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tv   Hannity  FOX News  April 4, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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i'm just kidding. oh , oh, oh, oh. should we go for charge? er that'll take forever. how we doing? not all technologies. s bett sometimes instead of the opticef you go tt, go with the steal. >> you know what i'm talking about? let's do textsg about,. >> connie from san diego. >> where can i get a it's biden's stupid bumper sticker. >> dan from pennsylvania is maga d programmingd by obamacare, hawkman and even some my own d programming. >> i'm water s and this is my
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world now. welcome to "hannity". new york city mayor eric adams once promised a sanctuary for all illegal immigrants. lega well, now he's actually blaming texas for biden's border crisis and is inviting governor abbottv to spend the night in an illegal immigrant shelteernor. why invite joe biden to do it? e i thought i'd even go and hangh, out with them. >> that's all coming up on craig. governor abbott'has reaction tonight. plus, we will detail the very latest brazen crimes carrieded out by some of these so-called asylum seekers. somalso introduce you to a news serious threat posed by the border crisis. tuberculosis and and measles are now spreading like wildfir e at an illegal immigrant shelter in chicago. multiple shelters, actually. >> but first, with just 200, take a look at that number, 214 days until election day. it is an inflection point this country. james carville probably said it
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best. jamesbiden, his poll numbers are kind of like seeing grandma' naked. >> not a good sight. and because biden is not en willing or able to work harder or pound the campaign trail or change course on some of his idiotic policy decisions, well,f he's really left with only two options. one,t onl he can follow his wis lead and deny the existence of thesed polls. two, he can hire new internale postne pollsters and fire the oe guys and hopefully the newourabe people will give him more favorable results. and tonight, it looks like he is going with option door number two. >> according to politico. some brand new pollsters are now joining the bideticaln, but i'm not sure joe is going to like the results. not only doee thes biden struggi in a head to head matchupth with donald trump, but his numbers get even worse when you throw rfk jr into the mixit or as politico put it, quote, how robert f kennedy could doom
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joe biden. now for millions of faris left americans disillusioned with biden's incompetence. >> well, would probably be anobu obvious choice, by the way. when i met him, we did a tows y all of them. i actually liked him. good guy. acly likedi think some conservas think, wow, he was really good. on shut downrvativess and mandat and so on and so forth. and vaccineso on. yeah, he's conservative. th, on top of by the way, he has been treated horriblye h by the democratic partasy. so the democratic party that set up a war room to attacs ak him in an unrelenting way. it's a disgrace, by the way, an utter disgrace that biden is not provide not him and his family secret service protection, knowin et servig that his father and his uncle were assassinated. e he deserves secret serviceecre protection and all our politicians need to beth safe. however, on the issue of kennedy, welle is, he is whae is. he is a devout radical environmentalista devoenvironm p
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was heaping praise on berniera sanders and his radicalnew de green new deal. in the past, he's called for in ban on fracking. he's applauded obama's limits on oil, tweeting, quote, hashtag, keep it in the ground . now i say bring it outsa of the ground. anywayg its, campaign websitenip rfk jr. promises to, quote, protecrote projet lands from fur development by curbing and mining, by curbing mining and logging in oil drilling and suburban ming sprawl, as he calls it. this will undoubtedlundoubtey do the cost of everything, especially housing. and that's not of all. the kennedy campaign also has c a plan to dismantlame the police . quote, kennedy will re-orient police to serve e occupyot black communities, to keep ocneighborhoods safe rather thar harassing their residents. there's also a sectionathes on kennedy's website about student loan forgiveness. ite abou he plans to make, quote, student debt dischargeable
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in bankruptcy and cut interest rates on student loans to zero. >> who wants to lend people money and nots get interest anyway? natural naturally, small business loans continuetinu to accrue interest. here's another proposal that weltorest herl, heart libes will find very tempting. kennedy wants to slash wil the h military budget and use the money for social and health care. rfk junior's running mate, very wealthy attorney. compelling life story from silicon valley. her name is nicole shanahan,nah. a devout far left democrat. notably, by the way, shanahan has spoken out against in vitro fertilization. zation but thanks to shanahan, while the kennedy campaignk stud has extremely deep pockets, it will pose a serious extrems chao to biden's reelection. if you areen's ree left-wing vo kennedy frankly givefrs you all the nutty. biden, bernie sanders, green, new deal b, climate alarmists or
