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tv   Hannity  FOX News  April 4, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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>> oh oh should we go for a charge? that will take forever. >> how are you doing? [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: ten not all technology is better, sometimes instead of the optic you have to go with those steel site, you know what i'm talking about, let's do text. connie from san diego, where can i get a it's biden stupid bumper sticker, dan from pennsylvania is maggot deprogramming covered by obama care? i'm even subsidizing my own deprogramming, i'm waters and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> sean: welcome to hannity the new york city mayor eric adams promised a sanctuary for all illegal immigrants now he is actually blaming taxes for joe biden's border crisis and inviting governor admit to spend the night in illegal immigrant shelter why don't you invite joe biden to do it i would even go just to hang out with him, that is all coming up we will have governor abbott's reaction site plus we will detail the very latest brazen crimes carried out by some of the so-called asylum-seekers we will also introduce you to a new serious threat posed by the border crisis, tuberculosis and measles now spreading like wildfire at an illegal immigrant shelter in chicago, multiple shelters actually, first with just 200, take a look at that number, 214 days until election day it is an inflection point for this country, james carville probably
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said it best, biden's poll numbers are kind of like seeing grandma naked, it's not a good site and because biden is not willing or able to work harder or pound the campaign trail or change course on some of his idiotic pile c. decisions he is really left with only two options, one he can follow his wife's lead and deny the existence of these poles or to he can hire new internal pollsters and fire the old guys and hopefully the new people will give him more favourable results, and tonight it looks like he is going with door number 2 according to political some brand-new pollsters now joining the biden team but i am not sure that joe will like the results, not only does biden struggle in a head-to-head matchup with donald trump but he is numbers get even worse when you throw rfk junior into the mix, or as clinical put it how it robert f. kennedy junior
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could doom jill biden, for millions of far left americans this dissolution with vines and confidence he would be an obvious choice by the way when i met him we did a town hall and i actually liked him a good guy, i think some conservatives thank you was very good on shutdowns and mandates and so on and so forth and vaccines, he is conservative, now, on top of by the way he has been treated horribly by the democratic party so the democratic party has set up a war room to attack him in an unrelenting way, it is a disgrace by the way, and utter disgrace that biden is not providing him and his family secret service protection knowing that his father and uncle were assassinated, he deserves secret service protection, and all of our politicians need to be safe. however, on the issue of kennedy he is what he is, a devout radical environmentalist who
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frequently was heaping praise on bernie sanders and his radical green new deal. in the past he has called for a complete ban on fracking he has applauded obama's limits on oil expiration, tweeting a hashtag keep it in the ground. and i say bring it out of the ground. anyway campaign website rfk junior promises to quote project wildlands from further development by curbing mining and logging and oil drilling in suburban sprawl as he calls it this will undoubtedly drive up the cost of everything, especially housing and that is not all, the kennedy campaign also has a plan to dismantle the police, quote kennedy will reorient police to serve not occupy black communities to keep neighbourhoods safer rather than harassing residents there is also a section on kennedy's website about student lone forgiveness he plans to make
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student debt dischargeable in bankruptcy and cut interest rates on student loans to zero. who wants to lend people money and not get interest? anyway naturally small business loans will continue to accrue interest here is a another proposal that bleeding heart liberals will find very tempting, canada wants to slash the u.s. military budget and use the money for socialized healthcare, rfk junior's running mate the very wealthy attorney within a compelling life story from silicon valley her name is nicole shanahan. a devout far left democrat notably she has stoked -- spoken out about in vitro fertilization but think students and -- shanahan the kennedy campaign now has extremely deep pockets and it will pose a serious challenge to biden's reelection, if you are a left-wing voter, kennedy frankly gives you all of the 19 biden bernie sanders green new deal climate alarmist
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religious cult policies that maybe without the corruption in sleaze and chaos and he definitely knows what day of the week it is you have to give them credit for that. let's not forget and just 70 years of age rfk junior is more than a decade younger then joe biden. and he is more with it. he also supports affirmative action and could add to the likes of al gore supporting hillary clinton he supported obama he has supported at every democratic presidential candidate there is, so for conservatives that may be like his position on covid, okay now take a look at the rest of the record we are only giving you fact-based information here, anyway joining us now with her reaction is the host of tommy laren's fearless, there is no other word to describe tommy laren, i don't know a fearful tommy laren i don't know fearful ari fleischer either for that matter welcome to both of you,
