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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  April 4, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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>> thank you to jamie and the audience brought to you tonight, i love you america. [ cheering ] >> trace: good evening, 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 here in los angeles and this is
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america's leading use. "fox news @ night". breaking tonight fox news embedding with the texas military for exclusive look at how they intend to protect the border. it comes at a time when tens of thousands of chinese nationals are crossing the southern border. and then going off the grid. it comes at a time when children are being smuggled across the border and then being used in child porn. rely with information and answers about what is clearly becoming a heightened risk. >> good evening to you, the state of texas is doubling down on the fortification in the el paso area, this following those violent riots of illegal aliens overrunning texas soldiers that we saw their last month. fox news got an exclusive look at the texas military department installed legions of razor wire and fencing in that east el paso area in an effort to block and deter those illegal crossings and you drove video shows just how extensive texas el paso
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fortification are becoming. take a look. a line of razor wire and fencing, as far as the eye can see as texas continues to take unprecedented action the state level to try and secure its border. however, texas national guard soldier has been arrested and charged with smuggling and illegal alien. then leading police on a pursuit texas governor tells fox that he considers that soldier a trader and wants to see him behind bars for a long time. >> it makes me angry, i consider this person to be a traitor, a criminal, to have a member of the national guard be involved in assisting illegal immigration is reprehensible. >> internal data obtained by fox news reveals that on tuesday alone border patrol apprehended 182 chinese nationals who crossed illegally in san diego you could see the numbers they are over the years. more then 22,000 chinese nationals have crossed illegally since october 1st.
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>> no chance lord that this is accidental that these folks are actually seeking asylum. the chinese communist party has control over who gets to leave the country. thing happening now have more last two years in the previous decade combined. >> trace: >> summer public lawmakers are outraged after federal prosecutors charge an illegal alien in kentucky and listen to this, smuggling migrant juveniles into the country, falsely claiming to be their uncle and then producing child porn with one of them. used a fake birth certificate in the binding administration and handed the minor right over to him under those full spree to this. >> trace: awful story. thank you. the fox news at night commonsense department laughed out loud when it heard about new york city mayor eric adams inviting texas governor greg to visit new york. mayor adam says he wants abbott to sleep in a migrant shelter so
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that he can see what he has created. commonsense just needs a minute to stop chuckling and wipe the tears from his eyes. but it appears that the mayor is saying that the illegal immigrant chaos in new york city, the overrun of hotels and high schools, the organized crime gangs, the beating of coughs, the squatting in homes, the revolting rikers island door and the draining of the city budget is the fault of greg. president biden opens the border and allows millions of people to flood into texas and texas is supposed to, what we keep the mouth should. buck up and accept them? texas is not a sanctuary state. new york is. new york put out the illegal immigrant welcome mat. and texas obliged. remember texas is being invaded on the ground in the air, biting flies thousands of illegals a week into texas in calls it policy. when abbott sends them north its
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politics. commonsense is tired of this case, the border crisis is biden's full to. and eric adams needs to stop calling out abbott and start calling abbott and costello because the mayor has come up with a very funny bit. let's bring in chicago residents along with former acting homeland security secretary chad wolf, think you both for coming here, to you first, for cities and states to blame governors what is happening at the border, disingenuous at the very best this is one of those things where we all know the border was open and the ability for closing it belongs to the federal government, creation this is president biden's [ inaudible ] quotes of the president of the united states, of the current president of the united states. and as i previously stated all
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it takes is an executive order. new york's mayor is blaming governor have it. and so was chicago's mayor. the difference between the two mayors is that this chicago mayor is still deleting -- doubling down on saying that we have grown, as a matter fact he recently said that it was economically an official to have migraines here in chicago. so make that sense. on the heels of baking the federal government to step in and assist. >> trace: you are exactly right. i want to move on now, if i can because we talked about the chinese nationals coming in to you and i want to put them up on the screen because the explosion here has been tremendous, look at fiscal year to date, 2024, 22,233 so far, chad, and nobody knows where they are going. they are often great. what you make of this?