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religious cult policies, maybe withouout tht the corruptionrrup and sleaze and the chaos. and he definitely knowtionst is what day of the week it is. got to give him credit for that. let's not forgete e them, at juf 70 years of age, rfk jr is mores than a decade younger than joe biden and is more with it. he also supports i affirmative action. he cut ads for the likes of al gore. he, hillary clinton. he supported obama. l gohe supported every democratic presidential candidate there is. obama hertedso for conservativee liked his position on colbert. okay, now take a look at thetaka rest of the record.e ar we're only giving you fact based information here. anyway, joining us now with her reaction is the host of tomiarls lahren is fearless. there's no other word to describe tomi lahren. tommknow, i don't a fearful tomi lahren. i don't know, fearful ari fleischer eithern , for that matter. >> but anyway, welcome, both of you. so i'm running through thaer wee
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i'm watching the polls. and slowly i thinkthrough, peopo have been conservatives that told me they're interesteld in jr tomi. when i lay out his record, the things that he has said, the positions that he has taken ,then they almost immediately say, oh, i had no idea. i think more people will know b a lot more by november. >> what are your thoughts? yeah, exactly. thisha s? man is not a conservative just because he stood up against mayb n e vaccine pushing and stood up against covid lockdowns. and he's somebody who advocatesd for free speech. that certainly doesn't make him a conservative e wh. lutely so he's absolutely a threat to the biden campaign. but you're saying the bideo thnn campaign get really nervous right now, and it's not necessarily even because very nv rfk jr. or even donald trump. sean, you know how lon g position for many months now. i think the biden campaign is getting nervous becauses . they know that democrats around the country are also looking at the polls the and they'ree probably texting gavin newsom as we speak, beggingpod
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himinto to jump into this race. of course, it's not going to happen until the convention or shortly thereafter. but the biden campaign, they're really worriede biden e shiny new toy. and it's not 70-year-old rfk.s o it's not donald trump. it's gavin newsom in california who also checks all of those liberal boxes. so joe biden is getting veryf to nervous about that. the democrats are not going to risk losing to donalding to o these poll numbers keep tumbling down, down, down. they're going to be looking fo downrr another option. and that option is going to be gavin newsom. he i is gos their best bet. so don't rule him out yet.ul i still think he's coming up. >> all right. no labels will not be putting forth a presidential candidate. we learned that today, ari fleischer. i knowal candilearned that t th, there have been reports that he's talking to the halibertarian party that would probably get him on the ticket in all 50 states. do you agree with me that maybe conservatives had a positive view of him? >> i think he comes offable
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as likable? i've interviewed him. i've done a town hall with the gu iy. he is likable and he does know what day of the week it is that that now for a democrat is isthd a very high bar. and so but beyond the issue of lockdowns, mandates, etc.lo when you loockdok at rest of his record he's he's a solid left leaning kind of radical liberal democrat. well, conservatives vote for him, sean. he's a kennedy. he's a kennedy kennedy equals liberalism. >> the only the only kennedy i know who is conservative also is also really funny. >> and he's from louisiana, though, from louisianae is, the good senator, john kennedy from louisiana, all these senas. favorite, >> yeah. fa he's buvot he's not in fairness to jfk, he did lower the top marginal rates, believed and we're not talking about jfk. this is not that. it's not about that.
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it's about him. [ i agree. but the kid out him, he's pretty out in the john f kennedy. >> john f kennedy back in the 60s represented what was repres a conservative democrat, moderate democrat that existedee then in droves in the democratic party. the democrat party today has no moderate the democatic pars. the democrat party today is a choice between liberal s and woke democrats.s that's about all you get.abthat youand so this candidate who is running has the advantagetl of being a little bit independent on some issues, which is where i thinktnden he t some conservative acclaim. but on all the issues that matter most when it comes e to crime, when it comes to fighting inflation, when it ng a of the thingshe that motivate conservatives, he is a doctrinaire kennedy liberal. and the other factor i'll just othe, he's going to hurt joe biden more than he's going to hurt donald trump. >> i think sean an tn hed the rn is donald trump's voters are sticky. they love donald are sticky they trump. t it is going to be hard to get anybody to move off of donald trump. biden voters are not sticky. berno one loves joe biden.