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i'm running through, i'm watching the poles and slowly i think people, there have been conservatives that have told me they are interested in rfk junior, when i lay out he is a record and the things he has said and the positions he has taken then they almost immediately say i had no idea i think more people will know a lot more by november what are your thoughts? >> exactly this man is not a conservative just because he stood up against maybe a vaccine pushing instead and stood up against covid lock townsend someone who advocated for free speech that does not make him a conservative so he is absolutely a threat to the biden campaign but you are seeing the biden campaign get very nervous right now and it is not necessarily even because of rfk junior or even donald trump you know i have held onto this position for many months now i think the biden campaign is getting nervous because they know that democrats around the country are also looking at the polls and
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they are probably texting gavin newsom as we speak begging him to jump into this race, of course it won't happen until the convention or shortly thereafter but the biden campaign they are worried about a shiny new toy and it is not a 70-year-old rfk or donald trump it is gavin newsom in california who also checks all of those liberal boxes so joe biden is getting very nervous about that the democrats are not going to risk losing to donald trump of these keep tumbling down down and they will be looking for another option that option is going to be gavin newsom, he is their best that so don't rule him out yet, i still thank you is coming up. >> no labels put in for the presidential candidate we learned that today, i know that robert at kennedy there have been reports that he is talking to the libertarian party that would probably get him on a ticket in all 50 states, do you agree with me that may be conservatives had a positive -- positive few of him i think he comes off as likable i have
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interviewed and down a town hall with the guy, he is likable and he did -- he knows what day of the week it is and for democrat that's a very high bar. and so beyond the issue of lockdowns or mandates or et cetera when you look at the rest of his record he is a solid left-leaning kind of radical liberal democrat will conservatives a vote for him? >> he is a kennedy, kennedy is liberalism, the only kennedy that i know who is conservative is also very funny and he is from louisiana. >> sean: jfk. >> no from louisiana, the senator from louisiana. >> he's my favourite centre. >> yes. >> sean: i think you is my favourite, in fairness to jfk he did lower the top marginal rates >> were not talking about jfk is not about him. [ simultaneous talking ]
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>> back in the sixties he represented what was a conservative democrat moderate democrat that existed back then in droves of the democratic party the democratic party today has no moderates, the democratic party today is a choice between liberal democrats and woke democrats and that is about all that you get so this kennedy who is running at has the advantage of being a little bit independent on some issues which is where i think he has some conservative acclaim. but on all the issues that matter most when it comes to crime and fighting a inflation and so many of the things that motivate conservatives he is a kennedy liberal and the other thing i will just say here he will hurt joe biden more than he will hurt donald trump because the reason is donald trump voters are sticky they love donald trump it is going to be hard to get anybody to move off of donald trump, biden voters are not sticky, no one loves joe
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biden they just hate donald trump so there are going to be democrats in a flake off of biden but i don't see many republicans liking off of donald trump. >> sean: you are a smart analyst and you have been in this game for a long time, we both have, tommy you are catching up every day but we appreciate your perspective because these young people are leaving biden in droves that's a big part of your fan base and both of you know that the coalition that represents the democratic party consist largely of african americans and hispanic americans, young people , suburban women so i ask you both, tommy will start with you we have seen poll after poll, biden down 20 points plus in almost every one of those categories from where he was in 2020 i would assume by the time and 214 days many people will return home but not everybody what percentage will say they
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are done with this guy he has checked out the economy sucks there is no law and order crime has gone rampant everywhere they're angry about america's position in the world and they are tired of all of it, the economy, everything in between. >> democrats are fiercely loyal i think that with the exception of the gen z. or millennial democrats that are very upset right now about joe biden's lukewarm position on supporting israel and by the way it is lukewarm but they are probably more in the pro- palestinian, pro hamas category some of them so you see the numbers in michigan of the people voting for other, voting for noncommitted, those people are very angry right now and as war develops in that part of the world you will have to watch that voting block, joe biden should be very concerned about them because young people are not like older democrats they don't have that loyalty to just checking d. and those of the young people that may look at an