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>> it's actually concerning. you have one of the largest adversaries to the united states and you have this type of illegal numbers out there for nationals coming into the states being released into american communities, it's puzzling to me because something is going on here, this dramatic increase in chinese nationals over a couple of fiscal years does not happen by chance. we can say during the bright administrations all the numbers are up, all the populations are seeing an increase. but the chinese nationals, 6000 percent increase, something's going on here, ccp is aware of it. and they are likely behind this increased number of individuals having. >> trace: they're not showing up in shelters, they're often great and it is concerned a lot of people have waited saying i just don't get it, you telegraphed this for us. but here some sound of the mayor, your city brandon johnson talking about the migrants. >> it's unprecedented, never in
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the history of america a local body, is a pallet he has been asked to establish resettlement for migrants and immigrants. it unprecedented. and although it's been challenging i want to make this clear, chicago will never turn its back on people who wish to call the city of chicago their home. >> trace: chicago's proven that it does not have the room or the resources. >> the good about all of this is i attended my first trumpet rally on tuesday in green bay. and one of the first things that president trump said was that he will sign an executive order to do away with sanctuary cities. and so that my heart proud. so we have that to look forward to.
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clearly this administration is not going to address the migrant crisis, we understand that. so that's why it's so important that we turn out the vote for president trump in november. >> trace: very quickly, this will idea of them smuggling young people, children across the border and using them in child porn, it's the first i've heard of this, aids really troubling. we have 15 seconds for you. >> no doubt these are the most vulnerable overpopulation and the fact that over 500,000 of these children have been trafficked across the board in the last three years is unconscionable. biden ministration knows this and yet has put little policies in place. >> trace: if this is the trump administration they would be protesting in the streets and screaming from the rooftops. thank you both. we'll call it the great debate debate. mainstream media now melting down trying to figure out what to do about for president trump relentlessly calling out president biden to step up in debate.
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gently his love of that story. >> good evening. we're just months away from the november 24 presidential election rematch of the 2020 election. but whether or not we will actually see president biden and former president trump go head-to-head in a debate, that is still unknown, presumptive republican nominee have made it clear that he is ready to get on that debate stage. >> you can see that we have to -- we have an empty podium to my right, it with that is? that's for joe biden trying to get them to debate. [ cheering ] on calling a good joe to debate any time, any place, will do it anywhere you want. >> trump hopes the empty podium visual bolsters his claim that biden is afraid to meet him one-on-one, mr biden had this to say back in march. >> what you commit to a debate with president truck? >> it depends on his behaviour.
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>> trump supporters are accusing the media of setting the stage for biden it not to debate if he so chooses while criticizing trump's campaign. for being so now after skipping the republican primary debates this election. without clear answers from biden's team we now face a real possibility that a presidential election could come to pass without a televised presidential debate this year. >> trace: live for us in new york, thank you. let's bring in california gop chairwoman, along with republican strategist and attorney, think you both both for coming on. here is msnbc, let's put this on the screen, trump's preoccupation with debating biden reaches a new level, donald trump is desperate to participate in presidential debates, joe biden would be justified in turning him down, justified how? >> liberal media trying to give him a pass. but the balls in his court, any
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time, any place with the president said. it's pretty clear why he does not want to debate. what we talk about? are crisis at the border? inflation and economic crisis week school crisis. his disastrous foreign policy, there is nothing that this president can't count as a success, it's pretty clear why he does want to debate. >> trace: it's a very good point because you really do when you debate you want your strong suits to be up there and that's what you kinda focus on. but when you have a lot of baggage, it's really top especially when you're 81 and there's no question about your cognitive ability, it's time to get up there and go toe to toe? >> you are right. biden is acting like a dictator, what dictators do, they lock up their adversaries and then they prohibited debate, that's exactly what he's doing through the use of mainstream media and then through liberal das, to try to lock up president trump, they're trying to stop this debate what do americans want? they want the bedrock of democracy and that is debate, that's freedom of speech and that is the ability for us to
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hear directly from joe biden and he's preventing that, he's a direct threat to our democracy. >> they talk about trump did not debate in the primary, he was up by 35 points, this one trump is up and biden you would think need to debate. we talked about this in common sense, eric adams inviting texas governor gray gathered to sleep shelter, watch. >> i'm gonna offer him a stay in one of the shelters so he can see what he has created. >> it's embarrassing, it really is when you think that you are blaming the governor of texas for the migrant surge in new york and there's president? should have it has been on the front lines with national guardsmen helping out our border patrol agents, he hardly needs a lecture from mayor adams, he should be talking to the biden herzig ministration on this. there is a sin why blue cities like chicago and new york are
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buckling under the pressure of this migrant prices because that administration has made every single state in our country a border state. >> trace: in election year and they're also buckling under the pressure from the administration to get on board because it's an election year, we can dispute this later. lastly the breaking news here, no labels are not going to run a third candidate. it looks like it's rfk, it's the big disruptor in this thing, would you make of that decision and what you make of this going forward? >> i don't think no labels was going to have a sure thing or a strong candidate. i think it's gonna be interesting though, i said this before he is truly going to disrupt biden's base. biden's hemorrhaging voters,'s black voters, hispanic, all the traditional hard-working americans are now turning away from him, they maybe looking at rfk which can help president trump or they're going to go towards troops to president trump because he had the
