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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  April 5, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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feel an earthquake this strong in new york and new jersey. >> bill: terrific work there. to all our colleagues at fox weather thank you so much. oftentimes we go to our colleagues at fox weather and talk about storms and things like that. this is a different day and different time in the city of new york, the city we love. a brutal week of weather in the northeast. storm after storm non-stop rain and flooding throughout the area. and today was really the first big break and we were about to head into a weekend where the weather was more favorable feeling more like springtime and this hits. we have some shaking in the northeast and millions of people. one estimate says 42 million americans felt the shake from 10:19 eastern time about an hour 40 minutes ago. that's the end of this hour. we move to the noon eastern hour right on the fox news channel and we're updating waiting an update, rather, from the new york mayor, eric adams after
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today's rare 4.8 magnitude quake that shook the east coast. had an update from the new york city governor hochul saying there could be after shocks to be expected if they happen. united states geological survey says the quake's centered their lebanon, new jersey. 45 to 50 miles due west of new york city. started around 10:23 and tremors up and down the east coast. the shaking in the new video. there will be a lot of this captured inside of the u.n. headquarters in mid town manhattan. as we begin another hour. hello again. bill hemmer with molly line down from boston, massachusetts. they might have felt it up there, too. >> thank you for having me. this is definitely interesting. thank you. >> we are bringing a life coverage throughout the day on
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this big day of history. a 4.8 magnitude earthquake is what is happening. >> people have so many different stories to tell. my husband did not feel it but a cousin in philadelphia did feel this ongoing situation. ongoing in the sense that there is a potential for further action here. such as the aftershocks you are talking about. but a lot of work is being done on the ground right now. checking out those buildings in new york city and the surrounding areas so that it's safe to land planes and also keep trains running all of that is going to be checked out top to bottom right now as they keep in mind there could be potential for aftershocks. we have a few more details from one of our correspondence. >> yes, erica adams will be doing a briefing that is happening right now, he said the
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epicenter of that earthquake was about 50 miles away from the city but of course we know so many people here still felt it. the impact of this earthquake or far-reaching and people from maine to the main nick van exel to. to give you some context of t that, that is because according to united states geological survey, the rocks of the northeast is older and different so when you have events like this, it is going to be felt far more wide reaching. some context that were shared from kathy, says that she had spoken to the head of homeland security and that there are no reports of damage at this time but the structural team and engineering teams are still surveying bridges and roads to make sure there are no fault lines. emphasizing that it is still early on in the assessment
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process, she also said that there are no life-threatening situations across the state. so that is some good news, but again she emphasized that the state is reviewing all vulnerable infrastructure. and that is the protocol when you have a earthquake like this. she reminded everyone that yes you might feel a aftershock. we are going back over to you molly. >> yes and we are keeping an eye on those for sure as you mentioned the structural integrity issues as well. checking up bridges and tunnels and buildings. we see a lot of people out there moving around new york city as we speak right now. >> we are getting so many alerts on our phone, suggesting that the first alert went out late, what does the mayor have to say about that we will hear from their atoms when we take questions. before that happens, we move a block west of here to
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times square where the heart of it was hello again >> yes, everyone has a different story. they say things were falling off the shelves in the offices for their lunch was interrupted but you can see across times square, things are going on as usual including the performers here that are still trying to talk to people who are walking by after the earthquake. we will check in with eddie who was eating lunch nearby with the wife, and they felt the shaking happening right there. >> right underneath our feet, we were nervous because we have not had a earthquake in so long. so we were surprised that it even happened. >> it was pretty intense you could definitely feel it. >> we noticed that as soon as it started wondering what was going on? whether was a train or something but we didn't know. >> what did you do after that
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did you start getting those alerts? >> we pulled out our phones and to see if we can find something going on and we found out it was a 4.8 earthquake, but i am glad everybody's okay and nobody got hurt. >> your wife was worried and you also have your daughter you are saying may plans are going to happen? >> the plans oversee staying home. >> what about the aftereffects are you worried about that? >> yes there are so much construction going on so it's something to pay attention to on your commute here in new york. >> you say you are an engineer, a lot of the buildings here are older way that concerns with that? >> my point of view is that there is a lot of little maintenance says that are not getting maintained in certain places. so if they did not do their part in that engineering area, the structure could not be
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sound, and certain basements -- we had people check everywhere because we already got the call that we had to go. >> thank you for talking to us we are glad that you are okay. what a way to start the weekend. things are still going on and we will sell you what is going on across new york city and people are still walking around and soy people would talk to are people who are visiting from out of the country and said this is going to be a trip that they will never forget that it is interesting that some new people have different experiences but i did not feel anything but then you walk outside for people who cannot believe how much shaking their wives are felt like it was just the subway system in place but we will have to talk to more people are here to see what is going to happen. impact, people in the airport said that there were no major issues or damage but people were shocked when they were going to and from the airport. >> bill: i love when he said questioning whether or not he was in the wrong place.
