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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  April 5, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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during covid learning loss and in many cases minorities were the hardest hit in that equation and i think if we had a nationwide effort to make sure that these kids caught up and we give them the tools that they need and it's barely discussed from the halls of power in this country and i think we really need to. >> needs to start in kindergarten. >> martha: absolutely. >> in kindergarten, give them the hardest and most rigourous curriculum out there. >> martha: it's all about days off and shorten schedules but that's not going to get us there. thank you it's ours good to see you, thank you. that is the story for today, for friday april 5th but as always the story goes on and i will see you on fox news sunday this weekend i will be in fort shannon, texas governor greg abbott will join me and senator chris koontz, and join us then.
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>> is this an earthquake? is this an earthquake? >> we are having an earthquake what is going on here? >> is everything okay? >> the control room shaking we are shaking. >> are you okay? what the [ bleep ] is that. >> what the [ bleep ] were having an earthquake. >> what in the world was that? that was an earthquake, holy crap? >> that was the dog saying that, shake rattles and fears that we could be rolling some more as new york city and the northeast brace for continuing aftershocks that are still happening following that 4.8
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magnitude earthquake that shook up homes and schools and work today while rattling airports in transit hubs across much of the northeast. i know, may be standard fair for you folks out west to her use of this kind of thing but let's just say that earthquakes are scary for the other side of the country and we will deftly not, we are sorting and allowed us millions of americans are trying to just take it all off and we have meteorologist on what to watch for now and fox whether katie byrne at the epicenter of it all in lebanon new jersey on what they felt the moment this thing hit. time for your world, shaken but not too sturdy. welcome anybody i am neil cavuto and we don't see it much in these parts but we sure felt it and expensed it today as historic and as i said scary let's go first to the very latest on what happened and why now, hello wreck. >> there is absolutely no forecast for earthquakes why now? why not any time i guess
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is the answer to that question, 4.8 magnitude you think that's not really all that strong but it was felt for a long way away and a number of aftershocks have been happening all of those aftershocks around the 1.8 to two-point to range a good scion means was the main shock and anything after this will be smaller, smaller shakes happening from now on. it has been a hundred and 39 years since new york city saw anything like this and about 240 years likely since anywhere in new jersey, this is old earthquakes i just want to show you back in 2011 there was one in august central virginia, this is how widely that was felt at 6.0, 5.8, and encounter when you back and deals in for that was felt across a much smaller area, just a difference in the way that the land is the east coast a lot older landmass so we have an area that can spread out a bit more so much so that there's 4.8 earthquake was felt
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across 14 different states, under -- across much of new england and areas of newark -- virginia but the immediate area of it some strong shaking of this and that is why it was felt for so many people. you think haywire here? there are a few fault lines across new jersey, three of them in fact you see this faultlines right there along that fault line is where we saw this happen i will tell you that is a major delay earlier we had ground stops at the airports because of the earthquake is the reason, the airports are back up big delays just because a volume now all of those flights that didn't get out for a while or trying to get out so you have to bring a lot of patients across airports around the tri-state for the rest of today because of the delays from the earthquake. >> i remember that 139 years ago, i covered it, it was scary. >> i was just a kid but you were older. >> neil: i'm a few years ahead of you, a couple of decades. thank you very much for
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that, katie byrne in the middle of all of this where it all went down the ground zero or something like that in lebanon new jersey, katie how are they doing there? >> well it looks like an ordinary day now but we know this was a chaotic morning for a lot of families, especially those who live right around here near the epicenter of all of this, some people describe the moment that the earthquake hit as a sinking feeling underneath their feet we know that the shaking cent peoples kitchen kitchen cabinets flying open. paintings and framed photos fell down, mirrors breaking into pieces neighbours on this block actually ran out to check on each other one of their front doors flew open and a dog got loose that dog did make it back home but we spoke with a man walking his dog when it all happened he said it felt like a drilling sensation. >> i was walking my dog off the street and felt like the pavement was giving way under me and i didn't know what to
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thank or what to do it lasted like a good 20 seconds. it was very scary. >> we know this was not only felt here people in 14 different states felt it and now infrastructure assessments continue to roll out structural damage to places like roads and railways and bridges in places like new york we know in newark new jersey families were evacuated from three homes there because of stability concerns after the earthquake and building officials they are looking into the scope of the damage as aftershocks continue, we know six have been reported already and a lot of people have been asking if we have felt them since we have been in the area since around lunchtime we haven't felt any thing just yet which shows you how small they really are but we know that geologists say they are possible for the next seven days. >> yikes, thank you for that we are grad you are okay as well we are talking to the mayor of that fine town just a minute just to put in perspective when this first hit her there was concern in all of the three new york area airports they had to
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check the runways make sure is okay for flights to come in and go out and it was eventually decided that they were, the faa said that was a routine develop and tear they were particularly concerned about but again those fears were eased and all of the area rails around this busy transit centre in the tri-state area that includes new york and connecticut and new jersey standing as well until forced a pennsylvania checking to see there is no dislodged track anywhere that does not seem to be the case and we have the rush hour probe just heading home right now we have seen it very common but some trains are delayed, the president spoke to the new jersey governor on this which proved to be the epicenter of all of this activity, unusual as it was and no serious disruptions but a lot of people were anxious about returning to office buildings which includes the greater new york much fault area and new york city itself, with us now is the lebanon new jersey mayor who was kind enough to join us how are things happening there how are you holding up?