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>> they just hate donald trump.e so there are going to be democrats who might flake off of biden. i don't see any republican s off of donald trump. >> all right. thu're a smart analyst and you've been in this game for a long time. we both have tommyr long, you're catching up every day. you're catching up to us. but no, we we appreciate your perspective on this. young people areg le are leaving biden in droves. that is a big part of your your fan base, tommy, in that case. but both you know that the tha coalition that represents the democratic party, it consi consists largely of african-americans, hispanicse americans, young people, suburban women. so i'll ask you bothrban womo . we'll start with you. we see poll after poll. biden isit down 20 points plusps in almost every one of those categoriess from where he was in 2020. now, i would assume by the time in 214 days, many people return home, but not everybody. what percentage will say h
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they're done with this guy? he's checked out, the economsy . there's no law and order. crime has gone rampantr everywherecrimne. they're they're angry e all america's position in th world. and they're tired of all of it. the economy, everything and everything oeing in b betwe. >> yeah. democrats are fiercely loyal. i think that with the exception of gen z, maybe millennial democrats who are very upset z now about joe biden's lukewarm position on supporting israel,ea by the way, it's lukewarm, but they are probabl iy in thenh pro-palestinian, pro-hamas category. some of them palestinian. n soum you see the numbers in michigan of the people that all they'reor voting for non committed. those people are very angry. dencright now. and as more develops in that part of the world, you're going to have to watchvehe that votinn bloc. joe biden should be very concerned about them because youn g are not like older democ democrats. they don't have that loyalty to jusratsn't havet checking. and those are the young people that might look at an rfk jrhe. depending on what
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his position involves. on the whole israel hamas issuee . and they might be looking at rfk because they want to signal that they're not happ lookinecausey y, this guy. and again, his lukewarm support for israel watch the youngs beca democrats because they are not brandeus d to this party and they one are the ones that can change with the wind. cou joe, be nervous what the democrats have done and are a doing right now with israel as they are in a fight forre ve survival. ari fleischer thr is one of the most despicable, disgusting, thpulsive things i have ever seen. and the only reasoings i'vn joe, pushing for a ceasefire iscturin ig the israelis that they need to hold elections in the middl neee of l war for their survival. they were victims of a terro thr attack. there is no sympathy iff yo you extrapolate out, it would be the equivalent of losing 40,000 americans a day and joe biden abandoning them, putting
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one knife in bibi's back after another at thid s important tim, this pivotal time for their future and survival. >> yeah, i think the wolves interested in itn theya two stai solution and those two states are michigan and nevadonwoa. >> everything joe biden is doing now is because of me not losing an election, because he's worried about losing young democratic votes. an arab-americane wo vote.d th and that has led him to abandone israel. and when he came out today after his phone call with prime minister netanyahur hiwith b and for an immediate cease fire, no nonsense, nothing about the release of the hostages. immediate cease fire, an immediate cease fire is a lifeline for hamas that allows the hamas to live again to fight again and different day. and let me remind biden, a ceasefire was in effecter on october 7th. who broke it? hama,who brs in one of the worst massacres ever committed. the second worst killing sinceie the holocaust of jews.
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so what joe biden is doing now is going to alienate the american jewish communit byh which is overwhelmingly democratic vote. he's alienated the aracommunwhib american because he's bungling it again, just like every foreign policy decision joe biden ever had to make. he bungledhat jon that. he has bad judgment and he getst it wrong. and that's what we're watching right now beforet is our very eyes. but israel knows that it needs to finish. itra knoit nee to pursue hamas . and no matter what joejoe biden does, israel won't stop. this is their futurebis isra, their lives at stake out. all right. all right. thank you, tommy. thank you.k now, despite facing a two wayouy uphill reelection battle and also serving as president of the united states, joe biden has enjoyed an incredibly married life schedule.d fond but for the democratsan t watching this program tonight, don't worry, because your vice president, harris she's on the job. following up her success, i mean, incrediblep her little
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success as your border czar. she is now in charge of pitching the biden campaign's tremendous work thatavincharge og g planet. now, of course, that does comect at a cost. it's costing you, let's see, $27 billion for greenhouse gas i reductions. a new fund they created, which newf fund fora slushon biden supporters, $7 billion for the climate united, $20for r billion for green banks. what theee is a green bank? another 6 billion for the cleanr community investment accelerator, which is just a subsidy for unprofitable green energy sources. add this on top of the trillionndhis,s in new spendingw biden was for it sworn in.t and let's not forget about allab those new environmental regulation those envs and the ec car mandates that they're trying to shove into your garagare door and the billions that have been spent on charging stations that were never built. >> now, all told, this is a recipe for even more record