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because then nausea is something that dr. siegel and other people were telling some people feel that thank you we will come back to you shortly. as you know alexis and el smallie, times square can be crazy on any day. >> molly: they are still all added. >> >> bill: about 35 miles southwest of where we are in midtown manhattan but we have some brand-new video showing the moment that the earthquake hit we want to share with you and we have audio this time. [bleep] [bleep] >> bill: i do not know what the dog's name was but the dog was scared. you can feel the shaking and it sounds a little bit like a train or something that is collapsing at least near you is not around you. >> molly: so many people noticed this and the pets might've felt it before anyone else, some of those animals very much and tuned and it's great to get some of these camera shots,
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it gives us an idea of what is happening and you can see things were shaking and how much of the impact that was given with one animal. some areas in new jersey are beautiful, so it's not just in new york but also in the deep suburbs and their parts of new jersey that our farm country and there's going to be some stories to tell out in those areas as well. >> bill: we will see hundreds of these videos throughout the band into the weekend. we keep our fingers crossed that no more tremors do not come but think about the last earthquake that was about 13 years ago and the technology we have with ring cameras and our phones, and also in our homes and recording of the actions, so here is mayor adams in new york city. >> maor a
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>> bill: it might just be a moment. but officials will be there as well, but to date, there have been no report of injuries or any damage to speak of. >> molly: it's quite a team here so we will get a lot of good information when we head into this. now let's listen in. >> it was a 4.8 magnitude earthquake, we are still assessing details but we do not have reports of major impact at this time. teams moved quickly to coordinate to make sure that new yorkers were safe. we have brought together key leaders to provide people with more information about the earthquake and ongoing efforts so we are joined today by mayor adams, and the chief advisor and the chief of staff, and the emergency manager commissioner. and senior members of the nypd leadership. and the public school chan
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chancellor, department of buildings, department of sanitation, department of transportation commissioner, department of immigrant affairs commissioner, housing preservation commissioner, mayor's office of community affairs, new york city health and hospital and chief quality officer, -- >> bill: obviously there's a lot of people in that room molly. it is like a subway car. >> molly: they have brought in the whole team. they brought in school and sanitation and transportation and there is the mayor let's take a look. >> maor adams: they are so many questions that need to be answered, all of us have felt in some way or another the earthquake that hit our city around 10:23:00 a.m. we felt this 4.8 magnitude and
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the epicenter was in lebanon, new jersey, about $50 from new york city. as you have noticed, it's developing a situation and we are always concerned about aftershocks after earthquake. new yorkers can go about their normal day, first responders are marking to make sure the city is safe, one thing we do so well in our city is bringing together all of the agencies that are involved and i were partners and other entities. everything from the mta, to the department of buildings, the parents who are concerned about their schoolchildren, chancellor banks, they will be here to report on that, but we say it again and again, the safest place for our students we believe will continue to be within the schools. at this point we did not have any any reports on major impacts
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to the infrastructure or injuri. but of course we are still assessing the situation and we will continue to update the public. we have been in touch with the white house and local elected officials, i encourage new yorkers who check on their love ones to make sure they are fine, not only from the infrastructure damage, but this could be a traumatic moment for individuals going through this earthquake. if you feel aftershocks, dropped to the floor, cover your head and your neck, to cover under a solid piece of furniture next to a interior wall or a doorway. i want to think the emergency staff and first responders for their efforts to keep new york a safe. do not happen -- people have sent out messages not only to our administration but also to
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family members checking on them, we know how this can impact you. but we are ready for the unexpected and we respond accordingly, we will update new yorkers as we get more information. i will now turn it over to commto thecommission of. >> thank you for being here today. and thank you to the colleagues and their quick response to this. there is no major impacts or safety events related to this earthquake. we are asking all new yorkers to call the number 311 to report damage to any issues you might be having. also if you have any need for disaster assistance due to damage or anything like that. call 311, that is the best place to refer those needs. if you have a life safety issue, please call 911 immediately. to preserve those numbers for
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life safety event. the team acted immediately, and the emergency response team issued guidance to the public. the likelihood of aftershocks remain low, but we do remain vigilant and we ask all new yorkers to remain vigilant as well. we have activated our protocols for this earthquake and we have coordinated with all utility and federal partners, public notifications were set out by nyc and our wireless emergency alert system. you can hear some of the phone buzzes and the delays that have been issued. as soon as this happened we have convened here in new york city and emergency nyc management so we can send out guidance. >> we activated -- we sent out guidance for what happens during