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rfk junior depending on what his position is on the whole israel hamas issue and they may be looking at rfk because they want to signal they are not happy with this guy and he is lukewarm support for israel, watch the young democrats because they are not branded to this party and they are the ones that could change with the wind, joe had better be nervous. >> the democrats what they have done and are doing right now with israel as they are in a fight for their very survival ari fleischer one of the most despicable disgusting repulsive things i've ever scene and the only reason that joe is pushing for a cease-fire, lecturing the israelis that they need to hold elections in his middle of this war for survival they were victims of a terror attack there is no sympathy if you extrapolate out population age the equivalent of losing 40,000 americans per day and joe biden abandoning them putting one
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knife and beat back after another at this important time this pivotal time for their future and survival. >> i think the wall street journal editorial put it very well when they said that joe biden is interested in a two state solution and those two states are michigan and nevada, everything that joe biden is doing now is vis-à-vis not losing election because he's worried about using young democrat both in arab-american votes and that has led him to abandon israel and when he came out today after his phone call with by mr netanyahu and called for an immediate cease-fire nothing about the release of the hostages just a cease-fire and immediate cease-fire is a lifeline for hamas that allows hamas to live again to fight again another day and when i remind joe biden a cease-fire was, in fact, on october 7th, who broke it? hamas, in one of the worst massacres ever committed the second-worst killing since the
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holocaust, of jews. what joe biden is doing now will alienate the american jewish community which is overwhelmingly a democratic vote he has alienated the invert back vote and he's bungling again just like every important policy decision that joe biden never had to make he bungles that he has bad judgement and he gets it wrong. that is what we are watching right now before our very eyes. but israel knows that it needs to finish, it needs to pursue hamas in rafah no matter what joe biden wants israel won't stop this is their future and their lives at stake. >> thank you, tommy thank you, despite facing a two-way uphill reelection battle and also serving as president of the united states, joe biden has enjoyed an incredibly very light and fondant schedule for the democrats watching this program tonight don't worry because you are vice president harris is on the job, following up her success incredible success as
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your border czar she is now in charge of pushing the biden campaign tremendous work on saving the planet now of course that does come at a cost is costing you $27 million for greenhouse gas reductions a newfound they created which is basically a slush fund for biden supporters, $7 billion for the climate united fund $20 billion for green banks what the hell is a green bank another 6 billion for the clean community investment accelerator which is just a subsidy for unprofitable green energy sources and this, on top of the trillions in new spending after biden was sworn in and let's not forget about all of those new environmental regulations and the electric car mandates they are trying to shove into your garage door and the billions that have been spent on charging stations that were never built all told this is a recipe for even more
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record-setting inflation this is why grocery prices are now through the roof this is why new car prices are up 29 percent since 2020 why elect true city is up nearly 30 percent since biden took office and per usual vice president is totally and completely and blissfully unaware of any other it, take a look. >> the largest investment ever to take on the climate crisis, roughly $1 trillion with a t., i had to. when president biden and i first ran for office folks told us we have to take on the climate crisis and we have to also lower monthly energy bills and here in north carolina, to help you lower that monthly duke energy bill, you're welcome. [ applause ] >> sean: i forgot that our giggling vice president is back here with reaction the big-money show cohost and the publisher of
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climate depot good to see you both let's talk about the economic plan those sheer amount of money on greener programs, the billions and billions of dollars brian for what what will that get us. >> they are hoping it gives them votes that's why the vice president is out there. she can't solve any problems but she can laugh about spending $1 trillion of your money and say you are welcome when she says she took down your energy bill of course that is all of your money, what is happening with the biden ministration as they are trying to say to you you don't know what will go on in your life don't believe your eyes don't look at prices you don't have a price problem you have a bad vibe problem that is your fault, the blame is on you and now they will go out there and say forget about the ways that we have failed you, look at all of the cash that we can put
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into your pocket, sean green banks are the new fannie mae and freddie mac. clinical investments with an implicit backing of the government and we all know how that turned out in 2008, get ready because they are getting that whole thing up again and they're going to do it with climate this time and it is going to be a lot of red ink for taxpayers. >> sean: pretty unbelievable i look at the times where you have spent the better part of your adult life debunking the climate alarmist religious cult now it is fully in gear and it is spending all of this money what do people really need to know about what they are paddling and how is based on phony science not real science look at the study that came out a couple of weeks ago, electric cars may pollute the planet more than gas powered cars but all of this never gets told to the american people in the media mob.