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setting inflation. reco is why grocery prices are now through the roof. this is why new car prices new are up 29% since 2020. why electricity. electricity is up nearly 30% since biden took office. nearlyand per usual, your vice president is totally, completely blissfully unaware o of any of it. take a look at the i largest. investment ever to takest on the climate crisi invess. >> roughly $1,000,000,000,000 hath a t t. i had d to. when president biden and i first ran for office, folks whentold we we have to take on the climate crisis and we have to alsoe lower monthly energy bills. and here in north carolinamonth to help you lower that monthly duke energlower thy bill, you w: i forgot our giggling vice i our president is back here with reaction. the big money show co-host
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brian bromberg is with us anshot the publisher of climate depot. marc morano is back. good tt o seo you both. let's talk about the economic plan, the sheer amountabou of ms on green programs, the billions and billions of dollars, brian, for what? >> what is that going to get us? well, i'll tell you whats th they're, hoping it gets them is votes. that's why the vice president is out there. she can't solve any problems, but she can laugt h about 1 trillion dollars of your money and say you're welcome. when she says she took down your energy bill, of course, that'sou all of your money. >> look what's happening with the biden administration is they're trying to say to you, you don't know what's gointhey areg on in your life, u believe your eyes, don't look at prices. eyes don't the price problem, you've got a bad vibe y problem. ouand your fault, the blame is n you. >> and now they're going to gos out there and say, forget about the ways we failed. you lookveyou, at the cash we ct
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in your pocket. shawn green banks are new.w >> fannie mae and freddie mac. political with an implicit backing of the government. and we all know how that turned, out in 2008. get ready because they're gietn that whole thing up again. >> they're going to do it on the climate. this timd de i'm and it's going to be a lot of writing fored taxpayers. it's a pretty unbelievable you know i look at the times we're in. marc, you have spent the better part of your adult life debunksh the climate alarmists religious cult. now it's -- it's it's fully in gear and it's spending all of this money. what do people really need to know about what they are pedaling and how it's based on phony science? real it's not real science. you know, look at the study that came out a couple of weeksy ago. oh, electric cars may pollute the planet more than gas powered cars. yes, but all of this never getso told to the american peoplee in the in the media momedib.
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>> yeah. i mean, this is as a ucla's ucla historian, saul friedlander described the central planners of the 20th century as using the bureaucracy to enforces th magical beliefs. the magical beliefs here are that wl beli thae can spends of dollars magically transform our from gas powered to evs, magically transformr elec our electrical grid to solar and wind, and claim we're dointg to save the climate. even if we faced shot at climate catastrophe, e cata the last thing you'd want to do is the biden administratiosting a centrally planned, top down government plaplanned n of pickl winners and losers. you would want to unleash innovation if that's what you actually face. you would want a wealthier country. you would want technological you explosion, you would want capitalism unleashed because the cleanest environments are the freest environments. they take the exacronments ft ah here, and it's magical thinking from beginningl to end. and in terms of the green agenda, this is justto
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going to hammer the american people. >> they're spending so much money. there' the as parts of californe cities, they don't have enough bureaucrats to spend hav the climate cash flowing in from the inflation reduction act and from i the biden administration. they have to hire bureaucrats to even figure out how to spenod it all.. >> and it's really unbelievable. and of course, watcht's really s your gas stove and your refrigerator and your freezeover and the food you eat and your air conditioner and that electric car, whether you want it or no elt, they're goingr driv to shove it in your driveway. you know what? why do we let the free markeewt determine these things instead of forcing companies likeur to lose four and a half billion dollars like they lost lasa halt year on their ev line? i want elon musk and teslaly to succeed. i really do. i want americans to have a choicei wante , but they don't w americans to choose. they want to telant l you whatmt to do. right. all right, mark, thank you. brian, thank you. appreciatehankan w you both.bact