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an earthquake, including on the possibility of aftershocks. we have contacted city hall and commissioners as well as all of our partners at the federal and state level that is also including all of our utility partners and our transportation partners at the mta and the port authority and airports. while there is a low likelihood that they will be aftershocks, we want to be on the safe side so, if you are outside during and after shock, moved to the open area away from buildings or trees and power lines. if you are driving, pull over to a safe location. we ask people to check in on their relatives and their loved ones, neighbors especially and your children, and other individuals. this is also a incredible time to remind us all to make sure we are prepared. so if you are a new yorkers or visiting new york we encourage you to sign up for notify nyc,
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we had this available in 14 languages including american sign language, you can sign up by downloading the app or going to the website, we also encourage people to make sure they have an emergency kit and to make sure that they know the guidance for earthquakes. which mayor adams said, drop cover and to get under furn furniture, or within a doorway to make sure that you are safe. also make sure you are checking your utilities and making sure you know how to turn them on or off, especially if you are a property owner. so who -- chancellor will now have an update as well thank you. >> good afternoon everyone, the earthquake was felt across the entire city and many of our schools and even in all five
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boroughs, in fact i was at laguardia high school at a event this morning when the earthquake hit. i did not personally feel it, but many people in the room felt tip. first and foremost, most importantly we want to make sure we understand and we have received no reports of injury to staff or students. that is the most important thing, safety is our top priority making sure that everyone is safe in our schools. after the earthquake, our teams immediately jump into action, we have been in close and constant communication with city hall, and school construction authority and other agencies as well, so at this moment there is no indication that any of the buildings were compromised. in our facility staff and the school construction authority are quickly and thoroughly inspecting buildings to make sure a safety.
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out of an abundance of caution we have assembled all of our building response teams as well. we have instructed all school principals to continue operations and dismissal as normal. we asked the school and staff and families to remain calm and to model that for all of the students and children. parents, they do not need to pick up the children early as a result of today's earthquake. additionally, all after-school programs will continue as planned. if conditions do change, i was schools will communicate directly with families and we will also post updates on social media pages which will be found on nyc schools. thank you to all of our school staff in our facility staff for keeping students safe during times like these. their professionalism in the face of an emergency is a role model for all of our students. again, all of our students
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across the school system are safe. all of our staff are safe. we have no reports of any structure damage to any of the school facilities, while many schools did in fact feel tremors from the earthquake. thank you so much. >> thank you chancellor. we will hear more from the building's commission of thank you. >> we have not seen a influx of calls regarding building damage. but we do want all new yorkers to know that our team is ready, and we are putting on additional construction and engineering professionals from this point on over the weekend so, if reports do come in, we will be ready to respond. our construction enforcement unit is out doing inspections. and that is similar to what we
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do prior to big storms. there are 1.1 million buildings in the city, which means we need cooperation from construction professionals. we have message that to them. allow me to take this opportunity to remind all of our construction professionals to go out and check on those buildings even if the sites are closed, determine those sites are secure. if you see any conditions that seem troublesome, please reach out to the department. this is a time for that tried-and-true saying, if you see something, say something. to the new yorkers, we are concerned about some of the downstream possibilities, or cracks you might have seen that may materialize or manifest in a week or month or scaffolding that had been retaining walls, if you see something that seems problematic, please call 311. this weekend we will have a
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increase in our emergency response team. we have mobilized our borough operations and our special ops folks, so the fire department or any of our partners in government or the public report a increase in locations, we are at the ready to respond. >> bill: so there's some good information there, no major impact in no injuries. so new york i should continue with their day says mayor adams. >> molly: a lot of parents will be relieved, they will be able to go to their school and after-school program. because what do you do? but that's something that can really help calm your day. they are checking out the school buildings, as well as people across the city. they are talking about this 1.1 million buildings and how they will all be checked out urging folks who has that job to get that job done.