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>> this is as the ucla historian described it central planners of the 20th century, using the bureaucracy to enforce magical beliefs the magical believe here is that we can spend trillions of dollars and magically transform our vehicles from gas powered to ev, magically transform our electric grid to solar and wind and claim we are doing something to save the climate even if we faced a climate catastrophe the last thing you'd want to do is the biden that masterson approach, a centrally planned top-down government plan of picking winners and losers. you would want to introduce innovation if that's what you face you are wealthy country you would want technological explosion you want capitalism unleashed because the cleanest environments are the freest environs. they take the exact opposite approach here and it is magical thinking from beginning until and and in terms of the green agenda this is just going to
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hammer the american people they are spending so much money there are parts of californian cities they don't have enough bureaucrats to spend the climate cash flowing in from the inflation reduction acting from the biden and menstruation they have to hire bureaucrats to even figure out how to spend it all. >> it's really unbelievable and of course watch out for your gas stove and refrigerator and your freezer and the food you eat and your air conditioner and the electric car whether you wanted or not they're going to shove it in your driveway why don't we let the free market determine these things instead of forcing companies like ford to lose four and a half billion dollars like they lost last year on their ev line, i want elon musk and tesla to succeed, i really do i want americans to have a choice but they don't want americans to choose they want americans to tell you what to do market thank you, brian thank you we appreciate you both when we come
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back to texas governor abbott he is in new york city tonight i feel sorry for the governor. mayor eric adams is offering for him to stay in an illegal immigrant shelter, governor abbott will react may be invite him to the border and let him spend a month at the texas border, that would be a fair exchange so that straight ahead. [ ♪♪ ] some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe.
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tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. (reporters) kev! kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'
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>> sean: tonight yet another disturbing report from the border this time in the san diego sector where a group of 182 chinese nationalists were just apprehended on tuesday remember we now know what tens of thousands of chinese nationals that have made it through our southern border, this comes amid a sharp spike in the number of chinese nationals
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found crossing the southern border and the wide-open border continue to wreak nothing but have it on big blue cities flooded with joe biden unvented illegal immigrants including new york city they were welcoming this in the beginning and now this is getting to be a rare visit this week the texas governor greg abbott headed to new york and the new york mayor eric adams was so thrilled to hear that the governor of texas was coming that he offered him a free night stay in one of the shelters he has built for joe's illegal immigrants, take a look. >> i was wondering if you could comment on governor abbott being here today. [ simultaneous talking ] >> you talked about serving him with a lawsuit to. >> i'm going to take executive privilege and answer your question, i'm going to offer him
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a stay in one of the perks so he can see what he has created and understand how we are treating people with the dignity and respect that he should have shown as well and i am not quite sure why he is here or what he is doing while he's here but he will see how you can manage a crisis with coordination not one child of a family sleeping on the streets of new york and we work together we should not disclose -- displays prompt a local minutes about is that is not what executives do it is unfortunate that he made the decision to do that. >> sean: here to respond is texas governor greg abbott back with those, governor great have you on the program as bad as this has become in terms of a problem for new york city and other blue cities and states it is tens of millions most of
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which are coming through the state of texas or were until you circumvented joe biden and you started enforcing the laws that he should have been upholding i want to get your reaction to the invitation but i also want to remind our audience that 87 percent of illegal immigrant to new york city are not being sent there by you they have been sent there by joe biden and the white house so maybe his invitation really should go to joe biden. >> the invitation is nothing more than a gimmick, what i would suggest to the mayor of new york is there are people dying on his watch, law enforcement officers are being gunned down by people that have been arrested 20 times and he needs to take charge and make sure they stay behind bars, dangerous criminals that are killing his fellow new yorkers they also need to educate americans and new yorkers about
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why he is spending their taxpayer money to house migrants here illegally because of joe biden's open border policies, four years ago new york nor america had to do that because president trump had in place policies that denied illegal entry joe biden is directly violating the laws of the united states of america and that is exactly why texas as a border crisis and why new york has a border crisis that crisis is not going to end unless and until joe biden enforces the laws of united states what texas is doing is enforcing those laws go ahead sean. >> sean: that is the point, i was going to make the very point if i just let you finish and i apologize, and that is that you are now put in the position of doing his job that is number 1 but not only do you have to do his job then he takes you to court over and over and over again you get the wrong judge and then you have to go back to court again and again and again and this is the same