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when we come back. abb texas governor abbott, well, he iiss in new york city tonigh. well, i feel sorry for the governor. mayor eric adams is offering for him to stay in jail. an illegal for immigrant shelte governor abbott, he'll react. maybe i'll invitreace him to the border. let him spend a month down r. se texas borde that'd be a fair exchange. straight ahead , when you havef r a, you ha it's okay to show ofvef with dupixent. show off your clear skin and less itch because you have plenty of reasons to show off plenty of reasons to show off your skin with dupixenad of ytdy the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inside the body that can cause eczema to help healsting your skin from within. many adults,cl 90% clear skin. some even achieve long lastingco
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one choice of online sellers. go to ship station .com slash try and get two months free. and tonight yet another disturbo thing to report from the border this time in the san diego sector wheren a group of 182 justese nationals were just apprehended on tuesday. remember. we now know of tens of thousands omember w of chinee nationals that have made it through to our southern border . now, this comes amid a sharp spike in the number of chinesetr
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nationals found crossing the southern border and the wide open border continuesntinut to wreak nothing but havoc on big blue citiesthin. getting flooded with joe biden's unvetted illegal immigrants, includingrk cit new york city. they were welcoming them in the beginniny theyg. in >> now this is getting to be a rare visit this week. vitexas governor greg abbott, well, he headed to new york and new york's bott mayor, the ever so incompetent eric adams was so thrille d to thator the governor of texas was coming. he offered himf a free night o stay in one of the shelters he has built for jose illegal immigrants. >> take a look at.f >> was wondering if you could comment on governor abbott being here today overno, hear anythingked ab and get mad excited to answer with a lawsuitoum today. >> i'm going to i'm going to take exit. i'm going to take executivexecu privilege and answertive your question. you know, i'm going to offerim
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him a stay and one of the i perks. so he getsn me what he has created and understand how we are treating people with the dignity and respect that he should have shown as well. and i'm not quite sure what he why he's here and what he's doing while here, but he's going to see how you can manage the crises with coordination of not one child of families sleeping on the streets of the city of new york. a and when we coordinate together, we should not displa t these problems to local municipalities that is not- dist with do. do it is unfortunate that he madeut the decision to do that. >> all right. here to respond is texasn: her governor greg who is back withe us. governor, great to have you back on the progra m. >> as bad as this has become in terms of a problem, y an new york city and other blue cities and states , it's tens of millions of most of which are coming througis teh
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state of texas or worse, until you circumvented joe biden and you or you started enforcing the laws that hed have should have been upholding. >> i want to getn uphold reactin to the invitation, but i alsols want to remind our audience that 87% of illegal immigrantsro in new york city, they're not being sent there by you. they've been sent there by joenn biden and the white house. so maybe he is invitation really should go to joe biden. >> so, sean, the invitation inv is nothing more than a gimmick. and what i would suggest to thef mayor of new york is there are people dying i on his watch. law enforcement officers who are being gunned down times by people who have been arrested 20 times. >> and he needs to take charge m and make sure they keep behind dang. angerous who are killing his fellow new yorkers. are he also needs to educate americans and new yorkers why
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he's spending their taxpayer why s hereouse migrant illegally because of joe biden's open border policieso h four years ago, new york nor america had to do that because presid . >> president trump had in place policies that did not illegal entry. viole biden is directly violatig the laws of the united states of americaf th. y texa and that's exactly why texas has a border crisis and why yorkcrisis has a border crisis.n that crisis is not going to ends unless until joe biden enforcest the laws of the united states. what texas is doing is actually enforcing those laws. >> go ahead, enfor john. p >> well, that's the point i was going to make. goin i wouldt leif have just let you finish, i apologize. and that is thatu finish you wif put in the position of doing his job. doins jothat's number one. >> but not only do you have t to do his job that he takes you to court over and over and over again, you gete the wrong judge and then you have to go back to court gagain and, again and again. >> and yet this is the same administration that told ai
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america for three years that the border is closeca der and the border is secure. none of which was true. we saw the images daily. we showed them regularly w on this program. the mainstream media ignored it. so what is your messagmedia ignm biden i think what i'm hearing you saying, and i would agree onth the statement sayd i, thik he has blood on his hands. and if those people from china russia, iran, syria, egypt, afghanistan, and if terrorcountr cells are in this country, and i think directed right all but said that and i had congressman mike waltz on my radit saidano today all but sayo that and there's an attackbu on this country. >> he will have all that blood on his hands because he's this to happen by aiding and abetting in the lawbreakinpi . and why the fbi director has not stopped. this is beyonddirect any comprehension i have. >> well, it should be the fbi director. however, is the responsibility of the president of the united states, because shorn of thisre and that is congress has already passedpa three lawsthe o