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>> bill: so back with us now, fox weather. when you have? >> the report remains the sa same, 4.8 earthquake, it's about 8 miles northeast of bridgewater, new jersey, more populated area that 1023 in the morning they also come up a few minutes ago with a 46% chance over the next seven days of a magnitude three or greater aftershock. where that is a way that happens is near impossible for us to determine but it's going to be honing in within fox weather to keep you in touch with that information. this is the strongest earthquake that has been felt in 139 years, in new york city or the metro. it was 1884 where there was a magnitude of 5.2 earthquake that struck the area. it is safe to say that no one
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has ever felt this in their lifetime in or around this area. especially in new jersey in one of the most densely populated state it jolted everybody this midmorning. we look at pennsylvania and we are given the timeline how we were able to detect the early stages, this was milliseconds. the blue line here is where we had the shakes from the earthquake itself, we did not have much in the way of any activity posted that earthquake. so that is good news. things have been quiet afterwards, but that potential is still there. as far as that shake map, we see light to moderate shaking through pennsylvania into new jersey and as far north as connecticut and massachusetts. but it was closer to the epicenter that was the worst of the shaking. we will continue to follow when on the reports of checking in on structures or any damage out a new jersey in that area.
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but we do know that new work is in a ground stop until 12:30. they have gone to inspect the area so things are expected to operate as normal. amtrak has deployed their earthquake detection and they are truly inspecting those rails as we go throughout the day-to-day. this is a real-time look will be have our trains on the northeast quarter which is a very heavily traveled epicenter through the northeast. so we will be following along to make sure those inspections go smoothly. they are delays that are certainly a possibility along the transit as the amtrak operation is taking president over certain aspects in new jersey. they had been no major changes but we will be monitoring those aftershock potentials closely. >> bill: so there is a 46%
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chance? of -- that is higher than i expected but if it's just the three -- do you necessarily feel earthquake of that negative? >> necessarily know. it should not cause as much of a spread or shake or panic we have seen so far today. 4.8 is more on the moderate end of the scale and it was rather shallow, we look about 2-point miles in depth, -- we spoke with the professor earlier on fox weather and he talked about the landscape in this region. the east coast specifically in and around new york city, the bedrock is older and a bit brittle so i earthquake like this, 4.8 magitude, is going to be felt intensely that it would on the west coast. >> bill: thank you. we will come back to you momentarily. molly?