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>> much better now my heart rate has gone back to normal so definitely in much better shape then we were this morning. >> i remember feeling my heart rate and sing my cardiologist is not going to like this. how was it for you and how was it for your residents? they probably didn't know what the heck was going on at first right? >> exactly that's how it was for me i was actually working from home, my home office and everything just shook i have never felt anything like that before i have been in town for 30 years have been the mayor in government for the last 12 and never extremes anything like this and i didn't even think it was an earthquake didn't run out of the house or take cover nothing like that once it stopped shaking i went outside and my neighbours were putting out of their houses as well as rooms looking around and then word got out pretty quick and started fielding calls from residents and putting feelers out and
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things got moving pretty quickly with the fire department doing an assessment of the state police during an assessment next to a reservoir they were looking at that very closely and an assessment of that as well so it was a busy morning here in lebanon beach and you are very calm throughout the as me i would've been like don not in that andy griffith show just screaming and losing it, how did everything settle down? how are thanks there now any damage assessment? working tell us. >> actually even around the county we talked to the county and it seems like outside of lebanon everything has fared fairly well i think as people come home from work there could still be some damage to some houses, i personally had some pretty big at shaking and things falling off of shelves and pictures falling down so i'm sure in some of the older houses that are pretty common out here we could be unlikely there could be some internal structural damage. >> neil: for a lot of
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folks that worry about some of these tremors afterwards or these aftershocks have you had any of that? >> we haven't or i haven't personally experienced any but i have heard in some of the surrounding towns there have been some and some of our residents have reported aftershocks but i haven't currently felt it, we definitely keep being very mindful of that and putting out to the residents to keep checking our website in the county website for any updates. >> neil: i am glad that everything worked out well mayor, thank you for taking the time be safe. >> you to, take care. >> neil: now many people in the west coast here about this and say what whims they are in the east coast and that is probably true but we just don't experience this sort of thing very often jeffrey parker joins us, professor it is unusual on our side of the country i guess
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we look at fault lines and just conclude they are either more severe or more of an issue out west but they are out here at the eastern take? >> well we still have all of these false, defaults are very old they were active at another geologic time but they are still weak spots in the crossed and they will have earthquakes if they are strained, there is strain going on inside the crust of the northeast and there's various reasons for that but it's much smaller than what is happening out in the west by the san andreas fault and those comforted fall systems. >> we always talk about the big one or whatever it is taiwan just had a very big 17.4 magnitude quake surprising that more than a dozen people didn't die and it's startling there of course used to the sort of thing but on the west coast, to your point, it is something that they are not totally unfamiliar with but again what do you tell
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people and how should they react win something like this happens because on the east coast they don't know. >> well on the east coast the commonsense thing to do is if you are in the building that starts shaking go to a door frame get down under a table, no one knows actually if once the shaking starts weather you might have the earthquake right under your town and that is true there's enough danger danger you should do and cover. and if an earthquake of this size, 2.8 had happened in manhattan there would have been some significant damage and probably some injuries it occurred in an old fault zone that is out in central new jersey where towns are small and structures are far apart and most of them are reasonably new
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and well-built. >> neil: all things that are very good to know thank you for taking the time professor we are showing here just on the foxbusiness network they were talking about the market and the world environment in the middle of this and stewart didn't miss anything just focus on the money. we got through it all that guy was laser focused if that was me i would have said okay see you later i am out of here. i want to show you some other shaking and rolling in the stock market, rocketing and really rolling on this fine day of the week still a down week but the dow about 307 points a lot more of us are working then we thought, 300 and 3000 americans added to the workforce to 270,000 the month before that was the on employment rate at the .8 percent and then it was a happy mix and it's a hot report but it's so hot it will dissuade the federal reserve from cutting interest rates