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administration that told america for three years that the border is closed and the border is secured none of which was true, we saw the images daily, we showed them regularly on this program maybe the mainstream media ignored it, what is your message to biden? i think what i'm hearing you say and i would agree with that statement i think he has blood on his hands. and those people from china or russia or iran, syria, egypt, afghanistan, if terrorist cells are in this country and i think director real but said that and i had congressman mike walz on my radio show today all but saying that there is an attack on this country he will have all of that blood on his hands because he has allowed this to happen by aiding and abetting in the lawbreaking and why the fbi director has not stopped this is beyond any copper engine that i have. >> it should be the fbi director however, it's the responsibility of the president agonized is because of this that is congress has already passed three laws on
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the books before joe biden took office one that requires the president to deny illegal entry, another to detain anyone who does enter illegally and number 3 is billed border barriers because biden is doing none of those that is why all of these people are coming in the including the terrorists, both known and unknown that is also why we have so many people crossing the country and it's frustrating and astonishing that what texas is trying to do is actually in force at those three laws passed by congress and because texas is trying to enforce the laws passed by congress to deny and detain people coming here joe biden is trying to sue us so that even more people will be able to enter illegally our greatest concern is what the director of the fbi talked about and that is that these terrorists coming across the border and remember the ones you are talking about other ones who were apprehended the terrace know they are wanted they pay extra to not be caught so no one knows how many terrorists are really in america
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because of joe biden's open border policy and it could led to a catastrophic event and it will be on the hands of joe biden. >> sean: i pray to god i am wrong i really do but i don't think i am i don't think it is a matter of if i think it is a matter of when that all of this is going to happen. we have learned in the last week or so that joe biden has been flying illegal immigrants into the country directly in other words don't pasko don't go through texas or arizona or california now they will send on american taxpayer money on private plane fly you to any one of 40 cities in the united states but we learned this week that 90 percent of the people of the into this country we are now learning 90 percent are in your state of texas for my state of florida now what do you make of that governor it sounds to me
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like revenge or retribution punishment i don't know whatever you want to call it. >> for one joe biden is gas lighting america and secondly this is what i said earlier there is a law on the books passed by congress that requires the president to deny illegal injury he is directly violating the law of the united states of america when he flies people here illegally he cannot do that and as a result taxes is looking at legal action to take against the president because he is in direct violation of the law these are reasons why it to thirds of americans think that joe biden is failing on the border that is exactly why joe biden will get fired this november. >> sean: governor if i went down to your great seo texas, and i love the people of texas, it's a free state if i went down to texas in the border and pick someone up that was in the country illegally and i brought them to another state what are the odds i would be arrested for human trafficking?
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>> joe biden would probably have you arrested for human trafficking or for smuggling or for kidnapping but that's what joe biden is doing everyday. >> sean: well said governor greg abbott nice to see you and if i was you i would get out of there as quick as you can when we come back disease and outbreaks at illegal immigrant shelters in chicago major health problems we will tell you all about it plus experts warning of another pandemic that could be worse than covid great, god help us, straight ahead
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of hauling, dropping, or dragging your cargo. wow, no damage! protect your truck from costly dents and scrapes with the rugged impactliner from weathertech. for even more protection add these premium american made products. order today at in two seconds, eric will realize they're gonna need more space... gotta sell the house. houses. or, skip the hassles and sell with confidence to opendoor. wow. request a cash offer at >> sean: more health concerns stemming from the border crisis now chicago officials announcing that cases of tuberculosis are being reported at some illegal
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immigrant facilities in the city following a recent outbreak of measles here with reaction all through the upcoming book love mom fox news contributor dr nicole sapphire and fox news medical contributor marty mccurry is with us good to see you dr nicole first gradations in your book if i may read something to you because i think this is pretty important about tv and everything associated with it we didn't have a problem with measles until we had the illegal immigrant problem. nor do we have outbreak of tb like this until joe's unaffected illegal immigrants are coming in i have said with batting i want three thanks background checks you don't have radical associations, i health check to make sure that in a post covid world you are healthy and the three that you don't become a financial burden on the american people this deals with issue number 2 your reaction.