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>> molly: the president did speak with the governor in new jersey, saying that the administration had been in touch with state and local officials and will provide assistance if needed. white house is now monitoring the situation as well as we are looking at this. so, it is good to know that a federal authorities and local authorities are working together. >> bill: one thing governor murphy did a send out a tweet, and he said if you do not have an immediate emergency do not call 911, many people probably had questions in the moment i on what was happening. at the house or even their neighborhood or even the place of work. john is back with us. the process of growth and sciences and southern california welcome back here, we spoke almost 40 minutes ago i believe. jess is a possibility of a aftershock is one thing we are curious about. but did you take anything away
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from these officials who spoke in new york city? >> no, they seem to be on top of this. and the issue is there is a possibility of a aftershock, it is a good time to think about whether or not you are prepared, but in all likelihood -- it's not a dire situation. >> molly: it was interesting to untangle where we talked about there being a 46% chance of a 3.0 earthquake but there is a low likelihood of aftershocks. regardless of what you call it what is the likelihood that in the next week or so we will experience something that can be felt so to say? >> well, even a two and a half earthquake you can feel it if you are on top of it, -- even
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the main shock probably has not done much damage at all. so there will not be aftershocks or they'll probably be no damage from them. >> molly: what about the next two weeks or months? >> it will die off of time. we have a mathematical formula for, but basically after a week it'll be about one-tenth of danger and it will disappear pretty quickly. there might be a few weeks out where probably there will be one that people do not feel. but after a week people generally consider the aftershock to have died down. >> bill: really good information there. when we think about what happened in taiwan the other day, i don't know how deep your study goes but whether or not there was a cause or effect, when people asked them questions like that what you tell them? >> there is no possibility, because we have horses here, that are stronger bigger
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earthquakes -- stronger than -- they're too far apart and they're not big enough for one to affect the other. >> bill: has been 13 years for us here in the northeast, humor to the side, some people in california might say hey get over it and we will in time but we are still trying to understand this. leading me to my last question at the moment and that is, the ministry about something like this is that you do not know if mother earth will go to hibernate for another year or not, that we cannot say correct? >> that is exactly right and this earthquake does not affect much from the 10 miles away that i have been. there could be an earthquake tomorrow over in connecticut, but we are not going to get a warning that the current state of science. but it is a test of the system. it shakes things up a little bit, and people need to make sure they are ready. >> bill: a one and would be nice molly.
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>> molly: maybe this is a wake-up call. things can certainly happen here even if it's not so often. >> bill: thank you so much john you are terrific thank you for talking with us. we will be back, stick with fox news live in new york city
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is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. >> welcome back we are continuing to follow this earthquake, that hit near new jersey, but alexis has been out here in times square talking to folks who have had a pretty exciting trip to new york city. adding a special experience to their journey, what are you hearing out there? >> most of the people i have talked to are not gonna forget this event. take a look around, business as usual, anglers after a 4.8 magitude earthquake was confirmt was felt across the area and also here new york city. let me take you over here, we have been talking to people including three cows from ohio
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who came for a bachelorette party, so you say you are in -- what happened? >> it we were walking in the suburban area and there was a big easter bunny that was in the yard and it was shaking superfast and we thought it was the weird and then literally we were walking a couple of blocks away, and i was getting text messages from my friends in philadelphia, and then people ask us if we were feeling the shaking, and she was freaking out. it all connected that we just experience an earthquake and that is something that i can say forever. >> you are prepared for other things but not an earthquake? >> we were ready for everything, personally i am not scared of anything but now i am scared of earthquakes. >> the aftershock is something people are worried about and you are still going around here in this study next week, were any
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plans change question mike >> absolutely not. we are still getting married regardless so that's not gonna stop us. >> thank you so much for talking to us, people are either really felt it or notice the shaking when they were walking in neighborhoods, and then be mentioned that a woman cannot and was yelling asking who felt the earthquake? so once people started seeing those notification coming through in new york city, that is what -- >> bill: those girls were able to bring a sense of humor to it. >> i should've asked them if they knew you bill. >> bill: she told you she was going to get married anyway. it's good news. >> molly: thank you so much. >> bill: in light of the bridge collapsed. up and down the new jersey transit they are inspecting out those bridges, you expect something like that to happen and it's the warning that newark