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this year you have sort of a split verdict a lot of people saying the rates will come down they just won't come down anytime super soon we even had a governor and president among those saying there is no reason to be cutting rates this entire year now that is an unusual point of view because she added that if this kind of data keeps coming then that's a very isolated view but we only share that because as of now wall street sought with a half-full glass down with one of the worst weeks of the market on the year and again a good comeback day as people are optimistic that maybe we will have the best of both worlds and the rates will come down but not so soon we are also following the big kerfuffle between the white house and benjamin netanyahu who is doing a lot of thanks that the president apparently suggested on a phone call yesterday suggesting could be put in quotation marks senator chris koons will be joining us he is among those open to putting conditions on aid to israel period that is next
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>> neil: benjamin netanyahu opening up more passageways for gaza aid to get into that area, that was a thing that president
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biden had demanded in their phone call yesterday the latest from lucas at the white house. >> moments ago we learn from officials here at the white house that president biden is urging leaders of qatar and egypt to press hamas to get those hostages released there are a hundred of them remaining in captivity including americans after pressing israel a day earlier for a cease-fire and president biden while walking to marine one just a few hours ago on his our -- way to baltimore seemed please with the news that israel has made after the strike that killed eight workers. >> did you stop motor aid to israel. >> president joe biden: i asked them to do what they are doing [ inaudible ]
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>> earlier today the israel defence forces took full responsibility for the bites -- botched strike releasing there in the station just days after the strike which they say was a grave mistake stemming from a serious failure due to a mistake identification errors in decision-making and an attack contrary to standard offering procedures and the american withdraw from afghanistan a similar incident took place the pentagon declined to punish anyone in that strike that killed ten afghan civilians including seven children the comparison downplayed earlier in an interview with martha maccallum saying they were to incense -- two different specs over three years apart, israel has warned its ambitions worldwide to anticipate a potential counterattack by iran after iranian commanders were killed in neighbouring syria neil. >> neil: thank you very much before, very instrument all and close to the president of the
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nine states obviously will it raise i browse when a delaware essential -- senator says he is open to putting conditions on aid to israel, other prominent democrats have said similar things, we don't know whether that represents, i don't think that's the case given the senators close relationship with the president and the fact that he is handling his election campaign as cochair but senator is always good to have you. but that did raise eyebrows win people heard those comments that you were may be attaching conditions. >> well thank you for the chance to be on and i am very encouraged by the prompt steps forward on delivering aid into gaza taken by the israeli government and by the idf reviewing this tragic incident in which seven world central kitchen staff were killed but to be clear what i said was
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that if prime minister benjamin netanyahu and the idf went ahead with a full-scale attack with a ground attack and an air attack on rafah in their ongoing efforts to fight hamas without making any provision for relocating the millions of civilians who have fled to rafah because the israelis told them that would be a safe place to move to as the idf carried out actions against hamas in the north and in the centre that i would then be open to some conditions on aid. president biden and leaders in our country like our circuitry of dissent in secular and state have been cautioning the israelis for weeks against a large-scale ground campaign into rafah without making any provision for the safety of civilians. i do expect israel to continue its campaign against toss and to find ways that are targeted and precise and effective to continue to target hamas leaders and to try to secure the
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release of hostages who have now been held by hamas for far too long. i hope that helps clarify what has been some misunderstanding today about exactly what i said. >> neil: well maybe i have a thick skull, you would not be the first person to make me say that, but what i don't understand about what you're saying is are we essentially tying what went on behind israel's back that they are going after killers and there is going to be sadly, as in all wars collateral and sometimes severe collateral damage and the message we are sending to israel, a sovereign country that if you continue doing this we might not continuing to do what we do. >> we have put conditions on our aid to ukraine now for several years where we have said we are going to send you advanced weapon systems we are going to finance your war with russia we will support your war with russia your resistance to russia.