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strongest economy and the strongest border under the last four years, the trumpet ministration. so this is truly a great decision, no labels needs to go awake and weave a two-party system and that's how we're going to succeed in america. >> trace: thank you both. in the wake of this week's deadly air strike that killed 78 workers in gaza, president biden is pushing the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu towards a cease-fire with hamas. even warning he's really prime minister of a potential us policy change. the senior national correspondent life for us in washington with those details. that evening. >> the president is pushing benjamin netanyahu to take concrete steps to minimize civilian casualties in gaza. and a call between the leaders today he made that plea and he also urged his counterpart to agree to, wait for it, an immediate cease-fire deal with hamas. biden went so far as to link
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continued support to israel for benjamin netanyahu's willingness to reduce civilian casualties is really her strike the question tonight is, are we talking about real change in us policy or not? apparently that is upon? you ask. >> you're the policymaker talking about policy changes, that's not what you're talking about october 7th. >> because things have -- >> solid unwavering. >> on october 7 there wasn't near famine in gaza. and the president's message today was we need to see some changes in the way israel is dealing with that. >> for his part hamas is holding firm and its demands for permanent cease-fire. and that would include a complete israeli withdrawal from gaza. >> trace: thank you, was bringing a former member of israel special operations counterterrorist unit, and the
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founder of less people forget, think you both for coming on. a little bit more if i can, in the back and forth with peter do you see, watch this, it's fascinating. >> president biden said that my ministration support for israel security is rocksolid and unwavering. that is not true anymore, correct? >> know it is true. still true today. >> how was his support of unwavering but also reconsidering policy choices? >> both can be true. >> they cannot. completely different things. >> he made the prime star in the call that hour support for israel's self defence remains ironclad. >> trace: it's not ironclad, they are moving further and further towards the left, you see it, you've a vested interest in this, it is not ironclad. >> i'll give you another expression at hebrew regarding biden's position right now with this wall flaying in hebrew we
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say. [ speaking alternate language ] which means he's lost his mind. i don't know how else to say, given to you in arabic and farsi. looking at his body language based on my tradecraft i can tell you that he's being dishonest. but nevermind not. you cannot protect the state of israel without dismantling the final battalions, us is waffling and changing their stands for hundred thousand votes in michigan, i understand it's completely mindless. >> trace: i don't understand and no one's explained to me what happens next, if they stop fighting now what happens to hamas, do they take over the west bank? do they take over gaza, of course they do, it's just baffling the whole thing. the scary part about this is that all of these anti- somatic pro- palestinian protests are having a significant impact on the shift in this administration. they are out there, they're boisterous and it seems to be
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working. >> it does and it's more then sad. what people are forgetting to mention, especially at these protests is that hamas actually rejected multiple deals for cease-fire over the last two months, it's not trying to come to the table and make some kind of deal here but they're also not paying attention to the risk that we all face in israel has pushed into some kind of ideal which could derail their goal of eliminating forgot. there's a risk that we all face that most all of us but the risk of having to realize the last six months of pain and bloodshed and sacrifice we'll be completely in vain. >> trace: you are right, the headline reads as following, you ready for this? ministration considers not calling terrorists, terrorists if they stop shooting rockets at ships. it's all forgiven, instead of holding them accountable iran is behind these groups that want to stop calling them bad names a bill just do the right thing at all will be well in forgotten. >> allstate one more time, he is losing his mind, it might be an
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actual physical thing, i'm not sure what's going on. israel, united states, you don't have to have certain unit and dressed up and gone undercover to understand the counterterrorism is prevention, the moment that you start to negotiate with tears, which i believe is illegal, i believe the united states and the western countries have a long-standing hard rule that we do not negotiate with tears, so i don't understand why it's happening i don't see the benefit of it and the fact is, unless you begin to continue to be very tough with them occasion to tear organization they will continue to take advantage of your prevention layer is gone. >> how long have you know when you've seen you ministration go left, how long before suddenly people need ministration are calling israel to terrorism and everybody else is righteous, your final thoughts? >> we've seen this shift start already, it's terrifying, i think it's also important for
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this administration to realize americans are at a point that they've not been an very long time, when you look at what's happening in ukraine, see what's happening in gaza, now we're seeing this strange shift when it comes to a previously designated terrorist group, it's a weird flip-flop don't think many americans expected and i think they don't feel safe, they're confused and concerned and don't know whether they can trust the administration regardless of how they feel about october 7th and i think this is ministration have to answer for it, not just in november but in the course of the next month because so many markings do not know what this world or country could. and tomorrow when we wake. >> trace: we've heard every president in my lifetime and maybe yours hoisted that we do not negotiate with terrorists. it here we are. thank you, elizabeth, appreciate your time. why so many millennial's earthly blue states for better pastors, and chaos arabs in a townhome meeting in illinois after the mayor, a local resident who was there in this crowd joins us
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live next left behind, a cruise ship passengers stranded on an african highland after their ship left port without them. somewhat that their belongings including money and medicine, they missed the all aboard call after a private tour around. and it caused a serious debate. are the cruise ships ever justified in just leaving passengers behind? why? why not? let us know. we'll read the best responses in the nightcap. between 1:00 pm, fox news at night trip across america, arizona where the men's basketball final we'll place this weekend. missouri, locals refer to town. alive look at leonardtown maryland, hold the annual oyster checking contest, join us live and were coming right back.