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on the books before joe biden took office. okone that requires the presidet to deny illegal entry. presr detain anybody who does wo enter illegally. and three is to build a border barriers because biden is doing none of thos be. l of that's why all of theseop people are coming in, including leg the terrorisint, both known and unknown. that's also why we have so mansy people crossing the country. but it's just frustrating frus that whatishing texas is trying to do is actually enforce those three laws passed by congress. and because texas is trying to enforcews passed the laws pas by congress to deny and detain people coming here. tjoe biden is trying to sue us so that even more people will be ablee us enter illegall. our greatest concern is exactly what segment the i mealegalln, b the director of the fbi talked about, and that is these andacrt terrorists coming across the border. >> and remember, the ones that you all are talkingr and os about are the ones who were apprehended. >> the terrorist, they know they're wanted and they pay extra to not be caught. t be causo no one knows how mano terrorists are really in america becausew many joe bis
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open border policies and it could lead to a catastrophic even policy ouldt and it will be on the hands of joe biden. wrlook, i pray to god i'm wrong. i really do. but i don't thinong k i am i dot think it's a matter of if. >> i think it's a matter a of when that all of this is isfn going to happen. we hav you know, we've now learned in the last week or so that joed biden been flying illegal immigrants into the country directly. in other words, don't pass go don't go through texas o r arizona or california. >> no, they will sen thed on american taxpayers money. a private planan taxpae fly to y one of 40 cities in the united stateof 4s. w but we learned this week that 90% of the people of the hundreds of thousands, joe, is flying directly from other countries into this country. we're now learning 90% or you in your state of texas or d my state of florida. now, what do you make of that, governor? that govers to like now revenge,
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retribution and punishment. i don't know whatever you want to call it. >> so for one, joe biden is gaslighting. y but secondly, remember this, what i said earlier, there is a lathis iw on the books passedpad by congress that required the presiden b that to deny illn entry. he's directly violating the lawe of the united states of america when he flies people here amy. alld states he cannot do that. and as a result, texas is looking at legal action to take against the president because he's in directe ag of the laws. listen, these these are reasons why two thirds of americans thirg exactjoe biden is failin on the border as exactly why joe biden's going to get fired this novembe joen willr. t governor, if i went down to your great state of texas and o your texasi love the peop, it's -- it's a free state. if i went down to texas and in h went down to the border and i picked somebody up, that wasndgn in the country illegally, and i brought them to another statem what are the odds i'd be arrested for human traffickin forman trafg? joe biden will probably have you arreste
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d for human for trafficking or for smuggling, for kidnapping. but yet that's what joe biden is doing every single dayo . well, so, governor, i have o se a great to see you. and i wish you i'd get out a of there as quick as you can. anyway, when we comen when, dise outbreaks at illegal immigrant shelters in chicago. >> major health problems, major. we'll tell you all about it. plus, experts are warning of another pandemic that could be worse than covid. great. god help us. straight ahead, you're being watched. the new show that's changing crime tv is back with a new season only on fox nation. hey, criminals. we're still watching. sean sticks lock and returns to the show where every shot tells a different story, but every frame uncovers the truth. buckle up, america. crime camp 24/7 returns. new episode friday on fox nation all part of fox justice
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outbreak of measles. here with reaction, author of, the upcoming book love mom, fox news contributor dr. nicole saphier and fox news mcdical contributor dr. mart dy macari is with us. good to see you. dr. cole, first,h congratulationus sees. y the book, if i may, you read something to you, because i think there's a prettyecause, pretty important about tb and everything associated with it. >> okay. tb we didn't have a problem with measles until we had the illegal immigrant problem. nor do we have outbreaks of tb like this until joe's unvetted illegal immigrants are coming in. i've said with vetting, i want three things a background check. so sai batti i you don't have rl associations. two, i want a health checkations to make sure in a post-covid world you're healthy. ovidand three, that you don'tom become a financial burden on the american people. this ial burd with issue number two. >> your reaction?