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>> neil: you're quite right senator but this is different we have never done this in the history of our relationship the only reason why i raise it is that now we seem to be sending a message that if you don't do what you -- we tell you there could be serious repercussions is that the message you want to send a country that did not start this war. started with butchered israelis. >> first of several presidents both public and democrat previously conveyed limitations or conditions are ongoing military support tying into israel's conduct in previous wars but frankly more importantly for right now. >> neil: aid was never caught in those cases [ inaudible ] spin. >> neil: president
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biden just cent into law appropriations bill that is an additional $3.8 million in the tray support and i think president biden has been clear that we will continue to provide support for israel's defence in the event there is an attack by iran the event that they need iron dome missiles, this is specific to the current circumstances in rafah where there is 1 million refugees who have fled to the south of the country and are now pinned up against the egyptian border to say yes continue your campaign against hamas and we will continue to support you in your campaign against hamas but don't drop 2000-pound bombs or send in a battalion into rafah without providing for a chance for those civilians to relocate. >> neil: well what if they do, then what if they do? if they do and you are quite right we always in this decades long we have had forceful
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viewpoints and challenges to the israelis but never once have we cut aid in that process, if the israelis were to go in to rafah as benjamin netanyahu seems to want to do still are you saying, or would you recommend that is a game changer as your colleagues have said that our relationship and the current position we have towards israel is, in his words, not working, in other words would you then say you have gone in to rafah and that's too far and we will cut aid? >> i would not abandon israel i would not abandoned the defence of israel against their enemies in the region, particularly in the face of an imminent strike by iran against israel if that were. >> neil: but that's not what i asked, if they go in to rafah and do this would you say that is a game changer israel, we told you not to do that and you did. >> ib would be willing to put conditions on the delivery of military munitions for that
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ongoing campaign i would not sever ties between the eyes to attend israel, i wouldn't abandon israel but i would begin to condition the munitions that we provide for an ongoing campaign in rafah. >> is the democratic party turning on israel? >> i don't think so and frankly i don't speak for the democrat party as a whole i speak for myself as a senator from delaware. and i think that we have been and will continue to be strong partners and allies with israel and the israeli people but there are good reasons to question the wisdom of the tactical decisions being made by prime minister benjamin netanyahu and the decision to not allow he military and aid in scale which now seems to be changing and the decision to not put at the forefront negotiating for the release of hostages but instead the continuation of the war at all costs. so please understand i
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think this is a tactical difference between denied estate in israel over the conduct of the war against hamas in the south of gaza, not a fundamental change in our ongoing licensure. >> neil: senator thank you very much it's good to have you. >> thank you neil. >> neil: buy the way the fall out from all of this on the weekend show we will be speaking to the former is rarely basked -- ambassador to the united states tomorrow at eastern time you won't want to miss that in the meantime you won't want to miss the fall out from the president touring the bridge collapsed in baltimore today, we have more on that. >> that's right neil the wind howling but that didn't stop president biden from getting an aerial tour in that marine one of the bridge collapse behind me and then he made remarks calling on congress to authorize the full cost of rebuilding the bridge we will bring you more of what he had to say after the break. can't filter out the real you.
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>> neil: scary when it all happened queens new york residents arriving the whole thing and the fear find a chihuahua all of 14 years old what an experience for that swallow. what the heck. what you got larry? may the best bird win. brick. you may be a legend on the court but you're an amateur up here. heads up lar. so get allstate... save money and be protected from mayhem... me. now you're the bird stuck in the attic. ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. 's ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪
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♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ >> neil: president biden set to depart baltimore after seeing for himself the key bridge and the disaster and now the fix up and repair that is ahead. britt jenkins has more from baltimore, graph. >> reporter: good afternoon and biden recommitting that his administration in the full force of the federal government will be here as long as it takes to do whatever it takes to open this port and rebuild that bridge and you are right the president, despite the gusting winds and he got an aerial tour from marine one take a look at this video you can see the president over flying the bridge wreckage with that ship,
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the equivalent size of the uss eisenhower still in port and the months ahead of trying to get this done as the army corps of engineers hopes to have this fully opened by the end of may now here behind me the president shared summer mark sears a little bit of what he said, listen. >> president joe biden: i fully intend as the governor nose to have the federal government cover the cost of building this entire bridge, i call on congress to authorize this effort as soon as possible. >> reporter: the president talked about the jobs directly tied to this, 2000 families depending on those jobs to pay the rent and groceries and also a bit calling out by names to keep dom it -- keep workers on the payroll and to do what it takes to stay and rebuild baltimore, that is just a bit of what he had to