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>> i think you make very valid points there especially about the criminality and the potential financial burden on the american taxpayer but when it comes to a public health perspective with these migrants i can tell you that migrant shelters just like other congregated areas are breeding grounds for infectious diseases we see this in nursing homes and hospitals and prisons and other areas where you have large congregating areas of people that tend to have lower vaccination rates we see it specifically in chicago and also in some areas in florida some of these shelters and areas having a rise in measles cases the united states declared measles to be eradicated and we have seen a slow uptake in measles cases saw that because of low vaccination rates i personally think the covid-19 pandemic instilled some of that fear into american parents and rightfully so but you also, when you start having these migrants congregate they tend to have lower vaccination rates so you will see some of these infectious diseases begin to spread amongst
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these populations and when it comes to tuberculosis that in itself we still have tb in the united states we have very low levels of it but chicago itself does report about 100 to 150 cases of tb each month but unfortunately tv, a bacterial infection, it can certainly spread when you have people come to getting together in these specifically in these migrant shelters. the problem with tv is that patients happen to be isolated for two weeks or up to a month and we don't necessarily have the resources for that so if you're going to be responsively bring people in with low vaccination rates and low sanitary conditions and very poor access to healthcare this is a breeding ground for infectious disease so if this is the biden white house plan to congregate these areas then they need to actually support that and that support where is it going to come from it will be coming from the american tax dollars and that is when votes count. >> sean: to shift gears on you we have a mysterious new bird flu spreading some saying it
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could led to a pandemic worse than covid the disease now spreading to cattle which raises alarms about the farming industry and while the eu is warning of the potential to spread to humans citing a lack of immunity defence let me ask you this, these are the headlines bled for pandemic everywhere senkova according to scientist those are the here caused, bird flu pandemic has the potential to be a hundred times worse than covid that maybe on the horizon, and the virus has been at the top of the pandemic list for many, many years even decades and bird flu spreading to cattle raising fears about farms and is there a bird flu pandemic in the future the eu's warning of potential spread to humans. dr mick carey tell me we will not deal with that show. >> the bird flu has been around
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for a while and it is not easily transmitted there is no document in cases of human to human transmission that could happen with a rare mutation but it is extreme the unlikely the chances of it turning into a pandemic are low with this particular strain in the form it is and i don't think it is helpful to tell the world we are worried and concerned and worried i think what is helpful is to actually support the researchers that have developed a universal flu vaccine that would encompass age five in one this particular vices they are not getting the support they need that is what people need when you hear the citations of the 50 and 60. >> sean: doctor. >> mortality rate. >> sean: i think people watching and hearing about a potential vaccine, you count probably just picked off half of my audience at least the idea that we go through that hell over and over again. >> it's a traditional vaccine
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not an mrna vaccine development fyi. >> sean: that is helpful, dr nicole your thoughts on this. >> the doctor's good friend of mine he knows a lot about this and he is right when he comes to these widespread viruses that tend to mutate over and over again natural immunity does play a roll that vaccination does as well and we have seen that and we have document to prove over time and time again with this i know everyone is a bit wary of vaccinations but as the doctor said i am not worried about the avian flu and the sense that we have actually been dealing with it for centuries and right now there is a single human who is infected at a dairy farm in texas because he is in very close proximity to infected animals no human to human transmission if there is going to be some in the future i think it certainly will not be anything like covid and i think people are a bit smarter these days for the next time that something like this comes around >> sean: love mom the new book on thank you both
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>> sean: as we chronicle every almost night on this program oue country no consequences for criminals in joe biden's america do you fawn dismantle bail laws reimagine the police only getting more bold you will love this video set of sacramento california a man disguised himself as a trash bag caught on tape allegedly trying to steal a package off of somebody's porch and in seattle illegal
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immigrants they are to bring lawlessness back to the city similar to the 2020 summer of love, that's when all the riots happened and hundreds died and thousands of cops were injured and billions of property damage some might have called it an insurrection but of course your vice president now was a candidate saying they're not going to stop they shouldn't stop we won't stop but they gave them money to stay in seattle hotels for a month and when they demanded another month of free rent they were denied now with the help of activists of the illegals have taken over a city park attached to a community centre used buy local schools in the process they are accumulative a massive amount of garbage end up ending schools and sports practice is an anonymous donor paid 50 grand on wednesday to house the illegals at a hotel for the next 11 days while the seattle city council scrambles to come up with funding and more permanent solution.