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>> well, sean, i think you makei very valid points there, especially tak about criminalit as well as the potential financial burden the n. america but when it comes to a public health perspective, with these migrantslt, i can tell you that migrant shelters, just like other congregated areas, are breeding grounds for infectious diseases. >> i mean, we see this in nursing homes, in hospitals,n in prisons and other areas arere you have largely people that a lot of tend to bet have vaccination rates. we're seeing it specifically in chicago and also in somio e in florida. some of these shelters and some of these areas are having thesa rise in measles now, the united states has unclared measles to be erratic ,abated, and we have seen a slow uptick in measles cases. some this is because of low vaccination rates. i personally think that theth copa in 19 pandemic instills some of that fear intoc rig american parents, and rightfully so. but you also, when you start having w migrants congregate, they tend to have lower vaccination rates. you so you will see some of these infectious diseases begin sef thesd amongst these these
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populations. >> and when it comes to tuberculosis, nowthese thatn itself, we still have tb in the united states. >> yes, we have very lowb in let of it, but chicago itself doestb does report about 100 to 100 and 50 cases of tb each month. but unfortunately, tb, a bacterial infection, it can certainly spreadtva . you have people congregating together in these specifically i in migrant shelters. and the problem with tb, tb, shs have totient be isolated for two weeks, maybe even up to a month. we don'to week have necessarilya the resources for that. so if you are goingri to irresponsiblely s bring people in low vaccination rates, low sanitary conditions and very poor access to health care, this is a breeding ground for infectiousare disease. so this is the biden white house's plan is to congregat ths areas. they then they actually need to actually support that. needally. comrt where is it going to come from? it will be coming from the american tax dollars and that's whet wi rom thn votes count. >> all right, dr. kerry, i'm going to shift gearsou on you. we have a mysterious new bird flu has noe w spreading,
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some saying it could lead to a pandemic far worse than covid. e the disease is now spreading to cattle. that raise sps alarms about the farming industry. and while the eu is warning e of a of the potential to spread to citing a lack of immune defense. let me ask you this.adlines these are the headlines. bird flu pandemic could be 100 e times worse than covid, according to scientists. ever senkovaeh "new york post". a bird flu pandemic has the potentia, l to be 100 timest worse than covid. viat may be on the horizonmaybe the virus has been on the top a of the pandemic list for manyevd years, even decades. and bird fluec spreadings about to cattle, raising fears about farms. and if is there a bird flu pandemic in the future there. the eu is warning of its potential spreadth to.. dr. mccaffrey, please tell me that we're not goingy to deal with that show. >> well, the bird flu has been around for a while, sean,
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and it is not easily transmitted. there'e and s no documented cas of human to human transmission . sure, that could happen with a rare mutation, but it's extremel y the chances of it the turning into a pandemic are low with this particular strain in the form that it's in. now, i don't think it's helpful to tell the world we're worried, we're concerned, we'ree worried. i think what's helpful is tothin actually support the researck hl groups that have developed a universal flu vaccine that wouldn't h5n1, thisat particular virus. but they are not getting the support they need. that's what people need. when you hear these citations >> a 50 and 60% mortality rate. i think i thin sk people watchig and hearing about a potential abovaccine and you you probably just half audience, at leastient the idea that we go through that over and over again. >> but that vaccine, it's not
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in everyday vaccine in development. >> why? fyi. ean: thaall right.nicole y that's helpful. dr. nicole, your thoughts o on thin ths? >> well, listen, dr. mccaffrey, he's a good friend of minee know and he actually knows a lot about this. and he's right when it comes to these widesprealot aband heda that tend to mutate over and over again. sure. natural immunitynd to mutate ovl but vaccination certainly does as well. and we have seen that. t vaccinatio and we have documented proof over time and time again with this. b now, i know everyone'sof a little bit wary of vaccinations, but as dr. mccaffre ay said, i am not worried about the avian flu in the sense that we'viee wit actually been dealing with it for centuries. foraa ow, there is single human who was infected at a dairy farm in texas, and that's becauserm he's in ver close proximity to these infected animals. cloximit to human transmission. if there is going to be some in the future, i think it ibe is certainly not going to be anything like covid. and i think people are a little bit smarter like d anie for the next time something like this comes around. >>timet >> s right, dr. cole, love mom. >> her new book, thanean:m thk you both. en w
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when we come back, straight ahead, criminals and illegals are gettine comeg so brazen in s country. it is not going to believe what's goingy on out in the wet coast. we'll tell you all about it. it'll shoc ce wik, but we'll tel you anyway, straight ahead. topanga's it's tough to kill and it can spread. it's time to start using funky nail maximum strength. funky nail is so powerful it cures and prevents fungal infections. plus, it has aloe and tea tree oil to restore skin health. say goodbye to toe fungus with fungi. >> now lab diamonds at insane prices to cure it. three stone rings, 1493 carat solitaire is 2995 pure at 49.90 and one carat, pink, blue or white studs. 599. we beat everyone's price on lab diamonds, period. >> the jewelry exchange. does your student loan payment make you cringe? we get it. saying goodbye to that much money every month can be tough. but by refinancing to a lower rate and credible .com could drastically cut your monthly payments. at credible, you get personalized rates from