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say here and afterwards i spoke to the senator and asked him about congress getting together this week to do that emergency authorization and he said it is not just maryland it is red and blue states that depend on emergency funds like this and he says he hopes that congress will quickly move to do just that. >> neil: thank you for that you are everywhere in reporting, externa, thank you. graphic jenkins on all of that, in the meantime the political fallout from the administration that is weighing the plague calculus of stepping back from israel. and maybe more than a tad, after this. ♪
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president of the nine states this pressure on benjamin netanyahu to change his conduct and not invaded rafah you have heard it all as part of a strategy to may be address criticism that the president has four policies regarding this war that they have not been forceful enough what is the fallout? of the former advisor and pollster and put a call reporter extraordinaire, mark to you on this calculus it seems pretty clear among prominent democrats yes, he wants to tie aid to better behaviour we have heard senator tim kaine saying much the same that a relationship with our ally is just not working, bernie sanders not another penny, the bernie sanders thing not a shocker but what do you think? >> i think it is remarkable i think the overwhelming opinion among voters is to support israel and support israel getting hostages out and i am
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very surprised by this turn within the democratic party i think the fact that schumer came out and criticized netanyahu kind of made it a bit of a field day and i don't think this politically will help i think there is now a division amongst the party in israel that it is unfortunate because i think it empowers iran and hamas who have basically put out a program of taking hostages and sending rockets and a sexual terrorism all of the things they have done they even have american hostages, maximum, undivided allied pressure on hamas and you are seeing quite the opposite right now from some democrats, not a majority of them i might add i think overall support is still quite strong. >> neil: it is a mixed bag though right? it can't be a great day when hamas is welcoming the criticism that the president has of israel.
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>> that's right and joe biden doesn't seem to have a lot of moral clarity when it comes to this conflict he was very pro- israel in the immediate aftermath of october seventh and for weeks after that and then flip-flopping doesn't seem to be driven by anything other then poll numbers showing him a struggling amongst his left flank voters in swing states and that should be worrying when a foreign policy decisions are based on domestic crowdpleasing but that is what we are seeing from joe biden here and it has led to a sort of policy toward israel that is all over the map. it is not coherent or easy to defend and like mark said it is not popular with voters who overwhelmingly do want to see israel supported. >> neil: but with the senator he was pretty brazen a few minutes ago and i want you to react to this. >> neil: wood you say then if you've gone in to rafah and of gone too far would cut aid. >> i would not abandon israel, i would not
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abandon the defence of israel against their enemies in the region, particularly in the face of an imminent strike by iran against israel if that were speaking with all respect as not what i, if they go in to rafah and do this would you say that is a game changer we told you not to do that and you did. >> i would be willing to put conditions on the delivery of military munitions for that ongoing campaign, i would not sever ties between the united states and israel. >> neil: that's not what i asked about the fact that eight of any sort is a junk ball now what do you make of that? >> i think it is a mistake we are in the middle of a war, iran is there pulling the strings of all of these various terrorist groups and for us to be showing this kind of division about aid and in particular about israel finishing the job with
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hamas otherwise hamas is sitting there saying why should i give up these hostages, the longer i hold the hostages the longer that i stall israel the more support i seem to get even in the american congress which is a place that i thought i have no support, especially after killing 1200 people in israel and what was an attack the size of pearl harbor so i think it's a real mistake for the senator to be going on tv and talking in this manner. they should be exerting whatever behind-the-scenes influence they think is appropriate but not in any way showed this public division that i think empowers terrorists in iran. >> mark the final word i apologize for the truncated time here but thank you both we do appreciate it in the meantime don't let anyone tell you there was anything bad about it it was fantastic 303,000 jobs added to the economy on top of 270,000 the month before so the economy job wise
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>> neil: a lot of shaking and rattling
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going on not talking about that earthquake in the northeast but i am talking about the jobs report we have in the month of march more than 303,000 megan found work on top of 270,000 the month before the economy plenty strong the job market 20 strong here is the other side of that story, the local markets ending up on the week but down this week rate cuts will be delayed we may not see them at all, the vice president of investments will help us out, jim is always good to see you it's been too long what do you make of that conundrum. now saying that good news is bad news we don't want to much good news but how does this sort out for you? >> i think one of the reasons the market rally today is that the inflation component of that jobs report was not as bad as feared but i think you bring up a very interesting come up -- conundrum here in that it would seem that inflation is a lot
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stickier than the fed thought it would be a lot of that has to do with energy prices a lot of that has to do with other commodity prices, look at copper, cocoa, in particular oil and gas, when you print this much money and then you have a war going on around the world is very hard to contain not only commodity prices but oil prices and that will push inflation ratings a lot higher, not only that but rent prices have not come down very much, home prices have not come down. so yes the inflation rate may be softening but it is still going out, the rate may not be accelerating, it might be coming down but prices are still going up. >> neil: a very good way to explain it, don't steal my job because that's what i tried to do, but you said it very eloquently. the fact is that wages are up 4.1 percent year-over-year. and that is the smallest increase that we have seen since june of 2021, but they are still up.