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fish is a put out and there are so many, check your building to make sure everything is okay but so far things are good and that is good news. >> molly: they say they have a special line for that and those phones are not ready and off hooks. >> bill: sir, good morning to you, you are in connecticut where this happened and -- >> yes, i had asked the people in my department here in new haven, connecticut, and they felt there. and they were quite excited by. >> bill: take us through this experience, and help us understand this. >> those small shakes are a part of a -- i grew up in california so i am accustomed to larger earthquakes. but out here in the east we have a lots of gold fault zones that
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are still week that respond to stress is that buildup in the coastline. the whole east coast of the united states has earthquakes of this size usually it's on a decade-long scale. we have a earthquake from about a larger aspect back in 2011 that was a magnitude of 5.8, that was 30 times larger than the release of energy. felt over a larger area than the earthquake today. but it did not lead to larger earthquakes or a active fault zone, it was just a pop, as that old fault was reacting to some stressors. >> molly: some of the information you have been giving us and other experts have been giving us today is a little bit of a peace of mind as to what to expect in the couple of days or weeks. could this be it or even the
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most serious of the aftershocks, but talking about new england and the bedrock, and also the buildings -- they are made for that in california but here they are some pretty old historic buildings and roads over the place generally in america, is there any comment to what the committee for the structure of buildings or anything like that? >> the older the building is it means that it might be more susceptible to the shaking. the shaking in the northeast is not usually as large as what your experience in california, but it is a concern if you have an earthquake is about a magnitude of six or so, but late in the 20th century, the recognition of earthquakes have about this size every now and then in a decade long scale inspired a improvement and building codes, so than any modern building will be able to
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withstand shaking of a earthquake of this size or even a larger earthquake such as the began in 2011. >> bill: yes in california, they had the equipment and they know when the earth is moving and whether or not they are going to be aftershocks, do you have any of that equipment at yale? >> we do. we picked up this earthquake from the area in our basement. there was a center that picked it up as clear as day. >> bill: what happens when that takes place? do you get an alert or an alarm take us do it. >> we will typically not have a alarm that sends a email to somebody, so that we know something interesting is happening. but in this case, the building was shaking, so people want to look at the data feed. >> bill: that's a pretty good sign. can you tell, the gentleman we
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spoke to in los angeles said that it has been no more activity can you confirm? >> that there has been no significant activity that we have been able to detect right now, there are networks of size seismometers in new jersey that will pick up the smallest tremors down to the magnitudes of maybe one or two, so i will expect that they will be a map of these tiny tremors that will occur afterwards. there could be a chance of a earthquake that could be felt in a wider region and that will persist for days and weeks. but it is very unlikely that this will lead to an earthquake, to a aftershock that is the same size of a bigger. >> bill: what a terrific gas. living his best life on a day like today. that is extraordinary. thank you very much and thanks to everybody at yale. >> molly: let's take it back to jean who has some new
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information what you have? >> yes, we are monitoring those aftershocks and of course there is a magnitude of 4.8 magitude earthquake that jolted all of us this morning, about one hour ago we did have a recorded magnitude of 2.0 aftershock, 5 miles west of new jersey badminton. it was very weak but again there is that 46% chance that over the next seven days we are expecting to see the potential of a magnitude three or even greater aftershock. so we will watch this network very closely in and around the area. it has been the strongest earthquake for over a century in the new york city area, especially in over 240 euros for new jersey, so this is a incredible stat because we had t
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seen something like this ever since any of us were alive. here to experience this. the seismometer here it is clearly picking up on the earthquake that happened earlier this morning and again this network is going to continue to monitor for those aftershocks. preliminary reports are bringing in a lot of shaking from pennsylvania through new jersey, the strongest of that shaking was owned and around the epicenter. we do have information on and around the area of the fault line. so there are early indications that this could be a thrust vault -- >> bill: thank you we have more questions for you but we will be right back. right? feel more confident with stock ratings from j.p. morgan analysts in the chase app. when you've got a decision to make... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn.