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are threatening to bring lawlessness back to the city, similar to the 2020 summer of love. that's when all the riots happened. hundreds died and thousands of cops were injured and billions in property damage. >> some might have called it an insurrection, but of course, your vice president now was the candidate saying they're not going to stop? they shouldn't stop. we're not going to stop. but anyway, they gave him money to stay in seattle hotels for a month and when they demanded another month of free rent, they were denied. now, with the help of activists, the illegals have now taken over a city park attached to a community center used by local schools. in the process, they are accumulating a massive amount of garbage and upending school and their sports practices and donor pay 50 grand on wednesday to house the illegals at a hotel for the next 11 days. while the seattle city council scrambles to come up with funding and a more permanent solution. anyway, here with more
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reaction, seattle radio host jason. you know i look at the guy in the in the glad bag or the trash bag and i'm thinking you know these criminals, some of them are actually pretty smart and creative. they're not good people, but they they can be smart and clever if they would just put that energy and attention doing something productive, they probably would end up kind of wealthy. they could be successful without a life of crime. i don't know why they don't do it. yeah, precisely and there's a really good point, right? i mean, there are some folks who obviously have a lot of great talent that are is putting it towards really bad purposes. >> and they're doing it. of course, they're getting more brazen to a degree. i wonder if they're more brazen now or if because there are so many more illegal immigrants in this country as a result of a porous border, that it just seems like they're more brazen because obviously we've always had illegal immigrants in this country who have decided to commit crimes and. most of them don't, but unfortunately, too many do. and these are all preventable
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crimes. i keep hearing over and over and over again folks on the left tell us about how illegal immigrants are less likely to commit crimes, american born citizens. and of course, that's a nonsense statistic. that's not based in any reality, because we don't actually track the number of people who are committing crimes based upon whether or not they're here illegally. but what we do know is every single time someone in this country illegally commits a crime, whether it is the most serious of crime that's violent or a property crime, it's a crime that did not have to happen. that was avoidable. >> if only we had a policy at the border that made sense. all let me ask you about what's happening with housing of illegals in your city. every big cities now dealing with it. i don't know who the generous donor is. that's very nice. they've given seattle officials another 11 days a reprieve. is that going to be enough for the or are they going to go back to taking over the park where kids play sports? >> i mean, they've been pretty clear. the group of activists who are
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representing the migrants are saying if you do not give us money, we will be taking over a seattle park. and what's been missed in the story that i think is incredibly important. >> they're not even living in seattle. they're living in other cities. and they came to seattle because they perceive seattle as having an endless bank account that they can just pull money from. and of course, in the past, when you've stepped up and made these kinds of demands, you have a city council and a mayor's office that has been pretty willing to just give in because the optics of it, they don't want be seen as standing in the way of some progressive cause this time, because we have a slightly more moderate council right now and a mayor who feels a little bit more empowered has said no. i don't know if that's going to last. even yesterday, when they took over this park, the seattle parks and recreation department decided to open up the bathrooms for them. so you're basically saying, yeah, we're going to make life a little bit easier for you as you hold a park ransom, $50,000, get you 11 days in a hotel, and we're going go through this all over again and i fear it's going to become chop 2.0 if the city doesn't get it together and start
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to push back in an aggressive way and say we're not going to be okay with it this time, we know you're coming. we're not okay either. stay encamped where they currently are or come to the table. go to the democrats who have been telling you to come into this country illegally and let them figure this out, because at the end of the day, we do not need another giant encampment. this it poses a risk. it sends the wrong message if we give in. so the city has to take this seriously. >> yeah, i couldn't agree with you any more. they better take it seriously. clearly, you're a city like new york city. every city does not have the money to deal with the. over 10 million unvetted joe biden, illegal immigrant. jason, good to see you. thank you. and coming up, major brawl at the rangers and devils game last night. i'll tell you why it reminds me of my past. straight ahead, exclusively on fox nation. the evidence that's come out
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12:00 am
five on five brawl erupted between the new york rangersa and the new jersey devils right after they dropped the pucke ne. >> take a look. remember and macdermid. the main event over the hockey game. both sides this side as well. jimmy anderson goodrow has dropped them with kevin ball as well. nolw it's five on five. mcdermott and repeats jamesondy blows, but everybody has gloves off in the garden. . that was awesome. now, i used to play hockey as as awes kiomd and you woke snowflakesu o out. they won't like this. we fought almost everyke . nd and you know what? it made all of us stronger and tougher. maf those stroi know. n not politically correct. oh, well, that's your loss poli it's all the time we have left. let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld, sitting down eface na smile on your fac nextex