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>> trace: she calls herself superman, her residents in illinois call her the worst mayor in america, tiffany is accusing massive corruption ethical issues and she is taking extraordinary steps to stay in power. here's the senior correspondent. shift. >> the picture with you with president biden she calls herself the super mayor with her image on posters all over town, critics call for the dalton dictator, and accused her of embezzling public money. taking lavish trips on the public's dime, pulling police officers and patrols for her security detail and retaliating against an employee who claims a sexual harassment. [ chanting ] now even more outrage after she locked most of the public out of the village home meeting on monday. >> this egregious.
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>> the meeting came after she vetoed a resolution asking agencies like the fbi to investigate her use of public funds. >> for her to lock us out is deplorable. >> why can't we have transparency with what's going on with our tax dollars. >> in a town with boarded-up homes and stores stand on every block. the median income is less then $55,000. it mirrors more then five times not. the illinois policy institute says that she earns $224,000 a supervisor of the township, then $49,000 as mayor of dalton. so her combined income is greater than 4950 governors including illinois governor. >> she's scary. she's absolutely scary. >> the doors are locked now even during business on her -- hours, someone looking to get a sticker or permit needs to wait in the vestibule to listen, to guard let's not meant, only then they can approach the window and do business with the village. back to you. >> trace: thank you, let's
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bring in dalton resident who was at the top hall with criminal defence attorney and federal litigator. >> thank you for coming on the show. a lot of your residence and neighbours think that this mayor is america's worst mayor, would you agree and why or why not. >> absolutely i do, she's violating all the ordinances, all the resolutions, violating her first amendment, she is the pitted me of a dictator. and she needs to go. >> trace: i wonder if you think there's a mechanism in place to ensure that she does go? >> i've suspect that right now. i've spoken personally to people from the attorney general's office, from the time and i understand things loose -- move slow. but we have a higher ups, our governor, attorney general. even the attorney that you see sitting there with her, no one, absolutely no one has come to
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her eight. not even a phone call. >> it's why we have an attorney sitting us to us, mayor vetoed a vote to investigate her corrupt campaign. the town must have a legal remedy here. >> the town does. and my heart sink souls go out to her, she's a resident of the city. and she does not know where her money is going but she sees it being used by someone that should be serving the community. the parallels with this case are eerily familiar to round 2,042,013 neighbouring state of michigan, same sort of thing. this same concerns that we have voiced here today. but the most damning concerns that i have heard and read about so far are dialogues with residents and business owners saying that we are not negating the review of our business licenses because were not paying the bribe. and that's when the feds get involved. so rest assured that the feds are looking at this and we have reports that there's a dozen
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people interviewed in this investigation. >> trace: unbelievable, lastly to you, i want to know does she have any support, is there a major group of supporters or is this town done and ready to move on? >> she does not have a set group of major supporters, she has the people that were willing to pay to play. but the majority of us that are attorney six-year homeowner, we are here for the fight. >> the fight is gonna go on, you look and sound like a strong woman and we will check back in to see how this goes. i have taken i want to get a couple quick topics to you because popular top restaurant in los angeles adding a security theme, perch, alley it's charging 4.5 security website helps protect team members and guests in the money goes to security cuts. they keep hitting fees, and they do that?