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>> we are getting a lot of new video now from today's earthquake, people have been shouting from windows not because they were scared, but they were just not believing what was happening take a listen. >> [bleep] [bleep] >> i thought it was an earthquake! >> need to! >> b >> we are getting all these videos -- >> mick where are your? >> outside of the building. yes, at fox square i am talking with people to see if they felt anything with the earthquake and i ran into this guy, you work right across t the street, and u felt it on the third or fourth floor? >> yes i'm right over here,
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and we were sitting there during normal day stuff and working on the emails and then my chair started shaking back and forth and we all began to look at each other. lo and behold calls came in and we realize there was an earthquake. >> what was going on you said things were shaking around what about the windows or even just drinks on your desk? >> it wasn't the windows or anything it was just us. it felt like a wave going back and forth, but 5 feet away security didn't even know what was happening. but yes. there was no windows that was shaking but the building swayed a little bit. >> people even felt it or they didn't feel at all. so you you i'm a new yorker three and through have you ever been through an expert? >> at the last one that occurred i didn't feel it at all. i just saw the social media posts and i didn't know what was going on. but definitely was an
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experience. >> jack was actually out here trying to get some lunch. wanting to get a hot dog but luckily the hotdog stand did not fall over. you are good to go and thank you for your time. thank you. listen, i texted my son who is 14, i asked him if he felt the earthquake and he said yes, he said that he felt the earth begin to shake and then it stopped. in typical teenage fashion. so yes. [laughter] all facts. i would get the full scoop from him later tonight but so far it has been a hit or miss. either people felt it or not at all. >> bill: thank you. >> molly: he said that some people had felt it but didn't really feel it -- >> bill: so many calls came into 911,012,311, they have
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subsided but that was the moment when people say take a breath. we have more new videos now let's go back to new jersey. this is a limit on new jersey, the epicenter. this is based on what we think chilled jersey. with jane was saying was the depth was 2.9 miles. so i believe the initial report had it much deeper in the earth. maybe about 8 miles. there is a really good chance that that has since been revised. but that is something else -- >> the garage and durable camera gave you an idea that is the house. the whole camera moving so it is so interesting to see how strong it was. >> bill: katie is out there right now with fox weather in front of that new jersey house with the latest what happened? what do you know? >> we have just arrived here and we are trying to figure out what could be damaged and we are
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seeing a lot of little pieces of branches on the ground but some of the neighbor seeing that's was the last storms we had four days in a row for so many people and this is the scuffing tin family. you saw the video from then and they were at home earthquake happened and it was like a drilling failing right? >> i was walking my dog up the street and i felt like the pavement was giving way under me i didn't know what to think or do. it lasted a good 20 seconds but it was truly scary. >> where we are here is the epicenter so you felt the strongest shakes, did it feel strong to you? did you know was an earthquake? >> at first i did not know what was going on, it sounded like a garbage truck was behind me trying to run me over, but then i realized it was an earthquake that had hit us. >> have you noticed any damage?
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>> there were some errors that fall down, the kitchen cabinets were wide open. but there was no major damage whatsoever. >> did your neighbors come out and talk to each other trying to figure out what was happening what was that like? >> nobody knew what to think that everybody thought it was an earthquake. but it seems like everybody safe and did not have any damage. >> lebanon is it a pretty big town are you familiar with your neighbors and talk to each other? have you been able to drive around and see anything else around here >> we didn't notice anything and everything looks pretty normal but i can see a lot of people were outside and did not know what to think and they were talking to the neighbors to see what happened. >> you could probably hear the helicopters above us trying to figure out what happened if there any damage to the infrastructure, but these are the first accounts from people who live here in lebanon new jersey, where the epicenter
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of the whole earthquake was. >> molly: great riding. it was amazing to get that perspective. it looks like they're going to be looking at the structures in these big cities and also for those homeowners. the structural integrity of where you live your life out there. >> bill: they are about 50 miles due west from where are here in midtown new york city. apparently 15 minutes ago the ground stop was lifted at new york airport. a sense of know number c returning. >> b >> bill: mayor adams said that new yorkers should continue with their day. >> molly: everyone is still going around and getting from place to place. >> bill: we will be right back after this. by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges
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neither is a blown weekend. with paycom, employees do their own payroll so you can fix problems before they become problems. - hmm! get paycom and make the unnecessary, unnecessary. - see you down the line. >> we have been covering this magnitude 4.8 quake, the network was on the air. this was their collective
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experience. >> that was entertaining out there what was your best? >> are we having a an earthquake? seriously are we having an earthquake? ♪ ♪ i think were having an earthquake. >> i'm not getting. >> finally we will end up on awful announcing, we are having an earthquake what's going on here? >> is every thing okay? >> control room is shaking we are shaking. >> are you guys okay? >> if you played a little bit longer the woman on air makes the sign of the cross. she wishes everyone the best. >> always good practice. >> it was that music after or during? >> i think it was during. >> a historic day. >> indeed it was we will see what happens next but from all of us at the fox news channel we will see very soon but sandra and john take over on "america reports" have a good weekend, molly. >> what the [bleep], or having


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