiar, you know the most valuable piece of real estate is, in graveyards because there is billing dollars for people who never took action so nobody is coming to save you, i don't care who you are, you have to earn it yourself. >> up your young kid out of college, this is the time when each not play it safe, life has given you a hand, he might not have wife and kids or the husband, you have a chance right now to go all in on your dreams and make it happen for yourself so go all in. >> what your parents think? are they thrilled? >> they are shocked, i can't believe it because it started out with maybe a little unsure, social media think because they are a little older but not they've seen growth and impact, it's amazing. >> i'm honored to be your first tv interview. thanks so much for being on one nation. best of luck to don't need it. follow them at the school of hard knocks and be inspired. i'm going to hit the stage and talk about history of this great
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country. he saw three great examples. i want to see you live on stage, great moments in a fun and entertaining way including my last book teddy and booker teeth. brian, vip opportunities, still to come on the show or read right, the news dual, the wonderful headshot she gave us. ♪
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best information in television, the hottest stories everybody is talking about, here is one of
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our favorites, fox news anchor extraordinary julie banderas here. it's are you ready? >> i am. >> asked them to cue the music. >> you want to see the treasurer's house in america in the nicest neighborhood you will never want to be in? fairfax, california where cbs is in beverly hills, this is the nice man, guys arrived in hazmat suits and cleaned up, people were amazed because i didn't know it was possible look at that, west you can imagine. >> it looks like my kids better monday after the housecleaner leaves. >> sharking, is melt markets in california, what you expect x. >> neighborhood like that, criminals and burglaries you have to worry about. >> let's go to crazy weddings. i was a bit of a bridezilla,
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i'll be out honest but this one registry is out of control. this couple didn't want gifts, plenty of plates so they packed the registry with stuff like $11000 for honeymoon, $3000 in fights, 3000 and home expenses 500 and legal fees, hundreds of gift cards. it's crazy. >> people are outraged, it comes out to $28000 and turns out, what i need? the want of money and these are what people are saying. >> they said they shouldn't juse the totals, that's what's making him seem really. gift cards, it could be 27500 so what is the big deal? two months of home expenses, why not help out? >> this is a destination wedding in italy and i have a theory if you have a destination wedding
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people pay thousands on their own flights and hotels, you shouldn't take gifts. you absolutely should not. >> you asked people on registry, they were honest so if you want to help them, get the money. we talking about eclipse and the moon so what you get, you don't want to be late. turns out you will have a brand-new time zone. nasa is working on this stuff so is europe, they want to make sure the clocks that work on earth work on the moon. does it astound you that we are working on this? >> i don't think anybody cares what time it is on the moon, we should work on daylight savings here on earth and abolish that first amendment maybe worry about the moon. >> when was the last time you were on the moon? >> it's been a long time. we should go back and get a rocket that works. >> is a california couple trying to clean up the mess out there, our nation's infrastructure is falling apart, potholes are out
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of control so this couple was taking it upon themselves to fill holes because the holes create problems under vehicles, access control could fall off and busted tire. >> they thought they were doing great things, it turns out they, a cease-and-desist letter from the city of compton saying among the other things, your actions raised serious concerns as they pose a threat to public safety and integrity of infrastructure. they said let's the pros do it. >> posing a threat to public safety -- moveout. >> at least we are here in new york city where it safe. earthquakes in new york. eclipse on monday. great to see you. up next on one nation from something special so keep it right yesterday a quick reminder, if you want to follow us because we follow you, go to social media, twitter, where they call twitter these days.
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diversity and inclusion corporate america but seems interest is waning inkling. 2020 just after the torch for the riots, a chief diversity officer, hamas position going in mentions of the i and earnings
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over 300 but as you see, this idea has fallen big time and couldn't be happier. axios reporting some physicist are cutting back funding or trimming for just getting rid of the department altogether. the best person for the job might be the best thing for your company, how original but the government is a dollar short on the di news, the state department is asking for $83 million because they want to expand di this fiscal year. the state department has a new diversity conclusion officer looking to pay. this on the heels of a memo from antony blinken himself urging staff to use gender neutral language and it could be offensive, hold your ears. brave men and women on the front lines, manpower, you guys, ladies and gentlemen and mother -- all. forget all those if you work in
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the state department. does up the rest, we are a politically correct show. send us videos, whatever is on your mind will send great stuff including stay within yourself mug cash of the american one nation tune in between 6:00 and 10:00. make sure you watch. listen to our radio show that o'clock to noon. speaking of family, jimmy failla is ready to go with fox news saturday night so much, this camera radically go up. ♪ 's >> i'm jimmy failla and this is fox news saturday night. topic.


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