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>> they can tell he can't. and ironically we may see the california attorney general's office start an investigation and what we called junk fees, consumer protection, some of our viewers may remember that when spirit airlines came to be and it was a 49-dollar flight. but then there was $29 for the first day, 39 for the second bag. so you are more then a competitors. you can't do it, it's illegal if there's not truth in advertising that may be on this case. >> trace: i have to go, this the trash house in la and everybody in the country needs to see this. this is alley, this the guy that will not clean up his house in los angeles next to some really expensive homes. the resident says this, watch. >> i'm thinking of every scary movie i've ever watch. but thank of the rats and stuff, i actually don't want to imagine what is in the trash. i try not to imagine the details
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of it. but that's pretty wild. >> trace: i only have 10 seconds to they have recourse? >> police department was they are taking care of this crime, yes, it is a crime, it's a nuisance because others cannot enjoy their neighbourhood in their life. it's refreshing to see that that law can actually be enforced. >> great to see you as always, let's talk about how extremism is on the ballot in november would be domestic extremism, listen you're lucky, and i'll talk about the trash house with you, i know you like to weigh in on the trash house, it's not your neighbourhood so you're like, with its not to them about that. we'll move on and talk about the american mind, he wrote this on the american mind, extremism on the ballot, quoting joe biden see easter sacrilege was the latest travesty that proves what you and i already know which is that 2024 presidential election as a contest between commonsense centrism and dangerously radical extremism. you say, later in this article that the extremists are pretty
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much replacing everything that is not nailed down. >> including american voters. with newcomers. and the peace and just try to make the case that donald trump, like, you really want to return to normal times, things that were commonsense, everyone agreed on both sides that we need a border, we like low taxes and low inflation, usually one guy to vote for. >> trace: it really is amazing because you go back and think, this really was kind of americana. here's three headlines, moved to red states like texas and montana feeling blue new york, california 2023, foxbusiness, new york california, massachusetts, illinois on the highest negative migration rate and then you right, i was rejected from usc, ucla but jokes are you california, he's just not that into you anymore. listen, maybe california is not the best place to go to school.
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we've seen what happens and we'll talk to write who spoke at berkeley, she got roughed up at the university of san francisco last her, your son michael elsewhere? >> i think he might join all the millennial horse and texas. god bless them. grandchildren one day and that's for the girls don't know what gender they are. >> it's crazy, you think when these young people you talk about housing and you talk about how you're going from states to red states. it's not just the grandkids which you will get some date because there are children in the household, you wander to be the groundswell, if you can't buy house and you can't find your life your attraction california, elsewhere. >> i think of my husband and i were younger we probably would've made the move long ago. i think if you're younger than you cannot start your life there, i don't see any my children ever being able to live in a places where i grew up in west la, there's just no way.
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unless you strike it rich. >> trace: witness a problem, two daughters and that's the same thing, you look around and what we do? we should always point out that your son had a four-point to gpa and got 1420 and the sat. >> he's a powerlifting champion and that was a no go. >> i had 1600 -- kidding. your kids smokes me in the sat. >> those schools were considered safeties if we're going for the ivy league, now known to get it. >> trace: it's crazy. thank you, good to see you as well. coming up almost exactly one year ago, summing champion riley was ambushed at san francisco state during his speech on protecting women's sports. forced to barricade herself inside a classroom, tonight she's hosting an event in berkeley, had an echo? she will join us live. she's just getting on stage and she will join us after the break to tell his how it went.