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>> but there is a reason for that season absolutely but now it begs the question what is the federal reserve doing? >> it is worse than that, if you look neat this surface on these jobs numbers if you look at jobs created under this administration the leading category is government jobs. and the work -- last trillion and a half dollars that we spend gave us another trillion dollars of gdp increase but that is in negative multiplier meaning we are spending more than we are getting out of it. a lot of it is these government jobs, a lot of it is part-time jobs. not a lot of full-time jobs those are down over the past year. >> neil: you raise a good point but you do take what you can get, healthcare and construction they are picking up and you are quite right it could be, let me get your sense and now of how you see the economy, the ministration has been arguing that the steady improvement, americans
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may not be feeling it now to your point food inflation and gas price surges are very real, how does the shakeout in november? >> look at the way that americans are looking at how they feel about the economy, every poll says they don't feel very good about the economy at all look at hamburger prices as we have already talked about, paying more and more and less people can afford a new home they do not feel good because it is not translating into every american and jerome powell talked about how these jobs were going to immigrants and a lot of them are going to illegal immigrants and the goldman sachs talked about the same thing. if you think about it when you raise minimum wage to 15 or $20 per hour but you bring in a lot of immigrants that will work not only part-time but less than that then a lot of these people are getting laid off, it is not a great
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way to build an economy. >> neil: they might argue with you at the white house but it takes a tango to figure all of this out. it's always good to see you, we will keep and i on all of that by the way micro will join us on this whole phenomenon on jobs, there are jobs, booming jobs in areas that we respect like plumbers and electricians all of that, the boom that he sees and he think your kids should see, tomorrow on my weekend show, we have a lot more coming up including a woman who happily survived the earthquake and her 14-year-old chihuahua, that is after this. ♪ i'm sarah escherich. i'm the life enrichment director at independence village, a senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am.
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i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun. keep tiktok.
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♪ ♪ [rattling] >> [bleep]. >> neil: you know, i've seen that video a couple times. what amazes me is how calm cassandra was. she's out in queens, new york. and how calm her 14-year-old she while i was. just assessing the scene. there seems to be a bit of a shaker going on here. how are you doing now and how is your dog? >> we are doing well, thank you. still very unbothered by it all. >> neil: it was around what,
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10:22 a.m. eastern time? and a lot of folks, animals, as well, didn't know what to make of it. but some animals were acting weirdly before this went down. was your dog? >> no. she was very happy. she was getting a little morning routine of a wipe down and her brushing. she was chill. [laughs] >> neil: she's a cutie. what did you think at first? >> you know, i thought it was a truck. there's a lot of construction going on nearby. i thought that maybe it was just a crane. it did not occur to me until my large mirror was kind of banging against the wall that it might be an earthquake. >> neil: wow. how is your home? any damage? in your neighborhood? what can you tell us? >> thank goodness, everything was relatively untouched.
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i came to my studio, my work space after, and the only thing that happened was a door opened up. so we were very lucky. >> neil: we saw the tape up to the point -- it looks like right after the earthquake was done, the dog was calm throughout, you are trying to find out what the heck just happened. how was the dog's behavior right after that? because she down in my lap. [laughs] >> neil: really? >> she did not care. i sent thea lot of my friends, just to show them, and there was a running thread on how unbothered she was. she's been through a lot in 14 years, including being hit by a truck on the l.i.e. from behind, so i think it earthquake was no big deal to her. >> neil: i have have a brittany spaniel. love the dog, don't get me wrong, craziest dog. would have been circling and running around. i'm glad he missed the whole
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thing. everything is okay, you are okay, that's what matters. family, friends, they are okay? >> yeah, thankfully. my parents are in new jersey and so far everybody sounds good. >> neil: new jersey was the epicenter! >> exactly. >> neil: but they are all right. i'm very happy to hear that. what is the dog's name? >> chiqui, short for chiquita banana. >> neil: chiqui, you are a star. now chiqui has an agent, i understand. so good seeing you. i love stories like that. he could have been very nerve-racking and it wasn't for you and chiqui. it is that environment, folks, but everyone's okay. i know all you got on the west coast, calm down. it's weird for


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