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anyway here with more reaction is the seattle radio hose look at the guy in the trash bag and i'm thinking these criminals solve them pretty smart and creative maybe not good people but they can be smart and clever if they would just put that energy and attention into doing something productive they probably would gain up kind of wealthy, they can be successful without a life of crime i don't know why they don't do it. >> precisely that's a very good point there are some folks that have a lot of great talents just put it toward a very bad purposes and they do it of course they get more brazen to a degree i wonder if they are more brazen now or if because there are so many more illegal immigrants in the country as a result of the porous border that it just seems like they are more brazen because august and we always had illegal immigrants in the country who have decided to commit crimes most of them don't but unfortunately too many do and these are all preventable crimes i keep hearing over and
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over again folks on the left telling us about how illegal immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than american born citizens and of course that's a nonsense statistic it's not based on any reality because we don't track the number of people who are committing crimes based on weather or not they are here illegally but we do know that every single time someone in this country illegally commits a crime whether it's the most serious crime that is violent or a property crime it's a crime that did not have to happen that was avoidable if only we had a policy of the board that made sense. >> sean: let me ask you about what is happening with housing illegals in your city every big city now dealing with this i don't know who the generous donor is it's very nice to get in seattle officials another 11 days of reprieve is that going to be enough are they going to go back to taking over the park where kids play sports? >> they have been pretty clear the group of activists that
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represent the migrants are saying if you do not give us money we will be taking over the seattle park and what has been missed in the story that i think is incredibly important they are not living in seattle they are living in other cities and they came to seattle because they perceive seattle as having an endless bank account they can pull money from and of course in the past when you step up and made these types of demands you have a city council and the mayor's office that has been pretty willing to just give in because the optics of it they don't want to be seen as standing in the way of some progressive cause this time because we have a slightly more moderate council right now into mayor that feels a bit more empowered they have said no i don't know if that will last even yesterday when they took over the park the seattle parks and recreation department decided to open up the bathrooms for them so you're basically saying yes, we will make life a bit easier for you as you hold a park ransom $50,000 gets you 11 days in a hotel and we will go through this all over again and i fear it will become to point
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out with the city doesn't get it together and start to push back and an aggressive way and say we are not okay with it this time we know you are coming in were not okay either stay in kent where they currently are or come to the table go to the democrats who have been telling you to come to this country illegally and let them figure this out because at the end of the day we do not need another giant encampment like this it's a risk it sends the wrong message if we get in the city has to take this seriously. >> sean: i couldn't agree with you anymore they better take it seriously clearly your city like new york city and every city does not have the money to deal with the over 10 million unvented joe biden illegal immigrants jason good to see you thank you and coming up a major brawl at the rangers devils game last night we will tell you why it reminds me of my past coming up straight ahead
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close in a matter of days. (woman) yes! (vo) start with an all-cash offer at
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>> sean: last night a massive
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five on five brawl iraq did between the new york rangers and new jersey devils right after they dropped the puck take a look. >> the main event to open a hockey game. >> both sides. >> he's dropped them kevin ball as well, now it's five on five exchanging blows everybody has gloves off at the garden. >> that's awesome i used to play hockey as a kid and you woke snowflakes out there won't like this we fought every day and it made all of those stronger and tougher i know not politically correct but all well that's your loss all the time we have left greg gutfeld sitting down to put a smile on your face next. [ ♪♪ ]