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music. >> trace: women's board activist riley gaines hosted an event at berkeley tonight, one year after she was ambushed by a mob of protesters at nearby san francisco state. how did it go tonight, let's bring in the host out kids gains for girls podcast riley gaines and turning point chapter president, thank you both were coming on, we just showed the video, and he did not seem to last year you got punched at the university's francisco. how was it tonight, were you reticent to go back tonight and how was the reception? >> i was thrilled, not because i'm looking for controversy are trying to create some kind of hostile environment but ultimately this is where the message needs to be spread and be heard. and i think people are desperate to hear the message because they been denied it had a wonderful
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reception, a wonderful crowd, the law enforcement here was a stark contrast. >> trace: you said of this event, how are you bringing conservative speakers to liberal campuses, what is the fallout been? >> surprisingly we've received far more support [ inaudible ] all sorts of conservative individuals, young, old coming up to us why we are -- while we are to be in promoting the event. and only really from the more radicalized students [ inaudible ] >> trace: your microphone are cutting in and out. i want to talk about using message because it's been very important to you that you have
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this message that women need to play sports and compete fairly and i want to know that resonated tonight at berkeley? >> it absolutely resonating. as they set, we have students here, community members here, athletes who have been adversely affected by this, it was amazing, there's a q&a portion and. ate some young athletes from the area come up and say, hello, i want to compete on the same level you did but i already have to face this, what i have to do? i have parents here, women who been impacted by the prison facility here in california. allowing men into these all women's correctional tuitions. again, it was incredibly well received. >> trace: we have pg who want to ask you a question she standing by. >> my son just finished applying to uc berkeley and a lot of parents i know are hesitant to
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send their kids up to berkeley especially if they're conservatives. so you, would you send your son or daughter to berkeley right now? >> no. >> i'm glad he did not get in. >> coming from nashville tennessee which is a dream to me being in nashville, i was born and raised here, 11, i'm never leaving, coming from nashville to san francisco feels on the ground, you see people who are bent over zombies homeless people walking the streets, people everywhere, we'll even affect you to live in san francisco, no way, i would not send my kids here. >> trace: crazy amazing. thank you, thank you all, up next cruise ship passengers left behind on african island for missing their aalborg call, condition do that? should the ship do that?
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and why or why not? let us know. but at first on fox and friends tomorrow, one-on-one with dwayne the rock johnson talking what is next in his career and his return to wrestling. dvr the show if you cannot watch it live, coming right back withp the nightcap t. and get 0% apr for 84 months or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. find your nearest dealer at
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>> trace: back with. tonight's topic left behind, fire debate sparked online after a cruise ship left passengers stranded on an african island for failing to board on time after they are private to arendt leg. some passengers were left without including medication force them to travel 200 -- not that far, 2000 miles by plane, fairy and then court next cruise ships justified in leading people behind, why or why not, anything? >> i'm not taking that cruise line. what an unfortunate circumstance, i don't think in this situation that they were justified, that a woman was pregnant, a couple of elderly people part of the eight that were left behind in the ship was still close by and the guard took them out of the ship and they would not take them.
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it does not look good for the christian to me. >> trace: that's the whole thing, they would not take them, can you take them, note, they have to go to doctor sure. >> the funny thing for me is that they went back on the boat after this, they travel 2000 miles to get back on the boat that ditch them. it's her chronic punishment for taking a cruise, i have never and will never. >> trace: vic. >> no pun intended i'm in the same boat as you. i don't know anxiety, you're on vacation and you need to make another deadline, that's just one concern that i'd rather not have when i'm on a break. >> trace: there should be a 15 minute leeway when you say, listen, here's the deal you tell the passengers will weight 50 minute, what are your thoughts? each that guy. i have zero sympathy. don't schedule a private tour within range of one of your post can only. it don't get their pregnant or old, everybody else on the ship is supposed to wait for them because they wanted to go on at work we are we supposed flights because people were stuck in traffic. were you draw the line.
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>> trace: bill is mean. kevin? >> i vote for bill, yes. looking 50 minute grace, i'm with you on that. but after 15 to 20 minutes, if you're not there, good log. what you think? >> i'm with bill, i think you snooze you lose, you have to have some type of personal responsibility and the cruise lines are bringing it back. >> i went on a cruise kind of luck in any of the ship. but will me got to cabo and everybody else getting back on, not me. staying right here. i'm done cruising, take my stuff and thrown overboard i'm done. are cruise ships justified a leading passengers behind, if they misty all aboard called? 71 percent yes. 64 percent on a stick ramp, that's the bottom line. michael says, i say yes, because the passengers knew what time they had to reboard. but it was not their fault, the
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tour was late so they had to be late, they didn't have a choice. ginny says know that at the gate is down to allow them to board, they take a boat to the ship maybe you should allow them to board. i would not a done to me but there have got to be some rules, okay, yes. and sandy says that is the rule, thousand should not have to wait for a few, that was bill's sister sandy. >> that was my fake account. [ laughter ] >> trace: the cruise should have the courtesy to account for all of their passengers and crew and debbie says airplanes will leave without you associate cruise ships. that's a fair assessment. your airplane is not waiting for you and all. you and all. thank you all, everybody know congress handpicked think youn for watching "fowex news @ nigh. with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so we don't have to worry.
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empower. what's next.
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awful lot of athletic success [♪♪] [♪♪ight, al] hello everyone


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